a 1 bd rE EE SS wv THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14,1930 '.~ VRS where; CTASSIEIED SECTIO} 0 hand r=BAR- ie, Con. GAN, oe Paose 44h] 1a Standard Dak. st Koons 13. "a " | vig Ko. Trae a LOU , B | ' fi en Wil | Moser 1 to loss, 4 street narth, Vhous 67. Residence M7IW. iy N » UMPHREYS BAR ricoe § rN Tes Stoner to Io oan. por U. HA BA, A, BARRIS ter, ote, Conve, § and genera) Ponwae 38 Wd g St. Bast, (4) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER ete. foney to loan. Alger da, op- posite Post Office, Phone 1 FFRANK 8, EBBS. BARRISTER, ete. Alger Bldg. Phone 2096 Medical i EWO0D & HARPER, Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.40 p.m. Dr, B. J. dAszlewood, special atiention to syrgery and X-Ray. Jr. B, H. Her- per, spacial attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, - Sunday and night calls 2416 or 12%. DR. McKAY PHYSICIAN, SUR. yeon, Accoucher, Office and resis * Genco. King St. Eest. comes Viero St. Osha GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN bie Chit ete t r 1) ne 3 97 Bi Bast. etl DAVID AR SAR FER Ph slcian, Surneon snd d On rons. 40 bs i Gualles ave: Phone 3150 DR. C. Folk eon, SE, 313 Elmoos street B Phone 8 ------ ------------ DR. J. ARCHER B OR ku on dnd and re North. hone 107, Specialist Diseases Domestic Ani- mals, Cat and ook hospital. 208 King W. Tel, 620. (June 2-1 mo) Street Wen, ffi y e, Simcoe and nose and throat, »3tobB 17t office, 157; resi 8.30. Phones, y (June 13-1 mo.) dence, 596. DUNEY ae, 45 KA kin King Guoicivat an E 67 KING Fd LUKE BURIAL, ie) aa Ean, yAbulang Wk mE Insurance 10 King 8h BERT did: est Pire Agency' utable consuls 'R, 'N. Johvs, 80 Stmeoe north, Your insurance wants 6t« piv to' acd your interests pro- eot All Classified Advertising : a i i eta Coming Events, Etc, | STRICTLY CASH. IN ADVANCE i ul ha Bow ound move because loss arising from handling args number of of this nature, of and ° For the convenience of sunisiars wha £34 1 tnsokvenient ta tins pesandlly to The Tite. ® Mice, » talsphons sal will 'bring o messenger who will snd collect for same, salve, the Wenhons sul ---- od "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Transportation 014 ___ | CARTAGE AND STOIAGHE, COLE man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in turniture moviag, storage ware house und moving van equipment. Phone 812, CARTAGE, Moving, SpaviL "8 on Coss sand ard cinders. dis.ance hauling. Late Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB- lished? furniture movers, Road Par car age. Local and oo Hanes Erank ole, £ Pron, 66 Park Rd. South, 215, (May 19-1 mo) IF PAYS TO NOVE<SUDBULY. ria | Toronto, Hamilton, Tresten, les ville, anywhere 'cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage,' phone 200. (May 20-1 mo) #06 AN HOUR, MAN A moving, express, cinders and sTavel hauled, long disiange , moving, Cheap, Phone 974W. June 11-1 mo) rine] Beauty Palomo P Shop, BSpecial.sts In permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver manent wave prices $6, $7.00, 510 and $16. All other Hney of Beauty flulture, Phone 2008, Apply sb Simcoe street 1.nrth, ard Be P -- nc Wave Shoppe. Marcel aad shits 3) aise rtd fuggie To Hogg ot) & Glare, 147 Agnes Big hone (May 20-1 md) 1 Parisiens Beauty Parlour announ- {oe (of marcelling, 60c, r 'Waving . 76c, during the or months, Commencing from e first. Phone 71, (May 21-1 wo.) KS (1890) LLING, JA 22 Rowe Bt, Phone 5227, Music HERBERT ©. TRENEER, Oy ganist and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars spoly 50 William street east. Phone 2896. (June 2-31) Ri I lt i a Radio Service OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AG- cossories for sale, repairs on elec: tric and battery wth tubes and 5 Jstssrien rw tal supplied. $1. Phone Charlee Wales, 146 Bigio (June §-1 mo) East, a. Drue Store| coarged, 760 called for and de ltvered. Radio service, airials erects ed. Platt. Phone 16567, May 21-1 mo). for and delivered, pt se! Stan Bligdon, 20 st. Fhbay 1880W, (Ma, 19-1 mo) 'with rental $1.00. Repaired id rebuilt, 5 Work Wanted A nh, and gardge floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders. Chris Graham. Phone 2621M, (May 29-1 mo) For Rent (§] A [Y] ern suites including electric retrig- eration, stove, Isundry, conveni orces, ele, continu s hot water supplied, Apply Supt. 'phone 247), SHARPENING--SC(S80RS, KNIV. es, Lawn Mowers, Baws. Phone 431W. Was call and deliver. 130 Celina Bt, B, Bottan. {Jupe 9-1 mo) VIRST CLASS LAUNDRY DONE, Phone 1334M. (May 81-1 mo) WOMAN WOULD LIKE WORK BY day. Phone 324900. (138¢) Articles For Sale oe load. Also bone dry 'sterous Meek Limited (Apr. 2601) FOR BALE--HBRINTZMAN CO. kb pianos, new and used pianos, Also radios, oy Ty ded Tehnged, A [8 1688J. if 4 FOR SALE w= PAL ARN- ishes, We have the Fuahes, Shirt: ment of paln i the ny "i Pai SAND, a STO ders, black loam, $4.50 For ality 20¢ service pl r ii ) ste (May 8.tt) -- -------------------------------- ALL KINDS OF USED PURNI ture, beds, dressers, tables, chalry, oll stoves, conl stoves, bleyeles, ete. 174 Ritson road south, (May 20-1 mo) ---------------- HI ------ TRY RITHON AUTO WREOKE HN, at 13 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tives, Phone 3470W. Residence 2183J, (May 80-1 mo) DIAMOND. RINGS, WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments. Terms from 60 .cents per week, . O. H. Dell, agent for Peo. ples' Credit Jewelers, 264 Simcoe | South, Oshawa, (May 31-1 mo.) 76 NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR. niture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St, BE. Phone 1617M. (June a mo) Ty BY CARRIAGE, FIRS ABS condition, Cheap: Phene 251 , or pou Christie Avenue. : 270) used bleycles $12 up. New and onny terms, C.C.M, joyeyeles and fish. ing tackle, 13 Richmond Bast. Phone 2774. (June 12-1 mg) BE A ware offer the [(olloving used stoves, 2 Quabec cook stoves, two small cook stoves, three gas ranges, 2 electric ranges. Harry D. Wilson Hardware, 23 King St West. Phone 46. (138¢) by 87 Rosehill Blvd, Phone 1608ks | (138v) 51 Ontatle 8 : Very. gheap, "1 ie ; 3 or Probe fib at above AAR Bednia Vista. olnt ents, hi UV, ~ i A or The Trusts und Utaraptee Uo. itd, manager for owper, Toronto. (27e0) APARTMENT TO L All yenlences, har rad floors, Apply Bradley ros. (868) tral, four rooms, bath, " electrio stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately. Apply Box 668 Times. (118t0) R room, suitable for business man. Also one small room, $3 per week. 04 William street east. (May 28:1 mo) ' his i / TTT he as pare ou rm Sue ho to Oshawa, 140 Renee (139d) AZVE YOUR UAR OF TRUCK repaired at 40 Bond St. West Body and fender work done st shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and. geperal wood work, Phone W, Fry 8805, (May 23-1 mo) Piokard, Touring sport model, $125; cash; Phone G. Jackson, 1628M, between Gand 7. (1300) Tia Wentod--Faraaie |i eral, One Willing to work out of city. Apply Box 728 Times. (186¢) EXPERIENGED COOK GENERAL, competent and reliable, Apply 8 Buckingham Manor, Phone 2608F, (138¢) WANTED--MAID TOR GENERAL housework, must have references. Apply 490 Bimcoe north, (138tf) Male or Female Help TARN UPWARDS OF $256 WBEK~ ly growing mushrooms for us, Il» lustrated blooklet for stamp, Cans adian Mushroom Company, Toron« to 10. (1380) 0 Nursing sl Li surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby bos, May 23-1mo.) i ATERN- ity or general nursing. For infor« mation phone 320W (June 8-1 mo) FLAT, TO LET, FOUR LARGE TOON, mn conveniences, kitohen ink, wired for electric stove, ia Avenue, , (187¢) extra large rooms, furnished, all conveniences, in central location, downtown, rent reasonable, Phone 6223, BRICK HOUSE, newly decorated, all conveniences, large. garden and garage, Bloor He-|streat west. Apply Rutherford, 134 Cealing street. Phone 030), (18840) sion street, conven ot, n $26 per month, Al y ANSI 480 Masson ne 1620 (138¢) 161 King east, § toons and bath, Immediate possession. Prices reas- onable, (1380) To R OME, furnished, light housekeeping or board. Phone 1492M, 68 Gibbs St, (138Db) WOUSE VOR RENT--ALL CON: venlences, including garage, cen. tral location, reasonable rent. Phone 10587, (138¢) R HENT-- 1 roomed home for the next few months, Modern In every wav, Tenant mustrhe select, ame 160. 138¢) four corners, oon, moderate rent, Shows 34187. ply 11 Bond ne. AW-F8) TENT --8 MALE FRAME, house. 374 Mitohell Avenue. All convenlencés. Apply to Conant & Annis, Osbawa, Ont. (8- Watt) newly decorated, Noth. Bast end. Phone 3178F, (130b) TO RENT---NIOBLY FURNISHED bedrooms, on ground floor, run- ning water, very . central, Apply 178 'Centre afropt, Phoup 8500, (1802) or a B : i y Bows on icine $20. Phones Bow. munville day 529, night A ; fe BOOTCH TERRIUR, THOROUGH: * | brad, male, with pedigree, for sale, ( "Baby Chicks PABY OHICKS ~~ FROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed by males from dams o' 2237 egg reo: ord, [Immediate shipment. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 per hundred; White Jeghorns, $16, 100 per cent, live arrival guaran. teed, Modern Hatchery, 3205 Dan: forth Ave, Toronto, (June 4-1 mo) Live ots Phone 2314 187¢) BABY CRICKE YOR TMMEDIATE delivery from Canada's oldest and groatest laying strains mow offers od at greatly reduced prices, White Wyandottes; 180 each, White Leg- horns, 150 each, any quantity, Ex- press prepaid on 300 and more. Wo were first fn Cunada to(adver- tise and ship chicks, All" stock bloodtested and under government inspection, Large catalogue frees. Fisher Poultry Farm, Box N-83, Ayton, Ontario. (136-130-142-145) EA a i i Books : NOBEWTEHAWS OIROULA iibrary, You will enjoy reading the Iatest Fiction at minimum Plane 1473, 87 Cimcoe Bt North, (T-I8 t) $1, 1 brick house, a locality, first mortgage. Box 730 Times, (1370) Ductiantss J . He Simcoe St § S. Osmaws, Ont, Special attention giver to household furniture sales and Farm. stock and Implements, Your Patron. age solicited. - " Theronoid aliments should take advantage of the special free *reatments offered by #heronold of Oshaw lam St. East. Phone, 26 P tioneer. gravel for sale=To insure prompt delivery, place srders In advance Suivay A SPIT Byron Street, reopens June 21, 3 M, MoKes, RN, superintendent Phone 350, Whitby, (June 13-1 mo.) oom and Board with board in private home. Quire central, Gentlemen. Rutertad. 254 Athol at. E, Phone 1360W. (2 -S-Junie 21) iD Bl NG QOM ND BO washer. Phone 1435 & date, W. Borrowdale, §d RD for married couple or 2 girls, Use felebrated eid nil do. Al Christian .. Lost and Found top of tent; between Ritson Rd. 8; and North Oshawa, Friday night. Finder plesss phone 1910J sud receive reward, '(18%¢) [] cook stove, in good condition. Ap- ply Mr, Knister, Route 2, Piha, BISHOPS CONFER ON VITAL MATTERS Question of Union Coming Before Great Lambeth (By rHoMAS 7. T. CHAMPION, Christian systems, communities ul should Salt selves. tow, social gi A men, between nations and. r different color, and on the matter of piece and war, will furnish topfes for grave d community throu sho of Confer aid ot Abe bee. Conference will engage, 100 | & discussing such rabies 41 the 1 istian doctrine of God elas, tion to modern thought and te. none + Christian t them: s #4, the wo: a men an 4 of iberation, The supply of oly io . hha the An Be out the worl difficulty with which the Church | long been 'wrestling, srticularly in te Mother Church of this gount 5 Representations are 10°be io men for the Bishops in Session at th concerning to Holy the admission of women rders, An argalantion (iu (not a4 very strong one, at the moment) has been formed to press the duestion upon the leaders of An- elichniom, throughout the world. A petition from ithis organization is to be considered by the Lambeth Con- ference, When the Conference arrives at on specific subjects the a rose London, June ry Hob hundred 5 | bishops of the Anglican Communion from all parts of oe American Con- tinent, from the Dominions and Col- onies of the British row, from India, Afsica, Ching and Japan, and from other areas where Anglicanism has outposts well-established, are journeying to London for what is known as the Lambeth Conference, Every ten years such a gathering is held of the spiritual overseers of those branches of the Church at large which look to the Archbishop of Canterbury--not as a head of puri- dical authority but as the fount and origin of common counsel and fellow. ship, Sixty-four years ago the first Lambeth Conference was held, the suggestion for such coming from' the Anglican Church in Canada, In view of the development of "the confers ence habit" between grest cmmunis ties it Is interesting to discover that the first Lambeth . Conference neither the Archbishop of York nor any of the bishops of his Province attended, In a sense 'they looked shead--but they most cértainly saw things in a false light, The bishops of York Province anticipated, quite rightly that the Anglican Church was destined to expapd in the world at large. They. argued. that eventually the bishops amembing at Lambety from areas remov rom England would considerably t 1 the bishops representing the Church at Bowe, and tha Fis ea the in fluence Poustied lay e Church of England wi be dissipated fruit leasly over, the I s surface, These fears have been enbirely falsified, In the Lambeth Conference all men, or rather all bishops, are equal, luvitasions are sent out not by the Archbishop of Canterbury, but by archbishops and metropolitans of the several church provinces, From the first Lambeth onferences have. been limited to matters of practical in- teresty in order that they may be considered in the light of most re- cent thought and event. In no sense is the Lambeth Conference a Synod of the Anglican Church, and it pos- seases no powers of legislation or ad- ministration, . Practically all the ue- liberations are held in private, Most of them are conducted at Lambeth Palace, the historic residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Subjects to come under discussion same are passed on to a consultative body, which meets at irregular inter, vals between the ten year conferen~ ces. This body having duly zegister- ed conclusions after conference draws upon them whenever its advice is asked for by any body of Anglicans throughout the world, In this way the Lambeth Conference worthily re- tains the traditon held by Canter- bury as the centre of the Mother Church of England, retaining, in all the great changes of the world, the reverence and affection of the daugh-« ter churches who have grown up. DYCE W. SAUNDERS DIES IN LONDON on tog, une 14.--Dyce W- beens ders, 14} Ante . Oiit,, prominent lawyer and ¢hancellor cf the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, i re Thursda following an dist on. Mr. Aunders had been in London: for a fort time, Dyes Ww, Saunders was one of the most prominent men in Toronto. He practised law here as a member of the firm of Saunders. Kingsmill, Mills and Pgice 'for the last 40 years. He wag born in Guelph, son of the late Thomas W. Saunders, chief magistrate of that city, and was educated at Trinity Sdhool, Port Hope, For years Mr, Saunders was one of the outstanding orick. eters of Canada and regularly play~ od with the Toronto team till re. cently, Toronto, * June "Theres is yomething unescapable inevitable, in this march of ours to- ward destiny," says Mr. Mussolini, speaking to his public in the man- ner of a baseball manager in spring, -=Detroit News. Wonderful times we are lving in. Just & few to do the brain work and the rest of us to operate fool proof machinery. this year are of high import, both for the Anglican Church and for the Christian people at large. As con- cerning the Anglican Church herself, there will be: grave 'exkmination of proposals for Unfon with other com- mupions. Perbips the most import- TO RENT Summer Cottages, All conveniences Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa. ow G. D. CON , OSHAWA ant topic falling under this head will be the project of Union between the Anglican Church in Southern India with the Wesleyans and with South India United: Church, -the latter a combination « 'ofy Presbyterians and Congregationalists. This scheme is the fruit of .ten years labor by rep- resentatives of the bodies affected. The Episcopal Sytiod of 'the Chiurch of India has forwarded to the La beth Conference its formal request tor & declaration of opinion on the scheme, and for guidance on specific points, One of the most superficial survey "the project ptoves to be one which cold hardly fail to Jovike acute controversy, more i fcular- ly as regards the position of the Epis- forms of Servite, * Anglo-Catholic leaders at {ha apse) given Warning o may expecte from their oWn quarter ii Lambeth inifies proval. - On the other hand tl sooo' Mi u En loubtedly saute 8 {in many missionary di- nd Tigh ven result in the lican com~ grave dis oce severance from' munion of the rovince of the Church of India It is worth noting that Christianity in India has made the greatest headway in the south, Out of the four and three- quarter million of Christians return- in the census for the whole of ndia, nearly four millions belon the south. 'In a memorable o ead statement from he area affected it s stated: 'We face together the tis antic task of 'winning India for hrist--one fifth of the. human -- Yet, confronted by such an overs | whelming responsibility, we find our. | selves rendered 'weak and impotent by our unhappy divisions--divisions which we did not create, and which we do not hesitate to perpetuate," On review of the movement to. ward Union in its 'more general Moet, bishops from far and near will invited ta give th r brethern re. | be ia con the results of the Lambeth A new! of the (\ Conference of it Phen po Ry conception of de. Tr oe h, involving not The ahh pr on of hon communion by another, but ther, a Jellowship: ol many. commu Maly a Bek | Fry oie, tbr its at any h the outcome ean I's thn ut 4 coid off your chest by: ane -- the sophigarRee copacy and the provision of common sh Good Buys Owner offers 6 room, modern, paved street. Many extras, close to Bimeoe St. Sacrifice. : $4,000 Gas. Station Site, Business Section. |} $6,000 King St. West--Corner. store and dwelling combined---chance for confectioner, Ice Cream, Barber op. \ " $5,200 Worth $6,500 Most Home. 4 bedrooms, decorated, fixtures. Close to Division. Owns " will accept any - ressondbie erms. 4,600 Complete modern' home Low cash payment will ss 'double Hr $7,000 Cs Lh is price. $1 «King St. West Business 3 splendid reno 5 000 Warehouse with trackage.' Ofn't §0 Wrong on this one.' MURDOCH Insurance, Loans, Real. Hstate Kara Coffee Always Freeh at re & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W, Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8815 UOND ST. WES? Use CEMENT BLOCKS For Fireproof Garage W. BORROWDALE 800 Carnegie Ave. Phone 1618 Ye CARI LumBiR (0 1928 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales ¥ ow Ke SIMOOR ST. a -- | EATON GROCETERIA It Pays. To vo Here Fhe i ON SIMCOE NORTH or $6,500.00 ~~ Real home, rick, 7 rooms dnd bath, gare age, shrubbery, lawns ete, $1,600. down,' balanced" ar. ranged. The good ones are nearly «ll gone, Why pot ask about this? DISNEY, 20. King Kast complete | | w Bt, | of n liges Conversations |]