Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jun 1930, p. 1

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to The Oshawa Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer "All the ¥ News While It Is News" - Published of Ont. SSiihad 88 Shins: Ou ] Every OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 15 Cents 8» Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES oa ALA LAALS v News in Brief 4 (By Canadian Prose) Tonchers Vrotert Cobalt. --Stating in a letter fo the board that it is "unprecedent~ ed" for Trustees to lower salaries, teachers at the public school here have protested against a. unani- mous. decision to notify members of the staff that, commencing Sept, 1, they would be required to pay their own superannuation, Dentist Assessed $8,000 Montreal, --For negligence in his trestment of a' patient who carried # tooth in his right lung for nine months, Dr, Fernand Jutras, surgeon dentist, was con- demned to pay $3,000 damages Lo Gershon Pincovsky, end costs of the action. LJ . . 840,000 on Toronto List * Toronto,-- Estimates by the re- turning officers indicate that the number entitled to vote in Toron- to will be close to 340,009, / . \d Ld > Predict Diphtheria Epidemic Toronto. Possibilities of a larger number of. cases of diph- theria next Autumn and Winter aro forecast by Dr. Gordon F. Jackson, chief health officer, . MM LJ Steel Merger Fought Youngstown, O.---~Charges of in- tentional fraud and dereliction of duty were made as a formidable array of attorneys fired the open- ing guns for and against the bil lion-dollar merger of Bethlehem Steel Corporation With the Youngstown Sheet and Tube Com pany. LJ * . is Backward Rofina, Bask.--Crops in Saskat- "ghewan on the whole seem some- what backward, considering the early date of seeding, according to the crop report issued by the De- tment of Agriculture, Many areas oxpress the need for warm weather as well as Join, . Reckless Driving Charged Brampton.--A patient in Peel Memorial Hosptial here as a reo- sult of injuries received In an sutomobile accident at Erindale last Saturday, Charles Skeg is being held by the police, charged with reckless driving 'in connec- tion with the accident In which four people were hurt, p . Fishermen Organize Holitax~With over 900 dele gates present from all over the © Maritime provinces and the Mag- dalen Islands, the United Mari- time Fishermen were organized yosterday, ie Tax Rate Higher Kitchener.--The sum of $138, 000 will be required by the Water. loo County Council this year, and this will mean a rate of 835 mills, Last year the mill rate was 8 mills, 5 1,000 migrants Jobless Regina, --At least 1,000 Gere man-speaking people, in Canada less than a year, are unemployed pnd pressing Saskatchewan for nesistance, ly T. B. Menacos India Washington.~Tuberculosls as a world problem and as one of the greatest problems confronting In- dis was discussed at 'the first public meeting of the India For eign Committee of the Tuber culosis Association of Beugal, "Tall Man" Dies Miami, Fla, June 36.Captain Carl Gulliver, 65, glant of circus sideshows for thirty years, died in a hospital here last night. He was seven foot four. inches tall, ules Still Exist Ottawa. --A contention ' that there are no air regulations gov. orning civil flying in Canada, en- tered by counsel for Roy mavuua- nell, young private flier of Ottawn, charged with fg a Plane at i. altitude as was ruley ngaingt by Magistrate. Charles Hopewell In Police Court here. ... From Roll of Honor Niagara I'alls, Ont, June 48. James MacDonald local veteran of the great wad, has ordered hits nan rem from the olvic roll of or bet elvic officials forced him $140 munigipal income tax, ~The roll of honor is a large bronse tablet and the names are deeply {i upon it, Ofclaly found it _ impossible to remove the Jatde and te fy the indignant ald TY } of paper has n pasted over his name. ; 3 Must Remain in Custody, | However, Pending Hear. * ing of Charge of Robbery While Armed EVIDENCE OF SMITH NOT CORROBORATED Mike Smith Is Under Death Sentence for Same Crime, and Martin Shawira, Also Convicted, Has Been Granted New Trial (By Canadian Press. Leased Wire) Hamilton, June 26:=Joe Mikulsky was today acquitted by a jury of the charge of murdering John Iwantz, Winona farmer, Mike Swith is al- ready under sentence of death for this 'crime and another alleged ac- complice, Martin Shawira was recent 4 ordered a new trial after being ound 'guilty and sentenced to death, In his address to the jury toda in the Mikulsky case Justice Jef- frey called attention to question of convicting defendant on uncorrobora- ted idence of accomplice, Mikulsky was not given his free- dom, however, but ordered held on a charge of robbery while armed, Bail was fixed at $8,000, Mr, Justice Jeffrey announced that the new trial ordered for Martin Shawira, convicted of the murder of Iwantz would not be held until 'the fall assizes unless instructions for a special. session of the court were received from the attorney-general's department, - ' Cli RUMORS OF POPE'S : . ILLNESS PERSIST (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Rome, Italy, June 26--Well in- formed ecclesiastics in Rome and Votican City today delleved that Pope Plus XI would not allow him. self a needed rest until after the public consistory Julyd. The pontiff has been reliably reported as suffer. ing from uremic poisoning and ser- lounly 11, By carrying on until July 3, it was pointed out, he would round out the ceremonies of his jubilee year, ending June 30, Earl of Radnor Dies London.~The Earl of Radnor died this morning, He was the sixth earl and was 62 yoars of age. Viscount Folkestone succeeds ta the title. SIX YEARS FOR ATTACKING WOMEN Hamilton Knox, With Long Record, Sentenced in To- ronto Today (By Canadian Press |Loased Wire) Toronto, June 26 Hamilton JKnox alias George Hamilton, was sentenced to six years in. Ports. mouth penitenttary in police court here today following conviction on three charges of indecent assault against women and one of house- breaking, Two years of the sentence will run concurrently with that re- contly imposed on Knox by an Ot- tawa, Ont, judge, Knox gained admittance to hom os here by imposing ns a medical health officer, gan in 1890 and in 1911 he was sentenced to two years imprison. ment and ted lashes at Nanamo, Mikulsky Acquitted THIRD MEMBER OF TRIO IS FREED OF DEATH SENTENCE IMPOSED ON COMPANIONS Hin prison record bes |. EDUCATION IN RELIGION WOULD STOP CRIME WAVE Opinion Expressed at Inter national Religious Edu. cation Convention 8 Leased Wire) June 26, Delegates to International Con- vention of Religious Redueation divided into groups this morning for the discussion of special pro- blems. H. W. Becker, of #t, Louls reported a "Go-to-Sunday- School" campaign in his state, Ace Toronte, the | Britain and Vatican Deadlocked Northeners cording to the Missouri Crime Sur. vey Commission, he sald, the state loses $90,000,000 a year to organ- ined criminals, and spends another $10,600,000 to fight them, He argued that the Public School Sys. tem of the state does not cost half this amount, and that a similar ex. penditure in religious education work would eliminate crime, Two thousand young people are arriving today for 'Thenhristian Youth Conference which opens Fri- day morning in Prinity United Church, 'This Increases the total attendance at the Convention tp more than 5,000 Try Woman for Wife Committed for Trial Charged With Slaying Husband With Axe Craik, Sask., June 23---Mrs, John Peterson, whose husband died two weeks ago from effects of polson as he clutched his axe-battered 'head, is to face trial for murder at the next assizes in Regina, The wuman in police court swooned away for 16 minutes as Dr, H, G, Craig de- scribed her husband's Injuries and his death, After she recovered she was committed for trial, Today she left for Prince Albert jail to await the assizes, During most of the preliminary hearing, Mrs. Peterson listened with a gentle smile to the evidence, Her only reaction came when Dr, Craig told of finding Peterson roll- ing about in his night clother on a blood-soaked bed in a darkened room, The man's akull was battered with an axe-butt; several knives lay beside him in bed, and a poison- our powder was sprinkled over him, At this Mrs, Peterson fainted, Dr, Craig testified that Peterson had died in a gpasm which gave every indication of being caused by poison, He had, however, suffered a frontal fracture of the skull suf- ficlently grave to cause death; the wounds could not have been welt inflicted, the doctor sald. Arthur Kneen, druggist at Craik near the Peterson home, stated that Mrs, Peterson had asked him for gopher- poison a few days before her hus- band's death; he gave her strych- nine, ' Mrs, Petorson's son, Albert, gave ovidence that his mother had been in {lishealth since an operation nine years ago. Brantforde"1t appears proby Spouse's Death Still Advance Chinese Nationalists Lose Tsinanfu to Rebels-- Fierce Fighting (By Canadian Press Lessed Wing) Peiping, China, June 26.--~Shansi- ites today were asking over Tsinanu in a peaceful manner, General Han Fuchu, who commanded the forces holding Tsinanfu for the Nanking government, is adopting an ambitious attitude and falling back along the Shantung rallway toward Isingtao, The re r of the national for- ces have concentrating at Yen Chow Fu hold hack a postible advance of Shansiities from Tsinan- u to the south, Messages from sources show that a severe battle has been raging along a S0-mile front castward from Kelfing for a week, In a desperate effort to retrieve the situation Gener! Chiang Kaishek is throwing 150,000 men into the fight with orders to take Kaifeng. reliable OLD PARLIAMENT OF IGELAND MARKS MILLENIAL TODAY Althing Is Most Ancient Law-Making Assembly in World (Py 'Canadian Press Leased Wire) Thingvellir, Iceland, June 26. Chriss tian, King of Iceland, today open- ed the 1930 session of the capndie Alting at the very spot wher one thousand years ago this oldest par- lament in the world first was con. vened, King €hristiih, stood upon a huge rock in the middle of the plain o Thingvalla where grim Goatbeard, the lawgiver, in ancient days, recited from memoyy the entire code of Ice: landic law. The ceremonies today were simple as of old, so simple as to obtain an almost religious aspect, On the side of the cliff Bighop Jon Helgason conducted a half hour service invoking the guidance of the "White Christ of the South" who 900 oars ago ousted Thor and Odin fo t phn of acelanders, he Alting is reckoned to have been established in 930. A universal code of law for the Icelandic repub- lic was then accepted. p + BACK UP NTRICKLAND The political situation in Malta, in which Lord Strickland, gover- nor of the island, and the Vatican are at odds, fis still deadlocked, Lord Passtlald, minister of colonies, has Informed the House of Lords Britain will continue to back up its representative against politi. cal interference by outside author. ity, he said, Three principals in the situation are, LEFT to RIGHT Pope Pus XI, Lord Strickland, gov. ernor of Malta, and Lord Passtield, minister of colonies, Buffalo Storm Kills Three and Police tina, Critien, in a special edition, today sald that clashes of a most serious nature have occurred in la Pas, Kil 34 Workers Very Serious Disorders Oc- cur When Officers Break Up. Meeting (By Canadian Press' Tossed Wire) Buenos Afres, Republica Argen- June 26,--~The newspaper Bolivia, ' Critica spys that' former presi- dont Siles has taken refuge in the U.B, legation, : Y Dt Killed Arequipa, Chile, South América, foreign | Creates Havoc Small Vessel - Sinks Crew Perish--City Lashed by Gale and June 26-~Travelers arriving here from Bolivia today said that police in La Paz, Bolivian eapital, killed 84 members of a meeting of work- ers and students, Among the dead were said to have been women and children, : The demonstrators took - the corpses and afterwards exhibited them in the streets, The travelers said the city was tense when they Teft it and it was feared further { | automobiles took shelter in the nears (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Buffalo, N.Y, June 26,~Three hen were drowned, two hordes were struck by lightning and widespread damage 'was caused throughout Buf- falo just after noon today during a storm which swept the city in the teeth of a 60-mile wind. Cought in the grip of the sudden storm a tiny fishing boat raced in vain for the harbor breakwater near Lackawanna, Little high by the rag ing swells into which the gale lashed lake Trie the little vessel was hurled against the wali and capsizedy Its three occupants drowned, One body was recovered but had wot been iden tified. Meanwhile the City of Buffalo was plunged into the darkness of mid night, Wires were torn loose, trees and telephone poles crashed to' the ground beneath the fury of the storm, Then came the rain, and the streets in some parts of the city ran with pater level with the sidewalks, Street car service was demoralized, = while est garages or patked by the curbs, while their frightened occupants stars ed out into the darkness, The gale died out within a short time and the storm passed as swift. ly as it eame, leaving death and de+ struction in its wake, Official Injured Owen Sound,~--When knocked from his 'wheel by a car driven by Sidney Vaines of Harriston Chars los Thompson, supervisor of. the City Waterworks here, received a fractured skull, Hig condition is serious; trouble would occur when the vie. tims bodies were buried, TRIO SENTENCED FOR DEFRAUDING THROUGH MAILS Four, Two "and One-Year Terms for Heads of Utah Lead Co, (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) New York, June 20-- Charles Beacon of the Utah Lead Company, was sentenced today to four years in prison for mail fraud in gonnec- tion 'with the sale of stock in the company. Harry H, Phillips, New York and Philadelphia broker, was given a two-year sentence nnd Michael Bar. nett, Philadelphia lawyer, was sen. tenced to a yoar and a day for their share in the mall frauds, of which they were convicted recently after | 'I the first trial had been voided be- onuse a juror sald he was bribed to prevent arrival verdiet, Beadon, alleged leader of the Utah Lear group, is under indict. ment in New Jersay for mall fraud, Federal Judge Knox added to his four-year sentence a five-year pros bationary period, A able that the small epidemic (four Hutton, Medical Officer of Health B.C., for indecent, assault, yestArday. NOTES FROM THE ELECTION CAMPAIGN - - | BERNARD SHAW IS CHOSEN ENGLAND'S BRAINIEST MAN Sir Oliver Lodge, Lord Birk- enhead and Winston Churchill Next (Byp Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lon, Eng, June. 20~~George Bernard Shaw, according to readers of the Spectator, the well-known weekly review, possesses the best brains of any man in the country, The Spectator is a journal eirculat- ing among the more thoughtful class of people whose opinions in regard to mental ability are worth congider- ing, The result of a recent vote is ine teresting in many ways, Here are the leading men in their "order of merit," Bernard Shaw, 214; Sir Oliver Lodge, 183; Lord Birkenhead, 162; Winston Churchill, 95; Dean Inge, 91; H, GG, Wells, 86; Lord Melchett, 62; Lloyd George 50; Philip Snow- den, 48; Sir John Simon, 45, The present prime minister does not receive a vote and Mr. Baldwin gets but thirteen, The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr, Lang, finds no place but the Archbishop of York, Dr, Temple, with 32 votes follows close~ ly upon the heels of Lord Reading who obtained 35, Sir James Barrie #% "placed" by 15 voters and follows GC. K, Chesterton's 17, No woman was included on list, Man is Held as Aurora Terror Alleged to "Have Alarmed Residents by Strange Actions the ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Torénto, June 26.~A man giving his name as Ryland W. Carrier, known to inhabitants of thé Ballan+ trae, Ont, district as "James Carey" and "Jimmie the Groundhog" was re manded for two weeks when he ap» peared in county police court here today en a charge of vagrancy, Pos lice may communicate with immigra~ tion authorities regarding Carrier who cldims to come from the State of Vermont \ Complaints of a scantily clothed man wandering through the district near Aurora, Ont, and terelfying the populace led to the arrest of Carrier yesterday, In court today he de- nied that he was mysterious stranger, Carrier has lived for two years in hermit fashion in a cellar which. he excavated on land he bought two years ago, He raises rabbits and works for the farmers, 4 In defense of his habit of wears ing "shorts" Carrier said in court; "it suits me to go about like this and it's nobody's - business if I do." SHIRT SLEEVES ARE BANNED BY COURT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, Jane 26.---8pectators appearing in police court here in thelr shirt sleeves to attend the trial of Joe Mikulsky, charged with murder, were reprimanded by Mr, Justice Jeffrey, "This is a court of law and those in it must be properly and dignified. ly clothed, It is not compulsory to ing deputy Burrell to eject any spectators who hereafter appear in. ndequately dressed, attend," sald the justice in instructs FLIERS STEADILY NEAR NEW YORK of Murdering Winona Farmer Fliers, Taking Off From Newfoundland at 3.05 y This Morning, Expected at New York at 6 O'clock Tonight TO COMPLETE FLIGHT AROUND THE WORLD Quartette Will Fly to San Francisco After a Fe Days' Rest in New York City--~Have Already Cone quered Pacific (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, June 26, -~Droning through skies which cleared as it approached the coastline of the United ftates, the Southern Cross was Almost half way to New York today in about seven hours of fly» ing it had encountered dense fog off the coast of Nova Scotia, Squadron leader Kingsford. Smith and his comrades were over Halifax at 11 am, (EST) haviog covered in six hours and fifty-five minutes a distance of a little more than 6560 miles as the crow flies, Fifteen Hour Flight This did not accurately indicate their speed, sinve they di fol+ low an exact straight-line" Course, but it indicated that they would traverse the approximate 1,200-mile distance from. Harbour Grace, Ntid,, where they took off at 8.08 this morning, to Roosevelt Fleld, N.Y, In about fifteen hours, land. ing at thelr New York goal soon after 6 o'clock tonight, The plane was sighted clearly as hurtled over Halifax an hour he- ore noon, and the marking on its fuselage could be discerned plain- ly. It had been seen at several points along the way, Roundsthe-World Kingsford-§mith planned to stop only for a few days, perhaps two or three, in New York before resumin his journey to San I"ranciseo an completing a | virtual round-the world flight for the plane which is conqueror of the Atantie and Pacific oceans, Welcome by Lindsay Washington, June 26,--8ir Rone ald Lindsay, Ambassador of Great Britain, accompanied by William Ji B, MacAulay, charge D' affaires of the Irish Free State, took off from the naval station at Ana- costin by aeroplane shortly after 11 a.m, for New York to welcome Captain Kingsford-8mith and his companions on the Southern Cross upon their arival at Roosevelt eld from Ireland and Newfoundland, Congratulatons by King Oxford Junction, N.8,, June 26, Congratulations and 'good wishes were wired to Captain Charles Kingsford-8mith at New York by Premier Mackenzie King today. The Prime Minigter's telegram was dispatched while Mr, King and party were enroute from Kentville, N.8,, to Bt; John, N.B,, where the Premier speaks tonight, It read as follows: 3 'All Canadians are delighted te learn of your westward flight Across the Atlantie, On thelr bee halt I wend you and your coms panions in this brave enterprise sincere congratulations and besg wishes," rr RAIN QUENCHES ~~ MENACING FIRES (By Canadian Press. Leased Port Arthur, June rind 8 rain yesterday. soaked forest lands and extinguished fires which. Ja hd juregioned val stands in the nder Bay distelat, - LANL hb Ree A after. noon and last night the downpour continued, bringing rest to the for. eatry officials and crews who have fought flames. and guarded timber Timits for many 'days, $i (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Kentville, N.8, June) 26,-=Pr miler Mackensle King address great gathering herve 'last nig! and brought an optimistic hi } of improvement in conditions throughout Canada, Industrially these were symptoms of a turn for en Rn miboued. the nugges- rn gr ) tion of Hon, R. B. Bennett, Con- leader; for a federal old age pensions scheme, An amend. ment to the British North Americ Act would be neo for such a system, he said, . Signs of Prosperity in Canada Seen by Premier 8) market crash and the failure: of fin tax because of © temporary unems ployment arising g through Canada, Yonditions wero improving, and Canada was in & Detter position than other coun~ The retord of the government, noe wall Auziy other ro the atteution of of the income Lin | the 0 out of the stoek| clared Mr, Stratford. June $6,--~Hon, James inister of Trade and Sol i Major GC. wer, © of 'the Board bapa tion large Liberal gatherings in Strate 3 . Marys yestorday, tarift ma ? hy is he to bu. f the challe in this eleot! trade -means the life blood of the ditions here to. her five W | toe is t industries from the which he predicted if the govern. 'the Pensions Legisla. for War She Paul addreadod Mr, Bennett not tell us 5 prepaid to do about y Groat cadena country? aloolm, 'Home is important but right now empire Poushing brie | _ Tou! b on unemplo; ment the Min 4 plotared. Poon existing in United States with md nun 'Can 8 , she 1s standing high among 'Goma on Page T6y ee Ci "Monday, July 75]. any other country in the world inso- far as unemployment is concerned," Promier's Westorn Itinera Ottawa, June 26,--A Dominion Day speech at Brandon, Man, will foature the Western itinerary of the Prime Minister, whose present tour of the Maritimes and Quebec congludes with a speech at Sher brooke on Friday, Nex onday Mr. Mackensie King will reach Winnipe, and on Tuesday will deliver his first address In the Prairies at Brandon, On, Wed- nesday, July 2, he will spenk at Moose Jaw, Sask, Calgary will be the next speaking place, .an ad' dress 'boing scheduled for that city on Thursday, July '3, fellow- ing which the Prime: Miniter will proceed to British Columbia, Four addresses . are sckeduled for the Paoltic. Coast Province, one at 'Revelstoke on' Friday, July 4; at and at Vancouver July 8 * OXFORD NORTH )) Colonel D, M. Sutherland, Conser- vative, HASTINGS-PETERBORO' on Tuésday, Candidates Nominated (Ontario) w= (On« tarlo)==Dr, A. T. Embury, Con servative, PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE ' (Mani toba)--E, A, McPherson, Lib oral-Progrossive, SPRINGFIELD (Manitoba)-- Dr, yD R. Blasett, Liberal-Pro~ Eronsive, ~ DIGBY-ANNAPOLIS (Nova Scotia) ~H, B, Short, Conservative, CHAMBLY-VERCHERES (Que- beo)---Alfred Duranlean, KC, Conservative, VE LAURIER-OUTREMONT-- (Ques beo)==J, A, Shinnick, Independ- ent Conservative. JACQUES CARTIER [/Balbe View, I (Quober) v= tive, (By Thomas ARs Canadian ron Staff Corres) ont * 'Woodstock, June @6i=In tho 'western dairy centre of Ontario, Hon, R. B, Bennett. here last night delivered the second speech of his campaign in this . province, The audience jammed the. thedtre 'in 'which® the Conservative leader spoke, { New Zealand 'Treaty : In a vigorous attack, the eppoalr tion chieftain again and again scored the King government for having' put the New ¥ea rade agreement into effect and only Proposing to abrogate Ib 'tive yoara too late', In the. soasion of 1935-28, Mr New Zealand Trade Tre ay Hotly Attacked by Bennet Bennett proceeded, n, Donald Sutherland (Houth Oxford) and Dr, 'D,'M; Sutherland, (North ford) had pressed for the Abrogas tion of the agreement, Ba o continued, 'the government res fused to dq it, Was Mackenzie King right or Ware het Sutherionds wrong? "The Sutherlands right", a tom a A of his Drawing towards the o remarks, tha Conse asked if any person desired to propound a question, lo} i Situation in India ¥ "What about what the. Liberals Are saying in India" questioned man sitting close to the front. (Continued on Page 16) ) oo THROUGH CLEARING SKIES, CONQUERORS OF OCEAN ARE NEARING ULTIMATE GOAL Ls a i 1

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