Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 May 1930, p. 2

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1930 : [Bowmanville Daily Times, 'and 'subscriptions will 'be receiyed dt 'advertising the Bowmanville Office of g Plock. King Street. TORT of the current season for the Bowmanville Music 'Study Club will be held this ever- Jing jn St. Paul clght o'clock, The final Jog like those whieh have preseeded At this season is of an exceptional high quality and the guest artists |on are Mrs, Rolph and Miss Helen iPower. of Orono and the well known 'and talented elocutionist, | t Mrs. V. Hickinbottom, of Toronto, "So as to permit the general public to hear these artists the public will vbe admitted to hey this program on payment of a nominal charge, { A Fine | y There was a large attendance at the Parish Hall of St, John's yes- ierday afternoon when the Wo- men's Auxiliary hela their display of clothing which they are send: ing to a far nerth ' post for n «family which they care for there, This auxiliary pledge themselves to Jook after this family for the year and consequently two or three times during the twelve months send it a large parcel of clothing and other goods, back there, hg" To The final Inquest Tonight The inquest into the death of Norman P.: Ryan, who was killed on the C.P.R, at Darlington Sta- tion last week is being held in the Town Hall tonight, The case for the crown will be conducted by Crown Attorney, William F, Kerr, K.C., of Cobourg before Dr, V. H. Storey, of Bowmanville, who is the Coroner, Will Rebuild Spire The spire of St, George's Augli- vean Church at Newcastle which was destroyed by five when struck iby lightning some weeks ago will "be yebuilt in the near future, Plans for the rebuilding have been com- ES J AND RICE KRISPIES are the only cereal Har 's 80 crisp it actually orackles when you pour on milk or cream. Delicious toasted rice. Something different for breakfast, what a treat r lunch--with fruits or added! Kiddies love it. Use Krispies.in candies, oh 8. } At 1410 grocers, - ellog ox Rell igi RICE KRISPIES The Times in the Cowan ed tp (pT tall Py large expense but as the harsh as Sovered by insurance on be pleted with- the congregation, at Cadets Hard nt Practice "The gadots of thé public, high and B hii ng School have been he t practice these past few: weeks 4.4 the an ingpec- tion h Is Bry to take place ye week, Major Sige rr Crete was at schpol yesterday putting een at, their paces Io piel Bi this event, Prin- cipa) Dippell of the High School has been hard at work with the boys from that wcnool and Earl Cunningham, physical director of the B.T.8, announcer that he has the finest company of cadets this yeay that the school has ever had. Premier Ferguson will witness tae parade of the Training School Cad- ets on Friday afternoon, TORONTO MASONS PAY FRATERNAL VISIT 10 TOWN Unity Lodge No, 606 Pre. sent Fine Entertainment in Local Lodge Rooms Worshipful Master Roy Bowman together with his officers and pest mastéfs and mempers to the num- ber of forty of the Unity Lodge AF, and AM. No. 606, of Toronto, paid a roturn fratornal visit on Monday evening to Jerusalen Lodge, No. 31, of Bowmanville. The vieiting lodge exemplified dur. Pg the proceedings the second de- gree with full musiesl ritual, This proved to be a most impressive and 'nspiring spectacle made the more so by the excellent work of the Very Worshipful Brother C, Nowles who officiated at the or- gun and who was assisted by tae choir of the Toronto Lodge, The organist and choir were showered with congratulations following the degree work, The whole ceremony was carried out wilh the utmost efficiency and precision the like of which has seldom heen seen. in the local lodge rooms. Following the mceting of the lodge the visitors repaired with the local men to the banquet hal! where 'an appetising supper was provided and to which all did ample justice. Worshipful Master Noy Bowman acted as toastmaster and among the toasts tendered were those to the King and the Grand Lodge, A fine program provided entire- Iy by the visiting brethren follow- ed the banquet with selections by Brother H, Rich, well knowy Radio singor from his extensive repert- oire. Needldss to say he was en cored to the limit. The highlight of the evening however was the Scotch vocal selections by Little Jackie Rae, who sang many of the old time songs warm to the hearts of all aad in costume at that, His rendering of 'Roaming in the Gloaming" was particularly effec tive ard the cheers which greeted each number he sang would "be enough to turn the head of any youngster. or Other . vosal Bro, Joon D, Kedetve and lion 'orshipl | Master. | EN 4 Dont of selections wore es with _edual fervor by Wor ls comin ville Lodge thanked ill ry brothers for thelr fine entertain. ment anc particularly "for the splendid way in which they exem- plitied the degree work, The even- ing was brought to a close with the be sltalns, of Aad hang Brne ond, MOTORS TROUNCE WHIZ 1a TO4 IN . SCHEDULED GAME Culley, Jamieson, Cordon and Witheridge Bag v The Motors "softball team hand- od the Whiz a bad beating last night in a scheduled game A the, school grounds with a final score of 15 to 3. The game was interest~ ing from start to finish and al- though the Whiz were not brilliant 'iu. any one 0h ings they held the Motors for two innings scoreless Where the Whiz were weak with the bat they were equally strong in the field but the tact-that three Tromers were sgored against them is a sign of the hard hitting that featured the Motors innings, Home Ri Runs "fo and Motors team took lead right i Sp two in thelr first in. Culley bagged a homer in wecond whieh 'gave the Motors i rp heart and from then nn the game was practically a fore- kone conclusion, Jamieson follow ed with another homer in the third and Cordon also, cleared the diamond. without « oa in the third tor the Whiz. In the sixth Motors od yet another homer 'wher, idge sent a ball why past the i aws The was also gool w | Cole, for "who 1s known miss 'a. good number, made tho firest cateh of the evening when he made'a fiylos lvap and caught what looked Hke-an impossible one, Culley, lB and Witherldge else made catches worthy ot men tion, Another notuble-fact- abont this game. was that Dutch Osborne played his first t Bang. of. the stason but did 'not show 'to 'extré good etfect. The reason. ull that the fang expect too. much.of on as 2 hut Ad fsavpo ed Natot "win for the by he to meet the 4 0, ro hi better An the league, Th will bye me oe. The teams were as foi : Motors 3 Whid Chartran 1 Witheridge Osborne Lunney iteher Hooper Foo 48 Cowle Holly short stop Piper Culley and Reowigh > field Joie Martyn F. Jamieson 1, Held Canny base, d bake hase Brown Moore Roven Whiz batted first und scored one The Whitby Umplros---Candles and Cancilln, Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions asd newe will be received at the Whitby Beamen Office, at Gas 'x. and ¢ 'hronicle.Teleplone Sa-=After Business Hours = Vhone 800, REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON ASK MERCHANTS T0 HELP DURING BIG CONVENTION! Keep Streets Clear of Cars-- Deliver Goods Early in Morning Merchants of Whitby are to bel, asked. to keep the business streets as free from cars as possible from June 7th to 1§th on account of the Shriners. Convention in Toronto. They will'also be asked to accept delivery of goods from wholesale between two 'o'¢lock and nine o'- clock in the forenoon of these days, fn order that the highway may be free ns possible of trucks during the hist hours o the day 'when it ed re hun reds of the Am. er! Visitors will 'be using the highways, At two conferences held in Tor- onto on Monday, one with Chief Draper, of the city police force, and the other with General Willams, of the provincial police, and at- tended by Chief Gunson, Whitby; Sergeant Flintoff, representing Chief Friend, Oshawa, and other police heads in the Toronto suburb- an area, the above measures for relieving traffic congestion were decided upon. All municipalities in the area will be asked to co- operate in relieving the traffic con- gestion which is bound to exist during the days of the convention, It was decded to have ambul. ances statoned at central points to be available In the 'event of accl dents. W. C. Town, Whitby, has been asked to keep his ambulance in readiness for emergency calls during the convention days, Aue other measure decided upon was Berets For Golf, Tennis, - Motoring, Outings, Beach and Every Day Wear! that police calls will receive special attention trom the tolephone coms panies, so that there may be ne 4 delay In cases of emergency, BIG DOCKET FOR COUNTY COUNCIL Strike Tax Rate--Consider Repart on Equalizing Assessment There is a lengthy docket of bue- ingss for Ontario County Council whan it assembles . at .the Court House In Whitby next week, The striking of the tax rate; consid. eration of the report of the com- mittee on assessment oqualization; consideration of road and bridge work, and miny other equally fm- portant matters will- come--up for feonsideration. . [An adjourned ses sion is v The session opens on Monday afternoon, and the first order of business will probably be the pass ing of a bylaw to raise by way of debentures the County of Ontario's share of the cost of Atherley bridge. There will be the usual warden' plenle some time during the session amd it Is understood that this year the wardens of Ontario and Simcoe Counties will join in staging this annual outing at. Orillia. A com mittee to arrange the plenie will be appointed early in the session, There will be the usual June de- putations, consideration of com munications and accounts, and the consideration of Committee reports, Warden James Read, of Marva, will preside. Nows stories exaggerate, and doubtless there are many Chleago- ans who have never been shot at. ~sJackson News. There must he something divine in 8 qualdy that Includes dish washing &s a romantic adventure, -Port Arthur News-Chronicle, A sporting writer says the flow of language on most golf courses is decidedly warm, Tt might be called the Golf Stream .--Ottawa Journal, Don't add Insult to Injury by y hogging a girls' pardon after steal ! Ing a kiss.~-Detroit News, - Angora Hand Crocheted pure Angora with bn in white, sant; mauve, i Join Felt Berets 4 Start new Felts in Beret shapes, neatly stitched aud droped: All pastel ina 99400 Straw and Angora Berets Of straw interwoven with Angora wool, White with blue, green, yellow, mauve and LLL id ing and Summer Th ig Hats for matron id salons Every hat reduced For Thursday, Friday and $7.0 00 . $2.00 $3.00 $4.00 Hats Limited | Fountain | Lunches te seem not | Net ot when you've spent a pleasant noon in the | refreshing coolness of this '|| clean fountain lunch. || | Delicious foods, temping- [| | ly offered awaken ihe i heat-dulled od appetite, KARNS Store Nest P. O. Phone a8 . Cordon || 'Per bia PRE | 9c 'W.'A- DEWLAND LTD. MONTH -END SALE STARTING THURSDAY TH a group of Better Values than we have ever before offered ah New Seasonabl "hand arly. ph MER Read Every Item and be on Vests and Bloomers, first quality garments in a complete range of * dainty lingerie shades. Bloomers are regular or Bobette styles, "Watson's 'mean 'correctness of fit. Regular $1.00 value. Month End Sale Price, Per Garment i... Silk Rayon Lingerie Silk Ni ghtgowns and Petti Knicl:- ers, smartly trimmed with lace nd + Values Sale P Per Garment .,.... silk shadow-proof slips, up to $1.49. Month End sie 89c rennnnnn PURE LINEN TOWELLING Fancy checks or with wide, colored borders. Regular 35¢. Month End Sale Price. Yard ..., 25¢ "ALLAN A" PURE SILK HOSIERY in a complete showing of pretty patterns, 88 in, wide, Regular 28¢ to 80¢c, Month Price yd. Children's Reefers Of Fancy Tweeds and 'Foxes', Navy Pare End Sale 19¢ 1 to 5 years, $4.95, Month End Wool Serge, sises Values up to Pillow Cases Of Horrockses Pure English Cotton, 42 in. ide, Month End Sale Price, ends, 98c¢. hemstitched Regular pair All the popular summer shades. Subthndards of $1.00 quality. Mont End Sale Price, pr. 49c SILK VELVACHINE In all the wanted shades for |, summer wear. Regular 75c, Month End Sale Price. Yard 1 20 ONLY LADIES KNIT SUITS 3 piece styles, skirt, pullover sweater and sweater Regular $9.95 to coat. New color combinations, $12.50, Month End Sale Price, S800 FUJA SILKE In 20 of the season's newest shades, including white, Regular 55¢. Month End Sale Price, yard 47c RAYON SILKE 36 in. wide and shown in a pretty range of shades, Regular 39¢c. Month End Sale Price, Yard CUSHIONS, CUSHIONS Of pretty chintz, in a variety of shapes. Well-hlled with Kapok. Month End Special .. "45 C INSPIRATION PRINTS A fine range of light and dark patterns. Tub-fast col« ors. 36 in. wide. Regular Entire Sud Huts of Felt and Straw and Strow wd Felts combined, Values up to $4.50, divided in 9 groups for the Month Evd Sale $1.95 8 $2.95 DRESSES Of Dimitios, Printéd Volles, Broadcloth and Fast Color I'rints, The styles are new and usually only found in Dresses selling at a much higher price. Complete range of sizes, Values u to $8.50, Month End Sale $1.35 I) Hore inlila, v ] 35¢c, + Month End Sale, hr eves n 28¢ Pure Linen GLASS CLOTHS With, aloted di Reg. ¢. Month End Sale "19 C LADIES' KIMONAS Of embossed silk, shades are blue, rose and orchid, Regular End Silat Price, 29¢c and End Sale Yard . $4.95, Month CELT RTE Frilled Curtain Materials With colored border of blue, rose and sold, Ru 35e. Price, 19¢ CHILDREN'S HATS Pretty styles and colors. Regular $1.50 to $1.95, Month End Sale 99 ¢ Price sure rerrreries Price, Each CHILDREN'S SILT NIGHTGOWNS Pretty styles with tibbon tie at the waist line, Shades are pink, peach and sky. Sizes 4 to 14 years, Regular $1.00. Month End Sale Price 8c GIRLS' SILK VESTS AND BLOOMERS In pink, 'sky or white, Sizes 210 14 Years 'Month End Sale } CHILDREN'S PLAY OVERALLS In" blue or Khaki J red trimmi years. nd Sale Month 25 c Price ius sointivin SILK DRAPERY MATERIAL 50 in, wide and shown in mauve, green or rose. Also black or rose with gold, Regular $1.50. Month End Sale Price, Yard. oni 98¢ 40 ONLY CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS All tyl Mostly fancy tweed fabrics, 15 to $12.6 Clearing at Half Price, $4.95 to $12.95, Sizes 3 to 14 years. Regular 30 ONLY Misses' & Ladies' Of fancy tweeds and poiret twill, in shades of green, blue and navy, alse black, Clearing in the Month End Sale at just 14 Price Ladies' Pullover Sweaters Of Silk and Wool. Smart designs, Reg. $2.49. Month End Pie... 91,69 Price PURE LINEN ROLLER - TOWELLING Colored border, Month End Sale Price, Yard .....coo0s Girls' Skirts and Middies Navy Pleated Skirta of Wool Serge, Middies of Jeam Cloth with Navy or Red Collar, Sizes 6 to 14 years, Regular $130, Mouth En ec Garment 99¢ SILK DRAPERY MATERIAL In Plain Shades or Pretty Stripe Rami B80 In. wide, ad to ah Prive ee $1.49 Girls' Print Dresses and Boys' Wash Suits New styles and de- signs, Dresses are 8 to 14 years, Wash Suite 2 to 6 years Regular up to $1.30, Month End Sale, 97c BATH TOWELS White or colored, © Good quality and size. Month End Sule Price, 25¢ SILK DRESS GIRLS' AND BOYS' WOOL Sizes 2 to 14 years, Value $1.50 to $1.95, Price BARARARAARAA A 5 A ARRAN PULLOVER SWEATERS Menth End Sale $1.29 MATERIALS Printed Silks in all new de- signs and a host of color. ings. Regular up to $1.50, Month End Sale 98 Price, Yard oie Cc CHILDREN'S VOILE DRESSES Plain white, and trimmed with vsiity lace. Rovulor $1.49. Month En € cori . aia y and A Sizes 3, 4 san onl, . 69c "'Penm an's" First Quality Service iffon, full-fashioned Pure Silk Hose 'With the new French panel 'heel All new summer shades, Regular $1.50, Month End Sale Price, $1.00 pr.

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