Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 29 May 1930, p. 1

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= The Oshawa Daily Tunes Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer Eb ee News While It Is News" ; I VOL. 6--NO; 125 Published ot Oshawa, On Y Every / OSHAWA, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1930 16 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy FOURTEEN PAGES News in Brief eh by Canadien From) YO UTHS CO Heads Theological Union Woodstoek~Dr, K, W, Knowles of this city, was, today elected to the repidency of the Theological Union, » session here in connection with the: London conference of the Unit ed Church, Rev. A, W. Shepherd, of 'Alvinston, is vice-president, an Rey. John Richardson, of Drumbo, secretary, Rev, Dr, N, N, Leckie, of Motherwell, is the retiring presi dent, / » L LJ] Italian Eliminates Auteul, Vrance, May. 29. --~Wilour Coen, eighth ranking American ten- nig player, was eliminated in the fourth round of the French hard court champlonships today by Baron Humbert de Morpurgo, Italian vet- eran, in straight sets. The scores wete 0-3; bed} Li Shamrock Wins ' Ryde, 1sle of Wight.~The Sham- rock won her race today over a course of 40 nautical "miles, Sir Thomas Lipton's challenger for the Ameriga's Cup finished the sail in 3 hours, 48 minutes, 35 seconds, White Heather was second in 3.5243, The race was satled under the same con. Aitions as yesterday with the Shame rock V one of the fesatch boats, eat ANOTHER ATTEMPT TO CONQUER NIAGARA FALLS IN A BARREL Vases Falls, Ont, May 29. wien Rod HUll, yoteran riyors man hay announced final plans for his trip through the lower rapids ine side a barrel, to be performed on Friday, He will be assisted in his dangerous stunt by his 14-year-old son Will "Ted" HII, Jr, Y'Red" Till will start his barrel from below the upper bridge at 1.15 p.m. The tep of the. the barrel will remain open and 'Red' will pad- dle through the rapids as far as the lower bridge. After closing the bar. rel, he will remain inside until it has passed through the rapids and whirlpool aw far: as. Queenston, where his son will tAke him from the barre! into n bomty PIONEER RAILROAD BUILDER IS DEAD IN FENELON FALLS (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Lindsay, May 29.-Willlam Mee Kendry, a ploncer railroad build- ar of this district died at the homo of his daughter, Mra, N, A, Loe, in Wanclon Falls today. He was iu hid 92nd your and' had sexved for 44 yoars aw a section foraman on the G.T.RR, and the U.N.R, He help od build the first pallrond line from Lindsay to Beaverton. and from Lindsay to Hailb 0, com- ing to Fenelon at the age of 24 from bis home in Pittsburgh coun- ty, near Kingston, < For 60 yoars he Aetved as an elder of Knox Rroshyterian church, Fenelon Falls from Whefice he will be 'buried Saturday. o. USED BANK STOCKS FOR SPECULATION da (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) New York, May 20.--George W, unter, 28 year-old clerk in the Chatham<Phenix bank was arvest- od) Yesterday and charged wilh having used bank stocks and bond tor #peculative purposes, He Was arvested after both bank officials and his broker became suspicious, Pall were told he had used ap mu bo! an $20,000 in stocks and ) to one time, though the uce tual detiolnecy as but $3,000, a FIND $1,000,000 IN BOGUS BILLS Three Arrested in Raid on t New York, N. YX. May ortly counterfeited $10, $20 50 gold certificates with « ap Tous value of more than a million swero solged with a large vert Sarvice agents rushed the apart. ment with drawn revolvers, They ed Pericle Mannorini, alleged of the ving} Jeseph Neog- 180 known as Joseph Ross, al- d financier of the band and distributor of its wares; and n Mattera, allas "the Fil Fen ¥ i NEW TROUBLE oltside of auenes of rioting between Burmese ond 'Hindu dockworkoers tho flest continuing their communal differences, nine Nationalist hera"todny for Bholapur where they there has vival of the Nationalist congress energy since outbhresks Bhendi DPazaar distriet, quarter, the first of 'the week, in which Moslems Four perdons wore killed and more than 60 wounded. bay Congress ha new thé mass ral salt works, dofy all the laws that can ba defied, and to spend more of fort and money, on propaganda for Abe Nationalist cause, he back ut 'the revol DEVELOPING AT RANGOON Party of Volunteers Will Defy Martial Law in Shol- spur--Police Powerless in Lucknow Riot NATIONALISTS ARE SHOWING NEW LIFE Méslem Rioting in Bombay Has Effect of Encouraging to Further Dis ce (By Canadian Press! Leased Wire) Rangoon Burma, May 20-Milit- ary plekots and police patrols wore dispatches to the outskirts of the ¢ity to quell a new disturbance, Moanwhile the latest hospital re- ts showed 81 persons dead and 83 patients inside and 390 patients hospitals as a conse. part of the week, Other estimates said 100 were killed and 900 in Jured, The main Indian business quarts ars were still closed today, Shippibg was it on standstill and the streets Have not been eloanpd in dayw, cune stituting a menace to health, Prients and Indian leaders ave efforts to wsottle Bombay, India, May 20-Twenty- voluntoors left will defy martial law regulations in effect there prohibiting display of the 'Nationalist flag, Several ar- rests already have been mado at Sholapur under the law, In the view of some observers heen a romarkable re- in the Moslem attacked police, The "war council' of the Bom decided to To on the Wadala Although Mosiom heady re-avow od Ahelr apposition to the civil. disobedience campaign there' was expection of wide Moslem partiel- pation in the movement from now on as the outgrowth of the trouble in Bhend! Bazaar. The war council wan sald to expect that help given Moslem wounded luving the riots by congress and Red Cross volune toors would-strengthen their hands; many. Moslems were sald to have offered their services to organiza. tion, The correapandent of the London Daily Hxphess learned that both Cavalry and infantry were called o help police at Lucknow who found shemselves Tuesday almost powerles 'to cope which gathered when congress vol- unteers were denied the privilege of organising a 'proceasion through with a mob he qity, WOMAN 1S HELD AFTER MURDER OF HUSBAND IN HOME Prominent Ukrainian Shot 'While Reading in His Own Kitchen ome------ Winnipeg, May 20--Mra, Wasyl Baran was taken into custody tow day following the midnight murder | of hor husband while he sat read- ing in the kitchen Winnipeg home. an, returning from a church sere of his North It was Mrs, /Dar- ice, who last night discovered the body of the 50-year-old machinist with a bullet wound in the 'head. Ono hundred dollars had been taks 'from the house, loo ave woeking a 82 calibre revolver 'which Mrs, Daran states was kept in the house, A part led bok of 42 calibre Rd was found under a wide walk in yard of the Dagan: home, ver, has not n trace J. Cirka, brother-in-law of Mrs, nis being held for guedtioning, bile Mra, Baran is jalled as: a i 1 witnons, . ditated murder with Bint otis, 1% the the killing of. tke lan, No sign ot the | of Ah Ukr » | bounty on coal used in' { ry of Nae w iron foi Hid -- S CLEVER THEFTS 81 Killed, 800 Injured, Is Toll nh Indian Rioting Interesting Figures in the Current News of the Day = qn! ~~ The photographs here show three interesting figures in the news of to. day, (1) Duchess of Atholl, first Scpttish woman to gain a seat in the English parliament, and long affilia- tod with educational movements in Britain, is now en route ta America, where she will got an honorary de. se from Columbia University in ow York, (2) By executing 980 consecutive inside loops, this fearless 25-year-old girl flier, Laura Ingalls, of News York has shattered her own former world's looping record. She was in the air for three hours and 40 minutes. Miss Ingalls is now lea. ving for St. Louis, where she set the former mark with 344 loops, and (3) Most recent studio portrait of Han- ford MacNider of lowa, who has been chosen by President Herbert DUCHESS TO BE HONORED---BREAKS LOOP RECORD----NEW U.S, MINISTER TO CANADA Hoover as United States minister to Canada. As soon as his appointment is officially sanctioned he will as- sume the post left vacant by the re- tirement of William Phillips. ADHITS THEFTS OF CIVIC FUNDS Startling Disclosures Made in Vancéaver's City . Affairs (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Vancouver. B.C., May 29.--Ad- mission by Frederick M. Bentley, | chief clerk of the city scavenging | department, that ho had diverted | to his own use ciyiz monies aver aging two hundred dollars a month, for the past four years, was the ovestanding development yesterday In the serics of disclosures in cou neet!on with civic affairs, The admission 'was announced by. Mayor W. H, Malkin following a statement made by Bentley as ho lay jeritically itr in the General Hospital, suffering from mercury poisoning. Bentley was found pois- ora] Monday night after he had been unable to explain to auditors discrepancies in the affairs of his department. Bentley's regular sal- ary wae $1566 a month, Rancher Accidentally Shot Medicine Hat, Alta. William MacLellan, 35, well-known sheep rancher of the Suffield district, ix dead as a result of 'what is be- lieved to have been an accidental firing of a high-powered rifle, Contentious Coal Bonus Bill Is Passed by Commons Many Feared Over 400 Homes Burned as Fire Sweeps Russian Village (By Canadian Presa Leased Wire) Stalingrad, Russia, , May 20, Fire today destroyed" 440 homes and other structures in the village of Zaplavnoe, Two-thirds of (he destroyed property belonged to individual peasants, the romainder to the col- leotdvd farm, It Is feared cons!derablo loss of life occurred, Local. authorities dispatched medical staffs, food and other gup- plies to the fire area, Special relief comumiiloes have gone to the scene, mm -- SPEEDWAY RACE TO BE BROADCAST FRIDAY Tomorrow at. twosfitteen p.m, central standard time, the Fire- stone Tire & Rubber Company will broadoast the last hour of the fam- ous 500-mile Speedway race which Is annually held at (ndianapolis. The program will be broadonst over a chainiof 50 stationg on the NBC Network, whicli are used for the rogulan weekly broadcast by Firestone. "Graham MeNamee will be at tho mike and it is expected that the winners of this thrilling event: will say a fow words to the radio audience: | y Two Die in Crash Hull," Que ~=Bert" Phillips; 45, and Blanche White were killed in a mo- torcaccident 'on 'the Aylmer Road, ust outside of Hull, early this.morn- IN PARLIAMENT Ottawa, May #9.--~Today in parlias ment: The Senate will sit, ! The House of Conimons' will con- sider estimates and business remain. on the order paper, esterday in parliament: The Senate JPitored the treaty with the United States for the pro. tection of the halibut fisheries in the north Pacific and the Bering Sea and passed a number of bills already Sphroted y the Commons, Wo the | n use of Commons, the bill the tariff changes of sed: | reading. A ending bas in- ents to the Cris re pussed through third manufac. en third pia Dead in Blaze| for a Sate Amendment "to Criminal Code Prohibits Publicr.- tion of Racing Informa- tion by Newspapers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 29.--~Continued efforts will be made by the House of Com- mons today to hurry through the leg- islative program, Since the House did not rise until 1 o'clock this morning there was no forenoon sitting.' The afternoon sitting, however, starfed at 2 glory an hour earlier than use ual, It is not the custom of parliament to sit on Ascension Day but as Pre- mier Mackenzie King explained last night neither was it a custom to, sit on Victoria Day, However, in the ur- fener of the present situation both olidays have Deen taken advantage of to presy on toward dissolution, Coal Bonus Passed Climaxing a debate that has con- tinued intermittently for a week, the House yesterday passed the govern. ment bill providing: for the payment of a bonus of 1:2 cents a ton on bituminous coal mined in Canada and used as coke tor smelting in the iron and steel industry, Third read- ing was given without a recorded vote after an amendemnt proposed by J. 8S, Woodsworth (Lab, 'Winnipeg North-Centre), had been defeated by a majority of sixteeni The amend. ment was designed to give steel workers an eight-hour day. Certain restrictions on the payment of the bounty had been placed in the measure by the government, They provided that payment' of both the (Continued on Page 6) Charge Setting | Of Bush Fires Two Men Held on Unusual Counts in Peterboro County ne (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Poterboro, May 29.-~For unlawiul- | ly setting out fires which caused con- siderable damage in the northern woods of the county, Stuart Murphy of South. Burleigh, and ton Tate, of Harvey, will 'be tried before Magistrate O. A. Langley. Inform. ation charging' the men were sworn out here this morning by H. W, Cros by. district forester, Murphy will stand trial at Warsaw on June 6th, and Tate at Buckhorn on Jung 4th, : It is alleged that contrary Yo the provisions of the Forestry Aet the men set out fires on their property without first securing a permit, Las tor the fires mot béyond their con trol, burning considerable timber be- lore members of the foreft patrol succeeded in putting them out, This is only the second time in many years, that cases of 'this nature have.been | '$his-goun ha . - of Yr ~ --- British Motor Manufacturers Come to Canada Will Establish Assembling | and Manufacturing "Plants Here (By Goorge Hambleton, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) London, May 29.--British mol- or manufacturers are preparing Lo invade the Canadian market, They propose the establishment in Can. ada of assembling and manuface turing plants backed by aggressive sa'gymanship, Thizc was brought out in private discussion betweeh Pritish and Canadian delegates attonding the congress of the Km- play Chambers of Commerce today when what was described as United States dominance of the Canadian motor markets was among the sub Jeots explored. Canadian delegates three principal points: (1) That Britain should imitate the example of the United States by providing as far as possible for manufacturing plants fn Can- ada and thot the most effective way of meeting foroign competition in Canada was for British manu- facturers to take their courage in thelr hands and put up manufac. turing plants in Canada. (2) The necessity ot having In Canada contres for assembling wifre organizations could be deo: veloped for the provision of spare parts, (3) The necossity of more ag: gressive salesmanship, Reporting to congress this after. noon F.'J, Hannon,' the chairman of biluteral discussions, said he had received from British motor manu- fecpivers a letter in which they sald they wore prepared by co-ov- dination and co-operation to' make a really. concentrated attack upon Canada through more highly or. ganized - methods of advertisemen: and publicity. * AFTER DEFYING GOVT. FOR MONTH (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Manila, May 29--Warfare be- tween the Philippine constabulary and a band of Moro outlaws in Lanao province came to an end today with the flight of the Moros from their mountain fort in whic htey Nad defied the government since May 7. From dawn te nightfall the More fort yesterday withstood a bom. bardment from the constabulary's niortars, Gas and vitle fire backed up the mortar attack, The Moros replied with shotgun and ritle fice snd the constabulary, fearing a ble night counter attack, with. row to Danmdlan, the provincial capital y The government troops entered the insurgents' fort. this morning to Hind it Geserted, submitted Imperial Preference Urged . By Business Men of Empire tion Declares. Mother Country Must Adopt Sys- tem If Dominions Are to Continue It (By GEORGE HAMBLETON, London, May 29.--The Empire business men canic to grips today with empire preferences. With seven dissenting votes, all from the United Kingdom delegation, the Congress a- dopted a resolution reiterated 'the conviction that wide und well-con+ sidered extensions of the system, of imperial preferences would be found the most effective means of bringing about a greater measure of imperial economic cohesion, At the inception of the debate J. H., Woods, of Calgary, president "of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, gave the debate a dramatic turn by declaring that he did not think the system of preferential tariffs introdus ced by Canada and accepted by oth er portions of the Empire will cons tinue for any great period (of time unless there is reciprocity on the part of the mother country." Subsequent discussions revealed some sharp differences of opinion a- mong the United Kingdom delegates. The vote showed the majority of the British business' men favored pref- old free trade areas of "Lancashire erences but the textile men from the and Yorkshire . stuck to free trade They urged the necessity of securing cheap raw materials, Other United Kingdom men pressed Yor a "broad. er view." Arrest Six" in Windsor Thefts Over $3,000 Loot Recover ed From Large Number of Summer Homes "| 6! " Windsot, May 29~Four men and two wonren have been arrested in connectiofi with the burglary of the Samuel Stover home and the Dr, Gif- fen cottage at Price.S ome $3000 in foot has already been recovered and police believe they have definite drace of more. Those in custody are Charles Zen- kauskas of Detroit, who was wanted in Waterbury tor a $22,000 bank hold up; Mrs, Jack Folson, Miss Babe Duprey, sisters, Tilbury; Clarence acobs, Tecumseh, Albert 'Jacobs, thers, of East Windsor and Al. fred Robinet, Goods recovered are those stolen from summer home of Dr, Giffen, None of the Stover Chis nese curios of jade and silver recov. ered as vet In the loot recovered at ithe Wiidsor address were several diamonds, some costly ctirios and a large amount of household 'fyrniture. Police believe that a number of sum. mer homes in the Puce area have been robbed but owners have not yet opened. the . places. for : the summer And 'did no} Know Of Weir bats oo See a Italy Making | France | Fearful Paris Newspaper Calls For Increase in Naval Strength Paris, May L'Echo de Paris in an editorial tony says that Frapee will be forced to increase the demands of her naval armu- ment pregram owing to the threat of vioience contained in the pres. ont attitude of Italy towards her neighbors, Recont utterances of Benito Mussolini during a speaking tour have aroused a feeling of nervous- ness in French circles and experts pre inclined to feeci that in the event of hostilities France would find her navy inadequate .to cope with that of Italy. While thers has heen no sign that hostilities are intended speeches by Il Duce have been of a nature which has stirred his fol- lowers to outbursis of feeling ogalnst the French, 'and it is felt that inany of the ullusions to the "hypocracy' of Italy's neighbours have betw directed agalnst France, $3,770,000 FOR OLD AGE PENSIONS ho Ottawa, May 29-~The Dominion Government has contributed a to- tal of $3,771,649.68 to the prov- inces in aid of old age pensions, up to the end of the last fiscal year, according to a return tabled in the House of Commons, The disburse- ments to 'the 42,5638 pensioners throughout Canada amounted to $7,642,670.12, ' TO KEEP PARROTS OUT Ottawa, May 29.---No more love birds are to enter Canada. Neither shall Parrakeots, Cockatoos, Ma- caws, Lories, Lorokeets and sev. oral other varietios of parrots, This mission of the disease Paittacosis. CANDIDATES NOMINATED ALGOMA EAST. (Ontario) =. Georye B, Nicholson, Conservative. BRUCE SOUTH (Ontario)~Foster Moffatt, Conservative, § HURON SOUTIL (Ontario)=Tho« ma cMillan, M.P. Liberal, MIDDLBSEX EAST (Ontatio)s- Lieut-Col Duncan Graham Ross, Liberal.' ; Y WEYBURN (Saskatchewan) Dr. Janes Medlanus, Farmers' Political Association: is all because of the fear of trans. 1 MAGISTRATE DECLARES BROKERS RESPONSIBLE FOR DOWNFALL OF TRIO 4 m---- Cadi Says He Would "Like; to Get His Hands on Brokers" Who Allow. Small Salaried Men' tg Risk Large Amounts THREE HAD STOLEN TOTAL OF $25,840 Entire Amount Had Been Sunk in Stock Markets, Defalcations Being Cley- erly Hidden and' Impose sible to Detect , (By Canodian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, May 29.--Nattily dressed, but looking unspeakably = miserable, the three young employees of a down town branch of the Royal Bank of Canada, lined up in the dock of the police court today and pleaded guilty: to one of two charges of stealing, during the years 1927-89-30, the sum of $25,840, They were remanded un til June 10 for sentence. The young men, Francis P. Low- rey, Wilfrid Tomlinson and Lester Penner, were represented by E. I. Murphy, M.P.P,, and R. H. Greer, K. C., who entered pleas of guilty to on= of the two charges, The amount na- med in each charge was the same, but the one they pleaded guilty to classified them as officers, clerks, as- sistants, etc, of a bank, cc. Sunk in Market Crown Attorney Armour admitted that Penner had nothing to do with. the theft of the first $12,000, but sta-. ted that he had afterwards covered up the thefts of the others. All the. money stolen had gone into the stock market, In a statment made by Lowrey he said when he leit the bank there was a shortage of $12,000. Penner's stafement set - forth that Lowrey and Tomlinson had asked him to help cover up the shortages. "Lowrey left the bank a year ago and had opportunity to leave the: city, but didn't do so. Brokers Responsible | Magistrate Jones: "Why do these | brokers allow men on small salaties | to risk large amounts. I have no hes~ itation in saying they arc equally ree sponsible." | Crown Attorney Armour? "Why, one of these houses sent right down | to the bank with a demand for $2,- | 000 in cash." i (ContInued-on Page 6) x _-- \ Archbishop Must Rest ~~. London.~~The Mos# Rev, Cosmo Gordon Lang, Archbishop of Can terbury, has been ordered by hi physicians to take 'a months rf having shown symptoms of the crudesence of the doudenal with which he was bothered a or so ago. BISHOP 1S GIVEN PURSE OF GOLD KINGSTON St Large Increase in Conf tions Shown in An Report Kingston, May 20, --Presdl of a purse of gold to Bishop C. 'Au Seager marked the closing session of the 63rd annual synod of the Dios «ese: of Ontario here last night. The presentation being made on behalf of the clergy by Senior Rural Dean Ig E. Davis on the eve of the departure of Bishop Seager for 'the Lambetly Conference being held in London, England, during July and August, At the closing session crore and various committees were received man of St. Paul's Church, Kingss » vi adopted, Arghdeacon J. H.' H, C ton, reported for the committee the state of the church and sh that during the past year there wera nine hundred candidates confirmed, an increase of one hundred and sixty: six over the previous year, > Francis King, KC, of this city, wag elected synod solicitor in place of Dra. B. Walken, K.C 3 Dean W. Cra Ww, W. ge's Cathedral, Arch m Chancellor + B. Walkem, Kingste and Judge E, J. Reynolds of Brog ville were elected delegates to general board of missions, An interesting motion was "i 4 ku Mg duced by Canon J. W. Jones \ spoke strongly in favour of his : endment to the existing canon whieh was that the chaplain of the Ports mouth penitentiary, Rev. Hilyard Smtih, receiving $2400 a year. from the government be not made eligib to participate dn the benefits of thy annuities of the clergy trust fund, bug the motion was defeated by a very heavy vote, Canon A. T. MacTear was re-elosi ed clerical honorary seerctary of § nod while E, R. Checkley was again: AWRIGHT, (Quebes)=-Louls Cous- {feat ¥ Ker Conservative. go ¥ re-elected as lay segretarye =< ©

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