y/ a 3 i 'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 1930 , asblstips in preasutions sgiinst|whobaa 1 'against him tn the lof Prapkiin that had bess taken | But 1t stands thers ps 8 warning, | Asked if he would Mkely accept | "whether approached by another 13. tation in. promt disonsen, Pouttsuler ar And was an the|awsy from that. place; when the | There were stirring fimo, too, in| the Bpeakership of the Senate, he | vehicle or not," rendered the regule Hd LIQUOR SET ' oy on Bo 108 wivises tor ¢ Delete, " Arg nr 1812, i fhe old Wasoumy " A vo Jit oplied: "It id fibver been Jugs ation intagsonable and pls vireh oppos! gro L] 00, J 7 4 osture Pnfter LL} re, Laurier ay ere | geste 0 me, mn ore ure others | In quashing his decision r, Juss Jlevillo~~Righteen thousand | great transcontinental raflway, and | to return it, While in Washington | in state, after death, and follow-| who could get along just as well] tice Jones said that the regulation dollars oth ot bao telsed by Jou the Teslsnation of Blalr, Subisduatiss bo. ry B Shat yon ing that wis the Nondortsi sityice a 1." was not "unjust, or made in "| eal prov co is being guard 's Howignation , rosident Taft, who [oad o basilica an 0 great fu- TINT faith," The by-law providing that ihe a y od Slonely until ordors for ita dis-| "But perbaps there never Vit tording to, the Jew on 'the statutc| neral ormtion of Father Burke, AUSTRALIA TO USE drivers must keep to the loft hand y A WIDENING ROAD osition have been receved from | more critical time after 1806 li] books, It was going tu be necessary | You remember , , , 'Lay him down side of the rosd at sll times, is} Lindsay, o Peterboro" rou | Atforney-General's dopartment, | till Laurier went out of power in| to raise tarifls agsinst Cennda and | gently, for he was a great gen BRITISH MOVIES | therefore upheld, ta is at present being rebuilt at Ver-| Bwooping down on Graham Cold | 1805, when. Laurier offered before] other countries that would not wc-| Lleman,' The case arose out of (he pro bean | Wain, This pleco of rolid was very | Storage, muthoritios confiscated Ii-| hiv cabinot to resign. 1 can tell] cept the reciprocity offor. Hel "The greatest speeches I think| , «L070 oo |secution of one Harry H. Goode fo ye narrow and two cars could not Yuor which had been unloaded from | you it now, for they are all dead. | would sooner they would adopt re-| I ever heard in the House of Yangomant beLveen Trad Bh Inter. | [811ing to keep on the left side of moet in ¥ome places. relght ours, It ix allogod to be the | Bitton and' Fielding both objected | ciprocity, however, Commons were delivered by Laur. | FUHESTASNT FELEEON TIFIEEL Cote | Roeland Street. When dismissed ; ---- property of Carling. Browerlos of | to it, Lauriér announced that hel "Grey sald he 'would consult with | fer on the Riel question, on the " ons -. 1) 0 yon by the magistrate It was appealed y 1, JOCHURCH RE-OPENED don, and was waybilled from | would resign, Things bag become] Ladrier on' the matter, and as al death of Btr John A, Muedopauld, Hy hi of By ey 4 Bérient "1 to the Supreme Court by the Butler, o the Ontario Agrieult Athens, -- Hundreds stéended | that place ay "canned goods." vory creitionl indeed, Then Bit | resuls, it was brought out, While| of Queen Victoria, and Gladstone. rt th Mma wil ve used i y the torney-Genoeral, staff for the past few wee! the special re-opening services of S---------- Frederick Borden arose, and saved | the Liberals were being condemved | Macauley, Burke, Fox, Caning, Augiraijag A ry 2 ruaAney i vo > conducted experiments on ferms| the United Church, The beautiful] BIG BXPANSION UROPOSED ,.. the situation, for originating the ides, Grey in| Peel, Gladstone he knew and Ns Herm or the Dally Mai in. tho Quinte district in tho bray. | aditioe which Kor nearly 100, years) JSC UNCTCSMRORL CTA 0: (EL ot Ns sass. You have DROWERL| ound nob they wah (ho. faser of | In the 15h contury. Sometimes 4» tho greatest Empire Film doui | NATIVES PREVENT ke... a Plo V mth ee taro pie on Bugeno F. Phillips Electrical Works ry hte. power, you Prrty kept us the. past, 1 betteye thet had ab during my Speakorship 1 would mado yet, MINE OPERATION dor this treatment wore sprayed a undergone ro-painting, | Limited, control of which hus just | in power. All that we ute we owe] election been held immediately in| get the old Hansard and read v Stung Royle, ASpresenting oe . ae vious singe ot utenti docratng and mavy prove Git GR oh 0 ALELCIANIL i 2, Mt irda won ann nr OI ATES Ot epi 0 Bo | alan wore. red of Amin | London, Fg --A écent anv of bt Be Dated to 'different | ks 1 dec the construction program which iw | out, and Fielding came around and) "Borden then beceme Premier.| ish constitutional history, and yoloms, and aaked why thot, have the Times shows that the attitud rowers: who will keep hem dh, | CAUGHT LANGE SALMON 0 finest "ile" expenditire of bout | sun et the ast" fhooshes, of ha spanches ne wan sivas. suirdntt| Part of taut Dini LE WO be Faneirad the reply that. Bn. | backwura 'ciisons" in Aftich der 'close observation guring Athens. ~Fishing at Ch three quarters of a million dollars, | career. The Oppos' lon sald of hit Lhe never made a rash statement, Convinelng Speaker land was a free country. Mr, Doyle | likely to prevent continuation of] present season, Lake, Omer Kilborn, of AAdIsON|pringipatly in Trockville, with the | that ho was 1fke & diver who fooled] and that: 48" quite s record for "One of the most convincing | sald that the cansor is "a political | mining operations in at least on igh ! -- | was successful in landing & S81:lobjeet of increasing the concern's | around the water without Gog 15,] man in ible fife, He started] speakers of tho House is my oid|curiosity." The agreement was | instance, Chief Tucked! of Buman The a non, which weighed 16 pounds and |e cities to' most ¢ new warkets | bug when he did, he made 8 Food | out cautious} from the beginning, | friend C. H, Cahan, K.C of this | conclided by radio, gwato interviewed Lord Passfield in WORK ON HYDRO LINK | measured 36 inches in length and|ingt are in prowpeet, The company | dive, ! wai always careful of what Be) eity, Though ho belongs to the London, and was told that the ter Tronton,--Work started on Lhe| 10%; Inches girth, Will enter. the export trade as 'se-| "Bui give the devil his due, it-| said, He fs mow onc of the elder| crusty old Tory school, yet he is mination of the British South rural rg dine i the Franktord- ERA quel to ita acquisition by leading | ton was a wonderful man, cool steteymen of Canada, snd bighiy| (alr minded, and. a gest disloc- ALL TRAFFIC MUST Arica Company's mining cone kdale 'district this week, with| ORGANIZING TRICITY. BAND |Gyitish and American industrialists, | Loaded, resourceful, a calculator. | respected by all, ticlan, He Is highly respected in sion in the Bechuanaland Protecto B. Austin of Woolor fn > charge. Brogkyille~Prof, V, 8, Tomp: Say what you like, it was Sifton Parliament Fire the House by all parties, KEEP ON OWN SIDE [its is & matter for legal decison vay Tomin. at SeSckdate. bo kins, well' kiiown band leader and OHEENEMAKER INJURED that populated the Wost, He "I remember the fire in the Par. ""Now It Is all over for me, | Ho was also assured that it th . about forty mOR| mumeian, has organised g profes) | stirs AIA brought in settlers from the States] lament buildings, and sithough 1] Kh summoned from the House «f| Cape Town, B, Africa,--~A judg-| concession is terminated in the Will be engaged on' the, line, sional band to be composed of the EERE C=EECIAL Werbubon, 41,4 urope and he made things) at first thought te Germans did] Commons to the Senate, And it| ment of great Importance to motor. | courts of law, the British Govern finost talent available in Brock: an arm when attempting to adjust go. It, 1 am pow. convinted that a] simost breaks my beart to leave | ists was delivered in the Supreme | ment will not enforce the openin a belt at the factory. While try- Retiprosty big a Batch or but did it, for the old he House Where 1 hate Baan " Court here hid ny, Justios Jones up ot Biining id ihe souniry, Jt pan "I'he next big ovent wag the re-| Commons was a match box, Then) long. My consolation is that all] when he held that the regulation | will only act with the consent of NEW RECTOR APPOINTED ing to put on the belt Ferguson had ciproeity issue of 1911, You know,| we had tho naval Cebate, That Parties ngroo as to my fairness, 1| requiring trae to keep to the left | the natives, his arm caught In it and the arm 2 yo Kingston.--Rev. ¥. C, Beasor the Liberals got credit for origine| lasted 15 days and oosnpe +s] followed the rules handed down| of the road at all times was intra meee eaten Satur ay has beon appointed rector of Ox-|Was terribly mangled, He was fo us from the mother of parla: | viros, If & man is a good listener tr r ' ating that, and it rently was Lord|int'oduced for the first time. ford Mills by Rev. I'r, C, A, Beas ushed: to the howpital hore whore Ho wont down to Philadel-| Melghen used Jt in 1921 bul wef ment, I know 1 was on solid A Cape Town magistrate had | woman votes him a pleasing con : , : Grey, Night 1S 3h Blaha) of Otiturio, Rov. Bugsar Sputation was found nessssyry, phis one day to present uw pleture Liberals have never had to yel. ground." previously ruled that the words versationalist,----Detroit News, | M . | pent of the parish of Kapuskasing| Jang K. OF 0, . hid il in Northern Ontario, ngston.~~Vincent MoDermot 4 N ---- waulant night Socted Prana Kugnt fll n . ' TE of F'rontenss Counc! nights ll] cAnp SRACHYN fonin o oA of Columbus while George Sullivan, NIGHT [fl coum A tose volte bv rorns Fateh ranted tor (Hal oA 4} he old Tasters. League in 1308 was At Our House charge of robbery with violence. |' on 8 deputy grand knight, His vieitim, polico charged, was ¥ Miss Kate Wilson, Carp telephone ir A Saturday night an '§] operator, and the crime occurred regular | as the week ifn March, Hooper elected speedy comes round, Vather goes [| trial and went before Judge H. J. down to. Jury and Lovells Daly in county eriminal court, Drug Store, to bring homo [ll] Judge Daly mnnounced that he TELLS 0 EARLY candy for us children, He would try the case on July 8, "epmppmmr fl oe ir soma, PAYS |N HOUSE PATTIES" years of age attended the seventy- ville, Prescott and Ogdensburg, fitth anniversary of Eden United --th¥ie delicious chocolate. [| Church Bunday School. They were Interesting Tales of Early coated creams with that R, 0, Webster, cf Fenelone Falls; . * refreshing peppermint five (| Wiliam Webster, of Cambray; W.| Life of Parliament Told OF we John Greenaway, Eden; Thomas b : i if| Treleaven, Bobeaygeon, and Mrs. y Speaker w They are always so fresh Ruth Greenaway of Toronto. The and delightfully tasty, [ll] aggregate ages of the five totalled MA r ' Grown-ups 8lso recognize 400 yonrs, Montreal, --How Laurier almost Peppermint Patties as their rosigned in 1905 wfter his split favorite candy, REMANDED FOR TRIAL with Sifton, how Fielding first - . Your Rexall Drug Store || Prescott.-- Leeming Hawking | disagreed with his chief then nade t wind has a fresh stock of "Home- [| and Harry Barker, both of Hamil] ® ETeat speech in his defence, an bd maid Peppermint Patties" [ill ton who were arrested in Hamil-| how Bir Frederick Borden sivad ll] ton, in connection with the scule the day for the Liberals are pmit : x Special Price for | dont two miles east of here when| Of the reminiscences by Hon. Ro- ir ll] two other youths who were in| dolphe Lemieux, Apeakgr of the \ : Saturday il] their car were killed, appeared be~ Ja ous of colina ha I+ 3 Only 29¢, Lh, | fore Magistrate Atkinson hereteit Senator Lemieux was at the a charge of criminal negligence, | Mount Royal Hotel, and being in Do try a pound boa, a Aig Jemanded 'to' Brockville rotronpective mood, a halt century Yos! Wa deliver, I i review, from, the time the Con A . ons ughe r ar up. URGE SEMI-ANNUAL BXAMINA®| of political events passed in quick per's predictions of a successfully : X Kingston.--At the annual meet: ) settled West served by a success ing of the Womens Institute of ful" Canadian Pacific Railway, to i}| Frontenac County here a motion / ' | was adopted: advocating the sem! the present, when he admitted : i I{annual 'medical examination ot| that he read Laurler's old speech: school temchers. 'This sotion was| ® from the Hansard when debates . taken by the Institute wih a view | Were long and dull, Reminiscences ho gave because all those involved are now dead 11s regret at giving up the Speak . / ership he referred Lo with feeling, ' } and his intimate contacts with Laurier he dwelt upon as the out. standing honor of a life with honors. Heard Old Loaders While Senator Lemieux did not enter the House as an ambitious young lawyer until the mauve de- ; onde, he telly of taking his _ufter- | 3 b dditi | th 4 of e noons off while attending Ottawa i) wn University to go up to. Parliament \s tof ac year a ona ousan $ car © rs Hl and hear the llons of the 0. _-- = learn to recognize the British American "I remember Sir John A. donald and Alexander MacKensie. Both nel Byhly respected, both yo. i i i very outstanding men, But they| Sign the gn f C pa did not speak to each other outs as ns eof 4 om ny side the House. The men in those - i (1% dh | days were bigger but the issues \ 5 2, 0) drank warm ramen | SE | CR 4 devoted to the best : / 4 eo Canadian ' a are DERAL DIRECTORS. fon oF ofietls ERE interests of every | Private Funeral Chapel, First Clase Equipment, Ambulance | sbisst lawyer of them all, © | DIES: | SLL bio drive ~ ._ DAY AND NIGHT--PHONE 1062 gel Ra + Only NEW BILLS are given In a) man who drives Se ; there were a great many personal |- change at British American Service 1 Hew indy wa fn then, Ar election | Stati ois h : a car "i. ware oso ot a ovimtindetton course. Chapleau aud Laurier, of a type of service thet Is' fully came personal hel Te: worthy of the high quality of British ye veadars American products. "One of tho first big events I romember was when I went up to (| the House ono day and heard Si ! BETTER Charles Tuppti a of the time] ° QUALITY. re Wou t v EE nin Th a y wou Ww a 000 bushels a GH the prairie, b NO PRICE PENALTY pre nd it would be dotted with popu ous of | wt he hiw an Laurier was a young man, with jet black hair, not ved-hoaded, as Beckles Wil a um t deal to hi He advised me to loarn the Engst language, He said to me: 'Although this House permits both French ana y by ¢ 'means leary } ! you reach = limited audience; it ivy] anally v YOu are ta of : great event of my time ubilee n 189 » ofa bh phn. dene i - = gr greatest oh i , 80 striking 'a he make. The Lond Times of that dey sald his ove | found only one precedent in h ton at the coronation Queen Viet drove in the Sama earnings with Marshal Saul