THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 193C PACE FIVE omen's SOCIAL and PERSONAL ir. and' Mrs, Perce Maybee, Simeoe Street North, who haye been residents of this city for the past twenty years, are moving to Toron- to, to live and will leave Oshawa on Monday, Thelr many frien here will regret their going awa Prior to their leaving Mr, and Mrs, Maybee have been entertained by # number of their friends, " Mrs, Lowry Cgydermann, Bow- manville, Dr, Crydermenn of De- troit, J. H. Crydermann of Bowman- ville, and Mrs. Casbourne of Mon- tr are in town visiting Mrs, J. H. Ashley, 334 King Street, Hast. Miss Irene Higgs, of 244 Rox- borough Avenue, sailed from Mon- treal on Friday morning, for Eng- land, where she will spend several months vacation with her brothers and sisters, 4 Friends, in Brooklin, of Mrs, A, Laurence who has been confined to her room' for some time, will be pleased to learn that she is ime proving, Myr, Ed, Stone of Rochester, N.Y,, Mr, and Mrs, J. Tout of Rochester, pnd Mz, and Mrs, Norman Stone and Miss Gladys Stone also of Rochester are in Oshawa to attend the funeral of the late Mrs, Charles J, ftone, Mrs. Worden of Ottawa, sister of the late Mrs. Charles Stone is visit- ing In Oshawa, A very pleasant afternoon and evening were spent on Thursday at the home of Mrs, J. L, McGill, 102 Agness Street, when a number of her Iriends gatrered to celebrate, wth her, the annversary of her 78th SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FCR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the {THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Shacoe St. 8. Chiffon Full Fashioned HOSIERY As ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Nimroe St. Sh eer OSHAWA STUDENT AT OLE HONORE Miss Margaret Anderson Is 'Voted Winner of Strath- cona Shield This morning at Ontario Ladies College Miss Margaret Anderson, nf Oshawa was elected winner of the Strathcona Shield, an - honor that goes to the girl, voted by the stu- dent body as the girl who takes the keenest interest in all school acti vities and particularly in athleties, @ must not necessarily be the best school athlete, but rather a promoter of sports which in a school are very important in char- acter building, The requirements and qualifications for the winner of this srield were admirably explain- ed by Mrs. A. L. Richards, of Whit. by, in her address before the voting of the students took place, The an- nual fleld-day meet of the school in to be held this aftermoon, and there the best athlete will be de- cided, HARMONY H. AND'S. CLUB HAVE MEETING A. Slyfield Delivers Address on "Books" Harmony, May 31--The Harmony Home and. School Club held its monthly meeting' on Thursday evening, Miss I, EB, Baker, vice president conducted the meeting in the absence of the president, All re- ports were read and approved, It was decided to hold a school pienie on June 13th, Miss Williamson's class and Mr, Timmins' class tiled for the parents' prize so each will receive a prize, Mr, A, Slyfleld, lib- rarvian of the Oshawa Colleginte and Vocational Institute gave 'a most interesting address on books, The meoting closed with prayer | TEEN AGE BRANCH OF W. A. HOLD SOCIAL The Teen Age branch of the Wo- men's Auxilary of Holy Trinity Church held a social last evening in the parish hall, A delightful pro- gram took place at the first of the evening, and is as follows: Aplano 1o0lo by Ethelda Amsbary: reading tablet of Aspirin, and gio ng ro nda the Soares * No to fear, if you have tablets stam; 283m) Eo KE] uine Fores no use in wal; ng headache will "wear-off, wg 5 gd 13 g = 3 41 4 3 2s i bl i Lo 3 3 £ 5 § {hy Mr, Bellingham: a dance by Al- | »erta Judd, a solo by Dolly Haley. | The senior members of the W, A | neted thelr play "Sewing for the Heathen." Annie Bellingham played # plane 'solo, 'Alberta Judd did an- pthepdance. Maria, Outer a reading and Mrs, Elston a solo. Refresh. ments were served after which the guests enjoyed dancing, GIRL TELLS OF LEAP OF MAN OVER CLIFF London.--A' young man's tragle dash over a, cliff 105 feet high was described at an inquest at Budleigh Salterton. Devon, England. Miss Marjorie Wand, of London, said she met the vietim of the tra- aged 35, at an Angmering (Sussex) riding school. They became friend- ly but Litt declined to hecome en+ nost at a riding school near Bud: lleeh Sallerton, They were sitting on a seat near fhe cliff face when Litt got up and went over. | Passages from letters were read, 'he girl urging the man to come to a decision, | "Lift told me he myeh? sald the irl, The coroner said the fact that Tift was going over In a most de- Yiherate way aid not wive out the noasibility [of seme other reason than sulélde, drank too ™ birthday. She received several pres- cuts among these a bouquet or flower e ten table was pretifiy decorated. with mauve and yellow and the candles on the birthday cake were arranged to form the | pumber 78./ & upsets of Sl Jit Fl, . Keep Castoria in mind, and keep in the house--always. gedy, Charles Edward Rivers Litt, Despite the lure of spring and thé great outdoors the patrons of the library continue to read with unabated enthusiasm, Many new books have been added to the shel- ves and the new spring and summer lists contain much that ig of inter- est, Oklahoma during the land rush in 1880 and later during the ol] boony is the subject and hero of "Cimarron" by Edna Ferber, Pie turesque Yancey Cravat, a ploneer newspaper editor, wanderer, and lawyer is one of the first to arrive in new, muddy Osage, His gently bred and conventional wife, Sabra, of necessity develops # business ability which makes a success of the newspaper, when Yancey event ually disappears, and later she goon to Congress, The life and growth of the town, and the Indian problem afte meen largely through Sabra's eyes, "Miss Welby at Steen," by Archi- bald Marshall is a charming story of English life which is told through the pages of a journal kept by a middle closs English girl, In order to gain leisure for the de- velopment of her literary gift she accepts the position of governess to Lady Isabelle Bastian's two small daughters at their beautiful coun- try home, Steen, The home and friends she wins, and the tragedy she averts, make a quiet story but one not without its dramatic climax, Adventure and romance abound fn "The Strength of Lovers," by Hugo Wast, a tale of the conquist- adores, Lucia Miranda accompani- ed her hushand on Bebastian' Ca- hot's expedition to colonize the Argentine in 1526, and & native chief fell jn love with her, "John Merrill's Pleasant Life," by A. B, Parsong Is written with a keen understanding of American lite, This title is ironical, as one reviewer has sald, John Merrill's "pleasant life' was actually spiritu- al frustration. A penniless, clever, and promising young engineer, he was chosen by an aged man to sue- ceed him in the management of a factory in a beautiful small town on the Hudson river, The close of the book finds Merrill a prosperous and successful leading citizen comfortable and inadequate, An unusual novel In its imagin- ative beauty, Its manner of telling and its sincerity is the "Great Men- dow," by E, M, Roberts, While the Revolution was being fought In the east, Diony Jarvig and her husband, Berk, were building a home In Ken- tucky wilderness. Berk left to fol. mother, and did not come back, and Diony, because she was, alone and unprovided for, married Mulr, Then Berk returned, and according to the law of the wilderness, she was free to choose the one she would live with, : Other netion regel ved: 'Mountain City," by Upton Sinclafe] Seasons," by F, KE. M. Young: "Streets of Shadow," by L. Mes Farlane; "The Rocklits," by George Preedy; "The Weatherhouse," by Td By Annebelle Worthington, Huse trated Dressmaking Lesson Furs nished With Every Pattern The chic femininity and girlish prettiness of this yellow and green printed Rayon Crepe, will instantly appeal to sophisticated Miss of 8. 10, 12 and 14 years. The flaring skirt shows soft gathering at front and slight dip- ping at either side, A crushed gir- dle marks the normal waistline and ties in youthful bow at side. The simple bodice is sleeveless. The capelet collar of plain yellow crepe is. most unuspal, opened at front displaying round neckline, An applied band of the printed erepe provides smart trim, Style No. 3360 1s very effective for parties made of pale blue geo- grette 'crepe with "collar finished with picot edge. Navy blue wool erepe with vivid ved trim on collar is practical for now and early Spring, Pattern price 20 cents. Be sure to fill in size of pattern. Address Pattern Department, Our Spring Fashion Magazine is 10. cents, No. 3360 Size... ...\ .. 0 ss ER EEE) ' « Name ed DE EE EE RIA} Street Address low the Indians who had killed his | "Four | What New York Is Wearing, Nan Shepherd; The Best Detective Stories of the Year 1020; "Love's Musion," by J. D, Beresford; "A Generation Missing," by C, Car: stairs; "North of Suez," by W, Me Fee, Contemporary literature Ng in debted to M, Maurofs for one more flue blography--""Byron', The dramatic and psychological aspects of Byron's life are here presented in beautiful prose from a detached point of view which ig sane, Intel- ligent, and non-mordlizing, The lonely, proud, sensitive child had an ancestry, the author shows, which accounted in some part at least for the man's spectacular car- oer. Long and very detailed, the book's accuracy fis unquestioned and is supported by sources given at ite close. "Decisive Wars of History," by B. H. Liddell Hart, Is a study an strategy, Beginning with the Per- sian invasions of Greece, in the fifth century B.C., the author analyzes wary of anclent and modern history, making a careful study of strategy, tactics, and generalship, The sec- ond half of the book Is devoted to the world war with Interesting con- clusions regarding the German sur- render, Short sketches, appreciative rath. er than biographical, of American men and women who studied anc wrote of nature, not as scientists hut ag nature lovers is contained in "American Naturlsts," by H. C Tracy, "Jaw Buss," hy A, Dukes, is a five act play based on Lion Feuchtwang- er's novel "Power," and an impres- sive work, A new book hy the blographer of Rasputin, R. Fulop-Miller is sure to he welcomed. "The Power and Secrets of the Jesuits," is a drama of human passions anad spiritual fmpulsey embracing four centuries and five continents, The author has succeeded : in unravelling the essential significance of Jesuitism, ity. sinister secrets and its power for good, the exalted Ideas an well as the great errors, All the import- ant personages of the Society of Jesus, its great apostles, theologi ans, scientists and teachers are portrayed. . Other new non-fiction received. "Animals Looking at You,/" by O, Eipper; "The Education of Child- ren," by A. Adler; "In Quest of the sun," by A. Gerballt; "Riding the Alr Waves," by KE, Palmer; "Arm- | ageddon, the World War in Litera a aa a a i I | not be prepared for them, | the time to be dressing our homes DIOCESAN BOARD WILL NEET AT ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH Rev. Archdeacon Fleming of | Arctic to Address W. A. Board Meeting On Thursday, June 5tl, the Toron to Diocesan Board of the Women's Auxiliary of the Anglican Church will hold its Juhe meeting in St. George's Church Parish Hall, here, The mor- ning session will begin at 1030 o'- clock and at 12.15 the ladies will ad. journ to the church for prayer and an address that will be Jenered. In the afternoon the address will be gi- ven hy Rev. Archdeacon Fleming of the Arctic. Dr, Mabel Cartwright, Dean of §t. Flilda's College, Toronto, will occupy the clair at 10.30 am, and again in the afternoon, It is ex. pected that there will be an attend. ance of over four hundred, Three hundred will come from Toronto ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and Mrs, W, C, Werry ane nounce the engagement of their only daughter, Audrey May, to Meredith. Herbert Moffatt, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. D, Moffatt, of Oshawa, The wedding will take place in June, Mrs, Joseph Greentree, of Harm- ony, wishes to announce the engags- ment of her youngest daughter, Ruby Josephine, to Francis J. Fleury, The wedding will take place the latter part of June, Weddings JAMIESON «== PARROTT On Wednesday, May 28 at the home of the bride's parents, a quiet wedding took 'place when Lillian Marie, youngest daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Robert Parrott of Clare- mont, Ont,, became the bride of Burnett, only son of Mr, and Mrs, Vietor Jamieson, of Balsom, Ont. Immediately after the wedding breakfast the couple left for West- ern points, | WOMEN'S CORNER | HOUSE WEARY I'm going out! I'm tired of tables, chairs; I'm tired of walls that hedge me all about; tired of rooms and carpets, stairs, And so--1'm going out!" I'm ceilings, Somehow or other what I need to- day Are skies, and birds that carol, winds that shout! Dame Nature's friendship Thus 1 say, "Good-bye--I1'm going out!" I want It's just house-tiredness. Trivial humdrum strain! Monotony! But when I've ¢limb- | should, of course, be sewed on the ed the hill, My heart refreshed will laugh and sing again, | Dear home I'll love it still! | rs | SLIP COVERS Even though, the weather these days gives us anything but the im- pression that summer is just around the corner, we must not give up all hope, It is altogether probable that the warm days will descend upon us very suddenly and we ma; Now is {to be cool and inviting looking in | the WHEN THE THIRD IS PLANTERS SALTED PEANUTS 138 "Sunshine 'is goods=.. | Washing is better" Airing pillows and giving thom: & good wn ath is splendid, but soft ter and pure soap, wd this laundry, foljowed by : thorough ding and uffing, give you positiy ve assurance of . freshness "and cleanliness, 'The cost is put one dollar per pair We also make a specialty of blankets, 'motor rugs, rag mats, bathrobes and heavier articles so hard to handle in the home laun- dry. e have five different kinds of 'family wash"' services. [from which you may choose, all moderately priced. Phone today, or stop any of our courteous drivers for prices and particulars. g CE SR SE City RE ES Pa State | mers curtains in their stead, | the furniture with slip covers. This '| the very warm "weather, Most any room is cool it it looks cool, flour, 6 tablespoons 'water, and there are various things that can be done to bring about this appearance, It is best to begin by removing all needless vranaments, Take down the glass curtains and drapes and hang light weight, sum- Cover last suggestion may not win favor with some people who still retain {dea of slip-covers as being formless, once drab, necessities to protect furniture from sunshine and dust, Now, they have come into their own, and are used extensively by those who wish to make their rooms attractive in the summer, They must be fresh and crisp look- ing, interesting in color, and suit- ed to the furniture in form and in perfect harmony with the walls, celling, floor and general decora- tive plan of the room, It is most fmportant that they are well tailor- ed, and fit snugly over the arms of sofas and chairs, Slip covers, may be almost any fabric that fs washable. Chintg, printed and flowered creatonnes, Where a material that will give good service is required, demin is often used. More expensive mater- fals such as silk reps, brocatelles, armures, damasks, which come in numerous combinations, with silk rayon, cotton and linen and. the upholstery sating, silks and taffetis, The latter materials mentioned are not as durable but are especially appropriate for the feminine bed- room, * Slip-cover patterns are offered by various pattern companies, if you want to make your own. But before you choose your material and col- ors he sure in your mind that they are what will be most in keeping ideiidebddeieddrdniiedede deed bg } FASHION TIPS ASaaaaanadas tens a sss The newest jackets are colorful and very swagger in blazer flannel and they are even so smart worn over a little white flannel or crepe frock, *, o L X Crepe Alvin is a new silk sport dress material of the twilled silk family, It wears and washes so satisfactorily and makes up in such delightfully simpley sports frocks: The picturesque dinner frock of organdie for summer is taking on an afr of sophistication in its full ankle-length skirt with form fitted bodice, puff sleeves, fichu or crepe collar, while in white or pastel, the organdie frock sometimes has a black velvet sash to ensemble with the short wrap of black velveteen. New bags arrive daily and no summer tea guest should be caught with a shabby purse or one that doesn't fit in her ensemble, ' Bags 'appear to' be lower in price this; season and ratty printed silk ones in such a'wide variety of pat- tornd ave in a shop, vt ow Also corded silks in shaded tones are smart, Very new this season are linen bags, You wouldn't want anything nicer to wear with a linen costume than one in blue and white or green and blonde linen, ture," by E, Lohrke; "Stamps,' by Ji B, Stiles; "Ten Years Lite of the League of Nations." with the other appointments in your I room that will not be covered. If you are thinking of making your own covers, It Is wisest to work out @ pattern on cheap muslin or news- paper, As a rule the outside of the chair back is one plece, thé front of the chalr back another, ):e seat and the front of the chair, one plece, the arm from the inside at the seat over the arm and down the outside to the bottom is one plece, the front of the arm is one plece. A pleated ruffle may be around the bottom, The seams on the finished cover machine and for a fine appearance should be French seamed or finish- ed with a cording. This cording may be solid color line, to match one of the colors in the patterned fabric, ORANGE SPONGE CAKE Six eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup 4 cup orange juice, grated rind 1 orange, few grains salt, Separate whites from yolks of eggs and beat whites until stiff, Cook sugar and water until fit "threads" and pour Into beaten whites, beating constantly, Beat until cool Beat in orange rind and julece. Add beaten yolks and fold in flour sifted with salt, Bake =z in an ungreased tube degrees F, pan on cooling rack and allow to | WORK IN WOODSTOCK cool in pan, the pan by its own 'welght, but if it does not around the when cool, lookin' persisted certainly sald the gecond, treal Star, tion very in nerves have and food sours. an alkall, Instantly, known to medical lips' Milk of Magnesia, mained cians in the 50 years since its ins vention, One spoonful of this [Interests in the Home --- and the Community | _ LIBRARY The same finest quality at a considerably lower price' "SALADA" TEA _Fresh from the gardens' |GANG OF ROBBERS AT pan at 520 for one hour, Invert It should come from Woodstock, May '81--Provincia! Police In Oxford, Perth and adjoin. ing counties have concentrated their efforts to run to earth the gang of robbers who have 'been it may be loosened edgeg with a spatula Two ancient cabbies were glar- ing at each other on Sherbrooke | plundering this district for the last Street, | week or two, and whose efforts in yer | Embro Village and vicinity a few * days ago netted them several large replied the other, hauls, Suspects, including several nasty look," | men, a woman and several children, "Aw," said the "what at?" "Nothing," "Yer gave me a the first, "Why, now yer menghun it, yon 'ave got a nasty look," "hut, so 'elp me, ter ver,"--Mon one, travelling in two autos, were traced to a rendezvous in an empty house near Medina but the party escaped just before the arrival of the con~ gtables, Their cars were a coupe and a well-known sedan, When Pain Comes Two hours after eating call Indiges- | tasteless alkall in water will neue tralize instantly many times ax stomach, The stomach [much acid, and the symptoms dis« been over-stimulated, | appear at once. You will never use The corrective is |crude methods when once you learn neutralizes acide the efficiency of this. Get a small the Dest alkall|bottle to try. science Is Phil Be sure to get the genuine Phil- It has re-|lips' Milk of Magnesia prescribed with physi-| by physicians for 50 years in core recting excess acids, Fach bottle {contains full directions--any drug- store, never gave fit PHILLIPS Rod MAGN, Troubles Fre 10 Acid INDIGESTION ACID STOMACH HEARTBURN HEADACHE What many people often means excess acid the | which And the standard harmless, a ---- CANADA CEME FREE ETE [J dada l al 1 00) vonerete highs way near Guelph, Oni, Motoring Concrete means better roads use of the safe even tractive surface it _ @ssures, It means better budgets because' it nceds no costly upkeep. It ends strain, needless tire wear and excess sive gas consumption. It means better motoring. ) Wise motorists pick the concrete roads. Tourists choose routes that feature them. Commercial vehie cle operators appreciate their safety and economy. Concrete roads promote prosperity and save the taxpayer's money. Advocate them . « . and wide highways . . , at every opportunity. Canada Cement Gompany Limited Potion Say © ny Aid Sales Offices ati MONTREAL ~~ TORONTO ~~ WINNIPEG. CALGARR