THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 L Sond Services in the City Churches uy So E Cragg, MA, B.D, " WTHE RACE OF LIFE" Sunday School and Bible Classes 7P Me "Reckless Driving" or "Exceeding the Speed Limit" P.S, Baptismal Service in Connection ' with the Morning Service, St.Andrew's United Church Cor, of Bruce Bt, and Bimeoe Bt, §, REV, F, J, MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 22 10 aim SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am, Rev, Charles W. Bishop, B. A, B.D. OF BELLEVILLE 7 pm, "An Interesting Memoir of the Early Church" The Minister Will Preach Presbyterian Church Mimede Atrest North and Brook Hireet Rev, Duncan Monroe 4 Brock Mt, W, Phone SAG4 Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Wilicroft and Mary Sts Tey, BK B, Patterson, M.A, Incumbent, 503 Masson Bi. 0 0.50 Am w= Sunday School Service 11 am~Morning Pray. or, 0.45 am ~=Hunday Sehool, 1 ame="The Average In Christian. Loyalty," T pm «= "The Impotent 7 pm~Evening Prayer Man," found Doctrine, Hearty Ainging and & Neal Wel. tome are features of Knox Chureh, First Baptist "Church KING 87, BAST Rev, Aubrey Ww. Small 18 Aberdeen St, Revival Meetings Evangel Tabernacle 000 King St, West 4 T. BALL, Pastor Hoar Ry T, Johnstone ho of Nalin YX ho live mesa from God's Word, Divine Heal: ing, Hecond coming; Baptism==in Holy Ghost, Salvation, Bring "he Blok, Sunday Services 1am and ¥ pom Meetings Week Nights, 10 am, cM am, Py e- BY.pA, Li pm, = Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Ie Bt to Norther Chureh tomorrow it 4 REY. 8. 0 MOO BA, By, MN a Bireet, n, " --- 40h SUNDAY SCHOOW a. » ana Arion, 4 a Mending, Bri he, mex oe aisle Re -- on a to Young Pe b hy \ hey x A La ple ¥ Rev, Roy H | Peaple's Cholr, ol Bible Pageant, ~ apecia 1) ute n fo 3 he non, hols Yon Mesping 3 phi a SX EE Ln blankets were le Aa 0 the fa ! rs v A hy ya a 00m He anton a Ly HOO aban Ltn Other men wever mention." 'he propoasd to yout" % | tne © | attended by Oardi "1g Christ be We A ATA Bi 4 ga ol sequainiet er solor 0 th Ore wil [LIE me i {i ts Cons vores a § An, Eta od by Canon on y 7 Seren vector, Mr, A, T, Mills will vend A nolo at the Ey aory. while in the evening Mr, Paul ry 4) Sing "Behold thers shall be a onli Brin Ang) ine, en Sea-- Servi at ai a dren's Uni Ehited OW Rey Bisho) ' of av Chas. W " LY a ap Apeaker at the i Antrim Ualad Chur, y, In Api 0 antor Nev, ¥, HN, Maxwell wii ot om "An Interesting Memoir of the Early Chureh," fimeoe Sirens United "God Enthroned" will he the sub: ont of the sermon by the pastor, ley, Arston, at the morning bai of Bimeoe Mirest United eliuroh tomorrow, Rey, Charles Bi shop of Helleville will preach at the avening service, ---- mring ing v9 o Chureh, ; Albert: Strent United The 16th Runday Behool anniver- BATY 18 fo be observed at the morn: ing service of Albert Sirest United Chureh, The school will take part contributing height messager and muse, Rev, Roy NW, Richard will Assist the pastor, Rev, §, OC, Moore At the avening services and bring a Apecial message in the Youns eople, Munie will be given by the oung People's Choir, RE Hd will be the special | Mim Contre Street United , P, Vieteher, the pastor serviies of Gonire fn a wih "hil in the hay hs gormon will be "Life Li] don." Christian Nolones [| ing Man, pth Ag na Soni on wh hy OMrh Nein Bolentist tor 0 | morrow, r-- Free Methods Rev, R, 1, Casement, the pastor, will eonduet the regular services of the Free Mothorlst Mission tor morrow, Grace Tatheran Rorvieas at Grace Lutheran ohureh tomorrow will ba condusted by the pastor, Rev, A, C Hahn, Hvangel Tabernacle Hv elist T, Jonastone of Nan: y © will continue special sorvioes "of hi KL at Evangel Tabernacle tomorrow, Rev, J, T, Ball 1s the pastor, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Borvices at Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Chureh tomorrow will he dondueted by Rev, ©, Legge the pas. or, re -- Knox Presbytevian "The Average in Christian Loyal: ty" will be the subject of the sere mon by the pastor, Rev, Duncan Munros at the morning servis of Knox Presbyterian Chureh Sunday, In the svening the pastor will preach on "The Tmpotent Man." Christ, Anglican Rov. NR, BN, Patterson, the res tor, will eonduot all services at Chiist Angliean Chureh tomorrow, Novthminster United Narvioes at Northminster United Chureh, Bunday, will be In charge of Rev, A, M, frwin, the pastor, | The Church World Wide On a recent Bunday the minister of the United Churoh, Gravenhurst, wore, for the first time, a heautis ful Geneva gown, the gift to the congregation of Dr, Harry Hasek wood, in memory of his father, the ate Rev, J, H, Haselwood, DD, who was prominent in the work of the Methodist church for many ears, having been associated with rT, Albert Moore in the depart: ment of Bocial Bervice, . . * Firat United ochureh, Vancouver, Is making extensive preparations for the opening of the fresh alr camp and the frst unit of a series of new cabins is under construction at Gambler Inland, Hundreds of underprivileged boys and girls will be eared for this summer, 1} . Rev, Dr, Joseph Fort Newton Is resigning hin rectorship of Nt Paul's churoh, London, to become oosrector with Rev, Dr, John N, Mockridge at Bt, James', Philadel: phia, Dr, Newton is to be the preacher of the combination, the own of the chureh have heen made ree, and the effort Will be to mive the ehureh an unusual down-town Appeal, "oe After Li years in the ministry forty-four of which have heen spent at At, Arn a Arighten, Ont, the Rev, A, K, MoLeod ia retiving from notive service, Cobourg Presbytery, by a standing vote, expressed ita "» reclation of Mr, MoLeod's work ita pride in what in perhai h fhe Juneat continued pastorate [1 "0 Rev, R, K, Spence, M.A, B.D, of Newdale, Man, has Anaried an in vitation 40 become r of ny River United ohu rH is completing a HRY ) re | Y4T Dastorate at JNowdale, Chureh of Ly and ork, was i Nh MAN, Hayes and other leading FARA clergymen, poi Saha dn xy Ro AN HEE per The Bam Was on Bavarian ie o of th he anew and rain, whieh The new 210000 \ raation at i Avahus, New a N od with Mal | toaked most of the actors, and the | the t that naty were acting nw paris, the erties oe give gtd and onto hat ean a Jaualled Anywhere hove are aixtesn acts, and ob e uf twa ule ovtvie Bt 0 Aol tram the oun Ament, eturn of api the EE Med 3 and a 2 done, Judas in a diMeult character, but It is personated by Hans Mayr, who was Pilate in 1088, with great skill, The Afteenth act in the Cruel. Axion and Is described an being a terrible scene, everything realistio oven to the hammers and words from the oroms, Noottish Assembly Hpecial veports are ming of the General Assembly of the Virol of 'Beotland, referred to aa "The firat veal Assembly," Writers have in view of the fact of a great res union. of foroes, and this the begin: ning of greated tasks and powers The preliminaries in Holyrood al a0, an ancient function enjoyed And treasured because of the tie Ail} remaining with the State, were Maid to be very friendly and home: like, The Lord High Commission: or and bis wife, Mr, and Mra, James Brown, who adorned the palace With sincerity and grace as they did thelr humble cottage, had mueh 10 do with creating the Renial ate mosphere, Then In the Assembly Hall, the opening paaim to the tune Duke Bireet=='"Uod In Mis Glory shall ADPeAY, When Blon He bullde and repairs,' united every hear: and volee, "The retiring Moderator Dr, John White of the Barony Kirk, Glasgow, might well have said ats tor hin great and successbul leader: ship, "Now lettest Thou thy ser vant depart in peace' But he Is not you seeking rest, a writer puts it; "the Moderator departa but the Kvangelist remaine,' Hin success: math, The building will soon give of the uniting ehrueh, Dr, A, N, Bogle, Edinburgh, + 49 The naman Catan of North: orn duty and all Canada are roud of the record of progress uring the past twenty-five onder the on ministration of ) of alahoy Py w th At he we Ap a at Shy thers Na tan ohureh on PR roel by t yoars later he was , Sumeethied the first ) ah ¢ fan re, and han olated since that time with wise statesman iy vou atoral worvice, Ye pr Who were under him at that dus mh hat to addition of thi eran ot | 1 of Joaus, one oty oy Shyrehes le Shae have Fini a million at h "ait ollar Al a thirtysthree don for over $160,000, The ao. wall oq Hh With othe (0 or Taub Hh 3 At hin in Wh An en aivle au an 2: olubs, ht he XE 8, Wale wan was hone Sra | ort at hy pot ti A pres ROROO OF MW: ierarehy 'lan | from four Y on pr) from the | &t | age to & two million dolar strus- ure, where chuveh services wi held in the third story, Nev, Jehu Garratson is the minister, Nations #1 Missions, 18 the name given to the work at home, ¥ which oxtond from ocean to 06 Alssks, to Porte peo Bauator, Tn (hom 10 bo it work ars employed, 1,150 hein, hana Horvices are condue three languages, olght Doing Pri {wonty-eho \rOPORN and the rem Indian dinlects, There are oven Foreign Vields wh 1,401 miss plonaries are wer ing: together with 8,840 native miinisters and as. sistants, There Me, 168,087 com. munieants, ", at oiiny admitted during the past year, There are twelve 'Theologionl Neminaries in the United States under the care of Chureh, two being for colored wiu- dents, The total number of students who are candidates for the minis. try is 600, the oollages in Chicago and Princeton being the lavgest, On the Honor Roll of ministers 503 YOLAYANS APPOAY, Whose AVATARS ARE in neventy-Ave years, Kach received #668, ast your from the Pension Fund, "Te Congregational Union The Congregational Union of England and Wales has Jult held ite apring assembly in London, The chairman was Dr, ¥, W, Norwood of the Olty Temple, the well-known Austrian who sprang into promin. once during the war as a padre and has for ten years maintained the high traditions of Dr, Parker's old chureh, In his address he spoke of the "veracities rather than the infallibilities of the oreeds"; In warning tone to the British Gov. ernment against reprisals in dealing with rebellions in India) and give his judgment that Prohibition has heen a mood thing for the United Atates, The: chairmans-elect, Rev, W. Charter Piggott of Btreatham, is a young minister, whe has had a remarkable eareer, Dr, Robertson Nisoll, editor of the British Weekly, predicted that the young preacher of Kilburd would one day be heard of, After a hrief ministry there he succended Dr, John Brown at Bed. ford; then was associated with Dr Mivestar Horne at Whitheld's and lately the beloved pastor of his pre. sent charge, His special service te his denomination has been In connection with "Orders of Wor: ship," having helped many to entieh the conduet of public wors ship, LEAGUE SCORED FOR FAILURE 10° CHECK THE OPIUM TRADE Anti + Opium ~ Conference Accuses Geneva of Slothfulness Geneva, ~The League of Na tonsa was roundly scored wi the Antl-Oplum Conference of the Women's Leagus for Peace and Freedom, held here, Nuppression of the opium taffle han been one of the chief noncerns of the League during the laat five years, but the results Jt han achieved have been next to nothing, it was charged, Colonial Powers were bitterly Attacked at the Geneva confers ones, hecause, It wan sald, they have, for financial reasons, ops posed avery earnest effort to sups press the oplum vies, The French delete, Dravette, asserted that hefore the French nocupled Indo-China, oplum smoking was hardly known there, but that since that time the vice han had appalling growth, The res sponaibility of tha Hiate, ahe aarged, was all the more pros nounced, ainee the existing opium monopoly put it in the hands of the Hiate ta atop traftio In that narcotio, Whereas the abolition of the aplum monopoly and the prohibition of traffle In oplum were demanged in Parliament {en years ago, the effort wan in vain, and the llega) trade from the Irench colonies to Chine grew steadily, the delegate added, The Indian, Tarinl Hinhar, placed the blame on the League of Nations, Tt was sheer nonsense, the delegate asserted, for the League of Nations continually to fo nothing but make caloulations of the quantities of eplum re quired for medieinal purposes, ine stead of stopping the growing of opium, The reason for this, she declared, ix that the Governments themaelves carry on. the oultivas tion ot opium as a source of in. the colonial mith ' oannot tha: dt ae The step, "Te a League of 4, Ao decide hat Se Govern. ments shou nger have the right te pra or aplum eultivation and trade, In Iie, Ls WAR Anne od, even today, infants o Sn 1,000 he Lm they Elven nium by thelr Mothen "a very early age, paw ™ Saleutia, hg June a TTR wh not TRvTaon a 0 Howra Dletrior mar for | Eh A a RL ht ervant NE who i Ther Nats h ban. TR ARRRE pw a prosecuted hy the Seolaty tor t of oruelty pA " W prevention be ri SENATE PASSES WATERWAYS BIL. Canada's Interests in Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Protected Washington, = June B1,==An amended rivers and harbors hil) which apparently protests the in tovests of Canada In the Creat Lakes and the Hi, Lawrence wes way passed the Henste yesterday, White. Provident Woover's attitude with respect to the bill earrying $159,000,000 worth of appropria tions for works throu out the oountry is not known, the polities situation indloates the bill will he- toms Jaa Inw vithin A Sontaignt. bill Jou fespening the ts in the West Permission for the United States to share the cost of deepening the Mt, Lawrence channel from lake Savio to Prescott and Ogdens- J Hoeven million dollars for improve. ments in the Illinois Burge Canal, with a clause definitely holding the diversion from Lake Michigan te the Mupreme Court desrse-----1,600 necond feet, after 1048, Taking over by the Federal Gov. ernment of the New York barge | oanils, with the proviso that they remain barge canals and nothing be done In thelr development which would be prejudicial to the Nt, Law rence Takes: to: the-sen Prolset, COOLIES BENEFIT IN SHANGHAI BY RAILWAY STRIKE | Gets Exhorbitant Wages When Other: Transport Workers Quit ------ Fhanghal =A monareh for a month was the Bhangha! rickshaw || coolle that most menial of serfs whose baok:-breaking toll ylelds the smallest pay known to Chin ese labor, The street _rallway strikesgave him his moment, Whon It came he proved his sagacity by turning protfiteer and amassing wealth, But when it went, he ree turned to the traditional status, |} Neldom does the rickshaw oeoolie #oL a chance at high finance, But |} when bus drivers and tram works ors strike hin ln the only vehlgle |} remaining and If he makes the most of the opportunity it is one |} of the few Indications he gives of beng truly human, In the recent strike the motor feed transportation of the Interna tional settlement was paralysed, The rickshaw man was #0 much in demard that he brasenly fixed his own prices=-and gqt them, This lasted for almost & month, I'lvat the bus system and then the trams shut down, One day the drivers almply failed to show up for work, The populace waited patiently until pressed to walk, This was not pleasant on evillys cobbled pavement, Ho there was the rickshaw. It took no time at all to show that the coolles could not be pald for their toll with a copper or a kick, according to the traveler's mood, For days the streeis were Jammed with rlokshaws, Traffic Was blocked at almost every oor ner by the sweating coolies at- tempting to keep up thelr dog trot despite pedestrian crowds, Then one day the street car and bus companies decided to give thelr employes extra rice allowances, That ended the strike, Today the rlokshaw coolie 1s just his old pas tient aelf, hoping under his mystio atololam for another day of wealth and powen, PATIENTS SAFE IN HOSPITAL FIRE hae Films in X-Ray Room Ex. plode, But No One Is Injured Atlanta, tay J June 21==About 278 negro patients at Grady Wom HH & munioipal ine taken from the wards yesterday when an explosion and fire in the id room endangered the builds ng The éxplopion was caused by the | pe o a quantity of 'safes es film, Lh alt thoy dense yellow «| suffered in Two police men who were patrols ling Whe ¥ around a the the 3; ® of the blast wi were wninjured, hy po in atin A hose into the, | The pa outa, J "anime are ag Surreal | vo ones ware oarried "vant = near 10 win fone x ual -- injured by the ener Boatiul Noh a Figo ho 0 writen _~ wh Nr ha rom on no 00d ui it had a large ae | capital ~=Kitohener R oat A de iractors ot of uw hind to ie ab Ig Bee Slsvators at the Heat id - Lakes ==Port Arthur NewsChrons - they " the Ly gpl All the Shurches Bid You Hearty Welcome Q4cor TREET United Church "THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP" Office 3128, Minister Rev. E Harston, LL.B, Phone 148 Bright Good Singing Pentecostal Holiness Church B11 Celina Mtreot Pastor GO, Legge In Charge 10 a.m, Sunday School 11 aan, Pastor CG. Legge 7 pm, Pastor GC. Legge Tues, 8 Pim e-- Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 pmo Bible Study Everyons Welcome CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel Jentre Athol Bt, West==North Side 10 AM.~-SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 am, "God Enthroned" THE MINISTER WILL PREACH 7 pm, REV. CHARLES BISHOP, D.D. « OF BELLEVILLE, WILL PREACH Evening Service will be concluded in one how Brief « + Fine Fellowship - A HEANTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HENE, Beneficial Helpful Services George's ANGLICAN IN, dePENCIER M.A, Bagot and Centre Mts, CANON €, Cor, Organist and Ohoirmaster--s Matthew Gouldburn, ALGCM, 8 amHoly Communion, 10.15 am, 11 a.m=Morning Prayer, Bolo=by Mr. A. T, Mills, 7 pm.==Kvensonsg, Molo--'"Hehold Theres Nhall Be a Day"=<by Mr, Paul Verland, ~Bunday School, Baptisms second Sunday each month, Rev. E. A. Brownlee Heoretary of the China Ine land Mission will preach at both services, Sunday Hohoot 8 pm, Moudey, § pms Y.FU, I'riday, 8 p.m==Uholr prac: tise, Prayer Mestings Wednea day 8 pm, and Saturday 7.00 pm, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8 C. JARRETT, Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 8 a m==Holy Communion 10 a. m~==Sunday Scheel 11 aomi, Matine & Sermon 7 pm Evensong and Sermon: Sérles of addresses will bo given on "Home Problems," commencing Sund Morning, June 20, with*Divorco and its tion, were |} oke poured he windows of [|| the bu ting ------ of the patients | Consequences," The Salvation Army Busign and Mw, Dikon «In oharge | 11 aom==Hollneas meeting, |v pam--<Salvation Meeting | Bright, short service, 10 am, and 3 pow e==Suhs day Hohool Northminster | United Church | Rov, Mansell Trwin, RA, BD, Pastor | U0 Greta St. Phone aptaw | 11 am and T pme= Pastor at both services A Cordial Welcome to ai Free Methodist MISSION (Over Arcade) 10 BIMOOR #2, N. Rev, It, Li Casement, Pastor Sunday, June 22 2,30 p.m, Sunday Scheel 3.30 p.m. Preaching Sers vice, Wed. 7.30 p.m. ==Prayer Meeting. Cordial Welcome Christian Science Firat Church of Christ, Solentiss 64 Colborne Bireet Bash Sunday, June 22 Morning Service at 11 am, SUBEUT "Is the Universe, in- cluding Man, Envolved by Atomic Force?" Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Includin ieilimenies of Healing through Ohristian 00, ¥ invited 44 ou are cordial attend the services amd to mak use of the : Free Public Reading Room ore the Bible ad al Authoring Surin Jolene be & dorrowed o qd Sin an and Bre ad St, United Church REV. W. B FLETOHMN, ¥ BA, DD, Sunday, June 22 11 am="Not Peace but a Sword" ?ame=tli inal Monday, 8 ni J People's Roolety, 4 CHRISTADELPHIAN »