Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 May 1930, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES; MONDAY, a 26, 1930 'PAGE SEVEN [and G, D, Vinlayson, Superintendent | ® 1 of Tnsurangs for the Dominion, The nl% ho hl 371% 87 37% 96 hg ah % Bk Chrysler, , Day, Cham, Fox Movement at four market--But. ter, net input, 688,401; last year Radishes, three bunches .. New car ots three bunches 0 New beets, bunch ,,000000 0.10 Toronte, May 2., = The mining bourd retalned uo strong appearsnce during the arly period 1oday, though trading activity was confined 10 & relatively few issues, 200 " New Bee, Vilday's late feature was again setive today, but failed 10 make headway, standing at noon ap 2A unchanged, lod by a vole of # to 4 against the Sot er sane esnnne BUYING CONFINED 47,141; last year net input 30, Stock Nother Prices pi : Gen, Mot, 63% BZ 62 | Bun, Late' per wiswien | 1a apvoai Market Summary by Canadian ress Gogdyenr 8514 Bi Y% 8414 | nERINAL "the ruling 'ol ¢ Buperin / Lia, Carb, 176 %% 75 capital stack of the compppy was East Buffalo, N.Y, May 26 Biggar and Crawlord, Alger Building, Oshaws AIM, Ward 44% 4bY% 44% 0.1017,300; holdovers 300; generally 5. 0 / : ' . 000,000 which the company claims, Yaloon, 840 Pen, Nall 79 7h gy |sccording to London advices. The Prices on Mining Market igh w't $10.7. Oh owe hole Hy, Gold 93 Radlo ..... 61% | GOW Bl whether, under its charter, as the Are, However, Working 70 ly $10,00-810,50; sows Hd, Buy 1000 Sim, Bed B88 078% 8814 001, y 4 7% {nerease Its capitalization from $2, : Bin, OI) .,, 28% 8) 8 a market rr Yo WY 2 3.400} Teg meer ests and. your ---- Ninda, 2650 A " a0 | 900,000 to 84,000,000. i EB oday, 62 nt 3 Toronto wholesale. dealers are | lings sieady to, gry Weller) gr A, O11. 10 8h, Grd, Btudebaker 7% 47% 87% : buyiog~. produce at the following | 3% 5% hich a High al cow FT} i Th, RI Baar 94 08% 4 voted for such an increase but the Chicago » market--Butter-- | p 4 of er and cutter coms superintendent of Insurance struck Rat, 3 83 AD standards, 32%¢; Ung slorned | ds good 0! and yearlings Ventures 175 US, Rubber 30% 80 80 Frosh | fresh extras, oe Ay Tiree, § (H hos y sft or yh Wr, Bre, 206 Money 4 I ber cont, tion to clarity the vary hb | wought In Canada hut it was decide goluttenceNo, 1 creamery, solids, at cows, §7.00- A So spot market--Tirsts, to 810; No. 2, 29 to SVe,. 8 The Supreme Court recently decid. hy yi 23%e; tone lod, urning cored "Int, Pet % 2 % Street stoc = To-day, | No, 1, 880; No, ¥. 80e. steady, - ' sun Tite, . 6 qt. kang pr 0,0| ood to choice vealers, $12 bye 16 ] b Stock High Low Clow fon Ri TR the Privy Gounell and olay, 124 34,0085 Ba; ant Your, 144,462. | Brussels sprouts, qt ji. I Alleghuny 28 21% 28 A. Ewing, K.C., of Montreal, per hand--Butter Os , 1legt, basket, +.v0 8 eep, 3,200; fat' Iambs' active; ) 63% 08 | woitad the ease on. behalf of the / cits h 11] Allis Chal, 68% Ye 0] gain of B cent 18,301, a00! bi had 1 2. Ooty basket Loop seve [ Hun Tite. The Vrivy Council have Alan. Oil .and. Nordar were stil in rt oo 0.25 0. wringefs 2 quality" coi | Amn, mel, 70 7 Will or . Ag or $13.25-813,50; Amn, Tel, 832% 280% {to over Friday's close to $205 and input this mal ir Jagt your, Sploteh ye om ] Anscondn "91 on Case to Privy S200 respectively at opus. ay | I Tot ue per higher ut $000 dow Borden .,, 88% 88% Council | mayen, which has one branch de~| were linn, Noranda moving up 59 to WALL AYE Beth, Steel 06 voted to agrieuliure, plans the ess [$29 while Hudson Lay held unehangs LL STREWN " e nd | C afsley, ver Jinch Taased Wien Can, Dry 67% | Bun Life of Canadp his won the | Of agriculture within its own or<| $6.75, Melntyre, whose annus! res Whofessle dealers fn hay a 4 n is o straw Are e Quo! ng hl Ari the vol. Grae rye dostn . % | board' ot governors of the Now | De. Mor, 885 Com, Wolv, 81% 811, Intest skirmish In the leng-depwn- | ganization to assist in agriculture) [port should be fssued in the peap livered on track, dh Flom melons, each 1, 078 V0 York Stock' Exchange, hus voted to a a is da No. 2 timothy +ovoreess Strawberries pt. ouoveviies 0.20| close. the exchange on Saturumy,|™7 each CAL BLYRW serververs iL Ot SIPAW 1uveresesssre 11.00 svasiiss dn 30, -- ------ EXCHANGE i, serene Lie 2% | mercantile paper Bi to 8% per Bouse ot or BR Cd ih cent, Foreign exchange stendy, ae. --- lars, others in cents) Great Bri- arn, SLAAK AY sidan: Af 80%: France 3,91 16.16; 1 net in 412,680, gen, net input Aro BAN bi 82 % ry privy coupe!" having wrafied the Ken, Copver TY ATH, 474% tendent of Ingurance whershy the EAST FFALO LIVESTOC Toronto aud New York Mock Quotations Supplied 4 " hd wot at $2,000,000 vather thew a, -- Nt, Ch, Rg, 61 01 oh 25 under SILA bulk, 120 Mig ) ji according to London advices. The question go Jon aw November, Ng Pegs 0 Rem, Roud 36% 34 poh compiny claims, the sun Lite cap Higher PO VOTATIONS i, 50 stead Lik. #h, 350 ig Bt. of NJ. 20% 20 20% | 06 160 62,717; last year, The directors and shareholders | Chics Th, Hy, Us, Seel 174 178% 174 Dis. it out from the returns, leglslas tone to weak, Eggs--Vros! hdd fr 8 dita, 21je to 820} tone | seconds, 24c. Ti | to refer the question to the gourts i utter me=Special, m bu i ! New York Exchange SUN LIFF f [ITE | ba "Cave, 1,700 act! ye, f! An appeal was thereup- 104,789; last oar 101,211, Eggs | Do, WY "ier di Arno elimbed rapidly to 15 for a shorn oid crop lambs 25-50 higher; | A Inter, 44% 43% 441 04,817, vakbaRe ss RINNE Y better es largely "$10.75 oes I Ming; tatet, y » decided to allow the Canudi Page ish Caul A ges 4 Carry Ci Capitalization | 1, puny our {0 appou. HACIA | ve Vimalight, both stocks moving up ovemen at ton markets--Net ; ; yr O38 quality. good, lo hola Swe The Canadian Chamber of Com«| Higher-priced and interMeted stocks ar, 66,400; last year, net | | onf a $8837, Borg War, 89% 88 1% py Ho Montreul, Que, Muy 23, » ane] Lol0d to a8 of n notional huveai led at $10, Home Oil was off 20 to ; Now' York, N.Y, May fyb 9 Can, Vae, 207% fowl prices for ca lots, de-| Orang pA , out dispute hetween the company ' research work fn Canada future, was up . 9s : May 81, which assures & double | 0, 3 timothy suvevisss) 2% $14.00| G Ap og dis a ae i sano ilk vo. cloned un TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS | Ba Wi i Now York, N.Y, May 26--Priue lowing quotations for car lots: mand 'rates (Great Britain in dol- No. 3 do, $1.11; No. 4, §1,06 0} italy 5.28%; Germany 21.86, Can- Green peppers, Turnips, bus Parsflips, 11 qt, Anples. bus. ... essen No, ined find soverament graded, WINNIPEG GRAIN OPENING American corn~-=No, Winnipeg, May 28----Wheat, May / 'Aie Dressed |, "to % higher st 109% to 10V- 94c; No. 3 do, 93%ec. Militeed, delivered Montreal, | HORS: OOF § thd 0.00 %; July 3% to% nigher at 110- freights, bags included--Bran, per Do. under -4 ibs, 23 tie % to% higher Spring brollers 2% to 8 ibs, 80c, |0¢ to A. Oats--May % to % higher at Dowd to 3% Ibi B44, 49° 7.8 to B50; July 1-8 highea w Tou ove 4 ty bibe 13 13 |80%: 00ct, 1-4 bigher at 48%. adian dollars at 1-16 of one percent vrs No. 5, B8¢; No. 6, 83%c; feed, 6¢ (ef, Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats~=No, 1 feed, 51%e; No. 2 do, 49%ec. 3 yellow, Pn ton, 831,25; shorts, per ton, $38.25; middlings, $35.20, Ontario grain-Wheat, $1.10; oats, 44 to 480; barley, 50 to §8¢c; rye, nomioal; buckwheat, 80c, TORONTO PROVISION OS BRITISHAMERICAN > EA Conta w Tarouto: w Ao) d GRAIN offering Produne to LE eh ot ip gr Winnipeg, May 26---A stronger Toronto wholesale dealers are ducting the following prices to the Smoked meats--Hams, medium, 28 Be; cookd loins, 48 to bic; smoked rolls, 28c; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40c; hacks, metled, 34¢; do, smoked, 4 ll A Pork loins, oe: Anoulden,: Phe: butts, 24¢; gn 26he, ured meats--Long, clean 22¢; 90 to 110 lbs, 2 Hi {i rolls, 40c; lghtweight rolls,' eC. Lard<Pure, tierces, '15c¢; tubs; 16¢c: pails, 17¢; prints, 17 to 17 14) RR erces, 13c; tub e; x h 1 past ey, 16c; tubs; Thier hi 160 follo JARMEDY Qlontiont, lowing are ree wl hy effect un the St, Lawrence Ma. erento: Eags. on extras, per dozen. , Fs firsts, per dozen. i Butter, dairy, per pound, , i ! D0 Sreadiely, per ie 12 : ox 0 Asparagus, 1 1b. bunch. ..,, Carrots, hus. sates ernarss OC craronnannnnnng Green POAs, O'Ql sensenis anas Tomatoes, Ib, +..ovirei Pineapples, each I senses nsns fhoR Rhubarb, bunc tease sone malas Hier Broilers the following prices: Frosh estras io cartoons, 36c; bh extras, loose, 34c; firsts, ny seconds 28 to 20c, Butter ~~ No, 1, Creamery Sr 33 86¢; No. 2, creamery, rin) i) . 18 La twins, a Sriplets, 10e; stiitons, 310 large, 28c; twing 2%; a los outs, 30c; old stiitons, ste. Wee CERT LL P6100 cuvninrs ph r------ UNICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, May 26.~~Produce fut. ures reported by R, B, Bond, Ltd, «Opn commitments---Butter, May 27; June 6; November, 706. Eggs, 5 May 6; November 1,135. 'Two market Teetptem Buster today 22,408; last year 28,737. bt ol today 63,320; last year 6%. Chicago spot market--Butter, extas, 320; standards, 32c, tone un saitd,o Was; fresh gathered firsts, 0 to 210, tone easy to weak. ow York spot market--Butter, extras, 38 to 333%c¢, no tone, Eggs, firsts; 22% ¢, tone ungettled, undertone prevailed at the open- ing of the wheat market to-day and prices were fractionally higher af- tor the 'long holiday week-end, News of any sort was lacking out a.-800d buying spurt at the start resulted In the rise. Galps ranged from 1-2 to % cont In all three delivery months, STOCK EXCHANGE STILL TAGGING Orders Few, But Prices Are Firmer in Several ues Toronto, May 26~There was no sign of reviving intérest in the stock market when trading resumed on Tos tonto Stock Exchange this morning after the lon, ng week-end holiday, Dese ite the plucity of orders prices were rmer with gains of a point and more common to the recognized leaders. Bragilian wt. 50 was up a 'point; Nickel. up one at 33 1.2 and Ford up 1.1.2 at: 36 1-2, CP.R. old shot up 3 di, to 208 and: Bell Telephone worked up between one and two points, ' The oils made slow headway in light trading. Liquor stocks for the most 'part were unchanged, City Dairy: encountered some. selling and receded to §7, BRITISH SUGAR Ba arr i Ls Cr GASOLENE YEARS A SYMBOL OF SUPER SERVICE Each year additional thousands of car owners learn to recognize the British American Sign as the insignia of a Company devoted to the best interests of every LADIES: Only NEW BILLS are given In change ot British American Service Stations , . . one slight indication of a type of service that Is fully worthy of the hifh quality of British American products, BETTER QUALITY BETTER SERVICE NO PRICE PENALTY DUTIES TOREMAIN West Indian Gr Growens Re: assured by Declaration of Labor Govt. ---- 20.~An assurance London, Ma; which will be hailed with iu! and relief by the West India industry, was forthcoming. t Lord. Passtield, Secretary of or the Dominions and alse for Cole nial Affairs, sent a despatch to he Governors of the West Indies Islands, advising them that the British sugar duties will not be alte: during the present finan. clal 'year, and that "as long as those duties are in operation the Fimpire preferences will be main. | tained," For lon man who drives a car ry ed ea on I "THERE isa definite upward trend fpr and high-grade bends which me of 5% or more may properly d a3 investment bargains. The Se Bands.yiad over 5% ind them for investment. A lelding 5.057%; Fin hy for Vil iden 09%; PRICES: 9949 and 99.38 respectively cai af Edsoran--yiohling 3.10% due April, 195, and April, 1950 PRICES: 98.94 and 98.74 recive go EA a the Conservatives have been urging the Goverament to ake some declaration on thix subject, and - representations to this effect have been made als by the West Indian planters, hy by Nemien of the Labor Partly it. self, "Any persons who Has hesitated to continue planting operations," declared Lord Passtield, In ' hiy cable, "may now be reassured In f " | i ihe knowledge hat the Jrelerence A : y 3 will be maintained and w able, X ) 4 ' a I hope, to avail themselves of the / / 'ne { ; : | help wi h the Government offery Iz BRITISH AMERI( Al 4 LF. i | in regard to advances for the Ptr | Pose of cultivation.' Se ------ A young Canadian, L, H. Laing graduate of British Oohimbiy ve. versity, has been honored with the |" fellowship in international law, under the Carnegie endowment for international peace, ir Mice Dec, 14 i PRICES: iw yld 50 shall be dt dn pis rd ow ye Fiber Semen seis a NAPPING PES SN A Wes heh 9 Ff | is by slwid \

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