Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 May 1930, p. 3

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. PAGE THREE wen 37 WANE Ti 4d? wa to Co- i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28,.1930 rate During Shrine Convention Cobourg Gives Enthusiastic Welcome to 1930 Sessions Bay of Quinte Conference Trinity Hall Serves As Club. room for Guests; Ar rangements For Accom. modation Praised wr SACRAMENT TAKEN AT OPENING SESSION (ness Prevents Attendance of Rt. Rev, Ww. T. Gunn, Moderator--Deep Spirit. ual Note Struck . Warmly welcomed to Cobourg by elvic and church leaders, the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Ohureh was auspiciously opened on Tuesday, Registration of delegates wns started on Monday, but the first session was opened on Tues day, Rev, A. J. Wilson, pastor of Bt, Andrew's United Church, Napanee, was olected president on the first ballot, drawing 167 votes trom the total cast of 270, A vote of 130 was necessary for an election, Rev, Mr, Wilson succeeds Rev, J, U. Robbins, pastor of Nowmanville United Chureh, to the ofee of president, Unanimous re-gloction of+ the other oMcers of the conference Way made by the delegates, Rev, G, C. R., McQuade is secretary, Rev, It, 7, Richards is treasyrver, Rev, J. Taylor is statistician, and Rev, B, ¥, Digkson is press representative, A much regretted feature of the conference to date iy the inability of Rt, Rev, W. T, Gunn, M.A, D.D., to be present, Rev, Dr, Gunn Is i in hospital and is facing the pro- hability of a possibly serious opera- tion, Appreciation Voiced On retiring from office Ray, Mr, Robbins voleed his appreciation of the kindness and co-operation shown him during his term in office, He tendered a tribute to the seore- tary of the conferenee on the lat- ter's work during his regime, 'and expressed the sorrow of the confers ence at 'the inability of Rev. Dr, Gunn to attend, but tempered this with the glad news that Rev, Dr, Dunean of Formosa had accepted the last-minute invitatfon to ad- dress the gathering on the occa- sions Rev, Dr, Gunn had been ox. ted, Wo i welcoming the Bay of Quinte Conference on: hehalf oft n of Cobourg, Mayor A, KR,' Willmott oxtondod unqualified, and' warps reotings to the town's guests, and drew attention to the f that Stam test in Ap Church work Were rly oi or now connected with Cobourg. In (Continued on page ¢) wpa pr-------- WILKINS TO SURVE ; IN ARCTIC OCEAN May 28--Sir Hubei Wii fa | May: 28. . kins faa May 2 the" Arctic 'expedition sent out annually by the Dominion Department of Interior through its Northwest Territories and Yukon branch, It was reported here that the famed Australian ex- plorer and scientist had the permis sion ol the department to join the on, ' i Fry "Deothic" already. hay been chartered to take the personnel of the Canadian Government party on its series of calls throughout the eastern Arctie archipelago, George P. Magkenzie is the officer command: ing and Capt. E. Falk the ship's cap ae Hubert, who is now in New York, should he join the expedition, would make a comprehensive study of the ice conditions in the archi pelaga, which would be of invaluable assistance to him in his projected submarine verture to h Pole, The "Beothic" leay h Sidney, Nova Scotia, towards' of July. many persens FOR SUNDAY GOLF ¥ -- wrah Scotland, May 28. poi that the Prince yod golf on the Sab th Day tly, said the Rev, noeth Ma Skye at Assen» y of the Free Church of Seot- land, "Ri ber the Sabbath. Day to keap it holy! " continued Dr, ye, "applies to Kings and Princes as well as to commoners," MES, T, I. LOBLAW shock to a lay, Mrs, Loblaw MRS. T. P. LOBLAW Succumbs to Pneumonia Yesterday Toronto, May 28-With her hus band in attendance until the end, Mrs, T, P, Loblaw, wife of the presi dent of Lablaw Groceteriag Com- pany, 'died yesterday morning at her Bummer home in Allston, where sho had gone five woeks ago to recuperate her health, The life of Mrs, Loblaw was hound up in the career of her hus band, with. whom. she shared the early struggles and hardships he- fora business ability and parsever- once bull up the great commercial enterprise bearing the Loblaw name, Her courage and cheerful outlok tphtribiited in no small des Eres to the success of her husband, Who began as a grocery clerk In an old-fashioned wtore, Mrs, Loblaw did not allow ills Health to interfere entirely with the leading of an active life, A member of Mimico United Church, she was a rzoaloun ohureh worker and was identified with - many church organizations as well as charitable bodies, Denides her husband she In sur vived hy three sons, one daughter and two brothers, They aré Alex of Toronto, John, at home, and James at BL Andrew's College, Aurora: Joan, at home, and' Tames and David Adams of Toronto, LARGE NUMBER NATURALIZED AT Citizens Are Pub: lished Yesterday was a big event in the lives of many former residents of Central Europe, who now make their homes in the city, The event which no doubt caused a grout deal of excitement and anxiety on the part of thowe concerned took place In the Old City Hall, It was the formal application for nature alization papers by a large num- ber of. Roumanians, Russians and Ukranians, The wpecial court, which dealt with the naturalization Jurisdiction of Honour Judge Thompson, of Whitty, The names of those who were successful in getting thelp naturdiisation papers, and who chu now way that they are true Canadians are wa follows: "| ¥achary Belenky), Johu Bily), Tomass Bohun, Mike Babin, Jan Brudek, Paul Chavuk, John Chur uk, Oleska Cherkes, Hill Ghaming, Today Daumary, Wife of 1, PP, Loblaw, head of Tob. Inaw's grocotevias, the news of whose death Monday, cam as a circle of frionds, ad heen suffering from pneumonia but her condis tion was not considered eritical, DIES AT ALLISTON Wife of Grocery Magnate " SPECIAL COURT Names of New Canadian of the applicants was. under tue | Th id | 1s somethin SPEAKER STRE VALUE OF HEI CRIPPLED CHILD Dr. B, J. Hazlewood Ad- dressed Kiwanis Club st Luncheon Yesterday The value Mining crippled ¢hildren to becoMe useful citizens and the forecast that the state would pay move attention to this | important work was stressed hy Dr. B, J, Hazlewood in a splendid address before the Kiwanis Club At'its regulay noon luncheon yesters day, Dr, Hazlewood, as a member of the club, had arranged to secure & speaker but it happened that the sponkor was unable to keep the en. gagement, He was therefore re- quired to take his place but as a "pinch hitter" he proved excellent in the opinion of all. who heard him, "Neryice clubg, such as the Ki- wanis, Rotary others can do mugh," Dr, HESleWood stressed, "In furthering tMs great work, | | realize that much has been accom. plished by the state within recent yoars along this line but there ix much which rempins to be dene," In the early days of history, men lived a nomad life and thore was but one, prineiple, the survival of the fittest, Children received little or no care and e weaker ones rarely rouched niathrity, There was one thing which distinguished man from the lower animals however, he worshipped a being which he believed to be the creater of life, and he made use of intoxicating drinks, The nations, such as Bgypt, Babylon and Oreece, which wor. shipped maternal gods gave more care to thelr children than other peoples, Infantiolde and cannibalism were the results. of this neglect of the children, Dr, Haslowood claimed, With the coming of Christianity with reverence for, the Madonna and child, children. received more cave, In the sixth century DQ, the Greeks had studied pediatrics but it was not until the 18th century that mueh further attention was given to thig study, Children were crippled through many oauseh, the speaker stated Heredity was ono factor while a number were also orippled because of tuberculosis of the bene, soars let fover, glandular trouble or in- fectione from teeth, or tousils, Preventive treatment Included pre-natal eare which is now regard. ad ans very important, pre-school ex- amainations and school examina- tions, 'Education, the 'speaker stat. ed, should go hand in band with hospital treatment in arder that the crip . ehild n ht not be outstrip i MN fellows, It was also important he sald to give the ohild a right outlook on life so that his defect or deformity will not make him feel inferior, The speaker estimated that one- halt of one per cent of the popaia- tion of Canada wag orippled, Ao- cording to this ratio there would be 150 crippled children in Oshawa. In view of this fact he considered that it was indeed worth while to engage In this important work, Aside from humane reasons, the eoonaomie value of assisting these ¢hildren to become productive elti- sens wan worth consideration, President R. B. Smith presided over the luncheon and Kiwanian Allan Parkhill moved a vote of thanks for Dr, Hazlewood's fine address, MOTOR CEUB MAKES ARRANGEMENTS FOR TOUR OF OLD LAND Mr. and Ms. A. Bouckley Will Take Car With Them op Trip AL, Bouckley® who in better known to hin host of Oshawa friends as "Mike," left today for Montreal, where in company with Mrs, Bouckley, he will take ship and sall Tor Englend, Mr, and Mrs, Bouckley ave driving thelr car to Montreal where it will be loaded on the vessel and carried to England, oy plan to make extensive use of it while in the old souptry and will undertake a number of motor trips during their sojourn there, Arrangement for their conveni- ence while motoring in the United Kingdom have been made for Mr, and Mra, Bouokley by the Oshawa Motor Club, Mr, Boutkley ia not at all perturbed at the prospect of having to drive on the left hand side of the road and expecta to nee mugh of the heauty spots of Mugs land, Wales and Scotland in this WAY. «ra Mr, and Mra, dohchiey, plan to be away. alx weeks but dur ing thik time the business will be conducted as usual at Mike's Place In spite of the absence of the genial and wall known proprietor, ael Shutka Bazyl Setbon, Joho Toma, 'Theodore Tyehyl, John Nick Tuneoky, Ike Teodar Yakimehuk, Ponko Rabihayio, Briand had searcely launched hia idea of a European tederation when Mussolini made & most warlike speech, It looka an if 11 Duce has put a banava peel on the fairway, rerantion Expositor, When your young lady says there about you she llkes, k her what she ia zolng to do d on. you Nave spent jt Montreal Star, : [ew Conference Head REV, A, J, WILKON Pastor of wt, Andrew's United Church, Napanee, who was oleet. od President of the Bay of Quinte Conference for the year 1000-81, Mr, Wilson Ix regarded nn one of the great executives of the Undtedd Chureh, and his olocs tion is. considered. as a dofinite promise of great aetivity in every department duving the coming yoar,. Mo succeeds Rev, J, VU, Robbips, of Bowmanville United Church, to this ofties, sr ---------------- "5 Js Elected To Office The scene of the 1980 congress of the Bay of Quinte Conference of the United Church which is in sos. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH, COBOURG sion this week, There are 800 dele. gates at the conference Including winisters and laymen 'from 18 | CITY AND DISTRICT NEWS COOL WEATHER UNWELCOME The eoul weather of tha past three days has been unweloome and frost was noticed on one or two mornings, It js feared that a few tender plants and leaves have heen "nipped" by the frost but so fav little serious damage han been done, ERECT NEW SERVICE STATION A new pervice station in Deve erected by the Super Test Oi) Co, of London, Ont, at the northwest corner of King Street West and Park Road, A large frame residence which for many years stood at this corner, has heen moved to the rear of 'the property and now faces on Park Road, HOURE-.CLEANING TIME House-oleaniug is now the order of the day In many Oshawa homes much to the discomforture of the male occupants, This is an event which is thoroughly hated hy all those®of the masculine sex eapeei- ally when ft Is suggested that there are carpets to heat. Housewives who do most of the actual work can hardly understand, this aversion to the apring cleaning especially an they bear the brunt of the whole buhiness. However it may he poss sible that it women did not have guch ambitions for cleaning and change, the men would still he cons tent to lve in caves and run about attired in the sking of wild animals, SHRINERS SREN 4 The Shriners ave already on thelr way to the big convention at Tor onto and yeaterday twa wedan-loads of Sferweariug 'god lemon panned through the oity on thelr way ta the Shriners' Meoca, IGNORED STOR TIGHT There are a few tourists ' who never look to see whether Odhawa boast trafito lights at the main in. tarsection of 'King and Simeoe Streetu, Youterday a party travelling east on King Street it right ahead in face of the re ht and an acoldent was narrowly averted aa a car driven by a well khown oltiven started when signalled "go." Only the prompt action of the loeal driver prevented a collision, And horror of horrova: only a few days aro a motorisk waa seen making a loft turn at this interasetion in the midst of heavy traffie, in spite of the many signs which indigate that a loft turn is mot allowed, KIWANIANA BUSY The Tor the boys' camp near KX AR proving a souvee of une RL 08 va Ron lana, Ever aince the alle was pur chased a short time ago groups 4 Kiwanians have been making visita to It and spending hourn at. a time in digging post holes, pouring ve mont and engaging in other jobs, They are delighted with the loca tion and not a few are wishing that | they could be boys again, ARCENSION DAY SERVICES Tomorrow ia Ascension Day and serviges will be hold fn two of the Anglican Churches in the oly, There will ba a celebration of the Holy Communion at 10 o'clock In the morning at 8t, George's Church and a celebration of the Holy Com. munion at eight o'clock . in the morning at Holy Trinity Chureh, There will ba no services at Chulet Chureh tomorrow, ON MISSION WORK Rev, C, L. Whitman, of Toronto, secretary of the Canadian Branch of the Sudan United Mission, ia in the oity to spend a few days here in the interests of hia organization, The Sudan United Mizglon, whieh doen extenyive missionary work in French Equatorial Africa, has ita head offices in London, Bugland, and the organization at large has 120 missionaries in the field: The Canadian Branch has headquarters in Toronto, at 33 Richmond Street West, and takes a keen Interest In the oNorts and welfare of the mis nlonaviea In the difoult field which in covered, SPIRE TO BE REBUILT Port Hope, May .=Plans have heen prepared for the rebuilding of the woire of St, George's Anglican Chareh at Newcastle, which was pes cently struck by lightning and dams aed by flames, The cost of the seals folding it is catimated, will be as much ae that for the repairs. The damage was fully covered hy insur anee: : OHIMARY KIRK A small chimney fire, at 54 Park Road south, on. Monday evening ont a run Martin The t fire the damage resulting py he wan very small, pine writer ia relieved to note that the orust of the earth ix two thousand miles thick, So in spite of savage attucks of golfers, geologically speaking they de lite te harm =Kitohenor Record, A ma OLD SCARBOR(" + dt In not sufticlontly Sogialistlo for counties, Oshawa's seven United Churches are well represented, ---- ---------------------- TT T------ WA ESTATE IS S0LD Property Opposite Famous Hotel Will Not Be Subdivided Hearbhore', May 28 Following the rapid development of urban dearboro' during the past ton Years several properties situated in the north rection have recently change od handn, Kable this year A large deal wan consuimmatied In the nelghborhood of Milltken, where one of the pioneer homesteads was placed on 'the market and finally sold for nub dlvision, During the past few days the old Maron estate, bordering on Dawes Road, and situated In what has pw come known an the "Millionaires Valloy," has heen nold to Mrs, Els len O'Sullivan, 'who, however, ave cording to present indications, has no intention of cutting up the pros porty, but will continue its operas tion as a farm. The laud covers one. hundred aores, and adjoing the spaciony ess tate of Harry Hateh and, on the north, 'that of IMramk O'Connot, next to which is Senator W. H, Ma guine's property, Acrost the road wis ones the famous Sullivan's Hotel, which for decades was a well-known lands mark in Scarboro,* serving ax head. quarters for sportsmen and noted far fte traditional Sunday dinner to which members of that fraternity came for milex around, It 1s understood that the farm will ho operated hy Mis. O'Sulll van's son, Peter O'Sullivan, In the transaction, her nephbw, "Thomas Phelan, acted for Mes, O'S8allivam while Seantor Maguire acted for the vendors, the Dy A. Mason Ns tatew, we T-------- rN bY CHILD KILLED WHEN (By Conadian Prass Leased Wire) Toronto, May 28--A Maypole, said 10 have bien rusted at the base, broke up a childeen's fralic in. a los eal playground last night, when it suddenly snapped off while a group of small children swing merely as round on it and caused the death of Catherine Nicholson, 10 Great in Dreitish demooracy, Sir Oswald Mosley, baronet, haw quit the MacDonald government hivaive nlso called Magistrate SHERIFF PAXTON WARNED PREPARE FOR ELECTION SOON Returning Officer Warned That Election 'Likely on July 28th The politieal pot in Ontario County will likely commence to boil on Friday next when the writs for the election are expected to be issued, A report in today's issue of the Manitoba I'rae Press of Wine nipeg states that the Chief slectpral officer of the Dominion has sent Lolegrams Lo all returning officers warning them to bo prepared as the writh are. expected to ho fs sued on Friday of this week, When The Times eallod Sheriff Paxton, returning officer for gouth Ontario, this morning, Mr, Paxton stated that he was in receipt of ouw of these telegrams but that it had not stated anything definite other than what was expected. The Times Ward ot Bowmanville, returning officer for the County of Durham but he had not yet received his copy of the telegram, It writs are Issued this week it is almost a certainty that the date of the election will be July 28th, The issuing of the writs is ex- pected to open one of the most bitter political campaigns im the history of the country with the Lib- oral Government of Quebec aAnnoun~ ¢ing thelr stand bohind Premier King and the Liberal party, and Premier Ferguson and the Ontarlo Government stating that they will wage a campaign in favor of the Conservative Party, The conserva tives of this county have nominat- od Dr, Kaiser, the present member, to content the sont again but as yot the Liberals have not chosen their standard bearer. In Durham County 1t is expected that Fred Dowen the present member will Again be nominated for the Conaer- vative party and the Liberals there also have yet to choose a man for the campaign. Donald Rice Recovers From Accident Injury Donald Rice, the young Oshawa man who was injured in an auto- mobile Accident a short distance west of Dumbarton in the early moriing of Monday last. while ves turning to Oshawa in reported by the hospital authorities as having loft that institution yestarday, He was removed to his home on Kl- Mott Avenue. While Mr, Rice had suffered no visible Injuries in the acoldent it was feared for a time that he had suffered interaal Ine juried, With his return to his home the fear of such Injuries seams to have been unfounded, The accident in which Mr, Rice was injured 'was the result of the front tire on a car driven by Cham, Perry, of Niagara Malls, blowing out, 'The collapse of the tire drew the Perry car over to the south side of the road where it came fins to a head oun collision with the car in which Rice wan driving, The foree of the collision completely wrecked one of the cars, while the other escaped almost without seris ous injury, Mr. Rice waa the only passenger in either oar who suffer od any serious injury inthe cols wlon, Me wax taken to the General Hospital hero and was, under ob- servation by a doctor until yeater- day when it was deomed advisable to rémove him to his home, A A KNITTING COMPETITION Svdney, Australia=Women's or ganizations, assisting dn the - "use more wool" campaign have decided to hold competitions+in knitting and to establish classes Yor instruction In knitting with the object of increas. ing the demand for wool. It has been resolved to endeavor to make the campaign permanent, y Too Late To Classify HRC ) A venlpnges, reasonable, 103 Anrling- toh, (1240) LATN § dan, excellent condition, Phone 1681F, (134e) ! \ 4 elements, first class condition, 'Apply 208 Bruce street. Phone 247M, 3 Govosha Hotel Wadnesd We at evening, sales, Man with car preferred. (1342) borne street, Wout, : CONTE URBAN HVEN Jubilee . Pavillon, lady's purse valied an keubsake, reward. Phone 181%J, © Apply 18 Bond St, ! J { WeS-M) (1240) 'ehanen for \ i VIM. GA, ES Bargain, | u v top ovem, warming closet; grey and white enamel, tional company will interview men ay are Jooking for a prospective executive, a producer, We guarantee 40 to §0 per cent, on ences, newly decorated, 74 Cd proposition of selling, Wondertal Shriners May be Accomodated In Local Homes in Event of An Overflow From Toronto Local Merchants Have Not Been Urged to Accept Early Delivery of Goods as in Whitby ---- LOCAL POLICE CONFER WITH TORONTO FORCE Large Number of Oshawa People Have Made Appl cations to Billet Shriners How will the hig Shrine cone vention at Toronto affect Oshawa? Will the presence of 260,000 Shriners In that city, not to mens tion the host of friends and relas tives which they may bring win them and a large army of tourists who will be attracted by the specs taele react upon the ordinary rouse tine of business and fe In this community, separated ns It is by but 44 miles of highway and rails rond? These are questions which will not be correctly answered un« til the 'days hetween June 10 and June 14 when the big convention will be In full swing. In the mean time Toronto officials are endeavs oring to co-operate with local office fals in order to he prepared for any emergency which might arise, Although Whithy merchants have been urged to accept truck delivers los from Toronto wholesalers bos twoen the hours of two o'clock und nine o'clock in the morning in ore der that the trucks may be off the highway before heavy traffic be- glue, no endeavour has been 'made as yet to persuade Jocal dealers to do the same, Chief nf Police Friend. stated today, ( v avill cos ate, however, wii regard (0 Lu | tening telephone communigations| between the police at various points along the highway in the advent! of traffic tie-ups or motor accidents, At a gonference held in Toronto recently with police officers present | from municipalities as far west asi Hamilton and as far east as Osh! awa, Detective Sergeant HM. ¥10.toff represented the locl police depart« ment, Chief ¥riend being unable to attond on mocount of a meeting of the police commission, It {8 un« derstood that another conference may be held in the near future to complete arrangements which were suggested, There has been an active agita- tion among the municipalities east of Toronto for a second highway to parallel the Kingston highway as far east as Oshawa, Bach year traf- fio congestion on this old, favorite route increases and during the cons vention It will probably be taxed: to the limit, Whether or mot any visiting Shriners will be entertained in local homes, depends. upon Toronto's ability to find accommodation for the fes.wearers, W. R, Chapman, who is in charge of arrangements here, informed the Times today, "An endeavour will be made," he sald, *'to accomodate all the Shrin- ers in Toronto, We have received fn large number of applications from local people Indienting their desire te "put up' Shriners but none will stay In Oshawa unloss there should be.an overflow," Mr. Chapman stated that 'the Shriners had hooked ahead prace tically all of Toronto's hotel accom odation: It 'would be dimicult tor other visitors to the city to seculls board or rooms and for this reasgh hejexpocted that local hotels wo belerowded duming the conventi Week while a niimber would h td segk lodgingh in private homes, In order to ptbtect Shriners t prices whioh will be charged ha been obtained and they will only Bh billeted in homes which have ban Approved by thowe In charge of tie arrangements, x a ---- Born GILBERT---At the Oshawa Hoy pital on Thursday, May 22nd, to Mr, and Mrs, Norman 1H, Gilbest, (nee Lona Spencer), a pony, (124m) REE at ba MeLAUGHUIN«=At Goneral Ho pital, Oshawa, on Sunday 25th, to Mr. and Mrs, C, Bwapt MoLaughlin, the gift 'of a daugh tor, ae Mr. and Mrs, W, T, Sud wish to thank their many 'frie tor thelr kindness, during the cent, ilingss of thelr, son, Wil in RUM AGE 'SALE, BASEMEN King street United Chu Thureday, May 29, 2.80, qa 'SQUARE DANCE, DEARBOR © Ridge, overy Thursday, Good i Sho, Admission 20g MADAME NEVADA, Ross Corners, Phone appol ments 3804, (134 RUMMAGE SALE AT MARKY RAL LL im Wdvancements tm ae) Wa) Couter Women's Assoes

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