THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 28, 1930 . i By Thornton W. Burgess Alas for those whose wits are slow! Thely chante is small to live or Nanny Meadow Mouse, A wandering Merry Little Breere had done Nanny and Danny Meadow Mouse u good turn, 1t had brought them the scent of Reddy ¥ox and it had this just in time, * Bo strong was the scent that Danny and Nan- wy knew that eddy Was very near, They would have to hide and/hide quickly, Danny was in despair, This was a strange place te. him and he didn't know a single hiding place close at hand; Perhaps Nan. ny. vead this fn his face, ANYWay she took to her heels and ran past Danny, "Follow me!' she squeaked, Necause he didn't know what else to do, Danny did follow her, Te ynced Yght along at her heels, wond- ering all the time where she Was going, Straight to the foot of A certain tree she raced, Danny at her heels, This tree didn't grow quite straight out of the ground, For a little way it slanted somewhat, Up the trunk of thig'tree Nanny led the WAY, HWhere are you going?" panted Danny, Nanny didn't stop to reply, There was 0 grapeving twined in this tree, Up this vine Nanny climbed and Danny kept on because he knew he could go where Nanny could go and to remain below was te be gabbled up by Reddy Vox, Up they went ahd presently they came to a guesy thing up there in that trea, At Jeast Danny thought it wad queer, It. was a tin oil ecan---n gallon can with a round epening in one end, "A Tittle branch passed this open. ing, Nanny ¢Mmbed up 'on this branch and pepped into that epen~ ing. Danny followed, It was dark inside, but right away Danny dis covered that there was a comfort able bed of dry grass there, "Wawhat place is this?" panted ny ¥ "A sate place," squeaked Nanny, 1 1¢'s our new home, This ia where we are going to live" "1 thought you didn't' have a home," sald Danny, "You sald you were trying to decide whether to Jive in the bushes or out on the Green Meadows," . "Ho T was, Danny, so 1 was," re- plied Nanny, "You see, I dn't thought of this place as a home, No, sir, I hadn't thought of it as a home. This old can was over on the Green Meadows when T first found it ahd I thought then it would "make n wonderful home if only Jou were with me, Now I think just the same thing, You are with me and it would. make a wonderful home. Just peep outside and look edown," ; Danny did as he was fold, He poked his head out of the round opening and looked down, Then he drew back hurriedly, 'He's there!" whispered Danny, For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | 10 Slmcos Bt. 8; -- We Deliver Machinery Repairin NOTHING LARGR NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Sho 101 King St, W, Phone 1814 Diamonds ! hove with the hun. "He's looking w griest y oA in his eyes" "Who is there?" inquired Nanny, pretending not to know, "Reddy Fox," 'veplied Danny, "He's looking up here with the bungriest Jook in his eyes," Nanny chuckled, 'We've got the finest home we've aver had, Danny Meadow Mouse," said she, "If this was on the ground, we should be quite safe inside it, for Reddy Fox tried to get me in It when it was on the ground, He couldn't, But he might have caught me by lay- ing in wait outside until I had to gome out, Up here we are quite safe, because always before we go down on the ground we can look all 'vound, Nobody oan get us up here, It's the safest place In all the Great World for us, We'll bring up a lot of grass and make the finest kind of a bed, Oh, Dan- ny, I'm so glad you found me!' " 1" replied Danny in that squeaky little volee of his, (Copyright, 1030, T, W, Burgess.~ The next story: "Danny's Tere rible Fright," ¢ TIME TABLES i a PR TABLE HRA wir Ny (Eacopt Sunday), ally me U8 vi "am, Patty y hy 0 on iy (Except Sunday) 110 pon Dally 208 am, Daily AY c¢ ABIAN NA! AL WAYS { ) 53 wom, Dally, opt Bund m bh TH oto vy i, Except Sunday mem ry = AT am, ah am, a5 am, LAR nm, Ll res = B23 T==9 ---- 4 A am om, Lally My HM ,m, La : om, Daily, Except Sunday Dally Daily, Except Saturday Dally So omaneomm ma ha bak 8.20 pom, Dally, Bacepl Susley w Oshawa, Bowmanville ORC v A Fle) ' {tive rive = Spm Z22% Spo " BE= : 3 222 ] Bass : JEWE tnd be tlonal a i Ha Ney ¥, $d "BOR 1931 CENSUS Residents of Charming Vil- das Must: Resort to Vulgar Figures Londons~A shiver of apprehension Is going down the spinel columns o residents in many a classy little suv burban ures, The Réglstrar-Geners al, In making preparations for the General Census to be held next year, is appealing to, local authorities ta have all houses "adequately number Therefore it Is that a great diss gulgt has settled" upon . the owner: oscupler of the "bijou residence," the {| sueh additional a "harming yl", und the "eligibles pimeslow," <7 ty Are oll those dinky boards with legends us Fhg Quks," "The YI "Mon Repes," "Clovelly," "Chey Hous" "Puly View, and so forth to be scrapped and thelr plage to be taken by a vulsar fraction, or at any rate, w vulgar numeral? "The Reple- (rar-Cioneral suggests postmen wre apt to lose thelr way, or at the least thelr competence at delivery, among all these Aveadian descriptive efforts, Purther u good many of these deys ignations are almost obsewred by legends. as © "Nou Hawkers," "No Canvassers," "Beware of the Pog" It Is 10 be feared, thoukh, the Registrar will sve his way, assuming that the local author. itids mre of hig way of thinking, too,' The latter possess powers to compel "The Limes" to bear an un- impressive 36, and for "The Nook" to suffer the indignity of being la ins, | « beled plain 17, © TO 5. W. GOVENOR Sydney, Australia, 4 B,~Vare wells to Sir Dudley de Chalr, govern- or of New Bowth Wales and Lady de' Chalr, have been marked by many presentations, At ong of these, Ludy de Chale asked that i be wrinounced that a vase presented wis silver-gilt, Owing ip Australl's present depres~ slon and the unemployment situation she 'felt that she 'could not accept vilusble gifts "1 fool that + should not be leav- Ing during your gredt depression," sald Sie Dudley, de. Chal, "that 1 should like to slay with you and weather the storm until we get Into smooth water," As Lady de Chale did, mueh. (0 ens courage tree planting during her stay In this country Jt was fitting that the Inst glimpse vouchaafed her. should have shown boys of the Empire Club planting In her honor biblseus and wild gun trees, and an apple-tres, by special request "so that future boys nmy enjoy them" ELECTROCUTED BY VACUUM CLEANER Orange, South Alricas~A woman wis electrocuted when using a vagus um cleaners The wiring was faulty and the handle became "alive," "I'his in itself would not have produced dire results Lut unfortubate woman "made earth" by pleking up an earth wire of the wireless set, which ran soromw the floor and out the glass exit; By doing this she immediateg Iv formed u contact, Without doing] this, an expert. suid she could not possibly have received the deaths dealing shock, Warnings have heen sent out wrg Ing enutlon In the use of extension cords urging three-way witlng, ete AUSTRALIAN BABY WANTS KANGAROOS ON HIS CEREAL DISH Sydney, Australis, May 28.~The nrifstic tastes of Australian babies differ from those of Vaoglish babies, nceprding to Frank Bennett, giving evidence about his experience as 4 buyer for Woolworth's. (Australasia), Id, "Ihe English" liked porridge dishes adorned with black cats," he wild, "Lt wis no use sending such woods to Australis, so we sent goods Musteated with kangaroos, and we had to create many lines," The wit~ ness wdded that New Zealand deo manded u much higher clam of goods, REQUEST CANADIAN SCIENCE TEXTBOOKS Ottawa, May 28-Canadian text~ books, apply iustrated br spplicas tions of science hy Canadian indus~ try and research, are requested of Ontario physics and chemistr}t teach ers together with more complete lab oratory manuals, Dr, C, G. Fraser and Dr, W, H, Martin, members the. Science" Survey Committee, 8ps pointed by the Ontario Educational Amociation made reference to this yesterday before the Thirteenth Ane nel Canadian' Chemical Convent following conferences with science teachers throughout the provihce. There is need also, iv was sis! for u bibliography of available bule lethus and phamphlety dealing Wi industrial and commercial applicas tions of science, It was recomme ed that ligerature should be provided in connection with such Safety Fires ideas up attach to science courses, ST WT ------ Well, well, and did you moticé which team wes leading the New, Ontario Baseball league this more ing?-~Hamilton Spectator, TOMMY VIHAT 19 A BOOBY, { 0ADDY ? { Jive NS \ AA em WELL TOMMY, A DUNCE OR STUPID FELLOW 19 CALLED A BOOBY. IT 19 ALSO THE NAME OF A "a " BLUE FACED soosy yw HE BOOBY 19 A TROPICAL SPECIES OF ANNET AND 13 FOUND IN TROPICAL WATERS, BECAUSE IT AL\GHTS ON SHIPS AND ALLOWS ITSELF TO BE CAUGHT, THE 115 NAME, THE WORD on 10°100TE0 BOOBY Br -------- ORIGINATING FROM THE SPANISH WORD MEAN: IMG IDIOT, THE BOOBY REALLY 13 A FEARLESS BIRD. 179 SEEMING STUPIDNESS MAY BE FROM 175 LIVING 14 DESOLATE PLACES, AND NOT KNOW ING MAN AND THUS HAVING NO INSTINCTIVE REASON T0 FEAR HIM, @ 1090, King Features Byndicain LAST MON Te. Groat Britain vights reserved arma | SE ov a-- HEN THAT BOY CALLED ME A'B00BY" TH I DIDN'T KNOY WHAT IT WAS BUT THERE'S GOING TO BE AM AWFUL FIGHT TOMORROY, BRINGING UP FATHER FE WAT RIGHT HERE: \'M acon THIS DTORK AND GET SOME RIBBON nN HO UM, AF | ONY HAD A DIME: \ Bi ONE OF LAFAS i UNFORTUNATE" HERE YWOL ARE MY GOOD MAN): ' NEVER PASS TO OINTY'S | AN STEP ON \Te VERY reat iacie Bag nC il HER UNHAPPINESS" ii i Va | [THEN ROSELIANE, DOLLY, BOBBY AND COMBY , Bl [WERE GRNT TO THR COURT OF BAWLIA THE NT BUT amp SHE TALKRD 0 AWAY FROM wWhR HAD CHOSEN RB NCR» AND MUCH ANIONS AN» L980 HER CHOC OF Le WANE AND OUR, PETS WRRE '8 TO THER COURT OF BELANTING, WHO | SHOBEN THR GIRT OF PLEASING MADE All HER SUITORS | | TO DoLLY, . osm enh 4 "I MUST NOT CHOOBR A 7 YT ART THAT WiLL {© SAID ROBRLIANE Boosey AND COMBYY £\ RVBRYY (MAKE OTHERS UNWARPRY * TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac's Narrow Choice THES MAG, | Bay, vi pen BLAME You For COMING ouw To youl a Arb "TON EET TING SORE AT HAROLD Fal TNR {WAY We medteD YoU LABT NIGHT: |. HOW ABOUT ME EVIE fy FURRY LL WYER OUT" WITH MISS "THOMBSON ONCE. MORE Berronm | | . am CAL He aa Hwee.