Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 May 1930, p. 1

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Has a EY Sat "All the News While It Is News" . shawa Daily Times | rn OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930 15 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents » Copy FEICHTEEN PAGES ; OOPS NOW BEING USED IN INDIA ki 3 % (a 's . % 61 4 f : © . ls ae * Ig. Away kage of the steel framew t's four- story building which collapsed killing two wen and injuring nine, Re-Nominated Montreal ~--C, H, Cahan, K.C, was the unanimous choice of 'a con- vention last night of the electory of 'Bt. Lawrence-St, George cons stitueney « which Mr, Caban now represents in the House of Com: mons, as their candidate In the forthcoming Sonera! elections, y . . Border Fighting Sofia, . Bulgaria~~One , person was killsd and several others sev: erely wounded toda: during a fight at Bologarzi between Bulgarian frontier guards and oa group of south Serbs and Macedonians who were forced to re-cross the Jugo- slavian frontier. L . LJ Chinese ¥ace Charges Winnipeg.~~Thirteen Chinese, facing charges of wounding with futent and assault arising out of a mob fight in Winnipeg's China- town a week ago, were remanded untit May 29 when they appeared in police court yesterday, To so Malcomb Sout! tone william Mitchell, Kincardine manufacturer, will op- pose Hon. James Malcolm, minister of trade and commerce, in the fed- eral election, He was nominated unanimously at the North Bruce Conservative convention here, To Nun in West Lambton Sarnia.~W, 8. Hanley was sel ected from) six nominees as Con- servative candidate for Wait Lamb. ton in the forthcoming federal slec~ tion at the. snomination meeting, here. . Yea Buckles, Killing Two New York.--The. steel: fre It T nouncement Wa fund job the suggeste or ment fund" iy Ll ing at of $75,000 "and ww Bb : A vase or great ef- blic can Mong out pid pt) Matthews fort, an additonal announced today hy * Brothers" formerly a Lindsay fam- ily, but now in Toronto, Brantford, and other points, six nurses gradu- ated last night and the contract for the new building will be let about the end of the month, IN, PARLIAMENT Liberal Support Likely to be CONSERVATIVES NOT General Impression Is That (By George Hambleton, Canadian removed for some months, believed in political circles, near-breach in the over the government's method of dealing with hesled at ag meeting of the party lost night, when the prime. minister { Was upheld by a vote of 210 to 2¥. refusing lo support 'ment has been the left wingers k- | harass the ministry, withdraws Prime Minister Ramsay MacDon- measure. greatly atta (the same pod , minerice of (he Simon Statutory Reform Conimis- / The, general impression prevall- ing Is that the political crisis has been 'staved off until the. autumn PENAL SERVITUDE FOR ONE.LEGGED MAN consideration the terrible punish. you must 'go to penal servitude for four' years," these remarks at the Old Bailey, | London, to Willlam Charles Green« smith, of Downe, Kent. tempting to murder Miss Margaret BREACH IN LABOR PARTY HASNOW BEEN HEALED AND GOVERNMENT IS AGAIN SAFE Withdrawn From Govern. ment as Result of Refusal of Electoral Reform KEEN FOR ELECTION British Political Crisis Has Been Stayed Off for Some Months Press Staff Correspondent) London, May 23.--The possibil- y of an early election has been it 1s The Labor party unemployment was of Laborites the govern: removed, though will us usual hus the possibility Liberal fugport will probakly be om the government. troduging electoral reform wo by the Liberals, At there will probably Labamiy found on the pt. wide ivan, to thor a | i vi £ al Sotliierative Party the out 5 A Kens t this time, in view on In Indie and the report: of the declare 5 dns ¥ on, -- London, England.--"I take into ent you have already received, but Mr, Justice . Acton addressed He was found not gullty of at. rgan in an electric train from romley, but guilty of wounding Ottawa, May 23 Today in parlia- Me Senate will: sit ' ew i The Hwee of Commons will con- tinue discussion of the ,res0~ lutions da in parlisnients «In the ate third reding di hi res| ng fair w iv . Noy day on governs ment contracts, The debate on Sir Gearge Foster's resolution respecting the League of Nations Society In Canada ; hy Commons; On a Ror with intent to do grievous bod. ily harm, It was alleged that after attack. ing Miss Organ, Greensmith escap- ed, but was caught by another train and injured so badly that his right log had to be amputated, ---- ---- PEI Attorney-General Charlotietown, P.E.I, -- Thane Campbell of Summerside, law part- ner of Hon, A, C. Saunders, who recently resigned as Premier and Attorney-General of Prince Edward Island, has been appointed' Attor- ney-General to fill the second post made vacant by Mr, Saunder's ele- vation to the Supreme Court Bench, i tonumiftes ol pe Bt wad made Itaral ici sd MRS rt new cabinet, Hon, Mr, Horbes MR agriculture'} "1 tv ministry. ir Jounn power a Head | TAKE OVER POWER Rt. Hon. G, W. Forbes Sum emp was Ia Li PREMIERTO | 'INNEW ZEALAND moned to Succeed Sir Joseph Ward (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) tllington; New Zealand, May 28, t. Hon, G, W. Forbes is the new minister of New Zein A mmoned today by Lord Bled- v governor-general, to form a f Was minister of 'in the Wider the premiership of which eame into ue. course. {and it cannot: be sooner than, 09 | He Aug. 4, which ia Civig holiday meagan Ontario, Premier Mag- 'ken nett, Opposition {of C nited Liberal par sible 0 p+ Thuraday next, \ be held until July 28, which Auto Production Is Below Last Year (By Canadian: Prove Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 28.--Production of automobiles in Canada duriug April at 24,267 cars "as well ub- der the 41,001 cars produced in April of a year ago, the record month of the industry, but com- pares favourably with the totals of 24,311 cars In April, 1028, and 24,611 cars In April, 1927, GIRL FLIFR READY FOR1AST LONG HOP Amy Johnston Propares to Take Last Lap of Flight to Australia (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Surabaya, Java, May 23--Miss Amy Johnson, pretty British avia- trix who 1s fiying from Bangland to Australia, landed safely t night at Hallloilik, a viilage on the (sland of Timor, and. took an automobile to her Immediate 'dostination, At- amhoea, 12 miles away, fhe intended to return to the y and fly , from here' she later will take oft for Aust "on the lohgest fea of her entie flight, from' ri. Advices Bs to her arrigal at the Timor Sine sified fodrs whiok ore for her safely 1s entirely frolated, Wiihont Ph or telephone communion. id Miss Johnson, who is only 0 ® old, win unable to reach a log raph station and anmounce "Tanding unti! this morfing, Two Dornfer Wal planos were i the olnt of starting to sparch for her rom Batavia when her tolegram foally arrived. Malta Premier Lord Strickland Has Been Centre of Dispute Between Church and State (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Valetta, Malta, May 23---An ate tempt. was made 'today to assassin. ate Lord Strickland of Sizergh, prime minister of the Maltese gov- ernment, He was fired at point blank range; but was not hurt, Three shots were fired * at hor Strickland, but all missed m, Centre of Controversy London, May 28--Lord Strick. land, prime minister of = Malta, against whose life an attempt. was made today has been the central figure in an -18-month controverey between the Maltese government and the Vatican, . .The controversy recently reached an acute stage when the Roman Catholie hierarchy forbade the Mal. tose Catholics to voto for the gov- ernment party in the forthcoming Maltese elections. An Im) nt Colony | Malta is a British island posses. he most important British naval bases, It has a governor gens eral, and a legislature which fupe- .acording to ordinary parlias tary procedure, + Recent dispatches have. told of trouble befween the state and Cath olie ehurch on the island, h in' the Mediterranean, and is ar British Election Possibility Is Believed Removed Yi wis i] a The British Parliamentary Labor Party faced a sorious situation yos. terday when Sir Oswald Mosley, who had resigned from his cabinet WEALTHY LABORITE PRECIPITATES CRISIS / "SIM OSWALD MOSLEY AND, LADY CYNTHIA MOSLEY position, moved a non-confidence vote in the party caucus, The cabi. net weathered the storm, however, by a large majority, Sir Osward I» l in shown here with his wife, also a Labor member of parliament, BEAUHARNOS (0. UNDERFIRE HOUSE COMMONS (By Canddian: Press Leased | Wire) Ottawa, May 21~The House of Commons, alter digressing practically all the doy yesterday will continue today on the discussion of the bud. get resolutions, It is possible that the government will. make: seme pros nouncement; on 'the Labor question raised earlier in the week regarding the iron and steel industsy and the matter of increased protection, What this will be is the niatter of consid: erable conjecture here, The Beauharnois Light, Heat and 'Power Company and its subsidiaries occupied the centre of the stage in the commons yesterday, Robert Gar- diner, leader of the J. F. A. group opened what proved to be a stormy session by introducing a 'mation call. ing for the cancellation of the com- pany's/harter, It vas contended by him and by other speakers that the company had exceeded the term ow ita charter and was preparing to take over the whole flow of the St! Tue rence river inktead of the maximum of 40000 cubic feet per second set forfh in the chirter, Vari Opinion : EV. Garland (UF.A, Baw. Ri ver), developed the same argumern against the: company as Mr, Gardis ner. Hon 'R, B. Bennett called for Hon, J. C, Elliott, minister. of pub- lic works, said the dominion was cancerneds only, in, the 'safeguarding of nayigation on the St. Lawrence, Hon: Lucien' Cannon, selicitorsgencr- al, 'said * jurisdiction in the, matter rested with the province of bee, Robert Gardiner (UF.A, Aradia), ntroduced (the spbject of theSBeau: arnois Light, Heat and Power Com pany, To .Qppose a . ldmonton,--Col F, C, Jamieson, K.C,, prominent Edmenton. barrels ter, was nominated as Conservative candidate for West Edmonton Fed- eral Foti at a conventio here last Aight, ibd No Election Civic Holiday, Party Leaders Have Agreed (By Canadian Press Leased "Wire) Ottawa, May 23.--Both agreeing that it is out of the' question to bold the Dominion general election 'King and Hon, R, B. Ben. leader, pledged themsolves Jegtotday iu the House ons to make '@very poa ort to 'have Parliament dissolved as soon as possible, «Unless Parliament is od the electioy ¥'to be the date at which both i shooting. Under the now Shetion Ih 0 ne 3 A owever, the poling oo I done on a Monday days atter the fssuance of the writs, Thus, im Parliament does not got through in ti to permit a July 28 election, the election cannot be held until two weeks later, that iy Aug. 11, ! In their haste to get finished on the huatings, the Commoners agreed to sit Saturday, regardless { the fagt that it fa a public holls ¥, May 84, 'Unanimous consent was given a motion introduced by Mri King to have Parliament eit beginning Saturday at 11 o'clock every morning. except Sunday uns Ul dissolution, Thus, the Parlial meutarians will not only work on the holiday but they will: put in a | ¢ longer day on it than thoy have any day this session, ; Grain Prices Shoot Upward a judicial investigation of the case, | At Winnipeg Eatly Gains, However, Were Wiped Out in Later Trading ' (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, May 23--Prices on the Winnipeg Grain Exechange purged forward at the opening gong this morning, wheat recording {ts longest gain In some time at the session's opening, Advancing prices at Liverpool were reflected in the early rise here, but reports of a good export business late yesterday from this continent was the chief cause, { May wheat shot up 1% cents a bushel to $1,11%, then as profit. taking set in, snapped back to the same level as ita close yestuiuuy, Gains in July and October also were wiped out within tha first halt hour, though the market appeared to have a strong undertong, ------------------------------ MAID BY DAY AND THIEF BY NIGHT (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire) Londom=--"The 'double life of a [domestic ye: vant: Isabella Cotterill, & middle-aged woman, was reveal 'od at the Hastings Police Court re. dently, Bvidence was given that although she posed as a model servant she had 'committed systematic thefts all over the town at night, Property had been taken from ears,' shop-doorways, and halls of private houses, 4 Cotterill was sentenced to, aix months' hard labor on 14 counts of stealing 'property, PILGRIMS LOSE LIVES IN FIRE ON BOARD STEAMER (By Canadian Pros Leased Wire) Marseilles; France, May 23sUne hundred and twelve Moslem pilgrims who were passengers aboard the stea mer Asia which burned yesterday. in Jeddah Harbor, are not accounted for, a message from the ship's masts or received here today said, All members of the crew were sa- ved. The fire could not be mastered and the ship will be a total loys PREDICTS COMPLETE ROAD FROM CANADA TO SOUTH AMERICA (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Los Angeles, Cal, May ' 22-~Re- ports of road building progress in South Amervay countries were made the basis. toduy of a prediction. that in five years continuvuy 'highway tra vel fram Canada to South. Americt will be possible. The forecast was made by Henry 'H, Rice; assistant to the present of the General Motors orporation, at the seventegnth ans nual convention, of the National Fors eign Trade: Council BROWN'S IDENTITY 1S BEYOND DOUBT AFTER INQUIRY Canadians Open Safety De. posit Vault--Find Little in It (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Mexico City, May 28-Officials were preparing today to close the Investigation into the death here of Tom Brown, former mayor of Stratford, Ontario and highly re- spected citizens of that municipal ity until his disappenrance last New Year's eve, Canadian ' investigations have assisted British consular and Cana. dian authorities during the lasl few days and the result has been to remove all doubt as to the iden. tity of the man whe died under sor- did ¢ircumstances in an apartment in a shabby soction of the city last May 8, under an assumed name, Nhortages totalling approximates ly $200,000 were found in Brown's accounts following his disappears ance and investigators had hoped to find assets in two safety duposit boxes apopned here yesterday, They found nothing of value only a few personal papers that served to re- move all doubts as to the man's identityy Donald Henry MacCannell, of Toronto, and John Murray, Strat. ford barrister and close friend of Brown, are the Canadians who have heon ansisting the authorities here, It is expocted that investigation will result in the 1mmediate release of what assets Brown left. to pay credis tors in Canada, These: assets con. ast mainly of life Insurance, It is understood Hrown's body will be loft in the American cemetery here, POLICE SETTLE FOR WRONGFUL ARREST r-- (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) * London, Eng~Two . claims for wrongful, areest . and imprisonment were settled at . Coventry County Court by the police, while denying all liability, offering to. pay' an agreed Sum in respect of costs, Charles Frederick Huckvale, of Lawrence Saunders. Road, Coventry, and Thomas James Braund, of Toms son avenue, Coventry, had each clai+ med $100 damages against Policesin+ spector Bennett and Police-constable Nilliary Swain, of Coventry City Po« op, Colored Straws (By Canadian PF Leased Wire) Chicngo, May 23.-~Colored straw hats for men are to he more var: fegated, and the well-dressed holi~ day crowd this summer may re- semble a sign-painter's nightmare, the Millinery Association of Am- orice was informed yesterday, GRAF ZEPPELIN LANDS IN BRAZIL Reaches Petite Last Night and Proceeds to Rio Janeiro Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Pernambuco, Brazil, May 23.- The dirigible Graf Zeppelin, for the first time, crossed the Equator and made her bow to the South. ern Hemisphere last night, reach- ing this eity just before the tropic twilight set in, At- 7.10 pm, (5,10 p.m, E87.) hor ropeg fluttered to the ground, where they were seited by Brazil. Ian soldiers forming the newly trained ground erew, Amid n fur. fous din from thousands of spec- tators and a bedlam of horns and sirens, she was snugly tied up to her specially bullt mooring mast, The ship was moored at 8,05 p.m. During the night the Graf was ladened with water, fuel gas and ® new larderful of provisions; This evening Dr. Hugp Eckener, des. flight from Seville, wi]l head her still furthey southward 'to Rio Jan- eiro, Pension Bill Is Before Senate Lt.-Col. L. R, LaFleche Tells Committee Veterans Are Satisfied (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, May 23.=The returned sol- diers of Canada are completely sat- ised with the proposed changes in the pensions laws, Col, L. R, La Fleche, dominion president of the Canadian Legion told a special committee to- day, Consideration was being given the government bill incorporating the proposed amendments to the Pension Act under which the whole 'machin- ery. for dealing with soldiers' cases will be overhauled. I'he committee passed several claus ses of the bill without amendment and will continue consideration later today, Efforts are being made to pass the bill through as quickly as possible, It already has been' given three readings in the House of Com mons, Col, La Fleche told the committee that a great accumulation of cases had piled up before the federal ap- peal 'board, It is not proposed to do away with this board and substitute a pensions tribunal which will be di. vided into four district bomrds, This scheme, Col, La Fleche said, will be an improvement and will be satisfacs tty to the returned men, ; TRIPLE MURDER AND SUICIDE IN "7 PENNSYLVANIA Wilkesbarre,. Pa, "May « 23. A tel. ple minder and a suicide were diss covered today 'on the farm of Ern- est 1. Suyder, 60, wealthy fruit rower at Harding on the Sullivan rail, near here, Snyder is declared to have shot his son-inslaw, 'his daughter and grand- son before hanging himself in a ga- rage on the farm, Heavy losses in the stotk market are said to have driven him to the erime, : London, May 23=The Labor Government is, for the moment, safe. A meeting of the Rariamey- tary Labor Party tonight upheld Prime Minister Ramsay MacDons ald by an overwhelming vote, the motion of censure moved by Sir Oswald Mosley, who haa resigned as Chancellor of the Duchy of Laos caster, being defeated by 210 votes to 39. There was intense anticipatory interest in the meeting, as the Prime Miniater had let it be known that should: the Parliamentary British Labor Party Votes Confidence in MacDonald Laborites vote mgainst his Ministry on the question of its handling of the unemployment problem he advise the King to dissolve the House of Commons, and would put the fssue before the electors of the country. Although Sir Oswald Mosley's motion was defeated, "it is now believed that he will stick by the party, aven though as a backs benoher, His wife; Lady Cynthia Mosley, ia now campaigning on bes Balt of Labor in' the Central' Not tinghawm : by-election, Joining St, Lawrence Park, AUTHORITIES PREPARED FOR SUPREME EFFORT OF NATIONALISTS ON SUNDAY Huge Demonstration of 200, 000 Hindus on Streets of | Bombay Halted Business for the Day in That City MILITARY FORCES REINFORCE POLICE Mrs, Sadrjini Naidu, Nations alists' Leader, Sentenced to Nine Months' Imprison« ment for Raid on Sal¢ Pans (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Bombay, May 23, An enormous crowd, estimated mt 200,000 mares. od through the Indian Quarters of the cliy this afternoon and ate tempted to entepy the fort Area, Four hundred policemen blocke ed the way in an effort to prevent the marchers from ontering, The demonstrators thereupon squatted on the road and sang nationalist wongs, Crowds of spectators swell« od rapldy as business offices closed for tho day, Authorities Prepared Bombay, May 23 «~The authori« tes ure well prepared for any trouble that might arise through the plans of the Indian Nationalisty for mass raids on the salt depots at Wadala and Dhorasana on Sune dy, Btrong forces of police reine forced. by troops-=the military being used In this connectiof for the first time-w--are on guard at strategie points, Troops have been pldced not only. at the salt pans but at other points where disturbe ances might arise, The Natienalist officials t after debating whether it My tirable to ndd to the large num- ber of volunteers aliendy imprison. ed, decided op 'a raid against the Wadala , depot, One hundred vol« unteers started out and very soow the police arrived to take sixty into custody, The remaining bunch con« tinued their march, Two hundred and fit v - teers held in the detention iin at Worll for their participation: in balt ralds, havo bogun a hunger #trike fn protest against the diet offered them, All-India Nationale Ist Congress officialy are trying to. persuade the prisoners from this course, Woman Leader Sentenced Bombay, India, May 23,--Mrs S (Mrs, Sa« orjini: Naidu today was sentenced to ning months' imprisonment as leads or of the Mahatma Gandhi civil diss obedience salt raiders at Dharasana, on Wednesday, Mrs, Naidu, who took the Mahat~ ma's place as leader of the passive resistance volunteers after the arrest of Abbas Tyabji, was arrested wheny ' with her followers, she made a see- ond onslaught upon the sovernmeng salt plans, . Her previous raid had been' trehts ed with tolerance by the authori ties, who merely surrounded. her and her party in the road and kept them * there until the following day when all were released, Mrs, Saoriini Naidu is the first woman leader "to 'attain high politis cal position in India, Two. Thousand in Parade Dar-es-Salaam, Tanganyika; May 2~Twa thousand Indians, most of them Hindus, paraded the streets here last night as a protest aghingt: the arrest of Mrs, Sarojini Naidu, during the riots Tuesday on the Dharasana 'salt depot, {i WOMAN ABANDONS HER INEANT CHILD Babe Few Days Old Found Under Tree--Mother Arrested _ (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville, May 23. ~Following dis' covery last ovening of a female ine fant, only a fow days old, crying un- der some trees in, a wooded area ads ) Mrs. Ans nie Pottem, aged 33, was placed uns | der. arrest later last night by the pos lice and held on a charge of aband. « oning a child, She was remanded to Jat until. Tuesday next. The polices orned the child was born in St, Vincent Hospital, on Sunday last, and Mps. Pettem left the institution yess terday afternoon' According to the story told by her, she left the child under some trees later in the afters noon and it had been in ghe open for five hours when discovered by some boys who heard its cries. Sha has been living apart from her huss band for some time and when arrests. od was on the hreakwater on the was terfront in company with «young: man A 4 i

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