Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jun 1930, p. 3

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. DN ~~ - ~ PAGE THRER SCHOOL INSPECTOR The Oshawa Rotary Club devoted yesterday's luncheon session to a I] discussion of plans for the ap proaching Rotary Fair, which 1s ex- pected to raise $3,000 to carry on Crippled Children's work in the dis- trict. A prevailing spirit of opti- prism was voiced by the half dozen members of the club 'who reported progress along the various lines of preparation, and the entire mem- bership seemed confident, thag in spite of the spirit of financial pessi- | mism in the city, the objective will 'be reached and the club will be en- abled to carry on their work among handicapped children. E. J. McGIRR TO HEAD "COMMERCIAL DEPT. Board Will Use Smokeless _. Coal in Schools in Order to Avoid Lawsuits Caus- ed by Smoke Nuisance * ( Canadian Chautauqua Are Granted = Permission to THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 10,,1930. of $6,597.93 In Board "For Work at Local Harbo abion Tr DISCUSSING PLANS | For Work at Local Harbor| HRT IN ACCIDENT Previous Decision bv Passing a 1500 horsepower, eight-cylirider ¢ ion y a i g : ing Basin--Powerful En- 8,000 feet of 20-inch piping. ROTARY SECRET. ARY/( ,' day Devoted to Import- rose can start work are mot yet ford Brought to Hospital nh A Pipe Ot ject TH of next before she ig ready to start ve Set for Himself Pickering, June 10--John Roscoe, night to watch the arrival of the |into the turning basin will occupy B. 'Sandford, 353 Colborne Street mence actual operations in a few |she arrived last night. near Dunbarton about 10 o'clock gram,--the 'dredging of the 175 | which left immediately afterwards . shortly after midnight, and given The Primrose is an outsit of tre- An appropriation of $6,800 has of the two, is still in the 'hospital, . clearing out a channel to accomo- | pair the gap in the present wharf. - Use King Street School The accident occurred when a a La] rt = i 2 a --- : \ . ™ . Rae -- . i . I', Cannon Appointed Oshawa Public School Inspector J eT TT HR -- . » £4 : y PH ¥ * lin #, Ag ROTARIANS BUSY |Large Dredge Has Arrived LOCAL MEN WERE Board of Education Confirms | 30 28 A o Hh his a An} y ing FOR THE Bll: FAIR Will Start Work on 175 Ft.| 36 toot beam. she 1s powered by NE AR DUNB ARTON § | fool Bk i Channel Leading to Turn-| Diesel: engine, and can force a By 0 o a ¢ | ge mparisons . -- : stresm of sand and water through eso tion Last N i i a hg fs Lihdioon Meeting Yester-| gine Can Force Sand| The pontoons and piping which | John Roscoe and Earl Sand- | : : will be necessary before the Prim- + : ---------- Through 8,000 Feet of H start. work sre Supervising Principal Gains cy : ere; and it will probably be the Las i ant Topic 'end of this week of the beginning t Night A small-crowd of Oshawa citizen- | operatjons. The work of clearing a (By Staft Correspondent) 14 Years Ago_--_Expresses ry gathered at the lakeside last | channel 175 wide and 20 feet deep 3 : wean ; 141 Simcoe Street North, and Earl Appreciation to Board Canadian Dredge Company's large | about six weeks; The Primrose Sandford, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. dredge, Primrose, which will com- | carried a skelton crew of 27 when Ea st, were injured in an accident days on the major unit of the $135,-| The outfit. was towed up from which: occurred on the highway 000 1930 harbor improvement pro- | Prescott by the tug A. M. German, : last night. The two men were foot channel which. will lead into | for the Welland canal, and Port | Prought to the Oshawa hospital t the turning basin. Arthur. treatment for head injuries, Mr, mendous size, as compared with | been passed in the supplementary Roscoe, #he more seriously injured the smaller dredge which has been | estimates, which will be used to re- and reported to be resting easily date her. Her heavy hull measures this morning. 182 feet in length overall, With. a Chevrolet sedan, driven by Herman Teuben, Toronto, and carrying five This work 'will be done sometime during the summer. Grounds -- Southwest Ward Ratepayers Praise Music Festival : The Oshawa Board of Education %as finished operations for the first five nths of the year with a sur- plus of\$6,597.93, representing the difference between thgamount bud- geted for and the actural expendi- tures which were made during this 'period. A comprehensive report, showing 'the finances of the board, was pre- sented at last night's meeting by the finance committee through its chairman, Trustee A, E. Lovell, C. H. R. Fuler, business administrator, was largely responsible in prepar: ing the report and the board com- mended the finance committee and Mr. Fuller for their efforts. The comparisons show that while 'the beard budgeted for a total of $130,922.45 for. the first - five months of the year, actual expendi- tures $124,324.52 thus leaving a fovorable 'balance in the budget ALLIN FP. ANNIS in this capacity. Who has becn appointed as new secretary of the Mr. Annis succeeds Leon Frazer Rotary Cluln LAKE ONTARIO IS AT LOWER LEVEL THAN LAST YEAR Survey Shows Level Is 0.20 Rotarian Roy Bennett empasiz- ed the fact that with business con- ditions a little depressed, as com- pared with recent years even more organization nd effort will have to be put behind the fair to put it CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | over, He expressed his confid that with every man in the crub shouldering his share of the task, the objective could once more be reached, Rotarian Wes Langmaid made a short appeal for co-operation in the selling of tickets in the Rotary Car contest, Rotarian Bill Karn urged better and more informative advertising on the various booths. He thought that the Club should equal last year's objective without any trouble, Rotarian G. D. Conant pointed out that the objective set as be- ing necessary to carry out the club's definite commitments amounts to no more than 10 cents per head of the population, and as- serted that this could easily be raised in the two aays or the fair. We cannot go HAVE BIG CONTRACT the bulk contract for the erection of storage and distributing plant for the Sun Oil Company Ltd., on the north bank of the Ship Chanpel, Toronto, at the foot of Bouchette street. WHITBY FIRM CHANGES TITLE the Charters Act to change the title of the Hateh Manufacturing Ltd.,, Whitby, to the Whitby Mal- leable Iron and Brass Co. STAR GAZERS DISAPPOINTED obscured the heavens, residents of this district were unable to see the display of meteors which scientists predicted would take place night. T. B. Mothersill Co., has secured Authority hag been given under Co.. In account of the clouds which last sible to supply all the present de- mands for such, Men's sox, combin- ations and pyjamas are also need- ed. . WANTS AREA INCORPORA TED Scorboro, June 9.--Twelye reas- ons were enumerated by Deputy- Reeye John Linden at yesterday's meeting Counc!! in support of his conten- tion that the water area should be incorporated into a city. week previous he did nat put his notice of motion in writing, discus- sion on the submission of the is- sue to the electors on Jan. deferred until next meeting, UTILITIES of Scarboro Township As the 1 was HAD PROFIT Scarboro, June 9.--Scarboro Publie Utilities Commission had a combined profit of $22,094 on last occupants, including the two Osh- awa men, craghed into the rear of a Larke Transport truck. Both vehicles were proceeding east at the time, and the authorities are in- vestigating a report that the rear light of the truck was not in opera- tion. . All ogceypants of the sedan were injured, Mr. Roscoe the most, sev- erely. He was brought to Oshawa General Hospital by, the G. A, Ster- ritt ambulance, and received treat- ment for his injuries from Dr. G. L. Bird. The three Toronto men in the car were allowed to return to their home after medical treatment. Earl Sandford was treated for a gash in the side of his head by Dr. ¥.°M. MacDonald, and was. then taken to bis home. He was reported to be sleeping quietly at ten o"¢lock this morning. SHRINE SESSIONS CANNON Supervising Principal of Oshawa J ublic Schools who was appoint ed as city public school inspector by the Board of Education last night. BOYS AND GIRLS QUIT SCHOOL TO ASSIST FAMILIES 98 Children Are Employed in Oshawa, Board of C. F. Cannon, Supervising Prine cipal of Oshawa Public Schools, was formally appointed as the city's public schoo! inspector by the Board of Education at its regular meeting held in the board room at the Collegiate and Vocational In- stitute last night. Mr, Cannon succeeds Mr. R. A "Hutchison, of Whitby, in this capacity, Mr. Hut chison having been inspector for the city as well as for the County of Ontario. He will now however, confine his work to the schools in the county. Appreciation of his appointmenw was expressed by Mr. Cannon to the Board last night. He thanked the members for their consideration and support and also expressed pleasure for the assistance which he had received from former mem bers of the board. He would en- deavor, he sald, to continue to give his best in the interests of Oshawa's public schools, "As a matter of business this may' not mean much to you," the supervising principal stated, "but for me it represents the attaining COMMENGE TODAY, PARADE POSTPONED Over 100,000 Shriners And Families Reach Toronto For Week Toronto, June 10.--Rain today .ifi- terferred with arrangements for the grand opening of the national Shrine convention and the mammoth parade before the grand stand,' on Lake Shore boulevard in which ten thous- and Shriners were expected to parti- cipate, In view of the inclemént wea- ther the parade was postpoed un til 'tomorrow morning. The rain showed no signs of abat- ing to allow continuance of the out- door events scheduled but the busi- ness sidg of the convention came to the fore 'with the opening of the Im- perial Council sessions this afternoon after a luncheon given to | officials and dclegates, The first sespion raised the ques- tion which must be decided by the nobles and their potentates: as to whether the assembly of the Imper- ial Council will be made a triennial affair or it will remain. an annual gathering, Two delegations in favour of the latter course are those from Cleveland, O., which has alrcady be- gun a drivé® for next year's conven- tion and Chicago, Ill, which is und- erstood to want it in 1932. Twenty-four thousand delegates and visitors have already arrived by train and 100,000 people, including Shriners and their families coming by auto and otherwise are expected in the city before nightfall according to U. E. Gillen, chairman of the rc- gistration committee. P Rl Foot Lower Than in May, 1929 Lake Ontario is 0.08 foot higher than jin April and 0.20 foot lower than in May a year ago, according to the lake survey which has just been made. Since 1360 the May level has averaged 0.856 foot higher than 'the April level. Lake Ontario is 1.83 feet above the average stage of May, of the 'last ten years and 0.88 foot below the high stage of May, 1870. It is 3.11 feet above the low stage of May, 1870. 1§:is 3.11 feet above the low stage of May 1872 and based oh past 'regords the 'monthly 'mean level for June is likely to be about 248.2 and not less than 47.7. The Great Lakes in feet above register: as Michi. Clair, Ontario, "We must succeed, backwards from the position which we now hold, or we must ultimate- ly pass out of existence as a service club." President George Hart announce ed the appointment of Rotarian Al- lin Annis to succeed Rotarian Leon Frazer in the position of secretary. The President took the opportunity of voicing his appreciation of the untiving work of the outgong sec- retary during his term of office, A meeting of the committee mnie for 7 Rotary Fair was year's operations, according to the auditor's report, made public to- night. There was a profit of $14. 783 from the waterworks depart- ment, and $7,311 from the Hydro. The township treasurer's depart- ment showed a deficit of $12,489. The auditors recommended that no Jdocal improvements be carried on during the next year and that the assessment be taken between April and September. DECORATE FOR SHRINERS A number of Oshawa stores and service stations are gayly bedecked with flags this week as a welcome to the Shriners. So far no sreut increase in traffic "has been noted on the Kingston highway on ac- count of the great convention at Toronto, although a number of Nobles have been seen passing through the city. NO SETTLEMENT YET IN DISPUTE OVER KINGSTON TEACHER Kingston, June 10.--Despite the efforts of a Federation of Teach- ers' deputation from Toronto to effect a settlement of the Collegi- ate Institute friction between Prin- cipal F, W. Danby and . TW, Kelly, science teacher, the Board of Management of the Board of Education refuses to recede from its position that Mr. Kelly must go. The deputation has decided that there is no ground for fhe dismissal of Mr, Kelly, and intl: mates that it will report. to the Federation that the Principal is.in the wrong. W. R. Givens writes an opén letter to the Committee of Management, declaring that, after interviewing + both , the Principal and Mr, Kelly, any differences be- tween the two could b, settled at a round-table conference. He charges that the committee has made no effort to effect a settlement, and Lthat its unyielding action has in- Kelly in educational circles, CANADA POWER BUYS ANGLO-CANADIAN "(By 'Canadian' Phess 'Leosed Wire)" London, June 10.--~Enquizies by of $6,597.93. The total amount bud- geted for the year is $287,623.60 | and with the valuable information given hy the report the board will attempt to guide itself according- 1y so that it may finish the year well within its estimates. gh AF Some interesting facts are con- tained in the budget comparisons. For instance the board budgeted an amount .of '$1,893.35 for adminis. tration while $1,883.37 was actu- ally spent under this head- during the period = in ques- tion, A total of $111,090.00 was budgeted for instruction dur- ing the five months while $108, 048.91 was actuality Pant $16 5 bu r plan py 0 Ie ature nditure in nd five month period being $1 3,804.87, A total of $1,390 'was budgeted for maintenance " plant, t' 2 actual, outlay being $587.37. g i YA Teauon {fom. J, H.R. Luke, secretary of the local committee of the Chautauqua asking permission to use the King St. School grounds for the holding of the Canadian, Chautauqua on June 28th, 30th, July 1st, 2nd and 3rd was granted by the board. "A letter of appreciation was also received from Mrs, R. 8, McLaugh- "lin thanking the board for the use of the Collegiate auditoriim on the of June 20th for the pur- pose of holding the hospital gradu- Ward Ratepay- of an object which I set for myself as a teacher fourteen years ago." Although he made only casual allusion to it, there are many who know that Mr. Cannon's rise from an ordinary teacher to public school inspector was accomplished only after many difficulties had been surmounted. The qualifica- tions for public school inspectors in Ontario are high, necessitating special difficult university courses. Mr. Cannon; however, secured most; of his university education through the medium of the extta-mural and summer courses, while at the same time he continued teaching, That this required much extra work and the sacrifice of holidays and spare time gods without saying. Chairman Bell assured Mr. Cane non that the bogrd had been unani- mous in its decision and wished him 'success 'in his mew position, E. J. McGirr, present teacher in the commercial department of the Collegiate and Vocational Institute will be promoted as head of the depariment at salary of $3,000 per annum, the board decided in adopt- ing a report of the adgisoty vocae tional committee. The board also accepted 'the applications of Miss Grace H. Boone, Miss Marle Shants and Miss A. 'W. Taylor as teachers in the O.C.&V.I. their salaries to date from' September 1st. The board had accepted the appMeation Of Mr, L. Earl, as teacher of mathe- matics in the vocational 'depart- ment, but as Mr. Barl has secured 8 positiow clsewhere it will be ne< pessary to select Another teacher. @ committee. further: - mended- that: the- academic ours be. entirely separated from the vo- t¥tiaial course id as' instruc _Is concerned. Th - dation was adopted. ® FecHmMen Recent. litigation in whi 7a lo cal 'woman sued a dairy ome her. property for damages fi leged smoke and noise . nuisances 'Was brought to the attention of the board by" trustee "Anderson. Refers ring to this case in which the pre- ng judge advised that the de~ dant company make With er PATHE mts go on wondered whether there woulq be any danger of the board RAIN WAS WELCOME The rain which fell this morning will be much appreciated by farm- ers and garden lovers. Abundance of moisture in June means good growing weather and ja is to be hoped that such will be the case this year. PLAN ANNUAL PICNIC The Sunday school of Simcoe St. United Church has decided to hold its annual picnic at Lakeview Park on July 3. This is an event to which the pupils look forward with keen delight. BEDDING NEEDED The, Oshawa Welfare Soclety is making a strong appeal for bedding particularly, sheéts and quilts and pillows. One family is greatly in need of a double mattress. It this appeal 18 answered as widely as the last for such articles it will be pos- NIGKEL AGAIN FINDS NEW LOW Oils Give Way--Dominion Stores, City Dairy, Others Lower DASA Toronto, June 10---Nickel found another new low for 'the year on Toronto Stock Exchange today. The reaction of yesterday continued 'over when' the market opened this morning," Nickel 'at' one' time 'was down 'three poins from 'lasa night and at 256% was below any previous price 'this: year. ' 3 Brazilian and Ford, were less af- fected. y a able to hold around. their pr 8 closing Jev- 'els. The oils, however, give way as Bilt kept . throughout the morning with losses extending from fractions' to: nearly two points, Do- minion Stores, ~Hartis, Cock- shuta: Powl,: "Maaepy: stations, City Education Learns Fifty-eight boys and 40 girls under the age of sixteen are work- ing in the city and helping to sup- port their families, according to the report of A. L. W. Smith, school attendance officer which was received by the Board of Educa- tion 'last night. Of this: number 25 have passed {heir high school en- trance, 24 have reached fourth class, eight attained - third class while one has not even reached third class. Their occupations in- clude 'manufacturing, messenger and delivery work, commercial and domestic service, Truancy evidently is not as com- mon as it used to be in the days of Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and other school boy 'heroes. There were only 10 cases of this offense investigated by the attendance of- ficer during the past month, It is a sad commentary to state how- ever that 152 cases of parental neglect were reported to Mr. Smith. POINCARE ACCEPTS INVITATION TO PERU Paris, June 10--M. Poincare, former French president, to-day ac cepted the invitation of Mariano Cornejo, Peruvian ministed to Par- is for a visit to Peru as guest of that government, probably next year. M. Poincare had been plan. ning a trip to Latin America for several years but ill-health had caused him to defer it. "English is the best language to describe the emotions. French is the intellectual language."--Abbe Ernest Dimnet. announced/ for Thnrsdav evening, at the hgpme of Rotarian Gordon Conant.' A he chased her upstairs onl struck her as she was getting intqrbed, Be- coming frightened at the +sight of blood he struck her again and. cov ered lier op with the bed elothes, He then went to the cellar and threw the hatchet intoga corngr. Following that he wert out of doors and took the Lysol and cut his throat at 'the swanmyp. Did Not Intend Killing Her Morrison is alleged 10 have said that he did not. mean to kill her, he only wished to scare her, The, quar- rel: was over another man, the state- ment: said. It: was not the first diff- erence. that they had had "on the same subject. , - His wife 'had: asked him: why the did not_get a. car like this. other. man; a number of tines, Morrison said in the statement. The man- whom his wife was talking a+ tout 'andthe ope mentioned on the orning: of Apel 29 , was named he « 'the mean sea level, follows: Superior, 602.34 gan-Huron 580.99; St, 576.31; . Erje, '272.97; 248.07, , Lake Eric is 0.01 root higher than in April (since 1860 the May level has averaged 0.34 foot high- er than April); -it is = 0.30 foot lower than the May stages of a year agp andl 1.68 feet above the average stage of 'May of the past ten years, * ag 1 thing was in order in thé room Where she was, he said, and he: turn- ed control yet ho superior offi ; cer a little later. Detective: McG music festival held recently. detailed the facts o the A a m ; told of finding the hatchet in the SAI hut d not know what his basenient of the house with a' pair of | other: name was or anything about bloody socks near by. He began af him. "7 in said in the statement that pA ARR, : ADMITS STRIKING search through Alexandra Park sdon | .Morsison I know what lie was doiug des after with-P. C Quantrill and they | he did not ; . | found 'Morrison' on the bank of the | and: he became, so.neryous, that "he fa. | CL ns Oshawa Creek in a weak condition | left 'the house being 50. overwrought . 5 i sufferifi from 'loss of blood ~ and | that he. took. the lysol and cot. his AP ing 'of al strong liquid which he | throat with the gazor blade. ~ .-' fad Yvidently drunk, They found a+ is "Art? ' he 4 5 28 £0 2% "| safety ra: lade nearby and a bot- boards wit ity on Morrison's behalf, and on be-L ya "that had contained Lysol They Harmer, next in committed to trial, he was again} yoo carried the man up fle bank 1 home. Mr, and " \ Apparent d to the Whitby, jail h eevee he ho ives nekt dopr a idm, called for atfibulance, 1 e. state "tothe rine tht, on Ki fi of Quart when inter. fa nue. te that he * ie evidence 'given by Detective | viewed by ; Times. today stated | pyqqey 'oft! : ¥ aroused n : ; : ia. ; "were! off aproximately one did pot come over to her home in was' substantiated by P. C. letely. at a loss, 0 point each. Bip Quantrill, Detective McGee said, on J 4 a gen "the morni was her custom. On| stand, that Morrison asked. hi ing A orrison at] | : : tthe arrival of ibys gay when ey Sound him, how on wi I he i ; i | had pevet been - REQUESTS AID FOR { i ab itp" is was. etective testified that he | troduced to her, and had never spo- the) mot ef ro se to. the told Morrison that she was all right, ketisto her, and 1 never was inside SUGAR INDUSTRY home, TH They. then Jet d mot get in Morrison then said, she was a good the Morison hiote, Why orrison 1 hv] wife to me. then asked htm w! should: make such a statement is a 'Mr, Harmer a key from a 'happened said McGee and he what mystery to mie, for I never had any- tir, and, up g. ; thinguto do with either, of them. in © any way, and . eannot . understand Ro 1 ghis morn- t the Quar- shook his | why: amy name should, be 'about © it. | to the affair at alll wish. the ae- | at opportunity to give m, 1 ehient from | in court today, so as to clear my- him in the hospital én May lst, wit- | self, bat that opportunity was denied ness declared. | © ? ; me, so for that reason I wish to have The statement 'was produced by | it made clear that so far as I am dh: concerned, I7cannot think of any reason why Morri have } fife at. all, and as I'was a angerto both of them." (Continuted from Page 1) 'fémark ;about extreme im propriety of stock hrokers in open- ing accounts for such young men in the class of stock brokers, I is t ov : only hope the brokers will take, p ng any Ricih Some) 1 Sok akeS note 'of this, It.is just as import |: drrison came down 'stairs and an great 1d : bi : "the ' Qe. aide ant for them to restrain dealing| ; ; pa EET of the The - gr i Handel py nnd are t began | husband | With small salaried men as the| 3 4 ; | : i : : : tions of th Gospel of Oh , lise J rin: + more than usually] and wife. Morrison'is alleged to have | #entonces 1 imposo today, They be i : a $ wv ; [pest on thei ery tt should: BR Fat eS ov in Appearance": i ¢ should - 'do something to assist ; : ~ | Ber of the' church, --Di 3 Dr, Miit= and : 5 fon, Sas 3 . s , in the 'statem t he start- : Brey {rrr ot oe ; &, "led id such young men, help the courts 3 vas | Bree Hs ¢ ol ahd 'banks, ana. eliminate all this, | . A k Sh : dl the court, in his hands, He said that | ~ "T belleve the reformatory would "The fast-moving life of America gid nox. know whether his wie bo boise tor, the.. lads. than: tite exercises. were > In the hest soil in the: Werld. for said that} Penitedtiay : we od to | Mis Bran ation. The South' West Wa ers' Association wrote praising the board, Mr. L. Richer, instructor music, and the children, on the LONGING FOR RAIN (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., June 10--For the fifth successive day, western farmerg loked to the heavens in | vain for rain, Rising temperatures, | ~ : ok i _ with the mtreury shooting high in< ---- | do the Jerepiring eighties. found IMPORTANT SPECIAL: MEETING e sunbaked prairie grain-stretches |. or the Cedardale Ratepayers' | being sued -on acco i today as weathor continued unin-| 'Aggociation, will be held on|from the Moos. Tn order Sake) jefraptedly hie int in the west red] Wednesday, Junb 11, at 8. p.m tect 'them trom. possible' ace: ; : Nov a single point in the west #64. | cedardale School. 'All members| ton of this,kind. the members de-: tho Ganadian: Press «today sub- | ported even a trace of rain to mete- | 0 oarnestly requested to ats] cided they would dgdeavor t ME stantiated the report that the |orological headquarters at Willipeg fond. ; (131-133-135) | smokeless coal used in all Hd Save! Anglo-Canadian Pulp and Paper |And forecasts offered no mobe Of ly \ yi sy i KENTUOK Y BELLE" | Public schools and in the Collegiate 1 py | relief, Fair and still wi weather a 4 Company, dae, tee ner Com, | 1s mentioned in advance notices x] by Columbus Young People, Ai- [SEKI Vocational Institute. ,, bert street I 2 day, Te or the use of Mary pany, : the west. June 12. FRA WL Bo. : ounds at night for Frank Clark of Quebec City will ; (135b) | PIRyground purposes was refused be appointed to the directorate of | * "Degth, pain and poverty are to me | MODERN AND. . OLDE i TYME by the board on adoption of the-re-' Canada Power and Paper in €OD-| ory real evils, except when I amiin| - dange, Géne's. Hall tonight. One ] port of the property Committee as Hection with the move, ft is under-! 21 armchair reading a book of phils] of Oshawa snappiest dance or-| Presented by Trustee Ross MacKin.. too! osophy."--Robert. Lynd. & |. chestras, © (135a) (Cotitinutéd from Page 1) es were. called for the stand to test- Kingston, Jamaica, June 10--~Gov- errior Sir R, E. Stubbs sailed yester- day for England, 'where he will at- tend the imperial economic: confer- il ence and ' the 'gathering -of colonial He intends to impress upon. the British government that unless finan« cial aid is given the est Indian sugar industry will be ruined, n. The Ha acc pa ied cised until I got a a Bread Co. rushed to his side "fond Mrs. Morrison lying in : bed in a pool of b nom. It 'was considered that th policy of the board prohibits the granting of such applications un- der all circumstances, ag The board transacted its business' with despatch last night and ad- Jourhment wag reached at 9.30 o'+ clock. Those present at the meets ing included chai A, W. Bell, & Trustee Ross MacKinnon, Dr. B, A, Brown, Dr. F..J, Donevan, E. A, Sowell. as, Auacrsch and G, + rvey Fuller, siness administrator C.F. Cannon supers! vising principal of public eschools A. L. 'W. Stith; attendance of- condition he g was taken. His Worship Magistrate Will- is, however, arter inquiring if the usual statutory warnin been gi: {ven at the time that tHe statement ; vas taken ordered _it 'be read. | The Statement given By Morrison ve | to the police was 3 after he had been given statutory. ng by the ; the statement se about 7.45 29 and made' + Moreisdn said that he th forning of he pr ist for . e i Sv D. Whitian; (5) Miss 'D, Veale. Graduating evouts commenced. on, the students, Aniohg the graduates | (3) Miss 5 Pegquengnat;. (4 ch nd one sa graduation atric ednesda and continue until Wi Fr Arnott) (3), Mise Ln Petsets ys TRS AR

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