Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1930 "Bowmanville Daily Times of will be received at the 4 Times In Cowan ystem Little Interest Taken in Big * "Public Issue and Only 329 MAJORITY AGAINST "oan BY LAW WAS 41 South Ward Strongly Op- + posed -- Town Will. Be Unable to Share in Local . Hydro Profits ihe voters of the town have sid it with baliots and the result is the defeat of the by-law to pur «ahase the local electric power mys tem from the Hydro Blectric Com- mission, There would seem 10 'Wave been a certain amount of "ack of interest in the result as by the official figures only #49 voters availed themselves of Lhe Peight to mark thelr ballots, Among the oitigens-there seemed to be AN "gnbrance bf benefits to be deriv ed from the purchase plan, There "wis also the feeling that the by Jaw will go, whether I vote or not. It has heen felt in the town for 4 Yon time that the power rates Wave heen too high, and the citi 'gens have thought that with the 1 'were making 'system it, should be "feo the rates to some extent al , The dle has been east' however and the town will 'continue to pay the Hydro for the power. used si a fixed rate, with no share in the profits as would be the case. If the'town own. od the equipment {1 the town and paid for that system out of the profits that -esme to them fron the sale of power within the muni. cipality, In all probability the town will go on paying for their power af the old rates, when by purchubing the system the rates could have been lowered material ly in the 'course of several years after the purchase was put through ns was pointed out at the open meeting held in the opera house several weeks ago, Two wards gave the by-law an majarity, hut it remained for the south ward to pile up a majority Against it, The figures of the vot. ing In the various wards tell the rtory of the voting, For Against - By-law Bylaw West. Ward ys 40 Lh North Ward vv »,» WM Lh] South Ward ,, 11 7 186 profit. the HM trom the, possible to i Total" 1.» +7... 444 Majority amainat, 41, 'Bowmanville, Cobourg and 'Other Urban Municipalities . Win in Counties Council County Rate Will be Levied ' On Equalized Assessment "For 1920 and- Not on Total Valuation of Rate able Property Aan ------ Bowmanville, Cobourg and oth or urban muniolpalith in the United Counties of Durham and »Northumberiand. have won a vie tyory in the counties council in sthat: this year's tax rata is to be *Havied on the equalized assessment gt 1980 and not on the total valu \mtion of the rateable property in two counties prepared for this jon hy Ceol. T.J. Johnaton, of 'Patethorough, Geo, Thompson, of | '@abourg and R, J, Rowe, of Clarke * "township, It Is Obvious that assessments | e rural municl "or ly placed lower urban and ne oh ' Jess into the counties tr via ry under the equalized masess: ment th if the total valuation «8k the le property ware tak: Northumber: vate of fs 1.00 mills nd' and Durham higher than last year, nthe sessional manosuvres kround and over the question of agualising the assessment of the nties, which has been virtually Ansbanted for twentysseven years, 8 MN tatives of the towns and villagse snatched a vietory at their ast barricade, Their de fenaive campaign earlier in the week reached 'a rather hopeless : on Friday morning at which | protest. was registered «against the incidence of the new io #2 i "I hit freely, but the muperie [00 @iag of he Whiston" tom or valuation as the equalised sasess- ment for this year's taxation, During the noon recess, howevs er, luck gave the towns a "break or possibly they had been aware all fhe time of the legal support whieh they ultimately evoked, Their Helpful Clause They interviewed Col, Fred D, Boggs, K.Oy counties molisitor, who confirmed their opinion of the deterring force of the follow: ing olause of the statues as apply: ing to the new valuation: "The council of a county, in ap portioning a county rate. among the different townships, towns and villages within the county, shall, in order that the same may be as sessed equally on the whole rate able property of the county, make the assessment of property equas lised In the preceding year the basis, upon which the apportion: ment is made, In other words, this year's tax rate can apply only to the equalis- od assessment as fixed last year, The naw valuation, therefore, oan be adopted this year, but. merely AK, the equalised assessment for the county taxes of 1041, y | S---- FIFE AND DRUM LOSE TO WHIZ The Whix team added another vietory te thelr win column' when they defeated the strong Pits and Drum team to the tune of '17 to 10 in a town league fixture last night; The Whits team made their presences, felt with hase hits and home runs, On the defense it was a cane of the Whis felders being in the right place at the right time, Their infield in particular pulling some nige plays. Whis OL Away to a big lead early in oe game and were never headed, Although the Fife and Drum out fit got within two runs of tylng it Np on one occasion. Moth pitohears fielding the end, A woman's heart Is like an egg: Ahell-=to t o-- hallo oughor hat It agems De. evening, uz DEFEATED BOMANVILLE INSOCGER GAN Ton Team Had Upper 'Hand Throughout-- Visit. Many enthusiastic turned out on Saturday t to witness the foothall game hetween Bowmanville and the team frou Courtice, at the High Hehool grounds, The game was a clean exhibition of the Wnglish nations! pastime and had the growd cheer: fog on many occasions, ight from the kick-off the town team had the upper' hand and pressed the play into thelr oppons ents' territory, Good passing was much in evidence and the town team soon scored on a fast shot by Mimpson, Courtice tried hard but could not score, The second halt was faster than the fivet, with the town team still having the greater part of the play, A second gonl came on & shot by Hackett and served to make the play all thy faster, Courtis tried all they knew to overcomes the two goal local rolled up hy the Bowmanville team hut wera unable to score, the game ending with the score, Bow. manville 2, Courties 0, The teams! ew Bowmanville==Gosl, J, Knight; Packs, A, Lobb and Davis; Half: backs, Bathegaite, King and Bruce; Forwards, Gilchrist, Hack: ott, Bimpson, Dobson and Ballen, Courties --- Goal, Penfound| Packs, Nichols and Courtice; Half: backs, Tonkin, Osborne and Warde; Forwards, Brown, Muir, Hartley, Muir and Balson, Neferea--N, Reynolds, Molina, LINDSAY YOUTH FATALLY HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT Car Upset Going Down Steep Grade Near Janet. ville n-- Kenneth Stinson died in tha Ross Memorial Hoeapital in Lind- say: At noon yesterday as the res sult of the injuries ha received in an automobile acoldent, near Janetville, on Sunday afternoon, Stinson, in company with four other young men was on the way to Janetville station. in a car driv: on by Albert Pierce, when the car turned over in the diteh pinning young Stihson heneath {t, Ronald 'Stinson, brother of «the deceased, sustained a 'broken arm but the other three ocoupants of the oar, including Plerce, escaped Injury. County Constable mith, ol Powmanvitle, is conducting an in: vestigation of the necoldent, It Wan stated that the car was travel. ling at an excessive rate of speed. NEWS ABOUT TOWN ' OPENS NEW SHOP Mr, R. KE Logan has opened a new shop In which he wil cons tinue his plumbing and steamft- ting business, Mis new shop In locajed in the bullding over Geo. Weeke's paint shop, in front of Taylor's Skating Rink, on King ftreet, Kast, FETURN TO TOWN Mr, and Mra. DB, HW. Mortlock have returned to town and are now occupying a cottage at the Cream of Barley Camp for the re mainder of the weak, \ GOODYRAR VN, WHI Goodyear are scheduled to play a Town League Rofthall game in the Publie hool grounds this with the Whis team, Goodysars have a lot of lomt ground' to regain through: their loss to the Fife and Dram outfit and will be out for a win, The game in called for 7 pm, ------ Dr, and Mrs, Taylor and twe daughters of Toronte, were Hun. day visitors with Mr, and Ms, Taylor in town, | PAINTS HN BLOCK Mr. DP, a , Wwner of the Cowan Block on King 8t, In having the front of the block painted in hlack and white, With a new ooat of paint the block pre sents a very natty appearance and in a oredit to ita owner, The apart ments over the stores have also esday Morning Special 9 § ALLE N "A" : Pure Silk Hose in shades of Gun Metal, Nuadus, Frome, Nude Substandards of $1.00 Quality, Wednesday Morning =~ ~~ 49c PAR Ll ators Ww [heen lyon a thorough senovation, (having } boon pupered snd painted, MRK. J. A, DOUGLAS Cobours, June 28.~The body of Mrs, J. A, Douglas, who died in Tovonto on Friday, 'was interred in Bowmanville Cemetery, yester day afternoon. Mrs, Douglas ba. fdve hier marriage wag 'Miss Amy Hunter 6f Newcastle, 'Besides hor husband she 'ls survived by her mother, 'Mrs, William Hunter, Newcastle, three sisters, Mrs, WV, Li. MeCargar of Moose Jaw, Mrs J: R, Cary and Mrs, Povey Ranson, Belleville, and by five brothers, fllism and Joseph Wunter of Belleville, J, Hunter of Trehern, Man,, fam Hunter of Seattle, and Hugh Hunter of Toronto, BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE 4 Vvon Lest PC Baltimore: oovviees 26 Rochester 41100010 Montreal, Toronto , Buffalo , ersey Ci owark Reading voip YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Baltimore ,.,. xB Toronto iv 101 x=13 Innings Rochester ,... xd Jersey City 10.1 #10 innings Montreal , 10° Newark e104: Buffalo 8) Reading viii d GAMES "TO-DAY Toronto at Baltimore, Buffalo at Rewding, Montreal at Newark, -a Rochester at Jorsoy City, ---------------------- AMERICAN LEAGUE Philadelphia ' Washington New York ,.. Cleveland Detralt .vivivriie St. Louls ,,, Chicago +1000 Boston... YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Philadelphia 2-17 Chicago ,.....1:9 York 156 St.Louis ... aston 2 Washington , 9:3 Detroit Cleveland ,., GAMES TO-DAY Chicago at Philadelphia St. Louls at New York, Detroit at Boston Cleveland at Washington NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost Brooklyn , Mg 2 Chicago 4+ ; New York | St, Louis 4414 Boston Pittsburg Philadelphia Cinelnnat) , " veers ten tian Pc, or TREE een -" bs 30 30 32 3 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Chicago ial Philadelphia Brooklyn .,J9 Plttshurg | New York Cineinnatlh ooo Boston St. Lous GAMES TODAY Boston at St. Louis, Brooklyn at Pittsburg New York at Ulnglnnati, Philodelphia at Chicago, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 'on Lest, PC 42 Jn KAJ Lowlsville «visions St, Paul Toledo Indianapolis Columbus Kansas City Minneapolis Milwaukee "" 2 AJ] YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Kansas City 4 Indianapolis .. 3 Toledo ..... «15 St Paul oy iii00d xMinneapolis 8 Columbus ..\ #11 innings, Louisville 10 A ONTARIO LEAGUE Non Lon wl Milwaukee ood PC 784 000 Ld A00 Ja St, Catharines London «vis Guelph | Brantford St. Thoma Hamilton ree ee 'victory, Babe 7 | youns and 0) ui Upsets Occur ile Manush 8 A gon ne, anion. o| ED Advertsing, subsuriptions and Whithy Branch Ber Aitor BAPTIST PON HELD SATURDAY Over 100 Enjoyed Annus! Outing Held at French. man's Bay ----PA The annual plenic of the Baptist Church Buntay School, held on Saturday afternvon at Frenchman's Bay, was made a. congregational' avent, and over 100 snoyed the out- ing. It wan the Jargest crowd on re. ieord to attend a plenie of the loo | | ehuroh, The trip was made In ears, and on arrival at the delightful plento grounds a programme of races for was run off, prizes being awarded for each event, Soma enayed bokting, swimming and other forms of recreation, and the afternoon passed all Lo quickly, About five o'clock the big event of the afternoon, the plenic Juneh, occupied the attention of all, Heav- fly inden baskets of good things were spread out, and keen appe- titen did the rest, A good committee had charge of the plenie and it proved to he wonderful success, The Whitby Daily Times gows will be, received ab the ot Gog (tr und UhronicleTolophone hone' 800, REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON WHITBY BOYS ARE STILL MISSING Efforts Have Failed to Lo- cate Jack Forster and Boyd Johnson No word has been received re. garding the two Whithy boys, Jack Forester, aged 18, and Boyd John. sion, aged 17, who I8ft thelr homes here on ¥riday night stating that they would be back, All efforts to locate thelr whereabouts "have so far failed, Both boys wers supplied with a little money, one of them, it ww sated, having $80.00 which he had saved, Forester, it Is learned, had intimidated that he had another job 10 80 Lo but was not taken seriouss Ig, Ha has been employed hy Wm, Moaker as driver, The mothers of both boys are very much worried, and have en. listed the ald of the police, news papers and radio stations, The - general opinion doeally in that when the boys have exhausted their funds, they will return home, unless they are successful in secure ing positions, Neither of the hoys have been away very much from home, In Br. Tennis Tournament Wimbledon, Eng, June 84, The opening day of the Hritish tennis champlonshigs was marked by a number of upsets which re. duced considerably the fighting strength of the British Empire contenders, Kdgar ¥, Moon, chan who was sxpected to show the way to A number of the stars from a soore of countries, lost to Wilmer Allison of the United States Davis Cup team In straight nets, 0<1, 0.9, 6-3, Canada's representative, W, A. H, Duff, was defeated by John Van Ryn of East Orange, N.J,, 6:0, 6:1, 7-6, Henri Coohet of France, the defending singles champion, was gives a hard Sattle by Hana Timmer, veteran Dutch Davis Cup star, but retained the honors by 9-11, 4-0, 6:4, 6:2 H, KX. Lester of the English Mid. \ands, an old Cambridge Blue and former member af the British Davis Cup team, oOaptured some of the glory for the Old Country by defeating Eugene MeAuliffe of New York, former Fordham Unis versity star Rubs "It In Without removing his sweater "Big. DINE Tiden achieved » stralght-nat victory over AA, Fynes of India, 6:0, 6:0, 03, George Loti of Chicago conquered Boni of Ine dia, 6-1, 6-1, 6:3, Timmer played great tennis againat Cochet, hut the little Frenchman applied pressure when in danger; and Timmer could not find the asrokes t at would have won for him a sensational victory, The Frenchman took the first set, but Timmer took the second, a long-drawn-out affair, 119, and then amased the crowd by winning the third at 6-4, Here Coohet ral lied In customary style, drew lavel at two sels all, and won the deciding set without particular trouble, AMERICAN LEAGUE ! BEAT WHITE SOX Philadelphia, June M.=The Phila: delphia Athletics beat the Chicago White Sox in both ends of a doubles header yesterday, winning a pitcher's duel 2:10 1 in the opening game and a battle of homers by 17 to 9 in the second game, : "Rob" Giove outplehed "Red" Fabs or in the first game, striking out 11 and giving only fiva hits, Grove struck out 10 men in the first five innings, Foxx drove in the Bing run In the 'sixth, and 8 scored Bish op with the winner In the "eleventh, YANKEES AREAN EVEN WITH New York, June 24«=The Yankees lost ground in the Ameticas League penant race yesterday, as they divi dod a der. with the St Louis Browns, winning the first 18 to 0 but losing the second 10 to 6 The division dropped the Yanks to turd place, as the Senators won two games from the Indians, The Yanks piled up a big lead in the first four innings of the opening ame, and coupled with four<hit pit- ching by Mery Johnson, coasted to uth led the attack with his twenty-fourth home run of the season, SENATORS CLIMB Washington, J ors batted themselves inte 'second place yesterday by taking both games of a doubleheader from the Cleveland Indians, 9:3 and The newcomers to the Washington club more: firmly established themes), ves in the esteem of the fans with a victor hn the 3 ATHLETICS r wan credit n Hine SOX ff § plon of Australia, & seeded player), 6 M.-The Senat: | ny tehing, the 2? 10.0 hte pit his | game In the elghth inning, Scarritt's single sent Todt and MacFayden a cross the plate in that frame, Sulli van allowed only four hits in all NATIONAL LEAGUE ROBINS EQUAL RECORD Pittsburg, Pa, June 24. -Tying two National League records while pound. mg out 28 hits of every description, the Brooklyn Robins yesterday des feated the Pittsburg Pirates, 19 to 'J In the sixth Inning, the Robins tied the one-inning consecutiveshit record held jointly by the Cubs and Cardi. nls, when they connected with ren successive hits, Lopez made the last out, being caught at the plate while trying to scors from second on a single, CUBS ROMP AWAY FROM . PHILLIES Chicaga, June 24.The Cubs burle ed Philadelphia under an avalanche of 24 hits yesterday and took the ses ries opener with football fAgures, 21 0 "Hack" Wilson led the assault on Pitchers Willoughby and Speece, dri ving out five hits, one of which was his twenty-second home run of the campaign The Phillies played very raggedly, losing many easy putouts and turning them into Cub hits, ---- GIANTS WIN PITCHING DUEL Cineinnatl, June 4.-Bill Walker had the better of a pitching duel with Ray Kolp, yesterday, with the result that the Giants shut out the Reds, J ta 0, to win the second game of the series, Walker held Cincinnati to six scat» tered blows, while the Gianta found Kolp for only eight safeties, An or: dinary single that bounced into a tris ple in the third inning was the turns ing point, BRAVES MAKE HITS COUNT St, Louis, June 2M.=The Boston Braves won a sugeing match from the St, Louis Cardinals yesterday, 12 to 9, The game was the first of the series, Wally Berger of the Braves hit his twenty-first home run of the: season, Waikins and High of the Cardinals also hit for the eireuit, "Did your little boy enjoy the party?" asked Mrs, Brown "1 think so," sighed the little boy's mother, 'He wasn't hungry ti half-paat five the next after noon!" She! "They say the moon has an influence on the tide" He: "Yeu, but more on the un tide," There were no reservations in the admiration hestowed by tho British press upon Bobby Jones, victor In Maturday's British golf tournament, finals, Nor was there nny expression of sour grapes in the golfing vineyard over his suc. oens at the expense of British layers, "The greatest of all ly. ng golfers," "the greatest golfing genlus of all times," wers amon) the encomiums showered upon the victor today, while one writer sug gosted humorously that he be con ceded both . amateur and open champlonships for Wie and Suto matically presented two cups year: ly: "This would restore the com. petitive spirit to golf," he sald, WEETAMOE LEADS CUP CONTENDERS IN INITIAL TRIALS | Newport, Rl, June 84--The Americas Gup defense yacht Weet amos yesterday came home first in the initial race of a weries of three with the other candidates Enterprise, Yankes and Whirl. wind, Trailing the Westamos wore the Enterprise, Yankees, Whirlwind und Vanitle In the order named, About two minutes time separated each boat at the finish line of the #0 miles course off Brenton's Lightship. The Vanitia is not ells gible as a defenss candidate, Als though the Weestamoe erossed thi finish line first her apparent vies tory was questioned hy the Enters prise which entered a protest, The protest was taken under considers ution and it appeared possible that the Weetamoe might be dis: fualitied, Little Binks had been invited to A party at his guvenor's house and during the course of the svenihg hin hostess trying to make conver: sation, asked him, "And, Mr, Binks have you an ear for musle?" "Wellewor-=no, mum," he muts tered; "I can't say I have, You see, Lshave only two---and one's for the telephone, and I use the other as A penrack!" : ingland's gloomy Dean" has amased the nation by breaking ins to poetry that is "almost flippant" But apparently this isn't all, He has had the temerty to declare that the modern girl and not the young man, is the "forward creature' of the age, "It was In the shadows of the abbey at the close of the service that I overheard a young man plead with his sweetheart: '1 don't wee why you suddenly refuse to. marry me, just because I asked you for one litle kiss. " "Recause,' replied the girl, 'any modern fellow who wouid Ask for A kiss fan't apgrespive enough to make a good lving.'" It was the day before Billy's birthday, wh «| Fly gil "I want you to come with me to choos a new' pair of trousers' sald the boy's mother, "They will he A present from father and myself,» Reaching the village Migh 8t, mother and son made a good ine apection of the shops, "Have you neén a par that you would like yet!" asked mother as they were gasing Into a olother's shop, 'Not yot, mum!" replied the boy, Presently they moved on to ans other shop, and before the boy's mother had time to look around Billy gave an exclamation of de light, "I've decided mum," he sald, "111 have that pair marked, 'Cane not be beaten," Christopherson in Rloux Falls "America compared with other gountries is An earthly paradise, and when I hear -Communistio growls I can't help thinking of Sane dy MoPherson, "Sandy the stone mason, Was drawing $13 a day but when his brother from the country asked him how he wan situated he shook his head, "But your Job's a good one, ain't 11?' said the brother, "Bure in,' said Bandy, 'How about the hours?' "Short, 'And the work?' ' 'Pleasant,' ' 'What's the trouble, then?" "The wagoes--that'y the trouble, "Rut holy smoke! "The wages, that's the trouble, growled Bandy, 'They're so darn high I ean't afford to take a'day off, "==fpringfield Union, Representative sald at a dinner Jones called upon his friend Smith, and found him wsitting In his shed with a much-mended inner tube of his bleyels wheel over his knee, "Puncture, Smith? he asked sympathetically, The other shook his head, \ "Then why are you covering the tube with all those patches?" fue quired Jones wonderingly. "Well, you see,' explained Smith "when 1 do get a punoture it'll be already mended." An American dootor «says that any woman by the use of: proper diet oan cure her husband of phil andering, Starting with Cantelope melon, we Auppose, Traftio Policeman (leaping out of the way: "Do you know anys thing about traffic rules?" Modern Young Thing: "Yes What fs it you want to know," Oliff-olimbor (in diftieyltion): "Did you tell the coastguard to come with a line?" Poy: "Yes, but hin wife won't let him have it, as she's got all her washing on it'* \ "Stephen," sald the parson, "the last time I met you you made me the happest man:n tha parish, Ye: oAuse you were sober, but today you make me tha most miserable because you are drunk," "Yeon, sald the impenitent Stephen, "but you nes today it's My turn to be happy." A -- erday. Ww lo ¥ anadian National TC ICRRTWHERE IN_CANADA

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