Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1930, p. 10

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' THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, port ve ything Ready for a 'air Tomorrow pn Entlusiasic Reports Were Peosnted at Luncheon of di. The Rotary Club Yesterday Chevrolet Coach 10 be Given 'Away on Second Night, When Masquerade Con test Will Be 'Attractive Feature SAMI amorrow night {s the big night oom summer for" Oshawa, Yor weeks the members of the Retary Club have been working on plans for thelr mammoth fair, which is destined to, be the most megnifi- cont event.of its kind ever held iv Oshawa, and ai yesterday's Junch- eon of the Club the members from the president down, declared tham selves ready to go, with the objec. tive of putting the Fair over the top with a substantial contribution to the funds for crippled chil dren's work, There was real ens thusiasm at yesterday's Rotary meeting, enthusiasm born of a de- . , terminadion to succeed in this great enterprise, and Kile Dax he general manager, in ry up situation, sald that he that could be devised done tn have ready for the, publ two great nights of en- tertainment and fun, Ona thing is sure and that is that the people who attend the fair will have full value. for thelr money, and will go home the first night determined to he there again on Thu Rotar; over hed for the Carnival Night which 48. granged and which will be Now Orleans Mar rod jo TOpOILS' Spree. will be started with: a big parads tomorrow night, ring or » Armories at 6. 45 pam, its 'way through the city un Bimcoe street from the raers to ig street and : ere to the Rotary Park: T haere neytral men train the Bawmwaisille Club, will, he* Bt tioned at'two points on Simees. alaget 'and the winners will. be ¢ d before the Fair Grounds at R Park are reaghed, It is pis P that thers will he hes ehm< pebition In every Slasc, 4B 4 ri BiAE spt expected Lo Y, a ents have doen in 0 \o n & public ceremony for the pr : on of the cash prises "on ayy from the bandstand, at who are fore Ae to be winners are Tate. | Hunter, a _contul tumen. ie ni of the big ! fa fi: ery a cont ate % tv Ade PE ro vid k tore; in me, plats are Fr Seeds, he ) at 8 all "omploe Age ted a "two of weither, a of thousands 7 vce he CEOIL CANNON Who on the nights of the bi tary Fale will relinquish + Ayn sponaibilitine as city public school nspector to take charge of the a guessing booth, 0 'Boo ety, 'an COMPLAINED THAT MAN WAS SHOOTING AT SMALL BIRDS W. Fletcher Wrote Humane Society Before * Accident Occurred at College i n hE, the . by of Bishop College last' 1 purday. is hain below, ad- | Chevrolet Coach Will Be Te: sible to announce the winner of «| walking begged kind | Hi resentation from all the d t| Ladies right royally entertained Ormiston. + | Whitford, w Fletcher) o lege oh' June; 0 HI Boclety, on receipt 'of the letter, Im- mediately took the matter up with the pales, Senartment, Blab op Bethune College, uae Oth, 1030, Dear' §ira; 1 have just been out in the [a garden, and walking past the fence sAW a4 man shopt & gun, and a bird | ¢ fall dead on our side of the fence, He has no right to shoot birds on oun side of the-fence, and, I should not think, was ah ae slider APATTOWS ANYWAY, an n going on for days. Wa buried the bird, buf that does not stop men 1am ® ber of the Humane Society A287 he YOATH, me to write to you, ours sincerely, 1 (Miss) W. Fletcher "BROOKLIN | NN ' June 11.-4Mr. Gordon a of Jisouin, and, ir. ! M ompking a M, ohns 0 oro viited with friends over the reek-end, © Mrs, Bareley and Miss Isgbel Mc. Brien, of Toronto, visited with their sister, Mrs, Misy 'Aileen Gormley, of Toronto, 0 Brooklin, Prouse, rv. 'and Mes: Ralph White and rou von» Babb , of Newmarket, and Mrs ule ' Detroit, were calling of frie ene here, Miss Hilda Harris, of Toronto, spent fhe week-end with friands here. | © A bumber of members of the Wo: | 0 men's Institute attended the annua) ble at Rotary Park. 'Mitohell, of Oshawa, Mayor How- man of Whitby and Mayor Elliott of Bowmanville, be to seal the speedometer on the Chevrolet Coach which is to be giv- on Away as the great prize of the Rotary Fair, and to make a necret trom killing them. regord of the mileage on the speed. ometar before the test run of 24 hinve been for thee | hours on which the contest is based rie girl with; whom 1 was | hay been started, be made 'by All throes mayors be- fore the en The car wil be plac body, fol DE 'the car will be run at Thursday night, in the presence of the three mayors, the car will ba stopped and 'the speedometer un. faoalod, fogs wil be m orrison, run of the car recorded and sworn to by these judges, ent the week:end with Misa Evelyn | whose i the aotua) run will be declared the winner of the car, morrow morning will be an im. surprising. to find a large number PRIZES WILL ALL BE PRESENTED ON | PARADE WINNERS WILL RECEIVE AWARDS PUBLICLY Given Away About 11 p.m. on Thursday The winheys of the prizes in the many classes of the big Rolary Pair tomoyrow night will have the honor of having thelr prizes pre- sented to them publicly at the Vale THURSDAY NIGHT: Fare up) lying 100 are su 0! wile b yairing I TAA n the. sity pointing to Oshawa, Road Signs in Four Counties "Will Point Way to Oshawa At the. request of the General urp commiites. of the city the Ontario Motor Laagud he four counties ond for the schema belongs to the General Purposes commitios, of which chairman, had the matter under advisement for some time, together with the Chamber of Commarce, working out the details of the plan in cooperation with the city engin- eer, Mr, Chester Smith, alderman W, Boddy is The committees have and are In conversation with Alderman Boddy yesterday, it was learned that the 100 signs which are being requested, may/only be the begin- ning of the work. Aldean Boddy was of the opinion that ag extra 100 would bs found necessary to do the. job thoroughly. .. The signs will probably be in the shape of an arrow, pointing along the highway to Oshawa, If is the intention of the commitiee to have the mileage to Oshawa from the location of the various signs, included in the sign itself, The recommendation that the signs be procured passed the coun- 1 at their regular meeting lant ight, and the city engineer will start immediately to. lay out tha 1ocations; so-an to have signs af the intersections of all main travel. led roads throughout the surround, ing district, on Thursday night. In fact, Thurs day night is to be the big prize night of the Fair, At 7.50 pm on that night, the costumed mas queraders will pass on the judging [stand for review by ihe judges, and the prizes will be presented Lo the winners of this event at once, Ime mediately after, about 8 p.m, the winners of the Big Parade prizes will 'be asked to como Lo the plate form, and they will be presented with thelr awards Later on la the [the Che tno greatest prize of all, the Chevrolet Conch will be award. od, It is hoped that it will be pos this class by eleven o'clock, ale though the car will not. stop rune ning until 9 p.m. By using a large day were well attended, F. L. Gilbert, Mel C. Pascoe, W. Ormiston, G, S, Ormiston and A, Cochrane, G " Brawn, Beautiful floral tributes of respect were shown by the numerous sprays, wreaths and pillows, were the ones who gave flowers: Mr. and Mrs, Walter Howe, Miss Carrie Harper and Mis Nellie Harp~ er, leld Trevail, Taunton: Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gilbert, Ormiston, Mr, and ston, teacher and school and United ceased attended quite regularly, The following Rochester; Mr, and Mrs Gare Mr and Mrs, Geo, Mrs, H, Ormi- upils 'of Enfield hureh, where de» The anniversary services on Sun- Rev, A, M, Ttwin, of Northminster Church, ' | Oshaws, delivered two splendid ser- mons and the Enniskillen choir sang some extellent numbers which were mueh appreciated, - The heavy downpour of rain pre~ vented many people from attending the tea 'and concert on Tuesday night. The ladies provided an ex- cellent supper with plenty left over The concert was an excellent one, Mrs. Ross Pierce gave some splen- did selections and Mrs, H,' Stainton delighted her audience with her pretty character? songs, Rev. Roy Rickard's fine baritone volee was a rare treat, also his novelty number, Miss: Marion : Orchard - accompanied. the soloists, In spite of the fact thut the hedvy rain prevented the tea from being a very successful affair, the farmers were delighted to see it as it was badly needed, BA ---------- WHITE BIROHES By ' Katherine 'Garrison Chapin The fiat sea breaks beneoth the upright rock, And the sharp-fingered pine tree Fire Department and Chainber Of Commerce to Co-operate in Campaign For Fire Prevention points to heaven, But wher ehte woods are shadow ed and ungven,, Boft carpeted with moss, .as Mi Lo / mock The righteour pines and the stern featured earth, The clusterde birch trees, slender, gleaming, white, Like nymphs that dapce 'across n i summer night Are shaking leafy' whispebs thelrmirth." Honide the amber shallows! of the lake, Bonding 'Wotve HE fers of a pool Deep in the woods, thelr shining branches break the. cloistered green and cool, Naked, --among the trees they stand The only pagans in a Christian land, OUTFITTED "You granny, I'm to he married in June" "But my dear" sald grandma "you are very young. Po you feel you are fitted for married life." "I am being fitted now," exclaim. ed the prospective bride. "'Beven teen new gowns." Oshawa Will Pa Participate in InterCity | Contest ' for adian Chamber of Com. merce in the city, WILL MAKE SURVEY OF | §epiombor. PREVENTION METHODS "* commence ol Organized to Give Direc-| Association, tion ta Campaign tan' Ministerial | press, the movement, to the work, Acroms sunlight The Fire Department and the Onhawa Chambey of Commerce have #rranged to work Jointly fn a Dominion wide ¥ire Prevention programme which is being sponsor ed by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce The national program takes the form of an Inter-city contest, in which the eity of Oshawa has 'heen entered," A shield will he awarded at the close of the year to the Canadian City which has improved fire prevention conditions and equipment to the greatest ex. | respectively, | dark-roked tion o In year, regulation of construction | vied out in praper form, substantial reductions in fire insurance rates maybe obtained for the city, the contest eonducted last firat and' wecond place wers taken by Brantford and Peterbore tent, according to a schedule laid out by the sponsors of the contest, ; During the summer, Col, B. J. Shield Offered by Can.| McCormick, secretary of the Chams ber of Commerce, and Fire Chief W. C, Elliott will collaborate in a thorough survey of existing fire prevention methody and conditions With the beginning of activa work for bewter control and prevention will Somme A citizen's committee, { neluding representatives from the Citizens' Commiltee will Be | municipal government, clvie and | service clubs, the Retafl Merchant's Hoy Seoul troops, the Manufacturer's Association, Wom. organizations of the city, the Association will be organized to head up and give direction md. the It Is hoped that if the program of sdusutionn] netivities, preventive equipment, installn- and is ear stat of workers, however, iL is hop- or 10 complete the checking of the thousands of estimates within two hours, so as to make it possible for the winner of the car, if he or she is on the grounds, to drive the Chevrolet coach home after the Fair is over, These prise preseniation events are being specially reserved for Thursday night, so as to give avery. one an opportunity to secures =a chance on the car, and also to allow those who are intending to appear in costume Lo have plenty of time to get ready to compels for fhe masquerade prizes, CHEVROLET COACH 10 BE STARTED AT i i, JHA waves A To morrow morning at 10 o'clock n important gathering will assom- Included fn hig gathering will he Mayor T. B. Their task 'will This reading will in 'ntarted. fupon blocks n a platform, In full view of every. and the,engine will be set For 24 hours, 'divided be. tween Wednesday and Thursday, varying At nine o'clock peeds, Then, Againtin secret, the read eo, and the actual And the person edtimate comes closet to Thus the starting of the oar to- ortant event, and it will not he f citizens at Rotary Park at ten 'clock to witness that' ceremony. iatrict meeting, lield at Kinsale, ov riday last ere Was a Targe vep-| k ferent branches, and splendid reports given, showing what wonderful work 'the Institutes are doing, The Kinsale large compahy. very interesting dams of foat: ball was played last Saturday night by Cherrywood and our local team, the score being a tie 1-1, Misa I. Rahme, of Coluntbus, | is staying with het randmother, Mrs, [, Enfield, Te Hoe=Mr. and Mrs, 0s, We Ww ay, Ea Lai EE Mr. and Mrs Win, Avery, ston'p, Mr. Gordoit Stephens, Moore und Mrs. J. Pye, Enniskillen, ston, Mr, and M in WwW; G Hog 1 Quit Swi il ted with Mr. and : oy Hayden, visited with Mr. Wil, son iawn Georgie, are visiting: With: kt by passed when zen, lllen, visited at Mr. Arthur Ormis Mr. and" 'M#s, Howard Stephens, Miss Elsie Isited with Mr, and Mrs, H, A Mr and Mra 7, MeGill, Enniskils with Mr, and Mrs. George Orm. Rev. and Mrs A M, Irwin, and h Sanit and Miss Mr. RL or! ve Bradley and (} a ir Earl Bowman and ered final rest tricken with hp he did not: ty but passed away very aude ed, who was born fn Man: |: and 0 shoo board of this place, al was largely atte present from a trustee of the pubs | + BY ROYALAARPOINTMENT WAKE UP, MOTORISTS Castrol will Save You 90c on Every Quart of Oil You Buy! YOUR YEARLY/SAVING! Re oe te THE PROOF, "of the Saving Is in' the fi ordin? mov, oll gives 'only 500 miles b before a chy te ' pot aScssary. * It costs you, say, 35¢ c a tquart per 4-quart filling, : Drive 2,000 miles "and" is is $5.60. Do you drive 10,000 miles, 20,000 miles or 30,000 miles a year? This chart shows the big saving you can make in a year's time by using Castrol at 50¢ a quart instead of an ordinary oll at 35¢ a quart, Cars of varying crankcase 'capacities are listed below: ~ Castrol | gives up to four times s the' wlleage ot 'an ordinary, ot; +1 2,000 MILES Without, Change!| tec © ts | you 50¢; a quart [Y Wo¥or $2.00 per quart 8 filling: That means you save $3.60 over an ordinary ofl 31 "for every =. alee LC 2,000 miles you drive !' : / A ® te gm $54.00 45,00 63.00 36.00 84.00 - 45.00 54.00 45.00 36.00 36.00 36.00 45.00 54.00 63.00 " 45.00 63.00 54.00 54.00 $27.00 23.00 81.00 18.00 27.00 23.00 27.00 -» $81.00 68.00 ° 94.00 54.00 81.00 68.00 81.00 68.00 54.00 54.00 54.00 In other words, you re ire 90% iii pocket on every quart of Castrol you buy ! Furthermore, only half" f as "muh Castrol is required for {makeup as any ot} other, er, lubricant'Y Castrol slashes your. oll bills from start to to" finish, a SEAR ER rgd through reputable : garages) and and "I shendent. Service Stations everywhere. It snot' authorised "to o' be" sold through chain stations operated directly' by large gasoline sombinea/i¥g WATCH | FOR THE CASTROL SIGN, Produced by, YCNWAKEFIELD & CO. LIMITED' "The All-British Firm, 8% Head Office: London, Esgland Cob ek Roe 7 Yen AEP Er ER Pa hig

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