Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 14

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laboratory, 'Thege nen-spinning stars are those which pilsate, that is which expend and contract, Some of the pulsating stars have the habit of enlarging thelr diameters millions of miles, They beat lke vast fiery hearts, One class of pulsating stars, the Cepheid variables, are the "light- houses' of the sky, that is, enable estronomers to calculate the vast distances of space, Dr, Gunn's theory comes from study of mag- netic flelds about stars, especially those about the pulsating suns, PAGE FO PEARY SHRI) ALLA 8 7, PILLS Ty A KIDN I Y 8B, Bac pac 'DOER TH Mrs. Starnose Moves rT --.] 4 4 By Thornton W. Burgess By Thornton W, Hurgess "Tis well that knowledge you puts isue; wh Hut think of others when you do. ----Starnose the Mole, Edinburgh,, Scotland, <= "Drunk- enness Ig now looked upon with dis. gust, Within an generation we huve seen an marvellous change for the better in the habits of the people,' Thus spoke the Rev, Crosmgyty Smith in submitting a report on Moves", .. social conditions to the General -- 2 Assembly ¢f the Church of Scots A scientist Mads Rovilias perapire land, 4 ously: on i forehead just ms "his generation. is a sober gens wondering about the home of Stars n.d JBot no gorilla wears nf erdlion," said Dy, Smith, "and ft. nose the Mole. That, however, is 1 | derby pr in, hig wpa ther. Bd no more yh Frnt ais . Ra : have done, oth Miner the Com- Af 4 nion Mole and Siatnose, Ha tots, ELLA CINDERS-- . ; are very secretive about their 4 . \ a homes, They are very secretive in- "i NG : { 1 HI, deed, Few people have ever seen 7) , the home of a Mole. 4 Farmer Brown's Boy had discov- ered Starnose over near the Smil- Telling the Truth (Kingston Whig-Standard) Bootleg lguor having acquired somerof the potency. of lghtning, no deception wag pragtised by the fellow who shipped 2,300 quarts of Scotch ag bolts, Right Near the Top (Bramtford Expositor) What with: university degrees, Wh, The next story: Mrs. Starnose ' nurging degrees and the high tem. perature degrees each day this cag | be designated as a very ay month, Peter Rabbit did a good deal of remains sober dospite (ho desper- |) to tho great -bioap.of. rotted Jcaves.| | | ate advertising and propssands of | country, they sald, is worth about "Then Farmer Brown's Boy began Gl ARES PRESENT the foior Trae ai: digging In the other dircetion and d : The Rev. Prof. Robert Mackin. | donated to the Prime Minister Is of that big hedp, he found a little drink was rapidly disappearing. Mrs, Totics, who dled March 7, leaves and in this were three ba- D " N and the United States than rum-{ years ago, 'before Mr. King was They were 'very funny little bables, runke mess Now «ooked tosh called '4 miserable, brutal inserted » clause stating: "Hoping was looking for 'the funny little PREMIER LEFT LAND which I. bequeath to my heirs, the beginning of these little feel unliappiness to me during my life, » Ottawa ~~ Premier MacKenzie (Copyright, 1930 T, W. Burgess) y who bequeathed to him by her BUT DON'T ROTATE Lake Superior, 1s worth about $60, to the American Assoclation for Agricultural, land in the north ' e U1. T usa j 7 > A ! . % 60 'cents anaecre, but-as the land after & while, right in the middie] tosh ugreed that glorification of | bélieved to be very rocky, its value room, "It. was a very little one GENERATION SOBER Nothing had done more to upset | at Toronto, drew 'up, her will 13 s-- J ! bles. They were funny little' babies, running, which Professor Mackin: | Premier or even Liberal leader, In The first thing Fa¥mer Brown's Boy Upon With Disgust ~ thade." ---- he (Mr, King) will take an interest feelers such as Starnose had around ? which hag been a source of much WORTH 5c AN ACRE ers. 'Then he was sure that he had - -------- King's inheritance from the late will a 400-acre lot on the west bank Washington.----A theory that cer. Algoma district members of Parlla- the Advancement of Science by Dr, |! The. Eskimos 7 A . ' : ' THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1930 comes to only's cents an acre, In it was a nest 'ade of rotted the goodwill between Creat Britain making the bequest, Mrs, Totten did was to look at thelr noses. He . th : in Britain " fn disposing of any real estate bis nose. He saw what might be found the home of Starnose, , SOME STARS PULSATE Mrs. Kale N. Totten, of Toronto, of the Batchewaning River, on tain stars do not rotate is presented ment estimate, Ross Gunn of the Naval Research HAVE NIGHTS SIX ing Pool, Just as Peter Rabbit had geen Starnose swimming, so had Farmer Brown's Boy. He had got- ten only a glimpse of Starnose, but he had recognized' him at once, Then he had found the little ridges made by Starnose when he was tunneling near the surface, *[ should like fo know more about this little fellow," sald Farm- ér Brown's hoy, I've seen Miner the Common Mole a number of times, but this is the first (ima I have ever had a glimpse of Star- nose. T should lke to get a real good look at that funny nese of his." Hardly were the words out of the mouth of Farmer Brown's Boy when Starnose appeared almost at his feet. Farmer Brown's Boy held his breath and stood still, Starnose came right up and smelled of one of the shoes of Farmer Brown's Boy. Then he disappeared In # little hole in the ground, Yarmer Brown's Boy had his wish gratified, however. He had a splendid look at that funny little nose. Also ho saw that hairy tail and at"once no- ticed how very different it was from the tail of Miner the Common Mole, He began to dig it open winds into a great pile for sever- al years, It was what would be called a compost heap, IMarme: Brown's Boy approached it present. ly. He had a long, sharp stick aw with this he began poking this heap of old leaves. He had no particular purpose, He wes just Jdly running his stick into the heap while he thought, Presently it seemed to him that that stick went in very eagy at a certain point, He began to dig it open. In just a few min. utes he discovered a little tunnel. Then Farmer Brown's Boy went to work in earnest. If there was n tunnel there, it meant that some one had mado it; and he had a sus. picion that that some one was Star. nose. You see, the tunnel was just the same size as the tunnels that Starnose had made where he had pushed up the sod into little ridges, So Farmer Brown's Boy carefully dug away the rottink lsaves and nresently he saw that this little tunmel, 1ad up and down in the MONTHS LONG, SO ONE EVENING GOWN UP THERE, WOULD BE SUFFICIENT! I'M GLAD I'M NoT AN ESKIMO! I'M GOING IN TELLING TOMMY CHEMISTS HAVE DISCOVERED THAT "THE AVERAGE MAN JS MADE, UP OF ENOUGH FAT FOR SEVE 11 ath Ah | N BARS WELL, MOTHER SAYS THE MAN NEXT DOOR 15'FULL OF HOT AIR" That set him to thinking still more about Starnose. "I'd give a good deal to find the home of Starnose," said Farmer Browirs Hoy; l6okink Bp at Red | sot tddttddtttdtbittitiie] wing the Blackbird, Redwing cock. | J ! TIME TABLES i ed his head on one side and look- PI Aa Ak assa Aka sans od very a8 it he understood, C, P. R, TIME TABLE which he didn't at all, "Yos_ sir, T should like to find the home of ENective April 27, 1938, (Standard Time) West ground, Yes, sir. from down in the ground this ttle tunnel led up in- OF SOAP, TOMMY, " PHOSPHORUS / w=" 3 weet J - Lt ALSO CONTAINS ENOUGH POTASSIUM 10 FIRE A TOY CANNON, ENOUGH SULPHUR TO RIDA DOG OF FLEAS, ENOUGH PHOSPHORUS FOR A BOX OF MATCHES, AND A COUPLE OF J BUCKETS OF WATER.T a ©1990, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Groat Britain rights peserssd Starnose, just to eee what it Is like," continued Farmer Brown's Boy. "The tronble is, 1 haven't the slightest idea how to get about try ing to find that home. Mcles arc eh gecrotive. little folks. They ve In the ground, 50 how Is a fel low going to learn much about them? 1 suppose I eculd, open afl those tunnels 'that Starmose has made, But that would he an awful job, Even then I might not find his home. 'y may be away down ] omewhere."' ia ' Ba a M8 % Tittle "wav from where Farmer Brown's "Boy 'wax standing was a mound of rotted Jeaves, 'The leaves had gathered there and had been swept by the Pally Daily Daily (Except Sunday) Daily 23 pm of be HAVE ALSO FOUND THAT KE CONTAINS ENOUGH LIME TO WHITE WASH A SMALL) Baily CHICKEN COOP, ENOUGH SUGAR TO ICE A : Daily (Except Sunday) CAKE, ENOUGH IRON TO MAKE A SMALL MAIL, Daily 4 "AND ENOUGH MAGNESIUM FOR A SMALL DOSE! CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS ' vi r " m-- Change in Sims, shestive Anh Wh, , Daily, Except Sunday , Sunday only . Daily , Laily, Except Sunday , Dail'y ) i Dail: Daily S355 > pupss 83333 5 23 4 32 es dd oH FPS EBA 3 THATS My WIFE OUT ON THE BALCONY You BY JOVE' I15N'Y THAT AN OOD GARGOYLE ON YOUR BUILDING ? MY WORD! DO YOu 1 AINE IN THAT || BEALTIFUL. APARTMENT EEA Tees , Daily , Daily, Except Sunday . Daily pom, Daily, Except Saturday p.m. Daily | a.m, Daily Smann=omm nip minimis PY, --_--. He A hill. PHONE 22 "For Your Drug Needs | +2 am Dally OMPSON'S $28 am. Dail, Exeépt; Sunday : g 08 am: Dally, Except Sunday ify, Except Sunday 10 'Simcos St. 8. -- We Deliver ~ Machinery. Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 101 King St. W, Phone 1214 PEPE 2333233; 33 2 or e Aoi neo» eepes 23333 Daily Sunday enly Daily .m, Daily, Eacept Sunday Whitby, Oshawa, | Bowmanville BUS WEEK (Effrtive on and a eins Wer Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 6.15 am, 7.10 az £x33222 seus TSF { 7TR0, 10) Pantare Servien, Tae, Gown! Dritain rights reserved | DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE Nes 1 \ \ Lon! }1 carey § \y A Lh : J i 0 / voRe? bN ome Slaix 5 3333 3 B82 ~-By Grice G. Drayt<® 520 . gta So" 22 eT] ny Diamonds! _Bassett's | Dwg Tow, x 3 PPePPunass 33372 £38E iH BISSssBSNkT at 3 = PPPEPS 3333 = as o99 H { HERE'S some 3 LIVER COMEY | eS rd = 8 Snag I EF] 4 H eg N: >F 3H BRaS8Sw38iEa as 223 EN PO Ea sPo?PPpos 53 333323 233333 5 es 4d 3 ~g 3 SPPPPPooEm> 33 od Fisane °P SO HANG BEGGED THE LOAN OF THE WITCH HAZEL STICK, AND WHEN HE CAMETO THE STONE, HEB KNOCKED AND IT OPENED AND DOWN WE WENT: "HELP YOURSELE"SAID THE WEE MAN, BUT, DONT. FORGET, To TAKE "THE szeT-Y THAT 1S THE WAY CLALS HAZEL STICK + BUT \T DID NOT MATTER MUCH AS HE HAD ENOUGH AND To | SPARE AND BESIDES THAT HE HAD DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMFY v \ rr J 257 By Russ Westove » - ©. is g gf Ls JUST AS HE WAS WEAVING WITH HIS HANS WAS BAGS OF GOLD, THE STONE SAME oh Trwo BAGS OF GOLB AND ROREOT TOGETHER - BANG! AN AUG io Wl AAay Ww THE WITCH HAZEL STICK { 5 AS THOUGH HE WAS A Mou INA TILLIE THE TOILER--A Non-Arrival | ° ail a i H iH EH 0 GREEDY, 2 ». & & Neo Poe 33 ani 35 E Ey 32 a prs 8 g ? B 8 er A A i i WELT, MAC WILL MAC LEFT }! DO TILLIE'S WORK, ABOUT. TEN Al MINUTES AGO TO by SPEND THE WEEK = BND WITH MILLIE 00D MORNING, MR. i QVEeSLERT SO THERE'S : REALLY NO USE IN ME. GOING NIN NOW BECAUSE BY THE 'TIME | 1 GoT THERE IT WOULD BE Al TWEWE O'CLOCK i Ea QO -HUL DON'T WORRY. sy, woh' S55 ES BEZ essai

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