Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1930, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN Ww Grain and Produce Exchanges | Produce Prices in the | Commercial Markets | TORONTO HAY AND STRAW Wholesale dealers in bay and straw are quoting shippers the fol lowing prices for carload lots, de- livered on track, Toronto se No. 2 timothy ....,.... $15.50 No, 3 timothy ., Wheat straw ...,. Oat straw ,, TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are following quotations for ear lots: Manitoba wheat--No, 1 north. ern, $1.11; No. 2 do, $1.08% ; No. 3, $1.06% ; No. 4, 81.01%; No. b, 95% ¢c; No, 6, 76%c; feed, 60% (elf, Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No, 1 feel, ®2%e; No. 2 do., bc. American corn--No, 923%e; No. 3 do, 91c. Militeed, delivered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per ton, $38.25; shorts, per ton, $34.26; middlings, $36.20, Ontario grain--Wheat, $1.10; o°ts, 44 to 4bc; barley, 60 to b2c: rye, nominal; buckwheat, 80c., TORONTO PROVISION PRICES Toronto wholesale dealers are quoting the following prices to the trade, Smoked meats---Hams, medium, 28 to 3b6c; cookd loins, 48 to b2c; smoked rolls, 28¢; breakfast bacon, 30 to 40c; backs, pea-mealed, 34c; do, smoked, 46 to Bbc. Pork' loins, 20jc; shoulders, 10%e; butts, 24c; hams, 268jc, Cured meats--Long clean bacon, 50 to 70 y, 24c: 70 to 90 lbs, 22¢; 90 to T10 Ibs, 21c. Heavy- oat rolls, 40c; lightweight rolls, Cc, Lard---Pure, tierces, 105c; tubs, 16¢; pails, 17¢; prints, 17 to 17jc. Shortening----Tierces, 13c; tubs, 18jc; Jats 1de, Special pastry shortening--Tlere- es, 15¢c; tubs, 15§¢; pails, 16e, TORONTO FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, re- wil A 2 yellow, effect on the St. Lawrence Market, Toronto: Eggs, elas, per doen... Do, firsts, per dozen.... Butter, dairy, per pound.. creamery, per. and Ve Asparagus, | Ib. busch wr Carrots, buss +. oq eonens ° =n EENERE 258 0.35 Abe eivene Brussels sprouts, gt. Ocions, dry, 11-qt. basket. .... 0.60 Do, 6-cty basiet . Cabbage ....\.s Cauliflower ,.v¢ Endive, dozen Spinach, peck ssveeess Mushrooms, per poun ~*tue three for' Hear lettuce, two for Parsley, per bunch ....ovee Cress, three for elery, dozen ...... ere save =238885=3 & Potatoes, bag ....oeee Cucumbers, each™ Lemons, per dozen .. Bananas, per dazen «ives Apples, G-qt. basket: .... ave Cal, green peas, 6-qt. bkt, .. Eggplant, each Green beans, 6 qt. «vive ne Green peppers, six fog Turnips, bus Parsnips, 11 qt. ., Apples, bus. vi viene Cireen peas. 6 qt. Tomatoes, 1b. ....ovvvninns COooOoCPNEO~ONSeS RS nenE gB& £8 CP = ~ oh making the|P «or 025 0.35 seve 0.10 0.10 0.25 0.10 Pineapples, cach ,,... Rhbush, Nh. uuu Ruadishes, three bunches ,. New car ots three bunches. New beets, bunch TORONTO PRODUCE QUOTATIONS (Buying) Toronto wholesale dealers are buying produce at the following cos: Eggs~~Ungraded, cases returned, fresh extras, 20¢; fresh fists, 27c: seconds, 24c. Butter=-No, 1 creamery, solids, 3014 to 31¢c; No. 2, 20 to 80c. Churning cream--Speclal, S4c; No, 1, 83¢; No, 2, 30c. Oheese~=No. 1, large, colored, parafined and government graded, 17 to 17%e. Poultry Hens, over ["lbs. .. Do,, over 4 to 5 lbs, 24 26 Do., under 4 lbs, 22 24 Spring broilers 2% to 3 1bs, 30c, Do., 2% to 2% Ibs. 28¢. 01d roosters, over 6 lbs, 19 Do., over 4 to 6 Ibs, .. 16 (Selling) Toronto wholesale dedlers are offering produce to retall dealers at the following prices: y Eggs--Fresh extras in cartoons, 36c; fresh extras, loose, 34c; firsts, 82¢; seconds 28 to 29c, Butter No. |, prints, 86¢; No. 2, prints, 8de. Cheepe~New, large, 18 1:2¢; twins, 18% ec; triplets, 10c; stiltons, 21¢ Old, large, 28¢; twins 20c¢; triplets and cuts, 30c; old stiltons, 31c, tons, dle. Itry Chickens, 6 Ibs, up ....us Do., 4 to 6 Ibs. ..euvs Do, 8% to 4 Ibs. seu Do., 8 to 83% 1bs, ,..e. Do., 8 lbs. Hens, over 6 lbs. . Broilers Alive Dressed +20 28 22 19 Creamery creamery, Dressed 48 30 a2 29 29 32 35-40 Sessa ts anna TORONTO GRAIN QUO INS Grain dealers on the 'loronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots, Manitoba wheat--No. 1, North- n, $1.13%;: No. 2, do, $1.11%; 0. 3, $1.09; No, 4, $1.04%: No, 6, 98%ec; No. 6, 78%c; feed, 70- 1-2¢. (cif. Goderich and Day ports). Manitoba oats----No. 1 feed, 54 1-2¢; No. 2, do, 52 1.2¢. American corn--No, 94%c; No. 3., do, 93 1-2¢ Milifeed, dellvered Montreal freights, bags included--Bran, per 2 - Yyollow, 35 | ton, $33.25; shorts!, per ton, $34.- 20] 26; middlings, $36.26. Ontario grain--Wheat, §1,10; oats, 44 to 45¢; barley, 50 to b2¢; rye, nominal; buckwhept, 80c, CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Open commitments--Mag: eggs, 17; November eggs, 960. May but. ter, 26; June butter, 1; November butter, 511, Two market receipts --- Butter, 21,818; last year, 24,381, Eggs, to- day, 69,690; last year, 43,283, Chicago spot market-- Butter, extras, 33%c; standards, 33%c: tone easy. Eggs, graded firsts, cars, 20% to 21%c; less car lots, 20%e, tone steady, Movement at four markets--But- ter, net in, 346,872; last year, net in, 261,960. Eggs, net in, 87,706; last year, net in, 87,560. New York spot market--Butter, extras, 34 1-2¢; no tone, Eggs, firsts, 23% to 23%c: tone steady, Street stocks -- Butter, to-day, 07,009; last year, 89,270. Eggs, to- day, 124,604; Jast year, 122,494. i WESTON'S TOUCHES tions 'of Toronto Stock Exchange Toronto, May 19 -- "The week started off on Toronto Stock Ex- change today with practically no interest evidenced In the market and trading even on a smaller scale than was the case last week, With one or two exceptions price changes were limited togless than a point and nobe, of ¢ carried any sighificance, Brazlitin and Nickel, were just under where they left off last week. Ford of Canada was somewhat more active due to the annual meeting today when the financial statement for the year's operations will be presented to the shareholders. City Dairy was firm and Weston's advanced to a new high for the year above 44, ' The oils were uneven, STOP FILM MERGER / Toronto, May 17.~~Resolutions objecting to the merger of Famous Players Canadldn Corporation with Paramount Famous Lasky Corpora tion of the United States and re- questing the Dominion Government to ralse legislation to stop the trang action were passed by 30 dissatls- fled shareholders at a meeting held in the King Edward Hotel last night, The meeting was called by Arthur W. Roebuck, . Toronto barrister, with a view to forming a share holders' protective association which would combat the merger, Chief objection of thg association to was that the control of an educa- tional Industry in Canada would thus pass into the hands of the United States, "WFFALO LIVESTO( EAST 1 E muffalo, N.Y. May fe 19 230 lbs. active to all interests, gen orally 25 higher, heavier 230 Ibs, 11.00, 230-260. Ibs, 10, 60 to 1085; 9.60, Cattle 2,500, fed yearlings draggy, mostly lower, some off 650; bulk unsold, good steers and yearlings 11.25 to 11.7%; fow 12.00; 10.00 to 11.00; cows about steady; cutter grades 3.50 to 6.00, Calves 1,600. vealers active, 50, mostly 1.00 higher, good to choles 12.60 to 13,00; common and med fum 1.00 to 10.60, Sheep 4,600; shorn lambs 50 higher, good to choice 92 Ibs steers or "0 to fum and mixed offerings 8.50 to 9 26; aged stock and spring lambs nominal, ' CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Ils, May 10---Opening grain prices: Wheat, May 105%, July 106, Sept. 100% ;» Corn, May 808, July 82, Sept. 833: Oats May 42%, July 41%, Sept, 41%. ---- at ---- ---- 3 FOREIGN EXCHANGE New York, May 19---Fouelgn ex change steady. Demand rates (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents) Great Britain 4.85 13-16; Canadian dollars at 1-16 per cent discount, Morocco's postal check system In transactions than 500,000 vanp, STRENGTHENED BY CONSOLIDATION h CAN ve ey fiyide an in Oo. stantially incr with a corres HE amalgamation which creates the new St. Lawrence Corporationstrength- tion of St. Lawrence ny Limited--the largest: unit adds to the attractive- Cumulative Preferred These preferred shares remain a first charge on the '@ssets and earnings of St. Lawrence Paper Mills and, at the present market price, they tome of approximately It is believed that earnings will be sub: ed bythe unified oper- ations of the amalgamated companies, nding increase in the security and walue of the Ph , Shares whieh we recommend for investment, : Paper. Company Limited » eferred ~NEW YEAR'S HIGH} Interest Small 'in 'Transac Hl the merging of the two companies | Hogs 5, 109, holdovers, 100. below | weights | slow, steady to 10 higher, bulk 120- packing sows, 9.00 to | and medium and short fads | down 9.50 to 9.75, few 10.00, med. | growing rapidly, there being more | last | 3 ¥ | Toronto Stock Exchange Stock Br. A. O61 yroaz, .. Can, 1st Cockshutt Cty, Dry, Dis. Sgrm. Dm, Strs, Gypsum Hr, Wal, Int, Nkl, Int. Per, Ind, Zilch, Imp. Oil Me, Fri, Pg, Hr. 5, Station | Standard Mining Exchange 69 176 640 S86 695 9b 960 2260 2060 190 High Low Close 19 49% 92 16% 19%, 69% 1134 28; 22% 12, A2%, 21 84 26% 264, 95% 11% 69 ie 540 S8H [A 95 960 2250 2920 i88 226 675 69 183 hbo 8h 695 Ha 960 Abana \ jax Ch, De, He. Hy. Res Mns. Ol Gold Hd. Bay Lk, 8h, Nmda, 8h. Grd, Sd. Bs Tk. Hg "260 2060 190 229 G80 676 eg Markes Summary by Canadian ¥ress «Toronto, and New York Stack Quotations Supplied by 145 105 145 195 Ventures 155 Wr, Hrg: 196 New York Exchange 1 62% 42 245% 28% 62% 42% 240% 60 28, 86% 37 96 64 % 208% 30% 34 436 BO 81% 47% 83 46% 68%, 43 9% 64% 78 iy 39% 28% 64% 49% 247% 614 284 87 37% 06% 6b % 208 7% 231% 34% 36% 5234 82% Alleg' any Allis Chal, Amn, Inter, Amn, Tel, Anaconda Baldwin,» Borden... Barg 'War, Beth, Steel Can. Dry Can, Pee, Com. Solv, Chrysler Dav. Chem, Yox | Gen, Klee, Gen, Mot, 47% Goodyear ,., 84% Ken, Copper 467% Liq, Carb. 69 Mt. Ward 149% Nt. Ch. Rg: 66% Pen, Rall .. 78% Radio 604 Rem, 37 Sim, Bed 41% Sin, O11 2% St, of N.J. 79 Studebaker 369% 0.8, Steel 172% U.S. Rubber 28% Money 3 per cent, 36% 39% Rand 11% 36% 170 28% Collegiate Chatter! The remaining games on the Up per School Softball schedule will have to be crowded pretty closely to-| gether time "allotted. Owing to the latter part anes. scheduled for | postponed until 'a | more suitable time, In initial game f the series, played. carly ain the ck, 4A went down to a 10-1 defeat at the hands of the snappy 5A nine, and 4B deems to be slated for the fate, as this A team 1s unuse gue in the wel this week, the the weather nally On Tuesday 1 corps turned out this vear, The corps { one battalion which companies, and up ol strong ht the entire cadet for the first timc will be compiled will contain | company | platoons. cach three two will be made Thirty new uniforms have arrived to | add to the snappy appearance of the troops dnd under the capable directs orship of "Mr. Barley, they pected to excel all previous records t corps in the school I'he Humane. Society called | the school for yolunteers to sell tags The proceeds of the Tag Day will go to further the good work which the society is doing, "Oliver Twist," school's goat mascot. wal invited to take part' in the "pet parade," put onl by the Humane Society 'Friday eve-{ ning, and from all appearances the | invitation was accepted, This week hay been strictly: a work week. Every available -chance has been taken by the staff to give the students extra #MStruction and even assembly periods have been wt lized tor this purpose, Some of us are beginning to realize that exams arg coming. SILENT MOVIE | Mother--"What did your father say when he saw his broken pipe?' Innoeent---"Shall I leave out the swear words, mother?" Mother--"Certainly, Innocent--""Then I he sald anything." are ex | Let set by cade upon | my dear." don't think in order to wind up the lea- | of | the HEAVY STORMS SWEEPS STATES | (Continued from Page 1) | of rain Saturday night and Sunday. | Little Rock, Ark., May 19---One section of Arkansas was overrun with flood waters yesterday with thousands estimated homeless and heavy property damage, and an- other section was recovering from a tornado which killed a least 17 per- sons, 'all negroes, and injured a hundred or home, Flood waters spread over an {area of 50 square miles in the South { Arkansas oll flelds, inundating may oll flelds camps and three or | four small tows, The Red river bot- | toma of southwest Arkansas rapid- {| ly were being submerged as hun- | dreds or residents evacuated, A tornado early yesterday struck | village, adjacent county and a { large plantation, in Phillips county, Arkansas, near the Mississippi | river, killing 17 persons, injuring {® hundred, and creating a missing list of six persons, all negroes. MAPLE SUGAR INDUSTRY In: the spring, when old Mother Earth prepares to don her mew gar. ments, and the sap begins to stir, we are authoritatively informed the yeung man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, And Cupid, the wischiovous little follow with his Aarts, is always among those prescut at an' old-fashioned *'sugaring off' party in the maple bush, The making ol maple sugar and syrup is as old ay the history of North America, Be: fore the advent of the white man, the Indian had learned to extract and concentrate the sap of the maple tree, The gmnual tapping of the trees be: gen in March and millions of dollars will bo retutned to owners of maple bushes, Last year the total value of maple sugar and maple syrup produ «fl .in Canada was $6,118,636, The "There is nothing, to be despised so much as the man who goes into a | fight with Ins tail down."--Lord | Derby, industry, province of Quebee is the leader of the "Industry stands for quantity--art for quality."--~Erngst Bloch, | at a ed making pictures as he floated \ | { \ Lakes 'is now opened the summer season .and the three fine essols of the Canadian Pacific eet on these A 3 Assini- | bola, Keowatin and | 'now at the dis ! Travellers wishing to wary the {allway trip between Toronto and { innipeg are now able to make a pleasant hangs by taking ship (J Fort coll and Myo | P nusenger service on the Great shows BER i ngers, and p of Gress | BORA om \ ' perfor, via Sault Sté, Mark fo Port Arthur sod Fort { At the latter point they tranship | to the Canadian Paclfle trans continental! train and eontin fi ie 8, Foe i | inibola, 4" fine We Ass dation OILS ACTIVE ON MINING EXCHANGE . Golds Firm, Lindsleys Irreg- ular, Nickel and Nor- anda Drop Toronto, May 19---0il stocks dis- played about the only interesting action on the mining market today, the balance of the list remaining dull and listless, Calmont came ahead again to register an advance of 13 at $1.7%, under expert direction the comp- any"s no, 2 well is being cleaned out and developments are antici pated in the near future. Home Of! recovered 26 to $7 Lindsleys were somewhat irregu- lar, Sudbury Basin dropping 3 while ventures, moved up 6 to $1. bo. International Nickel dropped Ob to $32.60, and Norandx was off 40 to $29.26. Golds displayed underlying firm- ness, McIntyre and Siscoe alone | showing unimportant recessions, | Dome was up 15 to $9, Lake Shore 20 to $22.60, Teck Hughes 5 to] $6.80 and Howey a point to 93, ec © 2 BRUND OUTLINES FEDERATION PLAN | | (Continued from Page 1) | Premier Musgolini at Florence, Italy, Saturday, in which Il Duce reaffirmed Italy's intention of ful- filling her ambitious naval pro- gram, Paris, May 19.--<Foreign Minister Briand's conception of a future "Un- ited States of Europe" or "European Federal Union," as the proposed or ganization is" more generally called, has been given in a memorandum to the twenty-six European States con- cerned with France in the plan, | The proposed European Federal Union," #8 the proposed organization is more generally called, has been) given in a memorandum to the twenty-six European States concerns ed with France in the plan, The proposed European federation, most ambitious project which has been conbidered since the setting up of the League of Nations, will be far from the close union such as exists amongsthe Provinces of Canada, ac- cording to M. Briand's memogandum, There will even be litte similarly be- tween the two groups, since the most that is suggested for the European union is a type of regular conferen- ces, without charter or constitution, The foremost practical questions such a union might deal with, in Minister Briand's conception, are cc- onomie, and comprise eventual efforts to lower customs duties of European States among themselves. The Foreign Minister reiterates his fealty to the League of Nations by stressing that the proposed federal union can succeed only if organized in liaison with the League. TWENTY AVIATORS LEAP FROM PLANE World's Record - Made For Massed Parachute Jumping Roosevelt Field, L.I, May 19 -- world's record for massed parachute jumping was established at this fleld yesterday afternoon, when 20 jumpers left the cabin and wing of a twin-motored Curtiss Condor, while 5,000 persons watched, The jumpers left the machine so fast that they were all in the air to- gother, Armand Lizotte, a news reel photographer, one of those who Jumped, kept his camera going as the others shot downward from 'the speeding machine. When all but one had jumped' Lizotte, still clutching his camera, went over the side of the turret in which he had been riding and pulled the rip cord, Settling comfortably under the silken umbrella, he again start. - downward, Henry Bushmeyer, the last to leap, caught up with the others by falling soveral thousand feet before: opening his RR Berlin, © May' 19==Max Valier, Germany ploneering in experiment | and earch with rocket motors, was fatally injured yesterday while working on a model of a new liquid oxygen rocket, A piece of the recoil motor blew out and struck Valier in the neck, His jugular vein was severed, Two sciontists working with him at the time were uninjured. Valiep and the German scientist Paul Heglandt had been developing the new motor together and only recontly made successtul tests with it. | SLIPPERY Mr, Jones was going to town, so his wife asked him to eall at the grocer's. and order a pound of but- || ter, two wounds of lard, and three | gallons of oll. I "All right," sald Joues, 'but I'm sure all those greasy things will | slip my mind," \ [tives also point out that 1930 bi-| fee of the MORE BICYCLES SEEKS CANADIAN MADE IN 1930 THAN | AID FOR HIS TRIP INLAST 25 YEARS] UNDER ARCTIC ICE Newspaper Advertising Giv-| Sir Hubert Wilkins Would en Credit for Large Part of Growth Explore North in a -- Submarine To the man on the street, who re- | members the time when "hikes" | were "all the rage", it will probabh- ly come as surprising news that more bicycles were made and sold in Canada last year than in any preceding twelve months in the last Cornwall, May 19---Enroute to Morrishurg for a conference with Prof, G, 1, Barnes at the Barnes Tee Institute, 8ir Hubert Wilkins, famous Arctic explorer, was in Cornwall, Later he spent hours aithrter of a century, | at Morrisburg discussing Aretie fee The advent of the automobile | formations and other matters rela- and its rapid rise in popularity, the | 11V® to hs proposed submarine voy- "coming in" of the motoreycle and | age to the Arctic, the "going out" of the horse, and | Iam planning to make a two- the competition of new pastimes | month trip Info the Arctic by suh- notwithstanding, the bicycle indus-| Marine and will probably leave try has gone steadily forward jay | Carly In July, 1931," the explorer "I have no fixed destination Canada, { waid | but the general route will le be- In confirming the statement that | tween Spltzber "" more bicycles were manufactured | "Sip H hyiaoigen and a laviat ; ; : ori on} f elarec tl designg and marketed An Canada in 1929 | 000 poss made and apparatus pi han in any previous year, Canada| i... ted which will permit him t V ern nm n yele and Motor Comwpany execu travel by submarine beneath the cycle prices are the lowest for 30 | , Arctic scas. This submar. Noiey dente b ; | ine will be equipped with electrical A spite consistently Improv-| and ehemical apbaratus whie / al apparatus which will ing quality season after season. |enahle it to rise through the ice t In other words, price reduction | the gurface at hoi e "Batt ry has not been the cause®of the grow- | equipment wilt oir f A attery ing popularity of the bicyele, but |p y PRT bos n{iugiof poj ) y « but} travel beneath the jce without rigs has been the result of this increase | ing to the surface, in the number of "bikes" purchased "I have been planning this trip in Canada. As output has grown | for more than 15 years and have from year to year to meet an ever | been merely awaiting a favorabl increasing demand, production | opportunity fo carry out my costs have been lowered, and this | scheme," Sir Hubert said, "I be- saving has steadily cut down the [lieve that the trip.is feasible and if price to the bicycle buyer, It 18 only half as successful as. an In the opinion of the manuge- | expedition by alr or surface vessel ment of the Canada Cycle gnd Mo- | I will be satisfied. tor Company, Limited, that firm's | "Exploration by afr has the dis« consistent adherence to a policy of | advantage that it was only possible newspaper advertising has heen one | Lo survey the surface of the Arete of the main factors in maintaining | areas, without halting in any one the healthy growth of the Indus- | Spct for any length of time, We try, By means of advertising mes hope that the submarine will en- sages, the safety convenience, econ- able ug to make a more careful in- omy and healthfulness of cycling | vestication in the areas we visit." have heen kept before the public, | and these considerations have in fluenced more and more people to | choose the" bieyele as a means of | easy, speedy, low-cost transporta- tion. And all the indications are] that the peak in the bicycle market is still a long distance off. | INDIAN UNREST SAID LESSENED (Continued from Page 1) enclosure containing the salt de posits, and 'seven of the Nationalist volunteers were injured. 99 Arrested Simla, India, May 19~Police ac- tion in dispersing a meeting today of the Jhelum congress committee at Kalabn three miles north of here, resulted in a number of in- juries to both police and natives. Ninety-nine Akalis (Sikh devote- es) were arrested at Jhelum while marching from Amritsar to Pesha- war to express sympathy with the Pathans and wife out long standing differefices: between Pathans and Sikhs. NERVOUS WATCHING Doctor: "You are suffering with your gertes. To what can you ate tribute §t?2" Patient: "To fishing." Doctor: "But fishing is a soothing occupation." Patient: 'Not when you have no license." very NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT Bill--If you have toothache why don't you have the tooth pulled? Al--1"m afraid he might pull the | wrong tooth, Bill---Well, that would be right, He wouldn't charge thing for that one. THOUGHTFUL Mike~~Why are yo wearin' black eye, Hinessy? Pat--Sure, it's mournin' for the man that gave it to me, all Jany= House Fer Sale AT SACRIFICE 2 - 391 MASSON ST." TERMS REASONABLE For Particulars Phone Owner, 738¢ or 1834 INDIAN TARIFF CUTS OUT JAPANESE GOODS Toyko.=~The future export trade in grey cotton cloth from Japan to Bri- tish India is regarded here as almost hopeless, as a result of the passage of the new tariff bill by the Indian Assembly, The new measure is al- ready effective. Last year the tariff collected on these exports in India totalled more than $4.000,000. Under the new bill the tariff would be nearly $10,000,000, In consequenge the export of rough made cloth and drills from Japan will nrobably be virtually suspended and Indian spinning mills will increase in activity, The only hape seen for Ja- van is the cloth export' trade with India is a concentration on the, pro- Suction af Liinistied (articles, which ave a difference. ol only. lve cent. in tariff rate as Commarea A British products. The revision thus \ 1s expected to force Japanese, spin. k SWALLOW" ners to produce finished articles and et -- J ship them in much larger quaptities 4 = a to regain the ground they will lose Chapter Hlovily 5 in grey cloth, The difference of five o i ner cent. will he taken up bv cheaper The Jaws of Death freight and lower costs of produc: L NOTICE New Martin "Swell Head" Flying Fists and Romance Comedy "Io! Ha SPECIA New Ford Tudor---FREE The Oshawa: lacrosse Club. wish. to announce that the contest will bé run over until Friday, | 23rd. The total number of hours this car. will run is 24 hours, There are only 9 more hours for car to run, Car will run tos night for. 3 hours and | hour each night next week, start- ing at 7 p.m. each night at PURSE COX MOTOR SALES 10 Bond Set We Purchase your membership ticket now at |. Cox Motor Sales Motor City Stadium Mike's Place Karn'y Drug Store \ Il & Sons Johnston's Clothing Store

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