Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Jun 1930, p. 9

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TT " "THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 1930 » --AARABS VS. COBOURG HERE TOMORROW Phillips' Nine Ne Win Close 'rom. Textiles-P. and S. efeat Black Cats 5.2 Snapby py Textile Team Given Severe Jolt by Phillips -- Plush Men Lose Out, 4-3 110 Weakened Parts and Service Team Defeats Regiment, 5.2 The snappy Textiles softball foam, whom many have picked to win the loeal Intermediate title, were given a rude setback ast night when the Phillips team staged & last rally to turn defeat into vie tory and win the game 4 to 3, This defeat for the Textiles, puty the Parts and Nervice tenm in the lead nlone, The Textiles were win- ning 4 to 9 going into the last half of the sixth, the last innings, but errors 1 Young and Rodgers and hits by the Boneham brothers, geors od two runs and the Textiles wore orced to accept defeat, Rodgers falled to pitch Hg 4 to his usunl form and the Phillips batters, good hitters at any time, managed to keep from striking out and grab. hed off the odd hit here and there, The Textiles got two rung in thelr first Inning and another In the fourth and these two innings were the only times they ever really look. od dangerous, Nearly all the runs of the game wars scored on errors ov as a wll of errorg hut hits also contributed, R. Boneham's hits in the sixth ine ning tied up the game and he seor. ed on Nodger's error. Petrie, who up ti11 Tast night, had been starring on third base for Phil Iips, pitched the entire gama and turned in a very smart perform. ance, He way given good support and he kept his hits scattered, The defeat was a bitter pill for the Textiles to swallow but the Phillips almost pulled the trick when they met Jefore and last night they suceeadad, Textiles Position rain Rodgers pitcher Petr! AAR. DUSTBANE FOR SANITARY SWEEPING Re D. B. KLEENUP (Cleaning Paste) Dustbane Products Ltd OTTAWA AE ---------- 7a \RI W | umpt R (© NEW MARTIN Wednesday 3 Days Parrish Young Button Morrly Bowler R. Boneham aloy short stop Carver left fold Creamer contre field Turner right feld Bager / First Game in the first game, (he Parts and Whine WWW Lilie Banas Tull to der tout, the Kefiment Miack Unis, I'he P. and 8, team did not field their, regular team, Webster pitched a» nice game for Lhe winners, allow. ing only three scattered hity and fanning eight opposing batiers, pnowden and Livingstone both did well for the Back Cats while they worked but they were not given as good suport by thelr teaminates us was the winning hurler, "Doe" Rowden led the winners with two gafe hits out of three trips to the plate, Webster, T, Billets, Hubbell and Atkinson were the other hitters, Zubkoviteh, Balmon and Russell shen got one hit from Webster, The seme was fairly fam, with Bilfott's home run being one of the highlights, The Black Calg retired a lot of the P, and 8, batters by the 'forced out' method and this was one of the main reasons why the score was so low, By thelr victory and the defeat of the Textiles, the P, and §, team dre now undisputed loaders of the Jocal intermediates league, and 8, Position, Black Cats, Webster pitcher Bnowden Howden oateher Russell Hubbell 1st base E, Hubbell Gummow dnd base Zubkoviteh C, Elliott ard base Cornish T, Killott short stop N, Buowden Gray left field Bennett Hughes centre fold Balmon Atkinson right field Clary Ruthertord and Livingstone, Boore by foning 1 2 3 4 Bb 6 Tota) P, oand 8B, V3101 tl | Black Cats 01 00001 «3 Umpires (both games)--Garrow and Dell, PHELPS PUZZLES CARDS Brooklyn, June 17.~Behind the steady, pitching of Ray Phelps, the leaguelleading Brooklyn Rebins de feated the St, Louis Cardinals, § to § yesterday, Phelps lost a shut-out vie tory in the final inning, when High's line single through the box Injured the lanky Robins' pitcher's hand, and the Cards went on to score three ns KLEIN GETS NINETEENTH HOMER Philadelphia, Jung 17.eln a w and woolly contest, marked by 4 runs and 38 base hits, the Phillies defeated the Pittsburg Pirates yester: day 18 to id, 'Chuek" Klein kept up his hitting, and ran his streak to twenty-five consecutive games by making four safeties, One of these was his nine: teenth home run of the season, in the third inning, O'Doul, Hurst and Brickell also hit homers, At one time the Phils held a 12 to 2 lead, but the Pirates came back in the closing three innings to score eleven runs, Mrs. Sprinkey="When he saw ane was he vanquished!" Mp, ART SHIRES GOES TO WASHINGTON Washington, Jung 17 == Ari Bhires, Chicago firstbasemen, will come (o the Washington Nationals on & trade announced tonight, by Clark Griftith, President of the log al club, in which Garland Braxton, pitcher, and Catcher, Benny 'I'ate, will go to the White Sox, "Judge in still the best fArstbase. man in the league," the Nationals Chief said, adding that Sires is to be. | used f piv Iy as a reserve player and pinch-hitter, Griith said ho a was involved in the trans on, "pov ya XVII, THE DEFENSE A tennis player's game is only as strong 4s his DEFENSE, There- fore learn thoroughly defensive play before throwing everything into the attack, so you may have something to full bacle on when trouble comes, Recognize when you are on the des fonsive, but do not stay there longer than 18 neesdsary, There is but one fundamentl law for the defense ~ Keep the ball in play! Defense oc- curs in the backeourt and your weas pons are pound strokes. And they must be steady, Against a net rush ing attack the sure weapon is a deep lob, Above all maintain your court position and do not try 16 hit hard, Concentrate upon sure, steady shots while under Are of attack. From the keourt play as many straight deline shots us safely possible, thus taking the sting out of the attack and maintuiing court position, Use the eros court shot when you, need lots of room to hit Inte, but cover the {oativle angle of the return shot, ait patiently for your opponent 10 make a slip or an error in judgment, and then instantly switch to the at- tack: Do not be upset by any bril lant attack of your opponent, Calmly let it run its course or helplessly bat. tor itself against your steady defense. Give him credit dor his effort, but see that it comes to as little as pop. sible, When the going gets rough forget the point and only think of ouch ball. Let everything else take care of ltwelft = just GET THE BALL BACK! Take to the defensive like a duck to water and the offense gorinkeyee""Nomvampisned,"s Town opies, will swim without trouble, QroRt SNAPSHOT by Gro, Caxrsmu, Sports Bdibey Softball Surprise ' There was ut least one big surprise pulled in the intermediate / softball doubleheader st the Stadium last night, namely the unex. pected detest of Textiles by Phillips'team by the close score of 4 to J, The Glass Makers scored two runs in their last inning to win the game and the Textiles didn't like it even a little bit, In the other game, the Parts and Service were oviended to defeat the Regiment Black Cats by a score of 5 to 2. The local intermediate league is tightening up considerably and the fans who attend these doubleheaders are be- iny treated to some smart softball, VR Te P. and 8. Jrs, Lose Again The Oshawa Bakery added further proof to their boast of suprem- acy, Just night when they again defeated the Parts and Service team by the score of 16 to 10, The P, and P, boys had a delightful trip to Orillis on Saturday and there they defeated the league-leading inter- mediate team of that city, by a score of 16 to 8, To do this, they were forced to play snappy ball, but apparently failed to save enough pep for the game with the Bakery Boys, The Oshawa Bakery team won the game in the seventh and eighth innings, when they staged a hit- ting attack to overcome the P, and 8, lead and go so far in front that the losers were not able to catch them, Another large crowd was on hand to see the game, Tis AE Bd Aarabs at Home Tomorrow Night The Oshaws Asrubs, the local intermediate baseball team which is making such an excellent showing in the' Lakeshore Intermediate League, will be at home tomorrow night to Cobourg, at Park, at 6,45 pm. sharp, The Aarabs had: hard time beating Co- pourg on Saturday by 2 to 1, and they expect to have just as hard nu game tomorrow night, Local baseball fans are beginning to take a great deal of interest in the Aarabs and there should be a good crowd of hand, This will be the last game of the frst hall of the schedule and a victory for the Aarabs will make them undisputed winpers of the first section. A win for Cobourg will create a three«cornered tie ' Ld LJ . Benefit Game Tonight There should be & good crowd of softball fans at Alexandra Park tonight to see the game between the Chev, ladies and the all-star men's team, peked from che GM.C. League. Ths » a benefit game, the proceeds to go to N. Merrick, now in the hospital, who was hurt about three weeks ago, while taking part in a game, The Girls' and Men's tedm will exchange pitchers and eatchers, "It is expected that Alex Webster and "Doc" Rowden will play for the Cheys, It will be a real good game, The Chevs, will play the Textiles at the Stadium tomorrow night, in an exhibition tilt, and the batteries will be ex changed for thy game also, ' LJ LI LJ St. Simons Tomorrow Night The Oshawa General Motors Sr. lacrosse team, "Champions North America" will play at Ulster Stadium, in Toronto tomorrow night against St, Simons, in a league fixture, The Saints will be strengthened by the addition of Eddie Kingdon and "Piper" Bain and they shold give the locals an even better gume than the one two weeks ago. It is expected that a large number of Oshawa people will of Alexandra, go up to the game. . LJ Junior Lacrosse Practice Tonight The General Motors Junior lac tonight at Alexandra' Park and all ¢ rosse team will hold a practice sersons who are trying olit for 'the team are asked to he at the Industrial' Relations Bldg, by 6.30 ph, Judging from the material out te tl ve workout last night, Oshawa will be represented by a strong junior team, this season Ld . ww AY MC, Lose Again The AY MC. Church League » oftball team, which up tll a week ago had been winning games steadily, was defeated last night by the King street Benedicts, finally emerged the victors by a sc teams; the Benedicts and the Tuxi + their group of the Church League It was a good game and the married men ore of 15 to 8. Two King street 5, arg now tied for first place .in Lacrosse 'What Others Say About 'Victory Special Attraction ; Cup rallied, | there to dumbfound the they in 1 BY M. J, RODDEN, SPORTING EDITOR OF TORONTO GLOBE Ive thousand fans=not enough attended the international game bes tween the United States all-stars and the Oshawa. team here on Saturday alternoon, Canadian supremacy in las crosse was upheld again, Beaten on Friday, the holders of the Mann beat back the Unis ted States challenge by 6 to J, te win the round by 11 to 10 It was a stirring, thrilling contest, * It ds on the cards to say that those Invaders rather sheeked local erities, While at Wak expected that the allsstary would make a "ood showing, few Thought that the United States team would make the result a toss-up, This they did with a vengeance, and they were just so good that there is cause to believe that next season, when the sorien in played in the nlted Staten, that the result will be reversed, In- Hvidvalty the all-stars looked better than their conquerors, but the Wshe awa team, playing superb combina tion, pulled the odd. trick Nore dod opposit tactics forels flawans had po lay hv strenuous, but this was Friday, and yx \ Dut od Saturih Cahiadian Acronse, an Say have appeared tot : and arms, and hus | prepared for the dy checking they were subjected to when they 'the he ed to of the serigs were or, but It was a battle, Oshawa, profit: ing by Friday's game, and realizing that they were not in as good condi: tion as the Americans, resorted to strategy. They planned to shoot all their barrels in the second quarter in Ah attempt to gain a lead, How wel) this worked can be gleaned from the Sinmary, which shows tour goals for them, In. this period thelr home was immense, They couldn't do a thing wrong' for they were timin their plays to perfection, With a lead of three goals on the round, the Ca» nadian champions changed their ace tics for the second half and were content. to play defensive lacrosse, which, at: times, 'was smart ragging of the ball, thus not making the g 0 spectacular » the frst contest, The U.S "All-Stars, while beaten, Rave the spectators maay a thrill in the last half; several brilliant saves by Shannon spoiling what looked: like counters, The series can possibly he "up as an exhibition game on Fried d a I Sat eague game on Sat: urd ay. he el rot "aA contest sprinkled with neluding. a major, thus ng that 'the bo he hickory, And. some of bt along this o right oe in the d neither asked for Americans it to tie the : as long as 4 the last fiva minutes the ricans he ball ence, but fails od to get within scoring distance, a was the best staged around in years. : A ------ i -- sy WTA THE in | cision with a lot more to spare, 'his string citadel, | \ : outs of the past decade in lacrosse here or elrewhere, . 4 United States has made marvellous progress in Canada's national game; ag perfect condition and terrific speed to the fray and were beaten only by that instinctive knowledge of inside lacrosse that is possible of ats tainment only in boys brought up with the game from infancy. All the same it hehooves Canada to get moving to fortify against more and stronger threats in years to come, United States have a dozen universities drilling lacrosse squads every year and that means business BY TEDDY REEVE, IN SPORT. ING EXTRAS, IN THE EVE. NING TELEGRAM The sub biased forth #0 hot and r On Saturday's lacrossing toil; The Oshawinns in the fh ' Came to a thirtysminute boil, And while they felt so nice and warn Thi. teamed into their dog-day orm, | --Alice, Snippersnapper, For about thirty minutes of Satur. day's international lacrosse series the shiva Sanadians. tuned an the {] at made them champions o the Dominion and Ay a result the ins tercolleginte lacrosse championship of merica now beolngs to the Gen. eral Motors Institute, i They won the game aix-three and thereby took the round eleven to ten If it had been flayed a week earlier they would not have won by so much, Hated a fow months later and they probably would have gained the de. After a fighting first period in which they pulled down ie Amerie lead on the round by one goal, the Oshawans came on in the second ses. sion and gave a display of lacrosse that is Aeldom deen} is side of Civie Holiday, They opened a the A an defences an treet Flats Coront] Remy 1M el Kelly of Marys and Jone Tobe gaping holes In Y W. A, HRW oF m ON | with oak or bes + sonar. saved Canada's reputation as the home of lacrosse by defeating the U, 5. representative college team by the odd goal in 21 in the two matches played. They thus become the frst possessors of the Lally Trophy for yearly international competition, Tih Canadian champions resorted to hea. vy but legitimate checking in the se. cond encounter. and the visitors came right back and gave as good as they received, The Oshawa team really won the series in the second period on Saturday when they overcame the lead af the visitors and went to the front to stay there to, the finish, The All-Americans left a great im» pression behind them and they made it evident that Canada will have her troubles in defending the title next year in the States. A finer bunch of athletes or fellows never graced a field of sport in Canada than this American team and they will be wel: comed back whenever they care to come. Aussies Have Hard Task Nottingham, Kog, June 17 == Australia has been set the all but impossible task of making 4489 to will the first cricket test maton from Kngland at 'Lyent Mridge to- day, After an exolting second lo: nings, in which Kagland again look: od into the abyws of ruin, the Home. iand team emerged with a good otal of $0¥, which, added to aw 370 total of their nret innings, made an AKKresate of HT, Whe Aussies made 144 In a weuk 'firey innings which ended tala morning and lost one wicket of thelr sec. und innings n the tailing hgot Laie atternoon before stumps were arawn, 'they thus have nine wickets in hand, The magnificent manner in which Jack. Hobbs defile the years ana every Important occasion animity was never bette: exemplified by the veteran glad ator than in to-da'y first wicket stand with his younger partner, Herbert Sutoliffe, in England's seo- ond innings, Teacher---ls there any connec tion between electric power and ra. "} aie i, TER iad vil TT Bakery Boys Pound Offer. ings of Whitely and Guilt: inan in Seventh and Eighth Innings, to Snatch Victory From Parts and Service Team -- Costly Errors by P. and S. Play. ers Help Bakery Win - ------ Unleashing a terrific offensive in the seventh and eighth innings, the Oshawa Bakery annibiluted an. early lead rolled up by Parts and Servic, and emarged on the long end of u 10-10 score in last mght's Junior soft ball game, Twenty-one Bakery batters para ded (0 the plate 1m those hectic lun two Inaimgs, Nie ol them hit sally, DIX MOLE Ide Disses on errors, And eleven runners crossed the plat Wnitely, mounusmiun tor Farts and Service, entered the lagt hall of the seventh with a three-run lead which nis teammutes hud amassed tor hun, Hurst beat out a hit, Cormsh did the same and Lbrott, third man at the plate, gut « hie on the pitchers ers tor, hall was funned, but Leyden kept up the goud work with anutier hit, und Guiltingn wis hastily culled Ww the rescue, with three men on base und one man out Beloge the side wus retired on un other strikeout, und Loppings scoup und throw of 'Lrotts grounder on the latter's second appearance at bat ol the inning, four more Bikery bats men had sturted the circuit of the buses, und six had completed the round trip to score, The Bakers hit Guiltinan freely a gain in the eighth, and consolidated their victory with another fvefun splurge. Three errors and four hits went (0 make up their offensive, Drinkle, at second tor Parts and Service, obligingly made two bobbles in this inning, both of them with a man on base. | Oshawa Bakery Stage "Batting Bee" in 7 and 8 To Defeat P. and 5. Jrs, Parts and Service entered the first half of the ninth with un eight run deficit staring them wm the face, They made a bold bid for the counters which would tig it up, but two runs way the vest he coud do, and the Bakers did not take their lust bat, Party and Service sturted off on the right foot with three runs in the nest inning, sod another pair jn the third, meanwhile holding Oshaws Bukery scoreless for the first three chukkers, Vhe Bakers were retived ih short order 'in the first, Toppings gathered in Hurst's short fly, White- ly weooped up Cornish's roller, and towsed him out wt first, 'Lrote seratehs ed out a hit, but Hull flied into Lop pings' glove for the inkl out, In the second, the Bakers got even shorter shrift, Leyden fanned, Ham- ton was retired at first and Goud. wll hoisted a spiral 10 centre field which wus easily gathered in, Not until the fifth did the Bakery bunch get within stoking distance In. this pining they tied it up on un error by Drinkle, which put riurst on first, 4 single by Cornish, and Hall's humer which cleared the bas oh The three reluctant runs tied the score ut 5:5 Vurts and Service regained thels lewd with three runs in the seventh, but it melted away under the batting fury orf the Baker swatsmiths, and wis never regained Boyce, of Fart mild Service, was the leading hitter of the game, four safetics mm nve appearances at the plate, for u butting 'average of BO, Parts and Service AB R HPO A Toppings, s8 +0114 Bradd, 3b A ER Norris, 1b 44, ' 010 Boyce, rf ceivevise. 8 2 Lortie, ¢f ,ivivnes § 2 4 Peterson, Il ,. 0 Drinkle, 2b 11 Cay, ¢ resides 0 Whiteley, p 114s 4 Guiltinan, p «ogee 0 Neil, 2b iivvernns 0 2 | Knox, p "DOC ROWDEN Loft-fielder for, the Oshawe Aarnbs, who Is playing good ball this senson, hoth In the "gurden" and with the willow, He will he seen In wction tomorrow night at Alexandra Park, when the Anvabs meet Cobourg In the last game of the first half of the schedule, win for the fighting Asvahs, will give them undisputed leadership, while a defeat will evente a threes corner tle. A large crowd of haves ball fans Is expected to attend the game tomorrow night at 6.45 pm, Oshawa Bakery Hurst, H .viiverr 4:2 Cornish Trott, ef Hall, 3 Leyden, Hamilton, rf Goodall, 2h Gringeroski, ¢ n 1 {4 0 (TE 2 } 0 1 B 2 3 0 A ---- BY Te Ne BSD 3816 13 27 18: Jud Oty A od , 000 230 65x-=16 quormde $25.00 Scotland Woollen Mills 8. HOTINH, Manager Parts & Oshawa Bakery Service EE -------------- W. T. SUDDARD- Headquarters for All C, C, M. Products 638 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH CCM Bicycles ~ PHONE 1341W. s

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