Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 31 May 1930, p. 1

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Buses for Kitchens © Kitehener.~~Indieat point te the establishment here nest su- (umn of one or two erossstown Hus routes to net as feeders to the Kitr chener-Watorlog Sires rallway, Brusse y a ile Ak 1 1 Ul, we L] hert's AA Wi "down and severely injured a child yostor- day, The monarch supervised the removal of the vietim te & nearby house, . Taniman » Toronto, ~~Held up at the point of a black-muxsled revolver by his passenger, Lloyd Hewitt, 687 Dy pont Street, driver for Ritchie's taxicab livery, was made to hand over #12, his day's takings, A BI that Travels Niagara Falls--A complete 80- gallon still, worm and equipment, for the making of Huo was hels- od on a truck driven by Guy Greco, Temperance Avenue, He Wes ar ralgned on a charge of violation of the Excise Act and remanded for a week, » . LA Salaries . Hedueced Saskatoon ~--Salaries in every de- partment of the Canadian wheat pool have been reduced, due to slow movement in wheat marketing A, J, McPhail, president, revealed in an address ati Raymore. It 1s stated that the WAS outs, A temps orary move, cover entire staffs with a few exemptions for those with small salaries and dependents, Sm T--------TT---- RAISE SCHOOL-AGE T0 15 IN BRITAIN Would Aid Labor Market by| Th Reducing Total of Une employed TTT Halt & milion Londen, May 81,---Ha children of Creat Britain will given an extra year of education under the Government's Education Bill, providing for the raising of the school age from 14 to 18 years, The Bill was given second reading in the House of Commons, ihe vote being 280 to 804. Right Hon, Sir Oharles Trevelyan president of the Hoard of Educa disastrous to al tien, Jid di was low these children to leave school Just when thelr minds were her coming supremely recep Cn varament wished. ta" k them out of the laber thus leave reom for fr tn 160,000 Junk te n hat meant pe ) i off the dole, while 8,000 tional teachers would be year, jor cent, of ng school age, ron Wilt, Nog ax od sk pments rom the Lakes during the past few days and t bra vith t in export * that liner 'tons n up with wheat, [) Lote L vl week before, hould 108 ie ete = be | estimates, lenged by o- | that the in SPEAKER LEN : pasties just before the parliament- he ®sh or oeent vendors 4 mua Daily Times Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer ' OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1930 18 Cents » Week; 3 Conts » Copy SIXTEEN PAGES CH oprnm---- Election Writs Are Issued For MEMBERS RUSH BUSINESS AND HURRY T0 RIDINGS FOR ATWO MONTHS' CAMPAIGN Millions of Dollars of Final Departmental Estimates Voted in a Few Minutes in Rush to Dissolve Par. liament DISSOLUTION TOOK PLACE AT 11 O'CLOCK By a Scant Margin, Election Writs Issued in Time to Make July 28 Legal Vot- ing Day (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottaws, May 01-The halls of parliament are comphratively des serted to-day. With the sixteenth parliament dissolved only a few hours, already the members are hurrying home to prepare for the elogtion to he held on July 84, The official nomination day will he By; July 81, It is in strange contrast to the strenuous pace of the past few days, especially yess ter when the Houge of Commons with a aahd-iing set for midnight, plunged through the departmental It was a race against time, Res alising that the estimates must be assed, that prorogation and disso. ution must take place and the election writs must {ssue before 1% o'clock #0 the election might ba held on the appointed day, the commons bent to the task with a pt Millons ot 40liury was voted n about as many seconds » 08 to teh about it, Tem Hebb was approved as gquiokly read by the deputy-speaker of the ' i it an not he taken mean that the " Were ~ (Continugd on Page 3) 15 PAID TRIB BY PARTY LEADERS Has Fulflled His Office With Scrupulous Fairness, Says Bennett (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa Fd Sebnenicor of the 0 0 mons since and a r since i Rodolphe joux, received tribute from all ary session broke up last night, Als though ne announcement has been made it is customary to change the speaker when a new parliament is elected and in thanking Premier King and Hon, R, B, Bennett, lead: er of the opposition, for their ex. ressions of gratitude and respect r. Lemieux was probably uttering his last ords as speaker, Mr, Lemioux had scrupulous held the highest parliamentary tradition, r King said Mr, Bennett had uttered the sentiments EE... i FOUR KILLED IN RAGE CAR CRASH Twenty Hurt, One Thought Fatally, When Auto Heads Into the Grand Stand (By Conndian Press Lonsed Wire) Winchester, Ind, May 31. Four wrsons were killed and twenty ins Jabed one probably fatally, yesterday when a racing ear on the dirt speed: way here, plunged aver the south turn into a grand stand, Those killed were 1, FV, Hale, aged 00 years, Mid dleton, Ind, Ray Died, aged ahont 33, Richmond, , Ind, Maleamb Jennings, aged about 30, farmer, of near Win chester, and John Edward Gaughan, aged 6, of Munele, Ind Fern Kiser, of Winchester, sulfes ed injuries nhout the head and phy« Voting o n July 28 slefans at the Winchester hospital do net expeet him to live, 106 Injured in Salt Works Raid for Furthes Trouble Tomorrow (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Dharasana, Bombay, India, May 1 ==Hritish mounted troops and foot po lice injured 106 volunteers who a tempted to raid the salt plans here |! Yi Jne hundred and fAfty-slx volun teers attempted the raid and police with sticks made ftruitless attempts several times to disperse them, warn ing them each time to disperse, Then the eavalry rode down the group to break it up rouble Expected Tomorrow Rombay, May J1l=~=The authorities today took elaborate police and mils itary precautions against an emerg- eney which may arise tomerrow when more than 2000 volunteers will mareh in a final salt raid at Wadala The police were reinforced hy arm ed and mounted offeers whe were coneentrated at the Wadala salt fields The military. were not ordered to pin seane but today wera standing by under arms ready to proceed there at shortest notiee, p KING 1S RECOVERING FROM HIS ILLNESS London, May 81 -=The King to: day had so far recovered from his recent illness with rheumatiam, that ho made plans to leave Buok- ingham Palace tomorrow with the ueen to attend the concert by the ow York Philharmonic Syms phony Oreheatra, The King will not hold a levee on Meuday, an oftielal announce: of the whole house and the remarks of both leaders were aphlauded in all sections of the chamber, "1 have Po in this house for M house. 1 have bo Joan. sald Lemieux, eart | rth A or 0 par m TS of 1 cease to be a pal God knows 1 wii a ed o that, -1 think I have fu n he and h ve endeavored in everyn in every 'ation no he sal | Saskatoon, Regina, Fdmonton, pC y that mayor these oftfes Will' participate in the confers enee, ' "Ax far as T can see," Mayor Webh declared, "this unemployment sivas tion 18 getting worse and there does: ment sald today, The Pringe of Walesa will do so in hia behalf, PARTY STANDING AT DISSOLUTION {91 Conservative wembers ; oF the 1 {rami also be in att e had tenance H (By Canadian Press Lessed Wire) Ottawa, ls=In Canada's sixteenth parliament which was dissolved last night the liberal rty of Premier Maokensle King ad a following of 114 members, A straight of 26 oven Hie whe od the main opposition kroup. other ie in the CHEM comparative \ ves oi br Mi Uait ory - Alberta 11; Liberal ressives 8; Labor & and Indes ents 8, i This sta ding of parties was tho hat returned to the at the | AIH \ uy Wag, rong hod ATE a . teenth or preceding parliament was dissolved there were in the commons 113 Conger vatived: 101 Liberals; 24 Progress sivas: 23 Labor: 2 Independents n'tiaeam to be any immediate source of reliel" a tM bbrrr)or]p»~fOLR®BLbIILS.SR Review of Legislation at Last Parliamen t Session op (By Canadian Press Losssd Win) Ottawa, May 81-=The more im. portant legislation passed during the session of parliament 'whieh closed lant night inelndes; Tarif changes brought in by thy budge! , Provision fev voy on Cane: dian oonl used as coke for smelting purposes Heduotion (n the sales tax, Reduation in the tax on' sales of shares of stock, Changes in the income tax Return of the natural resources to Manitoba, Baskatohewan and Al berta, Return of certain crown lands to British Columbia, Liquor Clearances Nefused Nefusal of clearances on liquor from Canada destined to the United Htates Changes In the pensions of war veterans War Veterans Allowance Act Transfer of Ontario divores ap plications from parliament to the courts of the provinee Ratification of the naval treaty, Approval of the recommendations made by conference in London on dominion legislation and merchant shipping legislation, Ratification of the protoodls of the Pérmanent Court of Interna tional Justice, one for vevision of the statute and one respecting the aocession of the United Ntates, Rewpiting of the da, train Act, Including many amendmonts, Fale wage governs ment eontrae . Extensive amendments lo Companies' Aet, Amendment to the Elections Aet, Changes in. the Criminal Code, nw wy J udget The budget brought down by Hon, OQ, A: Dunning on May 1 was the most sweepin 1O0ONt years, It made dome 80 Ke8 in the tariff, There were a great number of inereases in the fron and steel sehedules in the intermediate and general clansifioations, Negro ls Kiled the Dominion By Furious Mob :: Reign of Terror in 'Southern City as Angry Mob Attacks. Jail (By Conadian Prose Loassd Wire) Chickasha, Okla, May 3 +Tvading a guard of National Guardsmen calls ed to protect Henry Atgo, negro, als leged attacker of a white woman, a member of an angry mob early tos dav fatally shot the prisoner after ei ther: gaining entrance to, the Grady county jail or climbing a tree and fies ing through a prison window, The shouting came as a climax to anal night reign of terror when ses -- "attempts were made by hund. of men and boys to gain ents rake to the jail after the door was ed down with rams, Loeal National Guarfsmien partials ly quelled the meb spiel in the night by setting up machine guns and threa tening to "fire at the Himba" of pers One agal was vacant, sony Who attempted to approach "the building, . Ee THE PARTY LEADERS Following the dissolution of parliament, write were lssued last night for a general election on Monday, July 25, On the left Is shown Rt, Hon, W. L. Mae. Kensie King, Liberal Premier of Canada; in the contre is Robert Gardiner, Progressive leader) and on the vighty Hen. R, B, Bennett,' Conservative leader, Are Principals Forcing Youths To Be Cadets? School Inspector Promises Conference Investigation Will Be Made (Npedial to The Times) Cobourg, May 41-<Who are the principals of secondary sohools in Ontario within ene hundred miles of Cobousg who are foreing boys to Join hgh school cadet corps! Thin is the question on every lip at the Nay of Quinte Conference in session here following a charge that sutly was the case levelled on Friday hy Rev, M, €', MeXinnon, M, Ay AD, Perth, chairman of the Reconciliation and World Mellow ship committee Urge Dropping of Uniforms Rev, Nr, MeKinnon's oharge came In disoussion on the sixth olause of a general resolution ealls ing for the outlawing of war the Conference and, later, by the Gens eral Counell, Tt vead "Resolved that this Conferences memorialize the General Counell of the United Chureh te apdorse the Abandonment of rifles and military uniforms in convection with oadet training," Lt, Col, J, Ww, O'dell. inspector of Publio Behools in Northumbers land County and a delegate to the Conference from , Trinity United Churoh, where the sessions are be ing held, opposing the resolution, asserted that membership in sehool cadet corps ia entirely voluntary and no teacher or principal could force a pupll to join ene, Name Offender Rev, Mr, MoKinnon, in reply re. peated hia previous statement, thin time declaring that he could name at least one principal guilty of the practice and that "within one hun. red miles of Cobourg." Col. O'dell replied that if the name were furnished the Minister of Rducation, Hon. G, Howard Fer guson,' prime minister of Ontario, that principal would, on proof, he looking for another job 'within 24 ours, T618 believed that Cal, O'dell an L) tative of the Department of Education, will be duty bound to report the charge made and that the Minister of Education will have to take official cognizance of the matter, AE. a - Small Boy Drowned Fort William. --Donald W, Will, 2, son of Mr, and Mra, Wain 1}, slipped into the Neebing Rive or yesterday and wan drowned, IN PARLIAMENT St=Yestorday Ottawa, May in parliaments- rhament was prorogued hy the governotsgeneral, Lord Willingdon, The Senate gave final approval to a number of bills, The House of Commons complet ed consideration of the estimates and adopted some amendments to legislation made inthe senate, APPEALING TO THE COUNTRY CONFERENCE CONDEMNS WAR CONSCIENTIO GRAF LANDED AT LAKEHURST TODAY Will Start on Return Voy- age Across Atlantic on Sunday Night (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lakehurst, NJ., May 41,~~Roll- ing up from Ilo to complete the next to last leg of its four-contin- ont flight the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin arrived at the naval alr station today under esoayt of the navy dirigible Los Angeles, a | commercial blimp, and half a dozen planes The great divigible appeared out of the south at 6 a.m, eastern standard time, Ita 5,600 mile hop from Kouth American Is completed and noth Ing more remains of {is present ad venture but the flight aeross the Atlantie to Freideichshafen That flight, which it {s expected will he begun on Bunday night, will be the dirigible"s eighth ocean | Dar | | (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) | Niagara: I'alls, Ont,, May 31 William "Red" Hill, vetdvan river man and daredevil, added another stunt to his already long list yes: tardy when he went through the rapid in a bare! from the Mald of the Mist landing to Quesnston docks, The trip took from 1.38 p. m. until 6.10, Twiea is seemed (hat he would never complete the trip once be tween the two bridges and at the whirpool, Many people seeing him awiried continuously round round, left the banksfearng there Was no chance of escape for him, Hut when he finally completed the teip he wan received by cheering thousands at the Queenston dock, Neyond a cut on hia right wrist, he encaped unneathed Foaring interference from the autibrities, Mill in the early morn ing hours took hia barrel across the viver and hid It near the upper hridge on the American side, At 1,16 he suddenly appeared and, quickly olimbing Inside, wan tows od out into the middle of the rive or where the rope was out, A Decoration Day crowd aug. mented the local people and banks of the Niagara, high up the face of fhe olifts, were black with humans tv CHICAGO KILLER SLAIN, THREE HURT, (Ry Canadian Proan Leased Wire) Chicago, Muay 31-Phillp * Gnolfe, known as a professional killer, was slain, two companions were wound od, and a H-yearsold boy was struck by a stray bullet in a yang attack on the west side goday A machine gun, shotgun and res volvers were used 'fn the attack, Gnolfo was forced by the attacks era whe trailed him in an automobile to drive hin own auto over a ewe, Nineteen bullet holes were found in hia car, Pickering | Man Is Found Dead Lorenzo Stotts Discovered Behind Barn, Victim of Heart Disease (Special to Tho Times) Plokering, May 31--The body ef Lorenso Stotts, aged C8, was found this. morning behind the barn on his farm on the Kingston highway, just over the border in Searboro township, The discovery was made by his brother, W, ©. Stotts, who lyon on a nearby farm, The: brother 'went to the farm aftey he had become anxious at not soning Lorensa around, It is thought that he dled yesterday, as neighboring ehlldren who went te the farm last evening did not see anybody around, Mr, Stotta was a haohelor aud live od alone, He had heen troubled with heart dipease for several years, Coroner Dr. Farquharson, of Agincourt, wax ealled, and decid (od that dn inquest Was WRNCCeRIALRY, edevil Escapes Unhurt From Niagara Ww ana | Crossing Vhiripool Baldwin Faces Pay Lense Conservative. Newspaper Peers Demand More Vigor. ous Leadership (By Canadian Press Losssd Wire) London, May 3l=Onee again the Rt. Hon, Stanley Baldwin, leader of the Conservatives, is the subject of attacks from within she party and the chief circulators of the criticism, It not its authors, appear to be the newspaper peers, Lords Rothermere and Beaverbrook, Although Mr. Baldwin has been stumping the country, almost day in and day out, for months certain Cons scrvatives are renewing their des mands for "a mare vigorous leaders shin" And the Conservative leader's grudging acceptance of the Beavers brook Empire Trade crusade does not seem to have won hint the support of Beaverbrook, who would much pre der to see duties on foodstuffs made a Conservative plank in the next el oction rather than the sublect of a special referendum, which Mr, Balds win proposes, The Daily Mail, Rothermere paper, say there are Conservative members who say frankly that if Mr, Baldwin followed the example of the Rt, Hon, John Davidson, who has asked to be relieved of his duties an Conserva. tive party chairman, that the way would be opened to more vigorous leatlership of the party forces The Daily Herald, Labor, is already discussing the question of a success sor to Mr. Baldwin and pleks upon the Rt. Hon, Neville Chamberlain as the ntost probable The Liberal Daily Chronlele saya half a dozen Conservative rebels are thinking of resigning seats in safe constituencies and seeking re-election as jadepenqents thus putting the of- fh organization in an awkward po. sition, CANDIDATES NOMINATED WRIGHT (Quebec) =F, W, Fer ran, Liberal, BRANDON (Manitoba) == David W. DReaubler, Conservative, HURON SOUTH (Ontario)e- Nelsou W, Trewartha, © Conserva- tive, MUSKOKAONTARIO (Ontario) ==Dp, Peter MeGibhon, Conserva. tive, | NORTH BATTLEFORD (Saskats ohewan)--Dr, James A, Routledge, Conservative, OXFORD SOUTH (Ontario)sT\ NM, Cayley, Liberal: LONDON (Ontario)==Jared Vin. ing Liberal, HALTON (Ontario)==Dr, Robert K, Anderson, Conservative, Tourists Tnvade On nyade Canada Rridgeburg, -= Detoration Day. despite stormy weather , sent a flood 'of United States: cars into Canada, nh 24 hours approximates Ty. 26,000 cara passed over the RESOLUTION WOULD MAKE EVERY UNITED CHURCHMAN US OBJECTOR Over 300 Delegates to Bay of Quinte Conference Uns animously Adopt Resolue tion to Outlaw War RESOLUTION GOES TO GENERAL COUNCIL! Opposition ~~ Apprehension That Clause, Reflected on War Dead Is Cleared Away by Tactful Explane ation (Special to The Oshawa Times) Cobourg, May §1--The Bay of Quinte Conferonce of the Unita Church adopted sweeping resolu Lions looking to the outlawing of, War at Ite sessions on Friday, Uver JUV delegates, at the final yote, wore Joytully vartain that they hag dealt militarism a body blow and, hive every vonndones that the Gene eral Council of the Uhureh, moet mm Londou, Ont, in Beptember, wi nnish the Job 50 ar ns Lneir com munion 1s coneerned, About ten, possibly, also realised that wometning of more partioulas Importance hau been accomplished. Namely, one of the richest and most influential 'of the 11 gonters ences ol the United Chureh Bas taken the initiative in making nop resistace a cardinal principle of the Lnited Church whicn, if adopted ur London, wiir put all its comunicanis In another war in the same legal position an membory of the Society of ¥rienan or Quakers held in ha late war, Very row questioned the conrelentioun objections of Quak« Orn, Buch wore Justorionlly witness od abd gonorally respected, Ularitylng Cisuse The resolution, adopted clause by clause and as 4 complete repove Was accepted unanimously only by the introduction of a claritying elause worded by Mev. Gordon A, Blaco, B.A, B.D, pastor of the United Church, Fort Hope. Prios to his diplomatic solution, the de- bate carried on by a corporal's guard of opponents threatened tha harmony of the Conference, Opposition to the resolution was led by Rev, Principal H, A. Kent, DD, ot) Queen's "heclogical Cole logo, Kingston, Rev. J. Rollins, DD, Rentrow, and Lt. Col. J, W, O'Dell of Cobourg, They took common ground that the first elaure of the resolution "That this Conference - resolves that the time has come for: the Church to give ita opinion that wan As moans of settling internation al misunderstandings Is uns a tan," rebectod on Canada's Wes doad and all others who served In its overseas forces, Rev, A, J, Wile son, Napanee, president of the Cons, forence, who steered the debate through many threatening shoals, pointed out that such way not the tion . of the clause. "Surely," he sald, "we ean condemn slavery, fou faaimple, without condemning the truly Christian men and women Who owned slaves in the days when slavery, as an institution, was bule warked by the Churoh?" Dr, Rollinn, atter final passing off he resolultion asking the Confers once to state that it would not ope Jon a defenuive war, on call of the overnment of Canada, The Reconciliation Committed mombera refused to accept th Rov, Mr, Sisco then advanced th (Continued on Page 3) TEN FEARED DEAD WHEN EXCURSION BOAT CAPSIZES Over Fifty Passengers Tose. od Into Water; Three Bodies Recovered' | (By Canadien Prose Leased Wire) | Santa Monica, Calif, May 31l.=Vas rious estimates t indicated tt " s lost thele lives late. during a sudden' boat Ameca, hea 3 i any ren we ree 0, e of a a man, a boy and a man ho pre Rot covered and fortysnine survivors were rescued. Estimates of total pass sengers varied fram 82 to 50 In hig account of the tragedy Caps tain Wiliam Lightfoot of the Ameca sald: "We were under power returis ine 10 the docks when suddenly some very big swells. were blown up by a strong wind and broke over aur hows Evervony rushed to the port side, The effect of the waves and the shith Peace Nridge on rote to Canadian pointa, Ih passensers canted the boat to kest Cover and sank almost immediately,

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