THE OSHAWA DAILY IMES, = THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1930 PACE THREE chool n Delight | yoo r Montreal Holywood Hr Have Mission to Put Canadian Music Into Talking Pictures Paul E. Bray, Composer and , Planist, and Henry Duck. ott, Vocalist, Stopped in Duta While on Long SEEK SUPPORT OF CANADIAN PEOPLE, Will Place Merits of Cansd- fan Music and Folk Songs Before the Talking Picture Producers of Hollywood Two broneed young men, wearing smart bhire unforme, with Sum Brown belts, And cutrying the words "Mont. venl to Hollywood" on thelr collars and cuffs, in gold letters, arrived in the city yesterday Yor a two day visit to Oshawa, Liuests of the man» agement; they made themselves at home: In the Hotel Genosha, where they attracted much attention, and they then proceeded to make an. of- ficial eall upon the mayor and other civig officials, These two young men were Paul E. Bray, well-known Canadian coms Joser and Blatter, and his companion ferry Duckett a vodealist of no small ability, As the message on thelr unl forms Indicated, these men are on a hiking tour from Montreal to Holly. wo! But, unlike mest of the pro. fen! I hikers whe ro trying to pick up a living along the road, these are two young men with a mission, They. are wolng to lywood for definite purpose, thay 03Plained In conversation with. The Times, and that putpose Is to try to Induce the producers of talking pletures to use Canadian musie, and Canadian folk songs, in thele talkie produgtions, r. Bray, whe hasieomposed some 68 songs, and whe, by the way, Is a war veteran with a reenrd ot hon- ahs accommodation 1] i ty on this popu ol imate little frit goneronty | aToutut Thind Cabin \ 09s rates iravised, Ask for information, Weel tallings from Mentreal (end Book hisugh The Cunged Line, Corner of Buy and Sirens, Toronto, (Tel, Blgin B71), of any doamihip agenh CUNARD CANADIAN SERVICE CABIN + TOURIST THIRD CABIN + THIRD CLASS tH artificial oat heir » orable service with the 72nd Can- adian Sonforth Highlanders, explain. od his mission In a few words, "Cans wdisn sudiences," he suld, "ure 'given all United States music in the talks les, and we who are Interested ber lieve that they would prefer to hear some of thelr own Canadian music und songs. 'We Lelleve our musle has sufficient merit to warrant & lace in the talkies, but so far we ve been unsuceessful In making good this claim, "Thersfore we are oing to Hollywood to show the pros ducers what wa have, and we are hik- ing across Canade and down to Hol lywood, In order to secure behind us the backing of Canadian public opin. lon, Wherever we go, we #re ap- Jolin to the motion pleture sud. ances to write to the large motion pleture producers, wehing give Canadian mule a fal and the cumulative effect should be very gratifying" While In the elty, Mr, Bray snd Me, Duckett called on the mayor, who Hyned the book whieh the carry ms proof of thelr visits to all fhe towns and citles along the way, They wre pledged not to uceopt "irs" from motorists, and they hike an ay: erage of 35 miles a day In good wea: ther, with & little Jess when the weather Is net/so favorable, Mr, Bray informed. The Thies of an Interesting task which has been assigned to him, that of blaging musical trail through the country be tween Fort Willlam and Winnipeg, This ds bing to be a hard task, he admits, 'but he proposes to do It by fastening n copy of one of his sons to trees all-ulong the route, For this part of the Journey, the federal goye ernment at Owawa has agreed 10 provide special guides to help the Wicers to blaze u new trial, he trip from Montreal to Hollywood Involves 0610 miles of walking, but Mr, Bra ad his companion, having come fA ny from Montreal, are 'quite fresh ad enthusiastic, and hope to com: late the Journey by December, Mr, ray ly quite' hopeful of making u ood lm lon ln. Hollywood, for a tters from such wears x" "Webe "Danlols, Pola Negrl and Blanche Sweet, expressin appreciation of Canadian songs which he has sent to them, Messrs, Bray and Duckett have had AOE Interesting. experiences alon the wavy and © have "receive splendidly In every community they haya visited. One unforsunate hap: pening oocurred at Prescolf, where Shey 'lost thelr splendid police dog, "lincoe" which was ascompanying them on the long hike, It disappens- ed at Prescott, and they have heard nothing of it singe, They are plans ning to leave this evening for To. ranto, where they. will remain for u week, securing 'support for thelr mis. sion on behalf of Canadian Muele, Sen DIVISION COURT HOLDS SESSION Many Cases Tried By Judge J. Thompson or m-- them tu r chanee, of this The session 'of the. Division 'Court for the oity was held yesterday, In the Old City. Hall with' Mis Menor fudge Thompson, of Whitby, presid- ng Thera was an unusually) heavy docket before the court; thirty-five canes in all coming up for settles ment It was necessary, with the large number of cases betore the court 19 hold both morning and af. ternoon sittings at the court in or der to dispose of the whole docket, Two of the ae on: the list, noted pe Hota o fatDon lw. 1 ants or An ort ve. Frise and The relist ae le Ltd, In the formes case His Honor gave. 'udgment o $113 and costs for the Plant, while in the latter case judgment "a "a or $1 nat the primary debtor 0) casts The next session of the ' Divison {ure In the city will be held on June h, Ave, | 20tt) 9 thie ndvanies 0 treatments affored Bf of Oshawa, 150 Wil + Phone 200, § (May 22-1 mo) J lele LL.) LN Md » 3 for marcelling, ol or wa ! nen 164 Wie win Bibget east, Phone 269, {13 00) WO 'Ol AL EAN ) ttler, new, " (1200) OSHAWA, WHITBY CHIEFS 70 CONFER | ' . ---- i *, te wi 26 SAR -- ib Pr REMARRIED ON 'THEIR DIAMOND WEDDING ANNIVERSARY earers in First Musi | fs - | A unique covemony was performs od yosterdny on the veeasion of the diamond wedding anniversary at Whitevale of Mv, and Mes, William ¥. Durtan, when the couple, nged WITH GEN. DRAPER ------ Convention to be Discussed Chief of Pollen Owen 1, Friend, and. Chigt JH. Guason, of Whitby, Dave heel Yoquested hy Chief Draps ar, of Toronto, to nitend a meeting erenaxt Monday for 'the purpose of discussing trafic problema ve lative tn the Bhriners' Convention whieh fu being held in Torontn from Juma 0 to June 12, Chiefs of Pollge of Ausera; Dundas and several Joke shore sent al the conference, Due to the large number will be attending the canvention It in oxpeotod that there will ba heavy dongestion of traftle on all high ways In the vieinfty of Toronto and it Is for the purpose of devising means to vewulnts this enlarge trafic that the allet constables of the warlons municipalities ape menting. Hon, George 8 Winvy, Minister of Highways, will also he present, Regulations governing traftlo fn. to, in, and out, of Toronto, from June H to June 18, inclusive, were agreed unon yesterday From Dundas Street to the wa terfront, and from Church Hireet to Spadina Avenue, parking will he prohibited; Rhriner traftle only will he per mitted on sirentximnuth of Queen from Jarvin to the Humber, Shrine traffie. only, In the Bxhibition Grounds, ! No vehleular teafie of any sort will be allowed on Feet Kiroet west of Spadina Avenue, In the downtown district, dally arlon. of all merchandise, whether tons of coal or packeis of nalls, will be made between the hours of Sam and 6 am, Toe oream, milk, buter and the Ika periehable pros fui are alone exempt from the rule, A ------------ PREPARATIONS FOR UNRUE EVENT ARE BEING COMPLETED Aviation Garden Party To Be Held on May 31st at Stonehaven Preparations for a Balgue event which is to he held al Btonehaven the of Norman Lrwly on the {AM (NORE of White bh ep 4 toate belng come od, Th i 0 avant will take the flats viation Garden Party and a tinumber of the guosts will arrive by aleplane and land on the Tanding field which My, I'win han equipped In the spaciony or on (and Mrs, tn =| grounds of thin bhonutitul estate, " the: OVENt Are y the Toronto Mr, Jrwin ia tons, Mr Ivwin iy the wow the Rav, A, Munioll Lrwin, pas: a daughter of George Molaughlin of thin elty,. have alae been requested to be pro. | who | | | | | Traffic Problems of Shriners| |" | | munieipulition | | | | 'ynited Churel gy NO nnd NE, respectively, were again marvied iw the presence of npwaml of forty relatives, In the front row of the group is shown Rev, J, H Moore, DD, with _eane in hand, who tied the origins nuptinl knot, and to hin immediate left (he bride and groom, who again rents firmed thelr wedding yows hefore Dr. Moore, Mr, Burton is shown a -------- May 21Three leiters hearing the Toronto postmark of December 27, 1927, have just arrived mt Omemee, By way of entertainment for his invalid brother, George Dickson, Ja W. Diekson, of 57 Westmount Foronto, wrote three letters started them on a world tous first was addressed vin Hong Bombay, Cairo and Liverpool indsay nnd I'he Kong, YOUNG ORILLIA BOY MISSING FROM HOME Not Seen Since He Left School at Noon Tuesday Oritha, May 2s Mystery en shrouds the tute of tha Tosyear-old rad Male, sgn ar J. A Hair, 00 West Street South, The boy left the Col leginte Institite, where he wun & pu Pi yesterday at noon alter an inter view with Principal DD, H, McGill, and hiss not been seen or heard of since he police are investigating Mr, Hair didnot become alarmed About his son's absence until late lant night! Early this morning a search wan begun and later the police were notified, Principal McGill today ems phatieally dented a rumor to the ef tock that he had expelled Fred from the school tor smoking, KITCHENER MAN DENIES POISONING (Continued from Page 1) morming in the Grigg House wher hie registered under an alias last night ern at frst denied his identitybut its identified hy a poenlinrly design od ring ana certain papers, He then admitted hin identity, He was booked up on au charge of agrancy, "I hed nothing to do with Mis Gardner's death," Redfern said wy cording to deteotives who arrested him, Hd collapsed soon atter his ar rest being In a weakened condition, His first rgguest an-his nrrost was for a lawyer and Fergus Murphy saw hime but. was unable 0 segura any coherent instructions from him luspector of detebtives Hurry Bown and Detective Thomas Bolton arrested Rediern and detained mm for questioning a Toronto taxd-dris yer who drove Redfern from thar oily Tat night, Redfern had but ses ven cents on him when arvested, Complaint from a restaurant adjoins ng a hotel that Redlern could net pay for meals sent to his room and the taxi-dreiver's complaint. that he owed h' 1 $90 lead to investigation and the 'establishing of Rediern's is dentity, ) Police here say that Redfern spent some hours last night sneaking a. round backyards in Kitchener tryir to see hig family and to get in tou with friends, fear of arrest evident. ly restrained him from making an ops A on visit In Toronto Several Days Police hove believe that Rediern had heen in Toronto at least sinee the first of the week, Late yesterday \ hired ver to made \ he made his backyard calls sometime batwden ning 'ahd fon o'clock. Evi dently growing fearful of detection, Rediorn ordered the taxisman to bring him 2° London, They arrived at the ig Land' re edfern registered as WW, D. Barker, Ruffalo, and the taxi-man as B. Ryle, Buffalo, | Toronto Letters Travel Round _ World for Enjoyment of Invalid | | $90 the price of the night's driving, to' Omemer | the second via Cape Town, Sydney and Lima, and the third vin Madrid, Athens and Yoko homa, In ench place the postmaster was directed to forward the letter Fach hore postage wmounting to 18 cents, Tt is quite evident they reach ed all these places, hy the postmark: on the back of each envelope I'hey arrived In Omemee on Mar 3, May § and May 12, respectively WANT DUTY ON GROUND FELDSPAR Commons Told Protection Needed for Oshawa and Kingston Plants Ottawa, Ont, May b¥] The House of Commons In commitie lust night carried the tariff item wffecting tubs made of earthen: witre, stone, ete, the tem eoveprs ing plaster of paris, gypsum, ana the lke Item No 208 whiel places flint, feldspar, and other none on the free list wan allowed to stand when Genstal A, B, Ross, (Cons, Kingston) protested in roe gard to ground hrown feldapai The United States admitted the feldspar hofore It was ground free of duty hut took pains to have a subptantial tariff on the ground material, Under prodent conditions feldspar from Canadian quarries was taken to the United States, ground there and hrought baok to Canada free of duty, There wera Iwo factories In Canada, grinding feldapar, one at Kingston, and one ut Oshawa, Another one might he established at = Brockville, What Gen, Ross wanted was the same duty on ground feldspar as the United States had: Mr, Dunning decided to allow it to stand unt he sould enquire what the affeci would he to other Industries using the material, - A | VARYING THIRSTS SUBJECT OF QUERY IN OTTAWA HOUSE Ottawa, May 2L=The average an anual consumption of tea in. Canada Is four Ibs, per head, the Commons wan told Monday by De, 1 I Kai ser (Conpervative, Ontario), AT Rinister of anc, Hon C A Dunning, vominded hiw that bab. lon did not drink tea, Jean-Francols Pouliot (Liberal, Temiscouta), developed a thirst for knowledge as well as ten, Ho. asked Dr, Kalyer, as a phygiclan, to say whether there was more caffeine in ton than in coffee and whether toa was jurious to, healthy "You drink tea for u year, then whiskey for ane year, thew coffee, and tell us which x foel better on," shiggented Dr; Alnor, Redfern wade both registrations and sald Ryle wan My chauffeur and that he wan a. Buffalo DAN on a tour © arin This morning: the ) hrenk ast orn bt pha ae poper re 0 the hotelman who then ford. out that neither Td any baggage. The taxi-driver alse made a 0th that seemingly he was out h he police werp notified and arrest ed him, Rae nate wo at Kingston Kingat +. Ma inten Herb. oft Redfern took out a leense here in August; 1926, to marry a Kings ton girl, but Ms wife arrived the next |. dav and the marriage did not take place v (Continued on Page 1) [laying out neat with his young nephew, who wey the only ¢hild attending the cere. mony ==1"hotograph by A. K, Mao kintosh, BS Carlton Street, Toronto, MANY ATTENDED FUNERAL OF LATE WN. J. STEVENSON Sturdy Pioneer Passcs After Attaining Ripe Old Age One of the largest funerals to he held in this city, wus held yesterday dternoon at 2.30 o'clock, when the vemaing of the late Willem John Stevenson were taken fo thelr last reating place, at Union Cemetery I'he late Mr, Stevenson, died at his home 8583 Kingston round, oast, on Monday night, The deceased was in his elghtieth year He had been a resident of this vi cinity for a Nietime, having been horn in Darlington township, Durham County, His father, the late Willlam Stevenson, was born in Campbellford, Scotland, while his mother's father, the late William Trull, was the first white child to be born in Durham County, his parents being United Empire Lovalists, A large number of friends and ac. quiintances turned out to PAY thelr ast reapecin to one who was always held in high esteem by all whe knew hm, Me is survived by one son, Wik lam Hector, who is living at. home, and one granddaughter, Dorothy Stevenson, Another son and daugh- ter have been dead for years, while hin wite, Lotecia Rouse, predeceased hin five years ago. The late Mr Stovemson could recall a great many interesting events which happened in this: district during the last seventy vears, He was a member of the Odd. follows Lodge for fifty vears and was a member of the Christian Chureh of Oshawa, Mo way a strong Conserv tive in polities, all hx life, Hix death removes one of Oshawa's oldest and most intersting Agures, T. B. MOTHERSILL MAKES GOOD TIME. SHRINERS' STAND Toronto Paper Makes Come ment on Speed at Which Stands Are Erected EA nS Work in fast proceeding on the grandstands which are being erect. od on Fleet Street, Toronto, for the huge Shriners' parade early. next month, and which are being built by the T, B, Mothersill company ot this oity, Under the caption 'Real Speed on Shriner Grandstand" the "Weekly Dullding Reporter', a Tornto publieation says, Those of us who travel dally ov. or the hroad expanse of lest Street and the Lake 8hore Boulevard have boon amused at the speed with which the bleachers for the Shrine ora' parades have risen from the plies of lumber that were only a week or two HY the roadside, T. B Mothersill & Company, Osh» Awa contractors, are handing the Joh of erecting the blenghers, whiph will accommodate eighty thousane eager spectators of the Shrinews' big parade here early next month, Over aA month ago workmen hgh Pilea of twoshys four, and soon the borders of the boulevard began to resemble a lum: bor yard, When the alznp! to "po® Woman Roused By Burglar in Her Bedroom Mrs. A. W. 4 Barfon Scares Robber Who Makes Kind Ever Given in Oshs awa--Students Assisted by Toronto Symphony Ors chestra SPIRIT OF EMPIRE DAY EXEMPLIFIED | Great Credit Due to Leonard Richer, Instructor of Mus sic, Principal Cannon, Clean Getaway four o'clock this morning Mre, A, W, Barton, of 061 Bimcoe wireo! net of ransacking nor bureau, Mrs, Barton far from being frightened of the Intruder Immediately called her won Gordon who wis sleeping In another part of the house, hut the robber was nablo to make hi pol awny hefora My, Barton could reach him, Beared as he wes by the cries of Mra, Barton (he yobher found time to take a convidérable quan tity of silverware from the dining room, The thief had galned admis tenes through the callar window and had evidently ransacked the lower part of the house hefore pro eveding upstairs where he was sur- prised by Mrs, Barton, Whether or not the man had & car Is not known but it is believed that he must have us he mode a gel away wo fast that nothing more was soon of him, THe polige were Immediately sum moned te the scene but could find na traces of the intruder, Aw in vostigation Is being made, The goods stolen were of conslderabla value and all wera of sterling si! a description of the man from whni she saw of him but fn the dark she was unable to notice very much, MORRISON FURTHER REMANDED TODAY Attorney « "General May Secure Lawyer to Defend Alleged Murderer William Morrison, who was to have appeared this morning to an gwer to a charge of murder origin ating 'from the finding of hie wife's body on April 20th, war re- manded untit May §0th, The Crown was nol ready to proceed with the ease, it was stated, Jt fn also the intention of the Attorney General's Department to get a lawyer to represent Morrison when he comes up for trinl, Morrison in in custody fn the County Jail at Whithy, where he has been since his re moval from the Oshawa hospital a short time ago, A large orowd gathered to heav the preliminary hearing today, ws the 'case hax aroused considerable interest in the city and distriot generally, The coroner's inguest which was held on Tuesday even. ing returhad an open verdict on the onuse of Mrs, Morrison's death, - Card of Thanks Mr, and Mrs, A, Jobber, Celina St. wish to thank Dy B, A, Brown, Nurses Cowley and Sheather, also fiends and neighbours who were %0 kind to Mra, Jobber during hey vet linens, (1200) NADAME BROWN, PALMIAT, phone 20301, 93 Loutsa FE [) Awakaned from Ler sleep shout | north, was astounded to see in her | bedroom a burglar who was in the | ver, Mrs, Barton wus able to give | Teachers and Committes in Charge No other school In the provined | of Ontario has responded to Lhe res quest of the Minister of Education that fitting programmes be pres pared for the celebration of Kms | pire Day, like the public schogls of the city of Oshawa, The demons stration of musical selections that was presented in the Collegiate and Vocational Institute auditorium lnnt evening in the first of its kind In the history of this city, and in | the history of the Province of One tario, The Oshawa Board of Edue cation saw a year ago, the need of musical training In the publie schools, and so In time the Board was fortunate in securing Mr, 1, Richer, formerly of Toronto, to une dertnke the work, It is under his masterful supervisfioon that the first. children's musical festival took place last evening. Not only were thay honoring tha Empire with the festival hot those wha took part were gaining a wide knowledge of the glorious Britis folk songe, which says Mr, Richer, in the foundation of musical exe perience, and of which he says, no child should he deprived The obhe | Jeet of the festival fs to develop ® | love for the hest musie and a taste | tor British folk songs Among the [children, And te one fistening to [the five hundred volces of the festls [val chorus blended fn the strains of "'ne Pay of Diseay," and 'Rule Britannia' It would seem that: the children had already developed (Continued on Page 2) | | Walter, seeing dissatisfaction onl puest's face "Wasn't the dinnen | cooked to suit you sir!" Guest: "Yeay [al hut the Bill Just take that back and tell them to holl it down a little I" Deaths | HURLBERT=~In Oshawa, on THesw day, May 20, 1920, Mes, Calvin Hurtbert, widow of the late Cals vin Hurlbert, in her 40th year, Yiuneral Friday 2 p,m, from the residence of her daughter, Mra, J, T, Gallogley, 024 Christie Avenue, Interment Claremont Union Cengs tery, (120a), ¢ Festival Splendid Program of Empire Music Presented by Chorus Of Five Hundr tlantic Cit y is always 'in season" The Store of NEILL'S Better Values Select You wan given the stands rope like he, and are now all but coms ole r Footwear | for the Holiday from 'R. Neill Ltd: 12 Simcoe Street North ed Voices First Demonstration of Its W