THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 INUS. - York and Chis om; aa "7 SATURDAY. JONE 14, 1930; GETTING ON THE List - pees vt % Tonight furnishes for the voters of ab. pm dete last opportunity' of having thei 9% Ylaced ou 'the voters' list for the. Tod. Sedo oe that ljs dist goes to he court eh ction esterday, the registrars | Gerd as hy 7h re beén sitting, so little { the interest taken in the completion of o list. 'Only twelve 'names were added to | lists inthe two days at the five. places --t which registration. is. being. carried on. {This may mean of course, that the enumer- ptors did their work so thoroughly that many pdditions to the list will be unnecessary. It still remains the duty of every citizen + to see that his or her name list, Af any person is at all' her enumerator se- ds Bot hard to make peg are dpen for or, cu pure. The registra that pu/pose, and will'be 'open "umtil ten p'clock tonight. Of course, there Will he a pout' of irevision: later, but that ists more" ted method of adding names to the A would be much more satisfactory fo take the simpler method now, rather than ow wait in the hope of doing it later on. It will: wo MAVER good deal of trouble whieh election day ._ comes around. if 'the list is a complete. one, +: nd, after all, the responsibility for making 9 fp Suinilets now Tests with the electors them- : ' val 3 "oii saGuarican TO SPEED Li : i. Bir Harry Segrave, Boj holder. of the odd] v-pirtomobile- speed. record, did not live. long whovenjoy the knighthood: and. other honors bestowed on him ind he made the new rec- for speed. oyer.a' year a fry, im # Lr ood arch the mania Harry was seeking a new. world record motorboats when something went wrong, : boat turned over, and he lost his life, Ai 3 og caused the ac- omg little mes. : sql wh which ie nd the a spevd before it bit be i the tragedy such' a useless wastage' of 'life pr) sacrificed to the modern desire speed. What did" Sir : ha 'Segrave hope to add to the fund of _ human knowledge and, human happiness by. i , record, The engineeri 'hay have figured in the spee easily have been' made in: without exposing his life th. But just as in the olden the risk of "there werd knights who.went 'forth - t and adventure, so today % the same thing in different Ho iii i H ie June no wat td be, Tie ee tend It is what ook i once too # he last a iil, a vie.' 1 The Stratford' | in cng of fod at #000000. This was made up ts rv the by not might be termed an invisible trade, but it might bé imagined clyded in the budg A osident of the n on part of Peter Horo has been brought into Nadrbg fined fo ting out» fre without saci; the necessary permit, and precautions heavily dist flagration, It is not noted obra or ot his action resulted in a Jones fire, put the prosecution in itself should be a warning as to the serious consequences that may arise * from the promiscuous setting of fires in for. areas, . | a year no less than 625,000 acres of _ forest 'were destroyed in' Ontario by 'fire. The disastrous fire in Northern Ontario a few weeks ago leads one to believe that, this year's record will be far worse; This is a tremendous loss, made all the more serious because it cannot be replaced, and it shows the absolute neceégsity of the closest possible co-operation with the authoritiesiin prevent- ing the start of such fires, which, once start- ed, may do untold damage, not only. to for- ests, but also to human life and to property before they are checked. LABOR MAKES SACRIFICE Orice again, labor has been called upon to make a sacrifice in the interests of progress \ yond advancement. our, men, trapped in a dynamite explo- sion in a tunnel in Detroit, have lost their lives, and twenty others are injured while striving to provide for a section of the Auto. "mobile City new. facilities and cohveniences; 'The great engineer receives the credit for "his brain child of construction--it is the workmen who carry it out, and too often lose' their lives inthe attempt: The names of the coal barons receive additional lustre as 'their plants enlarge and their holdings increase~--beneath, in the dark, the miner is working, playing with as great a risk as can be found. Silent martyrs of the cause of progress are to be found in thé ranks of the working man, and their achievements are, in a lesser way, as great as those of many whose names are inseribed on the scroll of immortality. Guelph Mercury. THEY'RE NOT 80 BAD All honor and many more years of life to Rev. J. M. Whyte, pastor 'at Enniskillen, _aged. 60, who told the recent Conference as- "sembly at Cobourg that he "was tired of "heating about young people - going to the dogs, figuratively speaking." Those who dg go are very often impelled by the selfsrighteousnesp of pharisees as much as by the imputed natural depravity of the human' soul. K Further, not going to the dogs on the part of older people is usually tied up with some such sordid thing as: eating three times a Say ang corns on the feet--not superior vir- ue, There's nothing like corns to keep people in the straight and narrow way. No prim- rose path for them, also no dance. floors. "They go from euchre to high blood pres- sure, and from one patent arch supporter to another. They view with alarm, and why shouldn't they? Fear of the future brings them nightmares and in day-dreams their vanished youth calls with reproachful flutes to pursue the beauty they will know no more, ald editor wants to make a bet with 'the Toronto Globe that . Toronto returns more Tory members than Grits. 'We wonder if he would be as willing "fo bet on the result in, say North or South Perth, or North: Oxford, RNG ls Bay. voit ticket for the Rotary Fair and help along a good cause. 3 "18 orontorwants to stage: a really big EAS someone call a convention of eckless and discourteous automobile drivers. Old timers are now ducing that dren ' 'Even the sevepape 1 reporters aren ; ow, The Shriners. are ae iid% have bivught to Toronto for the convention a lot of thirsty camels. And they are not the:ouly ones wno | have the hump. dry he -- ' t the big convention is over; per be safe to drive the oar into To- Now 'haps it will be a ain v [18 Other Editor's : a PRAISE YOR o Montior) , consisted of the purchase of Canadian goods, Canada on) people 8 blinded with tears from woél A ror opportuni- ties that have passed Hey cannot seo thofe that are, comin F HI CAREER EEiont 9 M ) When Premfer Ferguson goes riding in the dirigible that will be one day when the. whole, province looks up to him, A YOUNG WIDOW (Detroit News) A young widow has a peculinr way of seeing a man without look- ing at him, DRINK MORE MILK (London Advertiser) A correspondent of the London Spectator advocates a campaign for more drinking of milk. The chil- dren of the less fortunate classes, he says, are milk-starved, Experi- ments. made in Southern England showed that boys who had an ex- tra ration of milk became taller and heavier than others, had less illness, were brighter at thelr les. sons, livelier and more mischiev- ous. The last is hardly desirable except as an evidence of Increased vitality, Similar results appeared Hy six' Scottish cities and in Bel. ast, Bits of Humor WHAT HEX oA NTER To The gi ow been asking questions at the school until every. body was tired of Bearing him, "Now," said he; "you may ask me some questions if you like," No one stirred, till 'at last a little hand went up and Jane asked weari- ly, "Please, vir, what time does your train go?" GOOD ADVICE An ambitious young man and one who had already amassed a fortune were talking things over, "This correspondence schoo! adyer- tisement says that a man's financial success depends on what he does with his: evenings," the first 'said, "That's absolutely correct," stated the other with authority, "I wouldn't be wealthy today if 1 hadn't spent every evening courting an heiteny, 4d 3 TAKING HIS MEDICINE A portly woman of very elusive beauty was addressing a meeting on 'temperance reform. "My friends," she said, "I had a husband who was addicted to the battle. He was a great trial to me, but one day I persuraded him to take, the pledge. e did so, and my joy Was so great, so overwhelming, that I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him." "And served him jolly well right," '| added a voice from the crowd. Bits of Verse | KNOWLEDGE and more sweet? Knowledge of thoughts. and deeds of rights and wrongs ot Passions and of beauties and of Knowledge of i, to feel its great heart beat Through all the koul upon her erys- tal seat; To, see; 3 eel and evermore te 0 tory ¢ lite of leisure and broad To think and: dream, 't small things, ' ue "ey dull thou Grown heavy with the gol op A gold of many - ~--Archibald Lampman. de ---------- aren't: sate gp Sat, By foe God l Tova. -- iy 'What is more large than knowledge | i kno : To tin The old world's wisdom ti! it grow : A sarden fof the Wandering of our | This world's betta oaguor of |' To wander Hog the bee among: the | lowers Th ut age find us weary, feet and | be think. summe toa the most or. other all, | that" mecersitates a certain regularity as to sleop, food, and excercise, But for the. average individual | vacation should be a mind vacation, one in which the. brain, the emo- tions, ~--joy, gladness, freedom from care--are the contralling factors. The first thought then is to try and get your summer vacation, at a time when you can best leave business behind. If it is the very busy season and' you are going to take business with you, then 1t will not be a real vacation, Relaxation, freedon from worry, is the bigest factor in getting the most out of a vacation, Fo get away from the telephone and tele- graph and try to think of yourself as a youngster again, Get up early and get the tang and freshness of the early morning: sleep during the dav for an hour or two if 'you feel like it. Eat a sodo cracked and drink a glass of cold water, and go for a walk be- fore breakfast. You'll come back ready and eager for breakfast, Bit around after breakfast for half an hour, then get at your fish ing, golfing, walking, boating or whatever you like best for a couple of hours, and then rest for a time before lunch or dinner. A rest af- ter the noon meal, dozing in a chair not lying down. and then some out doors before the evening meal, Your vacation may not mean a vacation without tobacco, but the temptation to over indulgence is strong when outdors and should be avoided, The prescription is simple---out- doors, plenty of food; plenty of ex- ercise, plenty of sleep. Live as a youngster, or other young animal and do just what you want to do for your vacation time, -------------------- A women may have a wonderful past, but there is never any doubt about that of a man, -- Detroit News. A solentist declared that the crust of the earth is 2,000 miles thick. Not much chance for a Jack Horner to get his thumb into that pie. ~Port Arthur News-Chronicle, by 'C, B. TUCK, gn Copyright 2936) | YOUR coil) AND THE EYES ART "gn posed to seek relief to existiff er. rors of vision because the one so afflicted will suffer from glare be- fore thosé whose vision is more normal, General tiredness and eye fatigue then are among the first symptoms to be noticed, Let me h lquote here a very interesting and informative comment on this ser- fous condition found in a recent scientific article by Floyd W. Par- urday Evening Post. Mr, Parsons, among other things, says: "Phere in no .surer cause of fa- tigue in industry than improper fllumination, The tendency of every workman is to turn his eyes to- ward any bright object, so it fol- lpws that when there is an unusual ly strong reflection of light in the field of vision this causes a contin. ual draw on the muscular action. In many cases a condition of bad glare in a plant has alone. caused a decrease in efficiency of as much an 25 per cent, The first rule in office or factory illumination is to eliminate all high lights, The whole visual field should be as yni- formly illuminated as possible." ("Po be continued) MENACE OF ATHEISM CHALLENGES CHURCH Cleveland, Ohlo.--Thousands of delegates at they Northern Baptist Conyention herd heard Dr. Alton L, Miller, of Boston, declare in' his presidential address that the for. ces of athelsm are a menace chal- lenging the Protestant denomine- tions 'of the world, Pointing out the magnitude of the forces opposed to Christian doctrines, he sald the . greatest danger comes from an organization purposely spreading the seeds of atheism, , "In. denying the very exlstonngd of God, they strike at the heart of the Christian message. Such efforts have found the peak of their suec- cess in Russia, where the Soviet Government is fostering atheism in order to loosen the hold of the or- ganized church on the Russian peo- ple," Dr. Miller said, "ASHBURN Ashburn, June 10.--Mr; and Mrs. Schyler Porter and family visited at the home of Mr. Allle' Ross on Sunday. There has been a noticeable im. provement in the attendance at Burns's 'Church 'on Sunday evenings since the hour of service has been changed from 7 am. to 7.80 p.m. Glare will AR the one so ex] sons, which appeared in the BSat-| afetytDeposit Boxes For the sum of $3.00 "end -up 'per annum, you can rent a box in our modern Safety: Deposit: Vault, and place" therein 'your Bonds, Stocks, Mertgages, Deeds, Insurance Policies, , Jewellery and other valuables, where they will be protected against fire, theft and misplacement.' We Invite you to call and personally. inspect our safekeeping facilities: CENTRAL CANADA 23 Simeoe Street North OSHAWA Head Office TORONTO ASSETS OVER ELEVEN MILLIONS Miss Marte West * has returned from spending a few days with Glen Major friends. Pleased to report that Mr. Billie Burgess who underwent an operation for appendicitis in the Western Hos: pital, Toronto, recently, is recover- ing nicely. The sports of the community are arranging to open up a lawn tennis court and grounds for playing horse shoes the early part of this season. There dre' some experts at these games here and when the get prac- jticed up a little more will be heard from, no doubt, ARGENTINA BUYS CANADIAN POULTRY One of the most important ship- ments of high quality poultry which 'has yet been made from Canada was forwarded by express the other day from the Dominion Experimen- tal Farm at Ottawa. Included in the shipment 'were 26 birds, all but one .of "which: was- either pedigree registered, or certified under Rec- ord-of 'Performance. It includes 24 males and 4 females, and the breeds represented were barred Plymouth: Rocks, While Leghorn; and "Rhode Island Red. The birds will be" tree weeks in transit: be- fore arriving at Buenos Aires where they will be used for breeding pur- poses, 'The order for the birds was placed By: the Commercial Intelli- gence Service of the Department of Trade and Commerce with the Sec- rotary of the Canadian National Poultry Record: Association' from whose membership throughout Can- ada the shipment was collected, 'ing in importance. ists require to be fed, and. they, EUROPEAN RED MITE | If the leaves on your. fruit trees turn a dusty or bronze brown ybuy may expect on examination to find the European Red Mite at work, advise Entomologists. of the ' Dns minion Department of Agriculture, This fruit tree 'pest is very similar to the common red spider for which it is frequently: mistaken. It wat probably introduced into Canada ox imported nursery sto¢k. priori te 1912, the year in which it was fins noticed: in Ontario, "It now: ocensry in tha. Maritime: Provinces, Queber, Ontario. and British; Columbia, io+ festing: all' fruit. trees. The mos! effective method of control. is te give fruit trees affected an oll spray, early in the season. This: applied to the trunk and branches, eliminates the clusters of tiny: red eggs which are readily apparent ROADSIDE MARKETS i «With the advent of the tourist season the roadside market pro- vides a special opportunity 'for the enterprizing. farmer. The Domin- fon Livestock Branch finds that this method of selling 1s rapidly grow- Visiting tour with people driving out from cities and towns, appreciate opvortunities to buy farm products fresh front the orchard, fleld, ven 'or dairy. "Quality" should be the kéynote of this new and ~ fmporthnt market, and 1t will be found to He'the most effective medium "for the develop- ment of sales. hs ans wise to SURE croasE 4 six How Satisfying" it is to Prive this Six? JF you have never been at this whieal of & sls, eylinder car, you have no idea of all the satisfy. ing performance which holds in store for you. the new Chevrolet Six In this remarkable new car, grester smoothness and " enjoyable riding comfort agin design. More: Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, front and ry THE WORLD'S BIGGEST, VALUE { ! Combined with such notable performance features' * are lavish refinements in the beauty, and appointment of the smart new Fisher Pt Just as surely as you inspect the new Chevrolet ih drive it and compare it . « your verdict will "Here's the biggest value in the lowest price Toe with all is Gecplinder advantages prices Auk about the General Motoss! "1 the most complete in the .. GM.AC., General Motors® own bbe i ot Sots Paley I" + and about 1 ol ferred Payment