THE OSHAWA DAILY TUMES, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 193( The Oshawa. wa. Daily Times THE OSHAWA DAILY DAILY REFORMER o. (Established 1 1870) mn rer Fondly nd on every nd ets BL : FEE Dy The 1 M. Ae oha Sec. td tario incial Jig iw privy the Audit Bureau of Circulation. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES in ed rel livery ¥ Bp $4.00 a year; United | States, $5,00 7 i TORONTO OFFICE se Bond od Bullding. 66 Tem oraica Street, ' Telephans Adelaide 0107. H. D. Tresidder, REPRESENT NTATIVES IN U.S, Powers end Stone Inc., New York and Chicago "THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930 } "EMPIRE DAY f 'Yomorrow the children of the schools of Oshawa will be celebrating Empire Day, May 24. Started in a small way some thirty or 'more years ago, the Empire Day movement 'has grown until it has become a definite edu- eational feature throughout the Empire, and dn Ontarfo, under the leadership and guid- 'ance of the Hon, G, Howard Ferguson, as minister of education, it has become of spec- al importance, ¢ It is a good thing, In these days, that ad- mantage should be taken of this yearly op- portunity to impress on the minds of the children of Ontario the significance and 'place of the British Empire in the world, 'It promotes a pride of race and nationality that has a great Influence in the bullding up of a strong und virile citizenship; Chil- dren are naturally hero lovers, and they can respond to the thrill of the great achieve- ments of. the heroes of Empire. They can understand the sentiments behind these achievements, and these early impressions, placéd in their minds during the years' of childhood, will remain there, to create a love of Empire, a knowledge of and respect for British traditions, and a recognition of the part which Canada has to play in the Em. pire's future, .- Particularly valuable is the celebration of Empire Day to those new Canadians who have not the background of British tiadi- tion. By giving these children an insight into what citizenship in the Empire means, a great work can be done, nut only to promote 'their assimilation into the full citizenship of Canada, but to offset the insidious propa- ganda which is even now being distributed by those who would tear down established institutions and put in their place a rule simi. lar to that of Russia. Those who have pride in Empire can never be vietima of such pro. paganda, and for that reason the complete observance of Empire Day is a worth.while ' service to the country and the Empire, CANADIAN MUSIC IN THE TALKIES Two young men passed through Oshawa today on their way on a hiking trip from Montreal to Hollywood, They were two men with a mission of Canadianism, namely, to induce the producers of talking pictures in Hollywood to use Canadian music, and par: tie Canadian folk in their talk- ture PeoduGons: r object in Shia 5, on foot, is to arouse the of Canada in their ven. from Canada a strong ¥ which they can wood, 1 them to There is a deal to be said for this mission, a's folk songs have a wond- : erful ye to -l who are familiar with he by the two great. 3 1 (musie of: today 'high order, and Paul E, , the her party of two, is hime oy ; own for its lyrical qualities. to the motion sine industry, and h Aw be satisfied with United Sta x Albi to the exclusion of po i States publishers to no matter how much fn AEA | Ad x Sai | shal peopl have gathered grow ina ovo of oF good that has Drought excellent understandings between twi classes, which, after all, should be : mt event of this nature was that held at Ebenezer last night, when the members of the Oshawa Rotary Club entertained a large of the farmers of that district. | There '¢ were people fraternized with thelr ins as if they had all known each ot years, and there wi and feeling that go far to keep the two classes of people closer together in the fut. ure. Events of this kind are to be encourag- ed and commended, if for no other reason than that they tend 10 break down the wall. of misunderstanding which for years has created, suspicions and doubts between the people of the sivet ud tine who Sell on the farms of the district. ' "IHE CHIEF TOOL OF SELLING" Many oulogios have been penned and spok- en In praise of new advertising business builder, but Merle Thorpe, ing Be a magazine known ns. Nation's Business, coined a new and expressive phrase; when speaking in Washington the other day, when he referred to it as "The chief tool of sell ing." His speech was a general appeal for an increase in advertising appropriations as the greatest need of business on this con. tinent at the present time, and some of his remarks are well worth quoting, without comment, since they speak for themselves, as follows: "Despite the fact that $1,000,000,000 was spent in this country last year for advertis- ing, manufacturers and merchants should in. crease their appropriations "for the next year if they are to ensure prosperity for all, "For the most part, factories are equipped with modern machinery. Their finances were never better, They stand ready to do a bigger job now than ever before, "The nation is not 'broke.' Individuals still have their salaries. They still have their votential desires. It is advertising's oppor- tunity to translate these desires into pur. chases, keep the factory wheels turning, and the pay envelopes will take care of the increased production, Such a virtuous cir. ¢lé moving this way is as easy to start as a vicious cirele which moves the other way." DEATH WINS In Toronto on Tuesday evening a young man gambled with death, And death won. This young man, driven to desperation by the needs of his wife and child for their daily bread, offered himself as a stunt para- chute jumper, and on his first attempt his life was blotted out, It was a terrible tra- gedy, a sad affair, and & sacrifice of a young life to the craving for thrills that has become a part of modern life, This sacrifice was so usless, One can hardly blame the young man for seeking to earn some money if this way when all other means had failed. But there was no useful purpose behind this parachute stunt. It was only intended to be a practice jump, in pre- paration for the provision of thrills for a convention crowd. Thrills and stunts may be all right, when undertaken from a place where life is not in danger but there is noth« ing that can be said in extenuation of a prac: tice which places a human life in peril hun. dreds of feet in the air, where the slightest slip means certain death, course, there are people who like to be entertained in that way, but if they would stop to count the possible/cost, there would, be a revulsion of feeling against it, Per haps the Toronto may have just that effect, and if it has, the sacrifice may not have been in vain. Tt may result in sav- "ing others from macrificing themselves in the "| "same way, ¥ ' EDITORIAL NOTES The Spanish infant fith six arms'will be helpful in getting the roaster off the top shelf, Why the eagerness to abolish war? There Would still be paper s to | . ton in thels wave, hangers to leave devasta A sou railway has equipped its 1 motives with chime ries Are there southern helles we've heard so much about? cami mes 3 Sen on n But aad find out that a motor el also 'Modern 3 ery is more than human, A "and and Satomvoblon have learned to obey the human "voice before the modern child & | 4 Present d athletics are not the creation 2 but of the public.~Presi- i Mishigan University, Boy FoF covert fa ho an 1 110 th : : uttice of acral of economic A nd , ondllann, conomic : a nerviee, Lo iv] any excellent tins the program, bu oftatanding 0 spirit of goodfellowship that city pil for dand Mr, * | monstrated the imperative need of Other Editor's 'Comments THE UBIQUITOUS VAKER (Kincardine -Roview) A few months ago some men sens vassed this hit selling head. Ay shoing | the Jusiats aa Jools. will refuse to in the ---- RUSSIA AND 1% Dally: Nal) / While "India. is its present | * anda there, Handarion niko n for the admission a foviet embassy to this cow that SuATantess enforced, What has become of [ence thons ra UNDIGNIFIED (Bt, John Telegraph-Journal) seson brings with it what Mrs, Malapro op would call a "derange- ment" signs as 'Over Nite camps," "Kum. Indications to the adult mind that the coutry must have been handed over Lo & rather backward kinder- garten community and not at all in keeping with the dignified sobriety of the pstients lived in damp un- beaithiul homes, Now this does pot prove oh rheumatism is caused by the mould organismy, However research men feel in view of the above that asthma and rheumatiom are closely related in #0 fur as thelr cause is concerned businesses, this condition will be speedily and effectively remedied. Did you ever stop to think thet YOU are possibly one of cop- tributing factors to the m Jan agement of YOUR community? SMALLER JAWS IN, Tei i oh J ASTHMA AND RHEUMATISM |to other {Reglutored, ha Aodordance With nr ota in take ny Mo no n " ing t the Blstory 1 examination that often the eum dt hs | 3 an ather's ther nad» # history of asthma, hare there ay related, Soviet ha a only b a Jor some Jose before 1 discovered propag- or myself, ie dy oa o Mr, In Great Britain it was found a Lion os man reavesty the When the negot! Ww oause of rheumatism, dam pues in NOT the home was also a bi MUST WIPE An propaganda would be Toauired and | Otto of Berlin report thelr experi: gird A t asthma» owed symptoms. of rheumatism. sort now carry the fi In order to determine whether| siutely not permitted to wipe rouged lips on either the table cloth or the napkine,' The directors took this action : re kor Nr yor baeausa of the rowing Jogviariy Jal me e of a new rouge eh loaves a re letters that results in such | IS 8 Be vue, & fort Tan," Kool drinks and #0 on, | PouUYe, VOOM FOIL, Crone chial or asthmatic symptoms, hut pil also in those who showed only rhaumatic symptoms, It was also discovered that most | Scot! both ailments we. o due to the same For some unknown and strane |... ¢ney made skin tests on 126 reason the tourists and camping. patients using mould fungus that matter due to vegetable organ- 'Innd that the moud organisms are 4 part of the cauwe, In Great Britain rheumatism fs very prevalent, and an organize it was established i AS.» which has spread fome years" tontine, Drs, WH, Gehlen tor J. Cannes, tion to fight may o n be due to homes too much dampness, fo search for the cause of your her words It appeared that |asthma or rheumatism teeth, ton and asthma were in |gils, sinuses, gall bladder and in- Go all over the body in of course had heen known|your investigation, but remember that & good clean dry cellar, » home where the sunlight can pene trate, may be the means of prevent. ing asthma and rheumatism, ROUGE OFF LIPS! France, PAN0S, ee Ro urant | Indifference of the citizens, in many Rivierra ro. | onsen officials are selected who have 0h no qualification for the position "Notice to Customers it is ab. [10 hich they menus in this Fren: stain on linen, number of men w one director stated, An Edinburgh A considerable id bad offendern, woman has given hirth to her twenty-first child, Great lowin wp ATE NEWS, SAYS: n contributing fase opment of any coms / 04 oR : (PLoRDA) Physicians working on these a 1 ed cases report that most cases come from am, upliealthtul Hotes. A ow the point is that althoug of patients during a | infection may come rom sny part of the body, asthma and rheuma-| vote, munity are the are put into office by the people, For this reason it behooves every citizen to exercise his duty and aspire, except the ability to make & good talk----prome ising everything that will tend to| tour, gather votes--but without a wingle constructive thought insure the fultiliment of the prom- This condition will exist Just so long as the citizens will tolerate potty polities, but when the people rete rise In their might and demand clean government and the same of: | day" "Yes" flolent management of publio affairs that they demand in thelr private! two! (By the Canadian Press) markedly different from 't tp ---------------------- of this oldest city in Canada, s---- AUSTRALIA'S CRISIS | (Auckland Weekly News) The drastic remedies ndopted in Australia 'to meet the fAinancial and economic crisis that has fallen on the Commonwealth have attracted position, {ta moral for New Zealand is plain, Once again there {is de- walking warily, of curbing extrave agance, and especially of refraining trom using the Dominion's credit abroad except for enterprises the soundness of which has been prov- od beyond any doubt befors the country i» committed to them, | Bits of Humor "I say," eried the bright young thing an she dashed into the village store, "father's being chased by u bull" "Good heavens! What shall 1 do, miss" "Give me a roll of film for my poc ket camera, quick!" It is stated that as a result of the disastrous tire at Columbus, Ohio, Penitentiary the U.S, authorities ar speeding up the construction of more prisons in order to relieve those who ate at present badly overcrowded, In England they are selling off a num ber of old prisons, But then, of course | they do not enjoy the blessings of Prohibition.~"Morning Post." | "At noon here to-day, " says a Bishop's journal, "the Methodist chimes played in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of Prohibition, They began with that good old hymn 'Revive us again," "New York Epls- copal Mission Bulletin" Bits of Verse | THE JOY OF IT ALL The joy of our 1He is the strugsie, i The hope of some haven to win. Ponond; it may prove but a bub. Whatever Lhe promise has been, The merchant who sees on the ocean His treasure ship coming afar Is filled with a greater emotion Than when it in safe in the bar, The post who feels what he's saying, Whose heart and whose verses Are One Han telly in hiz bosom outweigh. ng, : The pqam Itself when it's done, One timé T wan glad in belleving That riches lay close at ny door, But then, what a sad undecely ing To find that my Reigubor ad more, ™ maid that to me hg LE a tar A god War loxely and Ha But never! & goddess at all, The White Wwe ohase and the The r= olimb for a goal, Are "enn 'sometimes in the Than he on Pre for the soul, 5 man, in the Times, sive program definitely un. oclakan by sach of us. \ May this dol - world-wide attention, , « The situa- | A tion, contains a lesson and & warn. ing. . ., . However the rest of the world may regard the Australian over the Holiday . . . and at 'all other times Suit your speed and your caution to traffic conditions around you Seven Rules for Safe Driving You must observe them ond ALL other precau- tions ALL the time So your Tondian. Tarvenir me 2 {ERR URE a. aa in the traffl line oad, Rpt 10 pase on curves 'FE 8 Deas pL ¥ fra hefore you slow ov douren, road bein Recxuess driving may be fast driving---or it may be slow. Speed limits define only the maximum speed under the most favourable traffic conditiods. Under certain circumstances these speed limite are not permitted by law," No motorist is justified in driving at any speed which would endanger his own safety or the safety of others on the road. Suit your speed and your caution to traffic conditions around you, Over the holiday . .'. when the Highways of the Provines will be crowded with cars, be extra carefdl. Be ready for the careless driving of those who are reckless, It may save you or your car from injury. Because of the increasing number of vehicles, traffic _con- ditions each year become more involved and traffic "control becomes more difficult. . The support of every good citizen is required to save motorists and ped estriang from injury and death. You will do your part if you always observe the Seven Rules for Safe Driving, 'and take all other pre cautions when you are driving & ear. Let This BeiYour Motto on The King's Highway, and on all other. roads and streets \ CARE /& COURTESY COMMON FEW HUNDRED YEARS DECLARES SCIENTIST New Yoik-~People a few gen~ erations from now will have smalls elected o toon, who | or Jaws and a physiesl of today If present Metary faults aro adhered to, dentists at the op- ening day of the annual meeting of the Dental Society of New York It the citizen is lnx in the per | 0% 1g formance of bis duty, the politi clan can afford to be careless in the manner in which he conducts the affairs of the community, The modern tendency to indulge in wuch starchy foods as poistoes and White bread at he sxbense of pogetahles and fresh fruits is "rob~ Wo often hear tho statement, | bine' the human blood "We can't expeot anything but mis. management with the type of men we have in public office," of enlelum nnd phosphorus, two vital ¢'fmicaly In the devslop~ But If iment of teeth and the bodes every person would vote for an of<| jn the Jjow, Dr, flolal with the same care that he |gquires, Westchester County dfw- would exercise in selecting an em- ployee for his Individual business, | explained, men of integrity and ability would be governing our affairs today. Unfortunately, Franklin A, trict chairman of the dental society About 80 percent wf the population today is suffering from some form of faulty develop- because of this| ment of jaws and teeth and the chief cauwe Is faulty diet, he said, A woman lecturer touring Americs says she Is returning home to her husband when she has finished he Many a husband would like hi wife to finish lecturing before she or plan tol comes home An Irishman went to an English gentleman and asked him for financ- inl help. The Intter said to Barney "But 1 thought 1 told you the last time you came to provide for a rainy replied Barney, I did provide for ore, but we hat