Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, SATURDAY. JUNE 14, 1930 PAGE THREE i 2 Wk | ppeal For Rotary Fair on Behal of C -- Youths Steal Car in Toronto, to Enter Service Attempt + Station, Arrested Near Whithy | Qoertet of Your Toronto Mon Pleaded. Guilty to Kwa Chaise Dafore Mag: iotrate Willis Yesterday ALL FOUR WERE ON PROBATION I ---- Were Arrested by Highway Officer Hilliard After Pur. suit by Garage Men (By Btaft Reporter) Whitby, July 14,~=Vour Torou 18 youths ench of them seventeen yours of 'age, who weve arrested hy Treattic, Officer Bidney Hillard on the Highway wR bride) morn. ing on a charge of ry hy mots or ear and oh nto the gaso: line station of Morley Binck, of Pigkering Township, appeared in Police Court Friday afternoon be- fore Magistrate Willls and pleaded sullty to both charges, All of the yaung men admitted to the Court that they had been in trouble be- fore, and, withoui. exception were on probation. The car which: Offiesy Hilliard found: dn thelr possession was #tolan from the Toronto Kxbibition grolinds on Thursdes evening, and wis the properly of W, Btedwliger, of that city, 1 was 'when the men attempted to. bronk Inte My, Mor- lay Black's gasoline pump on the highway that Officer Millard was moti Mr, Black pursued the men A a8 8 result 'they were overtaken as they drove into Whit by, They said that they were going to Oshawa to look for 'work, and that they intended to return the oar, It transpired that the men had changed the markers on the machine, The four were remanded 'for a week in sustedy, and in the mean. He thely records will be Inve gated, RATEPAYERS WAY ORGANIZE BODY IN NORTHEAST WARD Meeting Held Tat Night in | Mey Street A plaka epagies nesembled at de ttl Sid poll on ar On motion of Mr. Albert was appointed chalyman and M 'Werry appointed secretary. The chairman of the heothu, then read some f ratepayers who showed by t ry that they desired to. , o ratepayers' association, After some discussion on the matter it was moved by Mr, Booth and seconded by Mr, Crowle to adjourn the 'meeting for two weeks' to obtain further information and also to" pdulvdut hd obtain a larger & " was a by Mr, Booth and seconded by Mr, Crowle that we meet ow 'ThtMaR, the 26th, . fant, collection bo taken Ao Fre then taken, ang ded sh the chal |» The: Pr BILL KARN The William Tell of the Rotarians. Av shalrman of the davt hooth itt wil ih to pers sunde several hundred Oshawans to practice the ancient art of arch. ory, Prodded "Branch" Becomes Snake grr Orillia, June 14,-~A thoroughly frightened Summer visitor rushed ip Orillia today after a trip on te Couchiching in a row-boat Rowing quietly hy Chief Island, he relates, he saw . what hs thought a blagk wuranch floating in the calm water, He mushed an ony inte the middle of it and be fire his startled eyes the branch dissolved into 100 'biack snakes of afl sizes, They hissed threaten: ingly ahout the boat as the visitor rowed back at a pace which aston. ished small boys on the wharl, rr------ PICNIC ENJOYED BY TWO DEPARTMENTS OF GM.C. OFFICE Enjoyable Outing Held at|g Kedron Yester \ day ustian: Control Depart: ment a conjunction with the Tins: flo Department of the General tors held thely annual pienie at Kedron on I'viday, June 10th, The this suggesatul a. was jit ' rand wan am Pro. Tr nine ed Ankles and bruised fingers being hi thosmajordty, | The teats ahd: races Included a Wigs twar which featured the sug dens' of the day, The prosentation of a handsome gilded loving cup to the winning team of Traftie Jpmmers brought a very happy ave ent to a clogs, Tha an of, ot the! various races are as follows---@ rach, Marjors Sproule; married ladion' race, Ennis; young men's race, Bd, K or; married and older men's ace, Vern. Caverly:: three-legged vace, Eileen Clark and Art, Wood! 'horseback ree, Bye fefhaber und ert, Lander; salwar, Alex oll's "team, of re rin Ammers| wheelbarrow race, Mr and Mrs, ah | Goldbourn, warde. Dao. t to "Speak, at I LO a ah ven he noted | Didier' uoten fof Mv am Ave, x j= M-W8 Born UARTHRON n, faturday, June 14, 1000, to Mv. and Mr, W. J, Garter: (nee: Mra, Dellamy), 113 Thomas street, a JA er, A Cara Th} "We" take our many oY ih ona of & of aur hs i Gy R, Downey, ney, Mim May *. i ln Hamam Hem friends and aor for thelr kind a in the d Love's x momories never' our pain, fod . an owe, "w we'll i ho | mn Dinh ; wore oxmibited. sprain: }laity Qol Me means' of thanks | ond ways | Maeed o). WASTER MAKES /{(,M, HENRY BURSAR OF NEW COLLEGE Member of 0.C, & V.1. Steff yur so Important G. M, Henry, CMA i member of the. teaching. stall of the Oshawa Colleginte, and Voeationsl Institute and tormerly head of the Commerein) Department has heen notified of his Lpeintinent to the bursirship of eMuster University, whien 1s' this nd heing moved from Toronto to Lamilton, My, ant Mrs, Henry plan to leave Oshawa at the end of the ' present manth, Mr, Henry wili communes work in is new ealling 'on August first, since the moving of the Univer sity will renuire 'w considerable am- ount of organization work before the college opens Its doors to the studs ent body In the Iatter purt of Sepe tember, Mr, Henry has heen on the stafl of the local secondary school for the fast three years, coming here from the Brantford Collegiate, He graduns tad in Arts from MeMaster in 1023, Durlng the succeeding year he was engaged In postgraduate work and in 1925-1926 he was in Bramtiord, and in the fall of '26 he transferred to Qshaw Mr, Yionry received his Master of Arts degree from MeMaster, Univers sity this spring, He dine heen an ae- tive worker in First Baptist Church here MARTIN LIBR Whose particular job af the big aly nent 'week will be " Supesintend the sale of hot dogs, A bly fat voll with plent mia In Aunrant with every STUDENTS OF THIS DISTRICT OBTAIN YEARS AT OSGOODE Firat and Second Year Re: sults in Law Course Announced me In the*figgh year remults of the Law. Hohool at Osgoode Hall ap. pearing thin merning, the names of a number of students who live in thin distriet are prominent among those who were successful hn pages ing their fre year examinations, Riatend. 0 A Wty won of Mr, and Mrs, M, G, V, Gould, of Bows Ceti eh. augeessfuls in the bon year, obtaining henors and a 40 J halaranly an a reward for his work, « Ralph Fa Wallace son of Mr, and Mra, 8 A, Wallace, of Tort Perry, ranked fifth in the year and alno obs tained. wn woholaship of #40, Mr, Wallnee's record in an enviable one, a8 he drave Inte Torentaplte carry on his course every day during the oollege year, BE. M, Henry, son of Mr, and Mrs, K Hel ry, of King St, East, Osh- awa, also passed his examinations inte second year at the Law Hohool, Mr, Henry graduated fram Univers , University of T to, at you with the Bachelor of Arta Timon joins 'and aoquaine I students | roll, Toronto, the husineas on George Mitford of Toronto spoke, The dont Were elspted offlenry tor, Oriite;. RB. Wilson, - Timey, Wenton; U or Enterprise, Col No, these are not the names of sharge, Ewart Alger to the Stewart Alger to the above but simply the sommittess forr the big fair vor loft, is lookin right ls super intending the bail he Nig HIGH DIVE AND BALL TOSS the Rotarians or whit hey "Rave 4 dive, Mr, J.T. Perrin, 83 Park road south, 1s launching today a 385-foot motor lunch which he bullt during the winter In a Karage #t his resis dence, When the, "Miss Yvonne sil des Into the water at Lakeside Park this afternoon, and her 125 hp, motor turns the propellor over for the first time, Mr, Perrin will see the cul mination of months of patient single handed work under difficult condi tions, The "Miss Yvonne," has been built for Mr. W, H, Barnhart, who will use it for passenger service on Lake On. tarlo, She has a length over all of 35 feet, by u heam of seven feet, six inghes, She hus 0 passenger capneity of *30, and her 125 horsepower Ker. math motor Is expected to drive her Boat Built in Garage To Be Launched at Lakeview Park ut 1 speed of 25 knots per hour, Mr, Perrin, who has had previous experience In boat bullding st Lind. say, commenced work on the hull Inst fall und sopleted hy the ttime wine ter set In, This spring he went back ot It again, and by April 20th she was rendy for decking and fiblshing One of the biggest tasks was got: ting the boat down to the lake, The job was done with a truck and 4 Inrge dray, und "Miss Yvonne" arrle ved at the shore on Thursday even: ing, no worse for her two mile jours ney overland Mr, Perrin and Mr, Barnhart have been busy for the last two days ine stalling the engine, and expects to have the craft ready to take the water late this afternoon, To Ne-Open Hospital The Whithy Hospital, owned and oporated by Miss J. M, MeKes, IN, at Nyron and Colborne Stroots, Whithy, will be re-opened on Hat. urday, June 21st, according to an nouncement made today, Recent oxtensive alterations have been made both inside and outside and accomodation Is provided for twelve pationts, The hospital will be op. on for inspection Saturday after noon and evening, and A program will be given on the lawn Haturday evening, Tennis Club Opening Members of the Oshawa Tennis Club and. tha Bowmanville Tennis Club have been invited to particls pate In 4 Jitney tournament which will feature the official opening of the Whithy Tennis Club this after. nogn, Make Rapid Progress Rapid progress is being made In the erection of a new service station for the Supertest Oil Co, at King street west and Park road, The old frame residence which agoupied the site of the service station has heen moved back and now faces on Park Road, Car Is Displayed The fine Chevrolet cosch whieh the Rotarians are giving away In | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS thelr mileage estimating contest has made its appearance in several paris of the oity, Mounted on a large truck platform and with big signs surrounding it, this much coveted prise has been viewed by thousands, Next woek some lucky Individual will have the pleasure of owning it, Fine Weather Appreciated The fine warm wenther of the past fow days has come as a wel come change to the unseasonable enld which featured last week, "What is wo rare as a day in June?" Is a question which may now be asked with truth, NEW HIGHWAY SIGNS The new highway signs have made thelr appearance on, the Kingston road, Ax was announced by the Fer puson Government, some time ago, the name Provineial Highway has been changed to that of King's Highe way, The new signs, that bear the new name, are quite attractive, Mounted on a metal standard, the triangular metal sign bears the nett name and a crown, with the official number designating the highway in black letters on a white ground, The new slgns are being erected fn towns and cities to mark the route of tra vel and are easily pleked up for they stand out in sharp relief, Toot Sec xckng | Btogk High Br, A; OIL 1RY% Deas, i" Din, Hgrm, 14, Hr, Wal, 10% Int, | Int, Close 18% a" 104 10% Low 18% 4" 10% 10% 2 10% 10% by a on. 18 am ™ We §80 Wr, Heg, 815. 10 Stock Market Prices Market Summary by Canadian "ress Toronto and New York Mtock Quetations Biggar and Crawford, Presta ied 1 A--_---- 'New York Exchange Low Close MY NW a4 HH SaTW Hh un 01 we Hook High Alleghany 91 Amn, Top SA Amn, Intell 88% Amn, Smel, Hd Amn, Tel 210 Anpconda 63 Paldwin ,, 4 Neth, Steel 90 Can, Dry 64 Can, Pag, 200 Com. Bolv. 129 Chrysler a Pov, Chom. 80 Fox vais, Gen, Kies, 704 Gen. Mot, /- 44 W Sood ear RAL EER art, North /&8 | « 88 Ken, bia Lyd - Mar, Mot, i Mt, Ward? 4 11g, Ca | Mot, 'Whi, Nt, Ohh; HS ¥ Pe S a ne iH fe ine AR LO RA BOOSTER i Shureh the We afternoon, Line Vaal : Ww you're used: '0 sing knock W.your, | " 2 mogheb i La RPM! For awhile, het he ther ar eow pont N would & ghott | WW his Pride with : beayt ! wily 43 fh WA : Sheth west on \ Thun | para be the In at on Piha TH | ing oven last you || now novelties will be seen on para age, CARNIVAL T0 REIGN ON SECOND NIGHT OF ROTARY FAIR Gigantic Vnsguands Planned fos, Both Old and Young. w Grnivat leh the ve peso igh of nd) mammoth Rotary Fair at Park on Wednesday and Thursday of next 'week, is belong: planed as 4 night of color and gny carnivil spies it, Fowarfls this end, thy Rotarians are planning for 4 wigantic Masquer, nde of costumed people, old and young, boys and girls, men and wo. men, to he on the grounds, to.add to the festive spirit, This masquerade ls open to every citizen, and wll ure urged to dig into the trunks and wet out thelr costu- mes, ready to compete for the Hand. some prizes, that are to be offered, o list of which will appear in Monday's issue of The Times, The parade of mmsqueraders will he 'on. the grounds at Rotary Park very person in costume will be ad mitted free to the grounds on Thurs. diy. night, and. at 2.30 pan, will as semble for the grand parade, A spec. ful stage Is being provided, dnd they will 'parade . over this stage, to. be judged by au secret commitied, ol judges. The prigk winners will be an nounced and the prizes awarded im. mediately alter the judging is, com. pleted, When the Judging is over, the mas- guerades will be free to travel around the grounds and hold high carnival There will also be an opportunity for them to visit the dmmee in Rotary Hull; where they will add color and lite. to the festivities there, Taking it all over, the Carnival night of he Fair looks fike being & wonderiul night, and If is expected that thous. ands of citizens will flock to Rotary Park to take prt | in ht am ps ---- HN, M, HENRY Son of Mr. and Mes, Kd, Henry, King St. Kast, who was suuccesstul in the first year of the Law Course at Osgoode Mall, Toronto, Mr, Henry graduated from University College, Toronto, In 1089, and was phannant in undergraduate notive tien duving his Arts Course, sn ---- a. ROUTE OF ROTARY FAIR PARADE IS ANNOUNGED First Parade to » Start From Armories at 6.45 p.m, Wednesday Night w---- The route which has been arrangs od for the Rig Parade which signal: izes the opening of the Rotary Fair on Wednesday evening of next week has now been decided, and has been given the full 'approval of Chiei of f Police Friond, who, with his force, will. co-operate In every way poss sible to make the parade run off smoothly, The routes also designed: #0 a8 10 five wy many people us poss alble an opportunity of secing it, and so as to lead the way to Rotary Park, where the big doings of the Fair will |! bo in fll swing a8 soon ad the pars] ade reaches there, The purade will form up at the} Armories, and on the streets east of the Arvmories, #0, as to be ready tof move off at 04 fo on Wednesday, | and the route Will be an follows West 'on Richmond to Church Street, "north, on Chureh to Brock ji Street, east on Brock to Divigion Jerect, south on Division to King | on King to Simcoe treet, south on Simcoe to Gibb wif Street, west: on Gibb to the Rotary Park, In ease of rain, It in also announs- | od, the piwade will be held at the sine hour, and over the same route, ox renin, Pod, chairman of the pars | pfidens that the " ever held far surpass bk quent. Many f} Dave M ade committee iy and with the generous and com hennivh prise list that has been of: fered, every class Is expected to have sufficient entries to bring forth keen [8 | Epi Entries can be made the ar ni dann of the parade, sa lind by u seergt committen of ih will 'be doje along the, route, When a: stranger from afar \ TQ Hn en wie you are Make it strong, Never flatter, never bin; Tell the truth, for that's Inbligh Be a hooster, 'that's the stuffy Ron's Just. hilong, ow ire rippled | Children Rotary Club Provided Free Treatment to Twenty Oshawa Boys: and Girls Last Year J. Ar MORPHY Whe will be in charge of the stock: ing booth at the hig Rotary Fair, Needless to say this booth will prove very. popular, Scarboro Church Established 1803 Searboro', June 13---Dating back to 1803, when itinerant Methodist pronchers visited Hoarboro', the congregation of Washington United Chureh, Scarboro' Village, Is pre paring to celebrate its anniversary, At the outset services wert conduo- tod In the old village inn, And in 1888 the first edifice' was built and' named in honor of Stephen Wash. ington, one of the ploneags. 'Tt was many yours lator replaced by the present church on the" sims wits, and a few. hundred yards to the pouth, overlooking Lake Ontarloe, Washington Cemetery wis opened, Here many of the earliest fam: flies to mettle in the township have thelr burial plots and the graveyard Is sti) In service, The presont min. J 8 Humplirion, ater In Rov, OBTAINED BUTTER BY FALSE PRETENSE POLICE ALLEGE Toronto Man Arrestod--Ux: bridge Creamery Sustains Loss Toronto, Ont, June A4-George Turnbull, Toronto, has beon Arrest. od in Niagara Falls on four charges of obtaining butter by false pre- tenses from Ontario creameries, Turnbull, police state, worked a scheme whereby ha had about §1, 000 worth of butter delivered to a garage from where IL is alleged, he disposed of it ati prices below the market, WH. C. Misehor, Uxbridge, Ont. the complatnant In'the case 'of which Turbull was arrested and claims to ba out $475, The Grey County, Creamery of Owen Sound £445, Simvale Creamery, Elmvale Ont, #284, and the Meaford Cream. ory, Meaford, ara the ther coms plilnants, OBITUARY MRS. W. H. TONKIN W, H. Tonkin, whose 5 Mrs huss Oshawa Gonernl Hosp I in her 67th year, The Ito'hloy onkin was a resident of the unity since her ildhosd, rks een born in the distrigte Sh etive member of King oct, & 3 fle she -- od ho nl, The decebed, caves lo of friends and relatives M ied er death, Five daughters, Mrs, Are [hue on und Mm. Clarence Hoard, M rs, Wilfred Howe and Mrs, Yeu ice, hy indsor and Miss Winnifred Tonkin, of Montreal; a six. sons, k \Ilam, Brest tnd Th ry idgar and Leo, of + bind Harold, of St. ha on \ario, are Teft to mourn the passing of their beloved mother, © "The funeral service will be held and fhe home of the deceased, 83 Ritson oad south, an Mokitay attgrmoon at Ik id pin Rev C. Bx rage of Kin, btreet United church will wy th i rv Interment will be made at [the Union cemetery. The attention - Band, the late W. H, 1 kite |! © rost only fast srl ig it Jan fhe { friends is drawn to the foot that # 1 Som of $1, 378.92 Was Ex« pended for This Important Work -- Fund Is Getting Low . CHILDREN SAVED "4 FOR USEFUL LIVES Generous Support of Citi zens Desired So That More Young Lives May, Be Helped " In appealing to the citizens off Oshawa and district to support the Rotary Vatr on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, the Iotars fans ure doing so on behalf of the crippled children of Oshawa and the gurroundibg community; Unfortune« ately, in every community there are children who suffer from deformities and crippling handicdps whieh, if loft unheeded, will make them only & burden to themselyep, thelr fame fled und the 'comminity in" Tater life, (lar sontg cases, Lhe parents are themadlves ible to" secure remedinl gare and treatment S048 to oure their ehildren, But In many cases, the family has no means to secure tho nocessary treatment, and so the child remains & cripple all through Ite. ' This 1s where the 'Rotary Club stops An with its lifesaving. work, Medical and jlusgicat sclonce has pros grossed to gu au extent that thera are fow cripples who cannot be cured, if tebatment ip given early ene ough, In canes brought to its attens tion, the Rotary Club provides that modieal and surgical treatment, pays the. necessary hospital: bills and pro« vidés any, artiiginl appliances, sucld af special booth, leg supports and! other things, that may be requireds in the individual cases. In the last yoar, twenty children have been taken care of in this way by the Rotary Club, Ono child was pont to the 1,0.DJE, preventoriun for wn period. of ever six months, One shild was outfitted and sent io the Ontario Sehool for the Deaf at Bele leville, Another child is being maine talsed at the Ontario Hospital for Consumptive at Belleville, One child {an Af present being given treatment at the Toronto General Hospital for spine trouble, Ofte 'In "being maintained by the club at the Hoss pital for Sick Children at Thistle down, Ontario, One has been sup plied with' an artificial jog. In ally fifteen childvon have received treats ment at the Sick Children's Hose pital, Toronto. All of this work, saving children for useful' adult life, has been dono at the" expense of the Rotary Club, and with 20 exe pense of any kind to the families or parents of 'the ¢hildren.: In the lasg twelve: months, from June 1, 1920, the Rotary Club has expended na Joss than $1,876.92 from its crippled children's fund for this work, Naturally, the fund is getting low, but the work must go on, That is, why the Rotary Fair is being held, and why the Rotarians are putting 40 strenuous an effort into making it 'a success, That is why the Roe tarians aro appealing to the oltize ons to give thelr most generous port hy attending the Rotary anid Joining in the fun and frolic in un generous spirit, thinking of t children who are 'going to be the beneficiaries, of thelr: generosity, THREE ARE GIVEN | BRAVERY. AWARDS Sarnia, Jund o 33 Manote of Point stable' John Clark: presented' witht the Society certificates LAlghts part the nen t of ni of Dads of Lani which 'means Darl Dodds of July, whe wero Lake Huron elt 0 Ahurned ina as pi y If Bend, The rescue ¢ vory dangerous goRMIL 00K, Mp be no shut oh + [ON tl erry, An i) wlon CY Mus Das been 8 for hs, vation Bao % Reticle i] and wood The Fi or t Fos in a witl positively bb add Per Cent. end collected with Receipts wil be promptly raturned to those. i 'payment by mall, i a AUMEIPAT, ormichs,

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