Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1930, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN i g ad Saf] CONANT & AlNIS, B, : _ Solicitors, Novaties Sunita Bre. Goo rex Aly Oshawa. Phere 4. G, D, Consat. Bin, LAB] AP Aun, BA, W. EN. SINCLAIR KC. BANK ' pt Come Building, I EPH 2. MANGAN, BA~BAR- rivter, Felighor, Not Posie, Gon veyancer. Money to y King, St Eat. Odawa. Prove ud ce phon A . .Conveyan Notaries peor eto. Office over Standard Bank. Rutrance: Simone St. Phone 13, J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., Re Creighton, Bia, N.- Fraser, B.A, LOUIS S, HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewland's Store. Money to loan, 16 Simeoe Sige north. I'notie 67, Residence SREER AND 11 AR, risters, Solicitors, e 24% «Siricoe St. 'N. Phone 31 fomey 10 loan ALEX U. HALL, B.A, BARRIS ter, ele, Conveyancing and geners! practice, 23% K'ng St ' Phone $237, (tn) A. J. PARKHILL, BARKISPER, tte. Money to loan. Alger Bidz, op- posite Post Office. Phone 1614. FFRANK 8, EBBS,--BARRISTER, ste." Alger Big: Phone 2006 Medical DRS, HAZLEWOOD & HARPRR, Disney Block, Phone "050, Office hours 9 a.m. to 8.30 p/m, Dr, B. J, Hazlewood, special attention to Surgery and X-Ray. Jr. B. H, Har- per, special attention to children's Diseases and Obstetrics, Sunday and gight ealls 2416 or 122. DR.. M¢KAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- Ee + Accoucher, Office and resie depce, King St. East, corner" Vietoria St, Oshawa, Phone 94. DR/GRANT BZRRY, PHYSICIAN Su , Obstetrician, ses of in'afits + end * children, Office and residence, Bond Fast. Phone 1155, RCHER, M.D, CM, PRA pr and S, Edinburgh. Physician, Surgeon and Obstetrician, St. N. Phone , Ofiee 142 in Caaitiee Ave, North, Phone 3160. W. CARE, PHYSICIAN, oe on. Obstetrician. Office and rasidence, 512 Simcoe street north, Phone 2415. i DR. J. ARCHER BROWN VSI. cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and vesidenze, 185 Simcoe Street North, phone 3107, 1 Bee. ' specialist in muscle anomalies, 'eyesight and glasses. Author of ye Care and Eye Strain, The bild and Its Development, Dis ney Bleck opposite Post Office. Phone i616, . (May 165-1 mo) Engineering and Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR- Surve: and Civ ne eers, sub- town pl municipal engineers. 365 or 411 St. E. Phones 2532] or 2544, TT Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. C. asid ims A Corner 87 Celina street, Oshawa, Phone Broce . a'reet. Ambulance, 1082, DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St wiih Oshawa, ne old: est Pire Agency iu Oshawa, Re: putable Fire Companies. ] consuls R. N. Johes, 80 Simcoe porth, Your ipsurance 'wants at- tended to and your .nterests pro- tected, NEED INSURANCE automobile, fire, accident. Bee Holden 92 Simcoe N. (May 8-1mo) yw Transportation A OIAGE, COLD man's, 86 Bond West, Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware house und moving van equipment, Phone 82. CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and Sinde . al snd. long disiance hauling, Smith & Cox, Phone 924, 10 Bond St, West. OSHAWA'S OLDE»T lished furniture movers, car age. Local and Jong nce, Frank Cowle, Prop. 65 Park Rd South, Phone 215. (Apr, 19-1 mo) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Specialists - in permanent, finger and marcel 'waving, Ver. manent wave prices $5, $7.60, $1v and $15. All other lines of Beauty fulture., Phene 2068, Apply sb Simcoe street orth. Ly ARCELLING BY EXPE Betty Ward at Betty Lou Perman- ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham: Veterinary Surgeon A . ' Specialist Diseases Domestic Ante mals. Cat and .dog hospital; 203 King W. Tel. 629, (May 1-1 mo) R. ' 3 hb S. specialize lameness, 17 years' ex- perience, Fees moderate, Phone 202 r 2. (May 12-1 mo) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR F. 1, BRYANS OF.160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & s Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 om. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only, Appointments may bs made at drug store, Phune 97, : Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat JAKDSON, OFFICE Te oye i Hoots to enings Office phone 2660 over Mitchell's 10 ta 1 a8. appointmen Residence 4327. $1. Phone Siyi WATSON'S BARBER AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St, We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mas. celling, shambooing, Jacish, Marcel tments phone 50 cents, For ar ns Shon MAY c . K, Clarke, 147 Agnes street. rhone 2640J, Apr. 20-1 mo) LADIES GENTS AND CHILD- ren's hair cutting 26e, Crosby Bare ber 'Shop, 10 Athol Bt. West, (1140) * Music HERBERT 0. TRENBER, OR. ganfst and choir master of King Street United Church will accept pupils in plano, organ and vocal music. For particulars apply 60 William . streec east. Phone 2806, , (May 6 to 31) LEONARD RICHER, DIRECTOR of music, Oshawa Collegiate and Public Schools, Studioamd? Gibb St. phone 1984J, (May. 6-1 mo Service All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. STRICTLY CASH IN ADVANCE This 'rule has been found necessary because of loss arising from handling a large number of this nature, and collect for same. For ths convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times office, a telephone call will briig a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT and of arcounts Work Wanted BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and Jeliversd, 14 cents. | fen. Batteries repaire a ladon 0" wiih bu." Bote 1880W, Apr 18:1 mo) CONCRETE WORK, CELLAR and garage floors, sidewalks and roadways, sand, gravel, cinders, Chris Graham, Phone 2621M, (Apr, 20-1 mo) EXPERT UPROTATERING ON automobiles and furniture, The best in workmanship at the lowest prices, Note new address, 461 Sim. coe South. G. 4. Constable, Phono 3432W, (May 13-1 mo) i | FTARPENING--BO{SRONS, KNIV- Phone 130 es, Lawn Mowers, Baws. 421W, We call and deliver, Celina St, L, Botlan, rss ranma 3-1mb, ) FTRET CLASS LAUNDRY DONE' Phone 1224M, (1111) GARDENS PL BARON: able prices. Apply #0 200 Uloor St, East, Phone 2709W. Dressmaking WANTED DRESSMARING, Lis die's dresses, Ensemble suits, children's clothes, and alterations, Mrs. Conmolly, 287 Richmond, East, - Phone §05) (1186a) (Apr, 23-1mo,) Articles For Sale WIXED HARD AND 50K] WOOD slabs, $3.50 ter load, Also bone dry body wood, Waterous Meek Limuied r, 2611) FOR. SALB--BBINTZMAN CO. Ltd, pianos, new and used planos, Also Slow Tatas, models; Sar ares N poly C, Trull one 1668), (11140) FOR SALE-~CRUSHED STONE Clips for driveways; Waterous- Meck Limited, - Phone 1288, (Apr, 20-1 mo) FOR SALE -- PAINTS, VARN- fshds, We have the largest assort- ment of palnts, varnishes, etc, In in the city. The Paint Store, 8 King street west, (Apr, 26 tf) GN 5; TRAVEL CINDER 3 stone-chipe and black loam, Phone 1778), J, Forrester, 210 Alice street, (Apr, 80-1 ma» SAND, GRZVEL, STONE, OIN ders, black loam, $1.60 per yard, For quality and service phone Es- scry Bros, 332 r 11, (May 3-tf) DR. 8. J; PHILLIPS, OVER BAS: . " set's, Special alluatioh do Foray sxtraction. Nur . Feoddnce. Phone 959. Huse 1312 DO . HE ST. north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas extraction, Phene 54. DR. L. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST, for extrat. hn Bice. Rove Bark Bida re . vi 0 Bani. Built "Ta JN, A NS : i" coll : 0 Watch Repairing | VON GUNTEN a a hitects. eae eit Bros OSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC cossories for sale, repairs on elec: trio: and battery sets, tubes and Satterlee titel, hg TA Bod, rental supp . ne 8350J, Charles Wales, 146 Elgin East, May 8-1 mo) cnarged, 706¢ called for and de livered. Radio service, airials erect. ed. Platt, Phone 15068J. (Apr, 20-1 mo) L ' Prices. reagonable, batteries re- charged §0¢, rentals 86¢., delivered, Phone - 2806 Geo, Burroughs 'Certified Radl jan : i We May 17-1mo.) { i ing HEWST ITCHING NINE CENTS per. yard, Pleated Skirts from one dollar up, beautitul embroidery wor including children's wear all on sale, The Dell Shop, 2614 Simcoe South. Phone 16586, (Apr, 19-1 mo) 96: ent, 130 aiborne st. a" ons bi 2 1 convalescent pas EB. Osh . 3 1-mo) RUMAU ve, Phon Spiel 8 To tasury. pro delivers, fb in I delivery date. W. Borrowdale, Phone 101% w k| EB FOR BALBE--PANBY AND ONION Janta for sale, Apply to A and J, T Seott, 282 Mary Street, (114¢) GOWER FOR §ALE--3 GOOD MILK- ing cows for sale, Apply to J, Arvay, Hampton, Ont, (114¢) SALE, WILLE Grand, good condition. Apply 20 Elena Street, (114¢) FOR SALE-- ONE BOOSTER holst, nearly new for Chevrolet truck, 19 King St, West, Phone 2066W, (114g) ELE 10 SEWING MACHINE in Asl condition, will sell for $60; also reversible. baby carriage. Ap- ly 203 Mary street, (116¢) Fon saw ~- UMBRELLA TENT in good vondition, . Used only one season, . Apply THR Brock street west, Phone 967W. (116e) ] LH BABY BUGGY for sale, newly refinished, cheap, 600 Christie Avenue, Phone 816W, (1160) AND, LOAM. PHONE 2906J, T. Ogden, 670 Mary hii ee Lx g--" Wanted To B 1 Aly heater in good condition, 1 \ "Rar -- A ERSI rugs, 60c to $1 down, 26¢ r week, For samples phone 1818W, Bo) Phone (1160) . 5 TIRES, 80 x 8%, 40, 86.95; Ford Rad "Also auto parts at 5, Motor Accessor; west, Phone 2066), (Apr. 26-1m - NOBENTSHAW'S GINCULR library, You will enjoy reading the ik HE ER (Apr, 20 1 mo), ; ul Accessories YOULL AND VIVE ROOMED MOD: ern suites including electric retrig: eration, stove, laundry, conveni: ences, ete, continu' s hot water supplied, Apply Bupt, 'phone 4671, or The Trusts wnd Guarantee Co, ltd, manage: for owner, Toronto, (270) APARTMENT TO LET, CENTRAL All conveniences, hardwood floors, Apply Bradley Bros, (Boer) BRIGHT APARTMENT, CEN- tral, four rooms, bath, electric stove, newly decorated, hardwood floors, Possession June 1, Apply Box 6656 Times, (112th) TWO ROOMS "FOR RENT, SUIT ladies or gentlemen, Board op- tional, 2556 Celina street, Phons 6670, (1111) PASTURE FOR RENT, CREEK running through Balson's Farm, Apply I A. Von Gunten, North of Tolley's Mil, (1121) UNFURNISHED FOR RENT-3 and two furnished rooms, All con venlenges, Phone H821, (114¢) TO RENT--THRE, UNFURNISH. ed rooms, ground floor, three blocks from four corners, All con: venlences, 43 McMillan Drive, (1184) 6 ROOMS AND BATH, ALL CON- venlences, garage, uichard, garden apace, $20, Lease, Apply FY Nassau street, (1138) SIX ROOM HOUSE, 20 ALDERT street, good condition, convenls ences, immediate possession, Neas- onable rent, Phone 1400, . (114¢) FOR RENT --= SEVEN" ROOM brick house, All conveniences, Very central, Apply 132 Church street, a (114¢) COMTONTA BL BEDROOM "50TH one or two, Hoard optional, 11v Athol, hone 1861) (116¢) TO RENT" AT THE TARE, COT tages $100, rooms $40 for. season, Apply W. H. Barnhart, the lake, \ (114¢) NT-TW0 N CoT- tages in Westmount, reasonable, Apply Gene Goodell, phone 332 v 24, (114¢) FOR RENT SIX ROOM BUNGA. low, hardwood throughout, newly decorated, with garage, Apply 82 Elgin St. RE, (1160) A COMFORTABLE, FURNISHED cottage on heach, cheap Apply Telephorie 31 or Box 62 Bowman- ville, (116h) FOR MENT 7 OR 4 ROOMED apartment, Phone 25 or apply at 16 Bimeoe No ' (116e) MODERN "THREW AND FIVE room apartments with bath, Elec. (rig stoves, grates and refrigera. tors, Garages and lawn, Apply Apt. 4,'161 King east: (116e) SIX ROOM HOUSE TO RENT AT 71 Colborne west. Phone 967J, : (115e) FOR TANT= "RODWER BRICK house, All conveniences, Near Mot. ors, fmmediate possession, Apply 274 French St, (116e) Rates for | Classified Ads. | First insertion==11% cents per word, Minlmom charge 30e. Each subsequent consecu- tive fnesertion 10 per word, ; tive inser: Three tions tor thy price of two (nsertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 00 certs, Box number 100 additional Professional or Husinems Cards, $3.60 per month for 20 words or leas} 10 cents a word per 'nonth for each wdditiona) word, : ed, suit young couple, Phone 27174, (116g) lights, large lot, henhouse, garage, apple trees, immediate possession, Phone 832R12, (1160) NT, 16¢) L] 4 I8H~ ed, for Mght housekeeping, #12 a month, Phone 8461J, (1160) TWO VURNISHED BEDHOOMS for vent, Also garage, Central, Phone 1286W, (116c) TO RENT-- FIVE ROOMED BRICK house, conveniences, hardwood floors, newly decorated, paved street, Possession May first, Apply 81 Blgin East, phone 1686], (116h) TWO HOURER TO WENT AT 178 Colborne Bt, ¥, Arply L, Handeock, Phone 1827 v 28, (116p) "ROOM AND 'BATH, BRICK house, newl, decorated, hot water, for summer use, Will rent to reli. pble tenant, 114 Frederick street, phone 1307, (1162) PR SRT TARR For Exchange FOR EXCHANOE=RIX HOOM house on a car, hone 2730W, 216 Bloor Bt, , (116h) Apply 870 Ritson Road, Routh, Palmist {1 Beuna Vista, Appointments, Phone BAS4W, Apr, 21-1 mo) Room and Boord 4, A y " fortable home near motors, Phone 2016J, (1160) ST -- E'S (4 of dancing ana physical culture, 160 Church Street, Lessons given each evening from 6 p.m, and op Saturdays from 1.80 p.m, Vor terms call or phone 874M at above hours, (Apr, 20-1 mo) or F Pp ECP WANT. MALE OR TT. male earn Upwards of $25 week: ly growing mushrooms for us, lus- trated booklet * r stamp, Canadian Mushrooms Co, 141 Lauder Ave, Toronto, NOTICE NOTICE~~ON AND APTER THIR date 1 will not he responsible for any debts contracted in my name by my wife, Mrs, Wern Bell, ~~figned, Everette W, Bell, Dated Oshawa, May 16, 1040, (114-116-118) For Sale or Exchange FOR BALE OR BXCHANGE-- Wood working plant in Lindsay, Ont, Would exchange for good farm or Oshawa property, What have you to offer, Call 25, (115e) Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE--~ONE ACRE, 40 WIL- son Road north, $10 down, Ree Tindall, Brooklin (116e) TEN neres, algo vacant Ints, Close to Oshawa, Apply 140 Agnes Bt, Osh. Awa, (116¢c) FOR WALE--TEN ACRES 1% miles from Oshawn, good brick house and 'out buildings, splendid garden-1And and orchard, Price $8,200,00, For further particuls ars see J. A, Bickell, 430 Bimecoe Street South, or 328 Centre Rtreet, Oshawa, . (116b) NEW THIER ROOMED WOUAE #256 dollars down #15 monthly, would consider piano as part pay- ment, Matthews, corner College and Montrave Avenues, (116a) FOR BALE NEW HUG BRICK house, hardwood floors, modern con. veniences, 4 acre land or more, an Highway east of Oshawa, Will take small first payment, Apply box 680 Times (1161) Sa 5 Motor Cars AVE YOUR CAR Ot TRUCK repaired at 49 Bond St, West, Body and fender work done st shortest notice, also repairs to motor boats and general wood work, Phone W, Fry 3405, (Apr 22-1 me) (WT YOUR CAR WANHED AT Dominion Garage, 88 Bond Street West, Phone 3108, All cars at one price $1,00, (May 16-1 mo,) BUICK T1038 MANTER™ RIX BE- dan, - #900, excellent condition, Phone 2882F, (116¢) Help Wanted--Male WANTED --MOTOR MECHANICS, Two good motor mechanies &t once, Must understand Buick mots or, Apply hy lettér stating experis ence and wages expected, Box 670 Times, (116e) Must be willing to be bonded, Apply Mr, Seymour, 240 Dearborn Ave, Monday morn: ing, 9 to 11 and 5.30 to 7.80 p.m, (114d) sales position, Awnings WINDOW AWNINGS ~ PORCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, T. Tayler, Teroento Oshawa phone 1053 (Apr, 10-1.) AWNINGS, CURTAINS, ' all kinds of canvas goods, Come plete camp equipment for rent, Kos Hardware, phone 25 or 26, Agents for J, J, Turner and Son, Peter boro, Ontario, (Apr, 20-1 mo' "Pets and Live Stock. WHITE LEAHORN CHICORY from carefully selected large heavy layers, alter May 1st, Al niales rom registered stock, Hatehing egge, Visitors welcome, Geo, Reynolds, Courtice, (Apr, 26-1 mo,) g ALR HACKNEY pony, harness and buggy. Apply 863 Mimeoe south, . (114¢) Painting and ting It, . 8 perhanger, painting und _graining Prices right, worw guaranteed, $40 Pine Ave, phone JGiw or etm A " east, painting, paperhanging, dec orating, sign writing, Estimates given on work, Phone 13671, (May 6.1 mo) WREST LMR ETT Situations Vacant Male ANMBITIOUS INEXPERIENCED men allowed fifty cents hour, learns {ing best paying trades, Engineering, electricity, garage work, chauffeuring bilcklaying, barbering, hairdressing, Literature free, Write or call Do. ninion Trade Schoals, King West, ronto. +87+93.99-105.111-117-123 ties vice station, north on new high: way, Dest huainess location, Easy terms: Apply Box 676 Times. = (1140) ---r URGE EXAMINATION OF ALL RESOURCES WITHIN EMPIRE Canadian Trade Leaders Pass Resolutions on to Em. pire Congress Montreal, May 17-A series of 11 resolutions embodying the recommen dations that will be carried to the Congress of the Federation of Cham- bers of Commerce of the British Em. pire in London, May 20 to JI, were adopted at a meeting here yesterday of the Empire Trade Committee of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, which sails today. The resolutions, all leading toward stimulation and widening of industrial and trade opportunities within the Empire, recommend, among other things, that at the forthcoming Im- perial Economie Conference, meeting nexy autumn, the Government ap- point & commission to enquire into impirg resources, markets and other fagtors entering' imo Empire trade, and that the Commission be retained as a permanent advisory body, 8 y of Resoluti The resolutions were summarized as follows: 1, The Canadian. Empire Trade Committee recommends to the Fed eration of Chambers of Commerce of the British Empire that it urge up- on the Imperial Economie Conference meeting this autumn, that the Gov» Criuments appoint from. among the business interests, as represented by the Associated Chambers of Com merce of the different Empire units, a Commission to inquire into Ems pire resources, 'markets and factors entering into the promotion or hinds ranee of Empire trade, and that this Commission also include economic experts from among the Governments concerned; further, that this Com- mission, having made its report to the various Governments of the Fm. pire, be maintained as a permanent Advisory Keonomie Couneil of the Empire, who would meet from time to time, and have executive offices in connection with the Assogiated Cham bers throughout the Empire units, 2 Believing in the value whieh is derived {rem a personal contact of business. men one with the other throughout the Empire, and believ- ing further in the desirability of obs taining first-hand information on the respective Empire markets, the Cham ber of Commerce favors a greater coming and going of bwpiness men oi consequence throughout the Empire, Branch Industries J. The committee is of the opinion that greater attention could be paid by industrialists throughout the Ems pire to the openings in the respects ive Empire markets for the establish. ment of branch industries and wares houses, and would urge upon the cons gress the desirability of laying before its members information concerning such opportunities, 4, The committee would direct the attention of the congress to the open doors which exist in the Dominions and colonies for a greater flow of capital into public utilities, into the bond markets of the respective Ems pire units and for investment in plant and equipment for industrial and commercial purposes, and would recommend that greater cognizance he faken of these openings by the business men of the Empire, §, Recognizing that the Hyitigh Consular and commerelal diploniatic services in foreign countries and the British Trade Commissioner services in the Dominions are constantly cols lating a very considerable amount © commercial intelligent data which is of practical' interest, not. only to the exporters of Great Britain, but alse to the exporters of the Dominions and colonies, the committee would urge upon® the congress that it re- commend to the British Government that ways and means be explored as ta (1) whether 'it is feasible to pool this commercial intelligence data for the benefit of the entire Empire, and (2) 'whether there is room for greats er casordination of the British Cons sular and diplomatic commereial vices and the Trade Con aionet : services of the Fmpire units, h Empire Map 6, The committee would urge upon the Federation under its direction a British Empire map of the world, or !.~ » a globe should be designed, and; af ter preparation, made available to Empire schools, showing graphically the trade routes, resources, prineip al imports and exports, ete, and nd cating in an interesting and intelli gible way the economic geography of the Empire units, and that considera. tion might well he given to the pros paration of a text-book ip connces tion therewith, unfortunate lack of unification in Einpire trade statistics, when, for in» stance, units of weights and measure ments, ete, vary in respect to the same commndities throughout the Empire units; when descriptions of the same commodity vary in the dif ferent parts of the Empire; when the same commodities wre tabulated in the official statistics of one part of the Empire and not in others; and when the same volume of trade stit- Istics sometimes includes trade fig. ures which are at variance; and rec ognizing the slowness with which Empire trade statistics are sometimes released ; the committee is firmly ot the opinion that the federation should recommend to the Governments of the Empire a greater co-ordination and despatch in the issuing of trade statistic Display of Products BE, The committee is of the opinion that, in the desirable work of educnts Ing eunsumers throughout the lime pire units in the use of Empire goods the federation might well lay emphas- is on the advantages to be derived from making greater use of displays of Empire products at the different fairs and exhibitions throughout the Empire 9. The committee would recom mend to the Vederation that it urge upon the Empire Marketing Board a wider distribution throughout the Doe minions and Colonies of its excellens ey prepared advertising material 10, The committee would vrge ups on the congress the desirability of using its influence in endeavoring te bring ahout a greater co-ordination of all existing agencies devoted tu the amplification of Empire econo. mic interest throughout Great Britain the Dominions and Colonies, 11, The Canadian Empire Trade Committee is of the opinion that if and when the Commission referred to in recommendation No, 1 is ap- pointed, the Commission might, through a sub-committee, profitably study the possibilities of the produe- tion and distribution of moving pie» tures throughout the Empire and al so their influence on Empire trade and commerce R-100 MAY CARRY WAIL ON JOURNEY Canadian Postmaster-Gen- eral Urging Britain to Consider Plan Ottawa, May 17.~Hon, Peter J, Veniot, Postmaster-General, is ens deavoring to make arrangements with the Nritish Government for the carrying of malls on the great alrship R-100 whieh, will fly from England to Canada about May 28, Up to the present time he has heen unsuccessful, but is making further representations hy eable- gram, If the British authorities consent, a series of special postage stamps will he Issued probably in denom inations of #1, $1.60 and #2 and intermediate amounts The Graf Zeppelin 18 to carry mail on a world trip now projected and will earn $3,000,000 te he shared by the German Government, and the United States Government and the owners of the Graf, acord- ing to Myr, Venlot, Ch Sc Tenders for Earth Filling Tenders will be received by the undersigned until five o'clock pony, Naturday, May gist, for the refilling of the Toronto and Eastern vightsofs way through the Union Cems eteryi approximately 8000 yards of All, Tenders may ho either by the job or by the yard, ¥, EK, HARE Socy, Cometery Noard, JURY & LOVELL'S QPTIOAL PARLORS J. Wi Worrall, Oph. D, Kyesight Specialist Phone #218 Kara Coffee Always Fresh at Stores 7: Recognizing that there exists an |® #5 BOND #7, WERT GOOD USED CARS Are Mold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED 90 Simcoe Kt, K, Phone M0 EE ae. ET... A AH placing Automobile get my special Before Insurance rates, Bargain prices for lots in Dearborn. Pavk, subdivision west of Bimeoe Bt, North J. H, ik, LUKE legent Theatre Bldg, RT, 2 Pant Suit Eh. $25 | Scotland Woollen Mills ( fi __----" 1 | EATON CROCETERIA | I It Pays To Shop Here Always & pte ca | Boys' Broadcloth x | Wash Suits, Special 79¢ | Dominion Clothing Co. | 08 King Bt. W, Phone 8141 || | 100 Nassau Bf, | 867 Wrench Bt, | 0000 HEB,00 {928 Verdun Nd, ,.., 985,00 | 045 Carnegle Ave, ,, ,$80,00 Office in Disney Block, hot | and cold water, basin, suite | able for hairdressing, Rent | #85 per month, Immediate possession can be | had on all, vo 00 BR0,00 Now Eat CBr A Delightful Breakfast Food pm EYESIGHT SPECIALISY Specialising exclusively in muscle anomaling eyesight and glasses, 516 Phone 1516 Block . Opposite: Bart Offng NS E---- Good Weather Ahead! w=[0 not lose your cares Let me finance yous=Addh tional Cash Given, G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS Roow 6, 14} King St, Eas Disney Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Migney-Cots AMBULANOR 87 Celina St, Phone 1088 LUMBR Whitby Yard "hone Oshawa Whitby 19 Expert Waich Repairing STORE King & U'rince Sta, {| The Carew | Lumber Co. | 74 Athol 8. W,, Oshawa Phones. 18-1111

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