Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1930 ACROSSE DOUBLEHEADER AT LOCAL STADIUM TOMORROW NIGHT Oshawa Intermediates and General Motors Jrs. Both Entertain Tomorrow Night v header at Motor City Sta- dium Tomorrow Night -- Oshawa Intermediates vs. Campbellford in First Game at 5.15 p.m,--Osh- awa G.M.C. Juniors Play Opening Game With Brampton at 7.00 p.m, -- General Admission, 35¢ Tomorrow is bargain day for the Incross fans of the City of Osha- wa, It is very seldom that a lac. vosse doubleheader is heard of but tomorrow night the local fans are going to be given a chance of see: ing a lacrosse doubleheader, The Oshawa Intermediates and {he Oshawa General Motors Juniors are the two local teams who will be seen in action and the visitors will he Campheliford Intermediates and Brampton 'Juniors, The games Are going to be played at the Motur City Stadium, the first game, the Intermediate struggle, starting at 515 p.m, sharp and the Junior game starting at 7,00 p.m, sharp, Phe price of admission is the small sum of thirty-five cents, The occasions when lacrosse fans have the opportunity of seeing two smart lacrosse games for the price of one are very rare and it is flly expected that there will be large crowd of people take advaniage of the opportunity which is being 'of- fered tomorrow night at the Stad- um, Intermediate Game Fivst In the first game of the bill, the Oshawa Shamrocks meet the strong Camphellford Intermediates in & scheduled league game, The locals won thelr initial start and they are out to make it two in a row, The locals have been practising faith- fully and they are raring to Eo. Campbeliford will bring up 2 strong team and one of their mem- bers is a boy well known in local sporting circles, none other then "Bus" Whitton, "Bus" Is well re- membered by local hockey and la- wrosse fans, his game starts at 6,156 p.m, sharp and although the hour Is a little early, there should be a good crowd on hand, A win for the Oshawa Shamrocks will make them leaders of thelr group, Brampton vs, Oshawa drs, The second game, which gets under way at 7.00 p.m, sharp, sees the old rivals, Brampton and Osh- awn General Motors hook up again but this time both cities will be represented by their Junior teams, It is no secret that Brampton has an exceptionally strong Junior team this season and the local boys have 'yet to play their first geme of the season but Coach "Toots" White and his capable helpers have lined up A smart team for Wednesday night and the fans will have the chance of seeing a snappy lacrosse team, decked out in the well-known colours of the Oshawa General Mot- ors and composed of local boys and practically all of them have live ed all the life in this city, A New Martin WEDNESDAY ZIPPY PEPPY JAZZY GAY "LADIES . OF LEISURE" Night Tite in a big Met. ropalle as it I8 with all ings. | CAST INCLUDES: Barbara Stanwyck / ara There should be a good crowd on 'hand tomorrow night at the Htad- fum to see this doubleheader, es pecially when the admission fee Is only 35 cents, These lacrosse games will be wellworth seeing, -- Oshawa Tennis Club Defeats Peterboro In their first scheduled game in the Central Ontario Lawn Tennis Club Association the Oshawa Tennis Club defeated the Peterborough Club on Saturday afterncon here, In all seven events were played of which the local club took six, thus winning the afternoon's play by one point, The local club were winners in both the men's and ladies' singles the men's doubles and the mixed doubles matehes whilst | Peterborough won only the ladies' doubles. The tournament commenced at 300 pm, and opened with the match be tween Erie Vesey and Mr, Scott of Peterborough. Mr, (Army) Arm strong, now a resident of Oshawa, President of the Association umpired this match, The league consists of five teams ePterboro, Cobourg and Port Hope, Bowmanville, Camphell- ford and Oshawa, On Saturday, June 28th, the local Club play in Campbell ford, Erie Vesey, Oshawa, defeated Geo Scott, Peterborough, 64, 6-1 Harlod Hainer, Oshawa, Mr. Cranfield, 6-1, 6-0, Men's Doubles 8, Everson and 8. Alger, Oshawa, defeated Mr, Sills and Foster, 6-1, 0-1 Drs, Langmaid and McMullen, of Oshawa, defeated Mr, Sturgeon and Wilson, 6:0, 7-5 Mixes Doubles I. Corn and Miss Lyons, Oshawa, defeated Nr. Shaw and Mrs, Cruth er, 6-1, 6-1 Ladies' Singles Miss Ruth Fishleigh, Oshawa, de- feated Mrs. Jackson, 6-2, 6-2 Ladies' Doubles Misses Furber and Goheen, Osh awa, defeated Mrs, Hewett and Mrs. Cranfield, 9-7, 6-5, Belleville Nats. Defeat Kingston And Take Lead Belleville defeated Kingston, went ahead In the series 'In the Central Ontario Baseball League Liere last night, when they defesi ed Kingston at the cricket field 13 to 5, hammering the ball hard through the greater part of the game to take the verdict, It Wis, however, their ninth-inning out. burst, when they tallied five runs, that assured them of victory, Jamieson pitched well for tha locals until the ninth, when he weakened and was hammered foi four hits, 'while *he sandwiched a couple of walks, Kingston overs came A two-run lead in the htird, when they went ahead by 4 to I, hut Belleville came back to score four runs in the fourth, and fron hten on they kept in the lead, kK, Scott drove a tremendous clout for a home run in the sixth, while Jamieson connected with a four: ply drive in the _ fourth, = Alex Welr coasted alonghon good field: ing all the way, five great catches in centre field by Darrah robbing Kingston of what looked like real extra-hase hits, Cretney in right fied also made some fine catches to pull Weir out of a couple of bud holes, Allan Cup Race Halifax, N.B, June 43, -- Al though baseball, tennly, golf and other summer sports are now 'n the Maritime Provinces are talk- ing, and their chatter is making season, hockey leaders throughout a noble bid to drown out the gos sip of the!seasonal sports, Since the Truro Bearcats made such a splendid showing against the Winged Wheelers of Montreal in the Allan Cup series last win ter Maritime sportsmen have dev cided that the famed trophy can be brought to the Maritime Pro. vinoes, Various Upper Canada hockey conches who haye "handled Mari time teams the {last two seasons and teaching the) "inside points of the game, feel that much im. provement has been made in Down East hockey. Furthermore, during the 1024. 1029 season several Upper Canadn Players were brought to the Mari times and did much to Improve the game of the Easterners as all the coaches who have ever taught the rudiments of © a's nations al game, : Fredericton, NB, . which haa yet to reach prominence in Mari time hockey, has tied up practical. ly. all the leading players of the three provinces, has added two Upper Canadians, and secured the serylces of mer Ottawa 'Senator and Monfreal defence veteran as coach 'coming winter. 1 'Other 'prominent clubs have sought members from the Upper Provinoss' ana the 1390-07 geazan In expected to he the gremiast in tha histary af tHe wanes la tha a Wistar al Nae an Maritimes. The alm of all Marie time clubs in the next season is eorge Boucher, for | 3 haw pan SRRMPISHS, WhO nave Former Oshawa Player Shows Up Well When C.N.R. Ties "Killies" Toronto, June 24.~Toronto Can- adian Nationa) Railways, represent. ing the National Soccer League, did themselves proud by forcing the touring Kilmarnock eleven to a 1-al) tie at Ulster Stadium last night, The display of the Scottish Leaguery was not up Lo the standard served up from their previous visits, the members of the team showing a de- cided leg weariness, dye Lo the con. tinual travelling to keep up with a liberal schedule of hard games, C, N, R, on the other hand, pla; game of their lives, their being the equal of thelr opponents, and had ) not been for the sterling display of Ball, Cinlow and Connors the visitors would certainly have tallied more often, Connors was a team in himself, his clever work having no equal in these parts, Time and again this doughty defender held the visiting invaders at bay singlehanded in a thrilling encounter which held the spectators spellbound, Ball also shone and was never seen to better advantage, The C.N.R, forwards gave little support (0 McManus, their centre, who was usually found alone when the ball reached enemy territory with the result that Leslie and Niblos had a fairly easy task In offsetting the CNR, attack who were seldom dangerous during a scoreless frst session, ----- we Carnera Wins From Godjrey On Foul Blow Baker Bow! Philadelphia, Jun: 24,--In keeping with the finest traditions of modern heavyweight battle, Primo Carnera, the mighty. miscled merchant of Venice, over came the brawn of giant Georfe Godfrey last night--on a foul Diallyhooed far and wide an the test that was to prove Carnera a genuine warrior and not just n pix-foot-seven-inch 262-pound mayimoth with an Inspired flair for showmanship, the hattle man. aged to prove exactly nothing It ended In the fifth round with the man who was hehind on points on the floor---just as the ill-fated Sharkey-SBchmeling heavyweight title wound up in the Yankes Stadium on June 12, It furnished 36,000 of the ever faithful with another pleture of extreme agony, this time the hig goat in, point of size that they had ever seen hut, after all, it wax the same old pleture, Carnera, taking up most of the floor space, writher like a featherweight after A swinging left hook thudden in his goin. He squirmed and con torted and ended up limp and un scious, to he dragged uncereaman- lotisly 'hy the head and heels '0 his corner, Doctor Examines Carnera Godfrey, a huge, smiling negrs of some fighting ability, wander. ed around in the same perplexed fashion at the close of so man; recent "big battles," Dr, J, Webh Vaughn, physician of the Pennsyls vania Athletic State Commission, examined the vast Venetian In the ring, and found. that "he wes fouled badly hurt, and unahle to continue." Referee Tom Riley who handied the struggle in tha r in the night Gene Tunney stripped the heavy. weight title from Jack Dempssy here in 1026, said that the blow was 'a deliberats foul" An for the bout itself, there was much action, but little of a dei: vive nature through the first four vounds, and the 1 minute, 18 sec onds the fifth lasted, On the Av voclated Press scorn card, Godfrey had 'a margin In the first, second and a slight edge In the fourth session, with Carnera the better man In the third, There was no knockdownas, although Carnera was slaggered iv the first round. Purses Withheld Frank Wiener, Chairman of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Com: mission, sald the purses of the fighters would be withheld pend. {ug an investigatiom, In the crowd that jammed the ball yard were Gene' Tunney and Max Schmeling, past and present heavywelgni champions, the latter a winner of that honor on a foul by Jack Sharkey, Tunney, sitting back of the piess seats, was loathe to express an opinion, 4 "I didn't see the blow that was judged low," he sald, "T do halieve though that Carnera is a good ring prospect," the Allan Cup, Each season Mari time champions have done hetter trophy than in previous years and in play for the premier amateur and added incentive has been add- of In that the 1931 holders of the Canadian championship will repre: sent Canada in the Olympic Games, To, date some fifteen Upper Can: ada players have reached the Maritimes and are located with prominent teams, Many teams will do away with coaches this season but will strengthen their line-ups with experienced players. Maritime hockey leaders made the prediotion, even at this early Atage that Down Kast will be rep: Tesen by a redoubtable six in 1081, The Allan Cup preliminary hetween Quebec and the Maritime representatives will be staged at the: Forum, in Halifax, the only artificial ice arena east of Mont: real, and hookey moguls are lay. ihe wlan with 3 iow fo Bringing ahout the' elimination of the Que: Man ahanisnine Pit. Bh Maritime representatives iu three sugcessive seasons, PORT SNAPSHOT BY Ong, OMNAY Oporis Bll. Lacrosse Doubleheader Tomorrow Night Something new and entirely different will be presented to the la. crodse fans of the city tomorrow night, namely a lacrosse doubleheader There will be a twinshill lacrosse party wt the Motor City Stadium to- morrow night, starting at 5,15 pm, sharp, The Oshawa intermediate and 'junior lacrosse teams will be both seen in action in league games The Oshawa Shamrocks meet Campbeliford intermediates, starting at 515 pm, and the Oshawa General Motors Juniors play their first , league game of the year against the strong Brampton team, string at 700 pm. Ld LJ » LJ] Two Good Games for One Admission Both of these games will be well worth seeing and there should be # large crowd of fans on hand to take advantage of this splendid opportunity, The Shamrocks won their first game of the season from Millbrook rather easily, but this Campbellford team promises to provide much stiffer opposition and the locals will have to give their best if they want to make it two in a row, The Oshawa GM.C, juniors have a snappy team lined up and, although this will be their first game of the season, they are determined to win, Brampton always has a strong junior team and apparently this season is no exception as they defeated the strong Maitlands' team about a week ago, It is seldom that lacrosse rans have the change of seeing two good 1a crosse games in one night, at the same place and for one admission and there should be a good crowd on hand, The admission is 35 cents LJ Ld LJ] LJ Phillips and P, and 8, Teams Win Phillips and. Parts and Service were the 'winning intenediate teams in the softball doubleheader at the Stadium last night, The Phillips defeated The Times in a 'close game, The Newsies made a gallant bid for a lust inning vietory, but they failed by one run, The Parts and 'Serviee took things fairly easy with the ( olumblas and won 16 to 4, The games were not as fast as some havebeen lately, hut they were fairly interesting LJ 1] Ld Ld Fine Pitching Wins for Bakery Lloyd Towns almost attained the "pitcher's dream' when he scored a shutout on the Duco Boys by 12 to 0. not have a long strikeout list, but he forced the opposing batters to knock fly balls and his teammates gathered them all in without a single error, Rorabeck obtained a sera h hit to spoil Towns' record This Bakery team are going "all out" at the present time and there should be M big crowd on hang at the Motor City Stadium on Friday night of this week; to see the Bakery and the Parts and Service juniors play & sudden-death game to decide the winner of the first half of the schedule last night, Towns did * w * Ld OM.1, Wins Exhibition Game : Ihe OM. defeated the Chosen Friends ladies' softball team in ht by a score of 18 to 16 an exhibition game at Cowan's Park last nig ast, both teams scoring early and often, The The game was not very | { for & while the is The Malleables did not use their regular team ane \ ) Vv Iwo sue was very doubtful, but they finally drew away and won out h runs * + : . P, and 8, Teams to Practice he Parts and Service juniors will hold a practice at Park on Wednesday night, starting at 6.30 pm and the P, ane termediates will hold a practice at the same place on Thursday night, starting at the same hour, All members of these teams are requested to be on hand for these practices, LJ * * v Horseshoe Tournament at Janetville The Presbyterian Church of Janetville will hold Tournament on Wednesday, June 25, Each team will play one with each team in the group, the winners playing off the finals, The entries must all be made by 4.30 p.m. tomorrow and the entry fee is 50 Each team must supply their own shoes Here's a ors Horseshoe Alexandra i 5. ins a Horseshoe game cents per team, chance for some of the members of the local General Mot and Quoit Club, Good prizes are being offered, . LJ . . Two Games at Cowan's Park Tomorrow There will be two games at Cowan's Park tomorrow night, The Red Aces and St, Gregory's juveniles will hook up in. a scheduled juv enile fixture, This game will be played on the main diamond, In the far corner diamond, the OMI, ladies' team will play the Duco Hoys jr; team, in an exhibition game ¥ . . » New Golf Course for Orono The village of Orono has its golf enthusiasts us well as any other : places. At a meeting of these enthusiasts held recently, a club was organized and officials elected, The prospective grounds are located about two and one half miles west of Orono, It is proposed to eon struct suitable greens and clear up the fairways this year » . * . N.C,0.'s Defeat Legion Team The "Non-Coms." defeated the Legion "All-Crocks" last night in a game at Alexandra Park last night by a score of 26 to 16, The game was very exciting, heavy hitting and daring base-ninning predominat- ing. Towns Scores Shutout Victory Over Duco Boys - Lloyd Towns Turns in Fine Performance and Almost Attains Pitcher's Dream | of No Hit, No Run Game «~--Rorabeck Obtains al Scratch Hit to Spoil Towns' Chance --Bakery Team Gives Towns Per. fect Support and Win the Game, 120 Towns, stellar moundaman for the Oshawa Bakery softball nine, came within an noe of realizing a pitcher's dream, and twirling a no. hit, no-run game yesterday evening. One serateh infleld hit was the only thing that marred his record during his team's seven Inning struggle with the Duco Boys, Hehind his effective hurling, his mates gave him air tight support, and lammed out 14 hits to give him a 12-0 shut t vietory, . Rorabeck, lead off man on the Dude Boy baiting order, was the lad whe ruined Towna' otherwise perieci piteling record, Caine to bat in the third funing with no ohe on base, and two down, Roraveck "beat out an infield bounder, and | burnt up the cinders to arrive at 'first ahead of the throw, The de- cision was a hair line one at that, i the umpire's decision was fin: al, . A peculiar thing about Towns performance was the fact that he registered only one strikeout .aunrs Ing the game; one less than his vival, Parfait, His deceiving slants had a lft on them that kept the Duco Boys popping the ball up into the alr, and no leis than thirteen Duco batters were retired on fly balls, The Bakers were death on files all evening and gathered them in errorlessly, 'he only error ered. ited to the side throughout the in. wings, wan oredited to Towns him. self, The Duce Boys put up a good defensive hattle, and held the Paks ors to twelve runs, a comparatively small total in more than one soft: ball game that haw taken place in Oshawa this season, They were fin: potent, however, against the fine Dltetting. ant faultless fiychasing of the Bakery, Goodall, Bakery middle sacker lashed out the only home run of the game In the fifth inning, with no one on base, Rigi wit hs landing alu N ree clean hita In five 1% the plate, Ti 1 YOUNG STRIBLING HAS HAND IN CAST e---- Chicrgo, June 24,~Young Birib- og, no longer regarded Among heavyweights As the boy with & schoolboy ' Nghting complexion, placedghis eft hand back into & plaster cast yesterday and awaited developments in the leather tossing Industry, gince the '"erippled" left Land paralized Otto von Porat, the Nor- weglan in less Lhan a round at the Chicago Stadium on Vriday night, the punching Georgian has heen veritaibly showered with offers but han shoved them rll aside confident ly waiting one that will give him a shot at Max Schmelipg's heavy weight crown, His parental manager, "Pa" #itrioling, has cabled Promoter Jeff Dixon in London a request for a #0-day postponement of his son's match with Phil Beott scheduled for next month, because of the "crip. pled" hand, Townsend K. O's. Purvis In 3rd. Round Toronto, June 24.----While three { rounds Against A strong opponent, do not make sn challenger & champ. fon there were many who left Lhe Avena Gardens last night with the firm conviction that Billy Townsend of Vancouver will be the next welterweight champlon of Canada, as soon a8 he meeis Jackie Phillips of this city, who holds the crown at present, but who is unable to ap pear in defense of it because of an injured hand which has been slow to respond to treatment, Time alone will tell If Townsend is as good as he appeared last night, hut judging from the eight minutes and twenty-five seconds tiuat he worked against Jack Purvis he is the best that has shown in these parts for a long time, He demonstrated con. vineingly that he is a 'real challeng- or for the Phillfps' title but the pos. espion of the crown must await the meeting of the palr, It is quite a time since a Cana. dian hoxer came fo Toronto with such a glowing record and there was considerable doubt as to his ability in the ving, He showed glowing form in the gym but fans awaited his appearance against Purvis Inst night to get a real line on hig abil. ity, And they gol one; an even more impressive one than they antl cipated, Townsend has practically everything that a high-class lad needs, He has speed, a good left and a damaging right, Of the latter Purvis will be sufelent evidence, The Indianapolis lad is a rugged welterweight who has 'met lots of the heaviest hitters in the class hut last wight he was down for three counts' of nine and ten, all in the third round and after the hout Dr larton, the commission's physicians had an X-ray taken of the losers Jaw to make sure that it had net been fractured, Purvis and his manager both stated after the bout that Townsend was the bardest hit. ter the Indianapolis ad had en. countered, INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE RED WINGS WIN Jersey City, June M.=Kddie Del ker, pinghehitting for Plicher Littles john, in the tenth inning, came through with a double to right centre with the bases loaded to give the Rochester Red Wings a hard-earped triumph over the hy City Skeet. ers by a score of 4 to 1 in the open~ ing game of the series here yester- day BISONS MAKE 33 HITS Reading, June 24.---Buffale prob. ably created a new International Loss gue cord when the Bisons pounded out 33 base hits .v trounce ending by 23 to § in the first of the series, Five doubles, a triple and two home runs, hit by Hawks and Mueller, were included in the base-hit total, Five Reading pitchers worked while Levs ura and Mangum easily stopped the evs, ROYALS TAME BEARS Newark, June 24.--~Montreal defeat ed Newark 10 to 4 here yesterday, handing the Bears their third straight defeat in two days, The Roy. ala staged a big scoring apuee in the third inning, sending eight runs a. cross the plate, Harvin, Faulkner and Brennan toiled on the menud for the fase 8 ud were touched for a total 0 th ; Oshawa Bakery: © 3 o loss cusrousy Hurst, Cornish, a8, + Trott, If, Hall, 3b, iv A Seyden, 1b, ,, §° Goodall, 2h, .. 4 Daniels, 0.1, 2 Amsherry, of 4° Towns, Cs BIS DW OD eh i 19 580 0g mt t= es 4 8D ng - Bo sine te mere -- oe | coo >o>s>oH - = 2 5 =i Duep Roya, Rorabeck, 2b, Cooper, a8, Price, 1h, Dove, If (v4 Higging of, 00 'Wilson, of, Parfait, p, Bturgess, dh 0 Major, oy Gudgeon, 1, = To =. Suwa ea DUP WD DODO |es~s2co~ce= 1 i So | actors esse ese =! ee | re | DODO DS OIE E--- uri a - = Struckoutt == by Town; 1; Parfait 3, sagen on ballai Towns 1 of Parfait 8 Double Hall to Curnish to Seydew, in Ath tania. Home. Rani Goodall" "Umpires, Goodall and Play, Goodall: scorer, BR. Belly _. {Off Phillips Nose Out Newsies P. and S. Defeat Columbias In Softball League Games Newsies Stage Fine Rally in Last Two Innings and Just Fail to Tie Up Game With Phillips at 12.11 -- Parts and Service Team Puts Columbias Away Fairly Ensily -- Heavy Hitting Features Both Games at the Motor City Btadium last night in the intermediate softhall doubleheader, In the first game (he Newsies made a desperate rally but just fail. ed to nose oul thelr opponents, the Phillips, who won the game by a soore of 12 to 11, As the score Indicates, the games was very close and exciting, with the heavy hitting of hoth teums predominating, The Times outhit the winners by 17 to 15 hut they falled to huneh thelr safeties or get them when they meant runs and although they made a gallant rally Leats Lose 13 - Innings Game to Birds Baltimore, June 24,~It took the Orioles 13 innings to turn the trick hut the visiting Toronto Ieafs were doused in the first game of the ser- les here yesterday by a count Jimmy Dalrymple came through with the biww thal finally decided the game and for that veason he has qualified for a place in the niche reserved for local ball heroes However, there were so many spots marked with brilliance that It 1s hard to settle down to any one in partioutar, For instance, there was Johnny O11). called in tp pineh hit 'in the ninth when the Flock was trailing, 6 to 7. Johnny res ponded with a homer, to knock the affair, Then there was the eighth frame, When the locals entered that spot they were trailing 8 to 7, and the affalr appeared to be a total loss, I wan here that Heinle Band caught hold of one of Frank Harnes' teas ers and nent it out of the lot, seor: Ink MoGowan ahead of him and putting the. Flock in the game, ------------------_---- Leroy Rennie Is Eliminated by Unknown Player Montreal, June 24.=The defeat of Leroy Rennie, Toronto, sixth rank ing player in the Dominion and seed ed after Marcel Rainville in the draw, proved the sensation of play in the first two rounds od the Pro vince of Quebec lawn ténnis champ lonships played on the courts of the Westward AAA club yesterday, '| Rennie fell before the steady play of an almost unknown French-Cana- dian lefthander, B, Faubert, Montreal who captured the match, 6-4, 6-8, 7-5 Apart from this unseemly disaster, visiting players fared well during the day, Leo Hilte, M, P, Margesson and L, R, Burnard, all of Toronto, came through two rounds each with gom: parative ease, Hilte, another lefthand- er, who plays for McGill University, had the most difficulty of the three, being exténded to three sets in 'the morning and winning a keenly con. tested struggle in the afternoon, ack Purcell Loses Leading Toronto women player are expected In town this evening als though Miss Jean Burritt arrived in the morning and wen her first round match with ease. Jack Purcell, Tor- onto, Canadian badminton champion, taking up tennis dgain after a lapse of some years, met with little luck in the present tournament, losing in the first round to Gerry Wayland, of Montreal, 6-2, 7-8, Purcell, with a lo» cal partner, won. in doubles, however, of | in the last two innings, they fafled to catch their opponents by one rum, The score at the end of the Afth stood 12 to 6 for the Phillips ana the Newsies scored three in the wish and two more in their inst but the Phillips tightened up and won the game hy the edd run, Wilson, the losing hurler did not perform as well as he usually does, He gave three fres tickets and not one of the Phillips team went out by the sirikeout route, On the other hand, Bhewchuk was in fair ly good form, He issued four free peesen and only struck out two men bul he was given sxcellent sup port by every member of his team and this was the deciding factor in the victory, This makes the second win fy » few days for the Phillips, Unless the other Teams watch their step, they are going to find themselves trailing the 'hillips hefore long, With such heavy hitters as 0, Wpencer, 1, Bonehame, Petrie and Hepburn, on their line-up, the Phile Ilps are a menace to Any team, Lyeett, Hubbell and Huxtahle wera the big guns for the Newsies, each gotiing threes hits Reora by Innings: 1 2 8 4 Phillips 4311800 Times 0042038 2-11 The teams, Phillips,--~Bpencer, It; B, Boneham, 2b.; Petrie, 3h I, Boneham, ws; R, Boneham, 1h; Hepburn, ef; Bowler, ¢.; Leveque, rf; and Bhewehuk, p Times=Kitchen, ¢.; Burr, 2h; Lyeoett, ef; Brown 8h,; Hubbell, r.f, Huxtable, 1.1; Hood, 8.8.) Mes Arthur, 1h; Wilson, p NECOND GAME In the second game the Paris and Bervice intermedianes had no difficulty in disposing of the Colum« bias, The score was 16 to 4 The Columbians were outplayed in practically every department end although they tried hard, they wera never given mueh leeway and Alex, Webster and his teammates always had the game well in hand The P, and BH, team pounded Amerch's slants hard for a total of fifteen hits, The Columbians gather: od eight safeties fri Webster, three of them coming in the last inning, when the Columbias sent three runs across the plate, The winners scored in every jn ning except the first while the los- ers did not break into the score column until the last two innings Ross was a big man with the wi! low for the losers, getting three hits out of three trips to the plate, J. Faly got two out of three None of the P, and 8, batters and a perfect night hut Rowden, T Bilott, 8B, Hubbell, €, Blliott and Atkinson all had a good night, The game produced some good softhall but was not as interesting an the Arst affair, Heore by innings: 1 28 4546 Total 0 241238 6-14 Columbians 000071 3 td The Teams: Parts and Rervics, Gummow, 2h. Gray, 1I,; Rowden, 0.) Webster, pi T, Elliott, sn: A, Hubbell 1h; €, Elliott, db, Atkin. son, r.f.; and Little e.f, Columbian--Toppings, 8b: RR, Fair, efi Arnold, ei Shellenkof, a8 Luke, Abi Ross, 1.0. J, Fair, rf: W, Fair, 1b Smereh, pi Keenan, 4b, and MeKay 1b, Umpires (Both Games) Garrow and Dell, Soe CARI W Lump r (0 5 67 Total 12 P, and N Scotland Woollen Mills 8. ROTINH, Manager a a NOVARRO'S greatest romantic TRIUMPH! He sings new songs to enchant you! He wins your heart with his dashing acting!

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