Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 May 1930, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 PAGE THREE Annual Cadet Inspection a Brie But Spirited Camp " Expecled in Riding: as Of Election Is Made Pol ic Lngenlous WIethods. May Be mrpllpiserdiag A Appeals to Electorate RUMOR NAMES MOORE AS" LIBERAL CHOICE De Core Conservative, Is eteran Campaigner -- Hard Battle ttle May Result With the announcement that the Dominion elections will be held on uly 28, the federal, fldiod, of Ontario neluding Oshawa and Whitby, nay look forward to a brief hut spirited election. eampnign, Fhe heat of the summer will be augmented by the heat of the party strife and. ne one need be surprised if innocent garden parties suddenly assume the form of political gatherings and if campaign speeches are thrust upon crowds at baseball games or beaches, During the summer months there seems to be a degided coolness towards pub. lic gatherings for things serious and the candidates who dre used the most ingenious methods In making their appeals to the public will prob. ably stand the best chance of enters ing Dominion Parligment in this and other ridings, Dr, 1, E, Kaiser, Conservative, who has represented this constituency for the past term, is as everyone knows the choice of Liberal-Conscrvatives in Ontario riding, Br, Kaiser is a veteran campaigner and so © doubt, mueh will be heard grom hini before July 28, The Liberals have not nk, announ- ced the date of the jon whieh . is to be held short nh a or he purpose of chosing a Liberal standard' bearer, « Announcement, however, is expected any day, The name of WW. Hy Moore, of Pickering, chairman' of the advis: ory tariff 'beard, Is mentioned as one who may mn againgt Dr, Kal r. Mr, Moore contested the Tast election and was defeated by the pre. sent member after a strenuous eam: paigns 3 he is agaih nominated there 1s a certainty of a hard fight and no one may guess the outcome until the dust of battle has rolled away, As this will be a mid-summer eles tion, there will be a number wha pro- bably will not be able to vote as they will be absent en holidays, The riding may not be accused of partiality toward any party as it has heen represented by Liberals and Conservatives in both the provincial Legislative Assembly and the Dom- inion House of Commens, It is this factor which gives added interest to the campaign as the result is never certain, En Mr. Orval J, Tultle, of Detroit, is visitng his parents Mr, and Mrs, Jv Py Tuttle, 119 Colborne St, BE, Apple pv urvey Ia to he made In Canada By government officials, Here's hoping the results are not applesauce, ~~ Stratford Beacon- Herald, W. A. COAD Vormer factory supervintendent nt General Motors of Canada Lid, who was honored by his associ ates at an enjoyable event held at Parkwood, beautiful home of IR, 8B, MeLaughlin, last night, on the oceasion of his vesignation from the company after mom than thirty, years of service, W. A. COAD HONORED BY HIS ASSOCIATES Guest of Honor at Happy Function at Parkwood Last night Last Night WwW, A, (BID Cond was tho guest of honor at a very happy function at: Parkwood, the home of Mr, R. §, MeLaughlin, A number of Mr, Coad's old LT asnoolatéy gethered together to ox- press thelr high regard and est: eam for him, on the occasion of his resigning from his duties at Cen- eral Motors, My, Cond han heen netivelv conneated with the Caw: pany for over thirty years, starting as a hoy In knickers with the Me. Taumhlin Carriage Company, Mr, MoLaughlin exprénsed the feeling of the gathering in a few well chosen words, sonal ' osteer presented Mr, nieture by Frank rising young Canadian artist, and as a memento of affection pore and Coad with a Panabaker, the The group Jointly preserted him 'with v heautiful sterling sllyer howl, suitably engraved, Mr Cond was very popular rose with the factory employees and office wiaff, and is leaving with the very best wishes of everybody connected with the organisation, CANDIDATES FOR MINISTRY HAVE BEEN ACCEPTED United Church Approves Young Men of Oshawa and Cobourg Pr Preshyteries (Special To -~ The Gahama Daily Cobourg, May Le "Young mei of the Cobourg and Oghawa Pres byteries who have heen accepted ny candidates for the ministry of the United Chureh f Canada, were reported at Friday's meeting of the Bay of Quinte oiled Oshawa Presbytery Candidates from the Oshawa Presbytery include Kugene Lawre ence Beech, B.A, Bowmanville, received 1085, Queen's Theologi- onl College and supplying at Kyle Bask; Vresnn Marshall Heward Cryderman, received 1021, Hamp ton, Ontario; te attend Kmmanuel College; Clardnee Howard Vergu #2n, received 1026, Nowmanville, Vietorin College and supplying al Cireles, #Mnpk; Prederiek Merri) Ferguson, Bowmanville, veasived 1027, Vietorin College, and supply at Monarch, Bask; Frank WB, Max well; Bimeoe Street, Oshawa, re. ceived 1089, Vietwla University! Gordon 8, Maxwpll, Himeoe Hireet, Oshawa, VietoMa University and travelling missionary in the Peace River. distejel; Stanley ,Ldewsllyn Oshorne, owmanville, redsived 1080, Emmanuel College and sup: Y to Grafton, Sask; Harold Wil inm Pointer, Bowmanville, re oglved 1020, Victoria College and supply at Leslie, Mask; W, ¥rod Riding, 660 King street, Oshawn, received 1020, Emmanuel College; Alvin B, Roslin, Naweastle, ro ceived 1980; Charles Grant Runge Port Perry, received 1985; Horhtid Todd, Oshawa, Queen's University, received 1080; Charles Rober Wragg, Clarke, Ontario, reeslved 1088, Queen's University, and supply at Purple Hprings, Alta, Cobourg Proshytery Candidates from Presbytery for the ministry of the United Chueh of -Cannds inelude Willlamn Franklin Dannister, Th.D., veceived 1089, Campbelleroft, Km. manuel College; Herbert, Btaples Hlesard, Baltimore, received 100, to attend Albert College; ' Wijils Dowler, Roseneath, seceived 1000, to attend Albert Onllege; Burton Clelland Roberts, Rosenesth, re. ceived 10080, to attend Queen's Uni versity; Owen Raberis, Roseneath, regeived 1000, to attend Albert Cosdoge: Ellis D, Npnelgrove, Cam horne, received 1056,4 do attend Victoria College, Card of Thanks William Hayes, Br, and family qt 20 Burke street, take this opportunity to thank Dp, Bird, Dp, Mills, Nurse Campbell of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, Nupuo Cowly, Mrs, Humm, the Ladies® Auxiliary Canadian Legion, Post" 43 BRAT, Oshawa, 8180 neighbors and friends for thelr many acts of kindness during. the recent fliness of Mrs Hayes, pi (1370) Mr, and Mrs, The New Duranf Four LR hg Ewe ur dl vi wien ai "0 the Cobourg | " | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS | ARRESTED FOR VAGRANCY Kost Cider wap taken into custody this morning by Det Sgt, Flintoff and arraigned on a nomingl ehurge of vir grancy, He was remanded for 4 week, Cider is wanted by the Manitoba Provinelal Police on a charge of non. suppory LIFE GUARD SWORN IN Willig Culling, whe is to serve this summer ut Lakeview Vark as lite muard, was this morning sworn in us special constable to net for the police department, In that = distriet tin the summer months, The job of patrolling the heach to wssist ov er courageous bathers who go heyond thelr depth will thus be eombined with that of checking vp on Infrae tons of the laws, USED MUCH TIMBER The T, I Mothersitt Campany, of the 'city, completed thelr contract for the constemetion of the grand stands for the Shriner's parade in Exhibition Park, Toronto, last Saturday, it was learned today, by The Times, The stands which exgend along Lakeshore Drive from the Prince's Gate to the western extremity of the grounds, wre on both sides of the road wed continue in unbroken order for the whole distance, The ameunt' of tom: ber used in the work was 1,380,000 enble feet; truely a mammoth guan tity, for suels a short period of use. MADE UNLUCKY FURCHASE 'Meryy, Sunderland, 0 Athol street, this eity, was taken oe custody on Friday night by PT. C, Fawbert and P, C, Hele for havin "In Wis PORSER* slon a quantity of liquor legally In police court this morning he RESOLUTION WILL MEMBERS RUSH MAKE CHURCHMEN WAR OBJECTORS (Continued from Page 1) clarifying statement which unanimously udopted, No Reflection on Soldier Let us got vid 'of this reference to Governments," he said, "This resolution just passed is no re flection on the soldier, He does what he things is his duty, He is not wrong, but Goveriiments often are, We have aped the Governments and done thelr dirty work 'long enouxh!" Emphatic applause fol lowed this statement, was Coming E Events 8 Cents " yr word each ine py tinimumn charge for each insertion, BSc, SPEND MONDAY EVENING JUNE § at Zion, Bupper from 4.50 Football game 6.80, Concert ¥ o'clock, Standard Time, SQUARE DANCE AT hart's Pavillon every Thursday and Saturday, Admission 2bo, 186-187-181:140) RESERVE JUNE 18, ELOCUTION recital, Miss Evelyn Trick anu pupils, Simeos street United Church, Admission Boe, (186-187-130-180-104-200) OPENING OF CHOSEN FRIENDR new lodge rooms, Kngel's Hall, over Dewland's, Bilver colleation, Indoor excursion and dance Wednesday, June 4, (127n) CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICESN Gath go ited h ha revaning (12%) Honk AND 8. Wednesday, ta) (1360) BARN yy fins meet Bross w on the legislation enacted Paring have never than they are nowadays no don Parsing Show, pleaded. guilty to the charge and stated thet he had purchased the Ji- quer, fiom, a ay whom he Iwd known in. the Fittings plant seme time Ago, The man was Jeaving town and 'wanted to sell it, he sald, His Wotiip fined the seccused $100 and costs with the option of three months in Jail, He was warned that he must keep all lguid stimulents awsy from his home in future, COAT CAUGRT VILLE Last Baturday night while sev~ arn) girls were conversing in front of the Gleaner Office, Cannington, three or four young lads threw # lighted fire eracker in the circle where the girls stood, It exploded and struck one of the young Indy's coat setting fire to it, Had it not bean for the timely assistance of the Gleaner's foraman, and a five extinguisher this young lady might have been seriously burnt, OLD ORDER CHANGETH "The old order changeth yleld- ing place to new," Bo goes the oll proverb, In Oshawa, an Instance of this Was seen ap the Firemen on duty yesterday morning were seen demolishing an old wagon used by the department, in years gone by, The conseclencious work manship put into the building of the wigon could be seen inthe dif fioulty experienced by the med in taking it apart, What. a story of fives of long Ake and development from ham- let fo city the old wagon could tell, If IL were possible for it to talk, A link with the golden past disap. pears with the old wagon, BUSINESS AND HURRY TO HOMES (Continued from Page 1) for explanations, All day long the different heads of the departments whose estimates were under dis- cussion were called upon to give reasons why the particular money votes were needed At 030 o'alock the last ilem In supply was passed, the bills intro duced and given three readings and the bills Introducad and given three readings and the house pros rogued hy the speaker A delay then was eased through the neces sary formality of the Wenate ap- proving the bills, Under the cons stitution, the upper chamber had no lecense to amend or change the bills but the approval of that body WHS necessary Dissolution at 11 O'clock Consequently it was almost n'elodk before His Excellency 1 the Governor<General dissolved parla. ment, The election writs then were issued and hy a soant margin of about 50 minutes the election date of July 28 wan assured, In the Senate, the ceremonies Inoked the dash and color of op- ening day ,. His Excellency seated on the vaised rostrum surrounded by his atdessde-camp in thelr brils lant uniforms delivered the speeen from the throne, laid the session and of the importance of holding an election this summer, Announcement was mado of cons ferences tn he held on unemploy- ment and immigration, a -- - A writer says that church hells heen more melodious There's ohime ilke the present,-lLon: ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS ON PAGE 9 WILL MOTOR TO HOLLYWOOD and the tourists are . expected to wetwrn to br) oy .ahont duly 8 v Over eight "thousand miles will PRESIDENT QUINTE CONFERENCE TO BE ON GENERAL BOARD ------) Newton Swale To Be Lay - Member--Commissioners Chosen Cobourg, May 81.~Rev, A, J, Wilson, Napanee, newly elected president of the Day of Quinte Conference of the United Church in session at Trinity United Church, win elected to the general board of the General Council of the United Church on Friday, With him, » lay member to the General Voard from this conference, Newton Bwale of Lindsay was also unani mously chosen, The Conference also elected General Counell Commissioners, as follows: Ministerial: Mev, 'J, U, Nobins, Bowmanville; Rev, P, L, Jull, Brooklin; Rev. A, J, Wilson, Nap anee; Ray, Robert Laird, D.D,, To ronto; Nev, J, M, White, Xnnls Kién; Rev, N, BE. Nichowon, Can nington; Rev, T, H, PV, Anderson, Melby; Rev. HM. W, Foley, New- burgh, The Rev. W, I, Tanton, pastoy of Trinity 'nited Chureh, pastor of the 1080 Conferenc Church, was also slected on the ballot but was permitied to resign at his own earnest request, Laymen: J Ross Strike, Dow manville; A, C, Denike, Havelock; BN. T. Chown, Renfrew; W, 8. Gor don, Tweed; FMimer Davis, King: stan, Mrs, W, L, Smyth, Belleville; Frank A. Dorland, Wooler; ¢, W Burr, BloomtieTd, CARS COLLIDED ON LICKS HILL Mrs. Jas. Luke of Thornton's Corners, Badly Shaken Up James Luke, of Thornton's Corners, was severely shaken up yesterday in an automobile ac dent, on Lick's Hill, between Osh awa and Whithy, in which sev. eral cars were involved Mr, and Mr» ' Luke, Thornton's Corners were on a way to Torouto viii wrd Win nacott, a former rosident of this dintriot, As they were proceeding up Ldek's MAIL, they met a truck coming toward thew immediately following which Were sevoral ears, |The first of these cars passed the ptruck, but the second in Attempts | Ing to do the same thing, plunged {Inte the Winnacott oar. Moth cars | were badly smashed in the collls: lon but fortunately no one was seriously hurt in the smash, Mrs Luke being the only ope to suffer, being badly shaken up, She was removed to her home suffering from shock and has been vonfined to her room, The Highway Traftio Officer iu. vestigated the accident and had the cara removed by a. wrecking truck to a garage, It is helleved that no one was held for the aocl dent, SALVATION ARMY "HOLDS TAG DAY Busy Taggers Seen on the Streets This Morning In connection. with' the annual Aell denial appeal of the Salvation Army the local corps are holding today their annual tag day, At an [ darly hour this morning the busy | IngRers wore on the streets selling [the familiar red tags hearing the | Army arest and the words "To Help 'Others', «At every important street inter section they were to be found sols foiting the support of the publie in thelr great humanitarian work among the alek, the dying and the poor, It ia often wondered just where the money goes which ia cols lected at Jambhlana but it one waa to have the privilege of seeing the factories that are maintained to help the unemployed in securing work and of seeing the shelters provided at a minimum of cost to those using them so that a night's] ¢ rest in obtainable at a reasonable cost they would feel that there dimes and quarters are going tow: ard a work that ia worthy of the support of all Canadiand, There may be & time when those who are totlay helping the Army in ita work will heed the help of it and win find a veady response to their ap- peal for help, 00 Late lo Mrs, of ' ly LONE ENVRL ; } 4 neckties, in Atlantic & Pacific store, Kindly return to Johnston's olothing ateve or phone 334, (1278) \UNDRY DONE Phone 1334M, (May 81-1 mo) TO RENT=NIT bedroom on around floor, running water, very ocentral. Apply 178 Centre street, Phone 28500, C1872) TORTS between Rowmanville! and Rouge Hilla, Reward to tinder, Finder please phone Dowmanville Was \ ie J LE Bowmanville Training School | Prizes and Scholarships Were Presented at Gala (Hi of Year Yesterday Afternoon Hon. George S, Henry Paid| Glowing Tribute to the Cadets and Staff--Premier Ferguson Could Not At- tend FINALS ORATORICAL CONTEST WERE HELD Gordon Watson and John, Second -- Many Visitors Were Present Bowmanville, Mu kl} cloudy skies but before a large crowd of legislators, service club members at the Boys' 'I'raining School held yesterday afternoon proved to be an heard that Premier Ferguson would be unable to wttend they went through thelr deills with an euse und precision worthy of # company of the Coldstream Guards, I'he inspecting officers were Captain Isbester, dist rict cadet officer for district No W, Hill, Dominlon Director of Cad ets of Ottawa, The whole inspection which lasted close on to two hour was a reflection of eredit on Cunningham, the physical director of the school whose training has turned out one of the cadet corps In the province tario The program of drill witnessed by the Hon, Lincoln Gold le, provincial sceretary and the Hun George 8, Henry and many other dis tinguished gentlemen included in many formations, physical trainmg of On tain Broghton who was commund Ing oMeer of the company of 116 boys acquitted himself in uw manner wofth, of an experienced army officer and | he was warmly congratulated by the | officers and others on the platform at the conclusion of the parade, Af ter the final march past the lads lin ed up in front of the inspecting ol ficers and gave three rousing cheers for the King, the BT'S, yell and were Dubiner Came First and | exercises and squad drills under the! kuldance of the boys themselves, ( up | Under | Rey, | en by and friends of the school thé annual | cadet inspection and prize giving duy | outstanding success, Despite the keen | disappointment of the boys when they | gwarded to Robert | | M J, Neal to Ri who was accompanied by Colonel 8 [ 44 per cent Lar! | methods | Tor the smartest | awarded to which were | | Col, Hill to the winner, deills | | | | most | dismissed, The bugle band which wai in attendance should not be forgotten for their splendid contribution to the program and the school is indebted to Mr, Dave Morrison, Senior, whe in structed them and to My Jury through whose generosity the bund wis made possible Afternoon Tea Served Following the parade at the request | of Dr, Reaman, the superintendant, all adjourned to the Ferguson Hall, where afternoon tea was served by members of the staff to close on to] two hundred guests. Mrs, Fraser Grant, of Toronto, with Mrs, Ream an poured tea from a centre table which was decorated with a profu slon of flowers, The platform and the rest of the hull was: also tastefully decorated with tulips and red, white and blug streamers During this part of 'the program Mrs, Reaman, Mrs, Lincoln Goldie and Mrs, Fraser Grant were presents ed with bouquets, At the conclusion of ghe tea halt hour the' guests were. #pked to be seated and a program was then given under the chairmanship of Dr. Rea. man: Among "the guests noticed in this gathering besides those already mentioned were Harry Scholfield, M, PP, W, I, Bragg, M.P.P, George McLaughlin and Rk. 8, Melaughlin, of Oshawa, A. R. Lawson, represents ing the Kiwanis Clubs of Hamilton, Mrs. Goldie, Mrs, Archie Mathews, of Toronto, J. H, Jury, George Ham« ley who representa the Rotary Suby on the Board of DirectorseJohn A Rowland, past grand master of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Ontario; Frank S. Ebbs and Frank Reddin,of Oshawa, Mayor and Mrs, Elliott; Dr, Moshier, chief iwspeetor of schools of the city of Toronto, Magistrate "Kdmund Jones of Toronto and many others, Dr, Reaman was attired in his ro= bes as a doctor of philosophy and with him on the platform were the donors who presented the prises, The program commenced with the finals of the oratorical contest which was won by Gordon Watson who spoke on "The Lite of Sir Isanc Broo) and second place was taken John Dubiner who spoke on ewspapers," Both these boys were apap well spoken and had a fine deliverance of speech, The wins ner never faltered from the first word that left his lips to the last and hiy subioct was well prepared, The sees ond prise winner who spoke on "Newspapers" was once a . newshoy in Toronto and having been through |} a large newspaper plant was able to tell Ms andidnee in an easily under stood way the modern methods used in the publication of a daily paper. The judaes 'were A. E. O'Nail of the In Memoriam JACKSON---In loving memory of our dear son and hrother, Don. 34 Jason, who died May 31, 10 Sweet ix your memory dear Donald Dear to our healt ia your name You will alwaya be remembered Now and through life just the same, Algo his cousin James Swallow who dled May 27, 1028, Sadly missed by Father, Sisters and Brothas a) clos the fl containing Oshawa Collegiute Tustitute and I. Ww, Dippell, principal of Bowmanville High School, Interspersed with the speeches were nunibers on the plano splendidly rendered by Arthur Lees and choruses by the boys under the direction of Vrank Conwerse Smithy their musical instructor, Prizes Presented At the conclusion of the program the boys were addressed briefly by the Hon, George 8, Henry who paid u glowing tribute to the work of the cadets and also congratulated the stall on thele fine school and the fine type of Canadian boy they were rears ing The prizes were then presented In most causes by their donors, The Cane adian History Prize donated hy the Bowmunville Canadian Club was pres sented on behalf of the president, the IT, Shires, who was unable to he present, and whose place was tak- Rev. George Mason, The prize went to Peter Adam The cratorieal prize was presented the donor, Dr, G, ( Jonnveastly tu the boys mentioned previously, The wenerel proficiency prize wad Blasak whose nverage for dhe yenr reached the pinazing Ngure of 97 per cent, Thos, Dustang the donor, presented this prize Mathemuaties Prize, donated hy Aq Hardy, wad presented by M, As ssel Lee whose riuting was mi Short Ce OAC, $100 scholars ship presented hy Mr, C, 1 Jurtong wes won by Herbert Fardell and pres sented by Dr. Reaman, The prize donated by Harry Alling sinurtest cadet on parade wan Sergdant-Major F¥, Ld lary who was selected by Captain Ishester The Laura Secord Medal Yor markmanship was presented by William Mus bh ET doch the athletie Merdt Crests wer presented tothe following by captals Isbester: Harry Lee, George Spanis Jim Stringer, Joe Notemun, Albert. Smith, Harold Reid, and Lloyd Bus- tine, i superintendents medal for best a'¥ | student was presented by Dry Reaman do Harold Lec Hurry Rice gold medal for tha scientific display of boxing af the recent hoxigg tournament was won by Harold Reid The prize for proficiency. In -Chrise tan Doctrine was presented hy the Rev. Father Butler to Joseph 3 Fount donor, Noteman The function with the Kin was brought to singing of God Sav - Book Bargains | | Extraordinary Wo have taken over the coms i plete stock of the T. J. Vord || Co. Lad, which is going out of business, and are offering | the handsomely and substantis|| ally bound books at a mere li J feaction of thelr published | i Jrices, CL i vols, DeMaupasant, 10 vols, former 10.00, Our Price .. | Cassells Household Guide, [| bound in Blue PBuckram wit || eorations, fr are lav ntysiopedic.. | information ty home Ile, ho | ousehold Arts, 1liness, De- ji Garden ote, I about ever tainment, i= oration, Seale price $M, orm aioe WM Han . Short Story Classica; by English Authors, (10 vols, in green cloth, er price nom. re $3. 00 ors' glopedia. T vols, 'and I ! volume oN reniy "at $000 y! A sets bX offered at $6.78 af AA EE fn "18 | mation Re Joo! Neary | | i 1 --& Fr fa f Be id A Xin lw rp Shr heh | od Ilustrations [] taane, port ta nd, ows, 8 iTS FH ith Cla 3 15. Labi The Works of One | Yound i ncerated bu Was 845.00. Our Price | Fl bs Fi #08 Church Street, Toronto, Ontario

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