THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1930 ES atau cum PAGE THIRTEEN ar Elem delat fabs aid CIASSIRIE ARV whe CTION. Seller CLT PTET '\ sclo anomalies, BARRISTERS sveciaiiet- {n Author of 0) & Nolin BA Si oooh Bate! A or a Strain, The prac os 1 ff Brae' ot dour bila and Its' Development, Dis: Phos 4. GQ, or Consat, | ne, 10 % re. . 7% Ty , BA ney do it 0 , oposile Post. Office, Cr . So mn 25-1 mo) NK | BAR a AND 8 ns Pini, Conlio bud s and i' i sens, [rr town y "d dh jon plannine Munié} or m King , Barristers, Conveyance, Notaries Puoblie, ete. - Off a Baek. fntrance Bast, one 13, J. ¥. Orferson, K.On coe - K Arelghton Ba, N. Fraser, BA. LOUIS S. HYMAN, BARRISTER. 187 Celina street, Oshawa, Corner Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's| Bruce sireet. Ambulance, Phone Store, | Money to loen, 16 Simeos "iis borth. ['houe 67. Residence | === { m AVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, GREE risters. aotichtors. ele. Mh § {i King St. west, Oshawa, The old: (| est Pire Acency in Oshawa. 30 Re: st. N. J 3160, Meney rr U. HALL, B.A. DARRIE putahle Fire anies. iy Ve " " Re i % MANGAN, B Syaesr. M to loan. Office 4 rye Phone wwe U ST. hii . Hilden Sh r) "atront north, Phone 210) sad "| 210W. Ancing ind " gral enneult R. N. Jobes, 80 Simcoe (tf) | north, Your l(nsuramce 'wants at- tended to and your .nterests pro- tected. WHEN YOU NEED INSURANCE automobile, fire, accident, See Holden 92 Simcoe N. (May 8-1mo) ILL. BARKISTE y to oan. Alger Bldg, op- nosite | L Office. Phone 1614 ote, Ager' Pldg, "Phone 2006 All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Ftc. 'of this nature, end collect for same. - "Times" Classified For thy convenience of customers who find It inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT STRICTLY CASH 'IN ADVANCE This wile has been found necessary baths of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of emall arcounts Ads Bring Results Work Wanted = | | TAT Transportation CANTAGH AND STOILAGB, COLE: man's, 85 Bond West, Specialists fn turpiture moving, storage ware hous upd moving 'van equipment, BARN MOVING, GRAVEL sand ard cliiders. Local and long is.ance hauling. Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St. West. OSHAWA'S OLDE>1 ESTAB. lished" furn'ture movers. Park Road car a Local and long distance Frank Fiowe 31 Sie. 65 Park RI (May 19-1 mo) ptriel , diseases of end children. Office and Beauty Parlors ond East, Phone 1155. BETTY, ou TERMANENT WAYE - op. "Specialsts. In bermansnt, i p ARCHER, MCh] tiuger ana marcel waving, be Surmeon and Obstetrician. | manent wave prices $6, 87.60, ¥ $10 i MN. Phone 3020.| and $15. All other liner or Beuuty 0 Cadiline AV North. | Oulture, Pick 3008, Apply 86 ui roe pls street worth A By, Obstetrician.' i513 Simcoe _ Modis! --- DRS. HAZLEWOOD w HARPER, Disney Block, Phone 050. ins hours .9 a.m, to 8.00 p. 7. Dr. b J. dazlowood, atiention to runes) and X-Hay, Jar, B. H, Har- "per, special attenon to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and night calls 2416 or 122. DR. Jf vhs PHYSICIAN, SUR: er. Office and resi- Kine St, East, corner Victoria WNT Bi TRRY. PHYSICIAN EXPERT MARCELLING BY Barty, Ward at Bett u Perman- ent Wave ty Th arcel and sham- street north. p Rm A ER AND cauty Shon. 9 ) Celina St. We spe. clalize in ladies' hate cutting, mar. celling, shampooing, fcials. Marcel 50 cents, For appointments phone 2653, (May 16-1 mo) MAPUBL AND CUNL, Boe. MRS. K. Clarke, 14: a i street. Hhone 20400 (May 20-1 m») OF THE LA Parisione Beauty Parlour snnoun- ces the price of marcelling, 60c, Linger Waving 76e, during the 'summer mnths, Comiencing from Jute fipst, "Phos 7) . May 21-1 mo.) Ab Music BROWN, PHVSE- and Obgtetricun, office enze, 185 Simcoe Street, phone 3107. Veterinary Surgeon ¥ RLEY, VETERINARIAN ho wn gpoeialiet Diseases Domestic Ani ws and dog hospital. 203 "Tek UD. . y 1-1 mo) CONCHETE WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel cinder. Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, | (Apr. 20-1 Wo) EXPERT UPHOLSTERING ON abtomobiles and furniture, The best In workwanship at the lowest prices. Note vew addréss, 461 Sim: coe South. G. A, Constable. Phone s432W, (May 13-1 mo) SHARPENINO--SC(SSORS, KNIV. os, Lawn Mowers, Saws. Phone 421W, Wa call and deliver, 130 Celina 8t, BE. Bottan, (ay 8-1mo.) Articles For Sale AER SRD Ant AND SOFT WOOD] = d. Also bone dry body wood. eas Meek Limited. Phone 1288 (Apr, 2611) FOR BALN--=HBINTZMAN CO. Ltd., planos, new and used planos, also radios, atest models; terwse arranged. ~ Apply ©. Toll, STi 1566J. 11-48) FOR SALE=CRUSHED hn Clips for dyvewan. Waterous. Meek Limited one 178% a me) SALE «= PAINTS, VARN- fshes. Wo have the largest assokt~ ment of paints, varnishes, ete. In fn the city. The Paint Store, 80 King West. (Apr, 20 LD) BA) TA CIt d A and black loam, Phone' 1778J. J. Forrester, 210 Alice alreet, (Apr. 30-1 ma: SAND, GRAVEL, /STONB, CIN ders, black Joum, a, 50 per yard. For quality and service phone Es- scry Drow. 832 r 11, (May 3-1) FOR OC. TRENEER, OR: master of King nited Church will acce ed organ and Bia patticula Ss APD dy strel east. Phone 2 ay b to 81) INARD" IRE of music, Oshawa la . I Ey he '81 St. 1 mv) hone 19843. 7 Say 31 mo) R Love rday, from 1 till tation and treatment f ear, nose and throat Lt made at I. BRYANS in o Public Sch phone 10843, . Radio Service . OSHAWA, RADIO. SERVICE, AD: cossorivs for sale, fepaire on elec trie aid battery ws ubes ig batter! tested, 4 oy rental hy $1, Phone 3360J. Charles Wales, 148 Elgin East. May 8-1 mo) and II's Prue Store. Evenings b office shone 2660, HILLIFS, ' Special attention to Xerav 9. traction. Nurse in ate se 1312 cnarged, T0c called for and de livered. Radio service, alrials erect. ed. Platt. Phore 15004, (May 21-1 mo) 8 0 ' Al Prices reasonable, batteries re. b0¢, rentals 260. delivered, Phone 2806W, Geo. Burroughs, Sontified" Radiotriclan, ! (May 3%-1mo.) ¢ 'With rental $1.00) Ropaived and rebuilt, Called for and delivered, Prompt Phond 1880 Bligdon, 20 ond 188GW, MAL 8. J (Ma, 19-1" mo) Miicheils Drug Store. ALLM extraction, Phene 54 © HUBBELL, DENTIST] [ n a extras ova ank 178M r De Ads Ww « dve nis b by "PR DA St E Special ute traction and Xeray | oe stiendanes. Phones r. vard, 1's trom one Holla up,' bent Se work, néludin 2698 Simeo Simeon. Sut hone 1630. Ami [me Phos ¢ representative. Phowa Sha) (May 19:1 mo) RFHE Jy | disorimi Sh woman. and. tter for: demons (May 19-1 mo+ +. | available for first mortgages on od residen Bros. 20% Simeon 008, south (up 0). SU LEY AUC. Oshawa, aMeution uh to x and Farm. Patrons A ott, painting, paperha terms call or phone San, ® FOR SALE--VICTOR RADIO, four months old, $180, Phone 0 alte is pam. (142e) FO. B= PERTHOTION COAL J oth stove, 3 burner with oxen, Good Apply 330 Simcoe St, Bouth, (122¢) R| HOUSHAOLD 'FURNITURE. . FOR sale, also thirty hens, Will sell cheap, Apply M30 Ritson Road south. 123¢) WILLIAMS PIANO TN GOOD CON- dition. Will take $126, $10 cash and $7 per month, Apply John Meagher, 72 Simcoe north, Phone IW, (133e) HEINTZNAN PIANO, CHEST OF drawers, tool chest, several odd. ments, Mrs. lL. Hdren, 33% Sim- coe street north. (1230) FOR SALE=PIAND," LEATHER living room suite, other household furnishings, also apartment to rent, at ig8 Prince St. (123¢) OR SALE--GUBLPH STOVE, small kitchen with 'water front, practically new, Kleotric washing machine, Congoleum rug. condition. Phone Bowmanville 606 Rommanville, . 2c TOR SALE--ONE BUFFET AND round dining room table, polished oak. Both for 2 . Apply 173 Mil street, (1240) NEW TENT ANI AND booth. for sale, Apply R. L, Luke, corner North Park Road and Bunn Vista, (1240) $ Painting and Decorating i R, GUTSOLE, FIRST CLASS PA | perhanger, painting und graiving Prices right, wor guaranteed, 840 'Plno Ave, phone 3005w or 2067w. (aon ing, dees Sven © sign writing. Estimates ven on work, Phone 1367J, "(May 5<1 mo) ng 1 HENDRIE'S SCHOOL of dancing ana physical: culture. 169 Church Street, Lessons given | each evening from 6 p.m,, and on Eaturdays + trom 1.80 pm, Fo bove mo) hours, Nay 21 ruge, 80¢ to. $1 do week. Foi samples: ; be fd i PORTABLE | For 'Rent FOUR AND FIVE ROUMED MOL~ ern suites including electric refrig- eration, stove, laundry, convens orces, etc, continu' 's hot water supplied. Apply Supt. 'phone 2671, or "The Trusts und Gharsntee Co. Ltd, 'manage: for owndr, Toronto. (3780) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros. (86t1) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, tour rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Ponsession Jupe 1. Apply Box 655 1Ymes. < (112t1) 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- veniendes, garage, oichard, garden space, $20, Lease. Apply 2M Nassau street, (1191, TWO ROOMS, TO RENT ON Ble gin St. West, partial conveniences. Apply 84 Elgin stroet west: (116tL) TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP. Ing rooms, with garage, for quiet oouple, no 'chidren, or bedroom for we entlemeon in quiet home. Phone D60W, (12310) TO RENT=OND LARGE FRONT toom, suitable for business man. Also one small room, $2 per weel, 84 Willlam stroet east, (May 238-1 mo) TO RENT--THEEE = ROOMS, Lews than 3 minutes walk from Gen. eral Motors office, 571 Richmond St. 1. Phone 3196W, (122¢) 0 4 -- i alle room with all conveniences, Cen tral, Apply 79 MeMillan Drive. Phone 2320W; (123¢) STX ROOM 1 RON TO RENT, ALG convenlences, 306 Division St, Fhone 1620, (122¢) RUE NOOMBD ~ APART A furnished; reasonable. Apply 221 pic stroet, (122¢) RENT »-8 FURNISHED oll heat, light and water, all gonveniences. With Garage. Imme- diite possession. Apply 07 Cole borne 0 _streét east. (123¢) TO LET wr SIX TROOM HOUSE with: or without ' garage, William street' east, conveniences. Posses- slon first of une, 24 Royal br, Phone 185, ¥ (128¢) NICERY' 0 POUR room, 'womisdetaghed louse, cen- tral, rentovery iveasonable to re- Hable tenant, * Phone 1616W. (122) SIX ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD 0ON. dition, excellent! locality, all con- veniences, «~Garage, © Rent reason- able furnished or unfurnished, Box Phone 7840, (123¢) FOR RENT---TWO0 COMPLETELY furnished yoams for light 'house. keeping, . Every convenience, 163° Burke strata Phone 14307, (1231) FOR RENT -- DOT ALE GA GARAGE, Phone 11651, 183 Brock street east. $ (1230) FOR RENT ---- "NEW house, 4.rooms, kitehonotte, Wired for electric stove..All conveniences, Clean} 135 Albert St. (123¢) Ld Classified Ads, | First tasertion--13 cents per word, Misimam charge 30c. Each subsequent consecu. tive insertion lo per word, Three SonMegeive Pg or thy > two first ons (three cents a word). Minimum Shares for three insertions, 6 0 cents. +'Boz autber 106 addiifonal rotesslonst or Rusinens Sands, $3. en dae month 'or 20 wordy or \gse; "cents a word per antn ; for each, udditions) word, , IFIED. : | plots ume equipment or | house, 6 'all conveniences, 110 Stacey Ave, Apply Conant & Annis, (120tt) TO WANT HOOMND ~HOUSH, All conveniences, possession at once. Apply 329 Division St. (128¢) URFURNISHED, all conveniences, rensonable, near @.M.C. Phone 1783M, (128¢) [:} ¢ room to rent with board, 143 Agnes stroot, Phone 1775J, (123¢) BRICK house. All conveniences, near Mot ory, Phone 2717) (123¢c) j-- oom hardwood floors through- out, garage, central, reasonable, Phone 1168J, (128¢) BATHROOM FLAT TO RENT, two furnished réoms, gas and phone, Apply "204 Haig street, (423¢) 0 UI Nursing URBING IN PRIVATE H for invalid or conyalescent pa- tient, 129 Colborne St. E. Osh- awa, Phone 1916W. (May 2 1-mo) MEDICAL, MATERNITY, MENT- al and surgienl nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 506. (May 23-1mo.) Theronoid ALL BUPTERPRS OF CHRONIC afimenuts should take advantage ol tije special free *reatments offered hy. Theronold of Oshawa, 1566 Wil- lam St. East, Phone 269, (May 22-1 mo) Situations Wanted AUNGARIAN YOUNG MAN LOOK- ing for farm work; Phone 1564 r 18, (123-c) sd i a WXPERIENCED FARMER WANTS work, 406 Albert street, Phone 3024W. (123b) nished rooms, light, h keeping 68 Gibbs street. Phone 1492M, (1280) i PLAT UNPUR- nished, with garage. All convenl- ences, central. Phone 1168J, (124e) LARGE FORNISHED BEDROOM for rent, with or without board, 27 Warren avenue. Phone 3027). cd « (123b) TOOMS FURNISHED OR' UNTO: nished, suit young couple, , no ob- Jecton to small child, good hohe, convenient to Motors, rent reason- able. Apply 312 Leslie avente, (124d) FOR RENT -- LIGHT ROOM brick house, modern conveniences, garage. Apply 3456 St, Jullen St. Phone U59M. (1244) VURNTHESD HOUSE T0' RENT, close to General Motors, reason able to reliable tenant. Phone 1790F, (124¢) For Exchange FOR ~~ EXCHANGE--6 HooM frame, stool, lights and water, Small mortgage, ', Will consider clear lots, Phone 82566M, on ) BOMT DUPLEX] 7 ART bath on ground Boar, 2 rooms and bath on second flour, excellent lo- cation, good house for Will, consider gex:hange, Phoue 22562! (123b) CENTRAL EOCUATED 6 ROOM house in Oshawa Lo exthange for Vacant land on, Highway between Bowmanville and Pickering. Phorc 3266M, (123b) TEN "ROOMED,; SOLID BRICK residence, large corner, lot, best sec- tion North Toronto, 2 blocks wost of Yonge Bt, for modern home In Oshawa (north) or fruit farm ig vicinity, Apply Box 692 Times. (1240) roomers FURNISHED APARTMENT FOR light house keeping. All conveni- ences, central, Rent reasonable, Phone 2207, 1056 Colborne East. (124c¢) Tooms, city ¥ water, L electric, side drive, good garden, (1240) $20, 7 furmace, 180 R, 3 and 1. FOR BALE--NEW RUG BRICK house, hardwood floors, modern conveniences, 14 to 7 acres of land, on highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment. Apply 8. Snowden, R,R. No, 8, Bowman- ville, (1241) Summer Cottages COTTAGE FOR RENT--B8IN rooms, large attle, two beds in at- tie, sleeping porch, rereened, water, electric, five minutes. from Post Office, store, boats and C.P.R, Box 38, Bala, Ontario. (123) SUMMER RESORT AT LARBSIDE Beach finest Bathing and Nshing on Lake Bcugog. Some splendid build. ing lots for sale. A. E. Rokerson, Port Pei ort i A 1241) "Real Estate "Estate For | Sale SIX ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. 306 Division strevt. Will sell cheap or trade. Phono 1620, (122¢) TWO HUNDRED ACRE FARM, elght room brick house, steel roof barn, 14 miles from Oshawa, Clear of encumberance, Owner 'has suf: fertd a severe {ilnese which makes him unable to run farm. Will give responsible person excellent chance Will consider some Oshawa prop. erty, Box 698 Times, (123h) Motor Cars HAVE YOUR CAR , Ot TRUCR repaired at 49 Dond St. 'West, Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 83305, (May 28-1 mo) GWT JOUR OAR WASHED X71 Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West. Phone 3198. AM cars at one price $1.00, (May 15-1 mo.) 20 CHEVROLET COACH, AB- solutely Al condition. Phone 7171, (123) Help, Wanted--Male for Oshawa Salary $560. 00 per Week aldo substantial profity on sales, Applicant must be able to furnish from $760.00 to $1260.00 cash deposit or merchandise. 4083 St. Denis Street, Montreal, Que, (1314) EL) {t to travel and sell electrical appli: ances. Ask for Mr. Mages 'at Adams Furniture Co, after 5 p.m. (1880) FOUR SALUSMEN WANTED ATL once, Applications received from 10-12 Thursday forming, , Apply 19 Prince St.. (188h) AN car and. work around hotel, Murt have chautfeur's Meense, Apply Box 609 Times, (1240) A Bg Ontario, WIDOW WOULD LIKE ANOTHER widow with means to share home or retired couple, 04 William street east, (1210 D »-- G } man to share apartment with three others, Very reasonable, Ar- ply to Box 700 Times. €134¢) Room and Board family, V 2 Rt Ph A amily, Very central, une, 18 da: NINGS = P curtaing, canopy "Tay on Tere br, INDO awnings, verant ioe hatalled. | Hardware, phone 25 26. Turner ah Pets and Live Stock. WANTED -- CATTLE FOR SUM- mer pasture, Creek running through Balson's Farm, Courtice. Apply F. A. VanGunten, Tooley's Hill, (1201) HOLSTHIN BULL, 16 MONTHS, Grazers taken, horses or caltie. Phone 723 r 12, (124¢) For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR, RENT--GOOD home at 600 Sommerville Ave, Fab terms, see Clove Fox, (1240) must reveal itself in iis business and social Mle. "The evolution of w good driver from a poor one," he says, "cau not'but make a man ux better, safer husband, father and dssoclate; cannot but make a woman strong- er and more self-reliant in the home and the social sphere," Cole supports hig theory by quoting statistics revealing the fact that 86 per cent, of the drivery in his state are self-reliant, safe and desirable, The remaining 16 per cent, he claims, is made up of absent-minded people and men- tally incompetent, cureless drivers. Alb) there ig the criminal who has little time to devote io 'careful driving. MOTOR SPEEDWAYS REPLACE ROADS THAT THE CAESARS BUILT Rome---Roads, Jald by the Cats avs 2,000 years ago in Italy have been modernized Into fine high- ways of a most distinct type. The new. ronds are motor speedway uccommodating six automobiles There are no sharp grades and no crossings, No speed limit prevails and It is sald that in the seven er elght years the roads have been in operaticn, no serious accidents havg occurred, These roads have been so successful jt is sald that the French Government is plan- ning to build several like them near Puris, Italy plans to spend 50,000,000, 000 lire on its roads during the current fiscal year, Twenty import. ant highways are to he constructed throughout the country, Hereand There (528) Twenty-two days will bo occu- pled by the annual tour across Canada to be conducted by Dean Sinclair Laird, of Macdonald Col- lege, when his party leaves the Windsor Street Station, Montreal, by special train over Canadian Pa- cific lines on Sunday, July 20. This year will be the seventh trip con- ducted by Dean Laird and, as in past years, will include A&ttomo- bile drives over the famous Banff- Windermere highway and from Field, via the Yoho Valley, to Lake Louise, as well #3 Steamer trips across the Kootenay Lake to Sheriff's Sale of Lounde 1 County y of of Ontario To Wit: ly On Saturday the 31st day of May, A.D, .1980, at the hour of eleven o'clock in. the forenoon, 1 will offer for Te by Public Aue- tion at my office in the Court Houpe in the Town of Whitby, ali the right, title and interest of the defendant In the under-mentioned lands and ftenementy seized by me under and by virtue of a Writ wi Execution, issued out of the First Division Court of Ontario, and te me directed In which William Eliguk is the Plainuff and George Drogomatz is the Defendant, The sald lands and tenements being, all and singular that certain par cel or tract of land and premises situate, 'lying and leing in the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, and being composed of lots 438, 480, and 440 according to plan 148, This property is sit- uated at the south-east gorner of Fourth Avenue and Drew Streets In the City of Oshawa. On one ot is situsied a frame (wo-storey six roomed house. Sheriff's Office, Whitby, February 10th, J. 1030. I, PAXTON, Sheriff C.0. (107<113-119-124) MARQUETTE MAKES 28,000 MILE TOUR Cape Town, §A~---A Marquette y jedan recently concluded a 28,004 ile run embracing five complete circuits. of the . South African Union. The itinerary covered more than 100 towns with Port Eliza. beth ax the final stop, A schedule of 80 miles per hour night and day. was maintained, with relays of drivers, In" certain portions of the Capi Province trgvepsed by the Mare quelte tha' 'were entirely washed, away by, «ecent heavy rains, No easy. circuitous routes were: taken The: course included rouds rough and smooth, through mountainous: ete, veld and sand, and over miles of muddy and unmade bywWays. In spite of the'fact that in less than four months the Marquette covered more mileage than tha average owner. requires in two or three years, it finished its hazard- ous trip running. more smoothly than ever, MOTORISTS MAKE BETTER HUSBANDS SAYS PATROLMAN -------- Seattle-~The latest Influence to be attributed to the automobile is that it makes a man a better hus- band, So, .at least, says William Cole, chief of the highway patrol In Sedttle, Washingtor, who claims that man has never been given an instrument that brought out .tha good qualities in a person as does the automobile,' cat struggle to become proficient in handling a ear' : x | goes of Canadian wheat .+ To prove his reamaiks, the ohleq doe Jom points out that the effort a man: expends fn' an h upon highways. and through con 'son, I LPDey 29:1 mo) stantly changing taftic conditions. + from Vancouver to Vieto- rin; and on the Great Lakes steamships from Fort Willlam to Port McNicol, Spring seeding in the west is proceediig at a rapid pace, ace cording to report at the end of April from the agricultural de- partment of the Canadian Pacific Rallway at Winnipeg. Taking the three prairie provinces as a whole it was then estimated that 43 per cent, 'of wheat seeding is complet od, with some districts in south- eastern Alberta reporting between 50 and 65 per cent. finished. Heavy showers have somewhat retarded progress in Jorth.western Saskat- chewan, Twelve representatives of the New Zealand press are at preseut travelling through Canada via Cane adian Pacific on their way to the fourth Imperial Press Conference to be held in london, June, The members of this party with/their wives and ghildren have been visiting Banff and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockles, Contracts are let and grading has been started on three -addi- tional branch lines of the Canadian Pacific Rallwuy covering 145 miles in Saskatchewan and Alberta, it is announced by the company's ene gineering department, These new sections of railroad will provide facilities for ' passengers 'and freight idto one of the richest agris cultural areas now under settle ment and: will give Sheourageinent to farmers already settled 1a areas. affected. With 1,960,200 pou pounds more fish landed in Nova Scotia during March, 1930, a8 comparéd with the same month of the previeus year, fishermen of the" Bo Oiien received a total of $386, 381 fo for their catch, according to the monthly report of branch of the oparty t of Marine and Iisheries, To ta ty landed in March was 9,473, i pounds. The new Montreal Harbor Bridge; a « two-mile span Across: the St. Lawrence River, built at » font 0[§12,000,000, will be 16 formar: ly opened on Victoria Day by Rt. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie King, Prime Minlstur. of Canada. This bridge, k on . whi 'was commenced iv YOATS Ago, is one of the long- est and largest in the world: ' Marquis wheat still constitutes more than one-half of the western grain crop. This is shown by the test samples taken from 48 ear exported to England in 1928-29 and reported 'by the Dominion Department of «Agriculture. The tests were madé at the Dominion Experimental Farm at Brandon 'from samples collected 9.4 the Canadian Co-ops erative Wheat Toguters at ox port porta. a ---- HE CAME BACK TO' LIFE (Montreal Star)' A teacher in rtain school had been. giv © ohildrén .a graphic account othe "reindeer, its haunts and uses, She noticed that ono hoy was not paying the. slightest attentign, Ll ahe asked him a q whit is the 4 of "he veln. p90 The startled lad looked up guiek- ly and:after a glance around the room, answered brightly: "It makes everything in the gur- den lovely, miss." > WA Sy Eng., next WHICH HALF? Policeman (to "motorist, who nearly collided) --Don't you know that you. should always give halt of the road to & woman driver? Motorist--1 always do," when 1 find out which half of the road she wants.~--Boston Transcript, Sez Hy: The girls would have been right up to the minute in tuosy long skirts--25 years ago. Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain * Stores HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by expert wechanics. Old "loot finished like new. Ge. 21 ' Contractors. B. W, HAYNES 161 King St. West Phone 481 - Residence 3078W GOOD USED CARS Are sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8. "hone 900 SECOND MORTGAGE Accepted as part payment on beautiful home on Masson Street. Let me hnow what you have quick. DISNEY, 29 King St. East SMALL FARM WANTED In exchange for modern home, What have you? Disney, 29 King Street East ia on es | EATON GROCETERIA | It Pays To Shop Here Always ' Boys' Broadcloth i Wash Suits, Special 19¢ - Dominien Clothing fo. | 14 68 King St.'W. Phone EYESIGHT SPECIALIST sizing exclusively ia muscle eyesight and glasses. 1516 Phone~--1516 Disney Bleck Opposite 'Good Weather Ahead! ==D0 not lose your Car Let me. finance you--Addi. tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden! MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14 1 King St. Bape Oshaal coessor to MI ial G AMBULANCE. 87 Celina St. Phong 1083 eb King STORE Sts. The Carew Lumber Co. 74 Athol Sr. W., Oshawa Phones 18-1111