Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 6

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The Conquering Church * Sundey Schoo! and Bible Classes Ah di Mo . MR. GORDON LAPP ye"Toon age boys and girls are specially ' the evening service, at which Mr, Lapp of Toreme will deliver a special message. toe St Andrew 'sUnited Church Cor, of Bruce St. snd Slmcos Bt, 8 REV, F. J, MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY, JUNE 15 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am, "What Happened After Pentecost" 7 pm, "Making Use of Lune One's Resources" ; Twill dwell in the House of the Lord forever." 2] KNOX Presbyterian Church Simone Wireet Nurth and rook Sireet Hey, Duncan Monrod B4 Brook wt, W, Phovas BBs (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hilldroft and Mary Wis, } Patterson, M.A it' B08 Masson 8, » AOA Banday fichoo) 11 am ~~Morning Prayer Wiig Per Prening Prayer, ron to Graduating Hommel Oshaws General ping wvlghogl Pieple- view Park, 1.30 p.m, | hd ve Junk 21, 3 | P45 a.m ~Bunday Bchool, 11 ame"ReViaiting the Past" Baptismal Bervice 7 pmo="The Ten Virgins" found Déetrine, = Hearty Singing 8nd A MReal Wel "come are features of Knox Ohureh, ; : ?, T iv -- Revival Meetings 1 Evangel ee -- 200 King St. West «dy T. BALL, Pastor Nanaimo, BO, With live messages God's Word, cw dng, Necond coming apliam-~=In_ Holy Ghost, Tvatio Bring the Blok. \ Norvigen am and 7 pm, Week Nights, Yio "{Gral Eeppelin, Tabernacle | ; Hear FA T, Johnstone | 0 from Divine Weal: & Wola, Opell Weyrieh oom RL | NUM Nor, w his comvades grew humesion and lonely in the ley wastes could the hold converse with the home fol or the newspaper offices of & cons tinent (wiee a gay, Fridtjof Nan: sen Was & genuine tril breaker, faring nto the Unknown, And i was hiv discoveries that made pos: sible: the ph applauded fonts of the "att" explorers of the present 8 Designing the first ship ever bullt to withstand the pressure of the grinding lee pack, Nansen and & gallant crew wot sall In 1808 to wearch out the secrets of the Ares the, When hig stout whip, the Fram, had reached the most north. orly point It was likely to attain, he started out with one companion on a walking journey to the top of the world, The two men, with thelr dog sledges, travelled norths ward until, within a hundred miles or #0 of the Pole, the les hums mooks made further progress im. possible, Then, turning south, they began thal six months' retreat which In sheer hardship has never been equalled, The story of those Arctic voyages remains one of the most absorbing narratives of ade venture, Bul Nansen was more than an explorer, He served his country and the world greatly in other ways His period as an ambassador in Lon don, and his distinguished services A rofemor At the Christian Unl yersity are remembered with pride, But ih next 'adventure was, pers haps, the greatest of all, As an agent of the League of Nations, hig work on behall of the European refugees han set him mong the heroes of humanity, The haunting pity he had expressed for the sleigh dogs of hin Aretle days when one hy one the faithful ani mals had to be killed and thelr fle ed to thelr fellows on that terrible six montha' retrent--found full expression in his humanitarian service of © Burope's unfortunates during and after the war, He di- rected the relief work that brought hundreds of thousands of war pris oners out of Hiberin and the Rus sian steppes where they were fac: ing certain death from hunger and cold, and saved unnumbered Greeks and Armenians from . annihilation In the Kast, In recognition of this Leagues work he was honored by the award of the Nohle peace prise foi 1081-3, and his pleture was printed on the first international stamp which was affixed to all passports issued by the League of Nations' in. ternations! office, The Viking haa planged one further expedition to the North, Wis latest ambition was Lo make a Leip over the Pole in the for geographion discovery and meteorological re search, But death summoned him suddenly at Oslo on the thirteenth hy 0 Ye AL the age of alxtys Mu diary and published works wh nd glimpass of the inner life Of the man whose whole career. was an lustration of his own distum that without privation there would no glruggle and without struggle re Mie." One night in early lite, slaliding on the Joy summit of a mountain, he records his impres slons thus! "What a strange sen ton it 'wives one to wander thus alone over mountain wastes In the starry night, high above the life of iam One feels that one Ia sknds HN face to fave with Nature ne God." Premier Mowinekel, o Norway, said of hm: "Norway on her best son and the world a eltigen when Fridtiof Nansen vy darin Met made him the 'ot you ih in i Bk Soh ald She, Whe bee venturer \Madh awhile Aha grin! the hotline bas passed hy devon on rim, a we think of 4 Wy rowel hn OF . MY to Ul 0 wil i | vite o rH ere on wad i fa Hh nada who refuse to believe nt oy ) fy Si i y o vio San iL ot he mi n ny a solitud Sunday Services In ~The Oshawa Churches WX ait aR tne 4 a an " vi fr tomorrow, Foran will preach ees ing (ifobs pital will be Kev, R, Fa service ol hureh tomorrow, with in Eharke of the a ro out the day, On Sate oe a noon, June 21st, the an. nday shoot flomie will be y Lakeview Pur Bt, George's Anglican Borvices at 51, Jeorge's Anglican Chureh ta morrow will he' conducted by the rector, Canon €, R, dePen. oler, In the evening the choir will render the anthem "Alpha and Omexn" yy ings hlher f the be 'the ig a hitad pi oJ Gage 'larva "An oy he LRN Knox Preshytevian "Revisiting the Past" will be the subject of the. pastor, Rev. Duncan Munroe, at the merming service of Knox Preghyterian Church tomor row, In the evening the pastor will preach on "The Ten Vieging." Albert Breet United Rev, 5, D, Moore, the pastor, will be in chrke of wll services ut Albert Street United Church tomorrow, In the morning he will pressh on "Deg vatien te Duty" while in the evens Ing his subject will Le ond Chance," "Life's Bec 3 Contra Birest United "What a difference in the Even: Ing! will be the sulijest of the ser men by the pastor, Kev, W, I, Flat cher, at the morning service of Cen tre Sireet United Chureh tomorrow Rey, J. 8 Ferguson, of Plekering, will preach at the evening service Christian Selence "God the Preserver of Man" Is the subject which will be discussed at the repular service of the Fist Church of Christ Selentist, Sunday Oshawa Pentesostal Holinkb Services at Oshawa' Pentecostal Holiness Chureh tomorrow. will be condugted by Pastor G. Legge Calvary Baptint R., E. Bonner, of Toronto, will preach at both services of Calvary Baptist Chureh, Sunday. In the morning his sermon will be on "The fi er' while in the pr he Is in #8 his "yb) ject "Visying With Rr, whol o pastor, in charge 4 sorvices at the eshodist Missle pslon tomorrow wi 4 Free hat nn Alter Pentecost" ule sublect of . sermon which hve preached by ev. + J Max: th % gr + a" A rng sere vi fee of Andrew's Uli Church a In the even v, Max: well will preach on "1 Will Die n the House of the Lord Forever) s---- First Baptist Chureh Next Bunday morning Kev. Aubrey W, Small will bring » report of the meetings of the Whithy-Lindsay As: soclation of Huptist Churches, which wis held on Tuesday and Wednesday lust at Claremont, In the evening he will deal with the meaning of th "Emanuel's=ons of the nino "God in its twentieth century flame glven fo Jesus, and meaning With Uy" meaning Holy Trinity "Anglisan Services ut Holy Trinty Anglican Chureh tomorrow will be conducted by the rector, Kev, 8, C, Jarrett Northminster U. ted The second anniversary of Northe minster United Church will be fea tured by special services on Sunday Rev. A M, Irwin, the pastor, will he In charge while dev, H, 8. Dougs all, former pastor of Simeoe Street United Chureh, will preach both morning and evening, Special musit will also he given, On Tuesday night the anniversary supper will be held ai the church King Street United "The Conquering Chureh" will he the subleet of the pastor, Rev, C. I Crag at the morning service of King Street United Church tomorrow, In the evening, Mr, Gordon Lapp, of Toronto, will be the special speaker and all "teen ame boys and girls are urged to attend Evangel "Tabernacle Evangelist T, Johnston, of Nanal mo, BC, will open a speelal series of revival meetings at Evangel! Tab ernacle on Sunday Revival meet ings will also be held on week nights Salvation Army Services at the Salvation Army Ch adel tomorrow will he in charge of Enslen and Mrs, Dixon, Director of Sudan Interior Mission Makes Trip Across Africa in an Automobile RY. Bingham Returns to] Canada After ' Journey Through Heart of Dark Continent To travel across Africa hy motor car from Lagos to the borders of Abyssinia fag A feat that has heen noecomplished hy few people, even In these days of modern travel, One of the few is Rev, RK, V, Bingham, well known throughout Canada as General Direator of the Sudan In tortor Mission and President of Evangelical Publishers, Toronto, And the Canadian Keawick Confer ence, Ferndale, Muskoka, Mr. Bingham left Toronto last October, A oar awaited him at Lomas, and in this he made his re. remarkable journey through the heart of what was formerly known An "the dark continent,' but which in now hrideed and roaded for hun. dreds of miles and in & few years will he as safe for motori roads of Ontario are today --an Perhaps, aa there is nn need vel tor traffo policemen in Central Afrioa: Five times Mr, Ningham has viait ed Afriea In connection with the mission work he wan instrumental in establishing there soma thirty yours Ago, Hut thig 18 the fivm time he has used an automobile, Crossing Africa in record time, he entered Abyssinia. during the re oant turbulent period In the history of that nation, hut was unable to rooead a oar, thin ode of tyavel hited BLY trp to ihe oY Wan made nu An and ocoupled five Ammen hy mhny hatin ot the moe oh | tItw of hits Pr Jeanie t wrote, w hs. io» . {vinantane t po splendid road 2 v ain, and the natives are hecoming accustomed tn. contact with white men, ak he! 10 reach, In ¥ | uinted in the Altstnoon V] ing abetinl Tibuae A a » i | (he same oh plans, 'There ure gasoline stations, though these are neither so numer: Ol OF ornate an In Ontario, The price aharged for "gas is consid. erably mora than fn this country Indead, at one point Mr, Bingham's party was charged $2.00 per gals on Deapite the inroads of elvilisa. tion, Afriea still remains a land of wild, natural beauty, of romance and adventure, Monkeys still chat. ter in the tree tops, As one speeds along the fine Government Rian. wars, The hippopatamus still years ita snout in her great rivers, The lon and the elephant still stalk through the long grass that borders the highways, Zebras may still be seen in immenae herds on the broad plating and deer of all species are still found in abundances, Mr, Bingham is now on his way back to Canada, After spending a short time at Mission headgraviers, AAA Bay Rtreet, Toronto, he will leave tor Ferndale, Mukkoka, to tll his Interesting story to guests at the Canadian Keswick Confer: ence, which meeta between July 4 and August 24, His addresses will be illustrated hv mation pletures taken hy him ducing hix wonderful trip aerom Afrion, Maple Grove Sunday School Ruatvety Maple aor. Bund |! niyersary fery i fungal sunaan | mons will he M, {manda at an A Ay reet United ha a A vols) musie b ihe school under | wo! the able leadership of hy Miss Shu Soh Toronto, wh, GHW he 3 Olive Qolling, has, ah rh) A thn fay Tit oh | satiBAlL Anion va." Mable A0 Bim, There wi no" iy hg 0 Cham A per | 0, tonoert Wo Lo appear and i] supper Oa conosvt § Fr AR to the IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY The {oliowh are the serviess of Sunday and t . 6 week in the church bith fri Sune e of Andrew's Tp whl. vi Jha day, Jun b a, AY, hol i am, merdag ve NoTbip, my evening worship, well a. he he vib 1" ined, A) a, Ct, Mr Bo , Criesll, Su k Trinity unday, on day 'Behool 1h am, Communion 11 am, Evenly rs, 79m W, A Tea on Mrs, Perry's lawn, Thursday, Bun« day School plenie Saturday, o it, John's Church, Port Whitby Rector, Rev, D, B, Langiord, Trini ty Sunday, Jung 10th, 10 sm, Sun- day School and bible class; 11 am, morng frye 4 2 py Holy bap~ tism, pm, Holy Communion, Velday, June 19h, 830 pm, cholr plastics Monday, 16th, 7 pm, Well ub, Thursday, 19th, 7.30 pm, W. A Businems and Dove Devotional meeting, United Church, ch, Minister Rev, A I, Richards, B.D, Sunday une 15th, 1 am, morning wor fp, Jormon theme "The Saving Sense of Bell. Respect." Brory sermon for boys and girls, 2.30 (standard) Afternoon wor. ship at Almonds, 7 pm, worship, sermon thems * With ths Withered Arm" are always made welcome, PT -------- ign Chien. Visitors The regular meeting of the Town Councll will be held Monday even Ing for the transaction of general business. It |» expected that follows ing the usual eustom, only one meete Ing will be held during the months July and August, ' N Frontiers of Life Which fs the better man: he who is good without ving or he who in striving to be goo 1 He who walks in a settled area of peace or he who Is always on the frontier of moral confliot? These questions cannot be answered by simpy say- this ing one or that ons, For cons sider, the early settlers In Canada, with first clearing of land had & small frontier of confliet, As they came west, however, they made for themselves a larger settled area with an expanding frontier, Which WAR the betier for them? We are foreed to the conclusion that both factors Are necessary Parts of (he progress of our Canadian oivilisas tion, © Mo In the sphere of human conduet, both elementa=-the aetils od aren And the trontier---will be found, and both are necessary parts of our make-up, For sach one has hin ares of pence In the moral has bits formed, While on the frome tier of contliet the deal of moral endeavor will be an ever<present challenge: fe, sach life has the "in" and "ought to be." The moral man will he he who has achieved the sattied area of moral habits and who has yet & greater frontier of moral contliet oalling him on, The common notion of a univers sity in that of a place where all human knowledge is to be found. The student who has gone through the university gradustes with the knowledae * that es Mm 1s a great frontier of knowledge yet to be attaindd, The four years of th undergraduate have heen summ up In thin way: (1) As a freahnian, he knows it alli (8) as & nophos more, he (hinks he knows it all} (8) an a Junior, he doesn't know " ) af a aenior he knows he doesn't know! + The educated man is one who in:fully conselous that all he has in knowledge In a small sett) Area against a PAST frontier © infinite knowledge. Sald leaned Newton, the natural philosapher, best 'known tor his discovery of the law of universal gravitation: "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself soem 10 have heen only like A boy plays ng oln the seashore, and dverting myself: now and then, In finding a amoother pebble "" A A Atetties shell than: ot . a n we 00eAn ruth lay a befors me.' To some le appears a confession of 0 to sty "I do not know" It H rea 1¥ the beginning of knowledge! The: dagger which la ever present with each and all is to become satin: fled. with our aettled area of knowledge and of peace, in i Mankin att in ind told 1] valley surrounded ain. os Sot TW ons secured & nl one Lori y FA dit) out of the vals doris hi All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome | A | Everyone Welcome i Stage United Church "THE HOUS! FRIENDSHIP" Office 3128. Minister Rev, E Harston, LL.B, Phones 148 10 AM.SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 am, "Things That Last" 7m, 'Essentials of Success" 'THE MINISTER WILL PREACH AT BOTH SERVICES Evening Service will be Bright Good Singing ~ - Brief Fine Fellowship « Helpful Services concluded in one hour Beneficial A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HERE, Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church | 811 Celina Street Pastor G, Legge In Charge 10 a.m. Sunday School | 11 aan, Pastor G, Legge 7 'pom, Pastor G. Legge Tues, 8 p.m == Prayer Meeting Fri. 8 pm = Bible Study CALVARY BAPTIST Uotpel' Jentre Athol Kt, WestemNorth Ride of Toront 11 ame="The Gleaner" 75pm, =="'Playing With Sin" Sunday Wohoo' 8 pm, Monday, 8 pm=B.Y.PU, Friday, § pmo=Uhoir prao: tise, Prayer Mestings Wednoss day 8 pam, and Saturday 7.00 pom, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH KEV. 8. C. JARRETT Inoumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 8 a m=Holy Communion 10 a. m.=Sunday School TT aim Mating & Sermon 7 pm Evensong and Sermon The Salvation Army Simeoe and Oak Sta, Ensign and Mrs, - Dizon z in charge 11 Am ==Nolineas Nervios 8 pme=Rand Program at Lakeview Park T pm=Balvation Meeting 10 ami, and 8 pm Bus day Bohool ] days they rected memorialy these martyrs" Bo true are Le hase of lite that we St. George's ANGLICAN CANON O, B, dePENUIER, M.A, Cor, Bagot and Centre Sis Organist and Cholrmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, ALOM, # am~Holy Communion, 11 ame~~=Morning Prayer, The Choir will sing "Alpha and Omega" 8 pm.~=Bunduy School 7 pm,=-Evensons. Baptisms second Sunday each month, Free Methodist MISSION (Over A w Fl Rev, I, Lo Cuvemnont, "Pastor Sunday, June 15 2.30 p.m. Sunday Schoo! 3.30 p.m. Preaching Ser- vice Wed, 7.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Cordial Welcome . 5 ' first Church of Ohrist, Sclentiss 04 Colborne Street Kast Sunday, June 13 Morning Service at |! am, BIEL | "GOD THE _ 1 * PRESERVER ! © OF MAN" ty ne

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