Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 1

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orents Boy Drowns er 2 aad, 4 nigh when he a to to aut | s {rom a raft to the shore, He as overcome bx the icy waters ent down with his two bro- prvi int 11 "and Richard, 7, looking on, . . | Heavy Storm , Santiags, Oe avon vastols ware sunk in the Harbor of Vaipars ano by heavy wind and rain storms in the ast hours, The water fronts at Valparaiso and San An. prov were da; , and telegraph oo iy with the, 14 [Slebhone disrupted, Lord Mowart To Way Home London Lord Chief Justice Hewat will not (accompany the party of British jurists who are to the annual meeting of the Sa mn Bar Association this LLL party will be headed by Lord. Dunedin, ¥ senior Lord of Ap- 1 in Ordinary, who, as & mem. r of the judicial committee of the Privy Council, has assisted in the hearing of many Canad an appeals, Dies of of 1 juviey 'Windsor.-~Edward G. Croucher, 43, dled today of injuries sustain~ od 'in an explosion' which started 8-$200,000 fire in Walkerville 'June 2, His wife and four sons survive, AGAIN' POSTPONE ATLANTIC FLIGHT Dublin, . Irish Free State, June 14.~--Aftor roading the - Britisa alr ministry's noon weather bul fetin indleating strong winds with a 'considerable 'aren of low clouds and rain over tho Atlantic, 'the of the Southern Cross today ated it was unlikely they take-off tomorrow morning. ity hod Cf womewhat {m= , however, and the after. noon. weather buliotin was boing awaited eagerly. TUG, BARGE ASHORE NEAR OWEN SOUND »y Canadian, Prose Taased Wire) Owen Sound, June 14.---The tus Guardian with the barge Saga- more, ot the Pringle Bargo Co, ol Qi are ash X i's "bunk, Cape Hurd chan. nel on the west side ofthe Brave phuingula near Tobermory but are in me immediate danger. The hs was towing the barge when boll went ashore with'a stiff south. wast wind' howin A tuhing tug propio a 4 0 a Wh Bid the a of the barge are sit a a Baily The Oioue Daily Reformer | OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 115 Conta » Woskj 3 Cons + Copy SIXTEEN PAGES a T0 TAKE CUP Enter Game at Maple Leaf Stadium This Afternoon Confident That They' Can Overcome Lead Held by U.S. RECALL RALLY IN GAME AT WINNIPEG On Tour to Championship, Oshawa Team Overcame Four-Goal Lead in Last * Half and Emerged Vic- torious (By Staff Reporter) Maple Leak Stadium, Toronto, June 14=Two goals down on the series, and with a fast, battling team to face in the concluding and decisive ame, the Oshawa General Motors sai team stepped out on the field at the Maple Leaf Stadium this af« ternoon ready to put up the most strenuous fight of its career in order to bring back 'to Oshawa. the Joe Lally trophy and the world's cham- pionship in lacrosse, Yesterday's de- feat was . sad jolt to the Oshawa boys. They were not suffering from over~confidence, nor did they take theie oponents lightly. But the pe- culiar style of their opponents was a difficult one to solve, and they gave of their best in defence of the Dom. infon's claym to having the greatest lacrosse teant in the world, ¢ Confident of Vistory But today is another day, and hay- ing had one br rience of the styled $d I LL tah the General s bo determined to over- ome that wargonl Yead and bring Mie the - bacon. dt way a grim bunch of players whe: left for Tor. onto this afternoon, They had a real lecture from their coach, not in a fault-finding way, becayse the. boys aye of thelr best, but on some of the points of the U.S. game which have to be solved: That talk » did them a world of good, and sent them "out on the field confident that they could Should Not Be Employed at Campaign Meetings Says Woodsworth "(By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, June 14-J, 8, Woods. worth, Labor candidate in north centre, Winnipeg and former mem- ber of pari iment, bas protested to Ottawa Angie at. the use of military bands a an mest. ings. He ar to Hon, J. IL, iy gon. national lHeation of a ihe Fringes Sanoune Se Me i ihe' Ratlonar Det HR * Bai , dt of Oshawa or the | ty Coun rday ; ot ang, taking in Southwold } Bari i take the All-Stars into samp today by a sufficient margin to win ho fe ahd trophy, Certainly. the Il give of their best.. One ah rsa don. in their title g: od'dhe at peg last yeur, they ente last half of the game four foul s be- hind, but with a wonderful display of spirit and of real lacrosse, they came right back to win the game, That is what they are aiming to do this afternoon, but they realize that they have stiff opposition, and that it will take every bit of Incrosse knowl sys and of "stamina they possess to o it. The weather, is again ideal for las crosse, and when the teams cane out for their preliminary workout, there was a fairly latge erowd assembled, much larger than the gase yesterday. wi has a real contingent of rooters on hand for this afternoon, und they made their voices heard in no uncertain fashion when Bill Coul- [i his team mates out on the eld, team, but it was not certain' whether he would be able to play, on account of 'injuries received in yesterday's me, But he was game to, start, and in apicit was that of the whole R ums win or lose the boys will: be in there to the last, and will ace «either Shesuselves, id Dominion of or Natlon Fark coment whe 0 by Dr. James H,.Coyna of the lh Sites and onuments at db Coun- gs My A Pb Indian. tort on "| the soutinent. } have: : eral Govern: ine To been Aq gived national phic and will be oMerail dedicated early in September, 4 RELI rk for : had now bcm . Bennett con. ig rows ta, deveiop | Rite bask it ae PR Se frairs will be 00: | y.port, Peace ws 'outlet way, he observed, whieh would benefit Canada. le ld present a plan, the Dominion | Teader eded, of construction as {CR ; OWOEK vin A ROBO, Doddemeade = was © with, the | A: po Above is a photo of the United States All-Star lacrosse team, meets ing the Oshawa General Motors team, champions of Canada, for the world's lacrosse title at the Maple Leat Stadium, Toronto, in (wo games, The Obhawa team ons Sa Ee RAL, aid 4 4 Ba a ' > "he OSHAWA GENERAL MOTORS ( ters the contest today with a dee fieit 'bf two goals. The players are: First row, left to right-Kelly (Maryland), Smith (Yale), Brophy (Syracuse), Paige (Colgate), Fouls (Dartmouth); Rosen (NYU), PONENTS FOR WORLD'S TITLE Finnigan (Union), Beans (Marys land), Eavanson (Rutgers). Back row, left to right-=Jack Fl. Faber, coach, (Maryland); Laurie D, Cox, coach, (Byracuse); Gal. braith (Hobert), Latimer (Rote gers), Champion (Cornell), Stephe obs (Yale), WFaude. (Harvard), Heagy (Maryland), Genlfer, (Princeton), Kearney (Rutgers), Utz (Pennsylvanian), Backman (N. Y.U.), C. E. Marsters, Interna- tional Lacrosse Committee (Haw vard); L. J, Korn, President, In. ter-collegiate Lacrosse Association (Swarthmore), Troops Rushed To Bombay City Drastic Action Taken to En. force New Ordinances Against Picketing bol or Press Bonth: June Frederick bh yi had & series of hy with prominent bay with projected enforcement of the new. ordinidnces Highrdling a molestation, . or picketing and the boycott, The campaign of Indian' Nationals ists involving both ofthese practices has become much more pronounced, and .is forcing the government to drastic action, A Gazette extraor- dinary was issued today bringing the ordinance into effect in Bom! ny and nletat, Enforcement of the ordinances be- fr also in suburbs atid in Ahmada- d, Kaira, and, the Panch Mahals ¢fand Surat districts. Under the or- inances pleketing iy a penal offense, carrying the title of "intimidation." The entire battalion of the Fourth and Fifth: -Mahrattas arrived this morning from Poona. They brought the total troop strength in the city a near Agra ra, Riot ng near 14=Rioting de- nh ed today at a village near here after arr frp! of 'w plirty of Nationalist voluntee A number of shops were looted, Policoswere sent {rom here to restores onder, Madras, India, Junie 14~Conviction of two , Nationalist volunteers at Tindivanam, about :80 miles south of Here for breach of the salt Jaws, led to an attack June 12 on police here, mob gathered dnd stoned the constabulary, severely injured an in- spector and some constables. The police fired «into the mob but with. put injuring any of them, MASSEY LEAVING UNITED STATES T0 TAKE LONDOK OST + Tonight the Abs 'Un the exigencies. of tomatic Htietign here should im t, ia doubtful it to Washing rong, first: retary, Ae while Mr, Wrong is aot ing his vacation: Wy ' Hy FR" ron A Massey will Jeave iy by Merchant: Mas | weddi 8) secretar The second game between the ternoon, . Scores by periods: and at The Times office direct from will be available to any 'who care will not be vallable until then. time 'until 7 Call 35 For Lacrosse Scores Up to 7 O'clock United' States lacrosse teams in being played in Toronto this af should not be made until at least 3.30, as the first period score Calls will be answered from hit . 'when the telephones will be cut off, Oshawa General Motors and the the final score will. be received the Maple Leaf Stadium, and to telephone 35 for them, Calls Higher Tui Hawley-Smaot Measure Ex. pected to Pass U.S, House Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, June 14,.~The Senat passed the tariff bill cording. tp routine ond a tyo-vbte margin, "The, uyes are #4 and the noes are 42 and the conference report is a- arted to," said Vice-President Curtis, The bill, officially labelled the Haw ley-Smoot measure, and dubbed "the Grundy bill" by its opponents, hs raise' customs tolls on imports $107, 000,000 a year, according tu its su porters, and according to its oe ents will increase costs' of living t the consuniers by maybe a billion a year, It is held: to have alienated much Canadian good-will alsg, The: measure. went at once to the House, where leaders will call it up today for a final vote, Debate will be limited to three hours, Passage there today is assured, and it will then go to President Hoover for his expect. ed signature, It may be signed by the end of the next week, and will become effective at midnight follow. ing the affixing of Mryg Hoover's name, SHIPPING TONNAGE IN CANALS DOWN ------ (By Canadian. Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, ihe rarriad i total ton nage of freigh: through the canals of Sau arie, 'and. St, Lawrence gh last Month and Welland ca Tobe, than for the corres; inden ) "il utoky of rt by 1020 rdin she | the' 'Dominion 0 she | Te registered tonnage of the vows nels passing Mrouah ° 8 canaly Was fp reater last mon rence canaly than a year 450, but lest in the other two," ip- | lying from on A to the capital : planes Only red. Th Froup 'of people: at: kfast at whieh the FS SR , TALE i Wl s Plane Crash at e esterday acfiplane accident, the first | schedule ™ Cornwall Fatal One Killed, Two Hurt When Machine Goes 'Into Tsil- spin Near Town (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Cornwall, June 14---A fatal aero. Cornwall or fits vicinity, occurréd on the Blacklock farm, two miles east of the town, about 8 o'slock last evening, when a Syracuse, N.Y. machine, plloted by Everett Rich. ards of that city, crashed to the ground and was smashed. Morris Joseph Verville of Massena, N.Y. wan killed instantly, while the thira ocoupant of the plane, Elzear Vall- lancourt, also of Massena, was sev. orely shaken up, .. People. uptown had seen the Dlhne circle over the business sec tion as if seeking a suitable land- ing place, When over the Black- lock farm the plane went into a tatlypin and crashed to the ground, nose first. Rehards and Vaillancourt were shaken up and injured inter- ogy © At the hospital it was' found by Df. Lalonge and Dr, Hirteau, who first rendered ald, that it would' be necessary to amputate Richard's right foot, It is expected that ho and Vaillancourt will re- cover. The machine is a Waco pas. senger plane, and on the sides are the words ""Adyance Alreraft Cor- 'poration of Troy," Fomis Coboote Mah Suicides After Killing Girl in the U. pm { 44 (By Canadian Leased Wire) Wilon, n., 14,--~Misi Mary, As ota, sett and, do spmplished 1 fh girl, w 'hows I for b adie whoo a L pod onors or al 00 brutally slain," state officials' say, while pr ng BA oa from a | Tilous, orimingl' atinok by. Edwin huish, formerly of Cobourg 3%. other Ontarly and tather ot Elaine [ ints, elhuish, d Biel with the | the girl's - El i Bt ; it In Fee Spuning mn : gh to win at Se, ie to alive the United States a lead ot 3 atcha 'to' 2 in 'the series for Wightmaa cup Fa Nig ig * Reds Take City, Foreigners Run Japanese Cruiser Attacked Ae A Te Jankhal, estimated to number 2, 000 men to-day captured and com menced the looting of the allied cities of Tayeh and Hwang-Shihe kang, 50 miles southwest of Han- kow, Hupeh, with the result that foreigners, Including Iarge number of Japanese have fled, A Japanese cruiser, rushed down the Yangtse river, reached Hwang. shibkang and took aboard many Japanese 'nationalists «and « other foreigners, Including three United States missionaries, The "Reds", pérsumably one eol- umn of the Kwangs! army advanc- ing on Hankow and Wuchang from the south in thtee soctions, show. ered the cruiser with rifle bullets, Later the cruiser responded, silens cing the attackers" guns, FIRE ENDANGERS PART OF OTTAWA Garage Burs, Paint And Oil Providing Serious Menace (By Canadian Press Loased Wire) Ottawa, June 14--Endangering A large section of the lower district of Ottawa, fire lastnight damaged the Imperial Garage, causing loss estimated at $10,000, from nine stations, who answered first and second alarms, fought the: flames for an hour and three quar~ ters before they subdued them. Paint and oll kept in the garage burned furfously, giving off huge clouds: of .black smoke which en- gulted a darge part of the city, One automobile was destroyed. was destroyed. 'SALARY GRAB' IN TORONTO STOPPED BY JUSTICE KELLY Aldermen Ar Restrained From Raising Own Sal _ wries This Year STi 0, Ju de-Mr, Justice | AS SERIES OF Real Issue Is Whether or Not '| change i Firemen | HOOVER 15 URGING RATIFICATION OF LONDON TREATY to Stop Competitive Naval Building (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) Washington, D.C, June 14=Presi- dent Hoover today stood sponsor for the statement that the London Naval Pact. containg "not one scintilla of agreement or obligation of any char- acter outside the treaty itsell." This assertion - was regarded as having been evoked by the insistence of senate - opponents. of ratification that the administration give the for- eign relations committee confidential documents having to do with the negotiation of the pact. Their re- quest has been refused. The real issue in the party" Mr, Hoover said, "is whether we shall stop competitive navalibuilding with all the distruction and dangers to ine ternational goodwill which continua: tion on these coufses implies; whether we shall spend &n enormous sum in such a race to ¢dtch up with competitors, with no assurance" that we will reach parity and. proportionate strength even with such an. expendi- ture; and whether the present agree- ment: gives us a substantial parity and proportionate strength-and. there- fore with our army absolute defen- sive power, and accomplishes this by an ageeement which makes. for good- will, Tor decrease' hithe 'navel arma~ ment of the world, and 'puts dur pro- gram of "haval renewals and cruiser constRaetion at a. cost far Tesh than' would otherwise he required." rh -- IS UNDAUNTED BY SEGRAVE'S DEATH Miss "Betty * Carstairs Will Uphold Britain's. Name at Speed Boat Meet (By Canadian . Press. Leased ' Wire) London, . June. 14--Miss Betty Carstairs, undaunted by the tragic death of Sir Henry 0. Segrave at Windermere yesterday, satled aboard the steamship Berengaria for the United States: teday with her, motor boat Estelle V with which she hopeg to establish a new speed record at Detroit, She will he the only British en. trant for Internatfomal 'trophy as the result of Segrave's fatal injur- fes when his challenger; Miss Eng- land 11 overturned while going at a speed of about 100 mileg an hour, Miss Carstairs expressed deep re- gret at the death of her rival and friend but sald that she would not her plans as ghe was de- for. the sake of British prestige, "to make a good fight for the trophy against her United States opponents, Villagers Flee Earthquake Guatemala City. --An earthquake fall RiaGudiapa, their hom yesters oat the nearby" ua ' CANDIDATES, NOMINATED. © QUEBEC SOUTH | (Quebec) Frank Dinan, Conservative, [VICTORIA (British qotumbin)o- iPtuant, A, in 8 Girots MiMIAR, Conteris J YALE (British Columbia) -- w. Wilkins, Liberal, ' | LISGAR __(Manftobi) John Brown, LiberSlP sive. wan felt att Age HE fay. from urro. . 5, INJURE MANY nd DAMAGE OF FOVER: MILLION BAD STORMS SWEEP WESTERN STATES Over Sixty Injured in Storms Which Strike Wisconsin and Minnesota -- Homes Wrecked and Business Places Levelled NINE CITIES IN PATH OF TEMPEST Menomonie, Wis, Hardest Hit, Four Being Killed and Eighteen Injured, With Large Property Damage ---- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bt, Paul, Minn, Juve 14~=A sor. fes of tornadoes played leap frog across southern Minnesota and Wis- consin late Friday and shen they had played themselves out there were five dead, an injury Met: of Tole (aan tite score and property ge estimate FH mated at more than Four persons died near Méno- monie, Wis, and a man was killed at Randolph, Minn, More than 30 were injured in and near Randolph & score were hurt around Meno- monie; 12 were injured at Eau Olaire, Wis; four at St, Pdul Park, L Minn, a suburb of St, Paul, with scattered casualties in other ses tiong of the two states, Nine Cities Aftected A preliminary estimate placed jhe damage at Jai Clalte and Mews at more, 800, Randolph more than § 30.0 He region' around 'Austin and Oslo, Minn: $75,000; with other dam ae At 8k Fas Fan: Munson Hy; i worth an . ices he d' the vicin 'The dead. --Charles Wolbert, 42, ies company operator near Meno mone; Louls Haities, 25, employed ' by Wolbert; Mrs, Carl Kaiser, 19, killed 'on' the Wilbert farm; Wilks Mam Drappe, 45,. section foreman for the Chicago Great. Western Raliroad, killed at Randolph, Storm Encivcles Menomonie Eighteen persons were taken to a Menomonie hospital, The. storm circled three-fourths of the way around Menomonie and damage was confined to rural' territory, New Plane Route United = States Thtee carloads of accessories and five pilot the sche CAPONE FREED OF proceeding: kal residence of were disml day by Ctreuit Judge. state had not the plac Theodore Iverson, ong the in- Jured near Menomonie, sald he wag not aware of the storm until he saw a car blown past his window, He and his wife protected their three children as a stove fell on him, One. hundred panes of glass wers, smaghed. - County asylum, at the Dunn Countrh' Forty homes were wracked or damaged and several business eps tablishments wera leveled. a dosen residences were unharmed, Only > Links Nova Scotia and Central Canada Sydney, N.S Tike M--=With' the arrival at North' 'Sydney of five sea- planes, 'announcement has been made: of the formation .of a Nova ocmmercial aviation . compan: will link Newf ndland poly od 8 Mh Upper Canada. It is un the company has' the backing of a aviation concern, s are now onthe way here to.put = Dlaes on 'condition, Passenger ules will be cdrried out | (By Canadian Th. Leased Wire) Miami, Fa, June ee Paaiod Miami Beac Searface Al PO d in circuit con LU lod that lt rane "he he a) al the pnto cit creasing the Tafion. of Aldermen this i Soh Tor . Robertson, editor of the acting in the va he lohan nin ©) » Sir pi Hrd for an in §apac + restraining 'the member of council from getting the they voted d for thems 0 Ay Kel fg the d_ not pki hy emo Mr. 'Robert. | son is granted costs payable by 'the J length lye -- 'vestralnod | in a ment handed down |. CER council from ins} \ip's decision | is. the Tosult of an application by | Bucharest, June 14-The hands driodvere rigid 20 vo SMO oul 08 Whteh have ped ee Carol and Queen Helen apart and to ve propared them for reconoilia: |e fos. fod n was prev Sue he ade the ay station Thursday when rived from Ger we Ds ight old which conn to "ter To nil. Friday iver Slants 0 call upon her daw . - and! coinmeliod her a . tome oa GE ye with the di Queen Marie Brin Reunion of Carol had recove tion the EY hold a feu he Ques Maries our Siveles Senco oh Sho her bry i

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