cit PAGE NINE: THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1930 - The amethyst was known as the "maid" e," promising a 3 ROMANCE "OF Th sleep an op He dreams.' A love- ly legend tells how the god Bac: us 'was angry and said the first reson: he met would be devoured -- Ase Mot Popular _ Form of Jewellery ide there any plece of Jewelry by tigers to. avenge his wrongs. The luckless person happened iu fifore- generally, worn. .and whose possession causes more joy than a cn be , Am: Bt Ho her way to the shrine of en the beasts sprang upon gn Diana changed her ato o Bure white stone. Bacchus, Roussel - 1y' The tact, that & single American dactory to fill an order for a chain of stores, turned out two Gant, poured the juice of the pi over the maiden's petrified remains which took on the purple tones 'of the stone known to us, The bloodstone was supposed to render its wearer so wise he would gain great respect and considera- million rings to be sold at ten cents Hom and be able to detect deceit 4ndicates' that the ring pas-|°8sily. = Abiege indicates close to the Jas For the April born the sapphire sion for food, How many millions | 9% well 'ag the diamond' may be 'are turned out annuallly to sell | Worn. The sapphire promised its from -a dollar to what have you, 'dre statistics of the trade which I ,.4¢ not happen to have, But in one eastern manufacturing centre the otal value of the annual ring out- five million dollars and keeps ot some two thousand em- wearer holiness and peace. The diamond has to be acquired through "Dloyed HP origin of the ring many iden are told. Pliny relates the a gift to fulfil its mission ot bring- +X great luck. The emerald promises hadpinis in love. Also it was credited with being a memory strengthenery Greek fable of the origin of the ring, | For his impious daring in stealing fire from heaven for mor- tal 'man, 'Prometheus had been doomed by Jupiter to be chained The agate promised the favor of the immortal gods in whatever mis- for 30,000 years to a rock in the Causeasus while a vulture fed up- ou parion TEAM. 4 ! In the list of those. entered. for the Canadian marathon champion. ship to be run in conjunctioh with dhe big track meet at Varsity, Tow 'ronto, appear the names of Frank and Alf, Roberts of the Monarch AL, They are father and son, The father, well over the-40 year mark, started running to encourage the boy. and now is good enough © {to always finish up with the first twemiy. The boy usually leads pop home but he has to run for it, sion was undertaken. Power is the talismaniec quality of the ruby. Some of the oldest betrothal rings were set with ru- bies. They were the favorite stones for love tokens, The cornelian drives away fear, It brings success in courtship. Also ,on his-liver. Before long, however, |it Prevents harm to purse or per: Jupiter relented and liberated Pro- metheus. But in order to avoid a violation of the original judgment it was ordered that the Titan should wear a link of his chain on one of hs fingers a8 & ring and In- this'ring was set a fragment of the rock to wheh he been. chained, sen. Chrysolite promises its' wearer a rth be regarded gay heart with power to attract snd perfect freedom from mental disorders. The beryl promises good under+ standing, repressing vain desires and evil temptations; a prolonged youth and a full life. The aqua- marine is also conceded to be an October stone and its power is read- ing other people's thoughts, The topaz brings money and friends, '"Adorned with & topaz a man can gain the heart of any wo- man, and any woman can gain the heart of any man." A turquoise wearer will always have friends and be generousvbgw have friends and be prosperous. Tegends About the Settings As for the settings of rings the ancients called gold the metal of the sun, Silver was called the met- al of the moon. Platinum, says the modern jewelers, must then be the metal of heaven, because of its dur- ability and. purity. Dr, George Frederic. Kunz, noted authorty on gems, says: "Surely platinum, the metal of heaven is a most appropriate material for the wedding ring. And as gold has al- ways been termed the metal of man, so platinum, the metal of heaven, might be dedicated to wo- man, the fairest gift of heaven, and an alliance' ring 'made of these two metals' would be an ideal matri- monial ring." NOTED 'CHUTER DIES, WHEN PLANE CRASHES (By Canadian Press) Roosevelt Field, N.Y., June 6. Henry J: (Buddy) Bush ,/ Pros fessional parachute jumper, paid with hig life yesterday for going ug in a plane without a parachute. He died from injuries suffered when the plane in which he and Clifford Michmore, pilot, fell 1,- 500 feet. Muchmore is expected to recov. er, Bushmeyer has made more than 500 parachute jumps. He recently broadcast a description of his sen- autopsy. for her, WOULD FOR CITY | ol of A } it Through all the lore pértaining to rings there runs the symbol of being bound. or attached to some object or ideal. aternity. rings are connected h a certain amount of sentiment or superstition concerning their amblematic value. There are Ma: sonic rings, and rings for the order of Elks, and rings for the Knights of Columbus, and the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, and the Order bf Moose, the Odd Fellows and so on, with designs symbolic of the Order. School fraternities or' sororities have their emblematic rings. Ring sentiment reaches its high 'peak ifi the purchase of the soli- «aire for. the third 'left finger. of the adored one, What the annual output of energy .to achieve the fa. ;vor the faig ones with such pur- .chases is, we have no statistics to prove, but it must be an extreme- Ay beayy one, And + ger plact: 'the vein Proposal Deputy Reeve Linden Scarbore', June 4--At a 'specia meeting of the Scarboro' Town ship today, Deputy Reeve John Lin den gave notice that at the nex electors on Jam 1 next on the ques of the township known as the Wate Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Linden stated that he intend Birthstone List king of that third fin- tory, the custom of so 'the ring owes, its origin to that a special merve or directly from this finger 'to the hs That's the sentimen- wial theory, The more practical conjecture is that in the church service it was usual for the priest ito touch three fingers successively to the. ring while saying, "In the "née of the Father, of the Son, and of fhe Holy Ghost" and then fo place it upon the last finger touched. The ring lore that appears to meet with wide public interest concerns gem settings that are supposed to be under the guardian- ship of the signs of the zodiac, these are the natal stones, promis- ing good fortune to the wearer, At any rate, there is a more: personal tion, some solution{must be fi stated, i BRITISH TO CONFER '(By Canadian Press) 1 hall on June 17, COMPLETE TRAFFIC ARRANGEMENTS FOR wich is in charge of-thé fnquiry and Miss McHugh had been missing from home sinea April 21 and an international search had been maae IN" SCARBORD, Advanced by meeting he would put forward a resolution galling for a vote of the tion of incorporating that portion Area as a separate gity, and also on the question, of abolishing the ed making these two questions an issue at the next municipal election. "With our taxes soaring around the 100 mills in more than one see from an economic standpoint," he ON UNEMPLOYMENT don, 'June 6,--An important conference on unemployment be- tween representatives of the gov ernment and members of the local authorities is to be held at Guild- likely that a large contingent from the Oshawa Branch of the Legion will attend. ROFARIANS PEAN TO GIVE AWAY "GHEVROLET-CAR -- to be Held--Car to Run 24 Hours 1 As was the case last year, an au- "| tomobile is te be given away in | connection with the Rotary Fair | which is to be held on June 18 and 19 in aid of crippled children's work. This year, however, winning of the automobile will not be a matter of chance, but will be a test of skill in. estimating the mileage which the car will run in 44 hours. The car a 1930 model Chevrolet Coach, will be on~the streets on Monday next, so that the citizens willl have the nnnpe. tunity of seeing it, This being supplied throuch 4he Ouiariv Motor, Scles, Limited. #The plan which has been made for testing the mileage of the car 188s follows: The car will be plac- ~45n A tent at Rotary Park at 10 p.m. on June 18. r Mitchell cf Oshawa, man of Whitby, Mayor gine will be set in operation. The car will be placed on blocks and will be allowed to run for exactly 24 hours. glock on the evening of June 19, will be in full swing. Miléage Estimating Contest the car Is The speedometer will be sealed officially by Mayor Bow- and Mayor El lott of Bowmanville, and the en- This period will be tim- od 80 as to terminate about nine o'- when the Rotary Fair second night The speedo- meter seals will then be broken and Tickets are now being sold giving admission to the Rotary Fair, and also giving the purchaser the pri- vilege of making an estimate on the mileagd run by the car. These tickets are being gold at 25 cents each, and each ticket is good for one estimate, Members of the Ro- tary Club and their friends are sell, ing these tickets, and already the idea 'has caught om, and there is a tremendous demand for them. This Auto Contest ig only one of the. many features of the Rotary Fair, which is being arranged. on the most pretentious. lines yet at- tempted by the club, and which will be the outstanding entertainment event of the summer season, WHITBY'S REEVE DEFENDS ACTION ON ROAD LEVIES Tells County Council Town Had Right Under Act to Seek Exemption The action of the Town of Whithy in seeking to be exempted from pay- ment of county road levies on the ground that the town is more or less remote from County 'roads and de- rives no 'benefit therefrom was strong! defended in County Council on Thursday morning by Reeve Al- bert W, Jackson, when Reeve Adam Dobson; of Cannington, and 'Reeve Middleton, of Pickering, questioned Whitby's right to send. a deputation to the Minister of Highways asking 'him to declare that the town was entitled to said exemption. Reeve Dobson contended that Whitby should pay its share 'of the county road expenditures and had 'no right to ask the "minister for privi- leges to which it was not entitled. He contended further that Whitby received much direct benefit from having the county buildings located within "its boundaries. Reeve Middleton expressed similar sentments holdng that Whtby was receiving direct benefit from county and. county-provincial roads and should pay its 'share of the cost of maintaining these. Reeve Jackson, Whitby, stated that while the Minister of Highways was not likely to grant Whtby's request, the town had a perfect right to send the deputation to Toronto. The town, had a perfect right to send the de- putation to Toronto, The town, he he pointed out, was heavily burd- ened with taxation, and had 40 miles of streets in the municipality to maintain. Mr. Jackson stated that Whitby did not actually benefit from the county road system on account its remoteness trom the nearest roads included therein, and should not therefore be called upon to pay a large portion of the county road levies, So far as the county build- ing were concerned, Mr. Jackson sta- ted that the town did mot benefit from them to "any large extent, re- ceiving no taxes other than local im- provement rates. Later on, when a report of the Property Committee was presented bv Chairman 'Adam Dobson, Reeve Jackson, Whitby, questioned an item for some thirty dollars for office sup- plies: which appeared not to have been authorized by the Committee. the @xact mileage of the car re- It transpired that the item in ques- "Skinny! | Gained 11 Lbs. in 8 Weeks and Boy Friend" "After trying sever- al tonics tried Ironized Yeast. In 8 weeks gained 11. Ibs, new complexion, round limbs ; best of alla boy friend."--S. M, Salino. 'Men and women are amazed at gain of 5 to 15 lbs. in.3 weeks. Ugly hollows vanish. Bony limbs round out, Sallow, blemished skin gets clear and rosy like magic. Nervous- ness, indigestion, constipation disap- pear overnight. Sound sleep. New pep from very first day. Two great, tonics in one--specia! weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets, Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast, Results in, %2 time... No yeasty taste, no gas. Don't go round.' "skinny," als. un- attractive. Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomor- row. Money back from manufac~ tarer if not delighted with results, tion was for supplies ordered last July by the County Registrar. Reeve Jackson contended that mo official of the county had a right to purchase supplies 'without authority, unless it was for some small amount. Reeve Dobson replied 'that the county officials were. hanest and would not order anything which they did not require, Reeve Jackson strongly objected to the insinuation that he was imputing county officials with dishonesty and asked that "¥, Dobson's' remarks be withdrawn. Reeve Dobson stated that if Mr Jackson felt that there had been an insinuation against him he was will- ing to withdraw his remarks. The Council, on motion of Deputy reeve Moore of Pickering, passed a resolution that no officials of the County be allowed to purchase goods at a value of over $10 without the authority of the chairman of the Pro- perty Committee. HUST PAY: DAMA FOR AUTO ACCIDENT) & Action Brought by Ross Bertram Decided at Supreme Court Action brought by Ross Ber- tram against Everett Hoar, trans- port agent, Bowmanville and his sister, Ethel Hoar for damages said to have been sufferéd by Bertram and his infant daughter Nettie, as the result of the negligence of Eth- el Hoar, who was driving the gar of her brother, was decided in fa- four of Bertram by giving him judgment for his damages as asked in his pleadings at the civil assizes of the Supreme. Court. Whitby, Action arose out of an automo- bile accident on the Kingston High. way near Waverly Inn, on Novem- ber 16th, last, in which the car of the plaintiff was almost totally destroyed and the plaintiff's daugh- ter was severely shocked. The driver of the Hoar car coun- ter-claimed for damages as a re- sult of facial injuries and mervous shock. In giving judgment for the plaintiff and dismissing the defen- dant's dounter-claim; His Lordship Mr, Juetice Logie, found the dam- ages asked were more. reasonable and remarked to Mr. Harris, the counsel" for the plaintiffs that. if the writ had been issued in Toron- to, probably $25,000 would have been asked for injuries to the girl, which under the circumstances, would have been absurd. His Lordship found that al- though the automobile was operat- ed by the sister of the owner of the car that the owner was neverthe- less liable because his sister was in posgession of the car as his serv- ant to drive the owner's wife to Oshawa to obtain provisions for the family, nad in 1 minute, A EE CHURCHES ARRANGE SERVICE ON BLUFFS Scarboro Choirs and Sundey Schools Worship Outdoors Scarboro' June 5--Next Sunday which is being set apart to com memorate_the 19th anniversary ol the founding of - the Christiay Church, Anglican churches of Sca boro' will observe the first Penta cost in a unique manner, Asse bling at Stop 14, Kingston Road, 2 pm, the combined choirs a Sunday schools of St. Nichola Birch Cliff, St. Crispin's Sando Park, Church of the Epipha Secarboro' Junction; St. Paul's Ag court; 'St, Phillips Unionyille, a St. Jude's Scarboro', will form procession to the top of the Scag boro' Bluffs, where a devotional service will be held in 'Nature's Cathedral." The procession will be headed by the Danforth Brass Band, and the grand old hymns of the Church will be sung along the pie- turesque route to the cliffs. The services wil be in charge of Rev. T, W. Barnett, Th.B., of Birch Cliff, and the special speakers will ifi= clude Rev. J. J. Robbins of Union ville, Rev. E. G. Robinson of Pic« kering, and Rev. Henry Rochsy M.A., of St. Crispin's Church. DO MEN GOSSIP? (Siren . ) Girl at game (watching huddle on the field): "There, they're at jt again! I do hope Bill won't repeat that story I told him last night." ys are plemiful. be deceived thing claimed to be "just the same" "just like" ir. luce] is Ovaliine. only one food alti. Ho & wide popularity. Itis recommended HERES good advice! Have delicious Ovaltine for your daily beverage. It is a taste of the open country --a concentration of sun-ripened barley, creamy milk, and fresh ar delicately flavoured with cocoa, and with all the present. vitamins It is a scientifically correct food in beverage form ~--wonderfully nourishing and easily digested. You will find Ovaltine an ideal meal-time and between meals drink. Made in a twinkling fountains downtown. Do net by some- or by doe the at home----and at soda CALI BUILDS UP BRAIN. NERVE AND BODY At all good stores size $4.50 tins i io 30c, 73¢c, $1.25 and special family. also secved hot or cold at soda fountaine, sations while dtdcending from a touch about the jewel that lore has 10,000 foot jump. attached to the month of our birth, The accepted. birthstone for each month has undergone some changes since its inception with the ancient astronomers. . Today the list is as follows: -- January, garnet; February, ame- one; April, diame 'emerald; June, ag: Jaly, ruby; - August, corneli- rd September, chrysolite; October, beryl; November, topaz; December, turquoise. "4 Perhaps a bit: of Superstition. connected with each stone may be of interest. The. garnet, like all 'velldish stones, was supposed to ex- . ®reise a. calming influetice. It "ould protect and preserve honor health and be. a safeguard ainst the perils of travel ! SHRINE GATHERING Oshawa Dealers Asked Tol Co-operate in Early De- livery of Goods The Times was informed this morning that the 'final arrange- ments. for the Shriner's Convention which is to be held in Toronto next week have been completed, ~De- tective Sergeant Flintoff was in-at- tendance yesterday at the meeting in Toronto of the Police executives of the municipalities around the city, and gave out some valuable information with regard to the eon. trol of the traffic in this distriet, It is especidNy requested that all métorists refrain from parking on King street in this city during the days that the convention is in progress. Truck drivers should make every effort to make ther de- Liveries th business houses on King ., before 9 o'clock in the morning, oe trucks which are making de- livery in the city of Toronto are requested to make such deliveries between the hours of two am. ana nine a.m; After the hour of nine no trucks will he allowed fn the downtown parts of the city.. Trucks that are en route to places on' the .| other side of Toronto are asked to use the Dundas Highway to pass through the city. The residents of Oshawa are ask- ed to keep a sharp watch for sus- picious eHaracters and call the po- lice on: all occasions of suspicion. It is expected that there may he a |W | number of crooks follow the Shrin- ; ers and represent themselves' as Shrin In all probability these fl | men will spend the night outside of : | Toronto in the towns and villages, <| In order to check tp on these chars acters, the householders of the city {| are asked to communicate with the police whenever their suspicions are aroused by persons during the || Shriners' conventjon. ne 'problems. This rally fs bed ing Sriasized by the Ontario | vincial Command of the Canad | '| Legion, and is to be a province-wide tribute fo Col, laKleche, I FOUL PLAY RUMORED AFTER DISCOVERY OF WINDSOR GIRL'S BOY Windsor June 6.--The body ot Miss: Cathérine McHugh, member of one of the leading families of the 'horder cities, was found in the Detroit river yesterday. The find. ing of what is considered a bullet 'hole in the lower jaw and a frac- ture of the right arm are taken py officers to indicate the possibility of foul play and an investigation {x being opengd up along these lines, Coroner, Dr. CV, Mills, of Sand- Special Low Prices and Easy Terms Whether it's or whether it's hot a refrigerator is a year-round necessity. We have a wonderful display of dependable refrigerators and make it extremely easy for you to have a really good one without a big outlay of money. Here are some examples: At $12.95 At $29.95 At $39.75 A Made-in-Canada refrigerator, sim Hardwood case, finished in golden ocak, A splendid box of northern ash, size will hold 35 ds of ice. Ives are 25, by 19 by 52 inches, will take 50 struction throughout is the best Canadian 20 quart milk bottles may Dy J% hy Pe ches, ;will tal hardwood, solid brass 'mickel plated stand on floor of Jofrigerator. Hinges | pounds of ice, walls are well insulated; hinges and automatic = self-closing shelves "are re-tinned wire, nickel latches, food is white ene and aul au asic 4 ch nickel Plated. Size hess Joo ch 3 si he FRE amelled with three wire shelves. Sizes 23% b hinges and Adar sxement latches. ee Shy 2 27 by Yo tncher. § Daily Coach Service ; ~ OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ os Eastern LEAVE TORONTO Standard Time AM. w 6.30 PM. 2,30 3.30 4.30 5.30 Zz 6.30 7.30 5 8.30 9.30 10.80 150 1bs. ot Ice FREE with each Rerigerator iy, w< Daily except Sun 7, fstsr sna gt fe lary tore es on returne;