Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jun 1930, p. 10

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ire of turred in the ocean bed in the eo of Sable Island and the Grand 'Banks as a result of the No. vember earthauake and after conling at Sydney will proceed to the busi. nels of clearing the Labrador ice- thence traversing Hudson Strait, taking temperature at vari ous depths, charting the coast north of Churchill and noting magnetic declinations, The Acadia is a steel steamer of 1,100 tons, and carries 45 officers and men, DO NOT WANT NATIVE GOVERNOR-GENERAL Melbourne, Australia, June 14, Declaring there is considerable "ap- prehension" over the rumors of ap- pointment of an Australian to suc: coed Lord Stonehaven, retiring gov- ernor-general, fifteen representa- tive bodies organized as 8 "com. bined Empire Society" have issued A joint statement protesting against the proposal, fear that an Australian gov ernor-general. would not he so free from party bing as would a. gover: nor-generai 1] ted jand. 1s the grofinds » It explains tht less 'dis ve) to 'the proposal was nly en "the authorit ould ns forpret' public indifference proval, . ------ WEATHER AGAIN DELAYS FLIGHT Dublin, June ne 14,--Aftor all ar- rangement had been made for the Southern Cross to fly to the Cur. ragh camp yesterday afternoon bad weather again dashed the hopes of Captain Charles Kingsford Smith for a take-off on his attempt flight to America, Captain Kingstord-Smith stated that while the frequent postpons- ments which have marred his plans were causing him much annoyance he hoped to siart his westward 31am. Atlantis flight Sunday morn. ng Ib -- op on i REBUILD ELEVATOR DESTROYED BY FIRE ABy Canadian Press) Port Arthur, June 14,-=Officials of the Union Terminal Wlevator Company in Port Arthur stated that the workhouse burned In » spectacular fire Wednesday morn- ing 'will be rebuilt together with a one-millfon bushel addition to the tank storage capacity as soon as plans can be prepared and tenders received. It Is expected that the work will ental! an expenditure of about $1,250,000 and employ 200 or 400 men for some months, Blusiode Ashore on Newfoundland Coast (By Canadian Press. Leased Wire) "Halitax, June 14.--The schooner Blusnose, champion of the North Atlantic fishing fléet, is ashore at Ea -- FOR BETTER SERVICE Perhaps we have had the pleasute of serving you, rhaps we have not, If we ha Please | not, it ig probably 'because not solfeited yoir pitronafe. copt our personal invitation t honor uy bY giving As a call or drive in, When néxt you Bre in need of the following Automobile Parts, Accessories or Service: Goodyear Tire and Tubes Genuine Parts for all Makes of Cars. Gasoline, Oils and Groases Gironsi Oiling, Car Washin, "Battery Charging an C ph . Aut 2 Al overhaul service; | work guaranteed and dope on the Fiat Rate charge basis, rd and Polishing, We will gladly eall for and deliver your car for any sérvice you may require, Yours for Better Service, ROSS, AMES & GARTSHORE CO. LTD, 185 King St, W.~~O08HAWA, ONT, Phone 1160 "HUDSON-ESSEX" "HUDSON-ESSEX" : As Aap i IMPRESSIVE DEDICATION ONREMONY 18 CLIMAX OF MYSTIC £ ¥ WTH CONVENTION Scfual drapes had fallen aside and the superb lines of the statue revealed to The photographs here show the peace monument in Exhibition Park, the unveiling of which, yesterday, brought to an' impressive conclusion, This photograph was taken just after the Mystic Shrine's 86th convention, the the huge crowd gathered fo witness the ceremony, A replica of the monument V. Youngworth, was unvelled by Mr, Leo, Potentate, wife of the past Imperial . Argentina, in Placentim Bay, Newc| foundland, according to a radio- gram received by ©, H, Harvey, local agent of the marine and fish« eries department, from Captain Angus Walters, Captain Walters asked that the steamer Arras be sent to his asniatance, TENNIS STAR T0 WED ARMY OFFICER (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire) London, June 14,--A few hours before she was due to play in a Wightman cup contest at Wimble- don against. Mrs, Helen Wills Moody the engagement of Mis Joan Fry, young British tennis wo- man, to Lieutenant Thomas Ashley Lakeman of the British army was unnourced. Commander Booth's Wife Returns Home Montreal, Que, June 14.-Mrs, I, 1. Booth, wife of squadron lead: er Booth, commander of the R-100 sailed from here today on the Cun- arder Ausomia for London, Mrs. Booth has decided not to await the coming of the R-10) with her hus Land on board in view of the pres ent uncertainty surrounding the definite date of departure of the British dirigible. Those silent have clicked In urnstiles seem to New York, BUTTON SAVES LIFE OF BOXER IN HOLDUP Sydney, Australia, June 14, 5 A button on his cont saved Arthur Messenger, an Australian boxer, from death when it deflected a gangster's bullet, Messenger was waylald in Surry Hills, underworld of Sydney, but used his fists to good account, Then one of the gang drew. a revolver and shot him. The bullet struck a button, driving it through Mes penger's coat, vest and shirt, but his only injury was an abdominal bruise, INSANE CRIMINALS 10 BE SEGREGATED New Building | Being Erected | by Ontario at Mimico Hospital Toronto, June 14--Complete sogregation of the criminally in- sane of the province from other classes of jafl ocoupants will take place In Ontario as soon as the construction of a 150-bed building is completed on the grounds ¢f the Ontario Hospital at Mimico, it was snnounced yesterday by Hon, Lin coln Goldie, provincial secretary. Plans for the buallding are al- most completed and tenders will be called as soon afterwards as possible, it was stated, Segregation of the criminally Insane is a mat- ter that has been occupying the #ttention of the Government for some considerable time, Increased accommodation at Mimico will mean the transfer of 112 crimin- ally insane now at the Ontario Re- formatory, Guelph, Their removal from Guelph will allow their places to be taken by oecupants who need not be segregated, Hon. Lincoln Goldie stated that he hoped to have the transfer com- pleted by the Spring. He express- éd the hope that the transfer of the 112 occupants would tend to relieve the overcrowded situation at quan. Freedom of City Is Given Baldwin And Ramsay MacDonald (By THOMAS T. CHAMPION, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) Inverness, Scotland, June 14.This capital of the highlands stirred the' leaves of its long and often turbu- lent history Friday when it conferred its freedom upon three members of the Clan MacDonald, one ex-prem. fer and one member of parliament, Those honored were Rt. Hon, J. Ramsay MacDonald, premier; Rt, Hon, Stanley Baldwin, former prem- ier, and Sir Murdoch MacDonald, Liberal member of parliament for In- verness The last prominent person to re- ceive the freedom of the town was Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George, who during his premiership, actually held a cabinet' meeting in Inverness to consider a sudden crisis in Irish af. fairs CANADIAN FRUIT CROP PROSPECTS ARE ENCOURAGING Ottawa, June 14.~Candda's fruit crop prospects for 1930, based on June 1st conditions, are encouraging and generally speaking indicate pos. sibility of a yield approximately that of last year, says a report issued by the Dominion' Fruit Branch, Con. siderable increases over last year in cherries, plums, peaches, pears and grapes are indicated, ranging from nine per cent, in the case of cherries to 3 per cent, for plums, Apples also promise well and while the total crop is expected to be less than last vear, the renort says indi: eations point to a yield equal to or slightly heavier than the average commercial crop for the five year period 1925-29, estimated at 3,178,124 barrels, "Divoree In a synonym for mar. tial failure, the headstone over a dead married life which started out with brave dreams and gallant hopes of man and wife," Charles The flavour of SALADA is the most delightful of all "SALAD" TEA 'Fresh from the gardens' The half-back was helped to his feet amid the cheers of the crowd. He looked dazed but managed to | agk: "Who---who kicked me." "It's all right," cheerily sald the captain, "it's a foul." "A fowl!" exclamed the half- back. 'I thought it was a mule." The modern generation will stop at nothing but the petrol station, GOOD ADVICE An ambitious young man and one who had already amassed a for- tune were talking things over. "This correspondence school ad- vertisement says that a man's fi- nancial success depends on what he does with' his evenings," the first sald, "That's dbsolutély correct," stat- od "tiie "other with authority, 1 wouldn't be wealthy today If 1 hadn't spent every evening courting an' hefress." "Look 'ere, don't you make a fool' of me," roars Cuthbert to 'me the other day. "I "couldn't," 1 snaps. "I'm too late," Jimmie: "Uncle, will you go down on your hands and knees for a few moments?" Stout Uncle: what for?" Jimmie: "Well, a hippopotamus," "Good gracious, 1 want to draw I wrote for Uncle Joseph An epitaph which ends: "He always tried to do best' we And someone added "Friends," his well. the job." service, business. J. McGuirk, writer, Every member of our staff is in the past There is nothing may speed up, or improve our delivery "ON THE JOB" Good service is a broad term--it conveys the idea that an organization is functioning smoothly, efficiently and on Services considered favors are now. only routine. overlooked which We would be glad to have your ------------ Oshawa Lumber COMPANY, LIMITED Ritson Road North Telephone 2821-2820 No Crippled Child Shall Be Neglected! THE CAUSE OF THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN OF OSHAWA AND DISTRICT IS A CAUSE WHICH APPEALS TO EVERY HUMAN SYMPATHY. FOR YEARS IT HAS BEEN THE MAIN EFFORT OF THE OSHAWA ROTARY CLUB, WHICH HAS SPENT THOUSANDS OF DOL- LARS ON THIS WORK, TO REPLENISH THE CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S FUND. THE ROTARY CLUB ASKS FOR THE CO-OPERATION OF ALL CITIZENS IN THE FEATURES ¢ Parades. St -both nights. Carnival Masquerade With Handsome Prizes Waser Loot Ban Di 5 Roy Hl i ROTARY FAIR AT ROTARY PARK ednesday and Thursday JUNE 18th and 19th, 1930 in EVROLET COACH TO BE GIVEN AWAY 2] tickets for two sights; 25 CENTS EACH, entitle the purchaser to an estimate on the mile: Rotary Club. , FUN AND FROLIC AND HELP THIS WORTHY CAUSE run by.a 1930 Chevrolet Coach in 24 Hours. The Coach will be awarded to the person whose stimate is closest 'to the actual mileage run. Buy your tickets at once from any member of the to suit ll tastes. oo ¢ i Seven. Consolation Prins 3 Novelties and Attractions Refreshment Booths With Seasonable Treats Special Booths for Children and the Ladies Car' Contest of all kinds RTI

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