¥ the charge sgainst i LL ------ SE Ee = . Hospital charged with the theft of THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 The Whitby a a, 12 : y. Times, ows will br, revelvel® at the 8 Gas 11, and Chronicie.~2elephone Hours = 'I'lione BAY, | bos ' Lawyer Says Hospital Em- ployees Not Guilty --Judg- ment Next Week i Arguments. of counsel for the seven omployees of the Ontario goods from that institution were, heard by Magistrate J. B. Wills in Police Court this afternoon, His Worship, ruling that some new angles to the- various cnses had been brought out in evidence, re- sorved judgment until Friday next at two o'clock. Tho accused men are John Weuron, James Bedding, James Boddy, £, M, Lomax, Daniel Guloughilny, Stewart Byers and Charles Rycroft, all of whom ure at 1herty on bail of $1,000 each, 'W, IH. Kennedy, for Charles Iy~ eroft, asked the Court to dismiss his client on the ground that there was abso~ lutely no evidence to support it, ® nn w = tlantic City > is always t'in season" There's never a dull moment at Atlante City... alloye und 10 veoation tl Bracing alr=aports™ wondegiulfood=relan- Li onda week or RY i 0 ( BATES \ American Plan REPRESENTATIVE--JAMES H, ORMISTON His client, he stated had made a reasonable und correct Lg as to how G into pos- and on dh bie do Fav 0 There been uo (Bought: or attempt of theft, PMH for the best part of an hour argued tho cases of | John Fearon, James Dedding, {dames Boddy, Daniel Galoughiley apd EK. M, Loinex, He argued that Au nearly all énses property found ® the accused had been taken the belief that the ownership had boon. abandoned by the Hospital, Ho held also that apart from the ndmissions of some of the accused, there was a positive lack of iden- titiation, This fact, he contended, constituted a dangor to honest und decent mon, The Ontario Hospital, or the provinelal secrotary"s do- partment which supplied the goods to the institution, owed a duty to ity staft and the genera! publie to mark pnd identify all its goods, lost persons who had in thelr pos sossion goody similar to those used in the public fustitutions of the provinee should be taken into cus tody and charged with theft, My, Irwin charged that the au- thorities ut the hospital had fail od to provide their employees with definite lustructions as to what they were to expect in the way of clothes, Kvidence had been dis- closed that four dollarg per month had been deducted from employees wages lor clothes, Only recently had the chief attendant told soms now employees what they were to do In this respect, previous to that there had been no specitie rule book given to the employees, I'ne faflure of the Crown to show that these instructions existed, Mr, Irwin contended, gave the court good' ground to find that no are ticles were taken by criminal in- tent by his clients, He thought that the childish saying that "find. ors are keepers' was good In law os it related to these cases in which it had been shown that the bulk of the goods recovered had been abandoned and sent to the dump heaps of the Hospital, Thers lind bpen shown an absolute lack of any eriminal miud or Intention on the part of these men, whother they borrowed the goods or lu tended to keep them, Mr. Irwin asked the Court to consider and sive welght to the fact that in a number of other oases where the officers during their search of houses had found goods those questioned were able or were supposed to be able to give a satisfactory explanation as to how thay came into thelr posses NEW GILLETTE BLADE and RAZOR don, His purpose in mentioning 5 fact was to show the court t other people wera given ange to explain without being bjeoted to the lgnominy of prow secution of all the paraphernalia of the court brougnt fn bear on thew to label them as thieves, He con d that his ¢lients should ba treated the yame as the others he had referred to, The scales of British Justice should he evenly balanged, and Wis 'clients sent out of court with no cenviction regis terod against them, Crown Attorney J. A. MgGibbon denied cmphationlly the claim of Mr, Irwin that any partiality had been whown in connection with the Investigation which had fed up to this court trial, There had, he weld, been warrants fusued in other canes, but those concerned had been able to produce satisfactory recellis of purchase of good which had been questioned, Mr, McGibbon niso contended that there hud rot been shown any evidence of Inck of proper administration ot aftairs by the authorities in charge of the hospital, or {allure to carry out their duties, He deeply re- grotted that men who like himsei bad served thelr king and country overseas for the principles of right should have come buck dnd goue #0 far as to take property which did not belong to them and use same for thelr own use, The Crown Attorney contended that the #00ds In question found In the pos- womsion of the nceused men hud never been abandonad, The men, however, had without authority or the coior of right taken goods and retainad them and Ly so doing ren dered themselves lloble under the criminal code which clearly defined what constituted theft, a definition which in hin opinion fitted the canes before the court, Mr, MeGib- bon contended that the goody found in the possession of the men were not valuable enough to war rant tham taking tho chance they did and placing themselves in peril, In conclusion Mr, MeGibbon olaimad that the Crown had made out a clear case by the production of goods proved to belong to the Hospital, and also through the ad- missions of the aceuped themselves, Argument in writing wag sub mitted to the Court by D. A, J Bwanson, on behalf of Stewart Byers. Magistrate Willls made no com ment on. the Arguments advanced other than that some now facts which he wished time to consider had been brought out, At the hearing Innpector Boyd and Chief Gunson, two of the ot fiears who made the Investigation were on hand SEVERAL WANT TO BE CHIEF OF POLICE TOWN OF WHITBY Town Clerk and Treasurer Joho R. Frost now has on hand 25 ap- plications from men who would a ma a A DU | donlal week to be held in the near { 'nture and the City of Paterbor- {the smaller vice pres, Cobourg; Galbraith, of ike to be Chief of Police of Whit- by, The postmarks show phat the applientions have come. from all over the province, Severs of the Mh nty have 'the town, The applications commities, of which Coun, J. H., Ormiston is chairman, meets, on Monday night ond will present tho applications the council It is unlikely that any dofinite decision on a new Chief will 1a'made at the meeting," * Chief Gunson is still on the job, but may go any time, as he has several good prospects, CLEVER ARTISTS PRESENTED PLAY Under Auspices Evening Branch of W.A., of All Saints The parish hall of All Saints' Angliean Church was fillgd to the doors on Friday evening When un by Mr. der the auspices. of the Evening Branch of the W.A,. & comedy, en titled "The Bcheming yy 1H wes pr ul the able direction oF Mb, h Fi ory Yd ing part were Mrs, Erskine, Mrs, Toms, Miss Ethel Threadgold, Miss Stone, Mrs; 'Ashton, Miss M, Hyde, Mrs, C. Rice aud Mrs, Ivan Ross, The stage was tastefully arranged filiam Asbton who spen' a groat deal of time' st this work, The rector, Rev. J. M, Crisall, pre sided, The comedy wad a mirth pro- ducer, extraordinary, sud the sudl- once was kept in real good humor As mavy smusing situations were unfolded; The manner in which ench of the ladies took thelr re- spective parts won much favorable comment, They must have devoted n great deal of time in preparation for the 'entertainment, As a token of uppreciation of the work done by Mrs, Erskine not only in connection with this play but other departments of church work, Mrs, Erskine was presented with a gitt, Members of the cast were also remembered, The prea entations were made by the rector, Bowmanville Daily Time News, advertising and sub, jons will be received at the Bowmanville Office of The Times in the Cowan Bloc, King Street. WARKWORTH LADY NEW PRESIDENT OF PETERBORO W.M.S. Final Session of Presbytery Held at St. Andrew's Yesterday The second day's session of the Women's Missionary Soclety of the Potorborough Presbytery convent. fon which. has heen eg this week at Bt. Andrew's 'reshyterian church came to an end yestérday morning after @ most successful conference had bean held. The session opened with the singing of a hymn followed by a devotional service in charge of Mra, Rork, of Norwood. The min. utes of the previous day's work was read und approved and the Provinelal Report was read by Mrs, Alken of Millbrook, The roll eall of auxilares showed that there were in the presbytery 32 anuxiliar- fos and the reporis of each were wad, Plans wero made for a self angh was asked to co-operate with churches in making thia a success, The election of officers for the onsuing Yoar resulted as follows, Hon, President, Mrs, R. Hall, Pet. rborough; past president, Mra, D, Ewart, Cobourg; president, Mrs, C, C. Armstrong, Warkworth, 1st vice- pres, Mrs, C, Head, Colborne, 2nd Mrs, I*, C. Harper, of 3rd vice pres, Miss J, Rowmanville, 4th vice pres, Mrs, G, T. Dickson, of athe M1 \ peg FIT wa Fe Mi ns ih ti | i p hii Jp SHORTEN your daily shaving time, 10 more wiping--no more cut towels OUR work ends when dade, with this. Gill one of many out. yl find o La Sow bor 4nd Slade "Razor pull," for instance, won't bother you any the razor "are" reinforced with sturdy lugs of extra metal that stand a lot of abuse, Second, even if you should dent these lugs the blade is no longer held at the cor- nets, 80 no harm results from dropping. Look at the new blade, and note how the corners are cut Note t00 that the new blade ends are square, not round, for safer easier and ears, Othe De Lise modaln from 45.00 10 $79.00 PAT 1040, NO, BOATS, STHER PATENTS SENDING. QUICK FACTS 1 New bade can be med in your old Gillette ) New, #r sessed sieel; wow || b Curt semi ig Mae go 4 To , Ni » | 3 New pw of guard channel of guard meet naturally Yelle drsfesting'sess 4p dan | * Saag Campbellford, 6th vice pres, Mrs W. J, Mark, of Campbeliford; cor rosponding secretary, Miss G. Har- vey of Cobourg, Recording socre- tary, Mrs; J. W, Rork, of Norwood, Treasurer, Mrs, Morgan of Peter. borough; financial secretary, Mra, G, T, Clarke, of Brighton, Mission Band Secretary, Mrs, W. Lear mouth, of Hastings; Home Helpers' Secretary, Mrs, J. R, Eakins, of Millbrook: Supply nsocretary, Mrs David Bland, of Colborne; Welecome and' Welfare secretary, Mrs. len. nox of Havelock; Glad Tidings secretary, Miss Nina Davidson, or Potorborough; literature and 11d. rary secretary, Mrs, W. McDougal of Lakeport; oxchange and life membership nec, Mrs, D, Jordan, of Potarborough; press secretary, Mra, E, B, Cox, of Peterborough, young women and teen age girls secretary Miss McVannel, of Peterborough, Following the election Mrs, | 'vmatrong, the new president {thanked the gathering for the hon. | or awarded her and asked for co: | operation and support during the coming year. Mrs, MeDougal for 13 years treasurer of the Presby- tery was presented by the execu: J tive with a bouquet of roses and a plirge In recognition of her val: uable services, a -------------- INSPECTION HELD Public and High 'School Cade!s Make Cree ho XY yo r---- Before a ates orowd of citizens tho cadets of the Public and High nchools held thelr annual 'ingpec- tion y! apoel ps Cadets Inspection '0 Tsbester of Ninmston by Gol. ¢ Wi IN spector of e Of witnessed a a ot annn physical training exercises an drill, The captain of this" d was Morley Vanstone, and capacity he brought credit net to himself, but also to the se! which has had so little time to pare for the event which has when the students are hard at work preparing for their annual summer NUALGADET | HERE YESTERDAY fon Ins | Telephones--Office--5887; House--131, Bowmanville Representative--B, Herbert Mortlock Sergeant D, Adams were in com- mand of No. 1 platoon, Lieutenant Bill Ingram and Sergeant Newton Hackney in charge of No, 3 platoon and Lisutenant Bradley Honeyman and Sergeant Harold Colmer were in command of the Signal Corp. In the general drills and forma- tions the boys made a fine showing but they were especially good in thelr display of gymnastic stunts which were loudly applauded, Tho Rev, R, J. Shires addressed the boys fit the end of the parade ro- minding them that the purpose of ondet training wes mainly to iIn- stil into them disgipline, The three things in life to follow to make a success were he said discipline, the ability to take and give orders and service Col, Hill congratulated the boys on their fine showing and especially on thelr innovation of forming a signal sord. The medal for dnooting WAS pre- sented by Col. HIN to Cadet Harold Slemon and. the medal for smartest boy on parade Was presented to Douglas Adams, Public School Cadets Folowing the high school parade over 100 public school eadety were inspected and made as fine a show ing as the boys of the other school. An innovation in this parade was the intercompany tug of war and the company competition for the t on parade, These prizes were won by Nos, 4 and 2 p ne, At the conclusion of the: parade 'Captain Isbester and Col, HEM ad- dressed and congratilated t on thely eMolency and smart- ness, Chairman of the Public School Board Charles ¥, Rico was loudly cheered when he announced that the children would be given a holl- day on Monday besides the regular holiday for the King's birthday which was on Tuesday, Following the parade Col. Hil | pnd Capint Ishestér paid a call on Canora Job Hughes who way - a present a parades and following thelr visit were en lensing to Junch at the Rotary ub, ea---- TRUSTEES CLASH AT MEETING OF SCHOOL BOARD Hot Words Ensue L W. Elliott Is Awar. Contract At a stormy session of the Pub. Ho School Trustees held in the pub. He school board room last evening, L. W. Elliott Bowmanville plumber was awarded the contract for the new heating system at the Centro) Behool at a price fo $7140, There was in all eight tenders recelyn' and most of them were so close that the board started by disposing of all out of town tenders and dealing only with the Bowmanville tenders of which there were four Two of these were over $5,000 and were discarded and consequently that left two remaining to be dealt with, These ware those of Mr, FI Hott and Mr. Willlam_ Clarke, Mr Clark's tender was three dollars more that Mr. Elliott's and It was over this subject and also the sub- Joct of hiring an engineer to ruper- vise the installation that the hot words were passed, A motion was made by Trustee Hately that the board accept the tender of Mr, Ki. Hott and then the words flew thick and fast, Two members of tha hoard maintained that Mr, Clarks should be given some consideratic: ag it was through him that the hoard had been given thelr plans and specifications free of cost, Ons menber thought that Mr Clarke had not enough experience and othe olaimed that it was not fair to pass a motion without giving him con KARN THE DRUGGIST POR SERVICE sideration, The final thing was that the chafwman called for a vote on the tender award which was car- one trostee asceused the chairman ried with two members not voting. The talk wag still continued and of being aware of a trivial which the chairman denied and fists struck the table and cries of "you did know" and "I did not know," rent' the alr, When the subject of hiring an engineer to superintend the job was brought up further angry words were passed, It appeared that to 'get back. on the chairman some members maved and seconded a motion to have the ohalrman meet the town gouncil for the purpose of telling them of the Award and asking for the necessary grant, The chairman denied the mo tion und positively refused to go to the eouncll alone, He claimed that the rest. of the Board were just paksing the bueh to him and he did not intend to go Ao the ¢councll alone, Thin fracas finished up with n Trustee making a motion that the chairman appoint a comittes to meet the council and as soon As this received' the sanction of the hoard the chairman immediately in. formed the Board that the delega~ tion would: be composed of all members of the body, The prices submitted to the hoard at this meeting were as follows: $6,987, $7,200, $7,600, $8,400, $7,200, $8,600, $7,140, #&7,8%0, $1,143, and $7,600, The lowest tender was from Oshawa and the highest from Bowmanville, fact ghe---'"You are not listening to what 1 say." Husband dear?" She--"1 asked If I might spend $100 on my spring outfit and you said, 'Cortajnly, darling'." Passing Show "How do you know, A DA New Seven Room House ' Corner of Richmond and CUadillag, selling nt cost, It Is n veal home nnd 8 real bags ~ain, ICK FOOD with PRATTS BABY prevent Lhe scour COOPER-SMITH 00, [ 14 Celina St, Phone 8 Ne To eve who plans JPOR cSretyone u the gues. arge 008¢ of roofing looms in importance. If you ch ini haphazardly you may a ben pep in you choose with care pay ks, fire, and taste your I Brantiord Asphalt Slates, Blue black and tile red are the dominati a 8 "dad" in ripe, rich hues colours of which is laid in design. "Trinie. bore . Brentford Rosfing To. Limired, oose! West Indies is the result of combining red and tile red in equal propors tions, The harmony of buff Vv rowed from bronze and olive in the "Vienna" treatment will bring warmth and persons ality to your home. Old-world charm and colouf warmth mingle in the red, tile red and purple holo of "Mosque" a tha treatment that has been popular since its introduction. "Mandalay" +has the ringi colour tones 's song b massive in design, 4 presents an aspect of substantial dignity, "Cairo" with its colour hate of tian monies ia ike a memory 4 ten 'recall to mind the sunny gardens of old Spain ) 8 vig all these Brantford Asphalt ate designs are permanen and weather resistant. po ol Werite for this colouelul writs cards portraying t © Many sty: ory of Brantford Roofs for your home, 3 Bronch Offods apd Warshoussst Toronto, Windeory exams, Lieutenant Herb, Colmer and Brantford, Ont. Halitow, Saint John, NB. and $1 Joba's, Nid, Office ind Ratroty: Montreal, For Sale by: W.J. TRICK COMPANY, Limited