7" PAGE THIRTEEN ~~ meets 3 ¥ Seyi Disney Block. 'Phone Oshiwa. Phot CE CONANT 8 ANS, BARRISTERS i Public. Ete. Con. Ef Fr het G. D, Bde HS Rahat vu LO Solick Sto! stree! WE 25 " a A A Lined § Fuone 2% 3a eh nosi* Poot Office. Phoge 1614 FYRANK © THBS,--BARRISTE ete. 14 ger Bldg. Phone 2996 = IR KC. BANK C IST, coeetatist {n muscle anomalies, eyesight and glasses. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, Tbe Chilg and Its Development. Dis- ney Block opposite Post Office. Phone 1516. (May 15-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DUNEVAN AND SMITH, UNTAR- io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin. eers, sub-divisions, town planning. municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones or 2544. Ee Sy +8 _AVMAN. SARKISTER. No over Dewland's , 'Money to loan, 16 Simcoe 67: Resid Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST. East, Ambulance Residence, 542 Sim- Soe ie north, Phone 210J sad 10 Insurarce N IMPEREYS. BA OE ete. 24'4 Siricog Morey 19 to loan. Beinn B.A, BARRIS ary Ba and general 3% K'ng St re A. J PARKHILL, BARKISPER. y to:lcan. Alger Bids. op- R, Medical | DRSHBAZLEWOOD 7 HARPER, ~050." Ottice houps 9 a.m. to 8.30 p.m. Dr, B. J. Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr, B.-H. Har- per sspecial attention to children's Disel and gs and Obstetrics. , Sunday t calls *416 or 122. Surgebn, ir."ants and d residence. 97 Bond PAID, ARCHER. Rr and PR MCKAY. PHYSICIAN, SUR. ouchier. Office and resis Est. corner Victoria one 94. ANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN Obstetrician, ses of children. « Office and East. Phone 1155. R, M.D. CM. S. Edinburgh. Bi Ly room and Obstetrician, 142 Simcoe St. N. Phon ro Aer 20 Cadillac Ave, e 3020. 'North. Phone 3156. DR. C. Ww. RE, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician. Office and rasidence, 512 Simcoe CARE, vv street north. Phone 2415. DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Specialist Diseases: Domestic Anl- mals. King, DR. IW. D. FORSYTHE, specialize jameness, perience, 202 4 2, Cat .and dog hespital. 203 W. Tel. 629. _.. {June 2-1 mo) v/.S., 17 years' ex- Fees ,moderate. Phone (May. 12-1 mo) Ear; Nose, Throat 'Specialist Stree office: Store: . T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR West, Toronto. will be at his over Jury & Loveli's Diva each Saturday, from 1. till 4 o.m., for consultation and treatment of dig only." drug. store. ear, nose throat onsen of oars mav. be tina de at Phune 9%. . a bind 1 3 Ere Ear, e, Ear, Nose = R E. F. RICHAR bs Mitchell's- Drue 4:10:40. 12 am. 2 to 5. Evenings byl ap! tment. ¥ il M. north, over, M facheir's IN; OFFICE ote." Hours Di | poo "I DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. 19 King St. wzat, Oshawa, The old- Pitre Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies. WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consuls R. N. Johps, 80 Simcoe porth; Your {nsurasce 'wants at- Bast, § terded to ard your Interests oro: tected. H NE INSURA! automobile,' fire, accident. See Holden 97. "Shmeoo N. (May 8-1mo) aati ------ 'Transportation SONAL ob ARD FTORACA COLE man's, 85 Bond West. {aliste in furniture moviag, storige ware house and moving van equipment. Phone 82. CARTAGE, Mi MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cinders. Local and Jonu disiance hauling, Smith & Co Phone, 924, 10 Bond St. West. USHAWA'S OLDE» L ' ESTAB- lishe!l furn'ture movers. Park Road car ave. al and long distance. Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Ri South Phone 2 (May 19-1 mo) iT PAYS TO. MOVE--SUDBURY, Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Belle- ville, anywhere cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 295-1 mo) All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE -This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts of this nature. and collect for same. For thy convenience of customers who, find it inconvenient to eome personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT qe | Work Wanted on For Rent CONCRETE "WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel - ciiders. Chris Graham. Phoue 262IM. (May-29-1 mo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and furniture. A The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note new address, 4561 Stm- cove South. G. A, Constable. Phone 3432W. (May 13-1. mo) SHARPENING---SCISSORS, KNIV: es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phoue 421W. We call and deliver, 139 Celina St. E. Bottan, {June 9-1 mo) FIRST CLASS. LAUNDRY DONE; Phone 1234M. (May 31-1 mo) a, Po Articles For Sale SE er gutann ERR Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. 'Specialists in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Ver matent wave prices $6, $7.60, $10 and $15. All other (inex of Beauty flulture. Phcne 2908. Apply sb Simcoe street i.ortlh. EXPERT MARCELLING BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham- AND WATSUNS. BARBER Beauty Shop: 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize 'in otier hair cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 5 cents. For appointments phone 653. (May 16-1 mo) MARCEL AND CURL, Gc, ie. MRS. K. Clarke, 14% Agnes street. hone 26400 (May 20-1 m2) MISS BURTON OF THE LA Parisiene Beauty Parlour announ- ces the price of marcelling, b50e, Finger Waving 76¢, during the summer. months, Commiencihg from June first. Phone 71. % y.21-1 mo.) Music HERBERT C. TRENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street United Church wil accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal musie. : For particulars apply 50 Willian street east. Phone 2896. (Jupe 2-31) D RICHER, DIRECTOR Oshawa Collegiate and F3hools. Studic--47 Gibb St. (May 6-1 moj Radio Service L i Hg 'phone Office e 432] ES "Drug Store exiraction.. Phone 54. 2 King: St. E.} tention to gas gio Nurse in attend .| charged. A350). Charles W 'I.| coarged, 76¢ called LLL OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AU- cossories for sale, repairs on elec- and battery sets, tubes and 'tested, batteries re- rental supa plied. $1. Phcne es, 146 Elgin May 8-1 mo) 1s for and de 'livered. Radio service, airials erect- ed. Platt. Phone 1566J. He ata 21-1 mo) East. 0 A detrei Burroughs. ing | Ds De e Dell Shop, %% Rog owe Phone 1 1666. ae SPRELTX 437. |g id caer ; Bhone' 1R. GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA- MIXED HARD AND SOFT hob, slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone di body wood. Waterous Meek Dirmises Phone 1288 (Aor. 261) FOR SALB--HEINTZMAN CO. Ltd, pianos, new and used. planos, also radios, latest models; terme arranged. Apply C. Trull. Phone 1666J. (111-18) FOUR'AND FIVE 'HOOMED MOD. ern suites including 'electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, conven: erces, "Bic, ¥ continu' 's hot water supplied. Apply Supt. *phone 2671, or The Trustr und Guarantee Co. Lid., manage: for owner, Toronto. (270) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors Apply 'Bradley Bros, (3887) ERIGHT APARLMENT, OEN- tral, four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession immediately. Apply Box $556 Times, (1120) TO RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room," suitable for business man. Also one small room. $2 per week. 94 William street east. P AMay 28.1 mé) FOR. RENT-- FURNISHED OR unfurnished apartment and: bel- room, also garage. Apply 165 Rit- os, 12°00 RJ. South. (1291) R room apartments. All conveniences, Phone 1502W, (1301) | on Division St. For: Rent i; TO LET HOUSE~-~FIVE ROOMS, in Hampton, garage If required, moderate rent. Mrs. L. G. Jebson, phone 382 r 2, Bowmanville, (133¢) FOR RENT~TWO UNFURNISH- ed rooms, all conveniences, = $1%2. Phone 1033M. (133a) TO RENT--4 ROOMED HOUSE All conveniences. Immediate pos- session. Apply 329 Division St. (133¢) CASA LOMA APTS. OSHAWK, 161 King east, 5 rooms and bath. Immediate possession. Prices reas- onable. (133¢c) 328 RENTS b ROOMED HOUSE All conveniences. Decorated, Phone 1947J, (133¢) FLAT FOR RENT WITH KIT- chen downstairs. Private entrance, 10 per month, 96 Gibbon St. (133b) Ral gr For Sale SHACK FOR SALE, $350. FOREST Fernhill Blvd.,, off' King Street West. LL NBW 7 ROOMS BUNGALOW Fol sale. Would take good car as part payment. Apply "644 Somerville Ave. (1304) $LAKE SHORE LOTS FOR SALE at Oshawa, 34 x 160, 'Ideal loca tion. Price $12 per ft. Apply Box 718 Times, (130d) FOR BALE--TWENTY ROOM HO- tel in Trenton. Price seven thous- and, Easy terms. Apply to Weaver, Jackman & Co., Trenton, Box 964. (183b) For Sale or Exchange FOR DALE OR EXCHANGE--SIX room house for smaller house out- side city. Apply 44 McLaughlin Biyd. (131c) ONE OF THE BEST 100 ACRE farms in Durham County for sale Clean, rich, productive soil. New bank hip roof barns, Brick house. Orch rd and creek. Will exchange on Oshawa property, See Holden 92 Simcoe N. (132b) 3 Motor Cars FAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 49 Oond St. West Body and fender work done at shortest. notice, also repairs to motor boats anc general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3395. (May 23-1 mo) GET YOUR CAR WASHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West. Phone 3198. price $1.00. (May 15-1 mo.) FOR SALE --~ PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have the largest assort- ment of paints, varnishes, etc. in in the city. The Paiut Stope, $0 in west. (Apr, tt) ND, GRELVELy STONE, Cin ders, black loam. $1.50 per yard. For quality antl service phone Es- scry Bros. 332 r 11. (May 3-tf) ALL KINDS OF USED FURNI- ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oll stoves, coal stover, bicycles, ete. 174 Ritson road south. (May 29-1 mo) TRY RITSON AUTU WRECKEKS, at i2 Atlol street west, for your auto parts and tires. Phone 3475W, Residence 2183J. (May 30-1 mo) TWO FURNISHED BEDROOMS to rent; with garage. 137 Simcoe St. Worth. Phone 1236W. (131c) AT. LAKE ---- REFRESHMENT booth to rent; alse" eottage with sun porch furnished or unfurnish- ed. Apply Mrs. Dickie, Bathing Pavilion, Lake, (131c) FINE APARTMENT TO LET, LO- cation, central,' 'rent reasonable. Phone 589. €131c) ROOMS FOR ~ RENT--$2 PER week and up.- Newly decorated rooms for housekeeping, Also nice front parlor. 262 Bruce St. (132¢) 0 J NISHED R for rent. Apply 105 Frederick St., or ph 2843W. (132b) DIAMOND . RINGS, WATCHES, all kinds of jewelry on easy pay- ments. Teems from 60 cents per week. | 0,"H, Dell, agent for Peo- ples' Credit. Jewelers, 264 Simcoe South, Oshawa. . , (May 31-1 mo.) NEW AND § D HAND FUR- niture bought and scld. 156 Bloor St. BE. Phone 1617M. (June 4-1 mo) FOR SALE -- PORCH COUCH Swing: Phone 1201W. (132¢) Dancing MADAME HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing-ana physical cultures 169 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m. and on Saturdays from 1.30 p.m.eFoR terms call or.phone 874M at above hours. (May 21-1 mo) Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS = PORCH awni verandah curtains, canopy tops installed. T. Taylor, Teronto. Oshawa phone 1053. (Apr, 10-tf.) A NIN URTA | kinds, of canvas goods, Cone plete camp equipment for. rent. Fox ne, 2% .. 6, a Aa r-B a 30-1 mo) TO RENT--SIX OR BIGHT ROOM brick houses, morth end, modern, low rent. Apply 84 Alice Street. Thone 2091. | (132¢) FOR RH L FRAME house. 374 Mitchel! Avenue. All conveniences. 'Apply to Conant & Annis, Oshaws, Ont. (S-W-tf) | FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISH. ed rooms, all conveniences, suit business men, very quiet, 183 Ar- thur street. Phone 181, (132¢) HOUSE TO RENT--4 MILES BAST of Oshawa, garden and electric, Phone. 1156M, (132b) eS M HOUSE William, street -- Free rent to July 3. 'Phone 185, (1322) HOUSE OR FURNISHED ROOMS, 3 minutes walk from Motors' of- fice, for rent. = Phone 28937. (138e) NICELY FURNI HEBD = HOUSE- keeping rooms, required in Chris. tian home, near 'Géderal: Motors, | quiet couple, Box 720 Times. ere (133a) T -- $30.00 A MONTH. 337 Colborne E. Apply uk Annis, (133¢c) coe N (T-¥-8 tf) "Painting and Decorating | perhanger,, painting und graining. Prices r Sieh wore guaranteed. 340 Plas Ave, phone 3066 or Avelw: MO) 7341) Fs Fs 0 , sig. Ww) on vor hi : ly i; Auctioneer A PHONE © i Sie es Sahdrha Aan: 136 IA (June Age rg Wanted wou LOAN WANTED ON GOOD ig Silent security. Boy ply Box 19 Times, (A tosertion--11 cents ber word, Minimum charge 80c. Each subsequent consecu- tive - insertion lo per word. Three consecutive immer. tions fo! hy Jette of of two tir (three cents' a ag Minimum charge AF three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 10¢ additions! Professional of Business Cards, $3.50 per. Month for 20 words orsless; 10. detits a word per Bb for wll; wdditional word... isch nko as Ask for Cuitried Ad FOR SALE-- 1929 Coach. Al shape. Apply 244 Burke St. (132h; Theronoid ALL SUFFERERS OF CHRONIC nfimeuts should také advantage of the special free 'reatments offered by Sheronoid of Oshawa, 156 Wil- liam St. East. Phone 269 (May 22-1 mo) Help Wanted--Female WANTED AT ONCE--EXPERT | enced general to help with house. work. Phone or write Mrs. Blake Short, Bowmanville (132a) GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework and to help care for childs. Apply Mrs, Alloway, 478 Simcoe north, Phone 1264, (133¢Y Help Wanted--Male WE WILL PAY UPWARDS OF $20.00 a week to a good mah at present employed who will give two -or three hours each evening helping in a special sales campaign for well known organization, This is not a door to door canvass, Pros- pects are supplied. Send replies to Box 712, Oshawa Times. STORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa--$50.00 weekly and share of profits, Experience unnecessary. Applicant must be able to furnish $750.00 'to $1,250.00 cash deposit on merchandise. 4083 Denis St. Mon- treal. (128-129-133) Salesmen Wanted THE TREMCO MANUFACTURING Company (Canada) Limited, one of the most progressive Companies in Canada, can use a high grade sales. man in Eastern Ontario and adjoin- ing territory. Only men whose re- cords will bear thorough investi- gation are invited to reply, A per- manent connection with an unlimie- ed opportunity for -advancemen and earnings commesurate wit ability are offered to a man of prov~ en ability, Strict confidence will be obsérved. Interview W.-H, Reid; Commercial Hotel, Oshawa, Mon- day June 9th, Male or Female EARN UPWARDS OF $25 WHEK~ ly growing mushrooms for us, Ils lustrated blooklet for stamp. Can- adian 'Mushroom Company, Toron- to 10 ; ( 1338) MEDICAL, MATERNITY, MBENT- al and surgical Shising, Feasonable Phone Whitby 6 % May 23-106.) RA! SE, A ity A Sona] nursing. For infor. mation phone 320W. i - ~Prnd "Live Stock. WANTE wer | pasture, Creek through Balson's Farm, Ab F." A, VanGunten, Hill ri Ci ____ For Exchange FOR EXCHANGH--TWIN CYLIN- 'der Harley Davidson 1928 model and side car, for car in_good con- dition. 480 Montrave Avenue. . (133a) become "a military torture, a thing Ontario.' All cars dt one: ".PONTHEAC |: (130e), (June 3-1 mo) |" LE. FOR _ 8! Py YOUNG HUNGARIAN MAN wants farm job $20 a month, Phone 16569 r 13, or apply 496 Al- bert | street, (133b) Summer Cottages NEWCASTLE LAKEFRONT, -- 14 miles east. Bungalow, sale or rent, something different, private, reserv- ed, large lake frontage, F. Wood. (133a) Baby Chicks BABY CHICKS -- FROM HIGH class breeding pens, backed by males from dams o' 2235 egg wrec- crd, Immediate shipment, Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, $17 par hundred; White Leghorns, $16. 100 per cent. live arrival guaran- teed. Modern Hatchery, $205 Dan- forth Ave., Toronto. (June 4-1 mo) i PETTING MENACE ALARMS THE 500 Parks. Sealed at Night as Social Organizations Combat Situation Sault Ste. Marie, Ont, June 7.-- 80 _serjous has the pettig situation become in the Soo that social orga- nigations, individuals and physi- clans are taking the matter up vig- orously in an endeavor to eliminaie the parking of cars on country and other roads. Recently it-was found that cars were being parked witnue out lights at the North Street sports field, a city institution, and paa- locks were placed on the gates, Now the petters have gone to the Kiwan- is playgrounds, which will also be sealed at night from now on, The medical problem of dealing with the unfortunates who get 1u< to trouble through lax morals, is bound to continue, says Dr, Neison Graham of the Provincial laboras tory, until society realizesobsmfwy tory, unt society makes an effort to realize its duty. The prevalence of preventable disease is only a symptom of a condition which can be cured, he thinks, only through the teaching of morality and the removal of temptation. The doctor advanced the opinron that the real reason .for much os the trouble lies in the lack of home social opportunities, "If the mothers of families would only give the status of their maids the consideration it deserves ana make reasonable arrangemonts for these 'to enjoy-Rome-life with its protection, we would see much less of the deplorable consequences of night car driving," said 'the doctor. TRAIN PASSENGERS ROBBED BY BANDIT Lone Robber ¢ Secures Ap- proximately. $9,000 in Jewels and Cash Los Angeles, June 7--Three pas- semrgers aboard the crack Santa Fe passenger train, ¥The Chief," ware robbed hy a lone bandit of approx- imately $9,000 in cash and jewels soon after the. train left here for the east. The robbery was daringly execut- ed and railroad detectives said it apparently had been planned in aa- wance; The -bandit's.actvities cun- formed precisely, with the- train's schedule, which enabled him to es- Mission 'Tower, just outside the city limits, "The Chief," bound for Chicago, numbered | apiong its passengers several prominent film stars and business executives, The bandit apparently had hidden in a vacant compartment until ar- ter the train pulled out," when he entered the section occupied by Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hillman of Los Angeles and took from Mrs, Hillman, the former Marion Nixon, film actréss, jewellery valued at $7,500 and Ji from her husband, Hg then 1 d"the Hillmang in the com rtm nk k Lehmat,: 'a Detroit busts ness man, surrendered $175, Leh- man gave the alarm after the ban- dit dropped from the train, ' The robbery occupied only three min- utes. The bandit, who was described as a young man, wore a blue bandanna handkerchief over. iis ace. over his face, HARROW "MUTINY: Protesting Against Two Military Parades ! Weekly s nn London, June 7.--Dr. Cyril Nor- wood, head r'of Harrow, had hot returned very long trom hie embers of Hui. Mraining Corps: ch is compulsory manger against two parad y on the ground that this a dh Ye many. The patition. stated' the corps used to membership petitioned be regarded' 'as. an necessary for discipline, but hae cape as the train slowed down at, GREETS NORWOOD: 'Boys anadian trip before he found him. soft Jealthe with a "mutiny." ¥ instrument |' to e dreaded' 'ana avoided and 'bow universally' condemned." Having sent: this petition the boys are now a bit quaky, especial ly as they overlooked the recogniz- ed procedure of first presenting any grievance to the monitors, Dr. Norwood, it seems, hides a chuckle behind any grimness he may possib- ly assume when he comes to serious discussion, for he does not disguise his amusement at the flamboyant terms of the petition, The head- master will hand the matter over for first consideration to the mon» itors who will discover the ring- leaders and ask them why they ig- nored the correct method of venti- lation, Afterwards the head mas- ter will likely take a hand, but un- der the circumstances it will un- likely be a heavy one. ALLEGED SWINDLER CAUGHT IN BOSTON Fraudulent Schemes Esti. mated To Have Netted Him $1,000,000 Boston, Juhe 7--Terminating a nation-wide search by Federal auth- orities, Nathaniel H. Wheeler, ad- dress unknown, allegedly involved in fraudulent schemes which may total a million dollars, wag placed under arrest at the Copley Plaza here. ' Shortly after ehis arrest accom- plished by United States Marshals John J, Harvey and Christopher Ghiloni, Wheeler was arraigned be- fore 1.8. Commissioner Edwin C. Jenney on a fugitive warrant charg- ing him with using the mails to de- fraud. The arrest was made as the result of an indictment return- ed recently at Baltimore, Md. Wheeler was charged specifically with having induced Mrs. Hattie E. Thompson of Baltimore to enter into a contract with him for invest- ment of $30,000 at the rate of 30 cents per-share. . Of this sum, it was alleged $14,600. had changed hands. He had previously been in- dicted on a charge of obtaining $860 from Mrs. Jessie Burnham of Petersburg, N.Y. In addition to these two indict- ments, Federal agents asserted Wheeler had defrauded wealthy women from coast to coast. Other swindles in which Wheeler is alleged to have been implicated were made by Federal authorities as follows: : Mrs. Maude E. Bricknell, Miami, land, O., $60,000; Batrice New- man Galcago, $16,000; Wilson and Co., Marshall, New York $10,000; E. S Johnson, Duluth, Minn, $6000; W. H. Peterson, Laconia, Minn, $4,830; Charles Perry, Chicago, $4,000; Charles Sincere Company, Chicago, $1,700; Mrs. Grace Mat- hews, Syracuse, N.Y.,.$1,600, and James Mundeen, Chicago, $1,200. Pleading not guilty at his ar- raignment in Federal Court here, Wheeler was ordered held in bonds of $25,000 for hearing on June 10: In describing thé methods assert- edly used by Wheeler, Government investigators said he had operated through a matrimoniai medium known as the "Doris L, Dawn Club of Cleveland." As a lure, they alleged, he would advertise himself in the following manner: "Handsome young" gentieman, aged 40, very refined and dis- tinguished looking, lover of music, art, literature, outdoor sports, and worth considerably over a million, with' California property desires to meet a lady 'of similar qualifica- tions." After receiving replies to his ad- vertisement, according to Federal authorities, Wheeler would proceed to make love to his prospective vie- tims through the mails, later selling them shares in the "Narmil Divide Gold Mines," on the promise the re- { turn profits would be on a' five-to- one ratie, "Do you 'ever agree with your wite?" #1 did once when our house was burned down and we both tried to get out first at the door!" Wanted car worth $500.00 in exchange for a good six roou fra.ae house, west paft of the city. Buyer to assume mortgage of $1500.00. J. H. BR. LUKE, Phone 871 or 68%W JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 38215 EE | EATON \ GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always |! cp eme ome a ON SIMCOE NORTH For $6,500.00 -- Real home, brick, 7 rooms and bath; gar- age, shrubbery, lawns etc. $1,500 down, balanced ar- ranged, The good ones are nearly all gone. Why not ask about this? DISNEY, 29 King East BE Bddtt T9c| . Dominion Clothing Co. » W. Phone 2141 i New Seven Room House Corner. of Richmond and Cadillac, selling at cost, It is real home and a real bar- ain. Phone 2354 | Drink Deliciom Kara Coffee Superior Chain Stores N. B. GOVERNMENT TO ' CONTEST ALL SEATS Saint John, N.B., June 7.--With nomination proceedings in a com- vention for Gloucester County, held at Charaquet, the Government par- ty has compiled its list of candi- dates for the provineial election of June 19, The convention chose Dr. W. H. Coftyn, of Bathrust, Josep Dumas, of Grand Ause, Theophile Haohey, of West Bathu =t and Albert Robichaud, of Lameue, The Government has now 48 'men in the field fof 48.seats.. The Op- position' has named 42.and has three more conventions to hold. Al #0, there are two Independents out for elections. Premier Baxter was il ad Eo A. tional Cash Given. one of the speakers at the GI ter convention, © "I don't seem 10 know you. Does your father work on my estate?' "Yes, sin," "And what does he do?" "Poaches, sir" Pontiac Coach Lumber Co. 74 Athal St. W. Oshawa "hones iti a