b It Cat a eS =--sza_ "i a a TRASH Rv -- i ak ER THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN er SESIED meets Za Fes = or RA, W. JN. 81 IR KL. BANK a ys pant worn | y tM 07, TOMPH 5 Su GREER, oe v, Cron eon log Haters, OPTOMETRIST, tow, bt and glasses. Author of are and Eye Birsin, The and [ts Development, Dis opposite Post, Office, (Jupe 15-1 me) Engineering snd Surveying yh AND SMIT NEAR: A i a Gh 5 a Bg H, TUCK, obocialist In musele SBOMA ll 4 gonsuls R, N, Johps, #0 Fimoos north, Your Insurance wants ob tended to and your .nterests pro- tected, of ia Tranworiation 43 i fi Phone 2080, Ofioe 'Pam, to B10 pa, Dr, B, J, Haslawood, special atiention to gurgery and X-Ray, Jr. B, H, Har per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetr! ASundar "and night calls St or Y FHYMCIAN, SUR. or, " t Bo comer Victor ne oity, Bagle Cartage, DR, O/! Surgeon, +1 ! Cg (Thy TT ET, I SAT ---------- " DR. J, ARCHER Yr PHYS !- d tot a" Tengomin | oy 188 Blase Sheet, North, ne omestie An and, do (rs Jospital, L] (June Li mo) | ET Ti il King W, Te | Bank ot Commeros, Ring. bs oar; nose and throat, 40 10,80, 8 to B, 7 to i nes, oil 0, 167) reals une 18-1 mo) 'fonar 780 called Hed, ho oharesd doe. ¥ | Phone CARTAGE AND §TORAGR, COLE man's, 85 Bond West, Specialists b jureliore moviag, sto ware paring ven pment. All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc, STRICTLY CASH | IN ADVANCE Fi le haa es odd nomen besime i ikealum beni loiind vattstasy Yastans of expense and of this nature, For thy convenience of sustomers who find it inconvenient oe fr personally to The ond volleet for same. ' "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone. 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT who will veseive the advertisement office, o telephone call ld Work Wanted [4 and garage floors, sldewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone S08LM, May 80:1 mo) GANTAOR, MOVING, "hod ard 5.8000 fad lla. Lgeal Phone » b ond Ht, West, A 9 furn'ty ire morass. a and lon a a fig 8 ar (1 Boi et (May 10-1 mo) IT PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, |» Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle. ville, Anywhere olieapest in the one 200, 00g AN HOUR, MAN AND TRUCK, |A moving, express, oinders and gravel hauled, long distance moving, heap, Phone DT4W, June 11-1 mo) Bau Palen BETTY LOU PURMANKNT WAVE Hhop. Special.sts In permanent, finger and mares! wav manent wave prices #6, § Aud $15, All other liney of Beauty fhajture, Phene 3008, + Apply #b Himgoe street inrth, Pearman: arcel and sham PRE ala a polniments Magee or Anbo lay 10-1 os 0 Starke, 147 Agnes street, bone (May 30«1 m») Parisions Reauty Parlour announs ces the price of mareelling, Boe, Finger Waving 78g, during the summer months, Commencing from June first, Phone T1, (May 21:1 mo,) TRENEER, OR: master of King will ageept [) 4 108 nt HE ONE 4S1W, We call and deliver, VEL SHTRFINTNG= So ee, KNiv. Phone 180 Celina Bt, EB, Bottan, (Juus #1 mo) on, Lawn Mowers, Baws, 4] VIRWT CLAWS LAUNDRY DONE, ' Phone 1904M, (May 81-1 mo) Articles For Sale A ol br Ae xh bone i {Waterous Meek Lim HA BALA BINTIM a, w DIBNOS, new and irr fire rg o "Foul, fies | nN FOR BALE = wes PAINTS, VARNe {shes Wa have the Inrgest assert ment. of 5, varnishes, ete, in in the oily. The Paint fitors ing street west, (Apredl ders, black loam, $4.60 per yard, Vor ually, je asivine phone Ke ary Bros, ' (May Boil) A) ture, beds, dressers, tables, heirs oll stoves, goal stoves, bloyeion oto, 174 Ritson road south, (May 20-1 mo) at 13 Athol street west, for our auto paris and tires, Phone J4TOW, Residence 21830, (May 80-1 mo) all kinds of Jowelry on easy pays ments, - Terms from 60 cents per week, , O, H, Dell, agent tor Peo. plo' ewelers, 204 Simone red Houth, Oshawa, ay 81:1 mo.) peel rd par bd "FUR. niture bouaht & "gold, 188 Bloor a B, Phone IM, {June 4-1 mo) 2 up, "Now and eany JOM, Joycycles and flab 13 Richmond East (June 19:1 mo) used bleycles terme, ing tackle, Fhona 21774, ' vo almost 'new, Apply R, Ts Luke, Park road north and Buena Vista, (14104 used three days, Apply Benton's (141m) 3 haby carriage in good Rendition, Phone 2446J, 420 i cheap tor cash, Abpiy BAT Jarvi street, Phone 8878N, (148D) - naw, cont $480, will weil tor 18, for and d livered, Radio service, airials ed, Platt. Phone 18008) (May 81. [A] 1s bat! ree rentals 280 delivered we deo. Burroughs, Certiti ot Radiotrie ro 19:1 mo) ) month, 4 Himeoe down and #7, per Jorma Mu ahn Medgar LH] one om | Norn, | Pi machine, App 78 Pond ftreet, oat aye, wh, Ap "iter atrest sat, Tos nEston Road, 114) Aw 4 fh HH Tontor near un Amp equ ware, phone dd rer and Son, Aptarie. (May 401 TI WARY dw or I For Rent FOUR AND VIVE ROOMED MOL orn suites Inoluding electric retrig: orationy stove, laundry, conveni ores, ote, conkinu' s hot Water supplied. Apply Bupt, 'phone B47), or The Trusts und Uuarantes Vo, iid, manage; for owner, Toromia, (870) -------------- ---------------------- APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All gonyeniences, hardwoed floors poy radios iron Lith BRIGHT APARTM y CEN. tral, four robme, bath, electrie stove, newly decorated, hardwood tloors, Possession Immediately, Apply Box 065 Times, (118¢tF). TO RENT=-ONE LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man, Also one small Yoon, §3 per weel »M William sirget sit. (May 20-1 mo) LARGE 7 ROOM DRICK MOURE, newly decorated, all conveniences, nrRe garden and garage, Bloor stredt west, Apply Rutherford, 104 Celiun street, Phone 680) (188th HAR TUR. Gearge Apts, will weeks while on vaens tion, Ment reasonable, Phone $206M, 18 pm, (1881) ee racom-- ENT--FURNISHED ROOM for ight housekeeping, Modern oonveniences, also garage, 03 Fi Kin Bt, Kost (141¢) EXECUTIVE WHO nished suite, rublet 'tor BATHROOM FLAT TO RENT, Nigely furnished, private, gas an! use of phone, Apply 204 Malg Atreet off Alice, (1410) VOR RENT==PLEASANT APART. ment, centraily located, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable rent, Phone -8648W, (1410) ET -------------------------- FOR RENT--IMMEDIATR TEN try, 7 room house at 100 Albert siraet, Very eenira), Newly eo oonditioned, Phone H71W, (141e) FOR RENT--3 OR § ROOM BATH fiat partly furnished, Oarage |f doo sired, No objection te school age ehild, Phona 1860), (141) all conveniences, rent reasonable «o agido tentanta, N47 Mary street hone 14917, (148b) Llewellyn Apartments, comprising of living reom with Murphy bed, kitehen with = builtsin euphoards, eleotrio stove and refrigeration, dining room and hedroom, four Inrge closets, . Immediate possess slon, Phone 1840, (1480) two girls or géntiamen, All oon veniences in cottage. Breakfast if devine, Apply Post Office Rox (1480) low, 418 Kingsdale Ave. Apply 70 Kenneth Ave, or phona JADAJ, i (1400) furnished rooms, all conveniences, Phone 1031W, op apply 17 Park Read LB (1480) Rates for | | Classified Ads. he ra tasertion--1 oats j Nialmon oharge 00 2% tre lhe \ og ! {ions "Bae tho 3 ol ES nD SL mber 100 additions) al Phone , ftreot, Kant, room brick house, ali conveniences, good lonation, hardwood floors, | o vewly decorated, hotwater herting. Vacant, 466 Bimeow street south Phous 50% or 809, (1420 y Weds, 8 nlesly furnished voomg on ground floor, havyy decorated, 97 Colborne Bt, 4 ments, private and semi-private; modern conveniences, over Karn'e Drug Mtore alse living rooms, Kn- uire 281 King streel east, Phone 6, boiween 6 and 8 pm, (14a Gibb Wrest, ATI conveniences, A AP ply 4 Prines strast, evenings dil 00 Alles sirset Chureh Sivest, Phone 3843, (1480) "Neal Estate For Sale FRROR VOR FX CE=VONERT, oft King street Fernhill ®ve, (1408) west, of garden, Apply Lycett Realty, (1410) gp ; Splendid business on highway near thriving town, Ree Lycett, (1480) ¥ good Tare to exchange on property in the north end or on good residental property, A client. Walling Wit ¢lear lot as down payment on A five or six room house in geod lor ation, Price must be right, Houses to exoNAnEe In #ll Parts of the city what have you! Pour roomed COLIGES clear of encumbrances to exchange on good house, location and price must be right, Have ». BUVEF WIth (hres to five hundred cash waiting to buy a five or six roomed home |, north end not over five thousand dollars, For sale cheap, acre farm, threes hundred cash, oady terms, Bee Farrow & Morden, 0 Bond street east, (1480) residence for sale--A rooms, solid brick, modern home, stone foun dation, 9 storeys and large attic, with § windows, white oak trim in three rooms down stairs, large Aun roon 10x40, facing south, back poreh, collar has brick partition, two laundry tubs in 'esllar, hot water heating, wired for eleetriv stove and eleotrio grate, brick garage, corner lot 115x168, beau titully terraced lawn, matured shrubs, large shade tress, frult garden, one of thileta locations, best bullt houses in town, Priced rezsonable for immediate sale, Ap ply owner C, Rehder, at Bowman+ villa Foundry Company Office, Bowmanville, Ontario, (140-140) splendid loam, aixiy aores grain erop, thirty acres hay, geod bulld. Ings, all stock and machinery, ete, Priged low, Nea Lyoott, (1480) Motor ROR TRUUR repaired at 40 Dond Bt, West, y and fender work done st shortest notles, also repairs to motor hoals and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3808, (May 23:1 mo) fedan, Priced right, Phone 3794W, (1410) Order, Good Tires, d,, Nouth, (1 "no dle) I Ritson " Dominion Garage, 8 Bond strect west, Phone 3108. All cary at ous price $1.00, (May 18-1 mo) 40 AF, good condition, Apply 100 William street east, (148h) A U\ Kyerything in the beat of condi tion, T4 Centre atraet, Phone 1003, (14da) onee, Apply 164 William 8t,, Bast, x (1410) who are capable of apply. Willis am men, only the earning 35,000, & year nee Theronold of Oshawa, 156 Abk for W. € aon, Kastern pales hud "e known Preparation {0 consumer, in, riod, Apply Herbalist, 74 imcos hh ' (1430 Wan ua wants work, Phone 32648 (14 10) ef \by 808, J 2mo.) ty . For tuto a one LST it, For in . te nd Reds, dred hite Legh 100 per a ive an teed. Modern Matohery, 33% forth Ave, Toronto, i balance on |? Hutehe- |, Car atahiiel, Salary during trains Lune 1 mo) fi ay Room snd Board with board, Built two | feuds Iadier or gentlemen, Reasonable rales Contral, Phone 2862, (144b) Lb) gravel for salo=T0 noire prompt delivery, place orders in Advance 4 on vay date, 'W, Borrowdals, Auctioneer 46 Sidon Ouhimn i" thal Sianion at furniture hm HOCK if Implements, our yA wo, of ) 4H suit cont, Vieinity of lake under Kindly phons S16W, f (1480) tioneer, me A ------ MADAME MHENDRIE'S. BUHOUL of dancing ana physical oulture, 160 Chureh Bireet, Lessons given onch $tening 1 from 6 p.m, And on Saturdays from 1.40 pm, For terms cull or phone A14M At above hours (Yay 21-1 mo) A Byron Bireet, reopens June 21, M, MeKes, R.N., superintendent Phone 460, Whitby, (June 18-1 mo.) Palmist NA, PACMIET, 31h Bouna Yigta, Appointments Phone BLAW (May 31.1 mo) TINO brary, You will enjoy reading the Iatest Flotion at minimum cost Phone 1479, 87 Cimeoe Bt. North (TFB tI) Theronoid ' aliments should take advantage ol the special free 'reatments offered by Sheronold of Oshawa, 150 Wil I'am Bt. East. Phone 309 (May 28-1 mo) Summer Cottages FURNIRHED CO™MAaN™ TO LET by the week, month or season at Williams Point, Lake Bougog, Ap ply to A, W, Mekard, sowmanville, Phone 185, (108 "Tenders Wanted nt. Sa ---- TENDERS FOR BOARD CRILING for Whithy Baptist Chureh will be received up Lo Wednesday, dum | 3 Particulars and specification be obtained from Chas Aker, Whithy, Ont, RIBS I TENDERS FOR COAL Tenders 'will be received by the undersigned up. to- Monday, June 10th, for supplying approximately 100 tops No, 1 Buckwheat Coal, same to he weighed on elty soles Weighing, to b. 8 for by dealer, BV, YOUNG, Becretary, LH No. 10, East Whitby, (1880) --- you read fletion during the Ne but ( ha Ina ne WESTMOUNT KOHQOL | liza: pd HAND xvii There a fiat from A THE BACK ATTACK re two types of attack sourt, consisting the bac COURT the of "heavy pounding drives, and wec- ond| of the su consider § dden death he former, the net attack, which > more (a the first We will objective getting the opponent out of position and thus opening uo his court for the finishing shot, Prac ties playing the ball at the point far- thest distant from where he last hit It, Wate h the efect: Cheek up carefully whether he plays erosscourt shots when in difficulty or Next try_him on a shots, of crossce series of wrt shots, fol straight shots, straight series lowed by a Note care: fully how he returns ssh type of shot you results, position and have to throwing him off balance Ry continued practice of this nature y Ju wire 4 defis ite objective for thy will ae pow 0 ense, feed him, Catalogue your Then give him a mixture making Kim move away from his Inst return to It, When your opponent definitely. out 'of court, and the Shoring | ny your finishing shot carefull Do not make the mistake of wi BA 5 staring you in the face and over playing or trying to "kill" when only a careful shot Is required, Change of pace Is one of the great est medi ums of offen se, It will throw an opponent off balance quick. ar than any your Build offense on "strong arm" methods calculated, well-judged movement and the rest of your forces will "swarm. to the attack" Willer Mr. Smith Is outside. | told him you'd be wit' him as soon a0 you eould shake dis guy "Here and a wen | you've fished fished for | afternoon an a Lave ot 18 a tomate oan d boot." you three yours, and all | got was a lemon, No doubt you, too, have observ. od that practieally all the hammers ing in done 'after the olitioal art lop have erected thelr platform. ~RNorder Citien Btar, The following fa the hited of equalisation, to Town 4 per pie MIDI dbours RE LT " t Hope en 150,008 ow MARI vo phelitord ssh 8 REOR sori iave 8 [8] whe A VAAL (RARE ERR Mast (itt . ty trary Shs Pe LEE ER ARR Sung 4d mo) the United Counties Counoll at ita \ given do not include business and income Aspens ment, --- I ot to forbid thelr inclusion in nn, dealing With the 0 Bi il on rt of Counties Valuators report of Countian Valuators which opening nession, nik | ey A | A The fins an the law question ri! pores oent, § is Ni 100 ne oa. ih i at ut HH 50.833 iid ; LAL LA Now York maw Tin itimelt in 8 theatre, This is han matics" too Cha thany A uf fing lioms one night - mn a ah nd the face of tha man opposite whom whe sat seemed very familiar to her, She smiled st him and said, '"Glood svening.' Mao looked so surprised that she ronlized at once thal she had spoke. on 10 a WLYADEOY, "1 beg your pardon," she #x» olaimed, much confused, "but when 1 first saw you | thought you were the father of two of my children!" a ---- Not do ton wet 'Mow's your wife coming a long with her driving?" K.=='"fhe took a turn for the worse last week.' "Your husband look, Hike a brils supposs. hs knows he Hapt. man, 1 everything?" "Don't you fool Yourself; doesn't even suspect anything." Motor Ambulance Nevvice Day and night phone 1084W OBHAWA BURIAL CO, Funeral Home NT Colina Mt, M. V. Armstrong & Kons, Prop, i % Wanted car worth #50000 in oxcharge for a good six room fra.00 house, wast part of the city, Buyer to assume mortgage of $1800,00, 4. H.R, LUKE, Phone 871 or ORTW Ye CART W | AEC HO IW CL HAWN JURY & WOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J W. Wormall, Oph, D. Eyonight Npecialist Phone 8815 Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproot Garage W. BORROWDALE 000 Carnegl egle Ave. Phone 1648 v. - - 80 BOND AT, WEAT a A TO Lr maa ("DURANT COUPE 1028 Model Price $450.00 Onirie, Mo: Co ON SIMCOR NORTH . For §0,600,00 == Rea) home, | brioky a godi and w Rare | age, alrubbery, Ww. ote, +1 boo down, RH ar ranged, The good a LW " nearly all gone, Why not askew about this? DISNEY, 20 King Fiat wan pre- [fi