Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 Jun 1930, p. 11

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| Solicitor, { folictor,,, : i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 1930 'D SECTION _ eller "939009 e0 meets ih N. Eitan. No ries Public Eie Con. Law. Othoss tf Blrmoon st. Houth, Oshawa, Phore 4. G, D, Conant, Pie, 1484 A FP. Aw, B.A, W. E WN, i BANK v SINCLAIR. KC. INSEKPH 2. MANGAN, B.A ~BAR- river, Solicitor, Notary Puhiie, Con Money to loan, Office 14: King St East, Catan, Phone "a lo Residence phone z ORIZRSON, CREIGHTON AND Fraser, Barris Notaries Public, ets." Of " Standard Bonk, Rutrance Simone St. Phone 13, J. ¥, Grierson, K.O., A Creighton, B.A, & AuNIg BARRISTERS | © Oka H, TUCK, OPTOMETRIST, specialist in muscle snomalies, eyesight and glasses, Author of Bye and' Eye Birsin, The Chilg sand Its Development, Dis- ney Block opposite Post Office, Phone i616, (June 15-1 mo) wan . on Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- Land Surveyors and Civil Esgin- ey Sins. lowe Sisanina ers, or n St. E. Phones 2592 or 2544, . Undertaking > LUKE BURIAL CO. & Ambulance, i t, coe sirest north, 210W, G ST. Alden SF in i street north, L'houe 67. Resid 1 AR: GREER AND 1 UMPHREVE BAK: , enev to loan, ALEX U, HALL, B.A, BARRIS. ter, ote, Conveyaticing and general 2% K'ng St. Bast, Jrastion, 3 hone $237, (te) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER ete, Money to loan, Alger Bldg, op- osita Post Office. Phone 1614, \ A al, Solicitor, Notary Publle, Convey- ancer, money to loan, Third floor new Alger Building, opposite Post Office. Phone 2006, Medical SEEHAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m, to 8.80 p/m, Dr, B J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Har. per, special attention 'o children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122, DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: eon, Accoucher., Office and resi. ence, King St. Eest, corner Victoria t, Oshawa, Phone 94, ' 5 ] flan, diseases of ildren, fice an d East. Phone 1155. . DAVID ARCHER, M.D, CM. PR RP! snd S Edinburgh, Shy sician, gurxeon and Qbstetrighen. i Ih 20 Onailine Ave, Rorth, Phone 8150 ei . W, CARR, PHYSICIAN, Sur LA Obstetrician, Office and rasidence, 513 Simcoe street north, Phone 3415. ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI. x Kun eon and Obstetrician, office and residen:e, 185 Simeoe Street, North, phone 3107, Veterinary Surgeon ' ' ARIA Specialist Diseases : Domestic Ani~ mals, Oat.and dog hoapital, 203 King W, Tel, 620, fi A (June 2-1 mo) DR. F, x BRYANS OF 160 DLOOK Street West, Toronto, will be at his 2 office over Jury & ell's Dry Store each Saturday, from 1 till om, for ultation and treatment of dise 'of ear, nose and throat only, Apvointments mav be mars at rug 8 ne 97, ye, Ear, Nose and t PRE F, RICHATKD N, OFFICE over Mitchel ue oo. Hours 12 2 to 5 Evenings J BA Office phone 2640, esidence 4327. «A Re EB A Bank of Commerce, Simcoe and King, Eye, ear, nose and throat, Hours ® to 11.30, 2 to 5, 7 to Phones, office, 157; resi. fence, 508. (June 18-1 mo.) to Xeray Nurse in ate Hou 12. Ring St. E. Special ats extraction and X.ray @ in attendance. Phones floor, Ja, d i igo 1496, FY "VON GUNTEN, EXPERT or, repalr shop at "i King t West: Your pate panaee is an \ ---- , electric 0. alterations. (180) HEMSTITCHING, = Pl [eH Ine cents a . . Pleating skirts, no dollar, pry and. rlectly. - Embrodery work. The Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. AVI [8 19 King St wast, Oshawa, The old- est Plye Oshawa, Re- consult R, N, Jobps, 80 Fimcoe porth, Your Insurasce 'wants at tended to acd your .nterests pro- tected, of this nature, and collect for same. "Times" Classified For thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a'telophone call will bring » messenges who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Ads Bring Results rc Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware house und moving van equipment, Phone 82, CARTAGE, MOVING, And ard ¢inders, Local and long is.ance. hauling, Smith Cos, 'Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West, OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB: lished furniture movers, Park Road car awe. Local and Jong distance, Frank Cowle, Pron, 65 VYark Rd South, Phone 2185. (June 20.1 mo) GRAVEL Work Wanted | Wh, CELLAR aud garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (May 20-1 mo) SHARPENING==BOISBONS, RNIV: es, Lawn Mowers, Baws, Phone 421W, We call and deliver, 130 Celina St, Bs Bottan, {June 9-1 mo) FIRST CLASS LAUN Phone 1234M, (May 41-1 mo) "Articles For Sele IT PAYS TO MOVE~-SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle. ville, Anywhere 'cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 200. (May 20-1 mo) 90c AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, moving, express, cinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving. Cheap, Phone 74W, June 11-1 mo) Beauty Parlors MARCEL ©60e, WILL GO TO customers homo 70e. Fern Bell, 104 Alma street, phone 1256F, (148¢c) Nl [7] Shop. Special.sts in permanent, finger And marcel waving, Vers manent wave prices $5, $7.60, $10 and $16. All other liner of Beauty flulture, Fhene 2008. Apply sb Nimcoe street vorti, EXPERT MARCELLING ~ BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permin- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- A BA A Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We spe- clalize in ladies' hair cutting, mar« celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel For anpointments phone Hh PO Tune 16-1 mo) ; Music AERWERT 0. (RENEWR, OR ganist. and. choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music, For particulars api 50 William street east. Phone 28986, (June 8:81) Radio Service USHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC- cossories for sale, repairs on elec: trio and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re charged. rental supplied. $1. Phone 3350J, Charles Whales, 146 Elgin East, (Jung 0-1 mo) 1 with rental $1.00, Repaired dnd rebuilt, Called for a delivered, Prompt service, Stan "Bligdon, 20 | Mill St. Phone 1885W, (June 20-1 ma) BETS, od. Prices reasonable, batteries re- charged 60¢, rentals 2%c deliverad Phone 2806W. Geo. Burroughs, Certified Radiotriclan, 3 (June 19-1 mo) w| Spirells Corsetiere SPINELLK UARNENTS YO § TOR THR discriminating woman and miss, Phone Mra, Blatter for demonstre- tion 2180M, ' (June20+1 mo) : Money to Loan MONEY TO -- LOAN== FUNDS available for first mortgages on well located residences. Bradloy Bros. 20% Simocos south (up stairs), May 37-1 mo) d ftw, Apply. An.J Parke WON ro ra toneer, 346 Sime tS y eho) furniture stock and Implements, A gravel for sale--Tp insure prompt dlivery, , plage ders in advance of "delivery 'date, W, Borrowdale, Phone 16 ..f : ! rod Cl Ll June B 21, J M. 'RN. superintendent, II Shop 26% Simpos south. Prone 1656, 7 (June 30s ma A, - © P Whitby, hone 850, Whit! ¥ Tass Bak V! STAMOND ~~ RINGS, . | 8t, B, Phone 1617TM, MIXED HARD AND 80LT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limited, Phone 1288 (Apr. FUK dad y Ltd, planos, new and used planos, Also radios, latest models; terme arranged. Apply ©. Trull, Phone 1666J. (111441) --- . A ishes, We have the largest assort ment of paints, varnishes, etc, in in the city, The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 t1) TiND GRZVEL BTON Cliv . " } ders, black loam. $4.69 per yard, For quality and service phone Es scry Dros, 332 r 11, (May 3-t1) ATLTRINDS OF USED FURKT ture, beds, dressers, tables, thairy, oll stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, etc, 174 Ritson road south, (May £0-1 mo) 1 SON AUTO W in, at 12 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires, Phone 3476W, Residence 21837, (May 80-1 mo) WAT " all kinds of jewelry on easy pay. ments, Terms from 60 cents per week. , O, H, Dell, agent for Peo- jlo, Cradit dpwelett, 388 Simos South, Oshawa, (May 31-1 mo.) NEW AND SECOND WAND FUR- 8 niture bought and sold, 156 Bloor (June 4-1 mo) used bicycles $13 up, New and easy terms. C.C.M, joyoycles and fish. ing tackle, 12 Richmond East. Phone 2774, (June 12-1 mo) AUTO T APPLY 121 Barrie Ave. Phone 1060W. Oshawa, (1480) A AV ED A leather rockers, 8 plece dining room suite, library table, washing machine, baby carriage, reversible, goAr, nearly new, Apply 411 Gibbs Bt, Phone 1702M. (147¢) f BALE -- STEEL RANGE, deep firebox, high back, looks lke new, 266 Ritson Rd. South, Phone 446M, (1470) room suite, will sell or exchange for good radio. Apply 87 Ware ren avenue, (147b) AUTO TRAILER VOR SALI Cheap. Phone 18061", 87 Rosehill Blvd, (1470) dition. 040 Horlop Ave. Phone con on. : "(14701 YN Kast, splendid condition, $05, $10 down and #6 per month, Hee at John Meagher, 92 Simcoe North; By ¢ coal and electric range, Moffatt, latest style, practically new. Als electric motor for 'Ine,' 90 Royal Street. (148¢) nine pieces, 1 davenport, gas stove, 4 Congoleum squares, 'Apply top floor, 2214 Simcoe St. 8, ds ol Apply Box 741 Times: Also wo poly Sinn PONY OUTHIT Phone Mrs. Sleeman 1640 r 4 (1480) "A awnings, ve h __ canopy tops installed. T. T = Teronto, all kinds of canvas % | VERY ow. Apply 25b King self good as ni » ing St sewing mach- [|i mp © ent' nt. Mos irda ---- phone 25 or 26, Agents f ,'J. Turger and Son, Peter boro, Qatarlo, (May 30-1 mo), sana For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MOL. ern suites including electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conven). erces, etc, continu' = hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Lo. Ltd, manage; for owner, Toronto, (27L0) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All copveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (B6LL) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, tour rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession Immediately, Apply Box 6565 Times, (11211) DESIRABLE APART. ments, private and semi-private, modern conveniences, over Karn'e Drug Btore also living rooms, En- quire 231 King street east, Phone 16, between 6 and & p.m, (1431) ) RE - JEL . ed rooms on ground floor, newly decorated. 97 Colborne St, East, (14510) FOR RENT-=BATH FLAT, PART. ly furnished, nice locality, no oh Joction to a school age child, Gare age If desired. Phone 185017, (1460) FARCE TURNTEAYD TWO ROOM pepartment, entrance and conveals onces private, Hot water furnish. ed, Opposite Memorial Park, Vers central, 06 Centre St, (146¢) BI L J il ) ou} on Halg street, Apply 22 Simcoe north, Phone 406. (146¢) FOR RENT-UNFURNTSHED "AV. drtment, 3 rooms and bath, 78 William Ht, West. Phone §10J. (147b) TO TET = 81% ROOM HOUSE, newly decorated, all conveniences, Rent reasonable, 374 Jarvis Bt. (147b) . JOE i) . All conveniences, partly furnished or unfurnished. Would exchange for bungalow, #4 William *'~ Kast, "(1480) APARTMENT TO WERT, Five oxtra large rooms, furnished or unfurnished, All conveniences, Centfal location, drwntown, rent reasonable, Phone (23), (1470) ) room, all conveniences, breakfast if desired, Apply 70 McMillan Drive, Phone 2320W, (14%¢) rant," Phone 27 (147¢) LAT. also large furnished room on ground floor, private entrance, nnd garage, Apply 82 Elgin »t, Hast, (147¢) { pn SED HOUSE, Colborne St. W. Newly painted and decorated, Apply 24 Royal St. Phéne 185, (147¢) 177, ---- wl double bed sitting room, individ. ual heads, Every convenlence. Ans ply 178 Centre Street, Phone 2600, ' : (1480) 'Rates for | Classified Ads. Firet insertion-=13 oents per word. Minimum charge 30c, Each subsequent consecu- tive ion 10 per word, ™ consecutive = inser: one for thy price of ; 'firt. (nsertions (three cents a word), Minimap charge for three Insertions, 80 cents, Box number 100 additional Professional or Businem Jarde, $2.80 per month 20 words or less; 10 calita a word per \nonth for each wdditional word, oi pe | TELEPHONE 88 he Ask tor Classified Ad =i All Classified Advertising | Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large nugber of small arcounts §{ years expertenu, no accidents, open For Rent rent. All conveniences, Near Mol- ors, Phone 2717J, (147¢) HOUBD TO RENT, LIGHT AND water, $16, Apply 46 Royal Btree!, (148¢) 4 rooms and garage, Cheap (04 good tenants. Windsor street, off Wilson road south, (147¢) Wanted To Rent WANTED TO RENT--4 OR b room modern bungalo, with gare ne, centrally located for August first, Phone 2629J, (1480) "Real Estate For Sale J LOING lot for sale, Carnegie avenues, Ape ply 100 William street east, (146g) Help Wanted--Female JPERE 1 TBY PRI: vate hospital, Phone 3%) Whithy for appointment, Personal applicu- ton desired, J, M, McKee, IN, (1484) Help Wan! ALECME y -- Rl ence nol necessary, men preferred living In Oshawa with good con- uection, We train you and are willing to pay salary and commis- slon to right men, Apply 72 Bim. coe sireet north anytime Tuesday, Thursday or Friday, (1470) Hi 0 ' A ' over 36 for interesting dignified work, No selling required, nor Is business experience necessary and position may lead to mecretarial work, Enruaigs of $20 to $40 par week ouslly possible, Phone 1207W, from 5 to 6 p.m, only tor Appointment, (148¢) For Exchange ATTRACTIVE 15 ACRE PRUTT snd chicken farm on paved high way, WII exchange on Oshawn property, Bee Holden, 92 Simcoe North, Phone 871W, (147b) aia tx Motor Cars F U CAL. WARHED AT Jominion Garage, #8 Bond strect wont, Phone 3108, All ears at ous price $1.00, (June 16-1 mo) 70 OARTAND FOUR DOOR FE- dun, weld fenders, latest equip- ment, mileage five thousand, in beautiful condition, Will sacrifics, Apply Mrs, Dickle, Bathing Pavi- Hon, The Lake (147¢) 1927 CHEV, COUPE TN" (00D Condition Privately owned Phone 148 (1481) = a - TIZTESETI, Auto Accessories MOTOR ACCERSONY CO, 11 KING Hireet West, Auto parts and acces. sories for all makes cars Auto. mobiles bought for wrecking, Phone 20664, (June 26-1mo,) CITY AUTOMOBILE WRECKING Co, New and used parts and ace consories, oars, trucks, prices res. sonable; cars wanted Phone 2080W, 15-17 Bond Bireet West, (June 26-1mo,) Nursing MEDICAL, MATERNITY, MENT. al and surgleal nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 605, June 24-1 mo) PRACTIOAL NURAE, ity or general nursing. For infor« mation phone 320W, (June 3-1 mo) Ne Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS ~~ FROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed by males from dams o 247 egg reo ord, [(mmediate shipment, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par hundred; White Leghorns, $14, 100 per cent, live arrival guarat teed. Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dan: forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) Room and Board ROOM A family, very central also garage to rent, Phone 1028J, (1480) TOON AND BOARD--BUTT ONE or two gentlemen, 123 Alma Bt, (14%7¢) ROOM AND BOARD TOR TWO respectable men, or girls, home privileges, Central, - Phone 2730W, (148¢) "Painting and Decorating R. OLE, ASE PA. perhanger, painting und graining Prices right, work guaranteed, #40 Ploe Ave, phone 3068w or Bere. (73u0) T WJ ' east, painting, paperhanging, dec orating, sign writing, Estimates given on work, Phone 1867), (June 6-1 mo) ncing } Vy A of dancing and physical culture 160 Church Street. Lessons given gach evening from 6 pm, [For terms call or phone 874M at above hours, (June 24-1 ma) "Pots and Live Stock. § POLICE PU All males, Must be sold at ones. $5 each, 377 Beverley, Phone 1412M, (1480) efreshment TOW COLD LIGHT BEER BOLD AT Oshawa Cafe with fish and chips, Corner Bond and Ontario streets, (June-21-2wks.) ant with some chronic ailment, such a8 nerveusness, yaralyals, variesse veins, goitre, arthritis, heart weakness, rheumatism, eto, Phone 200 for a free treatment in your home, Tune in on Theronold Health Talks, over station CFRN Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 1,80 pm, Theronold of Oskhwa, 164 William Street East, { (June 25-1 mo) MAN" WITHTPFERMIT TWELVE for job, driving car trucks or trac tor, Apply after alx, 806 Mitchell 'Ave,, Oshawa, (1480). would like position as Cook houses keeper, No objection leaving Situations Vacant LETTER CARKTERE=ZN IXAW. ination for letter carriers is an nounced to be held shortly, Those wishing to pass are Invited to take the preparatory course at The Peerless, Make sure you pass, We conch you at a very small charge, Peerless. Nearly all falled on the written, examination lapt time, Make sure you pass, We Peerless Business College, 171 Blmcoe street north,, Phone 3214, (147¢) ¥ Palmist MADAME BROWN PATMIET, Phone appointments 2686F, 93 Louisa Street, (June 23-1 mo) A Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR BOARD CEILING for Whitby Baptist Church will be received up to Wednesday, June 25, Particulars and specifications may be obtained from Chas, Baker, Whitby, Ont, SOLLOWAY MILLS QUIT BUSINESS (Continued from Page 1) across the Dominion wil) be closed out, so far as I am concerned," Mr, Bolloway continued, 'The for our brokerage business have not been determined, but it is pos sible that the Calgary office and several others will be reorganized and oarried on by members of the staff, Mr, Mills and myself wili, however, have no connection what ever with the reorganized business "Speaking for mself," he sald, "I am through with business, | fuel that our contribution to the development of Alberta's oll re sources has been received some- what ungratefully, and that » Kreat many people in the Wes have not appreciated the assist. ance we have given in this re- gard." mom A) To Ald Flying Mr, Mills will devote his at. 'tention to the development of fly- ing in Alberta, through the Com mercial Alrways Limited, with which he has been closely associ: atod for some time, He is expected to go to Edmonton Tuesday even. ing for a conference with General Manager C, Becker and other ul- ficinls of the firm, whuse head: quarters are in the Captal, My, Holloway planned to leave Tuesday evening for the Kast, Ace cording to present arrangements, both he and Mr, Mills will appear in Toronto on Monday next to answer the charges preferred against them by the Ontario Av torney-tieneral's Department, Pending the result of the ap: pealed hearing before the Appel late Division of the Supreme Court of Alberta, which probably will be held about Sept, 15, each of the convicted brokers is out on bail of $100,000, made up of pers ronal meourities of $50,000 each and two additional sureties of 825,000 each, JUSTICE FOR WAR VETERANS FIRST CONCERN OF GOVT, (Continued from Page 1) turned to a digoussion of the ap. pointment of The Maritime Claims, "We will continue until every single bit of that report ix imples mented in letter and spirit," as serted the Prime Miniater with respect to the findings of the Dun. oan Commission, He reasserted that the major recommendations of the Commission had already all been carried out, Justice For Veterans "The first obligation which we want to meet is to do full justice to those who fought in the war," eald Mr, King In referring to Fed. eral responsibilities, In this mate ter no aid was being asked of the Provinces, But if the Government was to continue to hay off the debt and meat obligations, it could not shoulde¥ the financial respons sibilities which properly came within the Provincial jurisdetion, he Prime Minister received an ovation when he rose to speak, "1 stand before you as a member of a Government which has kept fits word ta the people of Nova Commission on L red to his associations with Right Hon, W, #, F'lelding, and said thet he considered himself particularly fortunate to have associated in his early political career with two such great Canadians as Laurler and Pielding. i ------ HAMPTON Hampton, June 23.--Mr, and Mrs, Giso, Barrow and son, Austin, visited Hamilton friends last Wun~ day, Eva Bouch, Bowmanville, visit a her brother, C, W, Bouch, recent y. I, Reeve has returnsd from a two week's visit with Port Hope friends, Quite a» number attended the Rotary ¥air at Oshawa, Wednesday night, Howard Cowling, new car theses days, Lewis Allin has purchased Frank Roger's car, The Werry family purpose hold- ing thelr family plenie in the Elliott Memmorial Park on July 16th, W, Smale, Cobourg, visited his mother, Mrs, W, Smale on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, C, W, Souch and Misses Norah and Minnie Horn, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Curtis, Miss Campbell, Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Pet. ors and daughter, Mary were on. tertained at the home of T, Baker, Bolina, on Eunday, and attended the Anniversary services, Mr, and Mrs, Hilton Peters and won Keith wore guests at the home of W. Baker, on Sunday, The B,0.E, Lodge purpose hold. Ing their pienie in the park on ¥ri. day, A game of softhall was played at Kedron on Monday of ast week hetween Hampton and Kedron re sulting In a close score. Rev. W, W, Jones, Millbrook, will be the speaker at the morning and evening services next Bunday when it will be the occasion of the annual Sunday School Anniversary The singing by the school will be under the leadrship of the Buper. intendant, Theo, Balter, with N Horn as accompanest, W, R, Horn will assist also, with vocal and vocal and violin musle, The usual program of sports will ba held in the park on Tuesday af- ternoon, July 1st, Tea will be ser. ved on the church lawn. In the evening the play "And Mary did," will be presented by a number of our young People. Music between act » by Orono orchestra, Will Wilbur, has been making un deal in cars. recently, Mrs, M, Blemon and N, Johns are improving since their recent iliness, We miss. W, R, Allin, who is still recelving medical attention at Bow. manville Hospital, Dr. and Mra, Davies, Oshawa, spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs, H, W, Wilcox, Lorne Hastings, Philadelphia, and Doll Hastings, Toronto are vise iting at the home of C, W, Hastings, Quite a number from hers attend. od the Anniversary services at El. dad on Bunday, Mr, and Mrs, H. W, Wilcox and family, and Mr, and Mrs, C. KE. Horn and family, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, J, Yellowleese, Solina, on Sune day and attended the anniversary services, The steady rain of Thursday and Friday was followed by cooler weather, The farmers can prepare to handle a heavy crop of hay now, Which they feared would be an in« ferlor quality, but for the rain, Mrs, W. Ruse is visiting Trenton friends, Mrs, Percy Hills and alster, Win. nie Cryderman, Toronto, visited thelr parents on Sunday, Several of the Institute ladies attended the convention at Nestle. ton on Tuesday, Eddy Jarvis, a former assoclate of Hampton young people, renewed acquaintances, visiting at the home of C. J. Kerslake, where he was employed before the war, He has returned to the United States, where his wife and family have been residing recently, Mr, and Mra, J. A, Cole visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, ', Boueh, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Howard Cowling and family visited at the home of Mrs, Beatty, Mra, Cowling's mother aay at Creemore, over the weeks ond, Lillian Phillips, Toronto is holls daying with her alster Mrs, Wile bert Craig, ; Mr, and Mra, A, Parker, Dayton, is driving a BEAUTIFUL HOME Exclusive residential district, nice grounds, shrubbery and shades trees. Hardwood trim, quarter cut oak floors throughout, sults able hardware, fire-place, bevelled glass in French doors, storm win dows, A Real Home, Tor quick sale $8,000.00 $5,000,00 cash and balance ar ranged at § per cent, . See J. A, BICKELL 450 Simcoe Street South, or 38 Contre Street. town, Phone Whitby 180, : ERY) Scotia," "Mr, Kipg sald, He refers Ohlo, visited the latter's mother, Mrs, Mary Goodman, C¢, H, Burrows, Oshawa, spent the week-end in the village, Elizabeth Reeve is with Mrs, Jno, Pascoe, Holiua, who is 11, Rev, T.-H, P, and Mrs, Anderson New Burgh, renewed acquaintances in the village on faturday evening. "TWAS EVER THUS, fupporter--Do you think our candidate put enough fire into his speech? Critle--=Heo did, indeed, The trouble is he didn't put enough of Wis speech into the fire. f | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always Motor Ambulance HNervice Day and night phone 1082W OLIL'W.! BURIAL CO, Funeral Home 87 Celina Mt, M. ¥. Armstrong & Sons, Prop: Good Weather Ahead! w=)0 NOt 1086 JOUF CAPew Let me finance you--Addis tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14 }% King St. Kas ROYAL YORK Or reese: TC "ie 28¢ At all Superior Stores Ye CARI W ums R (© 4 ATHOLL ST W (O51 il ' Use CEMENT BLOCKS Fireproof For Garage W. BORROWDALE 0800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1018 BUICK SEDAN 1027 MODEL PRICE $565.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 09 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH $100 Cashe=DBalance 833 monthly, 6 rooms and tollet, electric, water, newly decors ated, 2 garages. Tmmediate possession, . Disney Phone 1 I : | Boys' Broadcloth | Waa Suits, Special 79c| Dominion Clothing Co. | 08 King 8t. W. . Phone 9141 |

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