Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jun 1930, p. 9

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\ \ \ THE OSHAWA DALY TIMES, 7 La WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1930 PAGE NINE News of What bi Boy Seats oF Oibesin "are doing contributed by the scout lead. + "ef Contributions to this column will be welcomed, and should bbe sent to the y. Times office not Inter than ; Tumoday '. moming each week. oa sour EDITORIAL AY Scout news was plentiful last week, so it is sere this week, and we find ourselves pretty much at a loss for enough news to put in the column. One of the outstandin, ding events of last week was the ge building competition staged by the 8th Troop, We had the pleasure of being pre- sent 'at 'this affair and seeing the bridges which .were presen for judging and we were struck by fhe careful way in which each bo ass this; model and made hie knots-and lashings, The only disappointing feature of the whole display was that so few boys 'presented models, but 'it must be said that the good quality made up for the poor quantity. The judges after very careful con- sideration, awarded first prize to Scout J. Chappell, second prize to Scout C. Patterson, and 'third prize to Seout A. Pennell, Scout Mason came fourth with a very good model, and Scout A. Pat- tersoty, romped hone to fifth place. All: boys submitting els were highly, complimented for their care- ful work. by the judges, among whom were ;Major M and Scoutmast- en. Si. Terry, This competition brings to the front the question of the boys back- ing. up the Troop and taking a lit- tle time on nights other than meets ing nights to make their Troop a wUuCCess, Members. of any Troop are 00 prone to stand hack and let the other fellows do it, and-quite often they wonder why things don't go just as well as they would like' them do. The success of any organization depefids upon the measure of enthu- siastic support given to the officers by the members. good Scout always does his best and so there should always be a good backing for anything that any 'Troop attempts. SCOUT NEWS We have not heard anything of Scout Master H. Rigg since his trip to Montreal, but we expect he has returned full of new ideas, and en- thusiasm, . The Eighth Troop have decided to take definite steps to win the Wall. ace Nesbitt First Aid Trophy and on Tuesday of last week, they met their. new helper Dr. Harper, who is to help theni towdrd their goal, and, gave him a, very enthusiastic welcome, Several Scouts were present at the bird EY hDiemive ceremony when the colonrs were go Pon en on ast, The Fifth Troop met at. the ¥Y. M.CA. on Friday fast and had the pleasure of Viewing 'the first three model bridges built by the members of the 8th Troop. il § (fby the Scoutmaster that there was | meeti Lanifor Dominion are here seen grou June. ciation; 1 managing editor, Manitoba Free left, third row, standing, C. A. C, Neoepernen representing all sections of the dian Pacific liner Duchess of Atholl. recently from Montreal on their way to attend the Empire Press Conference to be held in London in The eut shows, centre, seated, Flugh Savage, president \of Canadian Weekly Newspapers Asso- , same row, 0. Mayrand, editor, Mont real La Presse; fourth row, extreme right, B. Roy Sayles, secretary, Canadian Weekly Newspaper Asso- ciation; second row, seated, centre, John W. Dafoe, . Newspapermen go to Londen ped aboard Cana- They sailed Mrs, E. Norman Press; third from Jennings, editor. fn-chief, Toronto Mall and third row, standing, J. F. B. ager, Canadian Press, Limited, in the photograph are Senator and Mrs. Buchanan, Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Puddeski, Mr, and Mrs. Victor Sifton, Miss Henriette Haig, Mr.. and Rupert Davies, Kingston; Major H. B. Burgoyne, St. Catharines; B. C. Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Herder, H. P. Duchemin, K.C., W. D. Craick and Miss Craick, Toronto, honorary secretary, Canadian section, Empire Press Union; Miss Dafoe, Mr. and Mrs. Petersen, and J. Harry Smith and Mrs. Smith, Montreal, ""V'radies, defeated Mrs, C well, Oshawa, 2 up. feated Mrs, ire; sixth from right, ivesay, general man- Others included Smith, Ottawa; Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. Duchemin, -- model was sareulty Saplain. hh rh the builders, and Rots and lashings phy hi During the course of the evening it 'was decided to make a little lo- cal gompetition iy the matter of first aid trophies, and feps arc bes ing taken to fori a The summer Teamp | was mentioned Lat the meeting and it was suggested a probability of a reduction in camp fees this or FTW, This idea was ceived by all. TROOP ces _ §TH TROOP--=The 5th Troop will ges on Friday ont at the home of Scoutmaster, 630 Mary strect. Court of Honour--7.00 p.m. Troop meeting--7.30 p.m The meeting will be held outside] Inevent of tad weather the meets ing will be held in the ¥Y.M.CA. IRD , OSHAWA SCOUTS--All Scouts are urged to attend the next Junie 6, 1930, in as much i as possible. A court of hone our will also be held. a re- (Here ad There | (643) "I think that the increase in un- employment has stopped in the United States and that by the time the Fall comes around, things will be much better," declared Profes- sor Leo Wolman, of Boston, inter- viewed" aboard 8.8. Empress of | Genet. "The wt worst has Passed," | golf, drove the first ball, and later Australia, - his way to the " ternational ' Wage Conference aan and, fiiney are looxing Canada's new championship golf course, the Royal York of Toronto, was opened officially May 19, in the presence of a distinguished gather. ing of golfers and Canadian Pacific and civic officials." George 8. Lyon, Grand Old Man of Canadian in the day, the slubbailté was hos .ored by the inspection 0 r Ex Lord and Lady Will. ingdon, * The course is in connec tion with the Royal York Hotel and will be at the disposal of guests. v W. R. Maclnnes, vice-president in charge of traffic, Canadian Pa- cific Railway, since 1018, and after 45 years' service with the company, retires May 31 at his own request, 'and will be succeeded hy George Stephen, at present freight traffic r. In announcing' the change, E. W, Beatty, chairman and president of the railway, said:-- "Mr. MacInnes has been in the company's service for forty-five years and has discharged his ex- acting duties as freight traffic man- ager and as vice-president in charge of of trafic with conspicuous ability and loyalty to the ny's inter. ebts. By his retiremeht the som, pany loses one of its ablest and most respected officers." ¥ "More than four hundred Jasistios of apples have, been originated af adr fan Government rer] 1 Farm a pw in te he Jas 2 som thous uve Hila 4 Snes have heen tested of them named and Hes Ben or future production. Jive years ago the total output of ot betioltum 'in Alberta was 168,- MT Soa | 0 52 barrels whic : came from Turner the po avoir new field about 35 miles south-west of Cale fi si $64.80; A Germany, 4 58; and 'tho United States, | 3. It takes the exports of | SPORT | Only One Surprise Result in Cham bionship Flight of the Golf Tournament Miss M. me of Toronto] Was Defeated by Mrs. Clarke of 'Lakeshore Club --Several 'Oshawa Ladies Win Their Matches in Sec- ond Day's Play of Ontario Championship Tourna« ment With the championship flight narrowed down to eight players, seven of them from Toronto and one from Bt. Catharines, yesterday provided some interesting competi tion in the Ontario Ladies Golf Championship tournament at the Oshawa Goll and Country Club. In the championship flight, the scores for which were published yester- day, there was only one surprise, that being the defeat of Miss M. Elmsley, an experienced champlon- ship player, by Mrs. Harold Clarke) of the Lgke Shore Club. Mrs, Clarke played a surprisingly strong game to win by 4 up and 3 to play. In the other flights, the numbers were also cut in half by yesterday's games. Oshawa contestants In these flights met with a mixed mea- sure: of success, There.were three lognl players in the second third flights, and all three went down fo defeat. In the second flight, Mi.s "G."Morris was defeated by Mrs. C. A. Scott, of Weston, by 4 up and 3 to play. In the third flight, Miss Jean Wood, York Downs, had the advantage over Mrs, G. W. Pinner, of Oshdwa, by 6 and 4. Miss Mats Millechamp, of Oshawa, who had the lowest met score in the opening medal play, went down before Mrs, J. W, Simser, of the Mississauga Golf Club, by 7 and 6. Three Oshawa players in the fourth flight made a better showing all winning their games and going on into the eights: Mrs. R. 8. Mor- phy won from Mrs. C. Battle, Look~ bout. Point, by 6 up and 6 to play. In'a'much closer game, Mrs. F, Grierson defeated Mrs. U. H, Halr, York Downs, by 3 up and 2 to play, and Mrs. H. E, Smith won from Miss Hilda Stowe of the Toronto Ladies Golf Club by the same score, Thin Sickly Women sAdd Healthy Flesh At same time bulla up wonderful srengih nd remarkable encrgy--- bring ong hidden beauty with this * of 'health formulas. One Thin Woman Gained 15 Pounds in 8 Weeks Accord- 0k 2 Doctor © Her Ow 2. rol fleah-adding, cat ling d strengthening cCoy's Cod Liver Hx- ots get to work on that sun. Senly body of yours! In few 'weeks. these de- ghiraly pleasant, sugar coated lets start to add pounds of firm, u'll "feel amaz- ity returning-- "4 skin clears-eyes sparkle with glor«. fous health which radjates your whole being, down folks, Feel years younger----regain. sis perb health,and if you don't gain 'one American. plus one German ned oval LARA at least 5:pounds im 30 'dayse-youp | Playing the fifth flight, Mrs. W. Geikie, of Oshawa, was beaten by Miss M, Cook, of Weston, the score being 4 up and 3 to play, In # game which was carried to the last green, Miss Babe Northwood, Toronto, won from Mrs. C, W, Cald- well by 2 up Mrs, E. C. Hodgins also defeated Mrs. Alex Donald, of Burlington, by the same score, this game also going the full eighteen holes, Mrs. H. P. Bull, of Oshawa, was defeated In the fifth flight, her opponent being Mrs. C. B, Eastburn, of Chedoke, who won by § up and 4 to play. One of the vest games In which Oshawa players took part was that in which Mrs, R. S. McLaughlin de- feated Mrs. W. B, Reid, of Missis- sauga Golf Club, in the sixth flight. The players were even at the end of the eighteenth hole, but Mrs. McLaughlin won the extra hole and the match. = In' the sixth flight also, Mrs. N/ Daniels of Osh- awa won from Miss E, Willlams, Toronto, by 4 up and 3 to play, The araw which started with the first flight at 9.30 this morning provides for the championship ser- jes being played this afternoon, starting at 2 o'clock. The results in yesterday's games not reported in last night's issue of The Times are as follows: Third Flight Miss Isabel Hunter, Galt, feated Mrs. Armand Smith, Park, one up. Mrs. J. M, Eastwood, Hamilton, defeated Miss Gertrude Roberts, Toronto, Ladies at 19th hole. Mrs, C. W, Somers,' Lambton, defeated Mrs. A. V, Moore, Hamil- ton, 3 and 4. Miss Jean Wood, York Downs, defeated Mrs. G. W. Pinnar, Osh- awa 5 and 4. Miss D. Rice, Burlington, feated Mrs, W. E. Pepall, Downs, 8 and 7, Mrs. G., McMillan, Summit, de- feated Mrs. E. E, Lennox, Rose- dale, % and 2. Mrs, J. W. Simser, Missassauga, defeated Miss Maisie Millichamp, Oshawa, 7 and 6, Mrs. F. T. Large, York Downs, defeated Mrs, H J. Watson ',Sar- nia, one up. Fourth Flight Mys..P. B, Carse; Burlington, de- feated Mrs. Campbell Meyers, To- ronto Ladies, 6 and 5, Mrs. R. 8. Morphey, Oshawa de- | feated Mrs. C. Battle, Lookotit Point, at 18th hole. Miss J. B. Dixon, Glendale de- feated Mrs, W, H.. Montague, Bur- lington, at 19th hole. Mrs, F. Grierson, Oshawa, defeat- ed Mrs, C. H. Hair, York Downs, 3 and 2. Mrs. Bert Smith, Oshawa, de- feated 'Miss Hilda Stowe, Toronto Ladles, 3.and 2, Miss Elizabeth King-Smith, To- ronto Golf, défeated Mrs. Murray Hendrie, Hamilton, 3 and 2, Miss LI. M. Sharpe, Burlington, defeated Mrs. W, H. Green, Toron. to 2 and 1, de- Deer de- York quick reli f and ear an aa the f Fare Avo Pera sto! ly ood mar el Hk 'Mrs. up. Mss. Scott, Mrs. H. Roesler, Toronto Ladies, 8 and 2, defeated Mrs. 5 and 4. dies, York Downs, 5 and 4. Point, defeated Mrs. Oshawa, 6 and 4. Miss E. Willlams, 4 and 3. Fifth Flight ui M. Cook, Weston, defeated .. W. Gelkle, Okhdwa, 4 snd 3. Mies, K. Strother,' Barrie, de- feated Mrs. G. 8 McCord, Scar- boro, 6 and 4. Toronto 'Ww, Cald- Myps. Beck, Summt, defeated H. J. Howe, Lake Shore; 2 defeated " Miss. Babe Northwood, Hamilton, Mrs, ¥. C. Hodgins, Oshawa, de- Alex, Donald, Burling 3 B. Eastburn, Chedoke, H. P. Bull, Oshawa, Miss A. Gallagher, Toronto La- defeated Mrs. H. Caulfield, Sixth ht Fligl Mrs. R, ¥. Forrest, Port Hope, a bye. Mrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, Oshawa, defeated Mrs. W. B. Reid, Mississ- auga, at 19th hole, Bertha Maguire, Lookout E. Dixon, Mrs, Mrs, N. Daniel, Oshawa, defeated Toronto Ladies, Mzs. H. V. Hamilton, Hamilton, defeated Mrs. J. Hall, Lake Shore, 6 and 4 Mrs, A. F. Knight, Glendale, a bye. Mrs, H, Holmstead, Toronto Golf won by default from Mrs. F. Lu- cas, Lake Shore. Mrs. H. D. Morphy, Summit, de- feated Mrs. T, A, Brown, Lambton, 4 and 3. Pigeon Racing The following i8 the result of the pigeon rage staged by the Osh- awa Homing Soefety, on Saturday last from Drumbo, Ontario, a dist- ance of 122 miles air line. The weather was good but the birds had a shoulder wind all the way home, which did met prevent them making good time. ~ Spar- row won the race followed closely by the Bramley Bros, 1. C. Sparrow «Bramley Bros. . + Bramley Bros, .. . V. Whiteley . J. Askew . V, Whiteley . R, Arkwright G. Moore 9. W. Cowle 10, R, Arkwright .. vas 1148.74 ve. 1136.28 eeees 1108.86 eee 1009.86 oo 107470 1070.12 "en 11, As Webster o.s. 4s 1046.87 The next race will be held on Sat, next from Cgradoc Ontalo, a dist ance 'of 150 miles; Glasgow Rangers Win : in Winnipeg, 4-2 Winnipeg, June 4---Another vie Glasgow Rangers soccer champions of Scotland, last night, The tourists defeated the Fort Rouge Rangers, star Winnipeg eleven, 4 to 2, before 8,000 fans at Carruthers Field. At half time the score was: Rangers 2, Fort Rouge 1, CAUTIOUS Thé small délivery boy was bring- ing groceries to.a new. customer and tory was added. to the string of thé, had encountered a huge dog in the yapd. "Come in," said the a the house, "he doésn't bite." 5 "The hoy! still ups back He swallow?" fe asked, | #Doss DUBIOUS She--"1 wouldn't think of marry ing such an intellectual monstrosity and physical misfit as you are you numskull! Do you get me?" He--~--"Well," from: the general trend of your conversation, I should judge not." FEEDING OUR WILD BIRDS For winter feeding of wild birds place suet, sunflower seeds and grains of corn where 'they will not be covered by snow, Travel The King's Highway LEAVE OSHAWA AM, w 6.00 w 6.30 7.30 i 8.30 9.80 10.80 11.00 P.M, 12.30 P.M. 1.30 2130 8.30 4.30 5.30 8.30 7.80 5 8.30 9.30 v 10.00 v--Sunday only. z--Saturday, Coach connections Brampton, Coach points, connections at Genosha Hotel Eastern Standard Time Daily Coach Service OSHAWA - TORONTO FARE 85¢ LEAVE TORONTO AM, 6.30 7.30 8.30 9.30 10.30 11.30 P.M, 12.30 1.30 P.M. 2.30 3.30 4.20 5.30 5 6.30 7.30 zs 8.30 9.30 10.30 wv w~-Daily except Sunday, Sunday and Holidays only, ------------ Bnection Bt Torobto for Barrie, rg, Hamilton, Brantford, N Falls, Buffalo and intermediate | points, » Nagata Orillia, Buffalo for all U, 8. A. (-------------- Tickets and information at GRAY COACH LINES OSHAWA Phone 2825 HOW the June Brine may acquire PerreCT TABLE APPOINTMENTS Starting ora fully explained iin Throughout th heoughout the the famous You may also a Holmes & Edwa * pass off the waste a hi causes" Fgh Bro he 2 ha lng snd broad the geqeisitely vatied in design and Sekndard Silvas BASSETT'S C CHUlRcuLEY her off by by presenting a Holmes & Edwards Silverg the first of four inexpensive steps to ideal table beauty 'the backs offered below. Canadian h Holmes & Edwards Holmes & Edwards Flat Ware, Many in Canada by Succeeded dy Factory S.C. Breadth of Canada Holds " Edwards Silvet ooh 16 woh bord pr late Inlaid silver at the rest points of most used pieces, to ensure permanca series Hollow Wate in nis = mrs HOLMES & EDWARDS SOMETHING Mors THAN PLATE INLAID pany of Toronto, Limited = INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY OF CANADA, LMITED A 0. FELT FELT BROS. Hsin Fa es a 5h BE a] BANE RE FRB TE

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