Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Jun 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMFS, » TN IREDAY, [UNE 19, 1930 PAGE FIVE omens' Interests in the Homie --- and the C ommunity SOCIAL AND PERSONAL and Mrs, David Grovey and urs ALE Port Huron, have in few holidays with i AM, henson, Celina #t, Mr, Ernest Gray, assistant gens aral manager of Heintzman Com- pany, Toronto was & visitor In the oity yesterday, Mrs, n, phobinton Mantreal and Mrs, H, Bensord, Niagara-on-the- Lake, are the guests of Mrs, Ernest Oreen, Oshawa Boulevard, Mrs, Howard Stein, Prince Rup- ort, Ws the guest of her sister Mrs, George Russell, Albert Sireet, for the summer months, The annual graduation exercises of the Oshawa General Hospital will be held in the Collegiate and Vooa- tional Institute auditorium to-mors row evening, 'The special speaker of the oceasion will be Dr, Agnew of the Medical Association of Tor- onto, The publie is invited to at: tend the exercises, On ow Br doe 3th WMis Arnes, a bride-to-be o on A: Yall be eg Md Poth with a few friends and res Hil met at her home to give useful mifta for the vk Bd Aor oR and a Mrs: Luey Richmond of Fort Wil- {ism is » guest of Mrs, Clarenge Gils lard; Court street, rs, Russel Devine and son oe | ort Hag, wr spending this wee oy) Mes, Russell's sister, Mrs, Kemp bo Areet, AWA, oy pChagman, Barrle street, Ty B®. Jones, 'Pine str ul ald oi Thin evening for Mont { ai Smitirow morni od for ihe mown i ands oi and li Mr, and Me, Ac W. Bradley; of A a EA A SPBOTAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS At the 23 Hilleroft pi P ot this is chy, were Pleasantly surprised helr_arris val at the Cream Arley Camp, on Bunday, June 15th, fo find thers before them about forty friends and relatives who had. gathered in their honor fo brute thelr tenth wed- fing univ versary, Mr. W, A, Allin, father © bride read a short ad: ress, white v, I, Bradley, father of the groom presented thai with a bandit trdy of iver Me find Mi eplied rintely an than o oh heh WAIL of himeell { and his wife, A plenie supper was served, happy time the gifts weve unwrapp- od; and su Bhat Was herved from a (able prettily decorated with orange blossoms and pink streamers, The June meeting of the Klisa- beth Long Mission Cirgle took the form of a plone at Lakeview J yesterday: afternoon, About 1 the members and leaders were Hho sent and all enjoyed the summer outing, Rev, apd Mrs, A, ©, Hahn return- od to Oshawa, Wednesday evening from their holiday trip to the Unit or Biates, They visited the pastor's parents in Napoleon, Ohio, and Mrs, Hahn's parents in Bt, Louis, Mo, The annual Bimeoe Ftreet United Church cholr plenic was held at Lakeview park yesterday, Cars con yoying passengers to the plonie grounds left the church at five o'clogk, The plonic supper was serv. od at 6,00 pm, Aboul 40 were pre. it $ {ow games Bnd races were staged after the supper, mt -- NORTHMINSTER ANNUAL SUPPER Ladies of W. A, Serve Sup- per to Large Attend. ance a "he » plondid weather conditions were partly responsjble for the large erowd that turned out for the annual ghureh supper at Northming- ter, Inst evening, The large tables were made" very Aatiractive with summer flowers and were heavily laden with delicious food, At the door the guests were welcomed by the pastor, Rev, A, M, Irwin and Mrs, Irwin, Altogether the "ipher Was & real success and the Ia are well pleased with results of their labor and all are ready for the next big event which will be the Street Fair to be held sometime during the month of August, Grata 'treet will be the scene of this event, The ladies of the congrega- tion are urged to he present at the next meeting of the W.A, Which will be held on Wednesday, July ind, Important business is to be discussed at this meeting, of PEP, Packed with the rich nourishment of whole wheat, That's of Kellogg's Pep Bran Pep Br milk or you get with svary bowlful akes, they're better bran fakes! wi and breakfast with a new ate virtually a perfec They have just enoug) ----y bran to be mildly laxative, y favorite everywhere for breakfast, for lunch or the children's supper, WOMENS MEETINGS | Tuesday afternoon the regulm monthly mesting of the Loeasl Home and Bohool Counell was held in (he Y MOA Mrs, RB, MeLaughlin, who was re-elected as president of the Council, was in the ehaly, It being contrary (o custom to hold a moating of the coun): in June there was not the ususlly good attendance that prevails during the winter months, The purpose of the meeting called for this month was to make arrangements for ihe school fald falr, Committess were appointed to approach those named a5 judges, to plan the ports pro gramme and to interview those in charge of the letting the buildings for the exhibitions, Prive lists have been drawn up and placed in all the publie schools, The advant- age In having the lists oul at so arly a date 1s that the children will know in plenty of time what things may be exhibited al phe Pair, No entries except for classes that ave on the prige Vist will be noecepled, SURPRISE PARTY FOR BRIDE-TO-BE Harmony, June 18.=A vary pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs, J, I, Bleeman, on Tuesday when they entertained A number of the friends of Mise Ruby Greentres in honor of her ap proaching marriage, The house was pretilly deoorated with garden flowbrs, Miss Greentree, who ar rived Inter than the other guests was taken completely by surprise to find that a party was being given in her honors The guests enjoyed thomselves, taking part in the games, musle and contests, The winners of the latter. were Miss Marjorie Dunn and Miss Margaret Hart, Miss Florence Clifford play od her part in the evening's enter. talnment, by reading an address to the guest of honor, At the con olusion of the address Misses Irene Oke. and Hilda Sleempn presented Miss Barnes with a bheautitul floor lamp and a colored out glass cake plate, -- - MY MUSIC BOX The many precious treagures [ have sored away, Lé bring back memorler of a longsde parted day, Among them all T find hot one so ragged, yet so gay As my battered Musle box, Across the top & rose-wreathed eupld pipes his hd refrain And onea you've heard his lilting notes, like drops of April rain, You'll joel yale very soul to hear his 0 ous Wain, Auhough hy Musi¢ Datiered And some dav. when, L die; Ml my way to Heaven 1 win, And wood h. Peter beama and smiles and kindly lets me in I will not ask for angel wings nor uolden harp stripgs then But hh my battered Musle box, EN re OVER 38,000 ATTEND ALDERSHOT TATTOO (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, June 10,.--The evalu: tions of 6,000 troops participating in the Aldershot military tattoo were admirable but quite as much admiration was exolted by the ef: ficlent manner in' which the clvis fan authorities handed the growd of 85,000 speptators, (who, came from all points of the compa, a milk a day per person lsdesirable for the best of health, You can © got your folks to eat" milk by seling attractive calling for plenty of it, LE EE) fv I RE RE a KEEPING UP WITH AN This Is Mrs, Mildred Morgan, wife of an alrway line manager, as she ap: tly, after pleting her peared » oburse at Los Aigeles airport for "Rotary Annes" Help to Make Annual Fair a Huge Success What In this world carries more Appeal than a child? And when the id happens to need help or pro tection the appeal to the normal man and woman is doubled For months past every member of the Oshawa Rotary Club has been de voting every spare minute of his thought and time to plans for the Rotary Fale, now In full swing hy whieh it Is to bg hoped to ralse funds tor garry on the elub's work among the erippled children In the district And not only has the Ideal of hap pler healthier existence for the un fortunate kiddies of Ontarle county gripped the imaginations of Oshawa's practical business wand professional men, but It has extended to hel Ei a AEP WINS MULOCK AWARD Miss C, Elisabeth Gwyn, Hamilton, of St, Hilda's college, who headed the elassion honors Inations at the University of Torente, winning the Willlam Muloak scholarship, wif of Re Hon, Sie i am Mul: oe y of University of Toronto Mor A ond year student ranking blaheot in elassien, ow The Ideal Shoppe 150 Stmeoe Nt, Mouth offers tor Friday and Satur day real apecinla In Dresses and Monlery, Silk Crepe Dresses, $3.08 3 Silk Fugi. for $1.08 Alao another special in heaus titul Milk Crepe Dressed, white, green, peach, mauve, yellow for $10.00 and #12.00, Another line of ailkc printed Dresses at $7.08 ®._ Also oar large stock by Dresses Hi anton prices Full-Fashioned Hoalery, French Heel, Pointed Heels. Reg. $1.80 for wo 81,28 SAMUEL SCHWARTZ MLALY (Yen Freda "Did you ever ga down Rimcoe St, Routh and notice the Ideal 8hoppa 1538, YT was surprised to see such a niee ators, no nicely fixed up, also they have bheautitul. goods, wo"! went in, and believe me, I never BAW such a ititul line of drepnes and hoslery: You will like thelr goods and their store, aldo thelr prices will suit you, thay are Nery veasonable," SAMUEL SCHWANIY AIR-MINDED HUSBAND her pilot's license. It Is Mrs, Mor. gan's contention that the best way to keep up with an alreminded hus: band Is to become an aviatrix, wives and to members of thelr fa miles, This was amply evidenced ud the opening night of the Fale yes terdny evening, Smiling "Rotary An nes" dispensed pundwiches, ple and other comestibles from the Home Covking booth, Mysterious Indies in pleturesque gypsy costimnes forecast the future while gazing Inte the palms of men and women wnxious to know thelr fute, Real outhts of fishing tackle an well as pretty pri pos attracted the children In partl cular to the Ashpond, a booth urtist lenlly decorated with evergreen houghs. Daughters of club members retatled roses to willing buyers. All these things that the objective of the large hearted Rotarians may be reach ed and that scores of the handicaps ped kiddies nly be given a renews ed Intesest in life, and brightier hopes for a happler and fuller existence, a Mes, LeosGray with her committee of forty women managed the Home cooking booth; The Fortune-Telling tents were in charge of Mis, A EK O'Nelll, while Mrs, Roy Bennett with Asalatants wan in chargy of the fish pond, THe flower hooth under the por lel of Mrs, Earl Hodgins war the headquarters for the flower girls, ! who went about the grounds selling thelr floral wares. Mrs, Hodging had many assistants who helped Al the baskets for the flower vendors, am ong these were Miss Margaret Hart, Mrs, Swall, Mes, D, M, Tod, Mra: R Morphy, Mra. 8, Storie, Mra, Miller, Mes, Stenhouse and Mes, 8 Phillips, | CONVENTION AT KING ST. CHURCH W.CT.U, of Or Ontario And Durham Counties Meet+ ing jn King St. Church PH 0.80 this morning the 55th annual convention of the Ontario and Durham Women's Christian Tompesance Union, which is being held in King Street Church, this Your, was formally opened by the president, Port, Perry, The morning session was especially for members or the executive, Reports from all the dif. ferent departments were read, Afternoon and evening session will be held at which. Mrs, Gordon Wright of London, Ontario, Prost. dent of the Dominion W.C.T.U, Lo be the chisf speaker, Mrs, ©, KB, Cragg, Oshawa, cons ducted the merning worship ser. vices, immediately following which the president commenced the busi ness of the day, Vine reports were rend by the superintendents of the county departments and those heard from during the morning ses slon were as follows: Evangelistic, Mrs, HW, Walker, Port Perry; Anti Narcotle, Mrs, Herb Argue, Bow manville, Candianisation, Mrs, G. R, Bird, Oshawa, Citizenship, Mrs, Millwall, Uxbridge, Flower Fruit and Deliency, Mrs, 7. H, Bverson, Oshawa; Indian Work, Miss Walsh, Oronn; Law Enforcement and Leg- Islation, Mrs, J, R, Booth, Oshawa! Militia and Boldlers' Comforts, Mrs, B, 1, Starr; Moral Wducation, Miss M, Katorsan, H, Hampton; Parlor Meetings, Mrs, John Honaston, Osh. Awa; Press, Mrs, 8, Farmer, Port Pory, Rallway, Mrs, Fred Crabtree, Whitby; Bclentifie Instruction, Mrs, H, Barber, Uxbridge; Temperance ir Sunday Schools, Mrs, J, B, Bill. (\t, Bowmanville; Travellers' Ald, Mrs, J. Ashley, Oshawa, I'he annual reports of the Super. intendents, Corresponding Neore- tary and Treasurer wore also read, a UL... if you do not try them you will never know how good a household dye can be . . .% Sunset ls made in Canada NORTH AMERICAN DYE CORPORATION, LTD. ToroNTO Mrs, George Jackson, | man for the first time has When Reo Rose Tea was 75c. Ib. -- bulk tea at 50c. or 60c. looked cheap, of course. But now that RED ROSE RED LABEL can be bought for Ce Ib. at any grocer's, few people will be satisfied to Al 12,30 a oan ite prayer and memorial service was conducted by Mrs, B, Varmer of Port Perry, The out-of-town guests were un tertained at lunch at which the Ia dies of the loonl Union were host onsen, a RED PAPERS DECLARE USA: FACING AN ECONOMIC CRISIS (hy Canadian Prose Leased Wire) Moscow, June '10,-Communist newspapers have declared that the United Niates was facing one of the worst economic 'crises in its history, Pravda, one of the organs of the Communist party, sald the latest Wall MNtreet slump was merely a prelude to a more destructive and dangerous drop, "America's general Industrial orises," sald" the newapaper, "has been followed by an agricultural orises of unprecedented depth and aouteness which sharply decreases the purchasing power of the farms ors, . The danger of a new war among the imperialistic countries, and 'ekpecially against the Soviet union, assumes a greater reality than ever" French Woman Gived Most Coveted Title (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Paris, France, June 19.«A wor heen given one of the most coveted tite les In France medicine "Doctor of Paris Hospitals," The woman ia Madame Therese drink bulk tea. Birds; in the Ravine By Florence Westacott On a swaying twig at top of ti troe He cries, "Hist, Phoebe I" And a song-sparrow pipes, "Sweet, sweet, sweet, see-o-mel' The Blue jay calls from the depth » of the glade, A robin turns boldly a bright soula A» the low sun slipping dows th Plings n Late of gold on his ruddy breast, Again, from a twig at top of the tren Sounds the ery, "Hist, Phoebe!" And the son-sparrow pipes, "Sweet, sweet, sweet, see-o-mel" We shall pass, we crontures of fref and strain, Our hands shall be folded In' ves B from {hin} ¢ ut still, from a twig at top of a A cry whall float clearly, Ah Phoebe!" And a song-sparrow pipe "Sweel Aweet, sweet, see-0-mel" | Rortrand Wontaine, 853, mother of two children, who was appointed 14 that title Jonordas by a Jury of em: inent doctors after a long series of competitive examinations, 8! walt several years, how vacancy an the ohiefief. siolans of one of the large pitals, : y for a city how + 4 OM DEAR, IT'S BEGINNING | TO RAIN AND MY WARM 18 ON THE LINE THAT'S TOO BAD: | TOOK MINE IN HALF AN HOUR AGO GRACIOUS, LOOK AT, THIS BMIRT, (WHITE AB SNOWL MRS, MORTON WAS RIGHT I'LL NEVER USE! CREAMY SUDS ARE MARVELLOUS! ANYTHING BUT RINSO ITS], | iw GY YOU'RE ALWAYS THROUGH WITH YOUR WASH AHEAD! | OF MEJAND IT LOOKS MUCH WHITER, TOO HOW Bo You Do IT, IN OUR HARB W TERY v [TV USE RINSOYITBRION subs prion DIRTY, | it's a | says Mrs, R "You n Rinne! opreamy o the ah ne and ¢l 'Saves 08 and ne Thick suds Wom: active, Hi, hier mak BIG webb faled AL great ork saver" hy Rino Gives) Tia meh sive ore 1 hand son? A suds gon ern so kau cup, ins ih Millions use Ringo, ns "Easier on the Clothes o ose Fredrick ;, work, too, all cleaning, I It' [} apie MRS, Rosk mage omen be Rinso suds ow they loosen dirt! Y hg Ng | CRE | 3 Rinso, Get the SS Ts i | 4

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