Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jun 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1930 Y.-& PAGE NINE J ~eoses where 2 D SECT] AN a A IAR RISTERS 04 a rae $ Bi B.A, Phone able, ANGAN, or Notary P ng St. Honew oi Mi ae, Oke 1 N A ~Frneer, Barristers Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Rotrance Simone B Bi. Qrisreop, K.C., B.A, LOUIS S. TIVMAN, BARRISTER. Soliei Ni Dowland: (] Sto Simeoe Ay N. . ometrist muscle anomalies, eyesight aud glasses. Author of Eye Care a Bye Strain, Tbe Shia, and Te Development, Dis. opposite Post Office. Cc speciaifst io, (May 15-1 mo) | Ee and "Surveying SND 5 UNILAKR- io Land d Ss vors gt vil Engin- eers, sub town planning, municthal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544. Undertaking LUKE BURIA Cy Ambaance Fogle coe Strom 210W hx Phone 310 [3] Insurance Solicitors, etc. 244 Siricoe Phone 3160. Money to loan "0. HALL, B.A. BARRIS Conveyancing and general 23% © King St. Bast. pra Phous $337. (er) A. : PARKHILL, BARKISPER. ete. Money to loan. Alger Bidg, op- nosite Post Office. Phore Lu) ¥F A , EBBS.--BA ete. Alger' Bldg. Phone 996 Medical DRS. HAZLEWOOD & HARPER' Disney Block: Phone "050. Office . hours 9. a.m. to 8.50 p.m. Dr, BH "J. Hazlewood, special atvention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B, H. Har- per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics. Seadag and night calls 7416 or 12 DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN SUR. geon, # Accoucher, Office and resi dency King St. Ezst, corner Victoria St. Oshawa, Phone 94. DR. GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN Surg: Obstetrician, diseases © icfanin " hildren, , Office and 0 Bond E4st. Phone 1155, » An Physician, Surgeon and Qbstetrican. t es Re 3 Caaitiee Ave, North. Phone 3150. " RR, PHYSICIAN, DE. D-W. OR rictan. Office and BO 613 iméoe street north. Phone - ed Ce SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN Skuta Diséases Domestic Ani- mals. Cat and dog hospital, 203 King] 'W. Tel. 629. hy a (May 11 mo)' R.. } FO specialize lameness, 17 years® ei perience, Fees moderate. Phons 202 n 2, (May 12-1 mo) Ea, Nowe Toren Special DR. IS BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street 'West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store. each SALA, rom 1 ik 4 nsultation and treatment diese of ear, nose 23d threat only. Appointments may made & drug store, Phone 97. : 0 FFICE Hou DR. AS set's, Special attention to X-ray : Nurse . in to ia 20. Shop. DAVIS AND SUN, INSURANCE. 19 King St. wsst, Oshawa, The old: est Pire Agency in Oshawa. 30 Re putable Fire Companies consti R. N, Johrs, 80 Simcoe porth, Your. insurasce wants at tended to acd your .nterests pro tected. H v SURANCHE automobile, fire, accident, See Holden 92 Simcoe N. (May 8~1mo) hatin Transportation CAKTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE man's, 85 Bond West, Specialists io furniture moviag, storage ware house snd moving van equipment. Phone 832. CARTAGE, MOVING, ORAVEL sand ard cinders. Local and long dis.ance hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. USHAWA'S OULDESL ESTAB- lished furn'ture movers, Park Road Frank Cowie. Bron 65 bark Ki ran! ar! South, From 216. (May 19-1 mo) iT PAYS T0 MOVE--| Toronto, Hamilton, Trenton, Beller ville, anywhere « cheapest in the city. Eagle Cartage, phone 290. (May 20-1 mo) Beauty BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Special sts in permanent, finger and marcel waving, Per manent wave prices $6, $7.80, $10 and $15. All other fines of Beauty flulture. Phene 2908. Apply sb Simcoe street orth EXPERT MARCELLING BY Baty, Ward at Betty Lou Permun ent have Shoppe. Marcel and sham S "BARBER AND Beauty Shop. 9 Celine: St. We spe. cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mas. calling, shampooing, facials. Marcel 50 cents. For appointments phone 2653. . (May 16-1 mo) MAY CEL AND CURL, Boe, MRS. Clafis, 14' Agnes street. rhone ud 20-1 md) M BURTON BE A w | Parisiene Beauty Boston announs ces. the price. of. marcelling, 50c, Finger Waving 76c, during the summer months. Commencing from June first, one 71. ' n (May 21-1 mo.) Music HERBERT C. TRENEER, OR- ganist. aud choir master of Kios Street United Church will accept pulls ip plano, organ and vocal music. For particelars aor 80 wil lam street: east. Phone 28 98. (June 2-31) CEGNARD RD" RICHER, "BIRECTOR of music, d Public. Fehodhs. Studied Gibb Ste phone, 1984J. (May 6-1 m9) Radio OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AO cossories (or repairs on elec. tric and battery sets, tubeés " batteries _ tested, Dl - rental supplied. $1. Phone 350J. Charles Wales, 146 Eigin May 8-1 mo) cnarged, 76¢ called 'for and de .| livered. Radio service, airials erect. PENCIST. n aes or extra Bank B | t tion 2189M. ed. "Platt. Phone 15884, (May 21-1 mo! AL 3 reasonable, batteries re- Bot. a. Geo 26c., delivered. Burroughs. (May LE LE, with rental $1.00, Repaired ang fit. JCallsd for and delivered. service, Stan Bligdon, 20 Mill § on 1885W, Ma; 19-1 mo) Geo, HEM id dollar up, Sd including Adres rear wi all o Dell hone oa representative, Phois 2543). 0 May 12-1 mo) discriminating woman and m Phone Mrs. Blatter 108 demonstr © (May 19-1 mo\ available for 1 well located All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE of this nature. to come personally to' The and collect for same. "Times" Classified This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small arcounts Kor thy convenience of customers who find it inconvenient Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger. who will sgivg the advertisement Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel cinders. Chris Graham. Phone 2631M. (May 29-1 mo) EXPERT UOPHOLSTERING ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices. Note vew address, 451 Sim- coe South. G. A. Constable. Phone 3432W. (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENING--BOISSORS, KNIV. es, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W. We call and deliver, 130 Celina St. E. Bottan, (May 8-1mo.) FIRST CLASB Phone 1284M, (May 31-1 mo) Articles For Sale MIXED HARD io Sart rd labs, $3.50 He wool, Uo cond. Sate Meek Li Phone | Ltd., pianos, new and used pianos, also sifies, lntaw, models; Satu arranged, Pp GC, Trull. P 16566. ' Prin FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- ishes. We have the largest' assort- ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the city. The Paint Store, 80 Kin, oy west, (Apr. 26 88) 8 GRE ders, Wh Joan. st, 50 ¥ yard. For quality and geryice p one Es- scry Bros. 332 r 11. (May 3-1) ALL KI SED ture, beds, dressers, tables, chairs, oil stoves, coal stover, bicycles, etc. 174 Ritson road south, Work Wanted i CONC WORK, CELLAR For Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROOMED MUM ern suites tngluding electric retrig. eration, stove, laundry, conveny erces, ete, continu; s hot water supplied. Apply Supt, 'phone 26174, or The Trusts und Guarantee Uo. Ltd, 'manage; for owner, Toronto. (27t0) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley kros. (¥6L1) ERIGHT APARTMENT, CEN. tral, four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors. Possession June 1. Apply Box 6566 Times (113t1) TO RENT--ONE LARGE FRONT room, . suitable for business man, Also one small room, $2 per week, #4 Willlam street east. (May 23-1 mo) ] condition, excellent locality, all conveniences, garage, rent reagon- able, furnished of unfurnished Phone '784J, (127¢) FOR RENT--§30.00 A MONTH, 437 Colborne E. Apply Conant & Annis, (127¢) TO RENT--THRED UNFURNISH- ed rooms, 165 Simcoe street south, Real Estate For Sale 0K hardwood floors, modern conveniences, % to 7 acres of land, on highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment. Apply 8. Snowden, R.R, No. 3, Bowman- ville. (1241) Cordova for $500 cash, With so many men without work, I offer ten similar lots, good land, first $14 must be paid; and they may occupy. it at once paying $14 every month until $220 is pald when the deeds will be delivered, Fur- ther information on applying to Enoch Thompson, 62 Admiral Rd, J} Toronto, (128b) YOUR $260 CAR WILL BUY #600 ba on new b-roomed brick bungalow, All conveniences. Phone 8444). (128b) LE, $350, F off ' King Street A Anh Bivd,, (129e) est, Help Wanted---Female FXPHERTENCED COOK, GANER- al, competent and reliatle, house- hold three. Preferred sleep out, Apply Tuesday, Thursday even- ings, 8 Buckingham Manof, ; (128b) WANTED -- FULLY EXPERI- enced waitress for hotel work, Ap- ply 8 Bona St. W. (128b) WANTED AT ONCE--WAITRESS with experience for dining room. Apply: during morning Oshawa General Hospital, (129¢) Lost and Found LOST--=BLACK AND TAN HOUND. Two weeks ago, Phone Frank Michael, 1649 r 2-3, (128¢) LOST--TARPAULIN OFF TRUCR hetween Bowmanville and Rouge Hills, Reward to tinder. Finder please phone Bowmunville 29, (127¢) FOUND--BOSTON. BULL, PUP. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. Apply 116 Gladstone Ave,, Oshawa, (129a) Motor Cars R repaired at 49 Uond st. West Body and ' fender work done %t shortest notice," also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 3395. (May 28-1 mo) ou R A A' Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West. Phone 3198. All cars at one pricy $1.00, (May 15-1 mo.) Summer Cottages (127¢) TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, kitchen amd bedrobm. All conven- fences," private entrance, rent rea- sonable. 221 Clarke street, Phone 1623M. (127¢) FURNISHED ROOMS OR HOUBE to rent, 3 minutes from Motors of- fice, Phone 3126W. 348 Richmond streot -onst. (128¢) (May 20-1 mo) loy Hardware, phone 25 or 20, [Sr lements. ¥ Fat I stock and Implements, Your Patron. TRY RITSON AUTU WRECKERS, at 12 Athol street west, for your auto parts and tires, Phone 3476W. Residence 2183J. (May 30-1 mo) Good condition, Choep, 111 Ama st. a DIAMOND RI WA all kinds of jewelry on easy ny. 'ments, Terms from 60 ¢enis per week, , O. H, Dell, agept for. Peo- ples' Credit Jewelers, 26) Simcoe South, Oshawa. (May §1-1 ma.) HOUBRHOLD FU OR sale, first class cotidition, 126 Rosedale Avenue. - A TR . phone, also four early new, grama 4 tube Radio. Phone 238J, Oshawa. 9c) FOR SALE--A PIANO, A chen stove, Apply T4F Stargaret St. Phone 16307. I BILVER PLATED corfiet. High and low pitch: Bare gain for quick sale, Phone JANN PLANTS FOR FATE--CAULT flowe*: brussels sprouts, All kinds of cabbage. 110 William pif Rh Phone 26582J. FOR SA TAM WICKBR he baby, walker, Al condition, car battery and few other articles. 111 Bond strect east. (120¢) Puig and Desoraiog perhanger; painting und raining. Prices right, worv guara, 40 Pine Ave. iphone 3065w or ae Hy Apply (129¢) east, painting, paperhanging, dee orating, sign writing. Estimater |= on work. Phone 1367J. (May 6<1 mo) [of dancing and physical culture. 169 Church Street, ns given each evening from 6 p.m, and on Saturdays from 1.30 p.m. For terms call or phone 874M at above hours, (May 21-1 mo) ¥ Avuing S --- - 8, roan Siriaing, tops installed. T. Taylor, Oshawa phone 1053. all kinds of canvas plete camp equipment canopy Toronto. r, 10-tf.) ood. Com ¢ Kgonis Turner "and Son," (May 30-1" ner, r J hore, Nntarlo, Auctiopssy a, pimshe a 3 aay furniture sales and: My FOR R| ~HOUSE, 8 ] and bath room, modern conveni- ences, near the Skinner factory, Apply evenings, 38 Frank street, Cedar: Dale, (128¢) HOUSW 70 LET, 666 OARNEGIR Ave. Newly decorated. Phone 1438 daytime' and 3092W nights, (128¢) 0 R nishéd." All converiiences, Also gar- hia. Apply 257 Grooms Ave, Phone LLL (128¢) FREE ROOM CF Ths newly decorated, one hlack. from Motors, fully furnished, conveni- ences: 87 Colborne Street Bast. « (1280) CASA LOMA _APTH., OBHAWA, 161 Kiug east, 5 rooms and bath Immediate possession. Prices reas. mable, (120¢) Fi Toe3 bathroom flats. U Apply 72 Ritson (120¢) M 1 AND stores .at. exceeding low rental, in Whitby, = Phone = Kingsdale 7111, Toronto, or Jackson's Real Estate, Whighy. ' (1120¢) ed rooms. All comvemiences. Rent reasonable. Apply 124 Agnes St. Phone 19827, (129¢) SUMMER RESORT AT LAKESIDE Beach finest Bathing and fishing on Lake Scugog. Some splendid' build- ing lots for sale. A. E. Rogerson, Port Perry, (1241) Situations Wanted SITION, HOUSE work, or mother's help by young woman, Phone 2118) (136b) N OUNG men wish to secure work on farm. Will go any place, Apply 634 Osh- awa. Bt, Oshawa, Ontario, . (120¢ ) Theronoid Al ONIC Fri should take nes of the special free 'reatmengs offered by Wheronold of Oshawa, 156 Wil. lam St. East. Phone 269. (May 22-1 mo) Help Wanted--Male WE WILL PAY UPWARDS "OF |o $20.00 a week to a good man at present employed who will give two or three hours each evening helping in a special sales campaign for well known organization, This is not a door to door canvass, Pros- pects are supplied, Send replies to Box 712, Oshawa Times. (120e) STORE MANAGER WANTED for Oshawa--8$50.00 weekly and share of profits, Experience unnecessary. Applicant must be able to furnish $750.00, to $1,250.00 cash deposit on; merchandise. 4083 Denis St. Mon- trgal 0B10.139) For Sale or Exchange "Personal WANTED--ELDERLY LADY 'AS companion, Apply Bex 710 Oshawa Times, * (128¢) Classified Ads. Fire tnsertion--1% cents per word, Minimum charge 80c. Each subsequent consecu. tive 10 per word, conseeutive inser. tons for thy price of first two "(three cents 8 word). Imum charge for three sertions, "60 cents, I. Bor tamber 100 additional 5 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-- Small six roomed house, also seven roomed house, newly decorated Good locality. Both on paved street. Consider out of Oshgwa property. Box 709 Times, (127¢) NURSING IN PRIVATE HOME for fovalld or convalescent. pa. tient, 129 Colborne St, E. Osh- awa, Phone 1916W (May 2 1-mo) al and surgleal sing, reasonable Phone Whitby 508. (May 23-1mo.) A ity or general nursing. For intor- mation phone 320W (June 31 mo) NE ™ ee a Room and Board Board if desired. 152 Elgin St. East. Phone 1046W. (1251) 4 a MADE TO MEASURE WINDOW | m Screens 'All. over" = half sines. Low prices. We mehsure free. Phone 2830W, (123-1326- -129- ~132)§ CANUCKS WILL GET ON TOP (Meaford Mirror) It 'Canadians in: United States are being dismissed from . their 4. HAMPTON Hampton, May 80--The Pres! dent, N. Horn, had charge of the Young People's meeting of May 21st, After the signing of a hymn, the Lord's Prayer whs repeated in unison, Bible Lesson was read by Laverue Clemens and after the nging of another hymn, Rev, J. R, Dick addressed the meeting, In his remarks he reviewed the inter- esting gathering 'of the young people. of the Oshawa Presbytery, attended by some of our Leaguers, Miss Campbell also had a part in this describing the social side of the evening's progrom, An announcement was made of the Excursion of the Young People of the Bay of Quinte Conference to be held on Wednesday, July 9th at Rochester. Wiltred Greenaway conducted a very interesting rec- reation perfod after which the meeting "closéd 'with 'the League benediction, A fire, which might have proved more serious, occurred at the home of Mrs, Wm. Smale on Thursday afternoon, Had 'it not been for Mr, Glaspell, of Zion, who isa driv- ing past withe his team, noticed the roof of the house on fire, the blaze might -have proved serious. He notified Mrs, Smale; who had a short while previously, kindled a fire in the stove at the front of the house, where she was at the time, Mrs, Smale and her son Wilfred had been away about two hours, and had returned home, Wilfred having gone to the fleld to work, where he received the call to help extinguish the blaze, As soon ag My, Glaspell notified Mrs. Smale, he climbed onto tho roof with pails of water, and with the assistance of the men who were at work on the mill dam soon ex- tinguished the fire. Wilfred tore off a number of shingles to make further investigation, and oa find- no further cause for alarm, soon had the roof patched up again with roofing. A spark from the chim- ney was the cause of the fire, Mrs. Hartford, who has been vis- iting her daughter, Mrs. Wm, Smale has returned to her home at Balti- more. A number of our W, M, 8 ladies attended the convention, at Eben. ezer, on Wednesday. Several of our Sunday School officers attended the 8.8, Conven: tion at Maple Grove, on Friday, Theodore Salter attended Bay of Quinte Conference, at last week. The bed of tulips, that beautify the church lawn, are receiving much admiration from passers by these days, We are glad to des a new side- walk being built across the dam, to replage the ome. that has been very unsatisfactory, #s well as dangerous to those who had occas- sion to' nse it, F. G. Ketslake, has been under the doctor's care, suffering with "fin", 3 Mr. and Hrs, Jas. Curtis have been 111 with the 'fin', Mrs. Jebson, and daughter, Lil- lian and Miss Lulu Reynolds, visit: ed Toronto friends recently, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Rogers ac- companied A, E. Billett on a motor trip to Glenora, where Mr, Bi'lett wisited his son Fred. Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Wood, Toronto, visited at the home of H, Holwe'l during the holiday and week-end. Mr,. and- Mrs. Wilbur Burnett, Stouffville, + visited relatives recen:- y Mrs. Maria Cole, and son Donald, accompaanied by Helen Maines, Toronto, and M, Hills, Oshawa, gh holiday visitors at the home Cole. 2 8..T. Mountjoy accompanied her mon, Theron, of Haldon, to Mount Hamilton on the 24th where fhe visited her sister, Mrs. H. Bird and her mother, Mrs. E. Brima- combe, who celebrated that day, her 92nd birthday. She was. re- membered by friends here, Hor friendly are sorry to know that Mrs, Brimacombe has been confined to her bed as a result of a fall some time ago, but she is still enjoying life, notwithstanding her affliction. Inch and son, Weston, visited dis mother, Mrs. T. Rowe, recently, Victor Kimberley and family, visited at the home of Mrs, W, Smale on Saturday. Mr. Ray Albert Cameron, Zion, and Winnifred Frances Gifford, Osdca, 'were united in marriage re- Sently y ake! the parsonage by Rev. Bick Y ack meeting of the W, M, S. wai held at the home of Mrs, WW. W, Horn on Tuesaday, May 20th, Mrs, Howard Cole took charge of the devotional period. Mrs, Frank Rogers, leader of group 3, took charge of the program. Several hymns: were sung and prayer was offered'by Mrs, J. Burns. The fol- lowing. heralds responded: Mra, Hilton Peters on Japan, Mrs, Arthur Allin for Africa, and Mrs, Alvin Petors for India. The Presi. dent, Mra, Bick yery ably and inter- estingly took up a chapter of the study book,' Mrs. Alvin Peters and daughter, Mary, contributed a vocal duet. Mary responded to the roll call with some thought. glean ed from the chapter of the study book that was taken up. Meeting closed with Prayer by Mra. Clat- worthy. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. H, Peters, when everybody interested Will 'be 'welcome. STEEL TEETH (Montreal. Gazette) finn falseiteeth are now being ada in dergiaby. With a set of A man be able to over. £ tha, tow rant can sy 'forth, HASHED AGAIN (From the Macom, G., Telegraph) positions the heads of a good many Dix American institutions must. be ring themselves, NaN AY -t - CR ter up jumped a. food shark with -& newspaper ie wd Toudjug carrot ple, | 5300000 FIRE Cobourg, | «steak that a ust as we were about persuad-' od that the world was getting bet- | IN WALKERVILLE Wanted car worth $300/00 in | exchange for a good six room frame house, west part of the city. Buyer to assume mortgage of $1500.00. J. H. BR. LUKE, Phone 871 or O87TW Bleze and Explosion Destroy 'Two Factories, Two Being Injured Windsor, June 3---Fire starting with an explosion in the plant of the Dominion Specialties Corpora- tion, directly across the street from the Walkerville fire, department headquarters at Huron and Walker Road, yesterday afternoon com- pletely destroyed the Dominion Specialties plant and the Universal #0 BOND ST, WEST Fastening and Button Company factory, with a combined loss esti- mated at $300,000. It wag one of the most spectacu~ lar and costly fires dn.the Border Cities' history. Two people were in- jured at the blaze, one a little girl gpectator and the other a work- man employed at the Dominion Specialty, The blaze threatened the entire factory district of Walker- ville, only quick work on the part of the firemen preventing the spread of the flames to adjoining factory buildings, including the THOMAS STREET Overlooking Lake Ontario, new home, large living room with open fire place, Oak floors throughout and every modern convenience, Lovely shade trees. $6,600.00 home for $4,750.00 on easy terms, DISNEY, 29 King East Lennox Overall Company and Berry Brothers Paints and Varnishes. The Mittle gif injured got too close to the blazing paint and was severely burned about the neck when a tongue of flame shot from one of the windows, Edward Crow- ther, Ford Boulevard, Riverside, is reported to be in a serious condi- tion in Metropolitan General IHos- pital from burns, He was trapped by flames when an oil compression tank used in welding work in the plant exploded. New Seven Room House Corner of Richmond and Cadillac, selling at cost. It is real home and a real bar. ain, Phone 2354 KING'S COUNSEL ARE APPGINTED Twenty-one Names in King's Birthday Honor List for Ontario Toronto, June 3 ---- Twenty-one pew appointments of King's Coun- sel for Ontario were anounced last night. in a King's birthday honor list by Attorney-General William H. Price, The appointees are: John Ernest Anderson, Lindsay; Percy Wood Beatty, Toronto; John Douglas Bis- sett, Toronto: Herbert Abraham Clark, Toronto; Daniel Joseph Cof- fey, Toronto; Trepassa Herbert Dyre, Owen Sound; Thomas Spaver Elmore, Toronto; John Frederick Hollis, Toronto; Herbert William Lawlor, Hawkesbury; Lyman Lee, Hamilton; Allan Travers Lewis, Ot- tawa; John Wendell McCullough, Toronto: Robert Dunn Moorhead, Toronto: Montalleu Nesbitt, Wood- stock: Charles Alfred Payne, Belle ville; George Gordon Plaxton, Tor- onto: Frederick Adam Corrie Red: den, London, England; Charles Guy Robertson, Preston; Alexander Laurence Shaver, Dundas; James Fordyce Strickland, Peterboro, and Frederick Watt, Guelph. Guelph. STORM OF INSECTS HITS CORNWALL Cars Halted and Windows Darkened by Shad Flies in Migration Cornwall, June 3---~Like the pla- gue of locusts of Biblical times, mil- lions of shad flies descended upon Cornwall and district in their an- nual flight from breeding places along the St. Lawrence River. The insects, varying in size from one-half to three-quarters of an inch in length, were so numerous that Cornwall appeared to be in the midst of a blizzard. Automobiles proceeding along the highway east and west of the city were frequently stopped while driv- ors cleaned windshields of sticky masses of crushed insect bodies, Brightly lighted store windows ware almost completely obscured of the flies clustered on the glass and illuminated signs were unreadable as thousands of files flittered about them. Shad flies are harmless Iirsects and live but a few hours. The an- nual plague in thig district lasts from a week to 10 'days during which millions of the insects infest the entire section. 'The man who used to take a Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores | EATON GROCETERIA J It Pays To Shop Here Always GOOD USED CARS Are Bold b, THE . ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. Phone 900 Boys' Broadcloth il Wash Suits. Special 19¢ Dominion Clothing Co. | os King St: W. Phone 2141 | BVESIGHT SRECIALISY ey Disney Block - Opposite Bart Off Good Weather Ahead! «=D0 not 1088 your care Let me finance you---Addi tional Cash. Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14} King St. East pinch of snuff, and make a of it, has a son who takes & pinch of sand and makes a tee of it.-- Galt Reporter. HONEST IGNORANCE {xian the San Francisco Chron- fole An honest man ia one who BAYS, "I don't mow," instead of saying: 'Look it up yourself, son, and you'll remember it better." JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph, D. Hyesight Specialist Phone 8218 - 74 Athol St. WW, Oshawa Phones 18-1111

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