Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 May 1930, p. 8

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a BM RO rp TT v THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 AA ASI At oS FT pv fi stig SOFTBALL LEAGUE OPENS AT COWAN 'S PARK MON. NIGHT afs Take Second Place Winning Both Games of - Doubleheader With Orioles - Sam Gibson and Bucky Burke Provide Needed Punch to Take First Game ~Leafs' Brun Rally in Fourth Takes Second Fray ~--Many Players Used as Rival Managers Stage Battle of Wits Toropto, May 16-~Nol many (ans braved the damp, raw weather yes- terday to see the Leafs and the much-vaunted Baltimore Orioles Iay a doubleheader at the Htadium, he 1,600 or so courageous fans who did edged in on a double treat w=for them not for the Maisel flock, So-called heavy sluggers in the Baltimore line-up did ont slug, at least not to any appreciable extent and the Leafs won both games, They were on the front end at all stages in the first affair, which was turned into a 6 to 2 victory, They spotted the flock five runs in the third inning of the closing half of the twin bill and then came on to win 0 - 6, Sam Gibson, pitehing the fourth winning game of the season, turned the. Orioles with his under-arm eurve and fire ball in the opening fray and he drove In a run with a triple in the second inning. Les Burke hit Andy Chambers in round one for a triple to send two runners scampering over the plate, In the fifth he crashed one of High Poe- Kets Jim Weaver's best serves for a double to score another run, A long fly by Harris accounted for the Leafs other rum, alse In the fifth, Gibson wasn't in much trouble at any stage. A three-bagger by Hauser and a sacrifice fly accounts ed for a Baltimore run in the sec- ond, and a double by Sand, who seemed to he on base every time the Orioles had a turn at bat, and a single hy Ike Danning gave them a run In the fourth, The Orioles filled the bases with one out in the eight on two walks and a single, but they did not seore, Gibson threw up a couple of aerial balls and Rabbitt and Ruble gath- ered them in, Gibson struck out seven batsmen, Vince Barton, the Toronto hoy, being his vietim twice, and he walked five, None of the . passes developed inte a run, Chambers Out Kavly The Leafs sent Andy Chambers to the shower early, He WAR Eive en the call in the second and Jim Weaver last season with New Hav. on, finished the task, Chambers was shelled for four hits and three runs, Weaver was out there when the Leafs made four hits and twe more runs, Wild and woolly things happened in the second game, No less than 23 players, 16 on each side, horns od into the hox score, Eight of the 22 players were pitchers, evenly di I © vided, Pinch hitters were threwn Inte the contest with reckless abandon, Some were withdrawn hefore a hall 'had been pitohed to them as the i rival managers O'Neill and Malsel put on a couple of battles of wits, strategy or what have you, And the Leal hoss twice tossed the littie fellow from Catonaville, Md. for a fall In these struggles, which were staged in the fourth and fAtth innings, When Malse! sent a | Jeft-handed hitter in to bat for Jim Weayer in the fifth, O'Neill gountered with a southpaw pitcher, And when Maisel came right back with a right-handed batsmen, O'- . Neil's southpaw piteher, who hap nened to be Frank Barnes, struck ! him out, i Petrie Makes Good | It was in the fourth that O'Neill | fivat bested Maisel, With the Leafs in the midat of a rally, Harry Da. vis was called from the dug-out te pinch hit for Clarry Flaher, With | that announcement, Malsel rushed the fork-hanhded thrower, Frits Coumbe, to the peak and O'Neill SE Hy a 7a WAV HRY | umBtR ( SATURDAY AND MONDAY An All Star withdrew Davis in favor of Bob Petrie, who promptly slammed the ball to the right centre fence for three bases and sent two runs AOrons, While the Orioles were walking and hitting and hitting and walk: ing for five runs in the third, and while the Leafs were knocking the ball hither and thither for eight runs in the fourth, pitchers parad- od to the box and back again, while the fans went into hysterics. It was great for the players who like thelr base hits and for the fans who )ike their socking, hut for the poor scorers it was a nightmare as players were Injected into the game and then hustled out again in lHghtning-like fashion, ~ Oshawa And District Beagle Club Beagle trials will be held at Clare. mont tomorrow ktternoon, starting at 1.30 p.m, All who are in any way ine terested, are welcome and the club would like to see 8 large attendance as this Is thelr premier trial, Field Trial judges are: N. E, Tonkin and W, J. Voddon SENATORS WIN FROM | CLEVELAND INDIANS Washington, May 16~8Sad Sam Jones chalked up his fourth straight win yesterday while the Washington Senators evened the series with the Cleveland Indians, winning 4 to 2 Sam Rice ran his hitting streak to 25 consecutive games, doubling in the seventh, The Senators put across one run in the first, West tripling and scor- ing on Goalin's single, West's homer with ong on in the third accounted for two mere runs, Jones did not allow an Indian to reach second base until the fifth, when they nicked him for one run, and another in the eighth, The Nats: put across the final tally In the seventh on a single, a sacrl fice and Rice's double, West was the batting star of the day, getting a triple and « homer in four trips J Maroons Sell Four Players to Amerks Montreal, May 16-=An Important hockey deal was consummated yes terday between the Montreal Mars oons and New York Americans, whereby the latter team will secure the services of Red Dutton, Mont: real defence player, and the Wind: sor, Ont, front line of Carson, Emms and Neville, The deal war u straight cash one, The local Na tional Hookey League Club receiv: ing 32b.008 for the four players, egotiations leading to the sale were handled by President James Strachan, of the local team, and President W, V. Dwyer, of the New York Americans, Although Carson Emms and Neville have been play: ing with Windsor in the Interna tional League, thoy have been the property of the loeal olub, ER - RE Follows Chicago Cubs Chicago, May 16.~The = Chicago Cubs closed a long home stand yes terday by losing their last game to the Boston Braves 10 to 8 It was & wild game, the lead sey- eral times changing from ane team to the other, Hornaby's homer with two 'on in the eighth gave the Cubs an 8 to 7 lead, but the Braves pound: od Blake for a trio of counters in the ninth, In their home stay, meeting all the clubs in the league, the Cubs wen 13 and lost 9. ) Chicago has beaten Grimes twice since 1927, I LEGION SHOW AT ORILLIA Orillia; May 16--The = Orillia branch of the Canadian Legion i» Molding ita first annual boxing and wrestling program at the skating rink. next ninesdal, May 21, feven boxing bouts and two wrest: ling contests are planner in all of which the local men will be com- sO) ing for the most part men of the same weight class from only Musical Revue | Camp Borden, An additional exhib. | tion will be a boxing ahilty by two little younstera from Midland, jy In of Doetor MoClinton, WEIR OF PETERBORO' DEPORTES FOR NIAGARA FALLS Paterboro, May 16---Arohie Weir captain of the St, John's OMA, junioh team, last season, has left fagara Falls, Ont, where he has secured a position and the be. tuning of next season will doubt: ona find him lined up with Gene Fraser's Falls juniors, PETERRORO LAWN BOWLERA PLAN OPENING TOURNRY Poterboro, May 16,--The Peter oi Row 2 wie many pro t Role for the expected An enthus - §ronr SNAPSHOT ( -------- By Guo, Camenms, Sports Editor > Junior Softball League Opens I'he Oshawa ' City and' Industrial Athletic Association's Junior Softball League will get under way at Cowan's Park on Monday night ut 0A5 pone sharp, The Duco Boys and the Parts and Service Juniors are the opposing teams In the opening tilt, No charge Js made for these Junior games, but a collection is taken up during the game, Lh- tle is known of these teams, but. game of high class softball is as sured, LJ LJ Ll Ld Golfers' Notice The annual President vs, Vice-President of the Oshawa Golf Chub, which wis to have been held®on Saturday afternoon, has had to he postponed, The date of this match will he announced shortly in this paper. Ball Sweepstakes will be held on Saturday afternoon and a good turnout of members Is requested, All prizes are allocated on a handi- cap basis so that every participant has an excellent chance, M Ll + * Oshawa Nats, The Oshawa Nats, will travel to Toronto on Saturday afternoon to meet Mount Dennis United In a Major League fixture, Tite follow- ing players are asked to report ut Mike's Place on Saturday afternoon, not later than one o'clock, Smith, Connors, Boyd, Vasey, McLean, Hurst, Brodie, Coll, Sturch, Petterson, Sathrang, Muir, Davidson, Me. Gregor und Ratcliffe, * LJ LJ A Little Help Needed Ihe Oshawa Citizens' Band will be In attendance at the Kilmarn ock-=Nationals game, under the direction of R. Fountain, Any person or persons who would be willing to assist in conveying the Kilmarnock party trom the Commercial Hotel to Lukeview Park, on Tuesday eve ning, May 20, are asked to call Mr, B. Sykes, at 508 Ll LJ . L it Must Be So In yesterday's issue of The Times, a story appeared concerning the All-American lacrosse team which will play the General Motors Seniors for the Internationa! Title, In the story the General Motors Senlors were referred to us "the Yoremost team in the world." was taken from yesterday's issues of The Daily Star + The following "Lacrosse fans hereabouts will agree with the statement of Lewis J. Kern, president of the Intercollegiate Lacrosse Associa: tion, contained in a dispatch from Philadelphia concerning the Osh: awa-All: American games here on June 13 and 14, that Oshawa © the foremost team in the world" When a Toronto paper makes this statement, it must: be so, Ll LJ LJ LJ Intermediate Games Tomorrow Afternoon The intermediate industrial softball games scheduled for last night which were postponed on account of the rain, will be played tomorrow afternoon at the Motor City Stadium, starting at 23 o'clock, The Columbias meet the Regiment Black Cats in the first game and the Phillips take on the Parts and Service in the second game, A real afternoon of Al softball entertainment is promisd. These tems know what it's all about ' LJ . A Private War Everyone passing by Johnston's Clothing Store during the last few days have heard loud voles and cutting remarks, The chief cauve for this is that Jack Cotter and Murray Johnston are trying to convines cach other that their purtieular team Is the better. Jack boosts th Columbias while Murray is strong for the Soldiers It is doubtrul whe ther & satisfactory decision will cver be rei hed, even when the gam has been played and won, LJ . . . Oshawa City Soccer Club The Oshawa City Soccer Club plays the Ontario Hospital team at Alexandra Park on Saturday afternoon, The City have yet to win game this season, but Ernie Dunstall assured me this morning, that they are going 16 break thelr losing streak tomorrow afternoon. Here's hoping, The following players are asked to report at Alexandra Park tomorrow 'afternoon not later than 330 o'clock: MeRay, Lappin, Fairly, Cuncliffe; Grant, Dunstall, Saxby, Loban, Simpson, Smart and Purdy. The kick-off is at 318 o'clock, . LJ LJ LJ Another Exodus * On May the First, the lacrosse players staged their moving day and yesterday the hockey players had their turn, The follawing elip ping was taken from this morning's Mail and Empire; "New fagss were noticed on the main streets of many hockey eontres last night, while populations were officially reported inerens: od, and May 18 or the closing dey for changing residences in the OHA, wos the reason, Of the West Toronto Enstern Canada junior champions, only a few remain in Toronto, with Doran and Geddes moving to Walkerton; Ewens and Lamport to Weodetock, and MuKillep travelling to London. Collings is reported back home in Bradford, while Thomas and Gracia remain in Tovente and will most likely play senior here next year. Ronald, the Liste. wel contre, whe starred with Oakville last year, and whe was in Toronto for a few weeks, has landed in Owen Sound) Scotty Bow: man and Gilardi of the north country, Parkdale and Stratford, are with Gene Fraser in Niagara Falls, and so is Archie Weir of Pet. orbore." : It is known that Oshawa has one or two additions to its population who will be of value to the local hockey teams * . A . U. of T. Lacrosse Team Gets Ready The University of Toronto Lacrosse team starts out on ita an nual tour of the United States on Thursday next, They are taking a strong team, "Teddy" Reeve and "Stew" Beatty of the Brampton Ex- colsiors are included in the roster, They are not students of the Blue and White, LJ . L] . P. and 8. Jr, Practice The Parts and Service juniors will hold a practice at Alexandra Park tonight starting at 6,30 o'clock and another practice will be held at the same~place tomerrow afternoon at 200 pm, All players are asked to be on hand as some important information is to be given out, If rain prevents the holding of a practice tonight and tomorrow, the players are urged to get their certificates and birth certificates turned in before Saturday, The certificates may be left with either Art Gates, at the Parts and Service office, or with Jack Bond at the GMC, Main Office, or with Geo, Campbell, at The Daily Times office, oh | teama In the lesgu which will be yponsored by the same officers as the Lake Shore in. termediate team, There are three 0: Edwards and the Dyeing Company and The first game will he t Tuesday night between and Edwards and the Dye 8 Asuva nt (pointing 0 a row of: lokone)==""This chicken, mh'am?"™ : Customer--"No." "Well, let me know when I'm Baseball ene Ue Was organised. for Cobourg getting warm," NOT FOR PROVIDENCOR |, Providence, RJ, May 16-=The deal whereby the Prodidence Greys were to get Pitchers George "Red Peery, Clay Touchstone, ahd Ken [Jones trom Newark ot the fathen ona League, an on through, stone has been sold to Birmin of the Southern Ass sociation, and through some comp cation of that deal Montreal has pu In a claim for Peery's services, JAones has retused to report here and has been suspended, The height of conversatiam 1s found tn a newapaper diapatoh des soribing a place where 7,000 bar vols of beer were selsed as a 'tor mer brewery,"-8t. Louls Star, CRICKET MATCHES ARE CONCLUDED London, May 16="T'wo firsteclany erickot matches were concluded yesterday, Warwickshire defosting Humphhire at Southampton by 16 runs and Derbyshire winning from Mhasex at Derby by the large score of an innings and six runs, It wis again a bowlers' day with few large soores made and several trundlers showing excellent averages, The Austradians again found the wicket was not to their liking, and they were all out for 1156 rung In their first Innings against Lanca- shire, Hopwood, taking' four wie kets for 14 runs and Dick Tyldesley three for 17, were outstanding Lan- cashive howlers, Walker Cup Will Likely Remain in U.S. Sandwich, England, May 14 The opening stage of the Walker Cup weries, played yosterday, ran strongly against the British team, and they were able to take only one match against three In Meoteh foursoines captured hy the team from the United States, Tho visi od advantage in the closing stage of the competition today, when eight single matches will be played, All matches today were at 46 holes and today's competition also will = he over the full route, The Prince of Wales was among the gallery of 5,000 that followed the play yos terday, The only Hritish victory wa er Wethered, who routed the unit od States pair, George Von Klm and George Volgt, Jones and Willing Win Bobby Jones and Dr, O, ¥, Will ing dofeated T, A, Torrance and Rex Hartley, § up and 7 to play, Ronald Mackenzie and Donnld Moe won from Bir Ernest Holderness and J, A, Btout, 2 up and 1 to play Jimmy Joh and Francis ul met stoppe Han Cam, and John Nelson Emith, two Heotw, 2 and 1 To win the Walker Cup for the sixth time the Americans now need only to win three singles matches and halve one, The singles array to day will be: Tolley against John ston, Wethered against Jones, Hart ley against Von Elm, Holderness against Volgt, Smith agalust Will ing, Orrance against Ouimet, Stout against Moe and Campbell against Mackensle, RECORD SCHOOL, MEET Montreal, May 16. Added events and a large entry ligt, nlong with participants from Ontario on the wont to the Maritimes in the east are expected to make the tenth an nual MoGI Inter-seholastie track and fleld champlonships, which are being held here on Baturday, May 41, In conjunction with the eighth annual Dominion champlonships, the largest in history, Some 4060 ontrants from over B60 schools are expected to participate in the meel, whieh In being held in the Percival Molson Memorial Stadium at Mes an, Ing golfers therefore have a decid. | chalked up by Cyril Tolley and Rog- | O.CLAA. Standings JUVENILE SCHEDULK May 21 em Whitby Tuxis ve, Bt, Gregorys May 28. Red Aces vs, Whitby Tuxis June 4, . #1, Gregorys vs, Red Aces June 11, p Ht, Oregorys ve, Whithy Tuxis June 18, Whithy Tuxls vs, June 20, Red Aces vs, July 2. Ni, Gregorys vs, July 9, = Whithy July 146, Red Aces vs July 28,= Whithy Tuxis vs. July 40, i Red Aces vo, Whithy Tuxis August 6, Nt, Cregorys vs, Winner of first half play win ner of 2nd half. All Red Aces and Bt, Gregorys home games at Cowan Park, Whithy home games at | Park | (amen Red Aceon Ht, Groegorys Whithy Tuxis Tuxis Red vH, Aces Bt. Gregorys Bt, Gregorys Red Aces Whitby called nt 6.45 pm Br. Women's Open Golf ~~ Final Today | | Formby, Eng, May 16---The fin | nl of the British Women's golf | ehamplonship to be played today {will he an battle Wetween represen of Creat the Muted tater, The British hope | 1% Dinna Mshwick, while Glenna | Collett will da the stroking for | Unele Sam, The final will be over a streteh of 24 holes [The quarter-finals opened [morning with six. Brftishers | two from the United States [the running Miss Collott kept her colors flying throughout the day only after two- flerce battles with British girls, who forced her to the 18th green morning and afternoon and wevernl times threatened 10 ond her home the lover Khe de fented Hilda Cameron of Scotland In the morning and Enid Wilson In the afternoon, but she encountered the stiffest kind of fighting every foot of the way Miss Pishwick's Victories Mise Fishwlek won her wav to the final hy defeating Daley Fore guson of Ireland in the morning and Kathleen MaeDonald in the afs tornoon, Mise Fishwiek Incks the golfing experience of tha girl from nerons the Atlantle, but neverthe. les she {a chosen by a large fol lowing to win today [tatives Britain and this and still In It Is remarkable that the Govern. ment can spend 2200,000,000 a year for new buildings and still re. tain the same old Inkwells In every post-office. ~San Diego Unlon, Gus. Sonnenberg Takes Two Straight Falls from DeVito in Exciting Bout Joe De Vito, Plucky Italian, Frustrates Sonenberg's Flying Tackle for 35 Min- utes, But Is Then Floured ~Second Fall Comes Af- ter Little More Than 5 Minutes Toronto, May 16.-=In the most sens sutional wrestling bout ever seen in Faronto, Gus Sonnenberg lust night successiully defended his world's hea vyweight championship when, by the use of his fumous Mying tackle, he battered plucky Joe DeVito, Italian champion, into submission, About ey erything possible was pucked into the engagement, which lasted 40 minutes and 30 seconds, There were times when the titleholder seemed on th verge of losing a fall, there were oth ers when he punished DeVito eriel- ly, and a erowd of BO0O people roar ed their wild approval It is just possible that larger crowds have attended gports events in the Arena Gurdens, hut certain ly there never was such a financial harvest as was the case lust night, Not woerrymg much about the criti- clam that has been hurled the champion, thousands of fany passed through the turnstiles, thus giving evidence that they know just what they want in the v of entertain ment ut Good Preliminaries In the two preliminary bouts, won by Jack Taylor and Carl Vogel, the spectators were given numerous chan to cheer, These were better than wdinary engagements and the com batants, showing no merey and re sorting to roughhouse tactics through out, brought jeers and cheery, but In comparison to the Sonnenberg-11eVi to struggle those preliminaries faded almost into insignificance Sonnen berg, in perfect condition and weigh ing twelve pounds less than usual, wis there to show that he is the real Ce v champion of the world, and he made good, DeVito Is no set-up for any man, He will probably never be champion, But he has courage and an assorte ment of holds that would bother eve en a Sonnenberg, He made good use of them too, He tried to take the play away from the man from Darte mouth University and he had him dazed on occasions, so much so that the titleholder lost control of himself and recklessly tore in in vain efforts to connect with that devastating tac~ kle, He missed repeatedly and the fans thundered their applause, but he kept trying und when he did land the could have been heard on Mutual street, DeVito tried last winter to beat Sonnenberg in a bout at the Coli scum, but hie failed, But he did not think that he bh ' learned how to protect himself against the tackle For thirty-five minutes fe was swe. cesstul, and the spectators were ber wining to believe that the champlon would have to rely on other tacticd to wubduc the Italian, but finally' it happened, and it came like a flash. Sonnenbery, treated rather roughly in several exchanges, rose to his feet apparently in a groggy condition, and DeVito was trapped, The champion, with head lowered, went dashing in, und the blow to the mid-section sent DeVito across the ring, He got' up, but thereby erred, because Sonféns herg made sure of that final wallop The full was scored in 35 minutes und 7 seconds DeVito Badly Dazed That was the beginning of the end for DeVito, He was badly dazed, and remained in the ring until his héad cleared, but in the dressing room he suffered from the cffects of those tuckles that he could not evade, Afe ter & ten-minute respite he did 'look better tnd he entered right merrily into the battle when it was renewed, but he was weak. and when Sonnen- berg grasped the next onnortunity te hit him it was all over, The time of the fall' was 5 minutes and 26 sce- onds, Rain Interrupts Davis Cup Play Philadelphia, May 16---Raln in terrupted the npening match of the Davis Cup tie between Canada the United States Inte yestordey after- noon and postponement wus order: od until tomorrow, with the United States player, Johnny Van Ryan holding the advantage over the Canadian, Dr, Jack Wright of Mont. real, Van Ryan was within two points of victory when play was adjourn: ed. The East Orange, N.J,, player had held match point a moment before, but lost it when his drive went outside the base line, Losing this point, Van Ryan led at 6-2,6-3, 3+6, b+2, and duce and at this june ture the Weatherman Intervenod with a sudden downpour that apil. led quarts of water over the new olay surface. » Buffalo Bisons Trounce Jersey City Black Cats Buffalo, May 16.~The Buffalo Bi- sons annihilated the Jersey City Black Cate, in the opening game of the series here yesterday afternoon, 18 to 0, enabling them to hold the league leadership over the Toronto Maple Leafs 'who conquered Balth more twige: The Bisons scored 14 tallies before the visitors got to Fussell for two markers, The Bisons plugged Hops kins for ten bits, including four long homers and seven men walked before Manager Allen sent in a pineh hit. ter tor the harassed Jersey hurler in the sixth Thomas smashed two long round trippers, ome: coming with the bases crammed amd another with one nan on, Allen's und West's homers off Kain a rookie hurler, in the ninth, added four runs to Jersey's total = . ' I LN --. a -- 10 Bond E GOOWy to your car- MANY thousands of Canadian Women are dri The twosearsper-family vogue is good, Why drive her own car? But, ladies, be good to machines; they cannot tell you what they need, unless some day they stop dead, or get overheated and start to rattle and , This is their Lull ps. Ore mation they that . happens, chances are that you have not got the habit of ha ing Yous! oar lubrisuled every 30 wile. Thi ut be done regularly. you have your car tede=lubricated with Alomite by a Alemite ok ty who will only. the i y sey id) Shue Alemite i ws you have neglected them. If this ur oars! you will not only ol tinuous use of your car in season and out, And your car like a new one even when it is years old. Always look for the Alemite Sign----Insist Alemite Fabricant refuse all neler onthe you will be repaid for your care. N MITE CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED = B "COX MOTOR SALES Street, West, Oshawa Remember LLEVILLE, ONTARIO " Phone 924 thisie own eins uld not Milady they are only b . downs, . Shloy san d

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