Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1930, p. 1

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in Brief iy yulorte BE Brent. Moka sakalty for the Br Sractor of, ernment, 0 hecome news edi ihe ba Vikor Cotonist, o he of " newhbabary. | He will i pr s director of publicity by Major dordon Smith, sssistant publicity director Id ge uns, eit; police court ¢ rr he oy A Von & drink la fits am HAT4Y a ' bd nt ning Av Aven! iin) sent up Yor i a 1 RO EL Kills Wife Whom He Mistook for Thief By Chnadinn Prose Lassed Wire) Charen Point, La, June 17,~ Ernest Thibodesux, a farmer, heard A nose in his chicken yard early today and 'reached for his liotgun i 'By the dim light nf early dawn, Le could ses A Dporson moving about near the 'chicken house, Taking careful aim, he fired, A body fell to the ground with- out an outery, Thibodeaux. ran forward and peered down into the upturned taco, It was his wife, killed in~ stantly by a load of birdshot, Bhe too, had heard the noise and had gone into the yard te invenignie. -------------------- "ngland Wins First Cricket Test Match From Australia (By Canadian Press Lessed Win) Nottingham, Eng, June 17~In & hting Hs England won the first ka hah. fom Alun at Tr age tod oday by 93 runs, when play opened his morning Australia required 369 runs to win and it looks ed to be an impossible task to get |r them, But 'at the fea Interval Australia was only 112 behind the English o- tal with four wickets in ha four wickets in hand, THREE CANADIANS * KIDNAPPED IN U.S, Détrolt G Gang Being Rounded Up By Authorities -------- Detroit, June 17---Kidnapping of three wealthy Canadians by a Detroit gang WAs revealed to-day by state Doliee who are co-operate ing with local authorities in round. ing up the mem { the organ, Heation, five husped which are held, nix are "Sought and ten others are in' prison The three Canadian victims are sald to be Bamuel Low, sales man- ager of the Carling ky Brewing Co, London, Ont, who *oaid § 8,000 ansom and 'Maurice and Sydney athanuon, liquor dock operators of Windsor, Ont,, who according Vd uthorities paid a total of 180.000, he latter pai are sald to have denied ever having been kidaapped or having paid any money. The activities of the kidnapping gang have extended over a period of two yours J ------------ bes Canada's Use of Native Fuels © Berlin, Germany, Jund 17 =Canad- efforts to ule in the indus. trl field her huge resources of coal other Hr fuels were qnsribed, Staph re hy 4 i Enger of the and fuel testing, de- divi of mines, Ottawa, king His of the on 4 : he Succeeding The OSHAWA, ATARI. JUESDAY. JUNE 17, 1930 'Daily Reformer 48 Cents s Week; 3 Cents s Copy FOURTEEN PACES MYSTERIOUSLY Premier King Outlines. "Liberal Party 8 Policies] CONSERVATIVE POLICY ON IMMIGRATION WOULD MEAN GREATER UNEMPLOYMENT Tories Would Bring in 300, 000 Men at Huge Cost Which Would Only Add to Problems, Premier De- clares WIPE OUT DEBT IN ABOUT FORTY YEARS Final Abolition of Sales Tax Predicted--All Provinces in Canada Have Been Dealt With Generously, ls (By Canadian | rg Lonsed Wigw (By Ray Brown, Canadian Pross) SLA Writ or Brantford, Ont, June 17-=The Pominien : government wishes to sond veprosentatives to the imperial conference with "the voles of Can. aa behind them. That is one why a general election has been brought on &f LHIE (Ime, so declared Premier Mackenzie King in his key-note campaign speech hers last night, "We want to go to the eonferance of 1980 as we went to the con ferences of 1023 and 1086 with the voles of Canada behind us," He an: sorted amidst applause, He asked dire iy fi or not they 4 Kup over ats m in, Canada oarried fhe words of - the premier across Cane ada from const to const. His speech which . lasted for simost an eyen two hours, commanded (he oare- ful attention of the audience here of samo three thousand persons, Enthusiastic apnlause marked pong whioh he drove homa fram the platform, He touched briefly on unemployment in its relation to immigration, The immigration polloy of 'the Conservative party as outlined by General MoRae, declared Mr, Xing, 'was that, of a huge colonisation and land settioment sol i ing an expenditure of some $800, 000,000, and bringing In 900,000 fresh Immigrants," YPorhaps," continued Mr, King, "Mr Pennett will tell the west how ' (Continued on Page 3) En a ---- NEW ZEALAND TS. RETAINING ITS DEFENSE SYSTEM Must Keep Race With De. velopment of Aerial De fense, Says Premier ---- Lavsed Wire) welgion ha hI --~Naw he WW, 008 NO i i i of ding tov much on land dete the ime 8 Bi rerun tii he not al vy eaten the Ww wh \ners, Dyndin and Dios WOMAN CANDIDATE RUMoReL IN OTTAWA Wir) fiat in awh LLL] in tha Ot |. w J | sions [REFUSES T0 MAKE DIVORCE RULING Custody of Children Must be Decided by Judge Hearing Application (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire Toronto, June 17~Custody of the children of divorced parents must be decided under the new divorce laws by the Judge who hears the applica tion for divorce according to Mr, Justice Garrow who today refused to rule on the application by Robert Townsend for the keeping of his two children, NATIONALS IGNORE ORDERS ABOUT. PICKETING Rumor of Negotiations For Peace In India are / Denied : (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, June 17.«The Exchange Telegraph which reported in & Bom: bay dispatch this morning that nego tintions for a settlement, were going on between Mahatma Gandhi and Sir Prabh Asankyr Pastan, this after. noon stated that the reported meet: Ing had been authoritatively contra- dicted, Rebels Igno » Bombay, Bd Une red hy the presence of troops, Nationalist volunteers today resumed their plek- oting of foreign cloth shops and shops In the fort or European area, Thirteen plekets were arrested al most immediately by the police Highlights of Premier's Keynote Speech Last Night Hooyer Sgn gos. | 47, President Matuer loday a the ry bill, wal signed at pam, 'The law, revising the existing eight year old ratd steueture In more than i thousand instances and overhauling the administrative features, takes ef fect at midnight tonight, Customs officials are prepared for the rush of ships to reach port and fyle their cargo papers In time to benefit by the old rates, They also are ready to administer the new rates and buredn officials here expect little confusion, PI i -- rs ------ Washington," : TORONTO ALDERMEN APPEAL JUDGMENT ON "SALARY GRAB" Toronto, June 17.--Eeohoes of the socalled "salary-grab't furore that fairly shook the city a few weeks ago when members of the oily 'council voted themselves a raise In salary, resounded last night, and early. today through city hall corridors when the olvie administration debated Mr, Jus: tice Kelly's recent ruling that the Yanlarysgrab" was illegal, After hours of discussion a resolution. was passed orvdoring the city soliolthe, ©, M. Colquhoun, to appeal to the division court Juss ties Kelly's judgment, Thone favouring 1¢ claimed they Wupports ed it to prevent ising up the city's business and, not because of the salary increase, CONSERVATIVE MP. | FEARS AREXATON "c= ing Would Ha + of US. - <in Ten Years y Toronto, Tn ne 17 Shea kik at a rally ast night for the Conservative candidate in North , Herbert Lennox, tor on Ryd Manion, MP, Tort Ham told A caphelty audience that w L$ niean nada aT Ll n 10 yours in the Nem of the oad fi Staten' 'Dr, Manton declared himself an Mn in of a ir a fone in om nternationa trade, Pramior "enaotm of Souttervaliing 4 \ however, 0 , HN ot. Won 1 In: & 3 1) or ned again the Bran i Sing oredit as a oy » (By Canadian Prose Lossed Wire) Brantford, Ont, June 17,--Some pt the highlight of Premier Kings "kaynota" speech at Brantford ast night were: The government wag. appealing to the country on its record, on ith 1030 budgel, and on .the im. portance ax te who should repress sent Canadas at the Imperial Economie Conference, a The budget was not a "vote catehing" device, but a carefully worked out fiscal poliey to strengthen' introsampira trade, Trade Not a War Trade is not & war; It is an exchange, THE essential point is. that Cane GOR MUSE ®Rlarce aur impel a from the Mother country, in order that she may enlarge her exports ta the Mother country, The tariff schedules have been revised with the definite aim of di verting a considerable portion of trade from the Uniled States and other countries to Great Britain and the Mmpira units, High praise for the work of the Advisory Board on Tariff and Taxation, We, on our 'part, through the countervailing duties on a selects list of commodities announet our Intention of trading with those who are equally prepared to trads with us," Reciprocal Trade In _rospect to the United States the government In resolved, in the Interests uf the Canadian peapls, that Canadian-United States trade relations must not be one sided; This budget' pronouncement is A meeting of the ways leading fo areater intrasempire trade, If Mr, Bennett is elected, whom will he ohooss to attend the Im. perial Conference? Record Sought On Long Flight Brock and Schiee Hope to and Ree rin 30 Hom : Td Lassed Wire) | ro. Beach, Fla, Jule rp am ©, Brock and | ward P Hohlee tiok off .at 8.01 (NBT) toda flight to Ran rock and ae, 460 gallons of ng, hoved | reach Han Diego, » dint nee Lil Nie ~s Hg oy . n N ou wens Predicted Ove ha wil oe Fah were pd tlons the route of the tilg! ree records for coast 0 Bo Calle \ he carr i ow are ad by Oa ont » t SE hme 48 minutes for: 1 da imy 'and: A h Gr raite tom ne an, A ue 80. the k and +h ony for a round LL fi | vy - ER Whe OPENS CAMPAIGN PREMIER KING ARABS EAECUTED DESPHTE PROTEST EXCITEMENT RULES General Strike Observed in Palestine--~All Shops Are Closed (By Canadian Press Lesbed Wim) Jerusalem, June 17,~Three Arabs ing the rioting of last" August, today paid the supreme penalty for thelr participation in the disturbances of that time, The three were executed belore noon at Acre jail, All endeavors of the Arab executive, suppdried by the heads of the Christian churches, to obtain a reprieve from them fail ed with a wiring dren in Bramiers A general strike was called and was observed throughout Palestine in protest at carrying out of the senten ports: reaching destroyed, that sector Pelping, Chi available, ers in the! tional" Wang Tao eu tegrate: gradua here, ni, Jue {jie 1 tom house, ly, Chinese Rebels Destroy Govt. Main Air Base (By Canadian Press Leased Wir) Peiping, Ching, June )7~ the yprthesn, wonton. that, General Fen Yu-Hsiang's cavalry dof & sees ond time hud destroyed the Nanking ale bade on the Luoghai failway front were confixmed today. by foreign re- Eleven aeroplanes, some of them Just Suipped up trom Shanghai, were seven being set ablaze and the rest hacked to bits with swords, Oficial communiques Thsued here to. day claimed the capture of two Nan« king armoured trains operating Tainan Captured 17.~Shansi troops belonging to the army of Yen Hsl-Shan, northern leader today were reported to have occupied the impors tant city of Tuinan, No details were Crisis Continues Tientsin, China, sin brought about ure of the customs facilities here by representatives of Yen Hal-Shan, gov ernor of Shans and one of the lead- newly-procinimed government with "its capital at "Peking continued today. It wan 'believed that steps were Chang pT being taken to. seize. the The "Peking. and. Tientsin Times" described yesterday's. sgizure of the customs as one. of the gravest events in history of Chinese customs, feared that should, Colonel Bell's ef« forts to secure restitution fall the customs administration would disin- Claims of The cris fonday with see "nas and ces. Shops, practically without excep. tion, were closed convicted of murders committed dur | Ih ---------------- FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED IN DEATH AT DENVER, COL. OF MAJOR WM. J. NOURSE EGYPTY' CABINET RESIGNED TODAY Follows Conflict With King Over Bill to Safeguard the Constitution (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Egypt, June 17---Mustaphs Pag ha Nahas, prime minister, to-day tengered his own and his eabinet's resignation to King Fuad, His min istry was formed January 1, 1080, afier a wardist victory in the general slections a few days pre vious, The resignation wasw understood to be db to conflict between the king and the eabinet with regard to a proposed bill to safeguard the constitution, providing severe pon altien for violations, (By Canadian Press Wire) Warsaw, Poland, me 17--A direstor and two janitors of the Lods Bank of Commeres today owed their lives to a spare key to the bank's strong' box which re. Rised than £ trom. Mhtarcerniion v 8 vault Ahoy sulfonated, Their ah } ong; wl! threa hel near death after ten hours In the narrow confines, The director sald he arrived at the bank Sunday afternoon to pro. oure soma doouments: he had lef there and found alx wall dressed men and ons woman, All masked, who were searching the cash draw. arp, Beveral revolvers were drawn and a threat to shoot If he ealled was made, The robbers took the keys from in | hls pocket and. opened . the safe which they. rifled of $30,000, They then shut him and two janitors whom they had already hound, into the safe, One janitor was able to reach a penknife in his pockets and but this was the only relief they could obtain, They shouted and knocked and when business houry came Monday morning their plight was discover. od, The robbers had taken the key to the vault with them, however, and none could get inside the vault, A safebreaker was sent for from Warsaw but meanwhile the eries and knocks of those inside became weaker, After several hours anxious wait. ing someone remembered a spare key to the vault which was kept at another Lods bank, It was secured, ihe door opened and the threa men taken from inside all unconscious. The released director sald that he recognined one of the thieves as a former janitor, whom he had dis charged some time ago. During his imprisonment the burglary became CANDIDATES NOMINATED known to hundreds of townspeople who watched outside, anxiously en. quiring at to the safety of thelr de. posits and the prinoners, vid Smi 3 SOURIS inti man, son, Ww, faLivRx (No ARGON Whit MPISEING {Manitoba} Progrensive, MACLEOD (Alberta)=], D. Mathe- Cy Conservative, BRANDON (Manitoba)---Min Beats rice Brigden, BAGO, (Quebec) =Cyrills Dumaine, SHEPFORD (Quebgo)=]. BT: roi RUN ntario)==D, J Of K ; hd aly UFOS Rl, Rowe, (rgnictuative a, Seda) Jack and E, J aervative, Labor, Cowan, K Cragg, GUYSHO Scotin) Iam Dut ts KINGS Now Scotia) 10YDO RDO Totten Gonsetvative ig Re "onservative. NG (Ontario)=Harry More o's (Conservative), Laken ewan} Alle Liberal. PERTH NORIO (Oniario)~Dr. Da vi ACE James Steeds. PRESCOT bn BATTLEFORD {uskes a egy TH Rai A, Duin ng UR BAY (Manitoba) J to)=R, | (quar) Peter RI + Libs tor ane! of AA loyment, 0 Ro ol, Frank "Plan Relief of Unemployment 1). \ ub 01 me Minis ter Ramat } Heponai, today nat 200 represen mu dolual Sithot Ay We "ation fo od homes of work For some time there has been a : ori Hn Aone Hei alow > nl i do thely own part in 0) oyment mn 8 Ang rather an inoline hte it he the government 50 atuer onterprines, The i. miRtater today hawaves, was for clone co-operation in 1 editin Aisne and then renews | a, «towards national an Sudteq sit diseussion Teveais Locked in Vault by Bandits, Three Bank Men Nearly Die out the honds which bound them He pn Bennett Scores N.Z. Agreement! Bénefitted Automobile and Pulp Trades But Not Lumber Industry (By Canadien Press Lossed Wire) Parksville, D.C, June 10.-~Ad- dressing his first open-aly meeting of his election sampalgn, Mon, R RN, Bennett spoke here yosterday afternoon, "Travelling as I lave from the Atlantic to the Pacifie", the Con servative leader said, "1 have reached two convictions; first, that in its human resources and material, Canada has an asset, the valde of which is but litle Abe preciated, 1 do not think any nae tion Is so blessed with. what w necessary to bulld up a natioh, "Secondly, I know of ne couns {ry possessing wo great a, variety of resources as is possessed by the Dominion", Launching Into a eriielsm of the New Zealand trade agreement, he wcored the government for a belated recognition that it was wrong in 1035 in granting conoes- slonk to that country, Under this treaty, Mr, Bennett ohserved, the administration had failed to pro tect the lumber Industry and ha allowed the falry business to be destroyed, "The King goveriment," he ex- claimed, "thought to )ttle of the great lumber Indusiry that no pro og for Canadian lumber enters ing that country was made, Some concessions were given In. respect to pulp and automoniian. But for the great lumber fadustry nothing has been dode.! BRITISH LEADING IN OPEN GOLF SERIES (By Canadian Press Losied Wire) Holylake, Ba June 18=Archie Compston, ! Tigh witha Total of 141, api Lain to lead the qualitylng play in the Rritieh open oha Poa nll Compaton finished the second 18 holes 'of 'the qualifying hd early today and an ar player returned hi moor olay od 0 longed, { . abn Jou, mer Beioh, PW him a lead over the amateurs, ASCOT GOLD VASE WON BY. TRIMFON (By Comadian Press Leased Ancol DY { Eng, Juha 37,=Tulm Rey by i. Juke Mtn Lambs i) wou tne Tainow Ancol Sold a ane Ay at the epenin of "Noval pa ful 0 n on o's tnaRIONABIG 1d Bonny Boy II, owned by M. B, 8. Alary. won: tho: Ascot Stakw while "Tord Elleamere's | Lew narshus Jaitured the Coventry iin A fs awit veers wie ho i Ladin Nash as heh: $0: i Discovered Huddled in Auto. mobile in Lonely Park, With Large Contusion Svar One Eye Caused by, low SON OF PROMINENT CANADIAN FAMILY Was Well Known in Whit. by, and Son of Former Whitby Postmaster --Re« ceived Wide Recognition for Services With British Army (Special to The Oshawa Times) Denver, Colorado, Time 17 Maj or William I, H, Nourse, selon of a long line of prominent Canadians and brother of the recently electod presillent of the Toronto Chamber of Commerce, was found dead ne der mysterious olreumstances Sune day in the Garden of the Rod Racks, a municipality owned moune tain park 20 miles southeast of Denver, w Missing Mince Friday r, Nourse had been mi ares last Friday, His body ang found cuddled on the floor In the rear of his automobile, Indications Were (hat he had heen dead since the night of his disappearance, Decomposition had advanced tn such an extent that cursory examine ation could not be depended upon to establish the eauwe of death and the vital organg were turned over & 'pathologist for examination, Mannion the oity police and enunty ofesrs are checking all Available information in an effort to establish whether he died of na tural oaumes, killed \himselt or as A vietim of foul play, Contusion Over Kye There was a large contusion over one eye Indication he might have heen struck with some instrument, but otherwige: no outward evidene of foul, play, His waloh and other personal jewellery and a consider- able sum of money still were in Wis possession, The mountain parks patrolm 3 who 'came upon the automobile grove of trees away from beaten tradln' sald the windows and docs all were tightly shut tnd a floor bpard over the engine exhaust had heen partly raised. "This gave rine to conjecturs that My, Nourse aight have killed himself by ine hallng gas from exhaust. But the fact the ignition was off cast doubt on tivis possibility, It then was suggested an enemy (Continued on Page 9) »* 1.8. POLICIES ARE NOT INDUCTIVE TO CANADIAN TRADE C. Lu Burton Sco Scores Tariffs Imposed by Neighboring Country Qe yar 5 (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Toronto, June 17--In his add to the convention of the Retail Credit: Association here a day, CL Burton, chairman of He Toronto Board of Trade told t United States BR that ears ; Ro DE alive of tha influence Cp your Canadian customer ia to better customer," Scoring the praot progressive an fate we Mr, "you 8 for have virally tas © tha oy 4 face of your best customer, If an fndividunte really Showed a t ath 0 are ro interested fn ha otion, "It slowing more of a Fi I wihios | Tn ees trade polloy our wah pour Jubistonce on the 3 pan of war debts which you don't Hl In the aggregate cause earn power to your ow many times greater tha ea amount Fou wh wit Taswive dabta i war vantage: yoy Kive 3, boy you A wk

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