HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1930 PACE FIVE fomen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community vo-- Gambridge Women's Institute Vg Holds Annual: 'Meeting The annual meeting of , the Gamebridge Women's Institute was held in the 8.0 8. Hall on Wednes- © day, May 21st. Forty members present, Mrs. D, Speedie' was re- elected president for 1980, with om the United States. 'Mrs. J. Fisher, 1st vice-pres., Mrs. 2s ram of music was Dawns a lunch that Ei by the hosts of the oping he Dro and all present enjoyed dancing. : "Fifteen nurses of the Oshawa Hospital gave a shower last week in homor of Miss Edna Sheapher, who is to be married in the early part of June. Myr, and Mrs, 'John Rowe and the Misses Rowe, of 'Whitby, spent the week-end in Lindsay, ' Mr, and Mrs. Joe Langmaid, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Langmald, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Langmaid, Mr, and Mrs. Eber Snowden, and Mr. and Mrs, Ewart Clemence of Oshawa were among the guests at the Ash- ton Silver Wedding celebration at Shaws last Saturday. Mrs. J. Coara Tayler, of Mont- clare, New Jersey, who has been visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. 8, McLaughlin, "Parkwood", returned home yesterday, Mr. and Mry, J. ¥. McDade and son, Richmond street, Oshawa, are sailing today from Montreal, for England where they expect to re- main for some time, ' SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE Simcoe St. 8. Fashion's latest decies-- Double "V* Heel Hosiery is met in Gatiada by PEN "NEWsILKE HOSIERY smart, Ses Peaniens Double «y» Heel Hosiery is made under special sighs granted to us in Canada. Penmans Double oy" Heel Hosiery is the exact replica'of the famous Gordon "V".Line hosiery sold in the best shops of London, Paris and New York. | thas the slenderizing shadows on both of the ii ig exactly. where oe places a shadow on the heel. : this siatchless chiffon Bee i the newest shades to Motes at any ae ee To Penman No. 872 (silk to bem) is & splendid piaghir idle fs ow i wew point beel, Hondsome in appearance, dur- able in weer, Penmens No, $18 ony ie lob) ind Sl 22 Te shed and evening weer. Angus Gilchrist, na vicespres,, and Mrs. Webber, 3rd vice-pres, Mrs, E. V, Lumbers, Sec., and Miss Loulse Bruce, Treasurer, The following committee were appointed: Music, Programme, School Ground Competition, Press aud Sick, Mrs, Speedie gave a very inter esting talk on the "Value of the Year's Programme to Members', Mrs, Lumbers road the apnual report which was a very encour- aging one Indeed. Thy past few vears have shown @ growing in- terest in the work, The member- ship is 71, with 59 senior members and 12 in the Girly' Club, During the year twenty-one meetings were held, eleven regular meetings with an attendance of 433, an average of 39 for each meeting. Two show ers were held, where goods to the value of $66.76 were donated to five different panties, Fifteen pupers were given aud three dem- onstrations staged. These were both interesting and helpful, Five schools have entered in the "Institute School Yard TImprove- ment' Competition'. Prizes are to be given to each school entering and a shield suitably engraved to the one gaining the greatest num- ber of points. Fifty dollars has also been donated by eur Institute for the teaching of vocal music ia the schools. A very wuccessful Oratorical Contest wag held when prizes were again given. Receipts for the yeur amounted to $600.66, Hxpendi- tures $326.95, leaving a balance of $268.71, At the close of the meeting lunch was served aud a social time spent over the téacup, The hos. tesses were Mrs. Hammond, Mrs, Rynard, Mrs, Jas, Bruce, Mrs, Bone and Mrs, H, Edwards, On Friday, May 30th, the Dis- trict Annual Meeting of the Wo- men's Institute is to be held in @vodwood, CHILDREN'S COURT IS FOR CHILD Juvenile Court Is Purely an Adjustment Toronto, May 20.--'In the children's court, it Is a case of the crown fot the individual, and not against, Asie oriminal courts," sald Judge Mott when he was ad: dressing the York Pioneers, 'The child is not viewed as an offender, but as needing assistance and help, and thus the juvenile court is pure- ly an adjustment." It was necessary in order to make such adjustments, to find the cause for any delinquency, continued Judge Mott, There way i clinic in the juvenile court, he explained, with a doctor who wes 2 psychiatrist, and trained workers to. study the individual problems. Last year 13,000 cases came inte the court for advice, and of thesc only 5,000 were. brought in, he stated. Since July of last year, family adjustments were also in- cluded in the jurisdiction of the count, "The youth of today are finer than they ever were," declared Judge Mott emphatically, stating 45 a proof of his belief the fact | that so few children were brought Jto the Juvenile Court, and that so "many were putting up a splendid struggle against the difficulties cf Ymoderu multiplied stimuli, '0.C.VL GIRLS * HOLD HIKE The much looked forward to hike r the Oshawa Collegiate and Vo- ational - Institute girls took place | yesterday afternoon after school. About one hundred and fifty girls of the school and seven teachers attended. The hikers covered over six miles of ground from the school and ended at Henry's Woods where a plenie supper was served: A ball game and treasure hunt were the amusements after supper. FUR SALE We have made arrangements | with The Canada Fur Mig. Co., of Toronto, to give our friends and customers Li opportunity to take advantage of this gigantic Sale. These garmette aré ll high clase and are made from choice pelts, with the finest workmanship included in pach one. Mrs. Ralph Booth, wife of Cap. tain Ralph Booth, who will pilot giant dirigible across the Atlantic to Montreal, is now staying n Tor. WOMEN'S CORNER] PART TIME JOBS FOR WOMEN Part time jobs for women, is a subject that has been much - dis cussed of late. The little stand for | k soft drinks, ice cream and réd hots along the highway we have come to regard as part of the scenery, and tdke no more notice of it, than such, (and in some cases not as much). Occasionally when we do stop- at one of these so-called stands, it is a woman who serves us. And she like millions of otu ers Is intent on some kind of re- munerative work that will' not in- tertere with her duties as home- maker. This Is ply one line of work that women have taken up, along with their household duties. Some. sew, others do typewriting, sign painting, write occasionally for a dally newspaper, manage tea rooms, and there are numerous other things. Naturally there are onto, Ontaro. GIRL GUIDE The last indoor meeting for this season was held by 2nd Oshawa on Wednesday night, Hereafter, meet- ings will be held outdoors on the shore of the creck, where the out- door parts of the Guide work will be taken. Ruth Moore and Maisie Yourth were enrolled as Guides on Wednes- day night. Miss Alice Fitches, act- ing captain of the lst Oshawa was present as a visitor. Mrs. Hicks, cap- tain of 2nd Oshawa, presented sew- ing badges to Mabel Raike and Dora Sweet. Several of the Guides have almost completed their second class test, and expeet before going to canip to get their badges, The annual district church parade will be held on Sunday, June 1st, at 11 a.m., to Holy Trinity Church. Rey, Capt. Jarrett will take the service. The Guides of both Oshawa comp- anies will be present, The new! silk Union Tack, which has recently been presented to the 2nd Oshawa comp- any by a Girl Scout Troop of Nia- gara Falls, New York, will be dedi- cated at the service, The Color Par- tv for the dedication will be Edna Weales, Mary Andréws and lla Val- lean, ' disadvantages, there is danger of it NEWS Plans for the Garden Festival on June 21st on the Rlouids of the re- sidence of Lt.-Col, W, E. Phillips are well under way, The E. Phillis are Mrs, Eric Phillip® has expressed her intention of being present, Tea will be served, and a rally will be put on by the Guides of Oshawa and Whit- by. One feature of the program will be an International Pageant, showing a few of the 59 countries that have guiding, The féstival is in aid of the summer camp at Fenclon Falls, The registration list for camp clo- ses this week, and from the way the applications age coming in, it looks like a big camp. Mrs. Gordon Rat- cliffe, the camp commandant, spent the week end of the 24th, at the camp site at Fenelon Falls on Cam- eron Lake, making further arrange- ments for the first two weeks in Au gust. A contract has been made with a farmer close to the camp to supply the Guides with all the fresh green vegetables they will require. Mrs. Ratcliffe reports the camp site in good condition. A fine smooth sandy bathing beach and a great circle of white birches, under which the din- ing room will be placed, were two of the attractive features she described | to the Guides on her return, | MANY ATTRACTIONS AT GARDEN FETE Amusing Comedy "Browne | With an E", to be Enacted Novelties of every Lind which can be devised by the ingenuity of wo- mankind, will be featured at the garden fete which is being held on the beautiful and spacious grounds of Bishop Bethune College tomor- row afternoon, starting at two o'- clock, 'The students have been zealous in their efforts to make adequate preparations for this big event in the school year, and it is, incidentally, being held to swell the funds which are being raised for the erection of a gymnasium bullding. \ In addition to the great variety of stalls, with art needlework, handwork, candy; nick-nacks made by the junior students, tea-stalls, with a teacup fortune teller oun hand, fortune telling, Nevada, and other innumerable at- tractions, there will be an interest. ing program for the entertainment of the visitors, gymnastic displays, and exhibition of dancing, by senior and junior girls, will be featured during the afternoon. The chief item on the entertainment pro- gram, however, will be the presen tation of an amusing short comedy, "Browne with a E' in which Miss Sinley, who made such a splendid of her appearance as Mrs, Cliveden-Banks in "Outward Bound," when it was presented ny the Oshawa Little Theatre, will play the part of a gushing young widow. Students of the senior school take the other roles in what is a delightful little play. Magistrate J. Edmund Jones, of Toronto, whose book on the Wild Flowers of Canada, will be on sale at the fete, will formally open the event at three o'clock, but the gates will be open to the public an hour before that time, and a cor dial invitations is extended to the people of Oshawa to attend, CHOSEN FRIENDS HOLD MEETING Lodge' Will Take Possessions son of New Rooms Next Week The Chosen: Friends held their regular lodge night, in the Hydro Dullding Wed evening. Dr, Carr Chief Councillor, occupied the chair, Mr. and Mrs. Chappell was initiated, The new officers were in- by Madam | and Mrs, Omar. The installation was in charge of O, R. Hall; Mrs. Weeks and Mrd, Simpson were ap- | pointed to call on the sick mem- | bers of the lodge. The programme | committee announced that a euchre | party would be held at the home of | Misg, Freda Davis on Thursday even | Ing, May 29, Mr. Rascoe, manager | of the baseball team reported of the progress of the teams, both ladies | and men's teams, The lodge men- bers are asked to attend in a body to sep the game at the stadium next Friday. Mrs, A. W. Brown announc- ed that the lodge would take pos- session of the new rooms over Dew- lands' Store next Wednesday, On this date there will be an indoor excursion. This form of entertain- ment promises tobe & real attrac- tion, and the members are justified in looking forward to a really gooa time. Outside friends of the lodge will be Invited, Thig full business meeting was brought to a close after a socfal hour had been spent. 7S WONDERFUL' SAYS MRS. PLACE "When I started aking wal I was weakened and rundown. 1 was so nervous I couldn't get the proper amount of sleep and my MRS, WM, PLACE kidneys seemed badly disordered. I'd be in misery after meals from indigestion, and constipation kept my system filled with poisons and caused pains in nearly every part of my body. It's wonderful what Sargon ae eo me! It strengthens igorated me to 'where I Jp nerve hte never 'bother, me, i Joat anything I Faby the 'least: trouble 'with my stomach. "Sargon Pills cleansed my system of poisons and regulated me per- fectly."--=Mrs, Wm. Place, 36 KE. 10th St., Hamilton, Sargon may be obtained in Osh- do he he Stalled 'in'the persons of 'Mr, Davis awa from Karn's Drug Store, r (Adv.) vantages, there is the danger of it all becoming more than just part Hime job, But on the other hand it debs the active women in touch with affairs of the world, it is a relief trom the tedious drudgery that homemaking might become, and very important, it is a source of extra money that is sometimes almost 'a necessity in the early days of married life, If a woman is in fit-condition to stand the ner- vous and physical strain of these added tasks along with her duties of necessity there is no reason why she should not have a part time Job, It is Interesting to note that in New York and Philadelphia agencies have been organized and established through which women may obtain some sort of work, as a part time job, and during the last year 13,000 cases were handled, KITCHEN PAJAMAS In an advertisement we saw the other day, that the modern young lady could go the rounds of the day In pajamas, It will be a long time before the most of us will have the desire or the nerve to go about our daily tasks and pleasures wearing pajamas, Yes, they are actually making these things for cvery occasion, but as quick af grasping new ideas a# the younger generation is, we may be safe in saying that the adoption of pajam- as for forma) occasions, sueh as teas, dinners and evening affairs, js very, very far In thé future. However the pajama idea is not altogether too modernistic for there has been designed some very prac- tical pajamas, these are for kit~ chen use and take the place of the useful smock and all-over apron. There are some very smart and be- coming styles, usually ef gingham or some printed cotton material, Bright colors, as in every up-to- date garment, are evident, Some women have adopted the use of Customers... Are télling us, that this Month-End Dollar Day Sale is the Best We Have Ever Held We cannot say positively that it is the best, but we do know we spent a lot of time and we travelled a good many miles to secure all the bargains that have gone - into this Sale, It is one of those store events that has been planned for weeks ahead--You will find bargains here now that you will not see again. SATURDAY IS THE BIGGEST DAY New price Compelling Values have been added to make it well worth your while coming for. few concrete examples of the kind of Bargains we offer you. Here are just a Only Wool Motos Rugs each ORE $1 00 | Only Col'd Krimble Bedspreads, each $1.00 | Dozen Silknit Princess Slips, each ...$1.00 | 6 Dozen Silknit Nightgowns, each ... $1.00 | Girls, Silk Stockings 3 Pairs for ...., $1.00 | Wovens Artsilk Hose. 4 Pairs for. ..$1.00 | 3 Only Silk Blouses, each {See. Windows for Other Sale Bargajis) these now garments and their practicability highly, It is rather a good idea and character-|-- istically feminine to choose your kitchen: pajamas of a shade that will assist in carrying out the col- or scheme of your kitchen, GOES "WAY BACK" The sport of horseshoe pitching had its origin in quoits, which, in turn, is believed to have been a modification of the old Grecian game of discus throwing. praise | && The Ta. Lowney Chocolates Savoy Confectioners ORIGINATORS OF PACKAGE cHocoLATes" Cr most precious thing has happened -- what | mean, it's positively ravishing-- Lowney's have put out a new box of really 'dainty chocolates--they're the most scrumptious things; only one bite to a piece, and the unbelievable number of 80 pieces in a pound box. | simply must have a couple of boxes for my party tomorrow afternoon: |'m not going to have the girls spoiling their dresses and the table covers with big, soft creams or melted chocolate at my party--it's 50 ruinous to the cards, too." So, be a treasure, and bring' me two boxes from the Lowney desler when you come up tomorrow--they are called Eighty Dainty Chocolates--and only cost a dollar." Tons of love; BETTY. ors ity Daioty™ are. for sale bys "26 imcos St. South i