YHE OSHAWA.DAILY MES,' SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 PAGE FIVE: 'omens' Interests in the Hom ~ e rr Maha s Se LRN 4 an d the Community SOCIAL AND PERSONAL , RN. A, Holden, King Ftreet Webt attended the ten given in honor of Mrs. A, Lowrie of Vans couver at the Weston Gnlf Club yesterday afternoon, Ne MH. Hobart of this ity 1cft re. cently for ¥iint, Mi gan, har . he witends the General Tratning School, Miss Ada London and Mis/ Toots Wilkins loft on Wednesdny for a {hres months' motor rip, In the Cagndian West, Thoy are accom- paning Mr, and Mrs, Richjrd ere suson, Brook Street, Mis, Murphy of Alma visiting friends In Napane few days. Miss Margaret Anderson 'ali this morning for 'Muskoka whopy she will spend the summer months, Mrs. Yrank Branton, wena Street and Mrs, I, Bhenard, Alice Strpet, were guests at Robekak As- sembly held in the King ® er Wolel, Toronto. this week and Pec ceived the degree of Chivalry at the oxércipes held in the Crystal Ball room, Wdnesday evening, On "Thursday afternoon, une 12, Mrs, J Greentl) 1gave a trousseau tes in honor of hersyoungest daugh- ter, Ruby, About sixty girl friends and neighbors were entertained, The dining-room and table was pret. tily decorated in pink and white and seasonable flowers, Miss Ruby (ireentre and her mother, Mrs, J. (iredntree received the guests, Mrs, @, Gordon and Miss Blanche Ball poured tea, while Mrs, Mevins of Leamngton, Mrs, M, Greentree, Mrs, 3, Bunker and Mm, R, Luke helped serve, About twenty-five gis of the Bell Telephone staff gatered in the rest room of the office on Wed- nesday afternoon, June 11, to hid farewell and extend good wishes to Miss Ruby Greentres. before her woarpiege. Muby has been among them: for the past few years, They presented her with pink out glass Sherbert bowl, six Sherbert glasses and plates, Afternoon tea was served and an very enjoyable hour wal spent, Dr, and Mrs, C. A, Langmald, De- vonghire Court, Walkerville, Ont, joindd thelr two daughters, Misses Valda and Gloria, at Havorgel Cols, the d accompanied [] 'aronto, . an to Quebsc where thelr daugh- te vo od for Burope, They will " i The Alning Passion Pp. root in for a ummer in Switzerland at resorts, and d tha Oharammen an. in , Fane, the Nether Britisly Telow. Be ing home in tha autumn, they will spend sometime on the French Riviera, , and Mra. Langmald on thelr retéirn from Quebec are visiting res Intives in Oshawa and vicinity, Mit of town guests who attended theiNurses' Graduation Exercises Inst . and Mrs, evening included, My and Mes, Metdland, Mr, 'and' ih WY Al exander, Mrs. "A. B. Gillies, Mr, and Mrs Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs, Keene, Dr. and Mra, Bryans, Mr, and Mrs, H, Welsh, Mr: V. Welsh, Mr. Me. Cotinell, Misses McConnell, Anflerson, Miss Lorna Corbett, Mr, and Mrs, Chadwick, Rev, Dr, 4 and L ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS ¢ "at'the I tour band Also vislt Misc] Misses [STUDENTS GIVE MUSIC RECITAL Months Make Splen- did Progress The pupils of the plano nnd violin classes which started in the Public Schools under the direc. tion of Mr, Leonard: Richer, in the month of Vebruary of this your, gave tI 'ir first recital on Thursday evening In the North Simeos Btreet School, The recity! which commenced at 4,15 o'clock was attended by n large and ap: prociative audience, Thirty-five students wok part, the plano pupils playing solos and the violin class giving a splendid demon: steation of thelr aecompifhments, Mr, Richer and his assistant, Miss Arnott as well as the children are to be congratulited on the pro Kress that has been made since the origin of the classes, As Mr Richer says this musical training "points to great development In group methods of teaching." From the many Inquiries being made ft fx hoped to have these clanson In avery school in the city in Sep. tember, At' present they exist only in North Bimeos, Centre Btreot And King Strest Schools There ;. An enrolment of for'y 5, twenty-five of w ! studying violin, Hom 'ws may NEIGHBOR 'SAYS may be remove white clothes with the foram solution: To each quart of water (bofling) dissolve one tablespoon of chloride of lime, Put the clothes In 'and stir them continually ti) the mildew disappears, then put rough several w aren the sun, aes dng on lemon pee! Is used In . Ing buns or cakes, it should hy od as thin an possible or grated finely, In order to mix it onslly with the other ingredionts, it is good plan to moisten it first with A little of the milk or eggs used in the recipe, It the bottom of the legs of Suture Als "hiked they will not oh polished floors whe od around on them, oY When sending a book through the mail, cut the corners off stiff envelopes and put them on the book gorners, Protected in this way the corners will, not bend, NEW APRONS Kitchen aprons made of checked gingham, or flowered chambray are treated Ap that they are stainproof | i '% oloan them it (] hy 8 run'n damp cloth aver them, A large rug of tarry cloth has a wide border of yellow and a very modernistic contre of many colors, Incidentally there in a long pillow to mateh, Mrs, Horwood, Miss Ethel N. Woad, Miss Marion Curry, Whithy Dr, 'and Mbs, Stephenson, Miss Brywns, Mr, Oswald MacLaren, Mr, Samuel Trees, Mr, Frank Webb, Mr, E, Humphrey, Mrs, Lough, Peterbore Mr, Allrea Lough, Peterbore, Mr, and Mrs, Beatty Fee, Poterboro, Miss Emma Fee, Peterboro, Mr, J, Tribble, Barrie, Mr, Baldwin Barrie, Mr. and 1. W. C, Wally Barrie, Mibs Mil: dred Walls, Barrie, Miss Vera Ly. ons, Barrie, Miss Jen Lough, ida, Mr, Clare Winston, Ida, r. and Mrs, Dickson, Hastings, . Mr. and Mrs, Davidson, Hastings, Mr, and Mrs, Kirts, Hanover, Mrs, Harold Archer, Port Perry, Mes, Morrison, Port P Dr, and Mrs, Berry, Willowdale, Mr, and Mrs, Wilson, Willowdale, Miss E. Wilson, Willow» dale, Mr, and Mrs, Weese, Willow: dale, Mr. Wm, Julneih Willowdale, Mr, and Mrs, arling, Lansing, Mr; B, and Miss Warling, Lansing, Mr, and Mrs, A, Wri he Lansing, Mr. and Mrs, Miller, Port Perry, Miss V, 'Miller, Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs, Walter Magee, Omemee, Miss' Mildred Magee, Omemee, Mr. and Mrs, P, Brown, Seagrave, Mr. and Mra, Colwell Napanee Miss Margaret Craig, Edmonton, Miss Emily Blair, 'Ottawa, Miss Alice Moore, Ottawa, y. Aldry dusting powder for potatoe bugs and : Ee cabbage worma etc, .'25¢ Tina and 20 Ib. Bags. | BLACK LEAF "40" A Spray for Rose Bushes, Shrubs, etc. ~ Lj Af 8 » TR Be Can ih," 98g. » rrr 23 Y Quart size in any quantity you wish. + $3.25 Bottles BOXES a Pupils of Only a Few noes during Now Brunswick, 46; Quebeo, 121; FASHION TIPS Paris is ust running wild in an effort to find new materials for hats, The latest Is a close-fitting, hood-shaped affair much like the hood which artists like to paint on Puritan maidens. This hat Is of navy felt, and has turned-back flap over the ears is of white pique, Of course, the white pique gots erush- od or solled at once, and hy the time you vip it off, launder it and remember to sew iL on again, the rest of the hat is wore out, Ah, that Paris; that Paris! Each week a now port of necks lace appears, The biggest Idea lately in the twisted necklace fp thrae colors, such as red, white and black, These necklaces, made up of meny strands of opague hoads, and much longer than choker length and welgh in nome instances nearly a quarter of a pound, They are as thick through as a New England doughnut, If you ean stand the weight, there are brace lets to match, » TODDLERS SHOES Little shoes worn by teddlers fre. Guently have 'soft soles made of suede leather, These are delight. fully flexible 'for small feet, but they Yo the disadvantage thai they acekly wear shiny and bocome slippery, To obviate this' Nghtly rub the shoes each time they are worn with a piece of fine sandpaper, MYSTERY VILLAGE Paris, June 20~A French airplane has made the first fight ncross the mysteriobs Rio Del Oro village of Smara, which no white man ever has entered, a dispateh from Cape Juby, West Africa, reported The aviators said the village wap larger than generally supposed, and was surrounded by high walls, DESCRIBE SCOTCH Montreal, ~~Scotland's new nae tional party which sprang into he. ing during the last two years and already has more than 100,000 members, wan described Jant night by Baillie "W, Thompson, of Glan gow, one of its supporters who hay come over hers to enlist the sym- pathies of the Scots in Canada and the United States, and who address: od the looal branch of the Scot tish Nationa! Party at a dinner In the Edinburgh Cafe In his honor, It » not the denire of the Scottinh Nationalists that Heotland should break away from England, Me Thompson asserted. Such a coursp would only spell disaster, What the Nattenalists feel ix that they should have a Scottish Parliament to look after the Internal affairs of the country, Just the same an the different provinees in Canada have, The Scottish Nationalist organisa. tion In working entirely independ. ently of any other political organi- sation, and Is gomposed of Liberals, Conservatiyes and Labor people, AUTO ACCIDENTS TAKE HUGE TOLL 1,204 Killed Last Year; Com- pared With 1,082 in C1928 Ottawa, June 21-=Automobile aooldents © 1,204 lives In Cans ada during. 1080, Figures released by the Dominion Bureau of Stau lution show last year's toll was fap greater than. that of 1028, when 1,082 deaths resulted from auto -acoldonts, and half an large again the 1937 toll of 865 liven, } "rhe. tonal Canada'in 1939 orton of 13.8 lation, lox d_-- in the Pro. 1020 were: Prince land, 1; Nova scotia, 61} nitoba, 68: Sas: 1 v Th Bel un } I -------------- ming a Ropwiation, of '8 Ch Ago RL He oe al In. 0,00 11] fale to her plyal elties Sha dues not count gangsters reported mise. Ing.--New York Times, A FEW. OF T bsp map a | Ta a HE GUESTS Al THE GARDEN PARTY AT "PARKWOOD",' Mr, and Mrs, BR, 8. McLaughlin enter tained several hundred of their friends yesterday afternoon at s garden party held at thelr beautiful Oshawa home, "Parkwood" Prom left to right, In the top rew Are The second group are affair, and Col, Baptist Johnston Grace Burns, Mra, ¥, O, Farncombh 8. McLaughlin, Below are pletured and Mm, ©, KE Hare Mrs, Reginald Watkins, with her father, Mr. A, 85, Foster Above are shown some of those who enjoyed the happy Mrs, Howard Burnham, Mrs, B. M. Hogarth, Mrs, James Forgle Mis, Menender, Miss Margaret 'Burns, Miss Helen Burns, Miss | On the right are the host and hostess, Mr, and Mm, R, The group on the right are Dr, Merbert Bruce, Mrs, A. B, Beck, Mrs, Bruce, and in the background Mr, J, & P, Armstrong, Parkwood Garden Brilliar A BRAY soene was presented at Parkwood, the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs, R Melaughling yoestovday when they entertained some four hundred guests at n garden party, one of the season's loading functions, Guests ushered into the garden' were received by Mr. and Mrs, BR, 8. MoLaughlin, Mrs, MoLaughlin worrying n charming afternoon gown of beige and coral chiffon, bhiege hat, {he only ornfmént on her gown being nf sparkling topas buckle, At thely pleasure the guests roamed the grounds, admiring beds of flowers, bewitchingly trained trees and shrubs, while music floated on the air and lent a unique charm of romance, Yollows, mauves, greens, blues of the fashionable gowns ol the lady guests rivalled in thelr vividrdess the banks of - gorgeous flowers that grew In perfost wet tings and grew to the fullest ad vantage, A wander about the mag. nificent gardens - would reveal the fairest of roses of every possible va- riety blooming and at thelp best A display of orchids in the econ. wervatory, that is perhaps ene of the rarest of sights, were viewed hy the guests, Blooms of every kind and color grow in hounteous and boauteous array, Beds of pan. slow, columbine, lavkspur, popples phlox,' and every other imaginable npeciment that it is possible to grow in this elimate lined the foot paths and former hedges, The sumken garden where two fountains played in the summer sunlight, and invit. ing chaiva and banches were placed in the most unigue corners, The terrace at the south of the house, where still another fountain danced and sparkled, and banks of the daintiest floral array grew, One could not help hut stop to marvel at the graceful trees an they sway: od In the summer breege, It wus under the most beautiful of these that the marquee where tea was norved, wan erected, About it were bright umbrella shaded tables, at which the guests sat and partook of the appetizing dainties, . The evening sun was setting before the lant of the guests hid thelr charms« ing host and hostess adieu, Toronto guests Included: Mrs, Stanley Pettit and Miss Pettit, Mrs, M, MeCullooh and Miss Mare fon MoCQullooh, Mr, and Mrs, OH, Willson, Mr. and Mw, Stephen M. Greey, Dr, and Mrs, NL, Gaushy, Mr, and Mrs Avthur Lang, Mra, 'Walter Harris and Miss Jean Har rin, Premier and Mrs. G, Howard Forgusen, Mra, Harry Alwyn Seott and Misa Vivian Hoett, My, Barvy Nayes, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Dos herty, Mr, and Mrs, James M, Forgle, Mra, C. A, Page and Miss Rileen hy Molghen, Mrs, Meighan and Mins Lilian Meighon, Mr, and Mrs, 1, G, Long, Mm, KB, Johnstono, Mr, and. Mra, Rosa Wilson, Mrs, Jo I by and Mr, Douglas Eby, Hon, EK. RB and Mrs, Ryckman and Miss: Ryckman, Dr, and Mrs, Tom: ple, My, Harry TT. MacMillan, Cait. and Mrs, Harry Haldenby, Mr, and Mra, 'Geoffrey Reatty, Mr, and Mra, W.. N, Milley, Mra, William Stratton, Mr, and Mrs, Robert W, Davies, Mr. and Mvs, J, Kenneth Owens, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Cane evon, Mr, and Mrs John Mirai. hrook, My and Mrs, R 8 Wik | ams, Miss Isobel Williams, Rev. and | The Rt, Hon, Arthur |; Party Is t Summer Function [ and Mrs RN Campbell, White, Mr Homers, Mr Brydges, Mr, Peter My Melloville " and Mrs, Geoffrey and MPs, Austin Crowther, Mr, and Mrs, Fraser Raney, Mr, and Mrs Alfred Rogers. Mra, B, Li, Anderson and Misses Helen and Betty, Mr, Ross Anderson, Mr, and Mra, William H, Hodgens, Mr, and Mrs, Donald I, Meleod, My, and Mm, G, R Sproat, Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Ivey, My, and Mrs, W, W, Alexander, Mr, and Mrs, R.1., Greene, My, and Mrs, R, Y. Eaton, Mr, and Mrs Kdwin Arthur Langmulr, Mis Grace Langmuir, Mr, and Mra, ¥, V, Johnston, Mra, Larratt G, Case soln, Bir Willlam and Lady Hearst, Mr, and Mrs, Lenlile G, Rams, Miss Thornhill, Mr, and Mm, R, G, Fisher, Mis Kllgaheth Fisher, Mr, Walter Laidlaw, Mr, and Mra Mr, and Mrs, Willlam H, Price, W, D, Htbele,. Miss Helen Steele, Mr, and Mra, Wallace Barrett, Dr and Mrs, Gordon Hyland, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert D, Burns, Mr, and Mra, W, J. H, Carnahan, Mr, and Mrs, John Campbell Fraser, Lady Gage, "LtsCol, and Mra, Carson MoCormack, Mr, and Mra, John Coulson, Mp, and Mrs, Dunean MoLaren, Mr, and Mrs, Atwell Fleming, Mr, and Mrs, Stanley Heatty, Mv, and Mvs, Q. O, Still man, Lt Col and, Mrs, Mackensie Waters, Mr, and Mrs, A, KB, Dy ment, Lt.-Col, Wiptist Johnston, Mr, and Mrs, W, G, Mitehell, Mr, and Mra, Walter 1, Green, My, and Mis, Alex Rodger, Mr, and Mm 8 R, Hart, Mr. and Mra, Bary Hayes Jv, Mr, John Pearson, Dr and Mra, Herhert A, Bruce, Mr, C, A, Rogort, Bir Willlam Mwook, Mr, and Mes, H, H, Willlams, Mr, and Myx, Arthur Van Koughnet, Mr, R, R, Bongard, Mr, and Mrs, R, C, Matthews, Dr. Chas Coss age, My, and Mrs, ©, L, Ownes, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Molean, Mra, Hdgar Armstrong, Mr, and Mpa, Rorin Hambourg, Mr, and Mra, 8, RB Gundy, Mp, Jack Gundy, Miss Rertha Tamblyn, Mr, and Mra, 8, G. Bennett, Onl, and Mra, George Watts, Miss Georgia Watts, Mr, and Mrs, Scott Griffin, Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Rees, Mr, andiMrs, A, 0, Beck, Mr, and Mrs, lox. Black, Mr, and Mrs, T, A, Rus nell, Mr, and Mra, Bdward Bly, Mr, C, WH. Carlisle, Mr, and Mra, Goo, Helntaman, Mr. and Mrs, A, Robert Doherty, Mr, and Mrs, Sisson, Mr, and Mrs HB Plummer, Mr, and Mra, Chas, W, I, Woodland, Mra, Als mon P, Turner, the Misses Turner, Mr, and Mva, J, I, Owens, Mr, and Mi, John MoCaul, Mra, Howard Burnham, Miss Hyland, Mr, N, Hy land, Mrs, K. A, Richardson, Mr, Maloolm Richardson, Col, and Mra { RB, Maclean, Mr, Chester 0, Hamilton, Mr, and Mra Geo, RB, Shaw, Mr. and Mea, 1, N, Bate, Mian 0 |, Mathews, Mya, Ohan, Trow, Dibra -------------- The United States Government Is the most efficient big business are ganization In operation' today, Thomas A. Raison, Sm ------------ LEFTUNDONR (Detroit News) About everything seems to have been done in that fine, exoapt that He young couple has had the wed: ding ceremony performed while gow going over Niagara in a barrel, EAKARKK KK KY KITCHEN CORNER I ------------ KARMA RK FRUIT "GRANITE" One of the most refreshing cons cootions for hot summer days is the marvellous fruit "granite" for whieh the south is famous, Chills od to the nth degree without frees ing enough to solidify, the "gran. ite" In pooling and stimulating, A heavy syrup is combined with fruit Jules and water and half fron. on to make a granite, It always in Hquid enough to drink but soe thors oughly chilled that it just misses an fee. When the mixture is actus ally white' with frost during the freezing process it is ready to nerve, All canned and many fresh fruits oun he used singly or In combinas tion for these beverages. Hince canned fruit is always available, these drinks can be prepared re. gardloss of the local market, The combination of fresh and canned fruit produces many novel flavors that are delicious, To make a strawberry or red raspberry granite, proceed as fol lows: Wash and thoroughly drain one quart of berries, Put into a deap how! and cover with two eups of granulated sugar, Mash and cover with a clean towel, Let stand two or threa hours, Extract all the Julee and strain through a fine wire slave or oheensoloth, Add two cups witer and freee, Herve In tall glasses with a tiny sprig of mint in each glnmn Any fresh fruit is used this way «the highly aweetened juice dilut- od with water, In using canned fruits, extra sugar must ha added and the fruit and juice cooked about ten minutes until a heavy syrup ix made, Then the syrup is strained and combined With water as for fresh fruit, If the granite fa to be chilled in a crankless freeser, use three parta foe to one part foe cream salt and lot' stand one hour, Horapa down the edges of the mixture as it frees. on, This hastens the chilling pros conn, IN OTTAWA GRASH Oftawn, June #1-=Canada's ine parachute jumper, James Warrings won, Toronto, and his brother, Stes phen, of the Royal Canadian, Alr Force, Camp .Rorden, "Were killed in an automobile acoldent on the Stittavilla Road, about 20 . miles from Otawa, early this morning, Gerald MoMunus of the RC.» AF, Ottawa, and Robert Quahley, Ireland, who were also in the ear, were only slightly injured, The party was driving from Carleton Place to Ottawa when thelr oar left the road and overturned in & diteh filled with water, Help arrived about 25 minutes after the erash but Suntory tound both Warringtons ead, Stephen Warrington landed at Reoklite Alrdrome a few days ago CHIEF LIEUTENANT OF CAPONE SLAIN Chicago, June 21-=Tha hody of Lawrence Jullana, overload of the rackets, Capone lieutenant, and one of the biggest liquor hosses in the Middle West, was found in an abandoned car on a junk heap at | 128rd Wtreet and Ogden Avenue, Blue Inland, Juliano had heen beat en to death Juliano had an unofoial record | pages long, was branded ng a "des porate ¢haracter'" by United States District Attorney George HB, Q Johnson, and was questioned In gonnection with the bomhing nearly three years ago of the homes of Hiate's Attorney John A, Bwanson and United States Senator Charles B. Deneen, He also was Interrogat ed following the Joseph (Diamond Joe) Heposite, righthand man in Chicago of De neen after hringing an airplane from Camp Rorden, He was awaiting fav orable weather to return with an other ship to his post, assassination of | NO WORD ' The star that fel lin Bde Like a burning leat 0. fpelled no word that #in' Has iis rewarding grief, ' Btorm over Colgotha ? And the sarh rembling 4 Wears not tho walling of Weaven, At & cruel thing, The pain and the sin of man Concern moon snd star Loss than the falling of water In a broken jar, roa The moon cries to the ses That sleeps in her 10st hed, And fives far underground Call Ares trom overhead, Man Is naught hut one Who witlessly between Bitar and star distorts The Been with the Unseen, And since the sun shinps Ti dark the light enclose Rwaars that it shines for him And pinks for his repose, I pe-------- ALL IN LINEN An exercise sult that is sxtremaly popular consists of shortd, shirt and close-fitting beret all made of the same. linen; they are delightfully eonl and hecoming, - rs N a. "re EE i ------ SN ad A Safe Speedy Relief ff SCIATICA Poisons slong set Fo eh veld we 's I $00 and $1 at oll draggly samt. Best for You and Baby too Bab e own, A ---- TANT gt. = All seeping ) men roomy bal lounge) ari rv M. R, JOHNSON 11 King St ED | w serves MAY 1745 For convenience and trave ' Canada's premier trams-co will serve yourfor the twelith sesson. PLAN A LONGER STAY AT THIS YEAR. . the Canadien Rockies... end Lake! ', Louise, only forty miles away. Through the Cenagian Rockies in SEPT 27% , summer soclel centre off. : Pe EQUIPMENT rainy di an, pus] woking 4 CRA. CPR at, Oshawa Reduce: the Acid AS . In sick stomacha=instantly iA p Slok stomachs, sour stomachs and indigeation usually mean ex: conn aold, The stomach nekves are oversstimulated, Too much acld makes the stomach and intestines nour, Alkali killa acid instantly, The beat form is Phillipa' Milk of Mag: neala, because one harmless, taste. lens dose neutralizes many times its volume in acid, 8inoce Ha invention, 60 years amo, it has remained the standard with physicians every: where, Take a spoonful in water and your unhappy eondition Na bably end in five minutes, on you will always know what to de, Crude and harmful .methods will naver appeal ta you, Go prove t for your own sake, It Way save Jou a great many disagresabls ours, He sure to got t ine Phils lips! Milk of Magn by phyalolana tor §0 1h ore recting excess aolds Hach bottl oontalng full divections==any drugs store,