Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, PAGE ELEVEN ED SECTION... # rristers, Conveyancers, bie, sts, Office over wh trance Simone #t. Phone 18, J, 9, Grierson, K.O. T, R Nreighten, Ba, NO Vraser,' B.A, LOUIS & IVMAN, ARR VN, olleltar, A {oye Dewan Btore, 08" Simons ' / ite of Residence GREER A iA y Aw (O risters, citors, ele, RO To 8160, Weney, 19 1nany ALEX U, WALL, (B.A, DARRIR tor, ole, Conveyancing and general Mdtion 19% Kg B Bat Ady "e. A te, Money 10d fon nosite Alger "Ride, "Phone A004 Medical ate, {anceialint dn '| ol Ho ht and inssen, ¢ WH JA auromontle, ® Care and Bye "wer | orale Ppose otile 'oie This «| lo Land v os i to i ness ons Wr o Ph ont BOTH, Wilt, Celina street, ries o'reet. Ambul ulance, Fras 19 King. 8t, i " | iy ft. N, dobbs, '#0 Wimcoe por, Your (psurante wants at tended to and your 'nterests pro teoted, bi I TNRURNANTE five, ncoldent. Mev Holden 04, Blmecoe N, 4 (May N-1mo) ransportal AND WTONR (6 00TW: DRE, HABLEWOOD u HARPER, i. Disney Block, Phone "060, Office hours 9 am, to 8.40 pon, Dr, M. J. Haslowood, special atiention to furgery and X-Ray, Jr, B, H, Har or, special attention to ghildren's Dia and - Obstetrics, Bunday and nikht calls 2416 or 108, DR. MeRAY ray CIAN, seh. , Ascoucher, 1 ' o fog t sy come Victoria RK. GRANT BWZRRY, PHYSICIAN Ny, hat rgian Yiataiey ard clei $1 ast, Phon h SAD, CHR. HEH [i i rst Hho Ro Phone 8150, R [+H re ARD, tol os And frais SA batetriclan, Ie [Be meee resfue fei me ll y ater nary Surgeon [I Surgeon DR, SHIRLEY, VEIBRINARIAN 00 ht Diseases Nomestio Ante pile Cal aad, dor hosp! A 208 , Tel, ' " (May 1:1 mo) RW TD FORAY THE Vis specialise Iameness, 17 years' ex. detionce, Fees moderate, Phone 208 r a (May 18:1 mo) fi: A oro OF 160 BLOOR aN wil ae aL ho t his Aturd a om \ ill | lor cond tation heaiment [dvogos of oar note and made at drug store, Phone 9 on, "Eye, Ear, Noss and Throat ninth Br PIE I Ty i it b vo hy Bn i" wo A | attention to Gas rion Naan ate : cd : ) {inl 1 5 Bond West, peciaiists horn Ure MOVING, storage Ware house e moving van equipment, Phone #14, CAWTRaY, MOVING, ORAVEL Tu ' [| fiat Wi 11 Loc ind Con hone A424, 10 Mond Ht, West: ' ONHAWAS ~ OLDEs1 TIEN TAN. Hshet fury ure movers, (Park Road fo nae, win, § and a distance , Pron, ar suk, From S10 (May 19-1 mn) uty Parlors BETTY LOU PUIMANKINE WAVE Bhop, Wpecial.sis in rmanent, finger sud marcel waving, Per manent wave prices '#5, $7.60, 910 aud §10, All 'Gther Muey of, Meauty fulture, Phone 2004, APPLY, ('L Himeos or i CELLING ~T8Y } kod Perman: nd shame ot [x at Pa ant Shop ing, Ec , Wh shane fo exh anselniments | hong UG, MH. K, Clarke, 14) Agnes street, rhoune 2040J, (May 80-1 my) oon the price of marcelling, 600, Pinger Waving The, during the summer. months, Commencing from June first, Phone 71, (May 81:1 mo.) ---- AENDERT ©. TREONWER, ON gow and oholr master of Kius treet United Ohureh will Seoept pupils in plane, organ and vooa! musie, For particulars apply ho William street east, Phone 2804 (May 0 to 841) ate and Gibb Si y 6-1 mv) of mu Oshawa olles Publie Shot, ludie--d phone OSHAWA RADIO BERVION, AG: cossorivs for sale, repairs on elec: trio al bat wha, tubes " ed, , Ph ST Pile . nao al ~ hay i 1 mo) charged, 700 called for and de fivered, Radio servive, airiale erect ed, Platt! Phone 18009, (May 21:1 mo) A Prices reasonable, batteries res "He Goniod Radiirilon, charged B00, rentals 200, delivered, Burroughs, Ie Ta 00, ip v H le for 'a Prompt servies, hy 4g A Mil 8 Phone 1 os we Ls 101 mo) vie r Altera EE for wtimaten. | (AEE) Tedln rompt delivery, 'Mace Xe inure prompt an hou . Al Parislena Beauty Parlour afnouns FORT NARI TE TONN oy NOE, al kinds of ca fof Er EE of dancing wa, | 180 Chure All Classified re. This rule has been found nesessary of this nature, ond collect for same. lose arising from handling a A Hering, i 'For thy convenience of sustomers who fiad I to some personally to The Times office, a will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring' Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT | Coming Events, Ftc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE and arcounts venient 0 call Work. Wanted CONUTETF CRLLA and gurage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sahd, gravel, elndery, Chris Urabatn, Phone 86081IM, v (Apr, 99-1 mo) RPE UPHOLNTERING ON | © automobiles and furniture, The best fo workwanship at the lowest prices, Note new address, 461 Bl. vos Mouth, G. A. Constable, Phéne yeiaw (May 18-1 mo) WHAT ENTNG-=SOANONE, RNIV: od, Lawn Mowers, Baws, Phone 181W, Wa cull and deliver, 130 Collga Bt, 10. Bottan, (May §<1mo,) Dressmaking WANTED "DRESNM ARNG, TA: die's dresses Ensemble sults, ohildren's clothes, nnd alterations, Mrs, Connelly, #87 ' Richmond, East, Phone ¥0b) (Apr, '88-1moe,) _ Aciicas For Sale NIKI WARD tor one Tod bone ny Bo i orous Monk i FOR BALN-=R RUAN pio Ltd, planos, nsw A ltr radian stort, Ld] rranged, 1 \ Nod LITE) a SALE~=CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways, _ \Waterouss Meek Limired, Phone 1088, y 4+] mo) 7 Ishes, We have the largest Pr ment of paints, varnishes, ete, in in the eity, The Paint, fore i King street west, (Apr, Ty vy Alobaebin and black loam, Phone 17980, J. Forrester, 210 Allee alreet, (Ab, 20:1 ma) ders, blagk "loam. LIT ¥ per yard, Yor quaity and oni Vice phone, Bs acry Bros, 89% r 11, (May 8-1) UNOION mixed hay $10,00 ton, Oshawa Mine slonary College, Phone 20653W, pa t---- BES 1 1 FOR VALE TOR COUNTER, ten feet long, excellent condition, suitable for grocery or dry goods stores, Phone 1063) (Me) ¥ RIN DI carded, will sell cheap. Phone ay, Oshawa, (1800) WILHOR TAR ITW TOV FERN for male used gan, electri, coms Muation, | and Quebeo Cook ranges Marry LD. Wilson, Hardware, 83 King Bt. West, Phone 46, * (1110) TEBRRN PANG WOR FAT AND new drop head Ringer Newing machine, horse seuftier, new, ¥J Oshawa Rivd, (1300) NHVERRINCE SARE UARNTAGR in good condition, Cannot be tolu JA from new, Cheapy Apply mn Si. oon St, H, le) © Aute A $0.08; 80 x 640, $0.96} Ford a fators, 810. Also auto parts at reasonable prices, Motor Aco Qo, 81. 1ing west, Phone 8 (Apr, 26:1 erhanger, painting und gral \ rloea gor, bain guaranteed, 4h Plne Ave, phone J008w or HN ting, paperhan SE wring: Tflnbte Nos a mo) nvas yon) culture, hy u given root, Low "wench evening: teow oo -- & '| Saturdays a | 1.80 pom Jota opll or phone R74M at above BILE 1) For Rent orn suites jnoluding electrio retrig. aration, stove, Ikundry, conven oPbes, ol, continu' s hot water uy led, Apply Bupt, 'phone 471, he Trusty und Guarantee Uo, ua, mapager for owner, Toroiis, (8711) APARIMLRT TO LET, CENTRAL All fonyeut pees, hardwood floors. Apply Bradley Hros. (NLL) BRIGHT APARTMN CEN. tral, tour rooms, bath, ' eleotrie love, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1. Apply Box 006 Times (1180) 0 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- veniences, garage, oichard, gardon space, $30, Lease, Apply LY Nansau street, (110) TWO ROOMS TO RENT ON Bis Rin Nt, West, partial conveniences, Apply 04 Elgin street west, '(11611) MODERN "FIVE NOON APART ment with bath, Wlectrie Move, grate and refrigerator, Garage and awn, Apply Apt, 8, 101 King east, (1810) ) lng rooms, with garage, for aulot gouple, no ohildren, or bedroom for two Kentiemen in quiet VF Phone 0 Rink A FORNTTNT ai rooms, or light housekeeping rooms; suit business couple, Phone 2a00J, (110¢) TWO TAROT FURRIERS WOON avery convenience, possession at one, light, water, refrigator, heat And _neparate tollet, good garden, 29 Nrook East, (1100) to let, $7.50 » month, Jhoue 14M, 118d) id large bright Rooms, hardwood floors, light and water, $18, or two rooms 818.00 a month, 81st May, 156 minutes walk trom town, (Baby welcome) Box 085 Times, (1100) private home 144 Phone 1770), (1100) N 1) with Roard, Anes Street, hv J for one or two men, very gloge 'o four corners, rent very reasonable TS Bond street west, (1184) FIVE" NG0 All onvenionces, hardwood floors, south end, fmmediate possession, Apply 20 King Btreet Bast, hone 0) all conveniences, wonderful condi tion, ~All newly decorated, large garden, located in South end, Ap. AR 20 King Steet East, Phone (110¢) 0) ) NT, 7 roomed house with water, lights and stove, Immediate possession, Apply 8, W, Prevost, Orchard View Divd, North Oshawa, (1190) house, or cottage with ali modern conveniences, with garage, newly decorated, 11 1 Meilinh Drive, Phone Ww, (11%¢) Rates for | Classified Ads. Bach a \ conaeous ive"lhseriion 10. bar For Rent od rooms, ground floor, three books from four corners, wh conveniene~ 48 MoMillan Drive, (1190 ' Phone us. (110) 1 Double Barage, paved street, hard. wood floors, electrie range, separ. ate toilet and bath, blinds and fix~ tures, $40 per month, Phone 19897, (1190) oh, 268 Grooms Avenues, od rooms with use of kitchen, a Division street, Phone 101, i) 0 street, good condition, conveils ences, immediate possession, Rony onable rent, Phone 1400, w (1100) WTR NOON WOURE "TO WENT, 71 Colborne west, Phone 0677, (1800) m INT for summer months, 2 baths and oll heating, Immediate possession for select tenant, Apply Box 690 Times, © (180¢) ( -- Oi hishad Yooms, onYeniences, Kiang ( 0) You "TENT=T NOON EG OUR, nll conveniences, newly dbcoratod, hardwood fleors, Immediate pos session, Apply 400 Athol streoi onnt, (1800) TOR NENT="TWO™ VURNTEHED rooms on bathroom flat, every convenience for light housekesp: ing, also garage, Apply 104 Alice street, phone 3049, (1200) FORT RENT ==" UNFURNISHED rooms, Apply 66 Queen Bt, (1200) ANYONE WIRITRG 2 COM: pletely furnished cottage bench, ¢hesp, apply telephone 81 or Dox 83, Bowmanville, __(130h) TOIT RENT ROTUMED HOUR, ull conveniences, 110 Btacey Ave Apply Conant & Annis, (12041) WOURE FOR WANT ROOMN, All conveniences, suit two famii fos, Reasonable rent, Phone 285, (181¢) ONETYOon Hght' housekeeping, suit two gir or husiness couple, 287 Richmond East, Phone A056), (131h) WF RE ee Pasture for Rent WANTED, = CATTLE TO PAK ture, Good grass and lots of water, Apply Alex, Waduok, Lot 15, Brok« on Front, Kast Whitby or Cedardale Post ONlce, (118d) ""Real Eatate For Sale FOR FALB«=NEW RUG BRICK house, hardwood floors, modern cons veniences, § nere land or more, on Highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment, Apply box 680 Times cae ALAM) TIVE ROOMED TRICK VENTER house, Phone 466M, (1800) TARUT WUTEDING GOTH TN ORI: AWA's best residential quarter, Must go at once, Phone J410W evenings, (1310) Motor Cars so-- HAVE YOUR CAR OR TRUCK repaired at 40 bond Bt. West Body and fender work done at shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W. Fry 3308, (May 23-1 mo) TT YOUR CAR WANHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street 'Went, Phone 3108, All oars at one ples $1.00, (May 15:1 mo.) THE OAUN, AL: solutely Al condition, Phone Jr (1100 dump truck, oheap for oash, or would consider good closed car as part exchange, Apply 388 Fain B, Phone 601M, (1100) YIN MODEL FOUR DOOR I: dan Oldamobile, in exeellent condi. tion, Price #875, Payment on Gen. eral Motors plan, Phone ir F ' (110e TOURING UP i anon bargain go 8,00, In running order, pe N will get 3 aeanonn use from this oar, Phone Shel, 1a condition, Many extras, Person wanting a good used oar cheap should mee this, Apply 115 Blmooe at 8 181) Brooklm 1820, WANTED -- COMPRTRNT" ys fh od aor work, J 6 gen housework, Siesp ome it a Apply 8 Rond by Ty at, Se mechanical knowledge to also act ax service man, Opportunity to make extra money on sales, Qoms mission basis only, Box 084 Sines MLL OL oF Oshawa Salary #50.00 per Kk also substantial profita on Applicant must be ale tn from $750.00 to $1200, ol oslt on merchandise, 108 nia Street, Montreal, ah "Male or Female Help wo. lady Re marcelling, wil he a or Wa Kverything up-to-date, 184 lam street east, Phone 269, \ 1206) ™ | Times, «| od lady, 64 Park Rd. North, Pets and Live Stock. WATE Lid from carefully selected heavy Inyers, after May 1st, All males from regittered wtock, Hatohing oggn. Visitors welcome, 'Geo, Reynolds, Courtice, Apr, 20-1 mo,) J large J J J) Joils for sale, Phone 466M, (1200) BADLY, BILVER Vox and white rabbits; various ages, threes hundred to choose from, Marden, Brock Ht. north, Whithy, (1200) WANTED -- CAML TOR RUM: mer pasture, Cresk running through 'Balson's Varm, Courtice, Apply I, A, VanGunten, Tooley's Hill, L120) Mhsbediodibiiinn ALA for housekeeping, Buitable for young married couple, Box 642 (110¢) MN roomed house, with conveniences, ' NOTICE Court of Revision to hear the ap- pouls against the 1980 Assessment in Kast Whithy, will be held in the Township Hal, Columbus, on May 81st at 2 p.m, ftendard Time, Columbus, May "98rd, PG, PURVES, Clerk, (121s) APPLICATIONS VOR THE POSI. TION OF UHIEF CONNTABLE TOWN OV WHITBY Abpiita tony for the position of Ohief Constable for the Town of Whitby will be received up until noon on Monday, June 2nd, 1080, Applicants must state age, ox perience, salary expected, and en close copy of references, and photograph with plioation, All appligations must 'He sddressed to John NM, Trost, clerk of the Town of Whitby, and envelopes must be plainly marked Application", JOHN R, FRONT, Clerk, Town of Whitby, Apply Box 08) Timuw, (120m) Iibrary, You will enjoy od FA the Intest Fiotion at minimum oost, Phone 1478, 87 Mwcos BL. North (TH tI) -. Rugs RUGS ==" NYHNA TEVERSTHLD rugs, 600 to #1 down, 260 per week, [or samples phone 1818W, JApr 91 mo) _-- Ul "Room and Board \ Wanted ROOM AND and Boar WANTED IN private home by business man, Ap. ply Box "088" Times (180h) EN a A I, Wanted To "Buy WANTED -NEW OR™ URED UN: brella tent, Phone sige, price, ete, to 30680 (1200) Daa arse po LE . hun gua For Sale or or Exchange DRIVER FOR WAL E==WOUTD exchange for work horse, DD, Lew: ars, Bowmanville, LKR, 2 (130¢) we ro pa Ai 1 Palmist MADAME RENA, PALME, ¥8 Bouna Vista, Appointments, Phone uw (May 21.1 mo) Business Opportunities FOR BALE = TWTAVCINHED business, grocery and tobaces, Handy to Motors, Reasons leaving town, Box 687 Times, (1100) ; NTONRE, O00 TOWN, Ontario County, rent reasonable, Wilt exchange for house in city and oabhy Cet partioulars" Jas, Ryan, Cannington, (1810) Nursing NURNING TIN PRIVATE WOME for Invalid or convalescent pa tient, 120 Colborne 8t, 1, Osh: awa, Phone 101¢W, : ga (May 8 1.mo) MEBIOAT, MATERNITY, MRT Al and surgleal nursing, reasonable Phone Whitby 005, (May 281mot) ASL ACE HUF TRIER OF CHRONTO aliments should take advantage of the spycial free *reatments offered by Sheronold of Oshawa, 1560 Wil lam St; Kast, Phone 200, TENDERS FOR INTERIOR DEC. ORATING ONTARIO COUNTY REGISTRY OPTICE Benled tenders, plainly marked as to contents and addressed to tho undersigned, will be received until 13 o'clock noon, Daylight Having Time, on the 4nd day of June, 1980, tor painting and dey- orating the interior of the County Rogistry Ofce, Hpecifeations covering the work to be done may be obtained at the Rogistry Oey, Tho lowest or any tendor not nocossarily nceépted, Dated at Whithy, this 20th day of May, 1030, ' RM, DEVERELIL Acting Chalrmun, County 'roperty Committee, Whitby, (131n) LG LL A TT A I i Auction Sale of Valuable Residential ties in the City of Oshawa, There will be offered for sale by Publio Auction on Monday, the 26th day of May 1080, at twelve o'clock noon, on the premises by virtue of the Power of Bale In two certain mortgages which will be produced at the saie the following properties, Parcel 1, Lot One hundred and twenty-six on the onst side of Bom« orville Avenue in the said Clty of Oshawa, according to Registered Pian Number 260.-=bolng the pre« mises known as 630 Bomerville Avenue, Parcel 2, Lot Number One hund- red and twenty-nine ox the east side of Somerville Avenue in the sald City of Oshawa, according to Registered Plan Number 280, being the promises known as 637 Somerville Avenue, The following improvements are said to be on each of the properties A one and one half storey detached brick veneered dwelling Sontainiug Proper The Minas Basin Pulp snd Paper Company with a comparatively new pulp mill at Hansport is now pro- Quding 40 tons of air-dried pulp # ny. ' -------- A woman ean spend hours oi seonic offects and never look half as gulleless as A man just emerg~ ng from & barber shop Brandon Bun, T0 RENT SUMMER COTTAGES Bonniebrae Point, Oshawa, All eouvelionses. 7 id to an TO Drink Delicious Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Superior Chain Stores EY mu I WANT A CAR an part payment on i roomed cottage, every modern con- venience, garage, Carnegle Avenue, Disney, 20 King Kant a a CLEAR LOT Will be nceeptod as down payment on 6 roomed frame house, Tollet, electric, double garage, Nassau Btroet Disney, 20 King St, Last BE a A SN A -------------- HARDWOOD FLOORS 'Lata by expert wechanics, Old 'loor finished like new, Ge.01 | Contractors, BW. HAYNES 101 King Kt. West Phone 481 « Hesidence BOTW | EATON GROCETERIA | | It Pays To Shop Here Always § rooms and bathroom block foundation--modern Hp ing=-hot alr heating=-electrie light, Termus:==Ton per cont of the pur chase money to be pald down at the time of male, For balance, torms will be made known at tha sale, Kach of the above properties will he sold subject to a reserve bid, For further particulars apply to Jones & Leonard, Solicitors, Tore onto 3, 330 Bay Bt, (100-115-191) (May 22-1 mo) Situations Wanted WXPIRIENOR ARN™"HWAND wants position on farm, Apply Box 001 'T'len, (1300) oom and Board ROOM AND BOAO FOR WHF! (110¢) WR a t and Found CONC MONDAY BV ENTNG HI: cos Bt, North, Lady's white gold wrist watch, Finder please phono 110, (131a) FORA ons WATT tween Park road and MeGregor atreet (via Gibb street), Valued an keep wake, Reward, Phone 10487, (181b) C1 GAVE WENEY OY UILBING u Buy at low Maotory Dis tributors' prices, Doors, Ready Frames, Hard: wi hl Wallboard, Every: for naw pulldings or repairs 8 page oata i of Dulldere Bargaine Free, Halliday, Box 16: Sang ain I Jalliday Co, Limits ed, a 18, (108 100» TREY X18 183. 130) tuations Vacant Male AMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learns ing best paying trades, Engineering, electricity, Sarge u work, Shuefeuriog bricklaying, bar , hairdressing, Literature free. th te or call Do. minion Trade Schools, King West, Toronto, (81:87:93:99<105:111:112:103) Rh i, MOTOR PRODUCTION ABOVE 1028 LEVEL a ------ Wanhingtpn, May 23,~=Producs tion of motor vehigles in the United States during April, as reported to the Department of Commerce, tots alled 442,630 against 401,383 In March and 631,010 in April, 1080, Output during the frat tour months . totalled. 1,466,800, coms Jared with 2,074,830 i the simis r pariod of 1929 and 1,878,043 In {tha firat four months of 1928, Canadian production in April was 24.257 compared with 20,780 in hand 621,010 ta Apel 1920 *| RUSSIANS MIGRATE your, During the first four months production In Canada was 70,088 against 136,810 In the same period of lait year and 62,647 in tho first four months of 1038, INTO MANCHURIA | Boys' Broadcloth | Wash Suits. Special 19C | Dominion Clothing Co. | O8 King Bt. W. Phono 2141 | ome EYESIGHT SPECIALIST re Ulsney Bloch . Opposite Speoinllaing exclusively in muscle anomalies oyenl Good Weather Ahead! Hundreds of Wealthy Peas ants Taking Out Chinese Citizenship Pelping, May S3-=Hundreds of "Kulaks," betterstosdo peasants from Soviet Russia, ure crossing the Russian border into North Mans churia, leaving because of the movement for collec tive farms, reports from Harbiw (TE These Russian farmers, among the moat skillful of their class, des clare that they will not return to Russia, and are preparing to settle down in Manchuria, They take out Chinese citizenship papers as rapid. ly as posaible, and attempt to find farms on which to settle permans ently, The Kulaks already in Manchuria declare that: thousands of others will follow thelr example, and that a migration of consklerable pros portions be expected, report that the Soviet authorities do not favor emighation of Kulaks into Manchuria, and that it {a neo. onpary to evade the Soviet guards in orossing the border. The Chinese oftiolals in. North Manchuria encourage the Russian farmers 'to wettle permanently on the large tracts of fertile land which have been recently opened up, land {a being provided for tha, Russians as soon ay they take out Chinese oftiuenship, but a number of Chinese offfolals who own 'land are driving hard bargaing, which assure them a good return, ~-------------------- Bach of the two major parties to be represented one merators in preparing the new ities) voters' late, Check and double oheok.==lolorboro Kxaminer, thelr native land |; w=D)0 not L080 your care Lot me Hnance youe=Addi tional Oash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANN Roo 6, 14 4 King St. East va s. SEE t : Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott + AMBULANCE 87 Colina 8t. Phone 1082 LUMBR _ r, L BEECROFT, Lumber ang They | fi 'The Carew Lumber Co. 74 Athol Bt, W,, Oshawa Phones 18-1111

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