Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Jun 1930, p. 8

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1930 ~ ONE FEAT OSHAWA G. M.C. 8-7 IN OVERTIME Finishes Strong to p Game in Last Period on to Win in Overtime |i io si od of int team should be randy for Bramplon next Saturday, § THE GAM¥ Brampton got the ball at (he stare and before & minute had el Apsed, Coulter received a penalty for teen) checking, Oshawa made an attack and the Uxeelslors oame hack with a counter, Wilson made # lovely save of Zimmer's hard shot, Play was very slow and hoth teams played careful Incrosse, Finally Brampion broke away and oi Oshawa dvds dover Peterboy ' Cobourg 1evirens 4 3 ' Port Hops 1000000 0 6 Leafs Take i. ing LLM lf Won Lest PC; Py f} ie 1 a -- : & f , yi Sod JP a fr Dts @ vrei 000 Two From Newark Bears PORT SNAPSHOT Brampton Wins in Overtime There was a good crowd on hand at the Motor City Stadium on Suturday afternoon to see the Senior lacrosse game between Bramp ton Excelsiors and the Oshawa Genersl Motors, No doubt, the erowd would have been a great desl lurger i the game had not been the duy alter the Rotary Var, Vollowing precedent, the Brampton Excelsiors worl thelr first game of the season in Oshawa, but It took & wonderful last-period rally and ten minutes overtime helore they finally earned the decision, Last senson, the Oshaws General Motors team estab: lished \& reputation for finishing strong, but on Saturday they repeut- Very Fine Scores Feature English Cricket Games London, June 28-=Large Indi vidual battle scores featured many Knglish cricket matches yesterday, A, Bandham, playing for Surrey in the match against Kesex at the Kennington ova), scored 176 runs while his team-mate, T. H, Barling scored BO runs in the Warwick: shire-Lolcentorshire match at Nun. oaton, N, V, Armstrong was not oul. when stumps were drawn af- tor scoring 114 runs for Leicester, AMERICAN LEAGUE Oshawa City Defeat N.and D. by Big Score 9-2 Brantford Cockshutts Defeat Ulster, 2-1 Brantford, June 23-~The Cock- whutt Soccer Club defgpated (he Ulsters of Toronto here Saturday afternoon by 2-1 in a National Lea gue game, the last two goals being scored, one by each team, with bul a fow minutes of playing time left, The home team secured, the lead after 86 minutes' play in Brantford territory most of the time, only the good work of Moore, Vell and or sot the ball in motion, and O"Hearn were soon in action Oshawa City Show Good | Form in Defeating N. and D. by Record Score of 9-2--Locals Have Things Their Own Way for Prac tically All of Game N, and D. were visitors to Osha wa City soccer team on Saturday, The city won 'the toss and Hunt Munre Jackson keeping the invaders out, the latter hit the crossbar with od Wednesday's performance and weakened in the last period, 25, The ) few Oshawa lacrosse fans would belleve that any team could over: Newark, June fast: stepping, pennant-bound Toronin INDIANS WIN Cleveland, June 23,=Cleveland bats impotent through seven losing games, rang lustily yesterday as the Indians hammered out a 4 to 2 victory over the league leading Philadelphia Ath- letles, Shores and Rommell were founded for a dozen hits, while Wes Ferrell was allowing but seven in the With ten minutes to go, Peston got to a rebound from the Cockshutt goal and drove the ball to the net. ting, Amos secured the (ally that won, Wilson gave Gibson a perfect pass in front of the net Gibson had an open net and he scored Ma Osh AWA oame right back and Barren got the goal back with & het shot from the side, The Brampton de. fence looked bad as they backed into the net, Oshawa almost got another goal when Barron shot the hall over from behind the net, "Fools" White took the pass bul hin shot hit Large's pads, Bpencer came back onto the feld, from his penalty, on the run and took a pass from Hall and biased it past Large for Oshawa's second, Immediately afier piay was resumed, Large wis given a close shave, Bramploy attacked and Coulter bodied Burs ry hard, Burry went down, Smith: son drew a needless pensity hy uses loss slashing, #ilk Look & pass In front of the net, and Large made i Kreat save, Npencer drew a pen: alty for slugging, Mapleton made A Event try for a goal but missed the nel, With two men off, Osh: AWA seored on a beautiful Inoresse play which ended with White tak: ing a pass from Davidson dnd soors ing a lovely goal, Large had no chanee, Buvion drew a penalty and Reeves cleared the ball, The period ended with the score Osh awa §, Brampton 1, Neoond Quartier Oshawa opened with an ablaek and after losing the hall, they re triaved it and launched a prolong: ed attack but mot no resuMs "Chuck" Davidson drew a great hand from the evowd when after A few tries he fAnally succeeded In beating Teddy Reeve, "Chuck" fooled the "Big Boy" completely and went in to score a pretty goal, The orowd expressed thelr pleasure in no uncertain manner, Oshawa tried hard and Mall and Barron took a iol of punishment bul Brampton gol the next goal on A nies play, Reeve gave Kendall perfect 'pass and the "Monde Boy" seared, While almost scored on Davidson's pass hut Large made A good save, "Toots" White seer od a nice goal for Oshawa on a & shot, Hobban opened the play passing the ball to Dunstall whe crossed the ball to Brown and scored with a low ground shot giving Healing no- chance to save. The City team now were doing all the attacking and Hapson and Bare son were trying hard to keep oug the City attack, The City forward's were giving a brilfant display of foothall seldom seen in Oshawa, Hobban next scored with a rising shot, Munro was now showing fine football his make of openings were great to watch, Dunstall scored after heating four men, Smart scored another one for the City, Dunstall scored a few mine utes later. The N. and D, now seomed to wake up a little and Daley, Oshawa's right back, gave & nice display of defensive work, Th N, and D, now broke away and Walton wcored just on half time, City 5, N. and D, 1, The second half started with the City playing against a strong wind, Smart made A great run and from his cross Barson in trying to clear, kicked | through his. own goal. Brown scored after working his wag through a bunch of players, N, and D, now went to the attack and from a corner kick, Orr scored theif second goal, Dunstall scored hiss third goal with a nice dropping" shot, Dunstall was playing great football and from two of his pansy os Brown shot over the bar with only. the goalie to beat, Smart s scored from a pass by Dunstall just before the final whistle blew. City + 9, N.and D, 2, ie) Oshawa Cy are now showing the class of Football they are cape able of and Joe Jackson hid a- great smile on his face after the - Brent win, This Is the City's highest scores ® in the 10 years of T, and D, foots hall, The line up N. and D.~-Ealing, Hapson, Bar. * son McHugh, Oxby, Ford, Walton/ Wilson, Hunter, Pollock; Orr. Oshawa © Clity-McKay, Daley: Lad hy thelr indy dsfandemul, Toronto Racing seve and a youthful b Rade forward line, the Brampton 0 os soelslors swept to § to 7 victory " over the Oshawa General Motors Seniors heve on Saturday Aafier: noon, after trailing 7 10 4 with ---- only about eighteen minutes (0 ny, 4 he game went ten minutes uver: time before a winner was decided, the seove at the end of full time heing seven all, Tha baitle was staged at the Moter City Bladium and .an excellent crowd attended, The game, as usually the ease when these two feams mee, Was not axceedingly fast but was productive of some excellent lagrosse, Hoth teams were out to feel each other out during the early stages and not until Brampted had soored the fvst goal of the game, did the evowd begin to ses anything warth cheering for, he Oshawa team went to work with a will and goals by Barron, Spencer and White, all on smar plays, resulted in a seore of three io one at the end of the first per: Ind, Oshawa led all the WAY un: i) after the start of the Anal quarl- ar and then with the score 7 to 4 in thely favour, they repeated Wed nesday's performance and weak: ened hadly, Before they vealed what had happened the Excelsiors were within one goal of them and in fess than a minute the score Was fed, Oshawa pepped up consider: ably, then but the Frampton de: fanee was ton strong and the full time whistle saw the teams dead: od Tuk the avertime Oshawa had a little more of the play If anything hut they conld not get thelr shots away, Riapleton got his third and winning his eleventh game of season, Jamieson marked his return to the Indian line-up by cracking out three doubles in four times up, Twice Cleve land rallies were nipped on double plays from the outfield, YANKEES BREAK EVEN New York, June 23, ~The Yankees broke even with the Browns in yes. terduy's doubleheader, winning the first 5 to 4 and losing the second, § to 2. With the A's losing to Cleve. land the Yankees cut thelr lead to two. games, Blueholder, though hit freely by the Yankees, pitched well in the pinches and held the locals from scoring in but two innings. the first and seventh TWO FOR TIGERS Boston, June 23-=Detrolt took a double-header from the Boston Red Sox, 5 10 J and 4 10 2, here yester- 'diy, The second game was called ut the end of the sixth inning because of 'the Sunday Sports Law, Milt Gaston for the Sox and White hill fe the Tigers pitched a gilt-ed- ged 1all in the first game, but their support was poor, all runs scored in the game being unearned, Toronto, June 23.~~Racing in Toronto came to a close on Satur. day until the fall campaign opens, but of course the regulars will not overlook Hamilton which opens toe morrow, There were no special fea. tures for getaway day at Dufferin, but this did not stop the crowd from turning out en masse, As usual the favorites had a bad day, although second cholces won four of the events and thereby helped to relieve the situation somewhat, The day's racing opened with El fen Adair, a 21 to 1 shot, galloping down in front by a length and a halt over Son of Light with Jim Dick third, In this event, Sure to Win loomed up as the possible win. ner going down the back stretch, but broke down badly. Magdalena, favored hy betler rac. ing tuck, than she had in her pre- vious start, easily won the second race by three lengths, while in the third Relgh Shot spreadoagled her flald to heat Grab Bag by six leng- the, Propus was two lengths in front of Colonel Beth at the end of the fourth race, George Yoley supplied the win- ner of the Afth in Taymon, which bent Wrackster by four lengths, while Plaguer repeated his previous victory by taking Pine Lady and Mad Mullah Into camp in the event for Canadian-breds. Guarany, be. A fonging to Jim Arthur was an easy run lead in the first inning and was | winner of the final race, with The- never in danger, although frequently | one second and Mimic third, in trouble because of walks, Shires, ---- playing against his former team, ac-| GRAND CINCUIT RACING counted for four runs on his three | Toledo, June 28,--Grand Ciroult hits, racing for 1030 will be inaugurat- od under giant flood lights at Fort 4 EASY FOR SENATORS Washington, June 23, =Washington took a loosely-played game from Chi cugo yesterday, 10 to J, to even up the series, Liska was given a five: Maple Leafs are just a lot of | come a three-gonl lead in one period, on the Oshawa team, but Bramp poison for the Newark Bears, Con: | (on did just that title thing on Saturday and the Oshawa funs went tentment for the Canadian Leafs home amazed is Just & pure ease of annihilation 4 PEER for a lot of iy A weak, strug: ging Bruins, who Are fast #ipving A Good Game toward the bottom of the pit, The game cannot be called an exceptionally good lacrosse game oo "Loa. whith Minas because as Is usuil when these teams meet, they were both vary care pennant-looking aggregation, just| [ul and as a result the game was not exceedingly fast, but there was knooked the pants and skin off the | a great deal of good lacrosse und the fans were certuinly given their Bruins hors Yesterday afternoon " money's worth, "The uffalr grew very rough at times but the officials Hing yy aT, tho the Hire kept things fairly well In hand, "Teddy" Reeve come in for a great the vietory in the ninth inning | deal of "razeing" from tne fans but most of it was of the good-natured when they staged a fivesrun rally. | type. Mr, Reeve Is not the smallest lacrosse player in the world and In the nighteap, & wseven-nming | us 4 result his tactics may look questionable but usually his intentions piu, he lin tod she' Brinnd | Lr goo away with a 8 to 0 triumph, St The Leafs looked and acted like Mann Cupholders Vanquished Again Shainpitne, Thus Soveed. the ba The following clipping was taken from the morning's Globe | h ig Re oh thn oy came Those international champ the Oshawa seniors, are not set. Ou on dollars, ting the Ontarie Amateur Lacrosse Association series afire, having [} ] ) { Ris y. Cahora! itaed she bean yh lost their last two starts==ta Si. Simons at Toronto, and to Bramp- in the second game, Johnny Pruds ton at Oshawa last Saturday, It Is apparent that the Mann Cup hginme not only stood them on holders are not the powerful aggregation they were when they won vie oe Ba them roll highest honors last season, but it Is also recalled that in 1920 they Prady allowed (we hits and started poorly, and then same with a rush on the home stretch to they were seatiered, Bobby Blev- mow down all opposition, In fast, the Brampton Excelsiors had ens elioked off one In the opening sot such & rapid pace a year ago that the shamplonship had bee site and Jats, shivnom poked practically conceded to them, and the games lost much of their SS ---------------- alfsctivenass. The Oshawa players have just emerged from a gruel: : (] ling grind, in which they played four games in nine days, losing Hamilton Tigers three, and winning only one, | A g only one, It Is now suspected that they were | form when they engaged in the international n from ergus far below thelr wena -- test of strength, and this in no way Is intended as an encuse for Hamilton, June 23=Hamilton's thelr falure to rout the very fine team that represented the. United senior lacrosse squad is still unde. States. Lacrosse will not suffer because of these vistories reget: on Raturay SAMO the. Trtera | robb? 30 Bimen's snd rams n, nd be hoon, ond thet' th oN the Tigers of any sport that the eompetition should be keen, and that there rig Mg thlt gid Hyai: Jer. should be no runaway races. Interest has been revived in this bed Ineing to maintain thelr un ity and in Brampton, and the champions ean expect stern oppo: benten record, It was the fourth sition from now on, Every game is likely to be productive of num: StEalght win tor the Ketteyias, And ovous thrills with the ultimate results In doubt, It appears thet esl opposition the lecals S svg: there will be "ne royal voad" to the 1930 champlonship, LJ LJ LJ oalled upon to extend themselves Kreatly, . Return Game Saturday winning goal in a weird manner, In pu to ko past BIL Coulter, he dropped the ball, He kioked it. ahead and then recovered it and hefore yor could oheek had seoved, "he large evowd which attended he game cheered wildly during the sarily slages of the game, when JO0shawa had a distinet edge on theplay, but they hecame quite LU ant As Brampton 1aunched thelr (ast drive, which awept the tiren Oshawa ovew before them, Alferent line-up from last year and thelr was a noticeabla Improvement in their midfield division, Staple ion, Thompson and Gibson all turn. ad In very nice games, pein eapecially effective, Hramp- Lon's husky defence, comprised of Reeve, Burry, Burton and proved a sourve of troubled in the Oshawa attackers (hrough: aut the whole game, Oshawa's i of the rearguard, Apencer, Nmithwon and Bil ave not utting up the same atone-wall de. ones whieh they presented last sea: son Kendall left Wilk Aatfeoted on one or two oceasions, mith. |! AOR drew two or (hree ahaolutely neafiiess penalties and this did not help to strengthen the team. Hpen: ae, Hubbell and even Coulter were SAUER NAPPING AL certain stages of _ the game, There fa no doubt that heleffects of the International nave not entirely wore off ext week will likely tell Davidaon was the best Oshawa man an the field, Pavven, Hall, Geld: gn and Detiray worked havd hut (hey were never wiven much free: With a week's vest, the Oshawa (ARIW | Dam two ming food play, bait oy and received a severe body chek, him, | passed ta White, whe oooly pleked A corner and scored, most got Another for Oshawa when he sifted threw the centre and test od Large with a hard shot, mer was ont under the eye In a sorimmage around the Oshawa wet 'Coulter drew a penalty, time whistle found Golden leading An attack, Beore Oshawa, 5, Rramp Brampton presented a slightly | ton 8, face off when Pete Ella took the ball down to the net and passed Htapleton | to the veteran, Geo, Nproule, who for nome reason or other was un- oovered In front of the net, and Hpraule soored, back and in less than thirty seo: onds had scored on a preity com: bination play, Davidson to DeGray gemed to be Inj to White, wha tallied, Hubbell, Coulter, | began to press and finally Staples ton scored a pretty goal on a lone |" effort, dirty eheek whieh was uncalled for, Heattle wan given a foreed rest, used his hands, wiven a' free throw but the shet was wide, fence hut wasn't roughened up a little at thin stage Prampton tried hard to Inerease thelr total hut threw a free throw over the top of the net, field but the period ended with the i score Oshawa 6, Brampton 4, d finally mot the face off away and Davidson ed to Golden who | Cio" we men on the sacks. Awa three up, away and Mave, When "Mush layed low by a erude check but Wan able te continue, Attacked ho Bik clea on wot a fast off the net, things up quite a bit, both put off, Reampton pame within one A Thompeon & pass and Thompson olvel ton drew a penal ohances by fautty pe around the neta and the fl found the teams deadlocked at sev: on goals ise, Kelly DeCiray took the Just before he fell, he || ry Blk al Alm The half Third Quarter Arampton scored vight of (he Oshawa went right Brampton Reattie sloughed Bik on a 'Walk" eame out of his net and i Arampton were They dame on stronger second and all but tied the count with strong defensive play, wan too munh. for them, however, and they faded towards (he end famous foated Thistles here Batirday after. noon by tha score of 4<1, It was the twelth game wyed by the tourists in this. country, eleven of have heen won, and one drawn, Fergus looken bad in the first half of the contest and were trail NE by 8 11 0 at the hall-way mark, nthe nerion of brilliant attacks and The pace A es te Ser "KILLIES" DEFEA HAMILTON THISTLES Hamilton, June 20 Kilmarnock Beottish Leagup team de- which Despite the fact (hat weather conditions were all against théir style of play, the visitors gave a fine exhibition of the kicking code, before, approximately 2,000 apecta- Ors, At no sage were they in any danger of defeat, although Thist. len gave a good account of them selves, especinlly in the first half, when they had both wind and sun n their favor, DeGivay orashed into the hurt badly, Play falled, HNproule INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Oshawa went back up the / Final Quarter n After two attempts, the referee I putting Oh route got a shot llnon made a great Rrampton got the goal hack ' Thompson pleked up nd Tedd o ; y A penalty for heavy "Toots" White was Rrampton and Golds shot away hut it wax Brampton pepped filk and ttle exchanged passes and were KOAL of Oshawa when Sproule a fas and heat Wilson, later, Gibson gave || on WA the hagre at bi on a. i A pena j ling Wtephensen's neck, Hur for eross-checks 6:10:85 eount, opening n Biv IGE ho! to win by 8 to SKEETERS' lr both games ve Fung behin Naltimore, Md, June 233.="The Ori. oles took both ends of yestarday's oubleheader with the Montreal Roy- Is, and moved back inte Arst place, The Flock rode to a Stood vietory in the nighteap, when Vinee Barton Mi ow home run in the final frame The opening game was won by a anning featuring the ile With te baie Fi a angle, batting all of the Heinie Rnd also Nit a mer in the second game. RED WINGS LOSE TWO Reading, Pa, June ==Reading broke even in the slxsgume series vith Rochester here yesterday. The oxy eamg from behind in each game and 6 to § : J TR IES WIN June | late © Skee to take EA a doublehender from Koh ] hom, Jette ay he ey 0 4 a to § Jers Clty overcame a sean handi- in the Taunt after going in the first Dwning, OF Ing Davideon in the face, Oshawa began to press but lost num full time whistle IWERTIME Oshawa got the ball and kept emmed Ho about but couldn't wo a Gi ARAN oo oh TORINS 1s hawas=Goal, Wilson point, Counl hell defence, Smiths { oentre, De: y Golden and 0 (naide, Stes and Hall, ray home Da ron outside, \Whi mn de, 0 tide Powell, 0° cam ant SINTON 0d Taek Me! ' Oshawa General Motors Journey to Brampton next Saturday to play the return game and the lotils are determined to give the Bramp. ton fans & disappointment, By next Saturday, all effects of the In« ternationn] Serles will have wore uff and the "North American ( hamp- fons" will be able to display thelr true form, It is expected that a large number of local fans will travel up to Brampton on Saturday next . i . . Parts and Service Jra. Win Easily The Parts and Service juniors had no difficulty in disposing of the Duco Boys on Friday night at Cowan's Park, 'I he I" and 8. clan ' clouted the bull at will and the players boosted thelr averages cuns siderably, 'These Duco. are having tough luck but they never quit trylig and given a lew breaks, they will make It very Interesting lo) team, uny tea a a Wie Parts and Service Jrs, Practice The Parts and Service Junior team will hold a practice at Alex andra Park tonight, starting al 6.30 pm. sharp, and all players are asked to be out : . Chosen Friends J Ll n from As war SH aly hosen Iriends put up a spirited hint on Friday night In thelr game with the OM.1 and were deleaind H 10 6, Acveording to the score-book, it looks very much as If t ; Qe sen Friends fall to get going soon enough, They got oN hi puns on Friday night In the fast few innings and this hay been ease In practically all of Ahele_gomes Meet Again Tonight 'hese two teams, the Chosen Friends unc aghin tonight In an exhibition game, which is being p . Park, starting at 645 pm, as part of the program Street United Church's Parden Party. . LJ . No Junior Game Likely Tonight i account of the girls' game which is being played at Cowan's {Il not be a junior softball Duco Boys are scheduled 1 the O.M.1, will meet layed at Cowan's { the Albert On Park tonight, it in very likely that there w game tonight, The Oshawa Bakery and the to meet tonight, . LJ J] J Chevs, va. Whitby Tomorrow Night There should be a good crowd at the Motor City Stadium to: morrow night to see the Chevs, and the Whithy Rovers hook up in a scheduled loaghe game. These twe teams always put up a great softs "ball battle and the local woftball fans know it ; ik CE i : ty! ¥ Junior Lacrosse Game Wednesday The Oshawa General Motors junior lacrosse team will play their first game of the season on Wednesday evening when they meet the strong Brampton team, The ganie scheduled for Mimieo on Friday lust was postponed on account of rain, There should be a big crowd out to #ee the local junior teams in uetion against Brampton. Oshawa will be represented by a strong junior team this year, and every mem: ber of the team ix a local boy, The juniors are holding a practice at A th Park ton and all members of the team are asked 16 be at the Industeinl tations lg vot; later than 6.30 p.m, Intermediate Lacrosse Game Wednenday = The Oshawa Shamrocks, Oshawa'y intermediate lacrosse team, will ply. at home, At the Motor City Stadium on Wednesday night of this week alo. Their opponents 'will: be. Campbeliford, The locals wen thee ba . ie dae In Millbrook and. they are out Jo make it two na ral Tt is None years no eo Campbellford has been 'rope resented In. OAL ahd they --~ 4 strong team lined up. 'The © admission W:only 25 ctats and there should: be a good crowd on hand, ; y LE SWE oe AS The softball fans of the city will get another treat tonight at the Mtor City Stadium. when another smart intermediate softball doubles header will be presented. In the Svat game, the Phillips team, cone auerors of the Textiles, will meet The Times, Party and Setvice and' AHAMROOK V, WINS AGAIN Miami! course here Monday night, Lappin, cliffe, Ratcliffe, Lobban, Cune Shamrock V., Sir Thomas Lipton's challenger won another easy test for big yachts Saturday defeating the White Wea ther by 6 minutes, will now mall for Clyde to purtiels pate in seven tune-up races, Dangor, Ireland, June 20,-<The dall near Cleveland, June #0. Monday's proaram for the America's Cup The Shamrock | event, oer, Oshawa Nationals Lose Oshawa Nats Lose Close, Jongasoo in the second game of a double Park on Saturday, were decidely unlucky to lose, have ing all the play in a poorly contest. ed game, The Nata won the toss and the Gasmen kicked off, With the game hardly a minute gone Sturch flashed a hot one narrowly past, could not penetrate the home de. fence, erratic in shooting and should have had a two 'goal lead in the fret "Close Game to Congasco ™e racers will go to North Ran. noludes a threa.yvenr-nid elniming trot, & 2,14 trot, a 2.21 trot and a 2.13 pace Included among the entries fs Enoch Guy, Sep Palin's great pas fifteen minutes. Fast Game to Congasco, men to show the way, 2.1---~Major League Race Is Very Close and: Nation- als Have Hard Fight Ahead--Team Plays Good Soccer But Fail to Get the "Breaks" ------ Oshawa Nationals were beaten by ance, finishing could not beat the Conganco custodian, kept them mafe, The heavy wind made good football impossible, but with more headwork and less wild kioking the Nationals would have won by a hig margin, Play con. tinued to half time with the score at 1-0 In favor of Congasco, Halt time, Congasco I, Nata 0, SECOND HALF The Nationals were now playing against the wind and seemed to be playing better football: Barly in this halt it looked bad, top.the Nats, when the Gasmen Were at Greenwood The Nationals header Nats continued to press but The Nat's forwards were Columbias clash in the second game and this should prove a real soft. ball battle, Apparently the majority of local softball fans do not realize what they are missing as the attendance at these intermediate doubleheaderd has not been nearly as large as the brand of ball played deserves, 'Take a jaunt down: to the Stadium tonight or next Thurs. day night and you will be well rewarded, : . . Duco Boys Win in Whithy hy The Duce Boys', junior softball team played 'the Sea Fleas' soft. ball team of Whithy on Saturday. The teams put up a smart soft ball battle, and the heavy hitting Duco Boys pounded out a 15 to 7 victory, : "oe wie \ Oshawa City Win Easily : The Ouhawa City soccer team continued. their high scoring ways of last week, on Saturday afternoon at Alexandra Park in a scheduled lengue game with No and D and won the game by the large soccer score of 9 to 2 The City played smart football and were never in danger, © Rev, Duncan Munro played a prominent part in the City's victory and considering that it was his first gam for some yeas, he turned In a very ereditablofericimance, The i] Wat! the only Osh awa team out of three to; Mn (0 Shuey. A A Wh REE) a Nationals Lose & Just as "they were in a good position to take the Major lendership, the Oshawa 'Nats lost to the strong SAAR Sfstnson If TarGieo by » acore.of te 1 a very exciting a ¢ Nats played good soccer But they lacked finish around the nets and this coupled with the good Lig of the opposing goalie proved their downfall The Oshawa Nationals play the Barlsconrt Kenwoods this Saturday atitherStadiyn andthe are out to win in order to. strengthén their powition In the league race, . League 0 team on game was It took the Gas. After twen- ty minutes play they opened the scoring, the centre going through to beat Smith, This was all against the run of play but considering Conganco were playing against a strong wind it was a good perform. Nationals: put on a strong pressure but simply through bad Wilson, The odd raid by the homasters apélled danger, but the strong de- tensive play of Campbell and Boyd Naty, + ul Smart, Dunstall, Brown, Munro Referee, Joo Lamb, "ie \} awarded a penalty, but tailed to convert, This was' a break fop* Oshawa, but they deserved it, as they certainly didn't get many good * ones durihg the 90 minutes of play," Nationals carried play to the Gas * men and it was long overdue, when Fairley scored 'Nats goal to the the' score, This looked good, and it seamed a cert that Nats would Again score. Congasco goalle was getting plenty to do, and he wap very fortunate, when a shot fram Sturch, was irlocked almost on the ' line, Play was from end to end now, and with the strong wind, the Nats backs were putting in a, pile of work, It looked as if tha score would finish a tie, but {n the cloning 'minutes Congasco attacked strongly. The centre got posses. slon close in, and let go, the ball deflecting off Campbell into the net, this finished a rather tame gama, Final Score, Congasco 2, Nats! 1, All National players report for training at Stadium. on Tuesday night, at 6-15 p.m, A full turnout is requested, "Roll Your Own™ It's Cheaper ' with ZIG-ZAG CIGARETTE PAPERS, i 4 5'Book of 120 Leaves: on me RR Demand Z16 ZAG ana get 120 Leaves' 0 Ramon Novas Ww "DEVIL M2 « CARE" MAY |:

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