A THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4 1930 3 Fads Hel a 1 Opposing one who kiiows hep mind Is wasted. cffort, you will find, *.# \w=Carol tZe Meadow Lark 18 "Ai -- .o ; * Chrol the Meadow Lark was very proud of the nest where . Mea dow Lark was sitting on her eggs. It was a very cleverly hidden nest. Mrs. Meadow Lark had seen to that. Of coursé, it was on the ground, "What anybody wants to build a nest in a tree or a bush for, 1 cannot understand," said Mrs. Mea- . dow Lark, as she and Carol were choosing a place for their home, "No sir, I cannot understand it at all. Give me the ground every time." "1 'agree with you," said Mrs. Bobolink, 'who happened fto De looking for a place for her nest and overheard Mrs;: Meadow ark. "Why if 1 had a nest in a tree i would worry myself to death, 1 wouldn't feel easy one minute. Of 'course, I mean a °*nest in the branches of a tree, Drummer the woodpecker has a sensible home 4nd Mrs, Bluebird and Mrs. Swal- low and some others who make use of Drummer's old houses, are sen- 'sible. I, wouldn't care for one of them 'myself, because [ want to be where 4 can see all around. Sit- ting inside a hole in a 'tree you can't see anything." "That's true," said Mrs. Meadow 'Latk, "1 want to be right out in the open. I don't want anything ground me except' grass. I want to look up and see the sky, * ¥ It was later that very same day that Mrs. Meadow Lark hese the place for the new nest. As soon As she saw it, she knew it was just the place she wanted, She called 16 'Carol and he hurried over. ot rourse; he agreed with her. He knew that that was the wise thing %0 do. He knew .that.if she had made up her mind to have her nest in that particular place, she would Mave it there, whether he approv- ed or not. . Now, the place she had chosen was a stight hollow in the ground just big enough to comfortably hold a nest. It was beside a little fussock og grass. It was just such a spot as Mrs. Meadow Lark had had in mind all the time she had been lookjrs. She examined the place very thoroughly, She flew up in the air, So as to sec, all over the Green Meadows from that par- ticular spot. Then rhe dropped down on the grass again. . "We'll begin building at once." said . she. "Yes, sir, we'll begin huildinz at' once. T'm anxious to get to housekeeping. We ought to Pe able to find plenty of dry grass to make the nest of)" ~~ = "Phere was 'plenty of dry erase. They didn't have to look far te' get it: Of course. Mrs. Meadow lark did most of the building. There PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 40 Sinicoe St. 8. -- We Deliver * §. Machinery Repairing | NOTHING TOO SMALL : Adanac Machine Shop + 161 King St. W; Phone 1214 £, -------------------- § By Thornton W. Burgess White Hossioan, U SUNDA a of = was one thing she insisted on and this was that never should Caftol fly directly to the nest. She never did' . This was so that if an should be watching from a a ce. he would not be able to locate the nest. So always Carol and Mrs, Meadow Lark would drop down in the grass some distance ye Ch A wt © "Given DSC. in Tova o* pirfield, 'Towa, June 4.--Two veterang of the great war, one a private. and the other a sergeant, have been' awarded Distinguished Service crosses, " John J. Gorss, reared in Canada, a private in Company M., 168th Di- vision, in France during the war, shared honors with Lane E. Stans-] 'berry, a sergeant in that company and now sheriff of 'Jefferson Coun- ty, Iowa. YAH. YAH! YAH! General (to private)---I hear of great bravery on your part--that you "met . three of the enemy, en- gaged them in bayonet fighting and made them run their hardest." Private Potty--Yes, sir, and then LYNCHINGS DUE TO ~ RELIGIOUS LAXITY So Declares Commission-- "Investigation Proceeds, f : Arrests Expected 5 \ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Atlanta June 4---Pointing to four lynchings in the south in ag many 1 weeks, the commission on interrac- fal co-operation in a statement Mon- day placed responsibility for the mob violence on "official neglect and local religious indifference." Arrests Expected Chickasna, Okla., June 4--Inves- tigation into mob activity "which Saturday resulted in the fatal etab- 'bifig' Of Henry Argo, 'a: negro, brought a statement from: Stromney. Gengrgl J. Berry th he ox Poot a number of arrests to follow More than 100 "witnesses have been summioned for the hearing in. to the death of the negro, who was charged with attacking a ' white woman, ARCHBISHOP NOT TO PREACH AT REOPENING London, June 4--Most Rev. Cos- mo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Canterbury, will not' be. strong enough in health to preach at the re-opening of Saint Paul's Cathe dral op June: 25, it was announced at the London diocesan conference. Right Rev. Arthur Foley Winning- ton Ingram, Bishop of London will take the archbishop"s place in the pulpil, Fo © UNEMPLOYED SENT GOLD PROSPECTING oydney, N.B.W., June 4--Depar- ture of 1560 men to certain districts to search for gold marked inaugu- ration yesterday of the - govern- ment's scheme to promote gold prospecting among unemployed prospectors. The government supplied camp- ing outfits and tools and appointed five geological surveyors to visit the zones in which the men will be working and give technical advice. The men will get free railway trans- portation' and an allowanee of 20. shillings (about $5) weekly, Tom Brown's Affairs Are Finally Settled Mexico €ity, June 4---Donald Henry 'MeCannell of Toronto who came to Mexico to close up the af- fairs of Tom" Brown, former mayor of Stratford, Ont., who died here three weeks ago, has left for home," having completed his task, FISHING FOR BASS, CATCH A WHALE (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) St. Augustine, Fla, June~4---Gil- bert Phillips and Leon Canova went fishing for sea bass and caught a whale--the first ever landed here. For 12 hours these disciples of Izaak Walton battled with the 3,000-pound mamal after it had be- come entangled in their surf lines. at low tide they succegded in pass- ing a cable around'the whale's tail and by use of an automobile wreck- er they dragged it ashore, MILWAUKEE STREETS ARE PAVED WITH GOLD Milwaukee, Wis, June 4--Wil- liam H, Gillen, city engineer, says there is a city with 'streets paved with gold," and that the city is Mile waukee, Finding particles of gold in the city sand pit, he said: "There has been three cents worth of gold in each cubic yard used to pave Mile waukee streets. A pedestrian walks: on $4 worth of gold in a block, and automobilists driving down town from an average distance roll over gold worth $100, Altogether, thers is about $48,000 worth." MARRIED 55 YEARS Trenton.--Mr. and Mrs. H. Garé rison, of Bayside, recently celebrates ed the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. from where the nest was | and then walk to it, When the nest was completed, Mpys, Meadow Lark. formed a dome- shaped roof of grass over it, That was so that no enemy flying over and looking down would see that nest, 'Then she carefully made a little covered runway leading to it. Not until this was completed was she satisfied, It was a wonderfully well hidden nest and Carol was very, very proud of it. After the eggs were laid and Mrs, Meadow Lark was sitting on them, Caro! took the greatest of care never to do anything to give that secret away. If he caught an insect that he thought she. would like, he would drop down in the grass. quite a distance from the nest and then make his way through the grass to the nest. No wonder Danny Meadow Mouse had never been able to find that nest by watching Carol. (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Burgess) The next story: "How Sharp Eyes Were Fooled." Mrs. 'Higgs--I 'aven't seen yer 'usband about lately, Mrs, 'Iggins. I 'ope 'e's quite well." Mrs. 'Iggins--Didn't you 'ear? 'E got hit by a car 'an got 'conclusion.' my dear. . . Mrs. Higgs--You mean concussion, my dear? °° Mrs.."Iggins~1 mean conclusion 'e died. A man has just married an act- ress who cut him dead when he first asked for an introduction. A case of love at first slight. C. P. R, TIME TABLE Effective April 27, 1930, (Standard Time) ent am, Daily 3 Hy A am. Daily (Except Sundiy). 18 pom, Paty 35 pon. Jai Eetag Ewt am. Daily y pm. Daily (Except Sunday) 11.10 pom, Daily 12.05 a.m. 'Daily ADIAN NATIBNAL RAILWAYS ANADIAN NA' Cage in Up rir April 21th, J tase tn CaN wo o 498s = ad Eastbound © .m. Daily, Except Sunday ,m, Sunday only Daily . Laily, Except Sunday om, Laily .m. Daily, Except' Susday Daily * Except Saturday Phi #283 2s 2 5 - a ra vee Pry pom, 11.09 a.m, Dally, 11.46 p.m. Daily 1200 am, Pail 4 om, Daily . Daily Sunday only mi, Daily i . Daily, Except. Sutéay Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE ter Elvctive an Sd Taser "iy ving " Going West SaNssnont » era Noy pes Suue -BasB838a 2 Sons283 8: FH HH MAMAN Toppy #g3F333373333 BEldeulal HEE RH i832 pop B33 o E 2 ] ? i 5 i Na E38 a2 3 ~ =e muse 33533378 Er S888 8 Paffes Hl Pee #33 HE HTH marked I] 1DAY EDULE YAN oly § West oH 2 WK 09 TPT weabi BuPmaun-nl A 3 SBsEnasy Se SIGNAL 0/ cop G MEANT NO HARM, BUT THAT OFFICER. ES! pe Th A CROSSING CROSS {| THINKING OF { SAFETY |S LEAD NS ME INTO DANGER! 4 Haye You SEEN THIS BABY, LYS ONLY A, MIKE 2 SOME PLANT THAT TELL US ABOUT § OONT TEuL US JOID T EVER ABOUT CASTOR J TELL YOU FOXGLOVE aif " be -- IE PURPLE FOXGLOVE IS A NATIVE Of EUROPE AND ASIA BUT 15 NOY COMMON It HORTH AMERICA, ITS LEAVES AD STEMS ARE USED IH PREPARING THE DRUG DIGITALIS, WHICH 15 USED T0 STIMULATE HEART ACTION. {i pee', OR WILLIAM WITHERING CALLS ON THE SHROPSHIRE HERB=VOMAN., | = A br «lf? -i = - L CYIGITALIS WAS FIRST BROUGHT PROMINENTLY URDER THE NOTICE OF THE © MEDICAL PROFESSION BY DR. WILLIAM WITHERING. IN 1775, DR HITHERING| VISITED A WOMAN It SHROPSHIRE, ENGLAND, WHOSE HERB-TEA HAD RELIEVEDAN OXFORD DEAN SUFFERING FROM DROPSY. GETTING THE HOMANS RECIPE, HE FOUND 1T CALLED FOR12 COMMON HERBS, J OF THEM YORTHLESS, FROM THE TWELFTH HE OBTAINED A NEY DRUG-DIGITALIS] © 1990, King Features Syndieate, lac. Groat Britain rights reserved Heo {. reg ISHT IT INTER- §] HUM® ESTING THAT TOXGLOVES ARE 3 HAS TRIED ORCHIDS AND GOOD FOR HEART ! AUNTIES BEAU | OUGHT TO TRY "tM! HE ROSES, AND HASNT WON A L\ § a YES, THAT'S WHAT CLAUS 1 \ ELSE WOULD DOLLY, BOREY AND COMPY | ANG HE STAND Nn THE MARKET PLACE [WITH STRAWS IN THEIR MOUTHS 2 Rn nin aed Cn (3 A nn 0-0-0 TWENTY-ONE PENNIES A WERK FOR ust pe . Z WANTED, WHY ama . SO THEY BARGAINED AND DECIDED AT LAST TO TAKE SERVICE WITH THE MASTER OF BLACK ARTS FORSEVEN PENNES A WEEK APIECE t BARSA NED AND LV 2 wo bs AFTER THEY WITCH MATZEL'T GOT HAD GONE A LITTLE DI THE MASTER OF BLACK. ARTS ASKED CLAUSE WHERE HE GOT THE FINE STAFF OF IT OVER YONDER, SAID CLAUS 64 an' 1480, Krag Features Sysdata, Toe, Gloet Britain rights reserved. "BUT COULD HE FIND THE PLACET © "OH YES! FOR A DOLLAR: SAID CLAUS _-- TR TT TT ------ nl ---- TILLIE THE TOILER--A Bird of Truth -- g i A = \ \ LITTLE PRESENT HERE, » TILL \E J~ --=2 | <0 DIDNT KNOW WHAY 10 ' FEY JUST BOUGHT "THIS - LoC Ba -K : WR (~NO, VTS 'A WEDDING PRESENT TOR MISS THOMPSON