Pitney Tournament Proved Interesting--Gyers Got : First Place Ph LL of ne (the itner Bowing jy Hirt the Jo doy Yhan She lt FH Pluh ni of Or iid y Hogpltar, Hila 5 (ands each were played, tha player + at the and of the three games have ing the hi han CL soore LL] 0 on the LA amos were com plated it was found that two play- q+ were tied for first position, and Ahtes for second place, William 'Cook and Stewart Byers each had ,Beored 28 pointy oJ ond the field, while John Larkin, Mr. A, B. Kier- {FIND THAT DEATH Ei that the gentleman has OF AGED MAN WAS DUE T0 ACCIDENT Jury' Attaches No Blame to Officials or Employees at Ont. Hospital A fury under # Coroner Dr, Charles F, MeGilliyray Jovem! ating the eir- cumstances surround os the death of Jesse Appeiby, aged 83, a patient at the Ontario Hospital, hitby, ar ES et rtugptcs are arte uric BAAN br THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 evidence takon disc t the aged. 3 died a the best 4 As attention, The ac- cident happened at the supper hour ant # moment when no 0 attendants or AHH it was to, He hag been in the tit tion for many the oldest A Vin a wire ac "tthched tos ABET MENT OF NEW CHIEF MADE BY- TOWN BYLAW Counell Sof Forth Duties, Hours and Salary~-QOther Council Business The Town Council tonight passed 4 Mey Jonarmink tha appointment W. Quantrill, of Oshawa, as Chief of Police, at a salary of #1, 600 per annum, duties to com- the hot | and fo the | ar af urs later, despite ag 2 "ney and Mr. MoGuire each rolled up a score of 28 to place second, The extra end played to decide a win- nbr gave Rtewart Byers first place, sult of scalding, returned attached to any of the Hospital of- who dled Sunday night as the re. verdiot of accidental death, with no hiame mence on July 1, The new Chief by letter notified the Council of his ae- ceptance of the appointment, Form. or Chief Gunson hag gone to St. The to assume the head of the FOR BETTER SERVICE Perhaps we have had the pleasure of serving you, perhaps we have not, If not, it is probably because Wwe have not solicited your patronage, Please accept our personal invitation to honor us by giving us a call or drive in, when next you Are in eed " the following Automobile Parts, Accessories or Service! Goodyear Tire and Tubes Genuine Parts for all Makes of Care, Gasoline, Olls and Grease 4 Complete Automobile ul service, work guaranteed done on the Fiat charge basis, Greasing, Olling, Car Washing and Polishing: Charging and Storag We will gladly eall for and deliver your for any service you may require, . Yours for Better Service, . ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. LTD. 185 King St, W.==OSHAWA, ONT, Phone 1160 VHUDSON.-BASEX" "HUDSON-RSSEX and Rate ll Dt ena os a Ss de ws Be om THE WEED CONTROL ACT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE ! As: 1080, Chapler 308 aa Ameiisd bp 1088, Chapter 81 RAs: 0 y x iv. ve smpent of bt, of te tnd 10 sce th weeds dovignated Janet shalt dontroy all the hat Regulations, 4 alien In eréry year as is sufticlont to prevent owner or occupant of land who contravenes any of the Eh of the given under this Act shall incur (h #80 nor more than $50 for every this Act shall be recoverable under Act, and shall, when recovered, ar of the pality in which il or ocoupler or upon 1 ! the requirements of this Act, may osuse weeds coming under this Act to be and destroyed and may the cost of such the property to be col in the same manner be eamed noxious weeds within the i 5 ih bi - Wild Barley Hawkweeds flow Thistles Canada Thistle i ustard OF THIS PROCEED TO CUT AT THE OWNER'S T, B, MITCHELL, Eey. Clty of gine pra 9X Toe fa ated} § Hy Race police department thers, and for the pressmt. Night Constable John Thomas Is acting an chisf, The bylaw clearly stipu. lates that the Chiof shall pay over to the town all fees earned by him in the discharge of his duties. The abolition of the fee system last yoar was the beginning of the frie. tion between Chief Gunson and the Counell,* To Hear Town's Protest The Councll received notice from the Board of Railway Commission- ors at Ottawa that it will sit in Whitby on June 24th to hear repre- sentations from the Town of Whit. by and some 12 or 14 other parties interested regarding the announce ment made by the Canadian Nation- al Railways that they will cancel the morning train on the Whitby. Lindsay line on June 28th. This train serves a great portion of coun try north of Whithy, and brings about 30 pupils dally te. Whithy High School, The town some time Ago in conjunction with the Board of Fduestion lodged a protest Against the cancellation of the train, Victoria Park Baptist Church, Toronto, was granted the free use of the Town Park for July 5th for the annual Sunday School plenie, Police Court Accommodation Reeve Jackson stated that the question of the right of Whitbhy's police magistrate, J, 1B. Willis, to use the Court 'House for the pur. pose of holding polies court, was before the Property Commit. tes of the County Counell At the last session, and was yet to be disposed of, Mr, Jackson re. called that in former years the Counell Chamber in the Town Hall was used as a police court for the town, and he suggested that the Committee should make It clear that the Town of Whithy way spill ready to furnish the accommodation and was not seeking any - special rights from the county in connee- tion 'with the use of the Court House. The reave stated that if the magistrate felt that it was more convenient for him to use the Court House, and the county sanctioned same, the town would have no eb. jection, but he felt that it should be made clear to the 'Council that It did not wish ta be under obliga. tion to the county for police accom modation, Deputy-resva R. M. Deverell, a member of the. County Property Commitipe, reported that the mat- ter of the use of the Court House, particularly the main court room by the magistrate, had beon: discussed by the two judges; the magistrate and the committee, the result of the conference being that the question was left in the committee's hands, the task being a somewhat difeult one, He agreed with the reave that | | the County Counell should be in- formed as to the town's attitude In the matter, It was decided that the Com- '| mittee should let the Council know of the town's stand in the matter, Saveral recommendation, from Provincial Health Department re- arding improvements to the tour bh quarters in the Town Park were referred tothe Property Committee, _-- Brees Comin reo pend "th ost from V3. Fa - a, to out down trees Street which were repre Brooklyn .. as, shadin rden be HP hadi End tee found y on the two sireets, and thought ~ t bring some re- The Council degided to meet once " Wonth Suing Jui and, Sd | u fhgat! oh the first onday, and in Ad OF the fleet Tuesday, Monday being vie An aplication trom Independeh( Ofls, an American company build tng il] auvies Jiations in O jaro, or permission ihe Annis Pp i property on ndas Bt. » od eeclastion: The ttos for inves on. Lom mis was asked i: A bing plans the proposed veilding, = build Leafs fs Win |Hitting Game From Keys 9-7 Reading, Tune ane 17 «= @rouping their runs Off two Reading Key: stone hurlers in three bIE innings, the Torontqg Leafs defen dinfi gto hort yesterday aft in a free-hitting game. Neither Clarence Fisher, a form. or Key, nor Johnny Welch, who be. fan today's ams on the mound, tomblsted thelr tas he Leafs drove the Reading ace, who hurled indifferent ball, to the showers in the sixth, while Bobby Jones' slashing two-bagger clear {ng the bases caused Steve O'Neill to yank Fisher and send Nick Har- rison, the Beaver Meadow giant, into the fray, Harrison blanked the Keys until the ninth, when Harry Hinehman's hirelings lambasted his offerings and brought Johnny Prudhomme into the game, Prudhomme made Country Davis fly out to Ruble, who went back against the centre fleld wall to pull down the drive, with one man on hase, 'The catch ended the game. Art Ruble drove In four of the Leafs' runs, Three hits, ndoubles by Phillips and singles by Rabbitt and Richard- son counted two runs in the Leals' half of the third, Keys Score Four A barrage: of satetles In the fourth, after Reading had previous. ly failed to get a runner on first, and which included singles by Whitman, Scott and Davis, with Quellich drawing free (ransporia- tion, and Bobby Jones' double to loft contre, clearing the sacks, gave Reading four runs and a short-lived lead. The Leafs came back strong In the Afth, Rabbitt, Ruble and Burke, hit safely, Richardson walk- od and Marris hit a sacrifice fly to Soott for three runs, Sheedy end: od the rally by lifting to Whitman, A fourcrun rally in the sixth elinched the tilt for the Leafs and saw Welch's exit, Cote walked, Phillips doubled to lett, Bteve O' Neill, pinch-hitting for Fisher, singled to left, storing Cote and brought Ernie Woolfolk, southpaw, into the game, Hits by Rabbitt and Ruble, Rich. ardson's sacrifice, and Whitney's error at the plate cost Woolfolk three runs before Burke fouled out to Country Davis to end the rally. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, «37 233 817 ' 24 693 82 26 B52 31 500 81 A476 31 M60 34 404 35 307 Baltimore Rochester Montreal Toronto Buffale .. Newark ives Reading ....y+ Jersey City 4, .. .23 Monday' " Scores Toronto ....% Reading Montreal ...7 Jersey City ...0 11 innings. Rochester ,.7 Baltimore Newark ....68 Buffalo Games Today Toronto at Reading. Montreal at Jersey City, Rochester at Baltimore, Buffalo at Newark, A NATIONAL LEAGUE Won Lost PC, ETRE | | Chicago irene dd Now York ....ivv. 88 Kt, Louls sivevees 20 Pitsburg «ios ese i 34 Boston .....sv00.h 38 Philadelphia Cinelnnat! viv Monday's Scores . Chicago ....8 Now York ....5 Olnoinnati , 11 Boston ,.,....1 Philadelphia 18 Pittsburg ...1 Brooklyn ...8 Bt Louis saviaad' Games Cincinnati at Boston (2 games). St, Louis at Brooklyn. Chicago at New York, Pittsburg at Bhiladelphia, AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.O, Philadelphia ,.,...3¢ 23 807 ral- Conservative Member, po William, Ont. at Vocational School, St. Thomas, on Tuesday, June 17th, d be. broadeast over Evin network including: - Juondon +, ,.7 Guelph .. 21 a1, d cose nsi 82 onl wun 8% Baseigs i Al 4 #t, Louis ideas il Chicago «..vevvesi20 Boston 804 Monday's Ncores Boston .....0 OCblcago ,,v...8 "Washington .9 Bt Louis .....7 Detroit abo? fladel hla me Now York-Clovelsnd--Ra Games Today Boston at Chicago, at 9, Louis; New York at i aveland: Other clubs not scheduled, ONT. LEAGU Won ati Catharines vorhudt London ...iviiiii1b Brantford soe0000..18 Guelph Cre rerreesid Hamilton ose vnss Bt, Thomas ..i0.0 7 Monday's Scores t P.O, 6 787 1 . 10 17 16 vine Bt, Thomas .4 Hamilton ,./.2 Only games played. Games Toda Guelph at Lendon. Hamilton at Bt. Thomas, Brantford at §t. Catharines, + AMERICAN XBSOCIATION .. Won Lost P.C, Louisville ies vised? 878 Bt, Paul Jodie Bai Columbus. vivvvsee 80 N11] Toledo "..i.vivess. 80 54H Indianapolis ,.....26 510 Kansas City out. A811 Minneapolin NIl) Milwaukee A390 HOME RUN STANDING Home runs yesterday---John son, Detroit, 2; Terry, Giants, 1; Jackson, Giants, 1; Hogan, Giants, 1; Allen, Giants, 1; Leach, Glants, 1; Klein, Phillies, 1; O'Doul, Phillles, 1: Brickell, Pirates, 1; Cuceinello, Reds, 1; Alexander, Tigers, 1; Grimm, Cubs, 1; Hurst, Phillies, 1; West, Senators, 1. The leaders Ruth, Yankees, 21; Klein, Phillies, 19; Wilson, Cubs, 18; Berger, Braves, 18; Gehrig, Yankees, 17; Ott, Giants, 14; Foxx, Athleties, 14: Herman, Robins, 13; Hartnett, Cubs 119, League totals~-National, 352i; American, 240; total 561, The fact that a cannibal will not eat the flesh of a man who has used tobacco is cited in a leaflet which comes to hand. It is employed as an argument against the use of to- bacco. ~Detroit News Spills and Thuills | At Dufferin Park Torouto, June o 17~Not since Jockey Hall, of Rochester, was killed ot the first turn at Hil- crest Park seversl years before the war and when but two horses fin- {shed of the field has there been u worse Jooking sceident than the cne which, bappensa yesterday at Dufferin Park In the opening dash, "This pace was fashjoned for two-year-olds and "attracted a field of siz. Mental, with Dude Foden in'the saddle, took the lead going to the first turns, but before the beud was rounded he stumbled and Foden wus unseated, Entering the stretch Shastu Melody was leading with Dalry finishing strong on the ra'l and Wandering Jim third, three lengths back and going 'the strongest of all, As the horses neared the entrance to the infield from the main gate some- thing happened and Shasta Melody crashed through the gap in the fleld uprooting one of the cedar posts, while Dairy, although on kite inside of Shasta Melody and right at her hips, stumbled over Shasta Melody and did a flip tlop. Then Wandering Jim coming up on the Inside fell over Dalry, leaving but two of the original field with a jockey, tie winnet turning up in Anchor Light who wag far back 'at the time of the accident, while Mama's Darling came along to get gecond money. Wandering Jim and Dalry were remounted to get third and fourth money. réspbctively, AMERICAN LEAGUE TIGERS TAKE ATHLETICS Detroit, June 17~The Detroit Ti- gers won the rubber game of the se- ries with the Philadelphia Athletics, J to 8B The A's pounded Waite Hoyt for four runs in the third, and four in the fifth, but Elon Hogsett pitched fine ball after Hoyt was driven from the mound, and Tigers slugged put on abtting rallies in the close innings, tying the score in the eighth, and scoring the winning tally in the ninth, Alexander hit a home run with two men. on in the fifth, Roy Johnson hit two honiers over the leftfield wall, SENATORS FINISH STRONG St. Louis, June 17.~Uncorking a heavy scoring attack in the last three innings the Washington Senators de- feated the $t. Louis Browns here yes- terday 9.10 7, in the third of a four- game series after losing the first two The defeat stopped a four-game winning streak for the Browns, and dropped them from fifth to sixth place in the standing, Neigber starting pitcher was able to 'weather the storm .of base hits, Brown, who relieved Hadley was gi~ ven credit for the win, und Kimsey was charged with the defeat, TED LYONS BEATEN Chigago, June 17~Ted Lyons' ef- forts directed toward a tenth victory were not successful 'esterday, and the Boston Americans made it two straight over the White Sox, 6 to 3, Two wild pitches in the seventh in- nifig, one of them a "fluke" when the ball, made slippery by a slight rain- fall, oozed from his band, led to Ly- ons' defeat, The Red Sox built three runs about them, and two walks, a Sings by Narlesky, and Oliver's dou- e Lyons gave cight hits, and White Sox reached Jack Russell for ning, It was Lyons sixth, defeat, as against ning victories this season. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE the |, RED WINGS TAKE THIRD Baltimore, "Md, June 17, Rochesior made it three straight over the Birds yesterday 'by win. ning a 7 to 1 contest and cutting the Oriole lead to 1% games, "Lefty Irvin = held the flock safely until the fifth when three walks and a wild pitch resulted in Earl Smith taking up the dut- fos, Home runs were hit by Brown and Smith, ROYALS BEAT SKEETERS Jorsey City, June 17.---Montreal took the third game of the series from the Jersey City here yesterday 7 to 5, when George Grant forced two rune ncross the plate in the eleventh in- uing. Jersey City made a good stand, coming from behind to tie matters up in the eighth, but the geper- osity on the part of the pitchers proved too much for the Bkeeters. THREE STRAIGHT FOR BE ANS Newark, June / Bears defeated the Buffalo Llsous 6 to 2 hers yesterday. It was the third straight defeat for the Bisons at the hands of the Bears, Roy Skeeters | Parmalee, Newark pitcher, il- though wild at times, hitting two batiers and giving six bases on 'balls, yielded but five hits to the Buffalo outfit. Wilson and Dan- forth were on the mound for the Bisons and were touched for 1% hits between them. Zitzmann and Munn of the Newark team hit homers in the fifth inning, rn ---------------- In Rumania just now the nation- al anthem has been supplanted by a Carol=Brantford Expositor, DID NOT BELIEVE "IT WAS POSSIBLE "Rheumatic pains in my earms, legs and black were so severe at times 1 couldn't even sleep. My food disagreed with me and I was V. THOMAS I, HEWER .,, ., habitually constipated. My strength and energy left me and I felt tired and wornout nearly all the time, Sargon rid me of every rheumatic pain I had, rebtored my appetite, and 1 never have a sign of trouble with my stomach, I'm stronger and mdre active than in years. I didn't believe such re- sults were possible! "Sargon T'lls entirely rid me of const a. "==Thomas J, Hew- er, 7 Hollis St, Halifax, N.8, Sargon may be obtained in Osh- awa. from Karn's Drug Store, (Ady) Attractions Tickets and TOMORROW THURSDAY Boc¥: THE ROTARY FAIR at ROTARY PARK All Oshawa Should be There to Join in the Fun and Frolic ' Parades Ld Cabinet of Silver Fountain Pen Desk Set Lady's Wrist Watch Amusement - Entertainment - Fun k Novelties ~ 'Special 'Prizes and the Great AUTO CONTEST Gét Your Tickets and Make an Estimate on the Mileage Run by the CHEVROLET COACH in 24 hours Ld 7 Consolation Prizes 2 Solid Leather Travelling Bag{ 4 Two-tone Chime Clock 6 Gent's Wrist Watch 7 Toa Sot : 25 cents Each GET YOUR TICKETS. NOW AND ne AT THE PAR