§ pif J nll Vie Sond Es b } News advartiang sud oubee § Block, King Wr way a fairl} well atbonded ' Ag 2 9p 1 " Phra nun, pat 0 8 akkons ne uded Gordon nher of the Publis Util * mission in thaws. FL. ve Mr. Iller of the hat comm Hydro El 'Power Commission" df. Ontario, Mayor Elliott was in the chair and ralled first upon. My. Conant to mpeak, J Mr, Consnt's Address . In his opening remarks M¥, Conv ant "stated. that he did not wish Aa come to Bowmanville to inter dere with the affairs of that town put had come at the invitation of the mayor to give what aid he could 3 a manvile ons will be . hd Times in the Cowan nr ftom Peony Mortlock ARE, | xs a uy t i nig E 70 on al, ad t. The Conant ume trouble in hey did aot turn out ar Tov: t this be those who lave mot meeting," , 'Mr, Conapt told of Shitkle Sstriet never ro: and: make rates much bi here than in Western LE) which wag a hydro district, With the purchése of the Bowmanville plant Bowmanville would become a hydro digtrict and would then be on & level With western Ontario in the fact that they would get the power at cost, He reviewed the his. tory of power in this district and showed that the Central Ontario district was now in a scrambled state with the district holding as asgets. other holdings than hydro holdings. If the other holding do not make good those in the On. taria district were paying Shrough their hydro for these losses. If t THE WEED CONTROL ACT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO NOTICE ! 5 BB O. Chapter 809 as amended by 1988, Chapter 81 "Bel, Ou 1007 Mb B00 1 Snel ded oee shall i the ripening of their seeds. po #3 | onder of the I penalty of not less offence, penalties provided by this » f § ih 7 over t H 3 i i o! land, or if the land fs unoccupied the destroy all weeds designated 5; a8 often in every year as is sufficient to prevent 'Any owner or occupant of land who- contravenes any of the vid of this Act or who refuses or neglects given under than #30 nor move than $30 for every Act' shall be recoverable under penaiten provided by ths Ast shall be sbbYerable wader the treasurer of the Municipality in which owner ov with the weeds coming under this Act to be noxious by the to pg pe acougler or refusal requirements this Act, 0 od there sould ba little ho| SER ait 4 po Toronto Newark «¢ 'THE OSHAW. to a regular cost ydre Commission, ' the . of Bowmanville in dollars and cents," asked Mr, Con. ant, "It means that every customer 8 & separate customer of the Hydro and therefore in getting hig power st cost will find it mach cheaper than it fs now. The town would then have a hydro commis. sion of its own whare complaints could be made, The municipality holding its own hydro has all its ofits Tor use on its own system netead of going into a central fund. 1 would be very much sure prised," ho added, "if Bowmanville: could not substantially reduce Its rates besides taking care of its de- bentures and reserves, Kvery other town have done so and so can Bowmanville." In conclusion he stated that the purchase was a manifestly good proposition. Mr, ¥. L, Mason Mr. Mason, chairman of the Osh- awa Commission, in a brief but in- structive address told of the gain made by the city of Oshawa in the Durée of their system, The first ae he showed that wa made n t of $51,804 and alin re. o in the unscrambling of the 9, an equity of $40,004; Un. les the purchase is made Mr. Ma- of § any rate reduction, Bow- manville made a profit of $22,000 in 1989 and he did not see Why this cotild not be ade under 'local holding It has heen In Oghawa ond Whitby and conld be done in Bowmanville, He gly urged the purchase of the local system stating that Bowmanville would regret i. Mr. ler the ! isnjon of rio . ot 'the ating H ANSwere ques were In doub, He issued no chal lenge to that the Bowmanville plant was of order or worn aut to go over the system with him and he guaranteed to show that system was in real good shape, or -- BASEBALL RESULTS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Von Lost PC, Baltimore «yes. (38 19 867 Rochester 0 24 556 Montreal : 356 500 A91 AM Buffalo , A # Es z 1 3 ¥ » Mt noon » i three, pital om DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 ~ - The Whitby ARE ADJOURNED FOR THREE WEEKS Court Not Ready to Proceéd, Is the Reason Given In Police' Court Friday after further adjournment for weeks was made in the Hose oases, in seven 'of the Ontario. Hospital ne and news at Us (ts ang UhrosieleLolephone we lions BHO, . REPRESENTATIVE~~JAMES H, ORMISTON HOSPITAL CASES RE A aa] <. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS POMO + ivuivs ersey City... 4 ontreal vii, nb aay it LE EASES N viii Buffalo | Rif ' fee LR EA R EE GAMES T0.DAY Toronto at Jersey City, Rochester at Newark [#8 Montreal at Reading, Buffalo at Baltimore. yi -- GAMES TOMORROW Toronto at Reading, Buffalo at Newark, ochester at Baltimore. (2), « 1%ontreal at Jersey City, -------- AMERICAN LEAGUE Won Lost P.C, 3 19 0627 02 Hel) Boi A17 Als Cleveland | Philadelphia +.::. Washington +... New York ' Chicago Detroit AMERICAN ASSOCIATION 2| Louisville on 'Lost: PC. 17 ] Fetennnionn I viii 9. 02,0 Minneapolis 0.04 Milwaukee i. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Columbus Toledo ..,, ' xKansas City ...4 Indisnapolis ;,.2 St. Paul ssvirie, Gonads Minneapolis 11117 Ten Innings, (Only three played), Y GAMES' TO. DAY Columbus, Minneapolis at Toledo, St. Paul at Kansas City at Indianapoliy. Milwaukee at Loulsvlile, GA MES TOMORROW Same as today's, ONTARIO LEAGUE Are charged with lng from thet Institution' various articles which were found in their posses: slon about siz weeks age by the iiee, : ; +oAN of the men turned up at two o'clock, and doupsel for the accused were informed ' that an- other' adjournment had been 'de- olded upon. Later the men ap: peared in court and were remand od until July 4th, each man's ball being renewe in the 81,000, It is understood, however, that the adjournment was asked for by 'the Crown, J. A. MeGibbon, Crown' Attorpey, was not in the Court when the adjournment was made, It will be recalled that sll of the evidence In these cases was completed' about threes weeks ago, sum of Much as the American business may regret the threatened loss in export business, It will vhcegnize the clear right of Canada to protect r-- Reading o §t, Loui Boston ... 35 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS RO | ,.6 Chicago | New York Washington , Detroit ,, Ald Jl Cleveland , .... 15 Philadelphia .... xSt. Louis .....1 Boston ,, x11 innings GAMES TO-DAY Washington at St. Louis Philadelphia at Detroit New York at Cleveland Boston at Chigago, GAMES TOMORROW Same as today's _. NATIONAL LEAGUE Wha Won Los Brooklyn .eovaiia, Chicago ., ' New York .. St. Louis 4 Pittsburg Boston .,. Philadelphi Cincinnati Xl] ee YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Cincinnati xBoston x=Ten innings, Chicago New York GAMES TO-DAY Pittsburg at Philadelphia (2) Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago at New York, St. Louis at Brooklyn GAMES TOMORROW Cincinnati at Boston, Chicago at New York St, Louis at Brooklyn St. Louis PC H40 60 S40 A%0 A479 AS? A413 A400 Brooklyn ...ee,8 7 Philadelphia ,.,.5 7 Pittsburg .. 0] St, Catharines Won Lost P.C, St. Catharines ... 5 76 London Brantford Guelph ..... Hamilton St, Thomas YESTERDAY'S RESULTS 2 St, Thomas Brantford ., 6. GUEIPH' + ies ee 8 London iid, 40 "Hamilton s..0.2 GAMES TO-DAY Thomas at St, Catharines, Guelph at Brantford, Hamilton at London. HARTNETT'S HOMER MELP Philadelphia, June * 14=The Chi: cago Cubs nosed out the Phillies yes. terday in a see-saw contest 7 to § thus evening up the series' of four games, ' St Gabby Hartnett, Ciabs' catcher, hit |, homie runs in the seventh and eighth innings, which contributed largely to his team's triumph, "Chuck" Klein of the Phils hit in his twenty-second + consecutive game and O'Doul, Phils! left ifilder, clubbed a home run over the right field wall his second of the season, BRAVES WIN UPHILL FIGHT Boston, Jung 14~The Braves came from behind after giving St, Louis a Zerun lead in the first two innings and defeated the Cardinals 9 to 8 in ten innings. The Bostonians pecked away at wee Willie Sherdel's offerings until they were on the level with the West. erners in the 8th when Sherdel gave way to Herman Bell, Mancuso's homer gave the Cards a one-run lead in the ninth, but if was short-lived, as Bottomley's error sent the game into extra innings, Singles by Welsh and Maranville and a field. er's choice on Johnny Neun's drive Mr, Jabbs~~It takes you women A long thme to see a thing in Jt» true light, Mrs, Jabbe~You; and that in the 238 | reason why. 50 many of you men are able to get married, Daily Times H. GUNSON TO BE CHIEF CONSTABLE been prowoted from a third class to first class constable within siz months, He 1s also &¢ member of the Bt, John Ambulsnce Assocs tion, Wid record in Whitby hb been good and the Lown fs rear 0 1s one of the cleanest in Onv Chigt Gunson will probebly ss: fume his duties at Bt, Thomas op Monday. There sre eighteen con stables on the Bt, Thomas force, "AMERICAN LEAGUE AT ST. THOMAS Whitby Chief Has, Secured Good Position in: Rails road City s ----e Bind n Humot ho pth 1 8. position here when requested to do so by the towy counell, on naccount of frietion which had arisen between the coungll and himself, has secured ihe position of 'chief of polis' tor the eity of St, Thomas, seeording to announcement made today, Chief Gunson was chosen by the polige commission of Ht, Thomas to bugosed Chief William Arm~ strong, who has completed a ree- ord of 48 years in the services of the 'ralirosa city and 1s now re tiring to hold » minor position in the force, °° Word of Chief Gunson's sues cess In received" gladly here ds In spite of the recent disturbance ber tween the chief and the council, he has heen & popular officer and has 'made a large number uf friends during the three years and more which he hag been in Whit by, As & matter of fact the towp council . recognised his services with favor and recommendations which he received from several members, were no doubt of value in assisting him to secure his néw position, For more than five years Chief Gunson served on the King's Foot guards, In England, Before coms ing to Whitby he had been with the Toronto police force for five years and possessed three merit marks for his work in apprehend ing dangerons characters, haviug ATHLETICS TROUNCED Cleveland, June 14.=The Cleveland 1ang delivered the Athletics a ter tific. 15 to 2 wallop yesterday and res placed them in first place in the Am erican League, They drove their southpaw feme: sls George Walberg, to cover prot 9 # veritable barrage of base hits, Kd: die Rommel, who followed Walberg Wis quite as unsuccessful. Connie Mack sent In five, substitutes in. an effort to stop the Indians, Wesley Ferrell pitched one of his ordinarily good games for the In. dian, It was hig tenth victory of the sonson, Three of the Indian ring were seored on a slashing homer by Dick Forter In 'the seventh with fwe op IRseH, err P.TCHERS PELTED HARD Detrolt, June 14=With pitchers playing very little part in the game except tossing the ball up to the plate the New York Yankees won a slug: fest from the Detroit Tigers, 10 to esterday, The victory gave the ankee the odd gamg of the three: game serlem Pipgras, Gomez and Sherld took turns on the mound for the Yank. een, but the Tigers found the trio for 13 hits, while the New Yorkers got tn. Whitehill, Page and Sullivan for 14 blows, * KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378, NEXT THE POST OF because. non-glare » Jersey City tian 8 | (Only three scheduled), gave the Braves the game, i windshield and im- roved four-wheel rakes .. " T. B. MITCHELL, Esq. + "Clty of Oshawa 1 REzEC \ < hp: eF 1 3 § 1i g Fl g if 3 EX ir F i 5 : R k ; ele 8 eh gl Hungarian Grass i I. ETE J i x Moffatt Motor 88 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario ROY W. NICHOLS, Courtice, Ontario HICKS & SMITH; Whitby, Gutario. ji 5 Ce Fy BETTER BECAUSE IT'S CANADIAN. ad . © Phone 91. : i 1 Ka A ------------ nt ---------- Sy -- Eh ------------ prin. ----------------------------------_---- at ERE SA eh T----_--at Ta---- - A a a A ER 3 s unveiled tow Way of ; ritual was. 1 F: 5 imperial a a 2 oh ; te dedica: - oN T'S - ES