Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Jun 1930, p. 11

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tor. cer Money to oy Office 14 t. East, Bo di Phone #4. Hud ORT Cc HT specialist in muscle eyesight and glasses. Author of | Eye Care and Eye Strain, | Chila and its Development, oey Block opposite Post Office. Phone i51s, anomalies, The Dis- (May 15-1 mo) -| Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR: SoNEval suf TE IAR. eers, Ly an munici 4 Junising) engineers, 65 er Wi King towny planning, es or N Fraser, "Barristers, Conveya 3 Notaries Publio, ste. Office over Standard Bank, Rutrance Simsoe - Undertaking . & { " 8 St. Phone toh J. P. Grierson, "% ---------- LOUIS' S» HYMAN, BA RRIST TER LUKE BURIAL CO. East, Ambulance, Reside coe street 20W, or AE north, Phone 10) aa 2d Solicitor, * Notary, . over Store. Money to loan. 16 & Sianas Insurance sreet 8 forth. #<ihone; 67... Residence TREER AND TUNPRYEYS-BAR. fstern.y Solicitors, etc. 24%4 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3160 3160. ). foney to loan: ALEX !U. HALL, ! TBA. BARRIS ter, ete. Conveyancing and general practice. 32% E'ng st, Fhone 3337, (tf) A "PARKHILL, "BARKISPER tte. éney to can. Alger as. ov op- DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. wz est Pire Awency jest Fire Companies 'consult R..N. Johps, 80 Simcoe porth, Your, (nsurasce wants ate Bast. fardee to acd FOUR: interests 'pro- ect! Tapio Oshawa, The old- Osbawa. 30 Re- All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ete. STRICTLY CASH 1 IN ADVANCE Tose "of this nature. For th convenience of cutomars wo find it lacsavenien personally to The Times' Tl ie i bored woot <sstass of erat. biting Stom handling 8 nye number oF small ereounta office, a telephone call wil ring » memento wil vsv ihe adveriomment dl and collec) for same. . gimes" Classified Ads-Bring. Réoues Telephone ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT 35 -- posite Post Office. Phare 1 FFRA 8S. E ,--BARI R. etc. Alger Bldg. Phone 2996 Medi ol DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER, Disney Block. Phone "050. Office CARTAGE | man's, 86 in: Br ER oh rahe ware house und 'moving yan equipment. Phone 82... GARTAGE, MOVING. HAVEL sand ard cinders. disiance Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. E Shiach. COLE Specialists Local a long hauling. Smith oe Cox, hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr. B. J. Jazlewood, special atiention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B. H. Har- per, special attention to children's Diseasds and Obstetrics. Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. MgKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR: geon, coucher. . Office. and resi. dence, King St. E23t. corner Victoria St. Oshagva, Phone 94. DR. GRANT BIXRY. PHYSICIAN USHAWA'S lish&l furn'ture movers. Park Road car age." OLDEST ESTAB- Local and long distance. Ble, Br Pron. 65 Park Ri " (May 19-1 mo) Frank South, IT PAYS TO MOVE--SUDBURY, Totontay Hamilton, Trentoy, Belle- ville, city. Eagle Cartage, phohe*200. (MH anywhere cheapest in' the ay 29-1 mo) eiatiia . Obste, ses of SurRcon and a Office and Boxy. Parion residence, 97 Bénd East. Phone 1155. DR. DAVID ARCHER, M.D. CM. Lo: Ria Edin Ss. Physician, Surgeon ne Qustétricial: e 3020. Office 142 2 a . North. Phone" ¢ Phone 2415. DR. J; ARCHER DR Surgeon and LLL ey ens, ah stetrician, office _Simcoe Street, 107. celling, shampooing, facials. 2 gents, Bama Stracon EXPER LL Betty Ward at Betty Lou Permun- ent Wav Si poo $1. P YT Beauty Shop. 9 Celina So We spe- cialize in ladies' BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE op. finger and marcel waving. manent wave prices $5, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other lines of Beauty Culture. Phome 2008, 2 Simcoe street north. - Specialsts in permanent, rer Apply ss "BY Marcel and sham- | 1 BA AND mars. arcel For anpointments phone May 16-1 mo) Oe, MKS. hair cut K. Clarke, 145% Agnes street, ¥hone 26 May 20-1 mx) ¥, VETERINARIAN DR. Hh VET BINA a8 a. Cob and. do dog hospital. 203 Roe w (June 2-1 mo) RSYT, . specialize iameness, 17 years' ex perience, Fees moderate. Phons 202 r 2. (May 12-1 mo), R. 'W. _ BURTON OF THE Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ- ces 'the 'price of marcelling, 60¢, | Finger Waving 175¢, summer months. Commencing from June first, Phone 71.% during the (May 21-1 mo.) = ? SERIE TS Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DEFT. BRYAkS OF 10 BLOOR treet. Wes wi X is} office over ty ury. & Loyeli's Dra Store (each . y, from 1 till o.m., for. consultation and treatment of diseases: of ear, nose and throat only. Appoififiments mav be made at drug store, Phone 97. Eye, "Eye, Ear, Nose ry L of. music, *%0 I 6. i {June 2-31) x IRE! R wa Collegiate an Public' Schools. Studied? Gib hh hs ARD phone 1984J. + DRE. F. ht fd DEE F RICHARDEON. OFFICE rug Store." Hours Rénings by Radio Service over 1 : o te 12 t t. intmen {opoimme Lg od * = Dental DR. ST PHILLIPS, OVER BAS- set's. attention to ra work. ; Gas nStraction. Nnrse a Son tenda 131 i 'Drug Store. e 54. Gas for eRraenon. DR. Li. UBBELL., bE Nitraw hin Bank Bids { residence. Phone sats, oo i ad aL dharied 500, 1 Phon: 'Certified Radiotrician, 2660. OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AV ies for sale, repdirs on elec- 'cessorive 'tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries charged. rental supplied. $1. Phone 8350J. Charles Wales, East. i May 8-1 mo) tested, 'batteries re- 146 Elgin cparged, 76c called for and de "ivered. Radio service, airials erect. ed. Platt. Phone 155684. (May 21-1 mo) 3 AIRED oy 'batteries re entals 25c., delivered. 2806 Geo. ' Burroughs. (May 17-1mo. x lo rents! $1.00. Repaired and Pr hi . 'Phone 1 7 Called for and delivered. service, Duan, Bligdon, 20 gi 19-1 mo) 5 HERBERT C. TRENEER, OR: anist 'and choir master of King] IAMOND RINGS, ire o Chu will afeapL Is & BH no, R and garage floors, sidewalks roadways, sand, sravel, clndany, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M. (May 29-1 mo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note new address, 451 Sim- coe South. G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENING--BSOCISSORS, KNIV- es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W, Woe call apd-deliver, 139 Celina St. E. Bottan. {Jube 9-1 mo) NE. (May 3181 mo) ST' CLA Phone 1234M. 8" Articles For Sele _ MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD Haba, $3.50 per load, Also bone 4 Phone 1288 (Apr. 26t1) FOR ALB --RBINTZMAN CO. Ltd., pianos, new And used planos, he *adtony ply % trl Phone arran; Ap 5 A 1666J. (113-11) FOR SALE --- PAINTS, A ishes. We have the largest assort-| ment of paints, varnishes, etc. in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 King street west. (Apr. 26 tI) SND GRLVEL, STONE, OCIN- ders, black loam. $1.50 per yard. For quality and service phone Es scry Bros. 332 r 11 (May 3-1) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oil stoves, coal stoves, bicycles, ete. 174 Ritson road south, (May 29-1 mo) TRY RITSON AUTO WRECKERS, at 12 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3475W. Residence 2183J. (May 30-1 mo) WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments. Terms from 60 cents per week, , O. HB Dell, agent for Peo- ples' Credit Jewelers, 264 Simcoe 'South, Oshawa. (May 31-1mo.) NEW AND SECOND HAND FUR- piture bought and sold. 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 mo) OR SALB--SOLID CEDAR CAN- oe matural wood. Good as new, Sacrifice $40. Apply Walter Oke, Ontario St.,, Bowmanville, (134c) ONE UKELBLE AND ONB GUT. tar for sale. 125 Bruce street. (1340) PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE, first class condition. Cheap for cash, 68 Montrave Aventis. 1350) C R SA UR- niture. abi. Phone. F438 W. (135¢) MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing and physical culture. 169 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 8 p.m. and on Saturdays from 1,30 p.m. For terms call or phone $74M at above hours. (May 21-1 mo) mT ey = Sh from ITS awn work, ia ve beaut mbrodary including chi ren's wear all on sale, 26% S i _GuTsoE, ass bx nger, painting und ning, Be right, work guaranteed. 840 Fine Ave. phon 3008 w OF | 67 east, painting, orating, sign writing. given on work. Phone ? 346 Ont, . "Spe househo 'stock ae nd 1 For Rent wood, Waterous Meek tne 3, | FOUR AND FIVE HOOMED MOL ern.suites including electric retrig: eration, stove, laundry, conveni- ences, etc.,, continu' s hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Ltd.,, manage: for owner, Toronto. (271) APARTMENT TO LET, CENT RAL All conveniences, hardwood - floors, ii Bradley Bros. (86t5) IT ~~ APARTM (CEN. Hay four rooms, bath." electric stove, newly decorated, ssardwood floors. Possession immediately, Apply Box 685 Times. (112tr) 70 RENT--ONB LARGE FRONT room, suitable for business man. Also: one small room, $2 per weet, 94 William Street cast, (May 23-1 mo) | OR RE R OR FI room apartments, AL conveniences. Phone 1503W. (1301) HOUSE OR FURNISHED ROOMS, 8 minutes walk from Motors' of- fice, for 'rent. Phone 28937, (133¢) #0! R RENT = $30.00 A MONTH, 487 Colboriie E. Apply Conant & Annis. (133¢c) HOUSE--FIVE ROOMS, TO LET in. Hampton, garage if Lraquised, moderate rent. Mrs, L. Jebson, phone 382 r 2 Bra (133e) TO RENT--4 ROOMBED. HOUSE All conveniences, Immediate pos- session. Apply 329 Division St. (133c) OASK LOMA APTS, OSHAWA, 161 King east, 5 rooms and bath. Immediate possession, Prices reas- onable. (133¢) $28 RENTS 5 ROOMED HOUSE ontDivisiou St. All conveniences, Decorhted, Phone 1947J, (133¢) TE $ med d House at 109 Albert 4 ory co Newly recondi- Const, Phone' mw, (134c) RENT FURNISHED BED- room: with all conveniences. Cen- trek Apply 79 MelMillan Drive. 2320W. (134¢) ed. All conveniences. Central. Reut reasonable. Apply 3% Bond St. E. (134b) HOUSE TO RENT--NO children. Phone 299W. Appl Gibbs St. i BATHROOM FLAT, N nished, gas and uso of Phone for light housekeeping, - Apply 294 Haig street. (134c¢) SIX ROOM "HOUSE, CENTRAL. Albert street, close to King, all ¢- 1veniences, reasonable rent, Im- mediate Possession. Phone 1400. (134¢c) VERY . NICH LARGE FRONT room, Suit one or two respectable gents.. Central, 26% Simcoe St. brick bungalow with garage. Phone 3438W. (135¢) eo | Classified Ads. | First tnsertion--1% a, per word. | Minimum charge eo. FASB ASMORLARS oumeeCy, Ly + Stor thr price. ol ol" (Thres ceaty s word). Minimom ri Ko a Box number 108 additions) I able terms, house. All conveniences, Garage and | booth on lake highway at street car stop, Reasonable Phone 2243J. (135¢) A 214 Church Street, Phone/ 2614. © © WANTED TO R LY furnished housekeeping rooms, re- quired in Christian home, near Gen- eral Motors, quite couple. Box 720 Times. (1358) NT For Sale or Rent TOR SALI OR RENT--REASON- seven room brick large garden, with trees, Simcoe St. North, Phone nV, (135b) "Real Estate For Sale t] cash payment, balance easy terms, busy house and nine acres, garden plot. Cloge to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes St. : (134¢) A Ferphill Blvd, off King street west. { (134e) $100 DOWN PAYMENT, BAL- ance as rent, takes 4.room brick bungalow on paved street, near Motors. Phone 2501W. ". (134c) 50 ACHE FARM FOR SALE. Small cash 'payment. Price $160¢ Houee for sale $20 cash and $20 a mdnth, House to exchange on a good lot. Apply Farrow & Morden, 9 Bond St. East. (136c) $650 EQUITY ON NEW MODERN five roomed brick bungalow, will sell for $250 or car. Phone 3444). 461 Jarvis St. Must sell: (135b) Motor Cars fIAVD YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 49 Bond St. 'West. Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor.boats ani general wood work, Phone W. Fry 8305. (May 23-1 fo) GBT YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street 'West. Phone 3198. All gars at one price $1.00. (May 15-1 mo,) Theronoid ALL SUFFERERS OF CHRONIC ailments should take advantage ot fhe special free 'reatments offered by ®heronoid of Oshawa, 1568 Wile lam St. East, Phone 269. (May 22:1 mo) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--THOROLGHLY = BX- perienced cook, references re- quired. 399 Simcoe St. North. (134c) WANTE EXP references required. Schell, 377 Simcoe St. 1ENCED Mrs, N. H. P. (134c) WANTED----MIDDLE AGED WO- man' as cook general. Phone 3194M, (135a) WANTED-- COOK, GENERAL phone 83, or apply 107 Simcoe street south, between 8 and 9 p.m. (135¢) Help' Wanted--Male xa Store. Experiefité unnccessary. Salary $50.00 per week, also substan- tial profits oi' sales. 'Must be able to furnish $750.00 to $125000 cash de- posit on merchandise, © 4083 St. Denis St. Montreal. (134¢) WANTED --MOTOR ECHANIC, Must be willing to wash cars, night work only. Apply Mr, Wilson, On- tario Motor Sales. (136a) SALESMAN WITH CAR, MUST have good connection with best class of people and be able to furnish® Bond. . Attractive selling proposition to Tight man, Box 723 Times. {13be) A Pl 1 $ hand, married or single. Must be able to milk, Hire by month or year. Apply Norman Gimblett, R. R. No. 3, Oshawa. (136a) L, A fl - al and surgical nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 505. (May 23-1mo,) CTI 8 A ity or general nursing. For infor mation phone 820W. (June 8-1 mo) yr WANTES CATTLE TOK 50%: [ mer paciure, Creek runniug through Balson's Farm, - Courtice. Apply Fr, A. VanGunten, Tooley"s Hill (1301) snd Boord family. Very central. Phone 1928). . {134c) evening--44 Bond KE. yee (1368) ACCOMNODAT] aa carrier, size 29500. Phone 00% -- - <= {136b) | demanded «the ON TN ot i the chan YOUNG HUNGARIAN MAN wants farm job, $20 a month. Phone 1654 r 13 or apply€s96 Al- (135¢) | WOMAN WA 5 minding children, by day or would collect for stores. City reference. Phone 2096. (133¢) EXPERIENCED to work on farm. Phone 3034W, N "496 Albert St. (1340) F R, A D boilers, married, steady, reliable, secks position, Box 721 "Times. (136c) Tenders Wanted ZENDERS FOR COAL WESTMOUNT SCHOOL Tenders will be veceived by the undersigned up. to Monday, June 16th, for supplying approximately 100 toms No, 1 Buckwheat Coal, same to be weighe" on city scales Weighing to be paid for py dealer. 8. V, YOUNG, Secretary, 8.8. No.' 10, East 'Whitby. (136¢) BENNETT DEFINES PARTY'S POLICY (Continutéd from Page 1) toirender it most readily available to every part of Canada; to the Pacific slope bv a Peace River outlet, and east and west by the development of the St. Lawrence waterways, and we pledge ourselves to aid existing traffic channels and to increase port facilities on the Great Lakes, Hud- son Bay, and the Atlantic and Paci- fic Oceans, and to the 'establishment of a national hivhway system. "6.--~We pledge ourselves to foster and support a plan for greater Em- pire trade, based on mutual advan- tage. "7.--~W, pledge ourselves to a na- tional old-age ~'nsions scheme. "8.--~We pledge ourselves to such compensation adjustment as will en- sure the benefit of the above policies to every part of Cénada." In emphatic terms, Mr. Bennett se- verely castigated a report that the identity of the Canadian National Railways might not be preserved if the Conservative Party were return- ed to power. Unequivocally the Oppo- sition chieftain' pledged his party to tha preservation of the Canadian Na- tional Railways. He went further, and asked that his resignation be foment any sign might' portend the breaking of his pledge, Condemnation of the fcal pol- fey of the King administration and a discussion of empire trade form- | ed a considerable portion of the Consarvative leader's address. He claimed the future of Canada rest- ed upon the wupbuilding dominion and there should be no treaty for empire trede ich did not properly safeguard th®agricul- tural, industrial and other workers of Canada, "Sound partnership Is founded on mutuality of interest, good busi- ness is predicated on reciprocal benefits," he asserted, "and this is the basis upon which Great Brit- ain desires to engage with Canada and the other. dominions in the matter of empire trade, What she wants is. what we want, broader areas of trade." Concern For Canada Mr. Bennett sald competent statesmen. would deal 'with the necessities of their own countries, "My business is to look, after the people of Cangda. My concern must always be for the unemployed in Canada nad not in Britain or anys where else." He questioned the action of the government in respect to British preference Shan ges effected in the regent budget.'He had great Lopes for the imperial eeomomic cohfers ence at Londbn in: September, but he demanded to know "what right had the governmey' to imperil by htis premature, unreasoned action, the success of 'that conference when our Canadian representatives met for negotiation with those from all parts of the empire." "Unless, as I say his is just aa empty jesture----and they claim it iz not--the government certainly has. not thought either of Canada or the empire, for a movement! such as this hysterically inspired by party exigencies, if not stopped in time, most assuredly will de- stroy our hope of empire trade." The Conservative chieftain regret: = ted that Canadians had been detri~ mentaly. affected by the fiscal 'policy of the administration, U. 8. The 'Copservati © leader eld up fo Canadians the example of the United States in the matter of the development. of natural resources,' 'and contended that unless Cana- dlatis ye content to be "economic assal they thust « © out to do what the : nited States*had accom- They. must fight for Can- re was mo place for the tet ot the ton, Bennett claimed that the King administration was particul- arly blame-worthy for falling to y | provide Siployment that would exp 'peaple in tha country and at. | teat? "others to it, and In this con nection maintained that the pop- ulation should be more than a mil- wor iF al d a gharter greater than dda is} Inbeatable it jt has 'the Conservatives prom. eit, said MT. Bennett, asking the]. dlénco . search the whole world over 'and tell hi c" a land that held greater promise, with ifs vest and fertile lands and Immense mineral and other resources, He of the) ET rR ' 'described' the King government as "a broken link', in the way that should pull Canada out of the "mire", TO BOOST CANADA AS HOLIDAY LAND Ottawa, June 10--The Dominion Government's official activities in promoting interest in Canada as a Tourists' interest is indicated in the decision to officially take part in the "Ideal Holidays Exhibition" to be held in the Royal Agricultural I=ll, London, England, from June 20 to July 3. The Canadian Govern- ment exhibition commission is erect ing a stand at this exhibition and will display stuffed specimens of Canadian game animals, birds and fish, In the Canadian stand will also be exhibited samples of sport goods manufactured in Canada and im- ported into Great Britain such as canoes, skates, hockey sticks, rub- ber footwear for use in athletic spodts, in hunting and in fishing. Typieal views of Canadian scenery calculated to make a direct appeal to holiday makers and sportsmen will decorate the walls of the stand. PRESBYTERIANS HAVE A DEFICIT June'10---A deficit of $62,734.12 was reported to the Presbyterian General Assembly yesterday by the treasurer, E, W. McNeill of Toronto. The objective set for the church budget was $600,- 000 but the Presbytery of Ottawa was the only one to reach its al- location, Expenditures were $592.- 433.75, while the revenue totalled $520,699.63. Heme missions ac- counted for over $217,000 and about $165,000 went to the work abroad. "As there is much beast and some devil in man, so is there some Angel and some God in him. The beast and the devil may be con- quered, but in this life never des- troyed.""--Coleridge. Here snd There] (538) . Taking turns while the engine was under a fuM head of steam, Engineer H. J. Storey and Fire- man A. Fulkerson, dumped the fire and entered the fire box of the engine to make running repairs of grates displaced from the grate Hamilton, he CAREW lUMBER (© 'A ATHOL ST W. OSHAWA "0 J Wanted car worth $500.00 in exchange for a good six roown fra.ae house, west part of the city. Buyer to assume mortgage of $1500.00. J. H. R. LUKE, Phone 871 or 687W JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 3215 COLEMANS LSaniace 85 BOND ST. WEST DURANT COUPE 1928 Model Price $450.00 Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 99 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH EATON GROCETERIA It Pays To Shop Here Always carrier on Canadian Pacific 570 at Hope, B.C., recently. They guile stand the intensé heat only a few migutes at a time, but they hn on their work and saved serious delay, bringing their train to destination within a few min- utés of scheduled time. They were each awarded 10 merit marks, the rallway's recognition of comspicu< ous merit. Forty-three years ago May 24 last, the first transcontinental ON SIMCOE NORTH For $6,600.00 -- Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath, gar- age, shrubbery, lawns etc. $1,600 down, balanced ar- ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone, Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 29 King East Vv. passenger train reached Vancou- Railway, leaving again next day. That was eleven months after the arrival of the first through pas- senger train at Port Moody, orig- inal terminus of the tramscontin- ental line. "Judging from present indica- tions, there is every reason to be- lieve that the tourist traffic from the United States and from other Canadian provinces to 'the Mari- times will reach .record propor- tions this season," says George S. Beer, recently * appointed district passenger agent for the Canadian Pacitic Railway at Saint John, Three important appointments In the freight traffic department of the Canadian Pacific Railway bave been announced by George Ste- phen, newly appointed vice-presi- Gent in charge of traffic. They are:--C. 'E.: Jefferson, assistant freight tralfic manager, Winnipeg, to be freight traffic. manager, Mont. real; H. W. Gillis, assistant freight traffic manager, eastern lines, to g0 to western lines in the same capacity; and Gerald Hiam, assist- ant general freight agent, Mont- real, to be assistant freight traffic manager, eastern lines. The ap- Seliitnents were effective from June 1. A ten day "all expense" tour of eastern kh Ctida; covering 2800 miles, and including a visit to the Toronto Exhibition, world's great. est annual fair, will be conducted fom the Maritimes by Professor H, L. ; Stewart, of Di Univer. ty, next. August... The tour "which will take in 'most of the ints and cities of interest in the ritory will be over the A) of the Canadian Pacific, Dominion Atlantic and Quebec: Central Rail. tae. and "by Cansda' Sanshipy $x of the Canadian Provinces, ova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quer Noe Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia, have ken Shvaviate of $ Farm Tan det of under hie Tone an long ; th Pepe ee FRE Canada leads In th in the amr Fur farming prod Ar print production. of the world: hydro Bi Ty avslopy develop. Dnt per eapia; its farueat nland - + mpi; verity ra 'world's largest' smelter of a ind alls BC: brah eee 1 largest oa ver over the Canadian Pacific 4f - i Boys' Broadcloth 68 King St. W. Wash Suits. Special 79¢) Dominion Clothing Co. Phone 2141 | | Kara SH Always Fresh at ' Superior Chain Stores. ~--Do not tose a Let me finance you--Addie tional Cash Given. G. Ri: 'Holden! MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14% King St. E

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