Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Jun 1930, p. 5

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eT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1930 PAGE FIVE hs Interests. in the Home --- and the Community "Large Crowd Attends Annual [ losing of Bishop Bethune College | wisely chosen and which hte as fol i ec ii GIRL GUIDE [{{}| Simcoe Street, 7 NEWS » South ! Emergency Calls When the youngsters are setting off for camp as a good many lucky youngs sters soon will be, or when the whole family is leaving for the summer cottage, there is always something wanted in a hurry at the last minute, Phone 982 It was a warm June sun that wi som 4 Lr ' Motor, Mr, Jintice Orde, Call Ladies, and Gentlemen, it Is with yory great pleasure that we, (he Biafl and Pupils of the College, welcome you here today, and we hope you wil sll enjoy yourselves very much, You will see some well-earned hd Brives presented by Mr, Justice , who will, I hops, give us a WH words of encourage: ment and advice, After that you will be encouraged to take tea-or anffee, and the god thinks that go with tep and coffes, Then I will ask you to be good enough to walk across Centre street to the Rotary Hall, where the Choir will tel) you musigally the sad and greedy tale of the Walrus and the Carpenter, amd afterwards & band of children and fairies will show you what hap» pens to learned men when they play truant and take to the woods, But fist you will wish: tn hear something of the year that is clos. ing, It han been a very full one for the pupils and the wtaff, It has been full' of work of 'all kinds, from mending someone slxe's stock: ings for 10c a week In order to help the Christmas Cheer Fund of » nearby poor parish, to preparing, or being prepared for. Matricula- tion, 1t has heen full of other things too, four trips before Christ mas to Toronto, to concerts and plays; concerts and plays of our oom providing. in our own ball; the School Magesine; the arden Fete for the Gym Fond; matches at Bas kethall and Hockey ' with other schools: sports, tennis tournaments And so on, to keep us busy right up to the very end "The health of the Behoal has heen exceptionally goed, nn epldem- fe' and no serious aeeldent, though there were two cases of appendicitis and two cases of ear-trouhle, one of which, to our grief ended fatal ly: Witle Helen Hinkson, a day pu- pil, died after a short illness al her own home in Whithy, Aeademie Work School work has been steady, and all the ground preseribed hy the Ontario Board of Education has heen cavered, In planning the moy- Ing up. of glels from one form to of the school were held, Besides the Oshawa guests present, there were many from out of town, The weather being go tavorable. and the importance of the occasion, were {nyitations for the smartest of sum. | mer clothes to be Worn, n, thus the scone as the guests fl od the seats aryanged on the green, at the north orth Sra! ap in A poDonald| C¥ine Achool was b most brant andwich te for which | tickets, were sold, the ne) and dageling one, The students of draw Mrs, a. In had the [the school who assembled at the lucky' number, At the conclusion | INE Of the guests, all looked their of the regular business session a Hb in dainty white dresses, Miss ' dainty lunch~was served by the |M. Oughlersen, principal of the hostess, It. was Announced that {#chool, took 'tharge of 'the after, during the months of July and |noon's programme, which she open. ust the elub ll a will be : hol at Lakeview Park, Mrs, Elizabeth Bowins of Taun« ton, vished recently with her bro~ ther, Col, R, J, Stuart, of Toronto, On Wednesday afternoon, June 11th, Mr, Mrk, Charles Weeks, were the 'guests of honor at a delightful Bary at the home of Mrs, WJ, Bimpson, 380 Pine Ave, who entertained for them on the oceasion of thelr twenty-sixth weds ding anniversary, Afternoon tea was served by Mrs, 'T, Lyons'and Mrs, W, Merritt, Mrs, ahs 4nd to he held on the Pork road north #vounds of Lt.-Col, W, B, Phill on Baturday, June Sth, A special program Is being prepaved 'hy the fancy dress, signalling displays, physieal exercises, team games sing: Ing and the International Pageant, eve 15 of the AY countries that have Guiding, will he portrayed The whole event Is in" sid of the camp fund, The Brownies of the 1st Oshawa are feeling badly over the departure of their Brown Owl, Mrs, Eastwood, Her removal to Bt, John will mean hig 108g to the Pack, Miss Betty obbs, the Tawny Owl, is now In charge, At the garden festival and rally on June 28th, the Brownies will de thelr part in assisting in the Inter: national Pageant and by giving of This little Bit from a magazine thelr, own, and the oficial "Good | many he of Interest at the present ye. time, In all such emergencies phone us (982). We carry a big assortment of the things that summer demands, and we, pride ourselves on our prompt delivery on all rush orders. Some of the move emancipated girly In Eaypt Join Girl Guides' companies, They are immensely an. thusiastic, and no better proof of thelr proficiency can he given than that during thelr brief existence and Egyptian company has 'twice won the Cairo Cup for general ef- ficiency, which was open to ths whole Cairo district, and won if against the children of the English clubs, English armies, Greek, and international companies; no mean achievement when one rememberi how recent 1s thelr intredustion te the very ides of education or team work, The Guides pass the same tests, wear the same badges, and At the regular meefihg of the Brownies on Wednesday Inst, Yvonne Findley was envalled, while Second Class badges webs presents od to Joan Mason and Erma! Leas vens, The Pack now numbers 24, with 18 Brownies In full uniform, Linen Tea Towelling Window Blinds gh Inds AN Linen Tea Towelling, A very exceptional value for thig money, Plain white with narrow red horder 17 C Por Yard i.» Verandah Cushions Rich futuristic patterns filling of gotton, 29 Cc Flee 18x18 inches Japanese Ver Rugs Righ Oriental Coloring, Brald bound edges, Blige 4% » $1.39 THM ovis Cocoa Door Maus Good, strongly made mat Bilge 14 x 88 39¢ presented Mrs, Weeks a handsome' sel of cut glass and read an ap: propriate verse, "I'm wishing just the gladdest thing, : For both of you to-day, A comradeship that grows more 4 With year, You travel on life's way," After a social time during which Mr, and Mrs, Weeks thanked the guests present for the kindly gift, all departed for their homes, White, cream or green, heavy opaque cloth, mounted on strong spring rollers, Complete with brackets and ring pull, Size 36 x 70 inches 69¢ First Quality ,, ,. Guides 2nd Oshawa company iy sorry to lose Helen Rosser, who is moving to Ottawa this week, Helen has heen a fine member of the Canary patrol, and carries with her the hest wishes of all the Guides, Her transfer will he gont to the Goms missioner at Ottawa, and Helen will soon find new friends among the Guides of the Capital have, with a few exceptions, much The ow shoulder title tapes for | the same training as our own Guld- nd Oshawa arrived from England | es, When the first Egyptian com. this week and the Company will be | pany wes rmed, the girly, poor Able to turn out for the vaily wall | little mites, who had never learned : numbered, The Culdes took a vote | ta play In the Western sense, 'ald in pink or blue, on the type of title take they would | not know how to throw a hall or use, and unanimously decded on | how to run, cried when they lest the navy blue ones, as they would | at any game, and turned up In any not get-snilad so easily, These could | dirty, untidy clothes, often wear. not he obtained Ir Canada, ing hed-room slippers, Today they' Last Wednesday evening at the | wear navy-hiue uniforms, black regulal meeting of 2nd Oshawa, & | ghoes and stockings, Hike thelr Can- vole was taken fo deelde which | adian wisters, and are snotlessly Guide *shofild have the honor of | glean and neat, And when the other kreaking the flag at the rally, The | side wins they cheer ang clap thelr cholea of the company Was Dow hands u cores fSwoet. fhe will have as hap escor INT OSHAWA COMPANY Madeline Mihalko of the Ist Whit. hy and Millicent Bilston of the 1s The company met on Monday avening, hut there was not the up Oshawa Costuming all the Ouldes who unlly good attendanes owing to the fact that many of the guides are oAr every sunlit warthwhile vy FANCY CRIB BLANKETS Softly napped blanket for either the erib or the carriage. Check pattern Size about 29 x 36 inches 29¢ et EE RE just Kellogg's Corn Flakes if want to wake up the chil dren's appetites, Crisp flakes of healthful corn, full of fl vor==they are simply KAPOK PRIME JAPARA QUALITY The best 49c Colored Krinkle Bedspreads These ave in the largest size, 80 x 100" Cream ground with krinkled stripe pattern, in either rose, blue $1 05 h ov gold RIE EE IE 4 Put up in one pound bags, filling for eushions, Baby pillows ete +1000 1000 are representing the diffarent for: great CORN (a higher one, we have taken the I B50 per cont, basis of marks on the | year's work, but In a few canes we | are doubtful whether the girls can cope with the work of the higher form. We shall ba able to judge this, and come to a final declsion by Thanksgiving, and, If necessary, move them down again, It is much better for & girl to be in a lower form and do well, laying a solid foundation for higher work later, than to be put'to werk heyond her Lo mental oapacity at the time; the result of 'which would discourage all such gape elgn countries in the International Plgeant at the rally is quite a task Splendid assistance is heing given by the commities under Miss Hagle: wood and Miss Lois Mundy name Miss Histo Rows and Fraser Apidos tending a helping hand to those now enjoying what they did for sn many years The curds are heing mainted by Miss Mary It 1% great to see the ol The Garden Festival and Rally Is studying hard these days for the summer examinations, Those who were present went through the marehirg figures th are being prepared for the garden party, Mrs, Rateliffo, District. Cap tin, paid a visit to the company on Monday evening and offered some suggestions for the things that are under way for the garden party All tanta spt dure in the school whe have heen trans: heen a growing tendency all over the world In modern times to let children grow up aa they like, 1 have seen something of this in England, but IT find a great deal more of It on this side, A parent does not insist on Instant obedienvs for fear of breaking the ehild's spire ft; he (or she) must he given every opportunity for self-expression,' It sounds all plight, does it not? "There are wonderful articles In ¥ the magarines about 'letting a ehild develop along its own lines' and so on, The articles are often written by specialists who see only 'abnor: mals'; or by some dear elderly lady who has never had anything to de with the training of a ehild, does not know how mueh there is of "or- fginal sin" In the best of our lambs, has perhaps experienced a 'great up-liL' Hstening to some other the. oriet expounding how a ehild should be allowed to grow 'like the lilies of the feld,' ut the lilies of the flald stay put, they hlossem and flaurish, and wither and perish; the ehild has to take Ita place in 9 world full, perhaps everfull, el other human heings, and unjess he or she has learnt obedience and self-aontrol, there Is going to be trouble, To teach a ehild to obey will net break Its spirit, but 1 will (Continued on Page 10 planted that many times, growth stops, the givl gives up trying, and "stays put' at the hettom of her form, Kitect of Pinancla) Conditions "Tf have not been doing enough In Canada to estimate how financial conditions afeot the edueation of ehlidren! we have seen the effects of the War and the consequent heavy taxation on our eldest schools in England; but I would urge all parents who are thinking of moving | thelr givla from this, or trom any other sehool, hefore thely aduoation in finished ta look at the prolbilem fram the pant of view of the girl's future, A good dducation, and hy that T do net mean merely Instrues tion, but edueation In Hs widest pense, is the greatest thing you can glve your children, and to curtail it, or to retard it, except In extreme nanan, Is to do them an irreparable injury, Ta hurry It unduly is al most as had, Noved of Discinline Aut sometimes a ohild Is moved from A school hecsuse the parents are troubled hy Its tales of sever. The recital ven fn Mimeoe [jy 'Miss So-and:sAn Is awfully direst Sunday Bohool hy MIS fgipiat, She in always ploking af Evelyn Trek, teacher of elooution met When this {8 vepeated often and her pupils 1st evening Was & | anough, vou bhesin tn think there deltghttul affair, Mes, Grant Berry, | 15 something In It, Now thera has Mrs, Robert Holden and Mrs, Gen, Weddings PMeming ussisted on the program with musical numbers, Migs Trick, gave some very fine numbers, the WHITTINGTON »==PUOKRTT A very pretty Sodding was nolems nigad at Bt, mania Anglian Ing the year have heen judged and marked on # vary hgh standard, so that we hope that move than a fale proportion may pass successfully, "1 suppose thal some of this movement from schon! to school 1s inevitable, the distances are #0 great that parents naturally wish to take thelr eohildren with them when they move, Bul every maye retards a girl's progress; ft 18 just as bad for o gid (0 be pulled up by the poots ni it Is for 4 plant or A trae. They may bath do very wall indeed in the new ground, hut fer a time, growth ig cheeked. Each whoo! noplies a test and then, for aafety's sake, puts the girl back a wt For most young things one such experience Is ganavally mooi, it gives her an idea of Where she tands, "pulls her up" in fact. But it vou repeat the nrocsss threa, four, five times, and 1 haye girls --------------T TS a--------------r Dramatic Recital By Teacher and Pupils her, and be a disappointment to her parents, Changing Schools It fu Atieult to forecast how we shall do In the examinations, ohinfly hecause so many of the girls have moved from school to school so frequently that there are gaps In thelr rReral knowledgn which may trip em, In spite of thelr best efforts to Al FLAKES Ww Delelons with milk ov cream add fruits or honey for variety ------ teachers' Mr, and Mrs, 7, RB, Mothersill, Mrs, Hugh Pars and Mrs, W, © Martin of Oshawa spent two days in Toronto during the Bhriners' Con vention, Miss Lucy Northoott, of the Uni: versity of Toronto Library Beheol returned to Oshawa today and will spend the Smet with her parents, Mp, and Mrs, 8, A, Northoolt, Mas NEW SILK HOSIERY a Now available In Caneda--~exac! counterpart son Street, Oa hel 1S fuels ral Gehiawe who stiend: he od the Bishop Bethume closing yes: y bing Mons £ p afternoon were: Mr, and . 4 red Carswell, Mr, and Mvs, ry "8, Bmith, Mp, and Mrs, T. W, Joyes, Mrs, C; N, Henry, capt, and Mrs, Jarrett, Me, and Mrs, W, Gil bert, Mra, ¥, J; ation, Mrs, B, Hod- ging, Mra; HB, V, Lander, My, and Mrs, T, B, Mitchell, Mrs, D, Hy) J'Mrs, BW, Cowan, Mr, and Mrs, M, Mundy, Rev, R, B, and Mra, Fat tersan, Mr ' rhatam, Miss H, Hayoraft, in A ykos, Mrs, Are gue, Mr George eadlar, Mrs, R, Mills, Miss Jean Hall, Miss Youn Hatlewdod, wa ry Fran, Mi od, Dr, Fy --_-- 'Mrs, A, ©, Cameron, Miss Grage Auras, Miss Marion Madkle, Miss May Dillon, Mra, M, Dillon, 8, J, Hennlok, B.A, haw nupdess: fully passed his Asgund year at Od gonde Hall Law School, HL. Hen: niok has completed hls third yea nd successfully ed Lhe examis nations at the Vulveraity of lon Mr, and M t ! Monbigk, i Eimer pirees wo. : ih Ada apo ans jointed trouss hy Mid fivat of which was "Ollstoh', hy Pauline Johnsen, Migs Trick who has studied dramativ art and veloe culture foy a number of years his attained a partieular style of de«f quo "on Wein aflerngon, partment which 1s most pleasing June 11, Rev, Can to her andlences, Other NUMBER | ojgp omaiating, when 6h aban by Miss Trick were "Fourteen" | giqep daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Gea, Puckett, Burk Stree, Oshawa, Was united in mariage to William Paul Wallington aldeat son of Mr, w Mis, W, J. Wi \téington, Aimoon Ht and a humorous number "Hetty at the Baseball Games', The three North Oshawa, The XE a ent ped the ehureh on the arm ol Miphls wha were being Judged for thelr work last evening hy Rev, HK i the arch i al aa urn o sd Re ot Harston, Rev, I,J, Maxwell and Mr, Ralph Vickery, gave readings {aplaying the oaveful training ay had vaoeiviq 3 yo ro a J ning, * ho is tryin ig he WH A examination, was Chueh, The bride's eam na ph | Wan fy Voth Hy AEN haunt evening, first olass honors ht _- two Junior pupils Roherta (lat of ink A ih ran o" th, TF o fh and 'Marion Oster; did thelr num | The pik vote . ho oo. ny ae hi Jara voty yolk ¥ A deg of ors. bal sn al reson fon, and i Jlthe judgee Marion Cater antford, aunt of the bridestos | oo ta" Gu "honoe Robert ov Booty ribo win wart th he wan assisted by Mra, Qecil) goioq (hird claus, Mw Trick fn te a. ie Dudley and Miss Helen Yallows be congratulated on the suecess pink a ary art Se X: iy loos of wilanvilie, +h 8 Mor ner pupil and Ard ST a vo ab Rs ak aaa Mw "win 0 the, renin : fp i A dred Frat ou 0" Al oy "a Thi ON | LL ded, on her oral work, in , H, Wel dispaved ho NN, " Houmenh Pv APRCIAL ORDERS TAREN merous friends called gh: | Num the afternoon awd evenin The Mothers' Coungll of ihe 2nd | company of Oshawa Girl 3 LI hold their we monthl (ts in Chpist Ohureh on _ th, There wan ry fair attendance, Are, "hiemells for the summer camps | - explained a Mrs, Rotdon oA avs Was 3h Anaemia i HERR Ta voulde $l tohener, The 's present to th hide i 0! , and te) ih iy Ei A i HOSIERY _ ATKINS SHOP samp on pn Hy aned the ul Near Cor, King & Rlmecos garden { to be held on the " ome : Sil

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