Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1930, p. 5

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HE OSHAWA DAILY TUAES, SATURDAY, MAY'17, 1930 PAGE FIVE f lomen's Intevests'in thé! Home --: 'and the Community SOCIAL and) I PERSONAL Mra XJ Dartagh' ds visiting FER BL ter with' My, and Mrs. Fred GC. Armstrong, Oshawa, 3 A very successful sale of Homes| made cooking, candy and fancy ork was held in the basement of, tre Bt: United Cluurch Thurs. day wtternoon, The weather was not very promising but. a large number . The lad ot this. Adult Class wish to thank all those who kindly helped them by donations or in wuny other way. The proceeds of the sale amounted to about $40.00, Miss Key Heron ,of Toronto, 1s spending the week-end in town, with 'Miss Constance Colpus, Bagot street, . Miss Grant, of Port Hope, was & guest In the 'city yester when she acted ns ons of thy judges for the Fumsne Society. " ¢ how and Contest, ' The dentists form Oshawa who will be attending the Ontario Den- tists Conyention in Toronto, next week are Dr, Phillips, Dr, Trewin, Dr. Cook, Dr, Hubbell, Dr, Gifford, and Dr, Lan aid, The convention begins on Monday and lasts * for four 'days, + «For Your Daughter's Toilet Young girls approve of Baby's Own Soap, Ite abnndant and fragrant lathe whitens and softens the skin and asonres freedom (roin chaps and (rei 'ations, Hold in individual cartons-10¢ Baby's Own flosp is extmon inary good value, * Blast for you and Baby too" SPECIAL ORDERS TAKEN FOR BRIDAL OUTFITS at the THE FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 8, Ope of the most useful and ve markable discoyeries of yours is the method by which meats and vegdtables yay now be canned and put away for winter use just 48 successfully| fruit," The whole rocess 1s fully|described in a hand. 0k covering | the whole fleld of home canning how being issued for free, distribution .by the Bank of Montreal, In recent ygars the bank has Iw sued a whole) series of handbooks tor thrmers, The latest booklet en- titled "Home Canning," is address. od particularly to housewives on the farm, and should help material. ly not-only to solve the problems of eanning, but to widen its range and add to) the prosperity and health of rural families, Everybody knows nowadays that a plentiful' supply of fruit and veg: etables is necessary to & healthy diet. Farm folks, however, have no quick /and easy access all the yoar round to fresh products, They usually either have to go without fruit an vegdtables in winter, which makes for monotony of diet and) is. pxpensive from the health standpoint, or they have to buy fresh and canned fruits and veget- ables, Which generally results in going without. 'The better way, as describpd in this booklet, Is to pro- vide a/supply of home-grown sfor- od and canned products, which yields /good returns in money and in family health, and incidentally, proved mighty convenient, since readydto-serve food is always at hand, To/show what a wide range of food jproducts may now be stored, the following are some which the @irections in this booklet ap- ply. Tomatoes, string beans, peas, cory, Kreens, carrots, beets, rhubarb, berries, cherries, plubis, peaches, pears, chicken, beef, pork, soup and fish, The con- talniprs to 'be used are glass Jarp and tin odns, the latter senled with- out solder, thus being free from the ASPAragUS, Lawn Fertilisers HOGG & LYTLE, Limited Phone 203 18 anger of poison, which is deserib- a i" n hangover from the days when soldered cans were used,' There are directions for both cold packs and hot packs, and also not only for the ordinary methods of processing by heat, but also for the use of that extrémely valuable little invention, the steam: pressure | aboker, which is especially helpful in the oanhing 'of meat and veget 'I ables and 15 useful all the time for ng. . oe up, this booklet shows canning can give summer food ger how the fresh-meat-in. hot-weather problem can be solved; how feed can be saved by killing and canning chickens, pigs and calves when they are ready: how the housewife may always have at hand food for unexpected company or for busy Nr aud how the food {lis may he reduced, b Freo copies of the booklet may be obtained attthe local branch of the Bank of Montreal, MAY-TIME ore's.a poem. dn the elm-tree as TN hoy stand beneath the i: And there's musie in their b nehos as the goes rustling bys There's ing, there's a cadence --and notes 1 tey to catch, And my soul is hushed and lowly as it waits with Iifted lateh. Oh! the trilling of the robin and the lark with swelling breast, And the blossom from the pear treo as it shakes ita snow-white crest, " ul | BBE | time 'and I'm coming, love, to he Isabel Kemsloy, 12,000 VISIT FREE STATE At least 12,000 tourists visited the Irish Free State for the first | i , ahd many more are ede POY L ' Rev. George Willlamu; Fleld Secs retary for the Missionary Departs ment of United Church of Canada and Rev, Dernzle Ridesut of Tor onto "will be guests at Simcoe St, United church parsonage this week- dose of Philips' or, That ge] harmless I stomac sweet, the pain PAR, Xou Are. happy. again. ln = Migs Marle Caul, Toronto, is the guest 'of Mins 'Olive Hurst five minutes, . « : 'Don't depend on crude methods, Eph 'the heat Way yet evolved A kof Mi _genvin by physicians for 50 contalns full directions--any drug. store, years in cor recting excess acids. Bach bottle} Mrs, George Mitchell, St, Clair ave- nue w, Toronto, who was recently presented with this basket of roses as winner of thy special prise in the beautiful Mother contest, spon. sored by The Toronto Daily Star, Mrs. Mitchell who is in her nine- tieth year, is the mother of Murs, J, D, Beddy, Bagot street, Oshawa, She has lived most of her life in Cobourg and although she has ne. ver resided in Oshawa she has been a frequent visitor here, 5 -- ARAL AAAARA KITCHEN CORNER AAS RRRAARN PIN FEATHERS To get pin feathers off a duck, paint the whole bird with melted paraffin, When it hardens, the pin feathers come off with the wax, COSTLY TOUCH When you buy a cheap silk frock, it vou will take out the machine stitching around the neck, cuffs. and hem and do it over carefully In fine hand stitches, you will find it will look like a much better frock, SAGGING FLOORS If your floors have sagged, you oun gover the erncks elther:by mov. ng the molding down a Ifttle en the baseboards or else buying wid- or moldings to cover them up. Either I'<proves the appearance, White garments will never take on. a yellow appearance if a little kerosene {8 put In the washing wa ter, \ A vegetable brush will be found handy to remove lemon And orange rind from the grater, * DAMAGE BY MOTHS This 1a the time of year when care must be taken in storing the winter clothing away that it may be made secure against the dam- age that might be caused by moths, Garments should be hung in the sunlight and thoroughly brushed and' beaten betfire they are packed in boxes, It is wise to seal the boxes with gummed paper. This should be done before the hot weather sets In, camphor will assist Tn keeping the insects. away, only moderately, It is. mont important that the garment containers be air. tight, Upholstered turniture should he sprayed with gasoline two or three times during the summer months, 'Carpets and rugs should be treated Ih the samo manner as the furn. ture, {| ---------------------- MAN WALKS 70,000 MILES Aftar walking 70,000 miles in the last nine years, John Shields has ust retired as Rostman at Newton. tewart, Scotland, His dally route covered, 17 miles, C0 RUDY VALLER ; Radio, star, whose crooning voice has made him famous, Naphthaline or |. CITY BECOMING DOGLESS Sydney, Australia, has a scarcity of canines and eventually will be- come dogless, aocording to predic- tions, LORD WILLINGDON GIVES ADDRESS (Continued from Page 1) cont of powder blue over a gown of blue and black figured chiffon, with wide-brimmed hat of blue, Mrs. Orchard wore a gown of egg shell georgette trimmed with ecru mee and a short cont of brown cut velvet with mohair hat of egg-shell shade, When Lord Willingdon had faspeciod the cadets he proceeded to the main entrance of the school where he was handed the key by Drs Orchard and without any delay opened the great door, an act which declared the school open for the purpose to which it is dedicated, the efucation of youth, The guests followed the Governor-General into the building and the larger body wandérod taithe dilhg hall where lutieh wad 8érved, vlewing as they went, the admirable building, Places of honor on the raised platform in the dining hall were given to Lord and Lady Willingdon, Pr. and Mes, Orchard and Bishop ------ 4. Recves, THE CARE OF CLOTHES FROM The afternoon ceremony took place in the achool gymnasium, Demonstrations of physical train. mg were given by the students and from hin place in the balcony Lord Willingdon addressed the schoo! and the guests, The speech which ASTRN. j, il let RP ch Ee A ny f Sarit Pace 'mful effects, ross the heart, the n | | summer, Things are shaping up very nice ly for the Girl Guide camp this Guides from the Oshaws companies and trom. Whitby will make up the camp, The site Is vivate park owned by Mr, McCal- um of Venslon Falls and is just a few miles north west of the town on Cameron Lake, There is 8 beau tiful Jong stretch of sandy bathing beach, e site itself is well treed with pines, balsams and white birches making a most ploturesque place for the setting of the tents, Mrs, Gordon Ratcliffe will be in charge of the camp, assisted by a staff of six, The Guides are for- || tunate in securing the services of Mrs, Stuart Thompson, the Naturals ist to take charge of the Nature program of the camp, Activities will include besides Nature Lore, which Is always such an outstand- fg thing In Girl Guide camps, Han- dicrafty, Plonebring, Astronomy, Dramatics, HWikihg, Camp Fires, GIRL GUIDE Peop NEWS Blug songs and Lite Saving, There will be three bronze medallists of the Ruyal Lite Saving Society on the staff, and It Js hoped that every Guide will return home having passed her swimming tests, International Gift The 2nd Oshawa Company is re Joicing in a new flag~~n beautiful RED ROSE ORANGE le who prize the finer things of life usuall demand Red Rosé Orange Pekoe Tea, A money: guarantee with gvery package, - RED ROSE TEA isgood ted PEKOE is extra good silk Union Jack, with jointed pole, earrier case and brass trefoil top, This has been presented to the company by a troop of American Gir) Scouts of Niagara Falls, New York, a kindly courtesy from an in- ternational sister company. The annual church parade of the Girl Guides all over Canada is held close to Empre Day, The Commis. sioner, Mrs, Eric Phillips has made arrangements for the Oshawa Dis triet one, which will be held of Rev, Capt, Jarrett at Holy Trinity on June 21st at the morning su vice, Both companies wil attend and friends are invited to attend, schoel, to be gentlemen and worthy British subjeets, : His address was loudly applauded and the students were most enthusi- antic vith thelr three cheers. for Lord and Lady Willingdon. Festivities of the dav were over, eam he delivered contained a message for the students of Trinity College School but It was a message to any youth of Canadu, Lord Willingdan congratulated the students and Dr. Orchard on the magnificent building which they were occupying as a school and ur. ged the boys to make the very best of their years there. In recalling his own days at school His Excellency said that the boys, while at school would experience success and failure and it was his advice to them that The Salvation Army Citadel Special Musical Festival by the Karlscourt Songsters (of Toronto) napisted by Oshawa Citadel Songsters Monday, May 19th, 8 pm, Chatrman, Rev, E. Harston they be modest In thelr successes and not too perturbed with their failures, The speaker, as most others who ad dresses a student body did not for get to stress the truth that years at school influence the lives of young people in whatever walk of life they may choose in after years, "So vital is education and knowledge in the protection. of Canada and the vast British Empire, that is the freest and fairest Empire in the world," said Lord Willingdon, He urged the stu- dents to be Christian gentlemen, pos sensors of a high sense of honor and to have the best possible manner with whom ever they might _ come in contact, so us to build character and make citizens that will be re sponsible for the future of Canada "Remember, sald Lord Willingdon, you are growing up to citizenship for the years to come, in one of the most influential * countries in the world, He paid handsome tribute to those great leaders of the past and stressed the point that the boys of today were being relied upon for the future leaders, In closing His VExcel- lency extendad a hearty wish for the success of the students in all future undertakings, when they go out for the last time from the portals of the childr®" for it It may be the little stomach; it may be the bowels are sluggish, No matter what coats a child's tongue, its a safe and sensible precaution to give a few drops of Castoria, This gentle regulation of the little system soon sets things to rights, A pure vegetable reparation that can't harm a wee nfant, but brings quick comfort ~even when it is colic, diarrhea, or similar disturbance, And don't forsake Castoria as at the close of His Excellency's ade dress, but many of the guests remains ed for a time to wander about the corridors of the school, which they could see to: better advantage thax in the morning when the guests werd SO numerous, CRY the child grows older, If you want to raise boys and girls with strong systems that will ward off constipation, stick to' good old Castoria; and give nothing stronger when there's any jrregu- larity except on the b. doctor, Castoria is sold Th every drugstore, and the genuine always bears Chas, H, Fletcher's signa~ ture on the wrapper, \ =o SEES (6) "Hard Waler- N-HANDS ARD water roughens the hands -- coarsens them ~ + chaps them, It dries the skin of face and neck. It brictles the hair and causes dandruff, The CRANE-WARLO Water Softener turns hard water into soft. It remioves the lime and magne. sium which are the destructive ageats. The Crane-Watlo Softener comes in wholly-electrical and seme automatic. models; also in hand-operating types; at prices that put the luxury and comfort of soft water within the reach of all. 'There is a Crane-Warlo Water Softener for your home, Ask your plumbing contractor or dealer, and know that 78 years of Crane reputation stand behind him and the machine he recommends. ; Have you enquived about the Crane budget plan, spreading payments over a peviod of monthi? ped wo de ARD/ ° Q ° a wo © mm Nau --_-- iT RT {HAE a fi ii | iti NR 1.

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