Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Jun 1930, p. 1

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Four Bables Abandoned Granby, Ques~~An investigation is being carried on by the local police, in o tion with mem- bers of the Provincial detective : | into the finding yesterday of fou bandoned | dooyway on Cowl . Bydney, ori hi rgd Com-~ monwealth Statistician estimates the area under wheat cultivation in Australis . exceeds 17,000,000 meres, In 1927-28, the latest year for which offfeial figures are Ha devoted 18, 279,088 morse 8 wheat and pro duced 118,199,775 bushels. Chinese Appointed Monthenhe ADPPTITIN of Dr, Kiang Kan-Hu, one of the fore- 'mo#. Chinese scholars, to the chairmanship of the department of Chinese 'studies, was announced following » meeting of the board of 'governors at McGill University, NEW RECORD MADE BY ONTARIO PILOT Eclipses by B85 Minutes Week's Flying Record | Set Recently foronto, June 44.~--Provinolal Air Fosce records made available yesterday by Captain W. Roy Max- well, Director of the service, re- veal that up to and including the week ending June 105, the force 'had flown 1,171 hours and 60 ; minutes more. on suppression and detection patrol than flown dus ing the corresponding period of 1910. his great record, Captain Max- well pointed out, was set with five machines fewer than were operat: ing a year ago now. Outstanding patrolling was dona by Pilot A. ©. Heaven of the Twin Lakes station, During the week of June 7 'a companion pilot, George Delehaye, flew 61 hours and 15 minutes, to break by BJ minutes the week's flying record got in 1920, Delehaye's record wan established with a Moth' machine, patrolling on seven consecutive days, but along came Heaven, the following week, to equal it, More: over, he accomplished it with an H.B 2-L flying boat, and 4n pix consecutive days flying, CANADIAN DRUG PROBLEM SERIOUS Medical Men Challenged to Take Steps to Save Na- tion From Curse (8B; Canadian Press Leased Wire) St, Andrew's, NB, June 24.-- Challenging members of the New Brunswick Medical Boclety, mee' ing here on the occasion of thelr golden anniversary convention, with the question, 'What is the medical profession going to do to save Canada from drug addlc tion?" Dr: 'Alfred . T, Bazin, of Montreal, president of the Cana: dian Medical Association, made It clear that Canada's drug problem 5 becoming Incréasingly ser fous. It was imperative, he, said, htat medics] men should give care: ful consideration to ways and means of preventing the menace . from assuming alarming 'propor- tiong. ) "Betaring that there are 8,000 known drug addicts throughout the "dominion, and that owing to this number 2,200 might be term- of "legitimate" in that they are receiving drugs under the direc oN Caathaier. Peo. out that of the rem A ; 1,50 1d "he restored » Pr fded there waa ainty that after leaving hos a exposed H @ ncingieos e to ine W rer i his 'professional audi { ph pital, supplies of ei Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer mes News Wie | It Is News" | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1930 15 Cents » Woek; 3 Cents » Copy wo TWELVE PAGES NGSFORD-SMITH IS OVER ATLANTIC. 56 Killed When Convicts Mutiny at Rangoon Jail SOLDIERS JOIN GUARDS IN TWO-HOUR BATTLE BEFORE PRISONERS ARE SUBDUED" Forty Convicts, Two Sent. ries, 11 Guards and Two Military Police Killed, 60 Convicts and 11 Guards Injured PRISONERS RAID ARMORIES OF JAIL Fight Police Until Ammuni. tion Exhausted in Desper- ate Attempt to Gain Free. dom (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Rangoon, Burma, India, June 24, ~~At least 68 persons were killed and 71 wounded in a mutiny in the central jail here this afternoon, af- ter malcontents had denounced the Simon report, Several hundred prisoners were returning from their employment in the workshops to the main hall for their meal whan they suddenly rushed the sentries guarding the inner gates, They slaughtered six of the war. dons and seized their rifles. Guards Check Advance' The mutineers then fought their way to an outer gate where they were halted by half a dogen doler~ mined guards The outer guards held several hundred of the desperate conviets at bay, until the arrival of the mill. tary police who surrounded the prison, Two hours of hand-toshand fight pg 'between the conviety and the military police ensued, The casualties as made known soon after the fighting subsided in. cluded killed: two wentries and 11 guards, two military police, one truek driver, 40 conviels, The ins Jured, 11 guards, 60 convicts, Rald Armory After the convicts had secured the weapons of the inner warders, they raided the prison armory, all equipping themselves with arms and ammunition, They then retraced thbir steps te the worshops, Taking cover wherever they found it, a Lhe workshop and with. out fts walls, the convicts kept up the battle with the forces of the law until * thelr ammunition way ex- hausted. 'They then surrendered. POWER RESOURCES OF CANADA TOLD AT CONFERENCE Cheap Electricity One of Biggest Reasons for Do. minion's Growth Berlin, Germany, June 24.--~Two in teresting and highly instructive pas person Canada's power resources and their developments were given today before the second world power congress in session here, : T, John- ston, director of the dominion water power and reclamation service of the department of the interior, Ottawa and Dr. O. Lefebvre, chief engineer of the Quebec Streams Commission to| Were the authors of the two papers, Mr, Johnston said that the manner in which the dominion's vast resours ces of Jotpeiced hydroselectric pow- er--conveniently located to Industrial centres amd for the exploitation of mineral, timber and other natural res, sources--has been the primary factor in the industrial development of the inion on recent years, nada's immense pulp and paper has: been made save iy supplies of low-price Bowe! " tely available to her timber s, while the same is true wit regard to the great development of her mineral resources wh oH ¥ himost niversally 4 ol nship to the m he continued, : Dr, Lefebvre was honored 5 esters 'day by beingatdected To PONE at '| the meetin onalizat tee 'and ecos io: problems of water power uti: reservoirs in Canada." | eativiaied that a total of 20 STRUCK BY TRAIN, FARMER IS DEAD John Cowie, Sheridan, Killed While Driving Horse at Oakville (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, June 24-John Cowle, 65, farmer, Sheridan, Ont, died as he. was being rushed to hospital here after béing struck by a Cana dian National train at Oakville this morning. The impack threw the buggy clear of the tracks and killed the horse, The driver after being dragged for some distrance was picked up by the train crew, On ward in an attempt to fly from Dyke, assistant East-We ots John Stannage and Capt, Saul, navigator, st Atlantic Flight BA This photo shows the four airmen manning the Southern Cross, whe ave today winging their way west. (reland to Now York, They are: Left to Right: Capt, k ingsford Smith, Van Meet Seen "as Link to Bind Units of Empire More Closely London, Eng, June 24,~A pub Ie nppeal for $50,000 towards the costs of the British Empire games to ha held at Hamilton, Ont, In August, was launched to day over the signatures of the Karl of Derby, president; Bir Leigh Wood, chairman, and Major. General J; 1, B, Reely, treasurer, of the British committee, Poor-Rox Robbed Stratford, --B8tratford's meanest thief was at work Ruuday afters noon, when he hroke the lock and robbed the poor-hox at Bt, James' e Angliean Chureh, Simon Commission Report Cobourg Hears Bennett Today Ontario Campaign. To. night at Nearby Town BY THOMAS GREEN, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent Toronto, June 24.-~Headed by a von Premier G. Howard Ferguson, On. tario 'cabinet ministers, dominion and provincial Conservative mem: bers this city accorded Hon. R, B, Bonnett a traditional Toronto wel come on his arrival here this morn- ing. Meveral hundred party stals warts were present to greet the Conservative chieftain as he alight. od from his train after closing his election campaign of western Can ada In Brandon on Saturday night, The erowd cheered the dominion opposition leader several times on arrival; and when. ister, Mr, Ben- nett and Premier Fhrguson were smilingly engaged tn & brief friend, ly discourse the cheers were re. newed, From the Central Toronto Women's Conservative Association, there was a presentation of a bou- nuet of flowers for Miss Mildred Bennett, At Cobourg to-night, the opposi- tion chieftain will fire the opening gun of his Ontario campaign, To» morrow evening he will speak at Woodstock in Oxford county, His next engagement will he at Montreal on Thursday night, where Mr, Bennett will deliver hig first campaign speach in the province of Quebec, On Friday evening, he will speak in Quebec City, and according to reports from Montreal his next address will be delivered on Hat. urday night at Ormstown in the constituency of Chateauguay-Hunt. ingdon, Following these engage. ments in Quebec provinee, Mr, Ben. net will depart for the Maritime provinces on a two weeks' tour, bo er prosented today 'was only ¢ been | Storage. j Bhp NE of Sea § et We ho selfish. viswpol a | statin ¢om- sto 'Who 1s 4 'baseball there was no oon . meting on ministers, to Ly So lebee ithe Jam . Conservative Leader Opens 4 | mouth Recommends Wide Changes (By Canadion Press Lossed Wire) Bombay, India, June 24.-Bwar- alist (Natonalist) comment on the recommendations of the Simon Commission on India Statutory and Constitutional Reform pub lished today was voloed pretiy well in the Bombay Chronicle whieh labelled Ita story "An Atrocious Document", wi fpaonncin history' as the outstanding example of mes nncholy meanness in one nation's treatment of another', the paper declared, © London, June 24.-~Indla, with its tesming millions, its history atretching back into dim antis uity, ever 'a story of division and Itferences, its many races, many tongues And many religions, 1% visualised In the wecond part of the report of the Indian Statutory Commission (the Bimon Commis- slon) as ultimately one strong, united nation ocoupying an ime portant place among the British Commonwealth of Nations, Although the process may: take many years, the report foresees India eventually welded into oue kreat confederacy under a feder al Government to which not only British Indin, with the exception of Burma, but also the individual Indian States, now under native rulers, would adhere, Eight Provinces In the meantime the report recommends the bullding of a fed: eration founded on the eight Gov- ernore" Provinces, namely, Mad. ras, Bombay, Bengal, Agra and Oudh, the Punjab, Bihar and Orissa, the Central Provinces and Serious Flood Occurs at Soo Log. Jam. in. Mississsugs River Washes Out Roads, Covers Highway (By Canadien Prose' Lossed Wire) Sault Ste, Marie, June 84, Ste, MariesSudbury trunk road be: ver, wherp the Mississauga river has overflowed ita banks covering the road toa depth of two to four feet in places and Shusing some. Wash outs are no worse.to-day than they were yesterday, in apite of fact that the area wan visited by 'a severe eleotrionl storm last night, Lumber company teams are ane to draw motor oars through the flooded area without charge, and the 'company has built a tems porary bridge at ond point where the road is badly washed out, 'The flood ix attributed to = oloud-burst on the w waters of the White river, a tributary of the Mississauga, which in turn caused a log jam In' the latter stream, the Joke. balugs plied tonty foot Qigh In Man dra at work now at the "the Mississauga fording the 'and. endeavoring ta wa. ® OM Lele Flood 'conditions along - the Sault || tween Iron Bridge and Blind Ri- |} BALDWIN ATTACKS NEWSPAPER BARONS, FOR OPPOSITION Trying to Force 'Their will on Party, Leader Claims (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, Juns 24,--Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin, the Conservative leader who has heen hammered recently in tha Rothermers #nd Beaverbrook press because of his alleged apathetio attitude toward empire free trade end the cone: quent food taxation polley, attacks ed the 'nawspaper harons' at a specially, called Conservative par lamentary meeting today, Mr, Baldwin 'sald that Lord Rothermoe and Lord Beaverr brook were attémpting te impose thelr "will on "he Conservative party as the price of their support, going so far an fddientine thot they must know In advance the principal eabzne. mummers if tae Conservatives ure sucoesaful in the next elections, "A more preposterous: and in solent demand, wig never made on. the leader of any political party," exclaimed Mr, Baldwin ve. hemently after reading a letter he sald Lord Rothermere had written to ona - of Baldwin's political | friends, wetting forth the guaran teen required for support, "I re. pudiate it with contempt and | will tight that attempt at domina- tion to the end." FEES INCREASED BY McGILL UNIVERSITY Montreal, June Sd--Inoreassd foes of $25 In the faculties of arts, commerce and music were announce: od following n meeting of the board of governors of MoGMIl University yesterday, The increase was made nécessary hecause of the deficits shown by the university and, based on last year's registration, would augment the annual receipts by $30,000, Constantine, Algeria, June 24, A score or more of workmen wera buried beneath tons of debris when a bufld! Ander construction here suddenly tumbled to-day and caught them before they vould maln points of Wate, : CANDIDATES NOMINATED (Que: bec)=~Thomas Maher, Conserva. tl QuENKC QURRBOMO bee) ~<Henr} PORTNEUT (Quabeo)=-Dr. Jules Denroc! 1 1 OHARLEVOIX-SAGUENAY WEST {Qutbeg)orard: hora 4 ENOY © (Ques iviguour, Liber hers, val, Quebec ) ww Arthup Desaultniors, Li 1 1 | SALKIRK (Manitoba )==John Naws fgowaky, Communist, OTTAWA (Ontario)==K, R, B, Che. vrier ands T. Franklyn Ahearn, Liberals, : VAUDREUIL-SOULANGES (Ques )=Dt, Joseph Thauvette, Lis beral ) TARONMA__ Lien Far Bond, KO, Libaral, HNREAN NAB h {Ontania) fos RAC ARATAT. RATAN BAS W, Spotton, Conservative, .,, Aunbrey Duncan Report Provisions All Carried Out, Says King (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire) Bydney, N, 8. June 84,~=In the heart of the coal and steel distriet of Cape Breton, Premier MacKenwle King Iast night opened his Nova Heotin campaign, This Is the Afth provinee of Canada to he visited hy the Prime Minister on hix present tour, and the meeting was one of the lay ad most Aiitbinstle which he addroased thus far, n wi lion to the hg Hon. I, I. Ralston, minister of na- tonal defense, and ND, A. Cameron, Lberal 'eandidate In South Cape Breton, spoke, Puncan Report Carvied "T stand here to-night and say to the Maritime provinces that thare in not a major recommendation In the Duncan report----not a recom» mendation of any real significande-- that we have not carried out In letter and in spirit," Premier King sald, He asserted that the govern. ment was ridiculed hy its Conners vatlva opponents when it proposed to appoint the Duncan commission, The appointment of a minister of fisheries, the reducton of marl time freight rates, the payment of bounties on coal, the increase in provincial subsidies, ald to the movement of Nova Sootia coal to the central markets of Canada. these were referred to an Indicating the sustained effort of the govern. ment to assist the provinee of Nova Scotia and the Maritimes, Kight=Hour Day Mr, King referring to the éights hour day, asserted that his govern. ment had not the power to bring in an eight-hour day law, Under the constitution, the alght-hour day Was a provincial matter, "I ses no reason why there should not be (Continued on Page 3) Many Injured In Spanish Riot Fights Following General Strike Cause Grave Situation (By Canadian Piss Leased Wire) Seville, Spain, June f4-~Heveral persons weve gravely fjured and abaut 100 suffered minor hurts in the rioting on the atreats «f Seville tdax as An outgrowth of a general L h More than 150 perso were ins jured in disorders yesterday and fighting was resumed as the strikers again began demonstrations, Among those injured in today's' disorders hi a child who was reported to be ying, Martial 1dw wan In effect, Cafes, business houses wera closed, the ins | habitants of the oity were indoors and the streets were dessrtey ea. cept where the strikers were congre. gating, The number of tho arrested wan not revealed but the Jallx were filled to overflowing, \ At a dosen different sections In the residential and factory districts the battles raged; infuriated' steik- ora and sympathizers clashing with police and oivil guards both mounts od and afoot, The tr © ohueged frequently, Xhooking the ploters down with horses and fivin many ARIE) TERUG LAE Ri SE wee used the butts of their Jittols and pifias, and wialded tha fataldes: of | thelr sabers, Solloway, Mills Are Convicted Pay Total of $280,000 in Fines, But Appeal Jail Terms Imposed : Calgary, June M-lsaac W, C Solloeway, president of Solloway, Mills Company, Limited, and Harvey Mills; vice-president of the Dominion-wide brokerage firm, who were yesterday convieted on four charges of conspire acy, last night paid fines totallin $250000 and were released on bail, pending hearing of an appeal against A sentence of four months and one month imprisonment, respectively, Mr, Soloway pald a fine of 00, and' Mr, Mills one of $25,000, which had been imposed by Mr, Just« lee W, C, Ives, Solloway received the heaviest pen« penalty, being fined $225,000 and sen« tenced to four months in jail, or ad- ditional imprisonment of 23 months in default of fine payment, Mills was fined $25,000 and imprie sonment of ane month imposed or if he defaults payment of fine, twenty three months in jail "The enly reasonable conclusion is one of guilty of conspiring as chars ged on each of the four counts, and so 1 find each of them Mr, Juste (Continued on Page 8) Ir ma------r CANADA A GHID OF SCOTLAND SAYS VIGTORIA EDITOR Pioneer Spirit Still Needed in Dominion, Press Men Told (By Canadian 'Presa Leased Wire) Hdinburgh, Scotland, June 24, "Canada 18 very largely a bloo uhild 'of "'Bootland,"" 'emphasized 0, 0, Nicholas ot the Vietorla, BOQ, Times, when he replied to the toast of welcome offered hy the Lord Provost of Edinburgh on the ar» rival here of the delegates to the imperial preas conference, The deles gaten loft later for London, where today they were received by thelr Majonties, Mr, Nicholas fllustrated how Charles II in fenting the oharter which originated the Hudson's Ray Company, had really heen an em. pire builder, « \ | Canada still neaded the spirit and energy of the ploneer, Mr, Nicholas sald, Buccess there vould be achievs od only hbhad work and saovifion, Britain wolf wan. ploneering through adversity to a new mental: ty, to the development of a new lonearing uti BAR Beal And ploneering ! { dominions Wy Toad to & hat Tie esr. sahnasintian hu hats af Ll® YANG of Do operat nine nansnevity fan i) # monwealth," ha concluded, ge wah the United d | Awarmed into Teeland today a: foe | rea 7] WREEATERE AWW AREY fa SOUTHERN CROSS SPEEDS TOWARDS NEW YORK CITY ON FLIGHT FROM IRELAND APPEAL FOR FINDS pd Asien oi Hs FOR EMPIRE GAMES| tempting Flight From lIres land to New York Today MESSAGES SAY ALL GOING WELL Wireless Reports From Ship Indicate Conditions Are Favorable and Good Time Is Being Made (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) Steamship Incomn, June 24, The westward bound aeroplane Southern Cross reported her posi tion an 000 miles from Caps Race, Newfoundland, in a message to the steamship Incoma at § p.m, Greens wich time (10:00 am, BAT), Refue) if Necessary Valley Stream, N, Y,, June 24.4 A plan which will refuel the Boutlis ern Cross over Maine If additional gasoline is needed, took off from Curtiss Wield to-day nt 8.58 am, (EBT) for Portland, Me, / Port Marnock, Irish Free Stateg June 24,.~The Routhern Cross, took off from here at 4.27 am, (10,87 pm, B.B.T, Monday) for New York, In the pilot's seat was Captain Charles Kingstord-Smith, He had three companions with him, J, W, Btannage, radlo operator; M, ¥. Van. Dyk, assistant. pilot, and Captain J, P, Haul, navigator, The Plane got away to a fine start, All the parties were in high Spirits al the start, and. ehatied RALLY as the final preparations were made, Their plane . was loaded with 1,808 gallons of gasoline, sults flolent, they helleved, for houge of fly, They hoped to make the trip. in about '§¢ hours As provisions for safety if t plane In, forced down, the Australy Ian has provided for quick smptys Ink of the gasoline tanks, and hes Jlieves that the Southern © would float like a buoy if minus its fuel, The plane will send hourly radio messages on a A0-metre wavelength, The call letters will he V-M:Z:A'B, The Houthern Cross has heen fn direct communication with the af pont authorities ever since her Yokes The message received at 10: British time gave the position of ia Aeroplane as about 650 miles off the Iriuh coast, the message received an 10:66 British time (7:58 am, est) would according to tha speed then Eained by the Southern Cross, place the flyers wore than 760 wiles from thelr point of departure, They had up to that time avera od roughly '8 miles wn hour, wit : A steady acceleration of pace due tow the gradual lightening of load by consumption of yasoline, TOURISTS SWARM INTOIGELAND POR BIG; CELEBRATION Festivities Mark 1,000th Ane niversary of Founding of : Parliament "© (By Canadian Press Reyjkavik, Toseland, Hundreds of tourists Win), 'from Crantne om Cana States and "Bureps ocean liners of various natl w The harbor was filled with ! bearing visitors ta the celebra of leeland's 100th: parliamentary anniversary, 'i Y dy, The visitors will use their ships i es Wan of brants before their arrival, Motoroar trafio in we stress RAR REO Ea et! ra a pect : n ax on of Glima, Toslandio. form of w "Ny iH fontura Friday's celebrat On the following day oginlature wi! meet again to. receive Who have emigrated the United States, 'thera will he re-enacted the meeting of the Alting in A.D, Singing contests hetween 1 osha will take nn 'the following day | of | Brlkaon, one of oon A ! oh the chores of Canada, ae $a butain £15, whe i ne sel remier, will be dedi

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